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Candy Man #4

Tart and Sweet

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In the Army, Robbie Chambers turned on his lover out of fear—and he hasn’t been able to live with himself since. Now he’s out of the Army but still trapped in the closet that brought on his most cowardly moment, and he starts to think he’ll never be able to fight his way free.

Until he sees Cy McVeigh. Beautiful and uninhibited, Cy is dancing on the boardwalk at Old Sac for no other reason than the moment called for it. Robbie not only joins in the dance but is smitten from the very beginning.

However, Robbie still has old business to clear up, and when he helps out a kid in need and comes face-to-face with the man he betrayed, he’s forced to come clean with himself. He can’t redeem his mistake if he’s still locked into his old patterns, and he won’t ever be worthy of Cy if he can’t earn Adam’s forgiveness. He’s going to need all the help he can get from the people at Candy Heaven in order to make things right with his past so he can have a future with Cy.

220 pages, ebook

First published September 5, 2016

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About the author

Amy Lane

209 books3,440 followers
Amy Lane dodges an EDJ, mothers four children, and writes the occasional book. She, her brood, and her beloved mate, Mack, live in a crumbling mortgage in Citrus Heights, California, which is riddled with spiders, cats, and more than its share of fancy and weirdness. Feel free to visit her at www.greenshill.com orwww.writerslane.blogspot.com, where she will ride the buzz of receiving your e-mail until her head swells and she can no longer leave the house.

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August 17, 2016
This is the fourth (and, I suspect, the last) book in Amy Lane's fabulous Candy Man series.

I fell in love with Adam and Finn in book 1 and didn't want anyone to spoil their happy. When Robbie, Adam's ex (The One Who Broke Adam's Heart), becomes Finn's unlikely hero, no one is more surprised than Robbie.

Because Robbie lives and breathes regret. He's sorry about being a coward. Sorry for not standing up to his racist, homophobic parents. Sorry for living a lie. And especially sorry for turning his back on Adam when Adam needed him most.

Except Robbie isn't a bad guy. He's just the guy who takes the easy way out. Until he meets Cyril.

Cy is graceful and doesn't live in shame. He's unabashedly bi and femme. He's a dancer and dance teacher who busses at a nightclub on the side (passion doesn't always pay the bills). And he's willing to give Robbie a chance, willing to forgive—even when Robbie can't forgive himself.

This book has many elements that make Amy Lane one of my favorite authors in the genre: strong writing; witty dialogue; complex characters; a sense of community (all the guys from the previous books play at least a small role in Tart and Sweet, so do NOT attempt to read as a standalone); humor; plenty of hot & steamy; and a HEA.

But something was amiss here, and I'm having a hard time putting my finger on what specifically bothered me.

For one, I didn't like the way Cy's character was portrayed at the beginning: grooving on the street, not a care in the world. Cy talks a little jive and moves his hips like he was born to it. This felt ... well, stereotypical.

Mind you, Cy is smart. He becomes Robbie's rock, and Robbie earns his redemption. (He has to put up with Finn's wrath, and that is no small thing.)

Robbie's parents are bigots (but NICE bigots, the ones who don't mind black people but think they all look alike; you know the kind). Fortunately, we get a glimpse of Robbie's parents in chapter 1 and don't see them again until the end, when Robbie's mom at least attempts to be good, and Finn orders cheesecake.

Because cheesecake solves all problems.

I loved Robbie, and I loved Cy, but I didn't necessarily love them together. I wanted to believe in them as a couple, the way I believe in Adam and Finn, or Ezra and Miguel. But I wasn't feeling it, not entirely anyway.

Even so, I enjoyed the story. I liked the friendship and the cats, and Adam and Finn's bigass dog. I liked Robbie's friends from work and the way Cy trusted Robbie not to break his heart. The epilogue was a nice touch.

We can all breathe easy now, because these men will be okay. Pixy Stix never lie.

Profile Image for Jaime.
1,765 reviews308 followers
August 25, 2016
This is the 4th book in the Candy Man series - and while I really hope Amy Lane will give us more in the future, I think this may be the final book in the series - she has brought this series home with a completed circle that wraps up all lose ends very nicely!
candy gif
We start Tart & Sweet back in a familiar setting, Candy Heaven - where you will find every sweet treat you could ever want along with futures found in pixy stix by the owner, Darrin and his protege Ezra! So, this is the story of Robbie - we have heard a lot about Robbie and his past with Adam and now we are going to get his side of the story and watch as he carves out a little bit of happiness for himself in Sacramento. If you have not read the first three books in this series, you need to start with them because you are going to miss too much if you try to read this story without and while you might be able to amble through this story you won't appreciate it as much if you skip the first three. This book as mentioned before brings it all home - we get to see every single character that has previously had their futures foretold in sugary sprinkles and then we are introduced to two new people, Robbie (he isn't totally new but we get to know him in this book) and Cy.

