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Lovely Vicious #2

Forget Me Always

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It's been nineteen days since Isis Blake forgot about him. The boy she can't quite remember. She's stuck in the hospital with a turban-size bandage on her head, more Jell-o than a human being should ever face, and a tiny bit of localized amnesia. Her only goal? To get out of this place before she becomes a complete nut job herself. But as Isis's memories start to return, she realizes there's something important there at the edges of her mind. Something that may mean the difference between life and death. Something about Sophia, Jack's girlfriend. Jack Hunter-the "Ice Prince"-remembers everything. Remembers Isis's purple hair and her smart-ass mouth. Remembers that for a little while, Isis made him feel human. She made him feel. She burned a hole in the ice . . . and it's time to freeze back up. Boys like him don't deserve girls like her. Because Jack is dangerous. And that danger might be the only thing protecting her from something far more threatening: her past.

Audio CD

First published November 1, 2016

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About the author

Sara Wolf

22 books3,527 followers
Sara Wolf adores baking, cats, and screaming helpfully at her own imagination. When she was a kid she was too busy eating dirt to write her first terrible book. Twenty years later she mashed her fists on a laptop and created the Lovely Vicious series. She lives in Portland, Oregon where the sun can't get her anymore.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 873 reviews
Profile Image for Navdha.
605 reviews83 followers
July 19, 2018
This is going to be a very spoiler filled rant review with a lot of cussing in about every other line for every other character. It’s a mixed review for both Lovely Vicious and Savage Delight. It’s going to be long.
*gives a pointed look* You’ve been warned.

This series is one of those that I truly despise but can’t seem to give up on. There are actually quite a few reasons for that.

Reason #1:

The books are really really short, like I can finish them in a single sitting short. And that is just reason enough for me to read them since I have a GR challenge to complete.

Reason #2:

These stories have a tendency to end in a way that I just have to know what happens next. They make my ugly curious streak flare up and I just gotta know dammit!!

Reason #3:

I’m a sick masochist. >_<

Anyway, let’s start with reasons of why I despise this book, shall we?
*rubs hands together*

Reason #1: The unrealistic story

Okay, so this story is set up in a high school right? A high school where the administration and the teachers have an authority over the students, right? Where teachers are supposed to act mature even if they aren’t, right? Sadly though, this series forgot to get the memo.

In the last book we saw the Principal pasting butt crack flaunting pictures of one of his student for another student all over the school. We also saw a student march in the middle of a class to throw a fit and fling a few cuss words at another fellow student while the teacher just stood back and watched. Then we saw a Math teacher checking out the ass of a student while another student snapped at the teacher for doing so, making the teacher back away. If any of you were bothered by that, or were hoping it wouldn’t be the case in this book, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you that it doesn’t get any better. We see Isis being disrespectful and outright rude to her Principal on several occasions. Even though that moron deserves it, I’m not able to comprehend why Isis hasn’t be suspended for her filthy mouth.

But that’s just one of the reasons why I say that the story is unrealistic.

So high school students means teenagers, doesn’t it? I’m reading a book about teenagers. I have to remind myself that several times because either they’re acting like nonsensical kids rambling shit or bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. It doesn't make sense! It's aggravating!

Reason #2: The despicable characters

I hate every character in this book. Seriously. I have reasons for hating every one of them. In fact I’m going to write down my reason for hating each one of them. I’m tired of stating reasons but I can’t seem to stop.

I don’t remember having read a single book that has annoyed me as much as this one cause of the characters and the characters alone. So I’m going to list down each character and their characteristics/flaws.

1) Isis:
- Chronic illness of being a blabber mouth
- Questionable habit of snooping into others business
- Feeling sorry for herself
- Being annoying in general

If I actually met Isis in real life, I would either drown her in chloroform or shoot her, whichever was convenient at that given moment. This girl needs to learn to shUT THE FUCKING HELL UP! You’re traumatized? I get it. You’re trying to cope with life by building a cocoon around yourself? I get it. Even though you don’t get tired of pointing out how fucking fabulous you are every waking moment of every day, you’re insecure and trembling inside? I get it too! But please, for the love of God, stop speaking or I’ll cut your tongue out.

2) Jack (the Jackass):
- Unfathomable professional choice of whoring out
- Absurd habit of being a colossal dick to everyone other than Sophie
- Being a rage monster

I cannot pretend to understand or appreciate Jack whoring himself out for helping Sophie. He chose to become an escort because it was easy? Convenient? Didn’t have any other option? Wasn’t his mother loaded? Even if I assume that he didn’t wanna borrow any money from his mother, wasn’t he a genius? Couldn’t he use his genius to.. I don’t know, develop an app and sell it for millions? I don’t get it but whatever. What really ticks me off though is how he justifies his infidelity. Even though he loves Sophie since middle school and has had a baby with her, he thinks it is okay to sell his body since he doesn’t “feel” anything for the women he fucks. Besides that, he makes out with Isis when he’s dating Kendra-what’s-her-name? Oh and if his devotion towards Sophie is so absolute, why the fuck does he secretly harbor feelings for the creepy girl who stalked him? Dude, what in the world is wrong with you???

