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Crazy Rich Asians #1

Crazy Rich Asians - Kaya Tujuh Turunan

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Ketika Rachel Chu, dosen ekonomi keturunan Cina, setuju untuk pergi ke Singapura bersama kekasihnya, Nick, ia membayangkan rumah sederhana, jalan-jalan keliling pulau, dan menghabiskan waktu bersama pria yang mungkin akan menikah dengannya itu. Ia tidak tahu bahwa rumah keluarga Nick bagai istana, bahwa ia akan lebih sering naik pesawat pribadi daripada mobil, dan dengan pria incaran se-Asia dalam pelukannya, Rachel seperti dimusuhi semua wanita.

Di dunia yang kemewahannya tak pernah terbayangkan oleh Rachel itu, ia bertemu Astrid, si It Girl Singapura; Eddie, yang keluarganya jadi penghuni tetap majalah-majalah sosialita Hong Kong; dan Eleanor, ibu Nick, yang punya pendapat sangat kuat tentang siapa yang boleh—dan tidak boleh—dinikahi putranya.

Dengan latar berbagai tempat paling eksklusif di Timur Jauh—dari penthouse-penthouse mewah Shanghai hingga pulau-pulau pribadi di Laut Cina Selatan—Crazy Rich Asians bercerita tentang kalangan jet set Asia, dengan sempurna menggambarkan friksi antara golongan Orang Kaya Lama dan Orang Kaya Baru, serta antara Cina Perantauan dan Cina Daratan.

480 pages, Paperback

First published June 11, 2013

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About the author

KEVIN KWAN is the author of New York Times bestsellers Crazy Rich Asians, China Rich Girlfriend, Rich People Problems, and Sex & Vanity. His books have been translated into 40 languages and the film adaptation of Crazy Rich Asians became Hollywood's highest grossing romantic comedy in over a decade. In 2018, Kevin was named by Time Magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.

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Profile Image for Christine.
184 reviews282 followers
April 8, 2017
I am Asian, I lived in Singapore, and I am not crazy rich - but I certainly heard of enough people on that tiny island who are. Ten years ago, I remember being addicted to a blog (now defunct) called "pinkshoefetish" where one Daphne Teo of Singapore documented every single materialistic extravaganza in her life - endless Tod's bags, Chanel, the luxurious apartment she (or her parents) rented when she was at Purdue (no stinky student dorms for her), her endless jet-setting to the most expensive hotels and restaurants in New York, London, Paris, etc. At that time, I wasn't even sure I could afford to go to college, so Daphne's blog was pure escapism (if not a source of resentment). I don't remember what her parents did to afford that lifestyle, but anyway, my point is - the crazy rich Asians of East and Southeast Asia do exist, and man do they live large. When I saw that a Singaporean had written a novel about them, and that it was in the hands of a major NYC publishing house, I couldn't wait to read it, to see what had caught the attention of these editors, so much that they were willing to take on a book about Asians, set in Singapore.

I got an ARC of the book from eBay and devoured it in two days. And, perhaps I am biased because of who I am and my (slight) exposure to that world, but I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. It satirizes the crazy rich Asian universe, but even with the exaggerations, my college friend, who is part of the Hong Kong version of the Wealthy Asian Club, would recognize so many aspects depicted in the novel - the lightning speed at which gossip travels, the focus on bloodlines and marriage, the clash between old money and new, and - most important I think - the tension between mainland Chinese and overseas Chinese, a phenomenon that is very real, very common, very much discussed in Asia, but pretty much unheard of in the West. When Singaporean Chinese "blue blood" Nick takes his American Chinese girlfriend Rachel home, his family is concerned that, yes, she might be a gold-digger, but their suspicions are heightened by the fact that she was - to their horror - born in mainland China, to a single mother (more strikes against her!). I laughed when I read that, because I was brought up in Asia where those prejudices are part and parcel of everyday life, but an American reader might find it offensive and racist - which it is, but in a "Chinese" sort of way that is not so much about hatred. The book shows how those prejudices are challenged as mainland Chinese grow richer and more influential, and the author sympathetically portrays both sides.

As for the actual storyline - it's a roller coaster ride that might be hard to keep up with at the beginning because of how many characters are introduced (and I always had my finger on the family tree Kwan provides in the book). I found it ridiculous that Nick and Rachel could have dated for years without her finding out about his background, but this is chick lit and so I willingly suspended disbelief and just let myself get carried along into the world of chili crab and nasi lemak. Kwan's writing is clear and breezy and skips along very well, and in the end I was left feeling like Rachel must have when she was plunked into this whirlwind world - amazed, dizzyfied, enlightened.

And it makes me want to go back to Singapore.

A great summer read!

(Oh - the gold and pink hardcover release is cute, but I love how the galley cover plays with the Hermès box design. Clever!)
Profile Image for Yun.
569 reviews29.4k followers
June 2, 2024
"I have no idea who these people are. But I can tell you one thing—these people are richer than God."

I've got to hand it to Kevin Kwan. He just comes along and writes a satire of Asian culture that is so sharp and so searing as to be both funny and honest.

When I first picked up this book, I thought I was going to be reading a zany romantic comedy. But instead of your typical middle-class white people as the main characters, we get two Asians, one of whom comes from an extremely wealthy though misbehaving family. And I would've been happy with that story. It's rare for romantic comedies to feature ethnic Chinese main characters, so to even get that kind of representation made me really excited. But this turned out to be so much more than that.

Reading this book felt like I was stepping back into a culture I knew intimately. There is so much authenticity embedded in every page that I was discovering nostalgic gems everywhere. And the thing is, when you've gotten used to reading books that don't represent you or where you come from, when you do come across the rare book that does, it can be a bit shocking. Like, wow, this is how it feels to be seen and understood within the pages of a book.

I marveled at how Kwan was able to peel back the layers and keenly sketch out all the characteristics of growing up Chinese, including the enormous pressure to succeed along the narrowest of definitions, the expectation to bow to familial demands, and the emphasis on face and appearance. The juxtaposition of Nick and Rachel and the way they approach their families really highlights the difference between the East and the West, and how hard it can be for the two sides to understand each other.

And through it all, Kwan injected so much fun and humor into this. For me, one of the hallmarks of a good satire is that it's able to take raw or tender subjects and turn them into laughable events, all the while honestly examining the beauty and ugliness within. The strife and the feelings in here are all too real, but they made me laugh instead of despair. Satire is always grounded in truth, and can evoke such strong feelings when done right, delighting us in the absurdity of human folly while connecting us with each other.

Even though at first glance, the opulent wealth and outrageous antics in this book seem to play the central role, that is really the vehicle with which Kwan uses to turn this story into a satire. If you peel that away, what's underneath is a startling astute exploration of familial relationships within Chinese culture.

See also, my thoughts on:
Lies and Weddings

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Profile Image for Emily May.
2,090 reviews314k followers
May 9, 2018
"Imagine wanting to marry a girl from such a family! So disgraceful! Really, Nicky, what would Gong Gong say if he was alive? Madri, this tea needs a little more sugar."

This is some seriously trashy crack-lit. And no that's not a typo-- this book is as addictive and dramatic and ridiculous as you surely imagine it to be. I should probably hate it, but, well... oops.