Robbie happens to be in the right place at the right time after having a meal with his family and is introduced to the crew from Candy Heaven when he saves a young man who is struck by a car and carries him to the store to his boyfriend. The young man is Finn and his boyfriend of course is Adam - Adam, who Robbie is intimately familiar with and who he is hoping will forgive him for his behavior and treatment when they served together.  When Darrin and Ezra get a hold of Robbie they offer him a unique perspective on how he can either choose to work to get over his past or he can continue to let it ruin his future. Darrin asks Robbie  -


"Are you going to keep beating yourself with a licorice whip, or are you going to enjoy a Pixy Stix once in a while?"

If only we could all just have someone break it down so clearly for us - life would be so much easier, but anyways - Robbie chooses the Pixy Stix and happiness over continued self-flagellation. He has some huge things to face in this book such as telling his parents he is gay, making amends for the past, learning to forgive himself, figuring out what he wants to do with his life and the of course making a life for himself when the candy crumbles and the pixy dust settles.    Robbie meets his future, Cy, while Cy is dancing in the street in Old Town Sac - he is immediately drawn to the beautiful black man with the beautiful skin and the long, wild, hair - and its not only Robbie's eyes that find Cy appealing - no, other parts of Robbie's body wake up and take notice to of the beautiful man, too!
"This man's body screamed sex ...Cy could blow him right there on the dance floor.  He settled for taking Robbie's face in both hands and hauling him in for a kiss, and for that bubble moment, the kiss was all there was.  Sure, their bodies moved independently, still rocking audio-sex to a trance beat, but their mouths -- hot and hoppy, with an undertone of sour candy... Cy wanted more.  Robbie kissed him back like a man in the desert dying of thirst, or maybe just a man who'd needed a man and had been kissing a woman instead. ... This guy -- this guy--could be a keeper"

If that scene doesn't paint you a clear picture of the attraction and the chemistry between Robbie and Cy - then I don't know what would!

This book is full of classic Amy Lane style of writing.   With a unique style that mixes humor, witty commentary, unique characters, fun settings, and prose unlike many others - she adds in wickedly hot sex and a blending of her stories so the reader is wrapped up in the story and the feelings of the characters.  Amy's stories are masterfully written, each one is unique and throughout the course of the tale all of your emotions will be evoked so you feel like you have run a marathon at the end -- book-hangovers are a definite with Amy Lane.


I really don't want to give away too much about this story - but I will say, if its the end of the series I am completely happy with the way it is wrapped up.  I highly recommend this book and the entire Candy Man series both in written and audio-book formats and think you will really enjoy the characters and their stories.   I mean how could you not, hot guys - lots of love - and she includes cute little kittens (Jake) and a big ol' dog (Clopper) along with some new little furry friends we get to meet in this story!  So go grab this series and enjoy!! 5+ Stars!! A MUST read!!


¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•`*Review Copy provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Jaime from Alpha Book Club
description description
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews273 followers
August 17, 2016
With Tart and Sweet, we come full circle in the Candy Man series. Robbie is the guy that didn't just break Adam's heart, while he was still in the service, but served up a huge helping of humiliation to go along with it. Could Robbie be redeemed? Going in, I wasn't sure, but after reading Tart and Sweet, I can say, yes, definitely.

Robbie was a scared boy back then, when Adam was looking to him to come out and really have his back. Too scared to know if the possibility of losing everyone he thought cared about him was worth it. Too scared to be the man he wanted to be. The man Adam already was. Too scared and afraid that he, himself, wasn't worth it. So Robbie did the wrong thing and regretted it ever since. But before he can get his redemption, he needs to earn the forgiveness, of not just Adam, but of himself. And with that, he will be a long way in becoming that man he really wants to be and maybe even just find some happy of his own.

Cy was pretty happy with his life, already, when Robbie came along. He's a dancer and nothing makes Cy happier than dancing. On the boardwalk, in the classes he teaches, on the dance floor in the club where he works... He said that taking dance when he was a kid was so good for him, in so many ways and teaching is his way of giving back. As for love, Cy doesn't really look that far ahead. He's pretty content with no strings attachments, until Robbie comes dancing into his life.