You make me sick.

But anyway, the only thing I tolerate about Jack is that he gives it up to Isis straight. He doesn’t beat around the bush and calls her out on her bullshit. He is mean, arrogant, pompous and just as fucked up as Isis. They can both go fuck themselves.

3) Sophie:
- Dying cause of that incident that fried up her nervous system..?
- Unhinged and bitter cause of that incident/illness
- A pretentious fuck
- A selfish little bitch

She was supposed to be sweet.
She wasn’t.

She was supposed to love Jack like a brother according to her letter to Jack in Lovely Vicious.
She didn’t.
They’d had sex.
Many times.

She was supposed to respect her love for Jack by going through the surgery that he had whored himself out for.
She didn’t.

That uncaring, insensitive, tactless, inconsiderate piece of shit jumped off a balcony! I’d be glad that she died if I wasn’t seething.

4) Avery:
- Being a lying piece of scum
- Opportunistic, irascible and crazy
- A stereotyped, depressed, popular she-devil.

I mostly didn’t have the energy to despise her because I was busy hating everyone else. Although.. She does deserve accolades for being the most spiteful, resentful and obnoxious prick.

Since this has gone out of hand, I’ll wrap up by saying that Kendra-what’s-her-face is a bimbo, Isis’ mom is a parasite and needs to grow a pair, the Principal needs to learn some manners and Wren can stay just as he is because he is the only normal teenage guy in the book.

Reason #3: The ending(s)

I can’t seem to grasp how one moment nothing is going wrong in the book with Isis being incoherent and rude, glaring at Jack while he is being depressed and exasperated and then next moment, BAM! The book is about to end/has ended with something gone terribly wrong, leaving the reader disoriented with a general wtf-happened expression on his face. I am not a fan of such endings. Endings of that sort eventually lead to me writing long pissed off reviews stating reasons of why the said book pissed me off. It’s a vicious cycle that I love and hate at the same time.

Anyhoo, after my incessant grumbling, I should admit that the writing style of the author is to be blamed for getting me hooked. It is simple yet engrossing and captivating. That is the only reason I’m rating this book 2 stars.

Gah! I’m finally done with this review!

Now the wait for the next one starts ....
Profile Image for Christine Alibutud.
502 reviews85 followers
August 18, 2016
[Updated book review - 29 May 2016]

2014 seemed so far away from 2016, but Savage Delight (now re-published as Forget Me Always) was just as witty and hilarious as I remembered it to be. I told myself that I'd only reread Lovely Vicious (now re-published as Love Me Never), but really, I should've known better than to fool myself I'll be able to resist me some Isis & Jack. Man, I still love those two like nothing has passed! So glad I decided to read this series again!


"Light meets dark..."


"...Secrets meet truths."




HEY ISIS BLAKE! Do you remember anything? Does the name Jack Hunter ring a bell to you?

How about now??


Good! Not only are your memories restored, but Mr. Ice Prince McHottie Pants is also icing his icy way back!

But that's not the only thing that's back.

The past haunts not only Isis and Jack, but also Wren, Kayla, Avery, and Sophia. New characters, new mysteries, problems, secrets, hidden truths, shocking discoveries, dirty playing tactics, and just A WHOLE LOT tangle up with the mess their past brings. And of course, Nameless is back in the picture.

I won't babble too much so as not to spoil the good stuff, BUT DAMN THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD READ!!! I couldn't put it down, that's how good it is!!! Just like Lovely Vicious, every part was written with wit and I loved it!!! This second installment was just as good as the first one, and I can't wait for the third! Again, the story was done brilliantly, and the conflict was written in a clever manner. Of course, I loved Jack & Isis, AND YES I SHIP THEM OH SO HARD!!! The other characters were just as beautifully written, and they all had appealing personalities!



Isis' amnesia moments

All the "Please remember!!" moments

When Isis finally had her memories back

Sophie's moments + Tallie (although Sophie had her crazy moments, I still loved her).

Wren moments + Kayla moments + Avery moments...Heck, even Knife-Kid moments!!

The mysteries of the past!


Jack.....JUST JACK <3


The continued "war" between Jack and Isis

Isis' vulnerability because of Nameless

Jack's love for Isis (I am officially swoon-ified!!)

Jack and Isis' sweet moments


Me after reading this book:


Again, loved this installment to death!!!!! Gave me a good laugh, a good cry, and just over-all a good time!!!

But that ending just left me hanging!!! AND I AM DYING!!! I NEED THE NEXT BOOK!!!!!!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
233 reviews63 followers
Want to read
December 4, 2013

I looooooooooooooved Lovely Vicious and now I dying for Savage Delight. Only 57 days!!
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,107 reviews1,158 followers
January 20, 2015

I was only mildly shocked by the ending and a teensy-weensy disappointed because although I foreshadowed that the event was gonna happen, I still hoped the author would possibly have optioned a different route. But I guess that particular ending was inevitable and perhaps for the best. But other than that, the book is perfect!!!