You've definitely got to be in the mood for it or you'll wonder why you're actively murdering your brain cells. And I guess I was definitely in the mood for it. Crazy Rich Asians follows the drama and scandals of some of East Asia's wealthiest families. Think filthy stinking rich: mansions, private planes, $25,000 dresses (I didn't even know such a thing existed), etc.

It's opulent, it's melodramatic, and it's completely nuts. This bunch of wealthy families all come together in Singapore for an extravagant fairy tale wedding. But the wedding is the very least of the drama. Nicholas "Nicky" Young, who has been living in New York, is about to bring his American-born girlfriend, Rachel Chu, to meet his parents for the first time, and his mother is almost certainly going to dig up some nastiness when she runs a background check on Rachel's family. Also, Rachel has no clue how rich Nicky is-- hell, is she in for a shock!

Then there's the beautiful Astrid, whose husband is probably having an affair, and she is about to go investigating to find out. Plus there's a bunch of other subplots about what these ridiculously rich people get up to. It is like the Asian version of all those terrible eighties soap operas like Dallas and Dynasty, and I say "terrible" but I totally used to watch reruns of those with my mum, too.

I don't know why I liked it; I just did. Maybe it's because I'm nosy and enjoy the drama of other people's lives. Maybe it's because these superficial rich people problems are an enjoyable break from the real world. Maybe it's because it does exactly what it says on the label. Maybe I just have terrible taste. Well, like I said... oops.

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Profile Image for Katie.
330 reviews48 followers
August 29, 2013
I think another Goodreads reviewer said it best: "Shallow characters don't mean shallowly written characters."

And in the case of this book, the author didn't pick up on that memo. Shallow characters can be delightfully, wickedly compelling when they're written well. I mean, look at Anthony and Gloria in Fitzgerald's "The Beautiful and Damned", or Becky Sharp in "Vanity Fair" or heck, even Blair Waldorf in the "Gossip Girl" series if you're looking at more "chick-lit" examples. But the characters in "Crazy Rich Asians" are so two-dimensional and flat you just can't care about them.

Also, a pet peeve of mine is when a writer TELLS me something rather than SHOWS me something. This entire book is all tell, no show. Except to show off the author's knowledge of designer labels. Slow clap.

Yes, this is a rather scathing review but I really don't understand all the hype surrounding this book, and I was hoping for more, well, substance (yes, from a glittery gold and hot pinkbook called Crazy Rich Asians, I know. But I think the setting and characters had some originality, timely relevance and promise and the author didn't deliver). Definitely disappointed.
Profile Image for emma.
2,252 reviews74.5k followers
February 7, 2024
Even though it is the bookworm stance to advocate for reading the book before watching the movie, there is one inarguable reason why it’s actually good and smart that I did the opposite.

When I am reading a book, I can’t picture the characters. I just have a blurry patch in my imagination where their face should be, like a blobfish. This is fine when I’m not hyperaware of it, but when there is a fictional individual who is UNCEASINGLY described as SO HANDSOME and DEVASTATINGLY ATTRACTIVE and LETHALLY GOOD-LOOKING and SO PROFOUNDLY WONDERFUL TO LOOK AT THAT HIS VISAGE COULD BEGIN WARS, LIKE A MALE ROM-COM HELEN OF TROY…

I start feeling the #fomo*.

(*This means “fear of missing out,” for all of you uncultured** ones out there.)

(**Uncultured here means “smart and wise enough to not speak in hashtags, and therefore very much better than me.”)

But because I watched this movie before reading this book, I was able to picture Henry Golding as this character, and all was right in the world.

Although I guess watching the trailer would have had the same effect. But I digress.

This was relatively fun and funny. I love reading books that genuinely teach me about cultures that aren’t mine (cough cough, as opposed to “diverse” books written by white authors in which characters are mentioned as being from different cultures with no actual evidence of such a thing, cough). This was really interesting from that perspective.

However, even though this was a relatively short book, it got EXHAUSTING after a while. There is so much drama and gossip and petty hatefulness, and it all just repeats and repeats in a vicious cycle. This inescapable sameness was not helped by the fact that there were 3785975289 minor characters and I did not remember any of them.

So overall this was meh.


Drumroll please…

Here comes the controversial opinion…

Get those bookworm-cred-revoking hands ready…

Bottom line: The movie was better.


yeah sure whatever.


review to come / 3 stars

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tbr review

how to be a bad bookworm:

- watch the movie without reading the book
- wait 4 months
- add the book to your TBR once you can no longer resist hopping on the bandwagon
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
May 13, 2021
4.5 stars

Perfection comes at a sacrifice
Nick Young (yes, THAT Nick Young) invites Rachel Chu, his longtime girlfriend, to spend the summer in Singapore and attend a wedding of an old friend.

Seems pretty simple, right? WRONG!

Nick just so happens to be heir to an obscenely large fortune - the kind of rich that are so rich that they don't even acknowledge that they have money.

But they do. And they have money and the money they have is a lot.

From private jets to houses that are more like palaces, Rachel Chu is about to have a surprise of a lifetime - especially when she meets his family.
“I criticize you when you’re wearing something that looks so cheap. It’s a disgrace to me.”
Rachel Chu is so NOT what Eleanor (Nick's mother) expected for her darling son.

Rachel is ABC (American-born Chinese), she works for a living and (above all) she's not even rich.

So, naturally, Eleanor assumes that Rachel is after Nick's money. And if there's one thing that can be said with absolute certainty, Chinese mothers are not afraid to get their hands dirty to protect their children.
“You love your children so much, you do everything to try to protect them, and they don’t even appreciate it.”
Meanwhile, Rachel slowly settles in - becoming friends with Astrid (Nick's cousin and most popular girl on the island) and meets Eddie (another cousin who flaunts his money).

As Rachel and Nick adjust to the Singapore society, the sharks are circling.
“What is this, Harry Potter?” Nick sniggered. “That’s what you just sounded like. Yes, I am aware that even now dark forces are trying to sabotage me."
Every Singapore girl knows that if Rachel snags a proposal from Nick, there goes their chances with the most eligible bachelor on the island.
And if there's one word to describe Singapore girls when they are threatened - it's ruthless.
“I’ve had enough of being around all these crazy rich Asians,”
Ultimately, I enjoyed this one so much.

It was a bit difficult to jump into this book - such a large revolving cast of characters - but once I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed everything about this book.

Everyone was obscenely and hilariously rich. Their personalities were so over the top and yet completely believable.

Eleanor, in particular, was an absolute hoot. She was that perfect b*tchy mother who "protected" her son despite all evidence to the contrary.

Rachel's character played well as the straight man of the skit - she felt very down-to-earth without overplaying the "homegirl" card. I definitely feel like I would have reacted the same way as she did in just about ever situation.

And Nick - with so many vivacious characters around him... he didn't really stand out. I felt somewhat ambivalent towards him - he was sweet, and a bit clueless, but not particularly gripping.

I loved all the side plots and petty gossip - there's nothing I love more than a scandal playing out in the juiciest way and this one was no exception.
He would never give up trying. He would take an impossible situation and make everything possible.
In short - utter brilliance.

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Profile Image for Emma Giordano.
316 reviews107k followers
July 30, 2018
This was a really fun read. I went into it with the intention of consuming it just for entertainment purposes and not quality/depth which I think is the best mindset to read this story in.