I really liked Robbie and Cy together - they were smokin' and seemed to really connect. I admit, though, that there wasn't enough of them together in the story. Tart and Sweet is really about Robbie learning to let others in. And learning to not hate himself. And learning to be who he is even though he knows that not everyone, like his parents, is going to accept him. Cy only needed, really, to learn that something better wasn't always waiting around the next corner. But that isn't always an easy thing to learn, either.

Robbie's parents are 'casual bigots'. You know the type who divide everyone into 'us' and 'them'. Who claim that they don't have anything against 'them', as long as they stay 'over there'. Their 'superior' attitude was apparent when they first opened their mouths, and, unfortunately, they didn't really get better. Thankfully, we don't see a lot of them in the story because I didn't like them. Not one bit. And I was happy when Robbie stood up to them in front of everyone who was really important. And though Robbie's mom makes an effort, toward the end of the book, I really think she has a ways to go. And his dad? Robbie is better off without him.

And I loved getting to visit with the MC's from the previous books - particularly Adam and Finn. Finn, The Fierce (as I've come to think of him) is a favorite and seeing him is always a joy. We also get cameos from Mikhail, from Making Promises, and his cop, Shane. I'm a huge fan of series crossovers, especially when they are done in such a way that if you haven't read the series they are from, you won't feel like you're missing something.

I've truly enjoyed this entire series, and if this really is the last book, I think it ends well.

Enjoy your cruise, Darrin!

ARC of Tart and Sweet was generously provided by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Catherine.
1,604 reviews260 followers
February 23, 2017
*** 1.5 stars ***

I am positive there will be plenty of people out there who love this book and its quirky characters and its slightly chaotic story telling, but I did not. I thought about DNFing this book every other page for the entire first half. To be honest, it was only sheer stubbornness on my part to get through the book - and by doing so, finish the entire series - that kept me turning the pages at all.

Although I connected with Robbie slightly more than I did to Cy, I never truly warmed to either of the main characters or their crazy fast slide into... love, I guess (that's what I was told they were feeling, anyway). I was irritated to have the characters from the previous books being shoved down my throat in every other scene - they got their time in the sun; they need to stop Bogarting Robbie and Cy's page time. I absolutely loathe the mystical fortune-telling bullshit and had hoped to get through one book without it. Apparently, that was too much to ask (see the previous point about Darrin and Ezra constantly detracting from Robbie/Cy scenes). I was annoyed by the frenetic conversations that seemed to be trying to capture a more casual, young vibe and failing miserably.

I'll probably get roasted for saying this, but I also felt like Lane was trying too hard to create diversity in this series. Don't get me wrong, I want to see representations of people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexualities, and genders in my books. I want my books to represent the real world. But I want it to feel organic. Instead, this book constantly brought the reader's attention to things like the guy who liked to wear makeup, the East Indian characters who had brilliantly white smiles, the kid with ADHD that found an outlet with the gymnastics class, the hoard of people in Matt's family who had multicoloured hair and were feminists, and on and on... Rather than feel like this was all part of the natural fabric of the Old Sac community, it felt... pointed - like the staged cover of a university recruitment brochure, with that sort of showy, "look how progressive we are!" feel to it.

It just wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
September 5, 2016
We often wonder about the one that got away, but what about...
...the one that broke your heart.

'Tart and Sweet' is the fourth book in Amy Lane's 'Candy Man' series and I honestly can't say that it's my favorite if you go by my ratings because I loved them all and gave them all 5 stars but if you make me pick...well then, I think I might have to tell you this one is my favorite.

I have loved these stories from start to finish. Each one has been about finding love while finding yourself. It all started with Adam and Finn and here in book 4 it comes back to them in it's own way. 'Tart and Sweet' is the story of Robbie and how he betrayed the man he loved when he was in the army.

Two years later and Robbie's trying to figure out how to fix things. How to make things right with Adam and to move on and make a life for himself and that's when he sees Cy. Beautiful, uninhibited Cy on the boardwalk dancing to the music. Robbie and Cy's attraction is instant and while insta-love isn't necessarily a favorite of mine it worked in this story because these two men had things to deal with before they got to be together. So in this case insta-love did not equal insta-HEA.

I really liked Robbie. To me he wasn't a bad person simply a good person who made a bad decision and acted on it. He made a mistake and I've always believed that we all make mistakes and it's how we fix them and what we learn from them that really matters and shows who we truly are.

While Robbie was attracted to Cy from the start he didn't let this derail him from what he felt he needed to do to make things right with Adam and to make his life the kind of life he wanted to live and not the life that he was expected to live by his parents, who of course want him to marry a good girl and produce their 2.5 grandchildren and have that house with the white picket fence...yadda, yadda, yadda.

