Ashleyjo's Reviews > Utterly Forgettable

Utterly Forgettable by R.B. Hilliard
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did not like it

Here's why I hated this book.

Fucking OW For 50% Isn't My Idea Of Romance


I Hate When The MMC Is Still Fucking OW after he 1) meets 2) realizes he wants and 3) says he has a connection with the FMC.

The MMC, Zane, brings a woman home and flaunts her in front of the FMC.

At 46% he is giving and receiving oral from yet another OW in public, in front of the FMC...because the FMC is off limits as his friend's sister and his employee. He wants the FMC but is too much of a chickenshit selfish ass. He knows seeing him with OW hurts the FMC ( "I'd fucked up again.")

She's Plain To His Adonis

I never buy a romance where the gorgeous Adonis MMC thinks the FMC is:

• stupid
• nondescript
• very plain
• annoying

Until he eventually really looks at her weeks later and she's beautiful, smart, funny, easy to talk to, has such a hot body, and is just so perfect.


Uhm, ooookay, yea that's plain Jane *eyeroll*. Her description of herself btw:

• 5'3
• big boobs
• big butt


This is a grown man condescendingly, often cruelly, picking on a woman he holds power over as his employee. He's a pussy when she feebly tries to do it back.

She's A Doormat : He's A Pussy

First of all, she's dumb as a brick. She actually believes the Adonis God MMC is in a relationship with an old lady that goes around in muumuus and curlers. Seriously?!?

I have zero respect for this chick.


She's a puppy tripping over herself to get attention through coffee, doing his laundry, playing nurse and mama to his rude cuntish self.

She has this thought right after witnessing him get blown by OW:

"I thought about Sally and wondered what he saw in her. Was it her wild hair, piercings, and tattoos? I always wanted a tattoo. I pulled up my shirt and stared at my less than flat stomach. Maybe I should get that belly button piercing I'm always thinking about.

** No, boo, maybe you should be you and expect a man who wants you for YOU, not tats and studs.

Then she eats Oreos, which is about the only thing she does I this book that I'm down with.


After they share a kiss that he runs away from (PusSY,) she overhears him call her "plain." She cries. She blames herself for thinking anyone as GD wonderful as him could like her. He walks in on her in her apartment masturbating before running away, again. Guess who apologies for all the above - yep, her.

After they finally screw, she overhears the BJ OW propositioning him for a repeat. She runs off without listening to his answer (TSTL.) He chases and demands (hypocritical bastard) she either instantly believe he has shed himself of his manwhore suit or they're over. He then runs off (pussy) without bothering with an answer (TSTL.)

Can you guess who goes back to apologize? Yep.

He threatens to fire her and insults her some more until she confesses her love and all is right again in the last 5% ... where they move in together and get married.



You know a book is bad when the most exciting thing is the OW scenes. Seriously. No shit. It's a cycle of waking up, doing their work chores, him screwing someone, her masturbating, woe is me they want each other, drinking coffee. Rinse and repeat.

Why Bother?


His former PA storyline of sexual harassment. Why bother to make a big deal of its existence and then never address it again?

All the oh so very obsessed OW appear, get em' some MMC dick, and just move on along never to be seen or heard from again. Why bother?


He was almost molested as a child and she had an ex that almost wanted to fuck her with a wine cork. Is this explored? No. Is it detailed? No. Does it contribute anything on any front of the plot or romance? No. Again, why bother?


The whole brother will be oh so mad if they hook up. He's told and in the span of ONE PARAGRAPH, the brother goes from "I'll kill him" to 'let me tell you how to win him back because you didn't instantly believe the manwhore wasn't a manwhore.' Why bother, brother?


There's an entire chapter devoted to nothing but introducing a dozen other characters, who it's clear will or have gotten their own series. It's the most out of place pitch toward other books I've ever seen.

Here's what was good about this book..


Bottom Line


Is it really winning if the prize is a pussy asshat and a doormat?

I wouldn't piss on this book if it was on fire in my own hand. Yeah, "Utterly Forgettable" is just that.
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Comments Showing 1-40 of 40 (40 new)

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message 1: by Madeline (new) - added it

Madeline Maureen Seems like the title shot this one in the foot. Also...eeewww....thanks for the save so I don't have to read this.

Ashleyjo Your welcome. It's bad enough at the beginning of a book, but to have your MMC getting and giving oral in detail at almost 50%... I don't understand why anyone would want to read such BS.

message 3: by Annika (new)

Annika Umm... A wine cork? What the hell?
Please do elaborate!

message 4: by Gio (new)

Gio Listmaker Ashleyjo wrote: "Your welcome. It's bad enough at the beginning of a book, but to have your MMC getting and giving oral in detail at almost 50%... I don't understand why anyone would want to read such BS."


I lost it at the cat picture looking up her legs! LMFAO!!

Great Review Ashleyjo! Another hilarious take on a book that I will not be reading. Thanks!

Ashleyjo Annika... That's my point I have no fing idea. The FMC says she's steering clear of men because her ex told her she was dead lay and no fun and that he wanted to do weird shit with a wine cork. She later makes an *after sex joke* asking the MMC he's feelings on wine corks. So what's the point? WTF knows because it's glossed over and then I'm supposed to find the joke funny? Ah, no. Same shit is done with the MMC's past and his pervert stepdad "trying to get in his pants" as a kid. He tells that to several people in the story IN CASUAL CONVO & uses it as a FSOG kinda excuse as to why he 'usually' doesn't sleep overnight with anyone. Usually!?!? Glossed over. Odd! No purpose other than shock value the he was almost fiddled as a kid. Ridiculous.