CW: racial slurs, homophobia slurs, talk of cheating, prejudice/classism

I did not love the writing style of this novel (which I expected before going in.) The syntax was fairly weak and the voice of individual characters was not that strong. Also regarding the characters, the author has this habit of jumping between perspectives without warning? Each chapter begins with a description of what character point of views will be followed but throughout the chapter, but it changes frequently with no distinction. For example, a conversation may begin from Rachel’s perspective and describe her thoughts and internal reactions but two lines later without any indication, we will be in Astrid’s head. Of course, multiple perspectives are commonly featured in fiction, especially in third-person narratives, but the lack of structure and awareness for the reader was quite jarring and nonsensical.

Crazy Rich Asians is absolutely a plot-based series. You read it to follow these unique characters across this absurd journey of wealth, extravagance and drama. I will add that I particularly enjoyed the heavily influence of Chinese and Singaporean culture, albeit the wealthy side of that culture, because it is not something I am frequently exposed to. It’s fun, entertaining, and gripping. I did not expect to be as invested as I was!

I’m not particularly taken with many of the characters although I see their individual value to the story. Rachel was obviously the most enjoyable character of the story and I did end up really liking Nick, though I remained furious at how he handled exposing Rachel to his family situation for the entirety of the story. I have sympathy for Astrid and enjoyed the comic relief added by Peik Lin and Charlie. Though this is not the most ground-breaking cast of characters I’ve ever read, I can see myself becoming more invested in their lives as the series progresses.

I really enjoyed my time reading Crazy Rich Asians. I initially went into this book thinking I would be satisfied reading just the first installment and not finishing the series, but after finishing, I absolutely need to know where the story goes. If you’re a “trashy fiction” lover, this book is for you.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,447 reviews74 followers
August 30, 2017
I have no closure.

I’m not quite sure what that ending was, but it’s really only an ending by dint of the fact there are no more pages.

I was enjoying this book. I could overlook the dull main characters, the hints of family drama and maneuvering that never went anywhere, the randomly dropped storylines … all of that, I could forgive because, hey, at the end of the day, Crazy Rich Asians is mindless fluff and thinking is contraindicated when reading mindless fluff. This mindless fluff, set among the über-wealthy denizens of Singapore, was entertaining.

But here’s the thing: part of why I like mindless fluff, part of why I keep reading it despite plot holes and ridiculous, unrealistic twists that drive me nuts, is that I’m guaranteed an ending. An honest-to-goodness (usually happy) ending.

This book has no ending. What’s the point of reading mindless fluff without the satisfying conclusion?

The “ending” is as follows: multiple plotlines left dangling for a cutesy Hollywood-style last shot that solves nothing, two surprisingly nuanced parallel subplots (especially for brain candy) that were slowly built are ignored at a key moment, and some unnecessary melodramatic twists are thrown in over the last few pages rather than diving into the drama and tension built up in the previous 380 pages of the book. No. No. No. No.

I hate not having closure.

This has to be the set up for a sequel, right? Because that’s the only thing that makes this ending even sort of acceptable (although, even if it is the first of a series, this book needed more in the way of a resolution). Quasi recommended (depends on how you feel about having endings to your stories).

ETA: Before informing me that "there's a sequel!" please read the date of the review. Also, even having read the sequel, my opinion stands: even individual books in a series need closure.
Profile Image for Jaidee.
679 reviews1,404 followers
September 30, 2018
1 star (actually half a star but I gave it a bonus half star for a couple of reasons) !!

-Writing-just awful-
-Storyline-started off fair and ended up ridiculous
-Dialogue-some of the worst I've ever read
-Characters- these are some of the most boring, empty-headed, vile and entitled people ever written about

Why the extra bonus half-star?

Surprisingly the writer had some talent in writing interesting and lush descriptions of exotic locales, architecture, fashion, cuisine and luxury goods. Believe it or not it was enough to keep me reading.

Secondly it was fascinating from a sociocultural perspective although I cannot attest to the accuracy.

Crazy Rich Asians was like seeing a fashionable fat drunk woman fall down.....you know you shouldn't keep looking but you just can't help yourself.
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
December 6, 2018
nothing like a bunch of crazy, rich asians to make me feel like a boring, poor white girl. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

gosh, this book is wild. its a story lush in couture, and drama, and private jets, and drama, and more money than one even knows what to do with. oh, and did i mention the drama? its basically high-class catty gossip and i am here for it. such a funny and entertaining story that deserves all the attention its been getting recently!

also, i do think its worth mentioning that i saw the film before i read this. and i know i am committing blasphemy by admitting it, but i actually think i prefer the film. not that the book isnt good, i just think that when it comes to a certain level of cattiness and gossip amongst 20+ characters where body language and looks are significant, its much easier to translate across a screen and more effective for the story. it also helps to see a visual of all the luxury to really get an idea of the type of wealth that is exhibited in the novel. so i highly recommend the movie! the book too, but definitely the movie!

4 stars
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
August 23, 2017
Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan is a 2013 publication.

I guess I missed all the hoopla when this book was first released. It wasn’t until the third book started getting a little buzz that I became interested in reading this series.

So, I went in search of this first book- ‘Crazy Rich Asians’, and had no trouble finding a copy at the library- but- there was an abnormally long wait period for a book that is four years old! So, this series must be pretty popular!!

But, I have lots of books I needed to read, so I didn’t mind waiting, and it helped that once I did get a copy I found myself totally immersed in the saga of these fantastically wealthy Asians, their romantic ups and downs, and their family dramas.

Rachel Chu has NO idea what she’s getting herself into when she agrees to attend the wedding of her boyfriend, Nicholas Young’s cousin, Colin, to Araminta Lee. Nick neglects to prepare Rachel for his outrageously rich, and ostentatious family, ignoring dire warnings from some of his family members, to give her a heads up. Nick will soon come to regret throwing Rachel into the mix headlong.

Astrid, Nick’s cousin, is an icon of the social pages, who is in a seemingly sweet and successful marriage, but apparently, not all that glitters is gold.

This book is a like a light -hearted soap opera and I see how this series could become a guilty pleasure. The cast seems enormous, but there is a sharper focus on Nick and Astrid and their relationship woes.

Still, the supporting cast is worth noting- Eddie is Nick’s cousin, who, despite his parents’ lineage and prestige is forced to live beneath the standards of his extended family, which causes him much embarrassment.

Eleanor is Nick’s controlling mother, who plots and schemes to keep him from proposing to Rachel.

Rachel’s mother, Kerry, gives calm, practical advice, and encouragement, in contrast to Eleanor, but is harboring a volatile secret that could ruin Rachel’s chance at happiness with Nick.

There are other supporting players, each with a unique role in the story, all adding a bit more depth to the story.

Normally, I struggle with novels featuring a large cast. I get confused easily and lose track of how the characters are connected and often have a hard time understanding what each one has to contribute to the story.

But, in this instance, ‘the more the merrier’ works perfectly. The author skips back and forth among the characters, giving each of them a moment in the spotlight, but mainly the focus is on the possibly doomed romance between Rachel and Nick and the breakdown of Astrid’s marriage due to class differences and the strain of pretending to be someone you aren’t.

This book is pure chick-lit, but with such vivid, hilarious, and outrageously over the top characters, it was never too heavy on the drama.

The author did a terrific job of showing the differences in generations- the old customs and versus the more relaxed exposure to western customs- the class divisions- the effect wealth has on those who are born into it as opposed to those who worked to achieve it.