By the end of the story I couldn't possibly imagine a more perfect match for Robbie than Cy or for Cy than Robbie. Robbie saw the beauty of Cy not just his outer beauty but the beauty of his heart and soul. While Cy believed in Robbie and saw the man that was buried inside of Robbie a man who wouldn't make old mistakes again, a man who would stand beside and stand up for the person he loved no matter who he had to face.

Along with Robbie's story we got to spend time with all the characters from the previous stories including the awesome pets...Clopper and Jake and there's a trip to the animal shelter involving kittens one of them's a meesie I love meesies (Siamese if you're wondering)...maybe, that was a bit of why I loved this books so much...who knows. I just know that I couldn't stop reading and when it was done I wanted more.

I'm not sure if there will be any more trips to Candy Heaven but things have certainly been left on a sweet note for me.

An ARC of 'Tart and Sweet' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,329 reviews387 followers
December 7, 2017
Remember 'the bad guy' who broke Adam's heart two years ago in the army? Robbie? The one that came to Darrin and Ezra's vision? Yeah that guy.
The problem is, Robbie is not a bad guy. Sigh. He was afraid and had been a coward to admit to the world who he really is.
You know DADT is still 'there'. Too bad. It breaks too many heart. Including Adam's heart. Glad he finally found Finn, and the true love is there !
There's no doubt that Finn is Adam's true love, as Ezra and Miguel and Rico and Derek. The guys!

Now back to Robbie.
After one dance with the 'street dancer', Cyril, and broke up with 'girlfriend', the actual story begun.
There one thing Robbie owed Adam from their past life, forgiveness.
But, Adam is Adam, a big muscle giant shy Adam. Under protection of Finn and the whole bunch of Candy Heaven's family. But somehow, Finn is still Finn. He actually met Robbie before Adam.
Adam still thanked Robbie for being a 'hero', because, he helped Finn, his angel and everything.
So, forgiveness is easy. But not so much with Finn, his outraged was EPIC!
You know, Finn being Finn, overly dramatic for everything. But Adam, sigh...Finn is all he need.

So, Robbie need to stay away from them for a while.
Not by long, because Cy and Robbie were an item ever since the first met.
This one is definitely has a strong 'love at first sight' vibes.
But as much as I wanted to believe in Robbie and Cy, there's something's missing, but ignore that. Because this book is not just about Cy and Robbie , but family, family, family.
Actually, I really liked Robbie's father 'reaction' after Robbie's speech, it was kinda cute. Ha!

There's something touched my curiosity about who's Ro guy in Darrin's life, you know. They're probably have their own story, but I don't think Amy would write about them (I know the reason. Shh.)

Overall,I really liked this one. Not as much as I loved Adam and Finn's story (my favorite, of course).
This is entertaining, funny as usual, family (bunch of them), and so much love.
I'm gonna miss these guys so much ! Well done, Amy!


*ARC was given by Publisher for a fair and unbiased review. Review made by Lilly for Lelyana's Book Blog*
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,211 reviews31 followers
October 7, 2018
I need MORE sweetness!!! Hopefully we will have more books from this series 🤗😍
Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
September 18, 2016

TART AND SWEET is the fourth installment in Amy Lane’s Candy Man series. Now I’m a huge fan of Amy Lane and have read plenty of her other books, but this is the first one that I’ve read in this seris so far. As you can tell by the title and cover, this one is a little bit more on the lighter side of things. However, I do feel like there’s still quite a lot of heart.

I feel like Robbie Chambers is in a tough spot. Formerly in the Army, he did something that shamed him and he’s basically been living a lie ever since. Despite the fact that he has a girlfriend that he cares about, he’s not being true to himself. When he encounters Cy McVeigh, he feels the need to come clean. There’s something about Cy that he enjoys. Maybe it’s his ability to dance while everyone is watching or the comfortable sense of self that he gives off, but whatever it is, it makes Robbie want to be with him.

While I liked Robbie, I also thought that he had many flaws in his character. He’s so afraid that it really prevents him from being true to himself. I felt bad for him and I couldn’t help but want to root for a guy like him. But at the same time, he can also be a little frustrating as well. You only want the best for him and when he pulls back out of fear, you can’t help but feel a little disappointed. I think this is a great story of coming clean and finally accepting who you truly are.
Profile Image for Aerin.
594 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2016
At first glance, it seems like this series has come to an end because Tart and Sweet wraps up all the loose ends. Robbie is the one who broke Adam's heart, the one who's lack of courage put in motion a series of events that gave us this beautiful series thats full of fluff and love and rainbow sparkle. As much as I don't want to see this series end, if it does, I'm left with an overall feeling of happiness and contentment. BUT... Amy Lane is not an author I can predict and I really love it when she proves my assumptions wrong and surprises me in the best possible way.