So perfect that Ryan Reynolds could kiss a man!hahaha. Because even if the love story and the entire plot were heavy, the characters particularly Jack and Isis, Isis especially, made everything light, entertaining and breathlessly funny. For that incredible reading experience, I thank you Ms. Sara Wolf. I've never encountered a crazier (huge compliment) writer.

Profile Image for bibliophile (Romance Addict) .
178 reviews172 followers
April 26, 2016

**5 WTF-Was-That-Ending Stars!

 photo tumblr_n3049hKcWl1sk4jxgo1_400.gif

Lovely Vicious by Sara Wolf. This is the second installment after Lovely Vicious.

“The sadness will last forever. And I think he was right, but I also think he was very, very wrong. It doesn’t last forever. Because we don’t last forever.”

This book comes after Lovely Vicious, and it is a completion after the crazy ending in book one. We also have a new character who played a big role in this book, Sofia.

If you've read the first book, you might have an idea on who's this, and why she's very important to the plot line. In this sequel though, she's one of the main characters. We learn more about her personality and the past. I must admit, Sofia is very twisted and can be borderline crazy. At the same time, I didn't hate her. I just feel sorry for her even though she's the crazy antagonist. To make it short, I don't know how to feel about her.

Again, I love this book's humor. 
The funny banters.
The plot was definitely very dark.
Yet, I laughed a lot while reading this.
There was so much more than that.
A crazy plot twist.
A crazy ending.
& it is a fast read.

I advice you don't read this review if you haven't read the previous book to avoid any spoilers. Especially if you're planning on reading this series.

So in this sequel, we follow Isis who is now suffering with amnesia. She was very traumatized. However, everything is normal except the fact that she doesn't know jack. She forgot the wars, and the connection she had with him.

“Jack doesn’t give a jackshit about me. No, wait, I got that backwards. I don’t give a jackshit about Jack the Shit.”

On the other hand, she meets Sofia. The girl she wanted to know so much about, but she doesn't even remember anything about her anymore. They soon become friends again, but to Isis's surprise, Sofia is hiding so many secrets. As her memory is coming back slowly, Isis discover all the lies and secrets.

As I have already stated, this book is short. I think it's a sidestep to prepare us for what's going to happen in Brutal Precious. I honestly can't wait to pick up the last book.

Another character that we got to know more about is Will Nameless. He's a jerk, and I wanted to punch his face so many times because he's a creep. We will definitely get to know him more in the third book, and I can't wait till Jack smashes his face. I'm getting too emotional.

Series: Lovely Vicious.
Author: Sara Wolf.
Book: Second book in the series.
Heroine: 5 Stars!
Hero: 4.5 Stars.
Plot: 4.5 Stars.
Plot Twist: 5 Stars.
Ending: 5 Stars. (I was like WTF?)
Cute Scenes: There was only one cute scene, I wanted more!!
Hot Scenes: Doesn't exist!! (This isn't bad in this book since we are in transition to another place & a new journey. So I don't mind it.)
Overall: 5 STARS!!
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,466 reviews85 followers
July 6, 2015
Hmmmmm.... I'm really confused! I don't know what i'm felling right now....

It starts like that...

and after a while i became so much angry...

I wanted so bad to slap Sofia in some point...

I wanted to strangle Nameless or...

I wanted to shake up Isis...

And i wanted to hung and comfort my sweet Jack!!!

Oh! I almost forget it... I like you knife-guy, I really do, dude!!!!

And when i was about saying HALLELUJAH...

Then.... Bang!

Oh, FUCK!!!!

Everything collapse...

and i fell to the bottom...

and i become like that...

Why the hell, is everything against them???

First, was the amnesia... The pain in my chest was unbearable...

Secondly, too many secrets...

And finally, it seems that almost everyone is against them...

My poor, Isis... You have to get over the shitty attitude of Nameless and give a chance to Jack...

And my lovely Jack,don't back off... Reclaim her harder!!!!

Please, Sara!!! Make me happy!!!

I can't stand anymore that burden in my heart!!!
Give me something good...

Profile Image for Penelope Douglas.
Author 40 books92.9k followers
February 18, 2014
Chewed this up faster than the first one. Same great Isis with a lot more intrigue. Not predictable at all.
Profile Image for Lazaros.
271 reviews598 followers
July 29, 2015
“The sadness will last forever. And I think he was right, but I also think he was very, very wrong. It doesn’t last forever. Because we don’t last forever.”

This was a decent follow up to the first book which I still hold dearly in my heart but in this one something felt off. First and foremost, I hate how the author categorized it as a novel despite its short length.

Isis is a really dark and twisted teenager and that's my favorite kind. However, she's snarky and sassy and sometimes doesn't think the consequences of saying whatever she feels like saying and ends up hurting people around her. I'm not saying that Jack, the cold king, doesn't deserve any of this but sometimes we have to draw a line at what is and isn't appropriate to say and more importantly when it's the right time to say it.