The language is authentic, which required some footnotes the author graciously provided. I enjoyed learning about this culture in such a fun and easy way, although it does slow down the momentum, just a little bit.

Overall, this novel turned out to be more than I had anticipated, and I’m glad I discovered this series. I’m looking forward to the next installment and can not wait to see what these crazy rich Asians will get up to next!!
Profile Image for Zain.
1,690 reviews217 followers
July 8, 2024

This book is amazing. I have never been so entertained by a book before, in my life.

I couldn’t put this book down. I made myself stay awake just to continue reading it.

This book is so hilarious! I really enjoyed reading it. 🙃

Five stars! ✨✨✨✨✨
207 reviews
June 18, 2015
From http://iknowwhatyoushouldread.wordpre...

Lest you be confused, this is not a book about crazy [comma] rich Asians. This is a book about crazy rich Asians. As in, stupidly, stupidly wealthy gazillionaire Asians. I had read an excerpt in Vogue, and it seemed like it might be good, fun summer reading, filled with fashion and snobbery and such. I am a lover and regular devourer of US Weekly, who loathes the fact that I do not come from a ton of old money, so this seemed right up my alley.

When I got the e-book, however, I knew immediately that I’d been swindled. Before I had even begun reading, the book had two strikes against it:

Strike 1: it starts with a family tree, and
Strike 2: it has endnotes.

I just can’t get excited about a book that begins with a family tree. Now, before you get all up in arms and point out all the delightful and amazing books that begin with a family tree, I will admit that this is not a hard-and-fast rule. But my general opinion is that a book’s cast of characters should not be so convoluted that it requires a visual aid (one of the reasons I am content to stick with the television version of Game of Thrones, thank you very much). Plus, when you’re reading an e-book, it’s a huge hassle to have to refer back to the family tree. So, I audibly groaned when I discovered that this book has one. It’s a book about rich people. How complicated can it be? But the Crazy Rich Asians family tree is kind of catty and fun, so I decided to keep an open mind.

The endnotes aren’t a deal-breaker here, either. Normally, I hate them because they break up the flow of my reading. Also, they make me feel like I’m back in law school. And, too often, they’re used for cutesy purposes, which is nearly impossible to do well. That said, e-books make them slightly more tolerable, because you can just click on the endnote and it magically appears (constant page flipping in a “real” book is just too much). And these endnotes in particular aren’t bad, because they are in large part: 1) translations of Hokkein and Malay words and phrases and 2) descriptions of Singaporean foods. I’m a foreign languages nerd and a lover of delicious foods, so I didn’t hate the endnotes.

But all of that doesn’t matter. Because, family tree and endnotes aside, I still didn’t like the book. Here are three more strikes against it:

Strike 3: It’s too damn long (over 400 pages). The book is about a couple (Rachel and Nick) who are both profs at NYU and have been together for two years. Nick is going home to Singapore for his best friend’s wedding and asks Rachel to come with him. Despite the fact that they’ve been together for two years, Rachel knows nothing about Nick’s background and family and friends (it comes as a complete surprise to her that his family is crazy rich). Shocking excess and extravagance ensue. And (not even remotely a spoiler, because the book is so ridiculously predicatable) Nick’s mother and grandmother try to break Nick and Rachel up. WHY DOES THIS NECESSITATE 400 PAGES? It doesn’t.

Strike 4: People have described this as an amazing, hilarious satire. Basically, the book tries to make fun of crazy rich Asians, by showing that they’re snobby and elitist and old-fashioned. Well, I’m sorry, but my grandmother was not a crazy rich Asian (she was just a plain-old crazy Asian), and she was every bit as snobby, elitist, and old-fashioned as the grandmother in this book. The author manages to paint a picture of the fashion and houses and such that is completely over-the-top, but his characters are flat, flat, flat. They just weren’t well developed enough to make you give a shit.

Strike 5: The plot is boring and predictable.

Rating: 2/5
Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
596 reviews35.1k followers
October 15, 2019
”And so this exotic strain of gossip spread rapidly through the Levantine networks of the Asian jet set, and within a few hours, almost everyone in this exclusive circle knew that Nicholas Young was bringing a girl home to Singapore.
And, alamak! This was big news.”

I guess this quote is the perfect summary of the entire book. *lol* And yes, the title already tells us everything we need to know. Still, I expected something light and fluffy when I started to read “Crazy Rich Asians” but truth be told I was kinda thrown by the intense and serious turn this book took in the end. There happened quite some heavy stuff and this is probably the biggest understatement ever!! XD

Oh well, I’m getting ahead of myself here so let’s start at the beginning. Rachel and Nicholas have been in a solid relationship for two years and his best friend’s wedding is actually the main reason he’s taking his girlfriend with him. I mean he’s Colin’s best man so it’s only natural to take your long-time girlfriend with you, right? Yes and no! Because seriously, nothing and no one could have prepared them for what would happen when they set their feet on this island. XD It’s not only a clash of cultures but also some sort of grim war between two seemingly different classes of people. If there ever exists such a thing. Just because some people think they are better and superior this certainly doesn’t make them better and superior. Which already brings me to the first topic that got me really riled whenever I read this book:

The audacity and obnoxious snobbery of Nick’s family and their “close” friends. Money can buy you a lot of things but it obviously can neither buy you a heart nor common sense!

”And unlike Leo, Eddie’s parents were the old-fashioned type – insisting from the moment Eddie graduated that he learn to live off his earnings.
It was so bloody unfair.

I had no, I repeat absolutely, no sympathy or compassion for “poor” Eddie. It must have been so damn hard just to have a big house instead of a villa or to have a small private jet instead of a huge luxury airplane. If you ask me those people are really rich and truly crazy. There are people starving in this world, there are people that don’t even have a place to call their home and all those rich spoilt brats cared about was their designer clothes, their food and how they could look better than the rest. Urgh! I know I’m taking this way too serious, but as a person who grew up in a hardworking family that had to work for every cent and never got anything for free I just lack sympathy for people like them. And therefore the list of the people I didn’t like in this book is as long as the equator. Probably even longer because to circle the entire world only once might not be enough. XD

So just to give you a short example: Eleanor, Bernard, Eddie, Lorena, Carol, Lauren, Francesca, Evan, Roderick, Wandi, Parker, Nadine, Jacqueline, Su Yi (aka Ah Ma), Alexandra, … and the list could go on and on!

Thankfully there are also people that I liked and that made up for the horrible snobbery of those others: Rachel, Nick, Astrid, Colin, Sophie, Peik Lin and all the Gohs in general, Alistair, Philip and Charlie. And maybe Oliver, but I really dunno what’s his angle in all of this. *lol*

”Oh, you really don’t have to do that. It’s not important to me what sort of family he comes from,” Rachel said.
“Nonsense, lah! Of course it’s important!” Wye Mun was adamant. “If he’s Singaporean, I have a responsibility to make sure he’s good enough for you!”

I wish Nick’s family would have seen it the same way because the way they treated Rachel was just horrible and mean! I think the biggest disappointment was Su Yi though. I really thought she would know better than her spoilt grandchild Eddie! Especially because if I got it correctly she’s only filthy rich because she inherited the money from her father and actually didn’t have to do anything to gain her wealth.