Robbie has this huge cloud of regret hanging over his head and when he finally decides to be true to himself he realizes he's not happy and hasn't been since he broke Adam's heart with his cowardice. Too many things to be sorry for, so many reasons to believe he deserves to be miserable and unhappy; Robbie has never been one to make risky decisions and has taken the cowardly way in order to keep his homophobic family happy. But all that changes in a split second after a brief dance in the streets along beautiful, free and talented Cy.

Cy is a dancer, a free spirit who does what he loves best and is unapologetic for being who he is. He owns his bisexuality and his effeminate core and is not ashamed of it; Cy is also a beautiful soul who believes Robbie is worthy of forgiveness and sees in Robbie a person worthy of love and trust.

Tart and Sweet is fluffy and bright and full of hope, but in true Amy Lane fashion, it will touch your heart leave you with an emotional hangover. I loved that we got to see every single couple from the previous books, and while this book wasn't focused 100% on Robbie and Cy, it didn't feel like they were overlooked in any way. We also found out a little detail about Darrin that changed my hopes of him getting his own book.

If you're planning on reading this book as a standalone, stop right now and go start at the beginning, otherwise you'll be lost and confused and won't get to appreciate this book for what it really is. This is one my favorite series from Amy and I assure you you'll not regret reading it.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,005 reviews119 followers
December 16, 2022
I've said it before in each of my reviews for the first three books in this series, but I have to say it again. I've had an emotionally rough week and I need the men of Candy Heaven. I need Amy Lane's wonderful world of sweet, sexy, gentle, loving, mixed with a little angst, and sprinkled in rainbow sugar. Somehow the universe must know when I'm going to desperately need the joy I find in these books and, voilà, Dreamspinner Press releases another at exactly the right time. Maybe Darrin has been looking at me through pixy stix powder?

"He’d known Robbie was coming—he’d seen the guy in his dreams, watched his betrayal unfolding with the Pixy Stix powder, had known it in his bones. He had not anticipated everybody’s favorite hamburger delivery boy getting hurt."

Robbie has been hating himself ever since he called the man he loved a "faggot" in front of their commanding officer. The same night he dances with Cy in the street, he helps Finn to Candy Heaven after Finn is sideswiped on his bike by a car, he sees Adam again, he meets Darrin and Ezra, and breaks up with his girlfriend. It was a big night! But Robbie wants to be free. He doesn't want to be entangled in his parents’ racism and bigotry. First, though, he has to learn to forgive himself and deal with what happened with Adam.

"But I want to not be that guy ever again. What you did? Show up here with nothing and end up with Finn and a family and people who care about you? That’s what I want to be.”

Cy captivates Robbie from the very first moment and even though Cy hasn't felt the desire to be in a relationship for a while, something about this sweet soldier worms his way in. Unknown to Robbie, Cy is friends with Adam, Finn, Ezra, Miguel, Rico, and Derek. Finn believes Robbie is a hero until it comes out who Robbie is from Adam's painful past and Robbie doesn't deny it, accepting all the tears and recriminations - adding to his own self-loathing. Cy doesn't want to give up on them and I loved that about him.

“I’m going to think hard and see if there’s enough of this guy left to love you like you deserve.”

Oh, Amy! What a finale to the series. Not to mention sneaking Mikhail in from the 'Promises' series as Cy's dance teacher, and letting me see Shane, too? Heartbreaking, beautiful, and wondrous this last book of the series. Watching Robbie go through his "defining" moments was just… well, I don't have words. You've completely undone me, Amy, and 'Tart and Sweet' was exactly what I desired. Thank you.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews
Profile Image for Jodi Ciorciari-marinich.
553 reviews42 followers
August 16, 2016
This is the 4th book for Amy in the Candy Man series and I really couldnt get into this story. I found Robbie a total turn off from the beginning and am not sure why I couldnt like him. Of course he was in the closet in the military. He has history with Adam and we learn more about that in this one.When he got discharged he started dating girls until he came across Cy dancing on the street. So maybe it was because he broke up with his girlfriend and not 5 minutes later he was calling Cy for a hookup. The love scenes were good in this story and there were more of them than in the other stories. But I just couldnt root for these 2 guys. To me they didnt seem to click together. Cy was a man whore and never has relationships until he met Robbie and all of sudden he was a changed man. It was maybe too quick of a insta-love for me. I do love Amy's writing and this series in general but this one just didnt do it for me. Received an arc from publisher for review. Reviewed by Jodi for Alpha Book Club
Profile Image for Shelby.
3,079 reviews86 followers
March 12, 2020
4.5 Stars

Yet another cute and sweet story in this series. I love Robbie working to earn Adam's forgiveness. He struggled with his sexuality and is just coming to terms with his true reality. Being with Cy is what will lead him out of the darkness. Cy is such a bright spot in Robbie's life. I enjoyed his love of dance and teaching. He's a pure soul. This is really Robbie's story more than anything. He really needed to come to grips with who he truly is and make amends to Adam for the pain of the past. Adam had gotten past it, but it trapped Robbie in his own head and he couldn't move past it.