Although, Isis is an amazing character, I wish there were less snarky comments and more plot. At times, it felt like the storyline was being dragged on and I don't like overstretched scenes.

The rating is not objective. At all. To be honest, it's pretty harsh because the first book was flawless and I loved how different it was from other books of its kind. This one simply did not live up to my expectations. Sadly.

Something tells me, by the way the book ended, that the next one though is going to be more intriguing. Let's see.
Profile Image for Henz.
232 reviews77 followers
October 13, 2016
This sequel has gotten a bit depressing for me because of Sophia. I really hate her character since she made all things complicated, I know I shouldn't blame her but it drained all the fun in this book. Isis is still her usual awesome self despite being in a hospital for awhile. This girl is all sunshine and I just love her for it.

Jack on the other hand had turned icier and more brooding than ever but I love reading his POV, they're all lyrical and I'm such a sucker for guys being lyrical and broken at the same time. It makes me want to nurse him until he smiles. *sigh*

The ending is still predictable, there's also a lot of plot holes and some of the characters are left out but that didn't stop me from finishing it and reading the final book.
Profile Image for Sarah (thegirltheycalljones).
480 reviews299 followers
July 7, 2016
I can't. I just can't. This is so. Fucking. Bad.
No, it's not only bad. It's utterly ridiculous.
Actually, I've never read something this pathetic and stupid (oh, don't think I forgot about you, Abomination, but you've got a decent challenger here!)

Isis is 17 years old but behaves like a 7th-grader all the fucking time. Because she's so funny and special and fearless and eccentric! No, she's just plain irritating and dumb-as-fuck.
Nobody acts like she does, or when one does, he/she usually gets punched in the face. People like her are the reason why trivial news and statistics exist.
And how are we supposed to feel any chemistry between this childlike MC and the brooding-teen Love Interest who has the brains and thoughts of a 40 years old? They're the same age but the author managed to gross me out anyway.
Despite all the drama, I had zero sympathy for Isis. The only feeling I got while reading her think or speak was anger. I disliked her so much that I actually agreed with the villain, and that's a character you're supposed to hate!

It doesn't happen often to hate a MC so much that you actually hope she will die and suffer a lot while dying, you know? Well, here's the only award you'll ever get, Isis Blake. Take it and fuck off.

I DNFed it too quickly to have anything else to say.
No offense are meant to the people who enjoyed this book, it is - obviously - only my (angry) opinion.

Profile Image for Siobhan ™.
Author 93 books9,111 followers
September 8, 2016
Another superb read from the phenomenally talented Sara Wolf. This series packs plenty of punch. What I love most about it is the complex characterization, witty dialogue, and angst-filled romance that had me biting my nails to the bone!

My heart bled for Isis and Jack in this one. Just as they seemed to have come to an understanding, Isis can't remember who Jack is and he feels like it's his fault for the way he's treated her. I spent the whole book praying that her memories of him would return so that all would be right with the world.

Sophia plays more of a central part in this story, and the mystery that was introduced in the first book is revealed here. There were elements of the plot that I had already guessed, which was a bit of a bummer, but there was enough going on with other sub-plots that were left-of-field to compensate for same.

Does it make me a nasty person that I thought of making a voodoo doll of Sophia and sticking her with pins until she just evaporated? Because she was seriously getting on my wick in this book. Yes, I know I'm coming across as very insensitive but she was standing in the way of true love, and I will always champion true love.

Like the last book, I did predict the ending, but it was still a shocker. I'm known for loving my cliffhangers and my teen angst so this book was a pretty perfect read.

I hope I don't have to wait too long for the next one as I'm already on tenterhooks waiting to find out what happens next. I have a feeling Jack is going to blame himself and push Isis away and I think I might be throwing a few temper tantrums before this series concludes.

Overall, this was another fab read and I highly recommend it to fans of witty, edgy, slightly dark, YA contemporary romance.

Thanks to Entangled Teen for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Perks Of Being A Fangirl.
280 reviews48 followers
March 2, 2014
What I will be doing with the rest of my day...anybody else?


After waiting months for this book I really hoped that this will solve everything between Isis, Jack and Sophia. Unfortunately it doesn't. This book had me laughing at the ridiculous things Isis says to damn right frustrated but I thoroughly enjoyed all the emotions it left.

My favourite quote from this book is:

'The sadness will last forever. And I think he was right, but I also think he was very, very wrong. It doesn't last forever. Because we don't last forever.'


UPDATE: 27/12/13


This is what I say to this book

Profile Image for Brittany.
1,094 reviews156 followers
January 28, 2019
5 Stars!

“The sadness will last forever. And I think he was right, but I also think he was very, very wrong. It doesn’t last forever. Because we don’t last forever.”