”Where she’s from is irrelevant. My youngest grandson is not going to marry some actress, especially one of questionable lineage,” Su Yi said simply. Turning to Alexandra, she said, “You will tell him to break off the engagement immediately.”

But every time I thought “OH GODS, YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!!!” some nice character made an appearance and I started to believe in the good in people again. *lol* Two of the best examples were definitely Nick and Charlie because boy those two men blew me away! And truth be told even Fiona showed some serious backbone when she defended her kids against their tyrant of a father! =)

”Who exactly are you trying to impress? The photographers? The readers of Hong Kong Tattle? You really care so much about them that you’d rather hit your own son over an accident that you caused in the first place by screaming at him for wearing the wrong cummerbund?”

And so it happens that events escalate and almost everything that can go wrong actually goes wrong in the end. I can’t even tell you how sorry I felt for Nick! I mean, yeah he was partly responsible for the things that happened but you can’t blame him for only thinking the best of his mum and grandma. I mean they are his family and they hurt him at least as much as they hurt Rachel. Up until the moment he realized what they did behind his back he was actually pretty clueless about their vindictive ways and the lengths to which they would go in order to keep him from marrying Rachel.

”She’s not something I can just give up, Mum. I love her, and I’m going to marry her. I don’t need anyone’s approval,” Nick said forcefully, rising from the table.
“Stupid boy! Ah Ma will disinherit you!”
“Like I care.”

”No, Rachel, please don’t go,” Nick said, grabbing her by the arm. “I need you to hear this. Ah Ma, I don’t know what stories you’ve been told, but I have met Rachel’s family, and I like them very much. They have certainly shown me a great deal more courtesy, warmth, and respect than our family has shown to Rachel.”

Poor Nick, poor Rachel! They both didn’t deserve to be treated like that! I felt really sorry for Rachel because her world was turned upside down, but to some degree I felt even more sorry for Nick because it was his own family that did all this stuff. Your family should be the people you can rely on and trust, your family should be the people that catch you when you fall and his family, well they hurt him because he wanted to marry the “wrong” kind of girl.


“Crazy Rich Asians” was an interesting, unexpectedly intense and somehow educational book. It kept me entertained and forced me to read on because I always wanted to know what would happen next. Rachel and Nick were a great couple and I’m already curious about the second book. As it seems it’s not only about them but also about Nick’s cousin Astrid as well and after her encounter with her ex-boyfriend Charlie I’m really beyond excited to see where this is heading. Because let’s face it: As much as I liked Nick, Charlie is still the best!!!! <3


I don't know what this book is about but I'm going to make a wild guess here and will claim that it's about....

Wait for it...

Crazy, rich, Asians!?!

Am I, right!? *lol*

And because I'm a psychic too, I'll just add a little drama and romance to it as well. 😜

I'm sure this is going to be a fast and funny read! So whoever recommended it to me: Thanks! 😊 I'm looking forward to this adventure. XD Here I go with another book on My Book List 2019!
Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,401 followers
March 16, 2023
This is where the crazy journey of Rachel Chu and Nicholas Young started.

This is a three-book series showing the inner circles, secrets, joy, jealousy and sadness of rich people in Asia.

Rachel Chu never did the common routine followed by the people today, which is researching the person who they are planning to date. So when her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, invited her to Singapore to see his family, she didn't have to think before agreeing.

Only when Rachel entered Singapore, she realized that her boyfriend belonged to one of the wealthiest families in Asia.

What I learned from this book
1) What are called "Real fakes," and what is the secret behind the success of the fake Chinese market?
There are thousands of fake markets around the world, but nothing is as famous as the Chinese fake market. The cheap production and sales costs are one of the main reasons for it. But there is one important secret reason behind it too. It is called "REAL FAKES."

The factories in China are commissioned by luxury brands all over the world to manufacture their products. If a company like Gucci or Prada or any other high-end brand places an order for 10,000 units, the Chinese actually make 12,000 units. Then they can sell the remaining 2000 off the books on the black market as 'fakes' even though they are made with the same material as the real ones. The Real fake market in Shenzen, China, is a favorite shopping destination for the wealthiest people in the world. Chinese fakes are the world's best fake products sold at an affordable price and are purchased by ordinary people to the richest in the world.

Even though the primary purpose of this novel is entertainment, we will get many new knowledge like the above one from this book.

"These are what they call 'real fakes.'
It's still a bargain. This bag is forty-five hundred in Singapore. Here it's six hundred, and it looks exactly the same"

2) What are the problems with consumerism and retail therapy?
The author is indirectly showing us the problems with consumerism. If you are able to read between the lines of some of the dialogues of the characters in it, you will also understand the dangers associated with retail therapy.

He also tells us the importance of buying the things that we really need.
"We were buying things we actually loved, not things to show off"

3) Why is it said that parenting is a double-edged sword?
Parenting, if done correctly, can improve your children's future, but if done incorrectly, it can destroy their future. We can see multiple examples of bad parenting in this book. It affects the children's and the whole family's future. The author shows us the dangers of parents trying to buy everything that their children ask for and why it is said that we should never try to replace love or our presence for our loved ones with money.
"You love your children so much, you do everything to try to protect them, and they don't even appreciate it."

My favourite three lines from this book
“Perfection comes at a sacrifice.”

"Doing nothing can sometimes be the most effective form of action."

"Doing nothing can sometimes be the most effective form of action."

What could have been better?
Some readers might find some dialogues in this book offensive, especially if you are someone from Asia.

It is difficult to believe that a Professor at NYU, even after a relationship for more than two years, has no clue regarding her boyfriend's family.

This book and its movie were recently in the news when the actor Ke Huy Quan said that it was the main motivation that pushed him to act again after a long hiatus, which ultimately helped him to win an Oscar. If you are looking for a funny, entertaining book to read, this book will be a good choice.
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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews381 followers
April 13, 2022
Crazy Rich Asians (Crazy Rich Asians #1), Kevin Kwan

The novel begins with a quote from the 14th-century Moroccan scholar Ibn Battuta: Nowhere in the world are there to be found people richer than the Chinese. - Ibn Battuta.

Crazy Rich Asians is a satirical 2013 romantic comedy novel by Kevin Kwan. The book is told from the perspective of five main characters: Rachel Chu, Nicholas (Nick) Young, Eleanor Young, Astrid Leong, and Edison Cheng. The story revolves around the grand wedding of Singapore's most eligible bachelor, Colin Khoo, and a fashion icon, Araminta Lee, which everyone calls the wedding of the year.

Rachel Chu, is a New York University (NYU) professor of economics, who is originally from Cupertino, California. She was raised by her single mother and leads a typical middle-class life. When her boyfriend Nick, also an NYU professor, takes her to meet his family in Singapore, she is completely unaware of what is in store for her. Although he grew up in London, Nick is a Singapore native. Unknown to anyone in New York, he not only belongs to one of the top 10 wealthiest families in Asia but is possibly sole heir to his family's great fortune.

Despite this wealth, he was raised to be humble and to keep a low profile. Because of his upbringing, he is confident his family will approve of his simple girlfriend, but things turn out very differently than he expects. ...