Really satisfying conclusion to the series as Ezra is stepping forward with his own knowledge of the future. I would love to see more books in this series, but I'm happy with where it has concluded now as well.
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,475 reviews107 followers
October 10, 2016
ARC provided by the publisher through Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words in exchange for an impartial review.

Oh, Amy, Amy, Amy. You have a way of taking my heart, tying it in knots, giving it a good shake, and then smoothing it all out so that I’m left feeling happy and content and well satisfied.

Lovers of this series will find even more to love in this installment. Robbie Chambers, the soldier who broke Adam’s heart, has found his way to Sacramento, to the “Old Sac” area where Candy Heaven sits along the boardwalk. Trying to prove to himself and his parents that he’s straight, he has a girlfriend in tow for the dinner with the family, but before the evening is over, his attention is captured by Cy McVeigh. The sleek, dark-skinned dancer has a positive, upbeat attitude that can’t be missed as he moves to the beat of music and grabs Robbie and his date to dance along with him. When the dance is over, Robbie knows what he has to do.

Within a few days, he’s broken up with the girl who was someone he picked up in a bar and didn’t really want to have a relationship with, and he looks up Cy, the man he can’t get out of his mind. As coincidental circumstances unfold, Robbie ends up helping Finn (Candy Man), who’s been injured by a passing car while crossing the street, and he finds himself in Candy Heaven, talking to Darrin and Ezra, Darrin’s protégé. If you haven’t followed the series you won’t get as much out of this book, but if you have, you will find this a very satisfying story, with visits from past characters, including a surprise visit with Mikhail (Mickey) and Shane from Making Promises. Let’s just say I’m happy I wasn’t in public because I had a definite fan girl moment when the proud Russian dancer showed up as Cy was instructing children in his dance class.

Each of the characters in this series has a role in this story, providing closure to any open threads and hope for their futures. But mostly, it’s about Robbie and Cy, Adam and Finn, and Robbie’s efforts to find forgiveness from Adam and Adam’s ability to provide it. As with others in this series, there’s growth and maturity, difficult decisions to make, and redemption and forward movement as those decisions become a new way of living.

I can’t recommend this highly enough. I would need pages and pages to go into detail on every little thing I liked or loved about it. It’s difficult to talk about this book without mentioning the series since this is the capstone on what has been a wonderful adventure with the gang at Candy Heaven.

Profile Image for DaisyGirl.
1,203 reviews66 followers
September 11, 2016
2.5 (3.0) stars

I liked Robbie and I loved Cy but, frankly, I didn't care for this book. I didn't feel the chemistry despite liking the MCs individually. With the lack of appeal on the relationship/romance side, there wasn't enough going on in the story to keep me engaged. Sadly, I was bored throughout and it was a challenge to finish the book.

Bottom line: I like this series and although I appreciate Amy Lane's skillful writing and talent for storytelling, she's a hit or miss with me. Unfortunately, this one fell short of the mark.
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,776 reviews27 followers
November 2, 2017
This is book four in a series and I guess – in theory- you don’t have to read these in order – but ya should! Without reading about Adam and Finn, you really can’t truly appreciate Robbie and why it’s such an AMY thing to do to give him his own book! Also, Ezra and Miguel's book also gives you insight as to why Ezra has to be the one to help Robbie.
On Facebook we had a long discussion – Mary and Amy and all the peeps – about whether or not Robbie even WAS redeemable and a lot of people thought he wasn't… well – she managed to find a way.
At first you think Robbie was a true a-hole. He dumped Adam in the middle of a war-zone and left him high and dry, knowing what that could potentially do to him. And we, as readers, are already very invested in making Adam (and Finn) happy so how can we look at Robbie and root for him?
Well---- there are some things we learn that help – for sure – but I think the most important lesson Amy teaches us is that anything (I guess within reason!) can be forgiven if you really mean it and are determined to “not be that guy” anymore.
That’s awesome because who doesn’t want to believe they can outgrow their mistakes, right?
In any case – we now get to see just what makes Robbie tick and learn more about the bi-sexual and oh so tempting Cy (who briefly thought about pursuing our Ezra). And… for me this is HUGE – we get to see Mickey and Shane again!!!! WOOOOOT!
Of course I devoured this in one sitting the minute I got it and I loved every last bit of it. Just like all the other “Amy lite” books it has some hot smexy times, some super satisfying feels and some hard bits that we have to be brave to withstand.
Based on the ending I’m not sure if this is the last one? It sort of leaves it open for more, but not in the near future… As Darrin said – all his boys are happy and healthy so I guess this is a good place to stop, (or take a vacation!) right?
Highly recommended to fans of the series, an okay standalone but better read in order.