This series is hitting me hard. The struggles and heart-wrenching-ness of it all.. I FEEL IT. And it hurts a bit. These books are SO MUCH FUN but also, sad and pack a punch. There is so much wisdom flying around in the pages, its almost therapeutic, in a crazy way.

In this book we get to know Jack a little more. Book 1 was mainly about Isis. We dive deeper into his realm and get to know why hes the way he is, and what makes him tick. I loved the interactions between him and Isis. I have zero clue what is in store for them, and I am on pins and needles waiting to find out.

The cliffhanger was predictable, but still a shock if that makes sense- I could feel it coming but was yelling at the book trying to get the words to disappear from the page.. so that it would not happen. But obviously that was a waste of breath because, said cliffhanger, happens anyway... I'm sad there is only one book left I'm going to miss all these characters so much!! Except Nameless- I think everyone who reads this will agree.. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! I need him to burn!!
Profile Image for Vasiliki.
446 reviews28 followers
November 6, 2016
5 stars!

ARC kindly provided by Entangled Publishing, LLC via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

The book goes with story exactly was left in Love me Never! The plot was great and lots of questions are answered! I need to point out that the story deals with a couple of really sensitive issues and it's done nicely but it's not for everyone!

They were surprises and twists and characters that are funny, serious, mature and immature! Ms. Wolf has written a fantastic YA/NA book that gave me fast heart beating, sleepless nights and physical pain! In other words, this book made me feel alive and I cannot thank Ms. Wolf enough for it!

Isis has changed in my eyes. Yes, she is still herself with her witty comments and fast talk but her heart starts opening up and it's beautiful to watch her to grow in such a way! I really love her!

Jack mainly broke my heart every time I was reading his POV. I couldn't understand his reasons before, but I understand everything now and I love him too! He used to be the Ice Prince but he is actually warmer than fire!

Their interactions gave me life! Beautiful! There was tension and feelings and everything I wished for! I cannot see how the future of Isis and Jack will be but I really need to know.

However the end of the book left me a big hole in my heart! I don't know how I will find the strength to wait until the next installment of this series with everything that happened! The last chapter, Wren's POV was just amazing and really set up everything for the next book!

I definitely recommend this book to everyone who loves a good YA/NA with a bit of darkness and lots of pain!
Profile Image for Noodle.
306 reviews44 followers
October 26, 2015
With this second book, I felt we got to delve a little deeper into the inner working of Jack Hunter. The first book was majorly told by Isis, with little bits of Jack while this book had a little more of him and I throughly enjoyed him. I'm now also in love with Jack. Like a lot.

“You were thinking out loud. About sex. Has it been a recent event for you? Congratulations. Who's the lucky man?"
"Sea slug," I correct, and sit on a chair. Warily.
"I was trying to be nice."
"Don't. You suck at it.”

Reread: October 15th 2015
Profile Image for starryeyedjen.
1,719 reviews1,267 followers
March 29, 2018
I'm reviewing the last two books in this series together because I didn't even take a breath after the second before diving into the third after THAT ending, and so it all kinda blurs together for me. My husband asked me last night when I was halfway through the audio for Remember Me Forever what I was reading and then before I could respond, he said, "What's that look for? You don't want to tell me the name of it?" But it wasn't that. It's just that I had no idea how to put into words what I was reading. I wasn't even sure if I liked it, but I was compelled to keep reading. It vaguely reminded me of the Never Never series by Colleen Hoover and Taryn Fisher, the way the story unfolded, how it was told from two perspectives, and how abruptly each book ended. As a whole, I really liked the story, however unbelievable certain aspects remained. I appreciated how blatantly real Isis was, how she'd just blurt anything out or realize she'd been talking to herself out loud with no shame. I liked how Jack thawed his Ice Prince persona when she was around. I love that after everything, that banter and dry wit was still there, despite how broken these two characters were in the beginning and how far they've come. I think this is the kind of story you have to be in the right frame of mind for because on surface level, it's quite ridiculous. But it does cover some serious ground and make some very important points along the way.
December 3, 2015
This review is ever so slightly shorter.

The beginning is or was horrible. Didn't like it. consequences: 3 stars.

She is struggling to remember everything, thanks to amnesia, thanks to her concussion, thanks to Leo. In reality, she only forgot everything that had to do to Jack. Yes. Reeeaaally nice(sarcasm level 22).

The rest of the book was OK/better. I just didn't like Sophia, Soappy, or what-ever her name was.

Mira aaaaaaaand *drumroll* James, were great. Everything that had to do with the hospital, except for Sophia (repetitive much?)

The last half, and the parts without Sophia were great. I would have left her. Isis is fucking hilarious still. She doesn't yet make any sense to me, or any-one on the planet who speaks, or thinks. There isn't a person who eill get her drift. Maybe monkeys. After listening (reading what she says) i have to stop and catch my breath, my brain can't keep up with her. Yes, she's crazy, but she is traumatized. Being crazy is part of her charm.