‏‫‬‭‭Crazy Rich Asians, Kevin Kwan.
تهران: جنگل‏‫، سال1398خورشیدی ‬‬‏‫= سال2018میلادی؛ افست، در403ص؛‬‬

تاریخ نخستین خوانش نسخه اصلی: روز بیست و یکم ماه سپتامبر سال2019میلادی

عنوان: آسیایی‌های خرپول؛ نویسنده: کوین کوان؛ مترجم: ستاره جهاندیده؛ تهران نشر علمی، سال‏‫1398؛ در512ص؛ شابک9789644044151؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده21م

‬رمان «آسیاییهای خرپول»، نوشته ی «کوین کوآن»، نخستین بار در سال2013میلادی منتشر، و یکی از رمانهای پرفروش شد؛ این کتاب نخستین جلد از سری سه جلدی است، و به گفته ی نویسنده، تلاشی برای نمایش آسیای مدرن، به ساکنین آمریکای شمالی است، چون بیشتر آثار ادبی که درونمایه و موضوع آنها «آسیا» هستند، درباره ی دورانهای کهن در «آسیا»، یا افرادی با هویت «آسیایی-آمریکایی» هستند؛ «کوین» این داستان را، به نوعی با الهام از کودکی خویش در «سنگاپور»، و برای بزرگداشت یاد پدرشان نگاشته اند؛ با اقتباس از کتاب «آسیایی های خرپول»، در سال2018میلادی، فیلمی به کارگردانیِ «جان ام چو» ساخته شد

چکیده: آنگاه که «ریچل چو» میپذیرد تا تابستان را، با دوست پسرش «نیک یانگ»، در «سنگاپور» بگذراند، در خیالش خانواده ای معمولی، و ساعتها رانندگی برای کشف جزیره، و وقت گذرانی با مردی که ممکن بود، روزی با او ازدواج کند را، در خیال خویش میپروراند؛ اما چیزیکه انتظارش را نداشت، این بود که خانه ی «نیک» چیزی از کاخ کم نداشته باشد، و اینکه وقتش را بیش از ماشین سواری، در هواپیماهای شخصی بگذراند، و با همراهی کردنِ خواستنی ترین مرد مجردِ «آسیا»، رشک و تنگ چشمی همه را برانگیزد؛ «ریچل» در دنیای سرگیجه آورِ پولدارها، با «استرید»، بانوی پرطرفدار جامعه ی «سنگاپور»، و با «ادی»، که خود و خانواده اش مدلهای مجلات «هنگ کنگ» هستند، و با «النور»، مادر سختگیر «نیک»، که با ازدواجِ «نیک» و «ریچل» همسو نیست، آشنا میگردد؛ و در گذر از رویداهایی راستین، خویشتن خود را بهتر میشناسد

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 28/03/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 23/01/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
October 5, 2018
3.5 stars rounded to 4

I'm amazed at how long it has taken me to pick up this book. I remember being intrigued when it was first published; I had my own adventure in Singapore in 2004, which peaked my interest even more but, for whatever reason, it took the film adaptation being released to finally convince me to read it before seeing the movie. It was precisely what I had hoped for, a fun, fluffy read full of delectable "gossip" and drama, and to top it off the diversity of an all asian cast to boot. While it did feel a bit long for a fluffy read, it was kind of nice having a book on the side that I could pick up and put down as I felt lead; truly the perfect read to fill in between the gaps of heavier and darker stories. I laughed a lot, and I keep finding that I'm needing that more and more in my reading line up, but I also think this was due to the narrator's fabulous job of portraying the large cast in unique, individual ways. Although I'm unsure why the following two audible books in the series have a different narrator? At the end of the day, this was a fun read that gives us a sneak peak into the lives of Asia's crazy rich folks and their over the top lifestyles.


Buddy read with Irina Humphrey, even though she already saw the movie. *Sipping my tea*
Profile Image for Helene Jeppesen.
692 reviews3,612 followers
March 10, 2018
I can’t believe I actually finished this book because this was really bad. Basically, according to this book, all rich people in Singapore are snobbish and bad human beings. They can’t even see beyond their rich way of thinking when a down-to-earth person approaches them and tries to make them see things from a different perspective. Actually, what they do instead (according to this novel) is to turn that down-to-earth person into someone who actually enjoys the crazy life style of jet planes, mansions, designer dresses and yachts because “no woman or man can ever really turn that down”.
Furthermore, everyone’s wealth is illustrated in EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER from start to finish, and while it was fascinating to read about in the beginning, it became pretty redundant towards the middle and intolerable in the end.
The characters’ view on life really put a sour taste in my mouth, together with the fact that the plot and everyone’s decisions didn’t make any sense. I gradually became more and more frustrated with everyone and everything instead of finding the humour and relaxing fun in it that so many people seem to have found.
All in all, what makes me give this book the lowest rating is its message which is, honestly, ugly and depressing: Money solves everything, and even though you don’t think you really want it, you do. Urgh! Mix that together with a bird that taps on your window in the morning to provide you with the solution to all of your problems as well as a rotten fish in your room - that’s “Crazy Rich Asians” for you.
Profile Image for Caro.
633 reviews22.4k followers
August 20, 2018
This book is deliciously entertaining. 

Rachel is a professor of economics in NY who has been dating her boyfriend Nick for two years. One day Nick invites her to go with him to Singapore to attend his cousin's wedding and she agrees.

As soon as Rachel and Nick arrive at Singapore and meet his family, she realizes that Nick's family is filthy rich. Not just wealthy but $200,000-a-dress wealthy and this is a fact that he's failed to disclose to her.

Rachel soon finds herself dealing with nosy relatives, sumptuous meals, scheming social climbers, private jets, and drama, tons of drama. The novel is narrated from different points of view and is set mostly in Asia. My favorite character is Oliver because he is witty and a shameless schemer. 

The novel is funny, interesting and addictive. Overall I enjoyed it and plan to read the sequels. 

FINAL NOTE: a movie adaptation is in the works and encompasses an all-Asian cast. I am excited to see the movie and was happy to learn that Michelle Yeoh will be playing one of the main characters Eleanor Sung-Young. I first saw her on the amazing movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and have been a fan ever since.

UPDATE 8/20/18: Just watched the movie and it was AMAZINGLY GOOD. Loved it!!!
Profile Image for Roxane.
Author 123 books165k followers
May 27, 2015
Fun and dishy. So over the top it becomes nauseating in the way of such books. It's just too much. A parodic parody.
Profile Image for Felice Laverne.
Author 1 book3,321 followers
February 12, 2020
With Crazy Rich Asians hitting the big screens in a few short weeks, many readers have decided to re-read this 2013 release – or, as in my case, have finally decided to read it. This, of course, has also been reflected not only in social media trends but on the New York Times bestseller list where Kevin Kwan’s debut novel has again easily nabbed a spot, despite having been originally released five years ago. I, myself, fell casualty to an impulse all book lovers are prone to: buying a book because of its cover! I bought a copy of Crazy Rich Asians when it was first released because the sparkly gold cover drew my eye – and my wallet, apparently – like a magpie to all that glitters. So, when I put out the poll last month for which book I should read next, I was glad that this one won (by a LANDSLIDE, mind you) because I already had a shiny copy with an in-tact spine on my shelves ready to read!