5 of 5 stars


So, Philip Alces has done all the other books in this series (and several others by Amy) and he does his typical good job with this. I definitely think he’s getting better over time, though I do think his voice is a bit “old” for the characters he’s portraying.

However, he attempts to do a Russian accent for Anna and Mickey and…. Well – it sounded more Scottish than Russian. Also – I have a huge soft spot for Paul Morey’s narration of Amy’s Making Promises (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8...) and his interpretation of Anna, Mickey and Shane – so I was disappointed by Philip’s accent – but glad he gave them an accent at all!

This is a lovely closing book to the series and – of course – it was great having the same narrator throughout – I thought he did a nice job of giving Ezra a bit more of a distinct accent this time and I adore his Miguel, Adam and Finn … so all in all I was quite pleased. I’d have made this a 6 if his Russian accent was better *wink!

Profile Image for Chris Kottner-Kirschner.
1,086 reviews13 followers
December 9, 2017
Robbie hat es nach seinem Dienstende bei der Armee nach Sacramento verschlagen. In seiner Beziehung mit Ashley ist er nicht glücklich und eigentlich ist sie nur die Alibifrau um sich selbst zu beweisen, dass er ein richtiger Kerl ist. Doch die Vergangenheit und die Schuld lassen Robbie nicht los. Und als er dann ausgerechnet jetzt auch noch auf seinen Ex Adam trifft, dem er wirklich übel mitgespielt hat, scheint es Zeit endlich reinen Tisch zu machen.

Genau zu diesem Zeitpunkt lernt er den Tänzer Cyril kennen. Elegant, schwul, atemberaubend und Afro-Amerikaner. Robbie ist wie vom Blitz getroffen und bezaubert. Doch er weiß genau, dass es viele Baustellen in seinem Leben gibt. Die offene Zukunft, die schwierige Beziehung zu seinen Eltern und dann auch noch Adam. Und dem kommt er nicht aus. Robbie muss endlich die Eier in seiner Hose finden und Adam um Vergebung bitten.

Von Robbie hat man ja schon im ersten Teil erfahren und natürlich ist er dem Leser nicht besonders sympathisch. Immerhin ist er ja der Badboy, der den armen Adam am Boden zerstört hat. Aber inzwischen ist Adam über diesen Vertrauensbruch hinweg und könnte nicht glücklicher sein. Jetzt soll nun auch Robbie sein Glück finden. Ausgerechnet mit einer Person, die seine Eltern schon aus Prinzip ablehnen würden. Mann, Tanzer, schwarz. Schlimmer kann es nicht kommen.

Aber Cyril beweist es allen und vor allem dem Leser. Er ist charmant und liebenswürdig – vom ersten Moment an. Er ist einer meiner Lieblinge in dieser Reihe, die inzwischen schon fast ein wenig unübersichtlich geworden ist. Hier gibt es ein Wiedersehen mit den Helden der vorigen drei Teile und auch mit Darrin, der in Ezra einen würdigen Nachfolger für sein ‚Business‘ gefunden hat.
Robbie wächst in seiner Geschichte über sich hinaus. Erst ist er verzagt, am Boden zerstört und voller Schuldgefühle. Doch er lernt sich selbst zu schätzen, erringt das Vertrauen und die Vergebung von Adam zurück. Und er lässt sich auf diesen wunderbaren Mann ein, der ihn mit seiner Lebensfreude und Selbstbewusstsein mitnimmt und auch in schwierigen für ihn da ist, auch wenn Robbie mit sich selbst hadert und auf Abstand geht.