I know for a fact the next book is better.
Profile Image for VB.
154 reviews
July 22, 2017
Uhh... I freaking LOVED it!! This book left me speechless, soo many stuff revealed. Like damn sara where do you come up with this stuff?
When is the third book comig out I NEED to know... I also need more jack and isis romance like hardcore romace....
This whole series is fantastic! Jack and Isis are incredible characters soo entertaining and witty. I SHIP them soo much!!
Sara please put a date on the third book im dying with that cliffhanger, like say whatttttt?!!!!! (But I secretly love cliffhangers- I know im a masochist)
Profile Image for Bluebamboo.
362 reviews
March 19, 2017
DISCLAIMER: this book/series is a total MAKJANG ALERT!

...(for those not in the know [i.e., who aren’t total nerds like me], “Makjang” refers to extremely cheesy and cliché props used in Korean Soap Dramas when storywriters run out of ideas to make the story go on. These include: an accident+hospital scene+amnesia (they’re in love, but she doesn’t remember him!); a dark, sexy hero that has commited a murder (that ends up, as we find out, not being a murder, so he ends up actually being a nice guy...); secret badboy billionaires who apparently spend their whole time trolling around seducing desperate, broke but pure good girls; etc. etc. etc., et j’en passe. )

Let me recap the whole two books for you.


First of all it starts with your typical “CandyGirl” à la “Boys over Flowers”/Hana Yori Dango FF heroine, who, just like in Boys over Flowers, is a very poor girl who lives in a very small, broken down house, has a mom she takes care of instead of the other way around, etc. At a party, she punches the hot, unattainable playboy guy at school to defend the virtue of her newfound best girlfriend, which makes so he notices her:


Then, she spends the rest of the book acting like a dork and bullying him/being bullied by him because she decided that the one comment he made once about her newfound best girlfriend (that she’s known for all of 2 minutes before punching him) makes so that he’s the devil himself!



Her dorkiness and quasi-psycho antics makes everyone who’s everyone in school like her, instead of running away like sane people would do.


Of course, the normal reaction of the hot, bad guy is that he falls in love with her (why?) instead of thinking she belongs in a padded cell.


(he falls in love-ish with her, even though she put weed in his locker and called the police just because she wanted to piss him off? That, after she discovers he’s PROSTITUTING HIMSELF FOR MONEY, and therefore doesn’t have such a great life, and doesn’t deserve being bullied by her just because he’s a guy? What kind of horrible person does that?)

Then she gets attacked, he comes to rescue her out of the blue but he’s too late, so she gets hurt.


After a week in coma (clichéééé), she wakes up in a hospital and doesn’t remember him.


That makes him sad.



Unbeknownst to her, because her memory is gone, CandyGirl befriends the HotGuy’s ex-girlfriend in the hospital. ExGirl pretends she doesn’t know that Candy and HotGuy are totally in lurrve, and instead tells Candy Girl that HotGuy is really her own boyfriend to try and sabotage them.

[image error]

When CandyGirl remembers HotGuy, that makes her sad and she thinks he played her while having a girlfriend.


And then you find HotGuy and ExGirl had a baby together 5 years ago (even though they are 17, so that makes so she was 4 months pregnant when they were 12 years-old??!), and then there’s a dead baby skeleton CandyGirl unearths in the wood and goes to talk to (that’s freaky), and then there’s the mob who want to force-recruit HotGuy because, quote “he got accepted into Harvard” (?), and then, and then...... well, I couldn’t read anymore.


A question for you:

What kind of 17 years-old high school student gets their girlfriend pregnant at 11-12 years old, goes to High School full time, gets grade good enough to get into Harvard, while all the while doing a full-time escort job and, oh, I don’t know, ALSO BEING AN UNDERGROUND BOXER ON THE SIDE?

The answer: NO ONE.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t have any patience for writers who so obviously think their readers are all idiots.

Don’t trust the Goodreads rating for this book and do the smart thing: run away.

Profile Image for Alaina.
6,687 reviews213 followers
May 4, 2018
I am dealing with mixed emotions and feelings after this book.

I'm happy.
I'm sad.
I laughed so much because it was hilarious.

I definitely have a love hate relationship with this book and the characters within it. Yup, I've said it. I wanted to slap some characters silly. I wanted to shake them silly. I wanted to laugh at them. Yeah, I am an emotional mess right now.

Isis was probably the most likable one. Yet, she frustrated the shit out of me too. She could say the funniest things though at the weirds points in the book but then again, Isis is still the same character. No matter what.

Then there was Sophia, who ugh.. man I hated the shit out of her. I honestly don't have a lot to say about her other than hating her stinking guts. I also just want to punch her repeatedly. She kept screwing things up and just made everything overly-complicated. Again, she annoyed the fuck out of me.

Jack, was lovable in my eyes. Yeah he's still his brooding self but I just loved his POV!. Now if the book was all from him I probably would've loved it a hell of a lot more. However, it wasn't and that is why I severely enjoyed his parts way more than anyone else's.