 Leo (Queen of the Rants and Spoilers) i hate when the h sees the H getting the bj form this ow she gets hot by it. I hate when authors think we want to read how the h gets hot by seeing this

Ashleyjo Leo, I hate the shit, too. Here, I'd almost prefer if she had of just gotten hot by it vs what she did by immediately 1) trying to figure out why he was attracted to the OW and then pondering changing shit about herself to resemble the OW and 2) feeling guilty like she invaded his privacy because she watched him IN A PUBLIC PLACE getting the BJ. <<< She's all out doormat material all the way.

Ashleyjo Ty, Gio. I try not to use the same meme twice, but that one went in a special file for all pussy MMCs lol

 Leo (Queen of the Rants and Spoilers) Ashleyjo wrote: "Leo, I hate the shit, too. Here, I'd almost prefer if she had of just gotten hot by it vs what she did by immediately 1) trying to figure out why he was attracted to the OW and then pondering chang..."

Yes she is a doormat. Lol

Monty Cupcake ☠ Queen of Bloodshed ☠ Very excellent rage review. I thoroughly enjoyed your heckling of the characters. I'm surprised you didn't DNF this.

message 11: by Annika (new)

Annika Ashleyjo wrote: "Annika... That's my point I have no fing idea. The FMC says she's steering clear of men because her ex told her she was dead lay and no fun and that he wanted to do weird shit with a wine cork. She..."

Weird. Why even mention it then? So redundant.
And a heroine without self-respect is the worst. Ugh.

Ashleyjo Monty, I put it down several times, but I kept thinking no way can the author possibly leave this chick the gigantic doormat of the story... Surely, she will grow a spine and put this mofo in his place and I'll get to watch him beg. Ah, no. DID. NOT. HAPPEN. The doormat just got wider and wider and his manpuss just got larger and larger.

Ashleyjo 100% @ Ann

message 14: by Rose (new) - rated it 1 star

Rose This literally sounds like my worst nightmare, what's up with all these doormat heroines? So over insecure, spineless doormat heroines ***siiiiigh****

Nikki "The Crazie Betty" V. Oh my lord, another unforgettable review by Ash :)

message 16: by Jenn (new)

Jenn I hate that authors romanticize ahole men and doormat women. I know they put a lot of effort into their stories, but this one? It's a no-go for me. Sorry it was a waste of time, and money!

Ashleyjo @Ros... I'm so over this kinda character. I have 0 patience left for them.

Ashleyjo Ty, Nik and Jen:) thankfully it was KU.

message 19: by Naksed (new)

Naksed I guess the title says it all. Great review Ashley.

Ashleyjo Yep, yep, Nak.

message 21: by Deborah (new)

Deborah I do look forward to reading your reviews honey they're better than some of the books I read :)

Ashleyjo Aww, Thanks, Deb:)) Although if you're "read" list is anything like mine has been, that ain't sayin much lmao

Bgurl (don't h8 me cuz I'm honestful) I hate the OW effing thing too, Aj. This books a no go for me. Though I really do love those rainbow condoms! I wonder if they taste like Jolly Ranchers?

Another great review, kid!

Kristina Hell. I really wish I had seen your awesome review before reading this piece of crap. You're spot on - with all of it - and made me laugh!

Ashleyjo Yum, yum @ B ;)

Ashleyjo TY, Kristina:) Sorry you had to suffer, too:/

Mojo_Mama Great review, AJ. I read this when it first came out. It was so ridiculous I couldn't even believe it. It made me realize I need to pay more attention to the titles. Maybe they're really trying to tell us something ;)

Ashleyjo Thanks, Mo. Ikr... Sometimes the title really does say it all lol.

message 29: by Janie (new) - added it

Janie Great review. I laugh every time I get to read a review on a book you didn't like. It is usually the same shit that would bother me so I always appreciate the heads up.

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

Sorry you hated it! But congratulations on a hilarious review! They never fail to make me laugh my ass off :D

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

I have a genuine question! The coloured condoms... Can you actually buy them ;') This is purely for educational purposes and not because I plan on blowing balloons up and waving them in my roommates face.

Ashleyjo Thanks, Janie. Sometimes I'll read a couple of reviews from random people when friends haven't already read a book I'm interested in. The reviews will be all roses and peaches. Then, I read the book and the dude is having group sex with 20 OW or the chick throws herself into moving traffic or some shit, and I'm like, wait, the reviews I read said this chick was a rocket scientist and the dude was a virgin. Lmao. So, I think I might go to the opposite side sometimes and give too many heads up. But, you can never say my review didn't warn your ass;)

Ashleyjo Thanks, Riley:)))

Ashleyjo Thanks, E:)))) utter crap, yep, yep!

Ashleyjo @Riley - It's been almost two decades since I bought a condom, Riley. But, I do remember back in HS when all the girls went to the health dept every Friday to get a bag of 'goodies,' including spermicide and colored condoms. Every Saturday, the community water park would look like a fucking unicorn puked everywhere:/

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)


message 37: by Janie (new) - added it

Janie So true. Sometimes I read reviews then a book and think I must have purchased the wrong one. Oh well, different strokes.

Ashleyjo ... Ha... As American as pie @ Riley.

I can't help but for a fraction of a second wanting to tell them to stop stroking in the damn shit lagoon, though, lol @ Janie. Baha

Ashleyjo Thanks, Roksana :)

message 40: by Theresa (new) - added it

Theresa Thanks for the warning. I'll skip this author.

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