Crazy Rich Asians is exactly what you’d expect with such a loud and gaudy title and the sparkly cover to match. The gist of the novel is that the ultra hunky Nicholas Young falls in love with Rachel Chu and decides to bring her to Singapore for his best friend’s wedding of the century event to introduce her to his folks…and all of the lavishness that comes with it. Rachel, having never known her beau was FILTHY RICH is shocked by what she finds—and the viciousness of his family and friends—toward her when she arrives. A series of comical events ensues over this few weeks, which we, the readers, are privy to.

The first thing you’ll notice, from page one, is that Crazy Rich Asians is ALL THE WAY OVER THE TOP as if Kwan just threw every lavish thing he could think of in there, including the deluxe, chef-grade kitchen sink! But, isn’t that what we picked this novel up for – a fun, feisty read that can be enjoyed simply for the setting and hilarity of it. This book was soaked in Asian culture, which was an added bonus I absolutely loved—from the Hokkien and Mandarin slang littered throughout the pages (thanks, Kwan, for the footnotes!) to the description of native dishes and cultural values. The scale of wealth, customs and rituals Kwan shows us is larger than life in all the most uproarious ways.

Of course, let’s be honest here: a novel like this is bound to be a bit over-embellished, like biting into a too-sweet Godiva chocolate bar, and that it was. But I enjoyed that bit of decadence; in that way, this book really lived up to its name – and the hype!

I will say that there were WAY too many POVs and unnecessary story lines here, which certainly contributed to the extravagant and superfluous page count. At times, pages upon pages were spent just describing the luxuriousness of these characters’ surroundings. In a single paragraph you’ll find references like: Venus de Milo, Battenberg lace tablecloth, and Louis Quatorze chairs in royal blue brocade. (And I found that by flipping to any random page lol.) Yet, to go along with this over-the-top style of writing—that we’ve all come to love enough to want to go see the film about it—the dialogue within these pages was always light and realistic, outrageous and totally hilarious. Yes, the ending was sopped in melodrama, like a Taiwanese soap opera, and rushed, as if Kwan suddenly realized he was over or nearing the 400-page mark for this novel and suddenly decided to STOP and continue on with it in book two. BUT, in the end, Crazy Rich Asians delivered all that it promised: the humor and the fun along with the crazy, the rich and the Asians. And for that, I serve up on a Harry Winston platter 4 sparkly, Oscar de la Renta and Carolina Herrera-covered stars! ****


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January 12, 2019
A pick-your-own-poison type of lit:
> Satirical
> Vapid
> Shallow
> Ridiculous
> Fun
> Twisty
> Trashy
> Tacky
> Sweet
> Soap-operish drama
I've learned more from this one about fashion than I've ever considered wanting to know.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the fellowship that we shared today, for the nourishing food we enjoyed, for the power of your holy word. Please watch over dear Sister Eleanor, Sister Lorena, Sister Daisy, and Sister Nadine, as they try to sell their Sina Land shares … (c)
She knew her mother meant well, but as usual she had managed to stress her out about details Rachel never would have imagined (c)
Why did everything have to be so fraught with significance? (c)
To Eleanor, every single person occupied a specific space in the elaborately constructed social universe in her mind. (c)
But how exactly could he explain his family to her, especially when he had been conditioned his whole life never to speak about them? (c)
The only acceptable majors were medicine or law (unless you were truly dumb, in which case you settled for accounting). (c)
“Calm down and speak slower, lah. I can’t understand a word you’re saying. Now, why do you want to jump off a building? (c)
I’m counting on your kid to check my kid into rehab! (c)
“Rich, Entitled, Delusional … Families 101.” (c)
(Would someone actually play the didgeridoo while sitting on the loo?) (c)
I hate to point out the obvious, but here’s this tiny bird that’s been trying to get through a huge bulletproof glass wall. A totally impossible situation. You tell me it’s been here every day pecking away persistently for ten minutes. Well, today the glass wall came down. …
“Okay, so what would the blue jay do?” Nick asked.
“He would never give up trying. He would take an impossible situation and make everything possible.” (c)
“Could you ask your driver to step on his gas pedal and just run me over right now? Tell him to make it quick.” (с)
Profile Image for Liz.
2,472 reviews3,350 followers
November 1, 2017
This is soap opera light literature. It’s fun and easy, a beach read. However, someone picked this for our book club, and I’m wondering what the hell there is to discuss.

While Nick is an only child, this book encompasses his extended family. Keeping track of all the names and relationships can be a bit of a challenge. I almost wanted a scorecard. Nick works as a history professor in the States. Most of his family either doesn’t work or “works” for the family business and one of the interesting points is how the different characters handle their wealth and to what extent they feel entitled.

Think Dynasty or Dallas for the 21st century. It’s materialism taken to the nth degree; like a house with a living room designed to recreate Versailles Hall of Mirrors. Or closets with different temperatures. Who knew leather needed it’s own temp control? And I admit to being so out of it that I didn’t even recognize half the brand labels.

This is a fast read. There are some laugh out loud moments. A lot of groans. Kwan has a definite tongue in cheek style. But like eating a dessert that’s too sweet, a little bit of this goes a long way. By the end, I admit I was skimming over some of the more decadent descriptions. But like sugar, there is also an addictive quality to this book. I kept picking this book up, reading just a bit more, anxious to see how it ends. And therein lies one of the problems. I know this is the first book in a trilogy, but most of the stories are left hanging. You really get no sense of how they will end. Which couples will get to live happily ever after? You’ll need to read book two and I wasn’t enthralled enough to invest the additional hours.

Profile Image for Louise.
968 reviews308 followers
August 10, 2016
They are crazy and they are rich. That is pretty much all I got out of it. 10% in and I can't stand to read any more of this vapid book. Somehow it was not the guilty pleasure I was looking for. Returning it back to the library.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
September 7, 2018
The movie version of Crazy Rich Asians was so good it gave me chills. It had EVERYTHING: hot men, amazing costumes, comedy, romance, and an ending that I was squealing over.

So, of course, as a die-hard bookworm, I assumed the book would be even better. I was wrong.

The style of the book really didn't work for me. So many POV changes and over-the-top drama. I felt like I was reading a soap opera, and soap operas aren't my thing. It lacked the humor of the movie, the stunning visual effects of the movie, and the wow-factor of the movie. It just wasn't the same.

In this case, film wins, as painful as that is to admit.

Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
February 28, 2019
I’ve shared this story before - many times. Just not in a review.

I met the author -Kevin Kwan when he first wrote this book. He was great! I took my signed physical book home - sure I’d enjoy the book.
I wasn’t enjoying the characters or the drama - so I tossed it aside.
A couple years later - everybody was reading this book. I started seeing raving reviews. So I picked up my book to read again… And I had the same problem
Just not crazy about CRAZY RICH ASIANS.......AS A BOOK.....

MY 3rd attempt!
I downloaded the library Audiobook - nope - still never made it to the end. By now I knew the characters better, though. But the whole premises bored me.
THEN....I saw the movie....and LOVED IT! REALLY LOVED IT!

But - no - I’m not going to try a 4th time to read the book. I’m dropping my copy off at “The little Library” box a few houses down. That’s it - done! No interest in reading the follow up books either.
I still think the author is a great guy though! Glad he has many reading fans.

I bring this review & my gut truths forward today ..... déjà vu..... as I’m having the same ‘so so’ experience with
another book I’m about to DNF....

EXPECT TO SEE *TWO* DNF books from me today....
Same problems are showing up for me in: “Family Trust”, by Kathy Wang.