Overall, this book was way predictable. It was hilarious and awkward. I have no idea if I will remember anything about this series or the characters once I'm done.. but I also don't really care. It was meh to me and that's about it.
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
January 18, 2017
Oh for fuck's sake!!! Another God-awful cliffie from Hell. I mean, I saw that coming. And then I forgot it was coming. So when it actually came, it took me completely by surprise....
Now I have to wait 4 months. For fucking months for the conclusion on my dear awesomely awesome couple. GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I need to find books to occupy my brain until then.
I need lots and lots of amazing books to make me forget the blasphemy which is this ending until I get my grubby hands on Remember Me Forever . Omg.


After sleep, I'm still thinking of this ending. After sleep, I'm still trying to come up with possible scenarios for what's to come in Remember Me Always. I know it was previously published under another title so many got to read it already but I've discovered this series too late and now that it's been edited and ready for publishing, I have to wait. Waaaaaaaaah!!!!

Anyway, I shall have a longer non-spoilery, more coherent review later today-ish. I'm just so glad I started this series. It'll go up on my top reads of 2017. And Jack fucking Hunter will go on my top book boyfriends. Seriously, this guy....he's just...he's...just.
No words.
Profile Image for Ru Reads.
5 reviews1 follower
October 28, 2016


Miss wolf I the first book left me mind blown and sad.....

but i still love the series

URGGGHH!!! release date please get here quicker



UPDATE 17/01/14

its now being released February the 10th??

i was really excited for today. i've never experienced this level of hurt before today

release date get here sooner!!!!
Profile Image for preppea.
268 reviews93 followers
March 20, 2014


That was…

I mean, I thought…


If you’ve been waiting for SAVAGE DELIGHT to fulfill all your pent up needs, wants and questions from LOVELY VICIOUS, you’ll have to wait a little longer. There is a book #3 and SAVAGE DELIGHT, while still extremely unique in its humor, tone, and personality, is very much a bridge rather than it’s own stand-alone entity.

SAVAGE DELIGHT picks up right where LOVELY VICIOUS left off, with Isis in the hospital suffering from lacunar amnesia, which has caused her to block Jack entirely out of her memory. Jack, who’d finally started to open up to another person, is devastated by the loss, though he also blames himself for Isis’ memory loss. Isis and Sophia become friends in the hospital and I never quite knew what to think of their relationship. I don’t know what is medically wrong with Sophia, or how Jack really feels about her, or whether I can trust her. I feel bad that she only has Jack and now Isis is standing in the way of their relationship. I begrudge Jack for falling for someone else at the same time that I root for him and Isis to finally be together.

I have to admit, I’m a little frustrated that I had no idea this was a trilogy. LOVELY VICIOUS I read in one sitting and didn’t realize until I tried to hit next page on my kindle and the book was over that it was not a stand-alone. Then in SAVAGE DELIGHT, I happened to look down at 58% and instantly knew there must be a third book because there was no way I was more than halfway to figuring out all the mysteries between Jack, Sophia, Wren, Avery, and Isis. The shortness of SAVAGE DELIGHT really makes me question why it wasn’t combined with book #3 or book #1 (LOVELY VICIOUS) instead of being spread out with such devastating cliffhangers.

While SAVAGE DELIGHT is thankfully nowhere near the cliffhanger LOVELY VICIOUS was, I feel that is partly due to the fact that SAVAGE DELIGHT to me never felt like it’s own story. It is a story full of mystery and it doesn’t reveal very much in regards to what has happened or what will happen in the future. I am at a loss, but I am also still fanatically in love with Isis and Jack. Their very unique personalities were even more apparent in SAVAGE DELIGHT and continued to expand and evolve.

I give SAVAGE DELIGHT 4.5 stars because it is immensely frustrating yet marvelously suspenseful all at once. I am still desperate to see what will become of everyone in this strange circle. I would recommend that everyone who fell in love with Isis in LOVELY VICIOUS read SAVAGE DELIGHT and anyone who hasn’t started the series definitely needs to start with the first book as soon as possible so they too can fall in love with these unique characters. (Though I say as soon as possible with a touch of trepidation because I would prefer to have read all three in one sitting so I can assuage my need for answers!!!)

**Complimentary copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

**Reviewed by preppea on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews.

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Profile Image for Lulai.
1,322 reviews158 followers
November 18, 2017
Un peu moins bon que le premier. Le ton du livre change beaucoup, il devient plus sombre plus dur. Du coup on sort de la romance classique présente dans le premier livre. Isis est toujours au top et on en découvre un peu plus Jack. La fin est dingue et j'ai hâte de lire le 3
Profile Image for Dalimar.
514 reviews24 followers
November 18, 2014
Con ésta trilogía tengo tantos sentimientos encontrados.No puedo negar que engancha,que es fácil de leer y es relativamente corta.Pero es que para mi gusto es tan,pero tan exagerada.La escritora quizo abarcar tanto tema,que luego no los supo desarrollar.Además quiere estirar demasiado lo que se sobreentiende.Principalmente aquí,el libro anterior me gusto más.Aquí todo es no como una telenovela,si no como una serie de TV de adolescentes Americana,tipo Dawson's Creed.

Tiene Spoilers

Para comenzar ya Isis me cansa tratando se hacerse la graciosa,porque en el primero lo fue en algunas ocasiones,pero en este se nota que todos los disparates que dice,son situaciones super forzadas.Nada es natural. La relación entre ella y su madre,que en el libro anterior me tenía encantada,en este me hartó.Su mamá aunque sale poco,ahora es una egoísta. Aquí vemos como ella abandona a Isis,cuando se divorcia del papá y la deja con la tía.Supuestamente por el abandono de sus padres,ella comienza a comer y ahí se obsesiona con SIN NOMBRE,pero este se aprovecha de ella y la viola.Al fin lo dice claro ,por que es mas que obvio que ella fue violada.Como lo es el que se cortara ( edito,esa era mi teoría,eso o que se había cortado las venas,la cuestión es que Sin NOmbre el desgraciado de Will la quemaba con cigarrillos.Ya hasta lo había olvidado,porque el resultado fue ese)Ya me tienen cansada dandole largas a eso.Si la autora quiere crear drama,que lo presente de una vez y deje de estirar tanto el tema.Pero obvio,En fin,ahora Isis tiene la mega oportunidad de ir a una de las mejores universidades y la madre no quiere que vaya.Por que la necesita.La cuestión con la agresión de su ex quedó en casi nada,pasó sin pena ni Gloria. Isis y Jack terminaron comiendo helado y el juicio como si no hubiera pasado,tres años de carcel y nada mas.

A Jack le hubieran desarrollado mucho mejor su papel de escort.La autora hubiera hecho el intento de al menos hacernos saber que se siente tener que ganarse el dinero para la operación de su novia de esta manera.La relacion entre él y Sophia es lo menos creíble. Ahora hasta padres fueron,por Dios como rayos unos mocosos van a tener una relación mas intensa que un adulto.Te puedo decir,entiendo el embarazo,porque es cuestión de biología.Pero Jack se pasa de ser un santo,estoy aquí esperando a que le salgan las alas. El se vende para ayudar economicamente a Sophia( que es una completa perra,la detesté.Ese papel de victima solo se lo cree Jack y la Isis, por perra es que es tan amiga de Avery) que se quedó sin nada ni nadie en el mundo y eso que supuestamente" ellos son de gente adinerada de Ohio.El le cocina a su mamá,a la mamá de Isis,es un buen Samaritano y un gran genio porque no se como lo hace,pero entre tanta cocinada y cuidada de gente,es un genio que todas las Universidades y todo el mundo lo quieren tener.Al igual que no hay mujer que se resista a sus encantos.Lo que me trae a cuestionarme como Kayla pasa de estar locamente enamorada de Jack,que andaba de rogona,humillandose por él,practicamente besando el piso en el que el pisaba a nada.De la noche a la mañana ya siente algo por Wren,el chico al que rechazaba porque no es popular.

Bueno en fin,puedo seguir y seguir con mas palabras y palabras para explicar la decepción que fue para mi esta historia,mas si la comparo a la anterior.Leeré el siguiente,pues como dije antes,no es que sea un mal libro,el problema es que a mi me lo recomendaron con lo maximo y nada que ver.Lo único que puedo salvar es que la relación entre Isis y Jack no fue un Insta-Love y si engancha,si entretiene,pero se tiene el riesgo de perder un ojo o quedar bizca de tanto ponerlos en blanco.
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,062 reviews826 followers
July 25, 2018
This series has gotten so much better with this second installment. After reading the first book in 2016, it stuck with me. Which is saying a lot since contemporary books don't tend to light my fire as much as a good fantasy or science fiction read. But this one stuck around. I finally decided to delve in and finish the series after a reread of the first book. I devoured the first book in one sitting, and this book was no different in that respect.

As I said in my review of the last book, this book is all about the characters. There is not much world-building, but enough to get the gist of where the characters are and what is going on in the story.

The characters are the reason that the reader is sucked into this story. The characters have really great development and they only get stronger as the series progresses. They have so much growth and I found myself falling in love with all of them. Even some of the side characters. (Knife Guy, anyone?)

The series plot really thickens in this book. It has a much more serious tone than the first book. So many things are brought to light, and there are lots of things that are creatively kept hidden to make the reader want more. While there were some things that I saw coming, there were definitely plot twists that I didn't foresee. I couldn't place the intentions of certain characters which made the read enticing and exciting.

This series has a lot of sensitive issues buried within. Topics such as rape, abuse, underage prostitution, self-harm, mental illness, PTSD, and more are present.

Overall, I am really liking this series. The characters really stick with you after reading. I would recommend this book to those that enjoy contemporary romance with a hate to love vibe. I wouldn't only recommend this to a more mature young adult audience because of the sensitive issues that are presented. I can't wait to see what happens in the final book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 873 reviews

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