In BOOK FORM... sarcasm and stereotyping just kind of gets to me and I don’t feel the sincerity enough. I'm discovering that qualities I enjoy and movies are not always the same qualities I enjoy in books.

I had the same problems with “Little Fires Everywhere”, by Celeste Ng, ......( everyone seemed to love the book more than I did)
But in that case I did finish it......and still rated it 4 stars, for excellent writing.
I’m guessing I’ll enjoy the MOVIE of LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE *more*.

It’s me - not others - not the books-
I’m not a big Bill Bryson fan either..... there are some types of humor/sarcasm/stereotyping… That I don’t enjoy as much as others.

Thanks for reading this vent if you did....
Now to write one more DNF review.

Not complaining- I mean no problem for me if I don’t like a book - I know it happens - and moving on gets easier to do for me today. I no longer feel the need to stay with any book I want to drop for any reason

Maybe this is just another step of learning in my own ‘late bloomer’ reading experience. I trust ‘myself’ more today to be able to let a book go than I did when I was more of a newbie die hard reader.
It’s READING that taught me this lesson.....
“I’ll keep reading until the day I die, but I can also let some books go, too”!
Profile Image for enqi ☾⋆˚*̣̩✩.
336 reviews1,000 followers
May 25, 2024
🐋🐚☾⋆⁺₊ PRE-READ ♡
Was assigned this book as required reading for my asian lit class..... and since it features my home country (Singapore) I'm even more excited!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Profile Image for Madeline.
794 reviews47.9k followers
June 10, 2017
After being briefly obsessed with the Gossip Girl book series in high school, and then the show a few years later (and then abandoning it once Georgina reappeared with Dan's baby god that show was trash and I loved it), this seemed like the next logical step. Crazy Rich Asians is Kevin Kwan trying his hand at the ever-popular genre that can best be summed up as "hey look, rich people!" The fact that the rich people featured here are all based in Singapore, rather than America or Europe, gave the book an interesting dimension and gives Kwan a chance to (briefly) touch on deeper issues of prejudice and toxic social norms within the rich Singaporean community.

Our heroine is Rachel Chu, an economics professor who gets invited to spend a few months in Singapore with her boyfriend of two years, Nicholas Young. It seems to be a perfectly normal trip: Nick's best friend is getting married, and he wants to bring Rachel home to attend the wedding and meet his family. Once the couple arrives, however, Rachel gradually realizes that Nick hasn't been completely honest about the circumstances of their trip - Nick, it turns out, is part of one of the richest families in Asia, and the wedding they're attending is going to be one of the most expensive events in recent memory. Also Nick's grandmother lives in an estate (that's hidden even on Google maps) where she's waited on by two lady's maids and protected by armed guards. This is a world where women get together for Bible study to trade stock tips and compare their latest jewelry purchases, where Nick's cousin takes a trip to Paris every year to buy herself a new couture wardrobe, and a bachelorette weekend involves jetting off to a private island in Indonesia owned by the bride's mother.

In short: wealth porn. Dirty, nasty, xxx wealth porn.

At his best, Kwan is giving us a poor man's Bride and Prejudice (the movie that is, itself, a poor man's Pride and Prejudice) - in short, a cheap knockoff of a cheap knockoff. He's trying very hard for an Austen-like feel, in all the scenes where Rachel is scrutinized and gossiped about by everyone in Nick's family, who are all determined not to let him get further involved with someone they think is beneath him. One of the best scenes, that comes closest to the kind of story I think Kwan is trying to write, has Rachel listening in awe as a group of women kindly tell their friend that it's not even worth her time to marry a man worth only a few millions - and then they proceed to itemize all of her future expenses, from country club fees to private school tuition, to illustrate why this millionaire is too poor to support her lifestyle. Moments like these, that provide realistic glimpses into the world of the super-rich, are the best part of the book, but there aren't many of them.

This story got repetitive very quickly. First, Kwan's descriptions of the luxury Rachel witnesses don't vary much, so you end up reading a lot of lines about "the most delicious dessert Rachel had ever eaten" and "the biggest house Rachel had ever seen" and "the most luxurious this" and "the most expensive that." After a while, your eyes just sort of glaze over.

Another problem was that I quickly realized that there are only three kinds of scenes in this book, and Kwan just keeps repeating them with different characters and settings. Scene 1: Rachel and/or Nick go to some fancy location so the reader can gawk at the luxury along with the characters. Scene 2: Characters talk about how awful Rachel is, and trade gossip we've already heard. Scene 3: a side character has a scene unrelated to Rachel, Nick, or the main plot. Two of Nick's cousins each have their own subplot in this book, and both storylines don't really go anywhere interesting - but I guess that's what the sequels are for.

The ending was kind of jarring, too, because it was a completely different tone from the rest of the book. While most of Crazy Rich Asians is a fluffy romp through Rich People Land, with some fun backstabbing and gossip to keep things interesting, the last few chapters take a hard left turn into Harrowing Family Dramaville, and it suddenly turns into a bad Joy Luck Club knockoff. And it happens way, way too late in the story, so the book is over before we get a chance to adjust to the new tone - it never worked for me, and I suspect Kwan did it because he couldn't think of another way to end the book.

So overall, I was lukewarm on this one. But apparently there's going to be a movie version, and I'm excited about it for two reasons. First, I read somewhere that Constance Wu from Fresh Off the Boat is going to play Rachel, which is perfect - Rachel is kind of dull in the book, but she has flashes of sass and strength that Wu will be able to bring out. No idea who they're getting to play Nick, but he'd better be just oozing charisma, because Book Nick is basically a cardboard cutout that character tote around and prop up during scenes.

I'm also really excited to see this movie because I think this story is much more suited to a visual format - if we can just see the exotic, luxurious locations, that's better than having to sit through Kwan's dull descriptions. Plus, this book is so light on actual plot that they could probably condense it down to ninety minutes and wouldn't lose much.
Profile Image for Baba.
3,818 reviews1,272 followers
August 28, 2021
Overachieving New York economist, American-Chinese Rachel Chu is off to a wedding in Singapore with her dream of a catch boyfriend Nick; Nick who has somehow never mentioned that he is from one of the most powerful families in the Far East with a very powerful and controlling grandma/matriarch; that the wedding is the biggest media and celebrity event in years; and that all his peers are super-rich old or new money!

I suppose I was waylaid by the book's title and the book's popularity in thinking that I would really enjoy this book! In reality this is a very flashy 'E for Entertainment' style of dare I say 'chick-lit', with a Sino-Asian setting and cast. Now don't get me wrong, the book is interesting and at times enlightening, looking at a fictionalised view of the Sino-Asian super rich, but ultimately it is soooo Western-centric and blatantly written for a Western audience and indeed the book has been adapted into the movie that I feel it might have been partially written for. I just think it's such a fabulous book title that could have been put to much better use! Don't get me started on the multiple and excessive use of racial/nationalist, gender and generational stereotypes and tropes, there's nothing new here! It's however, a sound enough constructed reality for me to want to go on and read the rest of the trilogy. 6 out of 12 (3 star read). I mean... it did take me 4 our months to finish!
162 reviews99 followers
July 28, 2023
This book is
60% descriptions of expensive shit
30% people talking about expensive shit
9.999% people gossiping about other people who own expensive shit
0.001% story and character-building
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39,335 reviews

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