Ob es noch einen Teil dieser Reihe geben wird, weiß ich nicht. Für mich persönlich wäre diese Serie jedoch abgeschlossen, da die Clique rund um Adam und Finn doch schon sehr groß und manchmal ein wenig unübersichtlich geworden ist.
Profile Image for Genevieve.
1,169 reviews7 followers
May 31, 2023
I am so sad that this is the last in the series. I have loved hearing the stores of this series. This one was great with Adam's ex coming by and of course falling in love.
Robbie Chambers had done Adam wrong back when they were in the military but now he is back and ready to ask forgiveness so he can move on. I really liked Robbie and his love interest Cy McVeigh there love story includes a love of dancing, hot sex, and finding their way to grow and become adults and not just let life pass them by. It is a good story and I love the fact Robbie stands up to his prejudiced parents and can find his own way with or with out them and it is also so nice to catch up on what is happening with the rest of the couples from the Candy Man series

A really great book and a great series.
Profile Image for Jaime.
Author 98 books271 followers
July 13, 2017
I remember thinking Robbie was unforgivable for what he did to Adam. But that was when I was reading Adam's story. Not That I've read Robbie's I'm okay with forgiving him. And Cy was his perfect foil. Another hit by Amy Lane.
Profile Image for Lynn.
544 reviews70 followers
October 23, 2019
This is the fourth (and I believe last?) of a series that I've really enjoyed. Great characters, sweet romances and a lovely sense of family / community. This final book didn't disappoint.
Profile Image for Gabis Laberladen.
1,125 reviews
April 12, 2017
Darum geht’s:

Robbie Chambers hat in seiner Zeit bei der Army seine Homosexualität und Adam, den Mann, den er liebte, aus Feigheit verleugnet. Auch direkt nach seiner Entlassung gabelt er in der nächsten Bar eine Frau auf und bleibt mir ihr zusammen, obwohl er nichts für sie empfindet. Doch das miese Gefühl, sich Adam gegenüber wie ein schrecklicher Mensch verhalten zu haben, wird er nicht los. Als er den Tänzer Cy auf der Straße tanzen sieht, kann er nicht wegsehen. Obwohl er weiß, dass seine homophoben, konservativen Eltern entsetzt über den schwulen Cy mit der nachtschwarzen Hautfarbe als Partner für ihren Sohn sein würden, ist er genau das, was Robbie will. Nun muss er nur noch mit Adam und seiner Vergangenheit ins Reine kommen.

So fand ich’s:

Die ganze Serie ist zum Glück ohne lebensbedrohliche Dramen, und doch geht es immer um große, tiefgreifende Veränderungen im Leben der Protagonisten. Auch Robbie musste einsehen, dass er aus Angst seine erste Liebe Adam verleugnet und ihm damit eine schreckliche Zeit in der Army beschert hatte. Unter seinem eigenen Verhalten leidet Robbie selbst am meisten. Er fühlt sich schlecht und minderwertig und meint, für sein mieses Verhalten habe er es nicht verdient, dass man ihm verzeiht. Adam ist aber mit seinem Freund Finn zur Ruhe gekommen und obwohl die Verletzungen von damals nicht verschwunden sind, sind aber doch die Wunden verheilt.

Die Hauptpersonen aller vorhergehenden Bücher sind auch in diesem Band wieder dabei und haben einen großen Anteil an der Geschichte. Deshalb sollte man dieses Buch nicht unbedingt lesen, bevor man die Vorgänger gelesen hat, man hätte sonst nur den halben Spaß an der Erzählung. Für mich waren es inzwischen fast schon zu viele Personen, deren eigene Story ich mir immer wieder ins Gedächtnis rufen musste. Die Fülle von glücklichen schwulen Paaren, die sich im engsten Freundeskreis ansammelt, kann man vielleicht noch tolerieren und einfach nicht weiter darüber nachdenken, wie wahrscheinlich das ist, aber für mich war diese Clique inzwischen fast schon zu groß. Erfreulicher Weise spielt der Süßigkeitenladen „Candy Heaven“ und sein übersinnlich begabter Besitzer Darrin eine kleine, aber sehr wichtige Rolle. Ich mag Darrin und seine Ahnungen, die er mit Weisheit und Großherzigkeit verbindet und so die ganzen problembeladenen Jungs, die an seine Tür klopfen, auf den richtigen Weg bringt.

Wenn man sich auf Robbie und Cy konzentriert, bekommt man eine Liebesgeschichte mit viel Funkensprühen, heißem Sex und relativ schnell tiefen Gefühlen. Die beiden wissen ziemlich früh, dass der jeweils andere der Richtige ist. Und auch wenn Robbie mit den Dämonen seiner Vergangenheit und mit seiner homophoben Familie zu kämpfen hat, so schreckt das Cy nicht ab.

Auch nach Teil 4 gehört die „Candy Man“ Serie nach wie vor zu meinen Lieblingen, weil sie trotz der erzählten Wendepunkte im Leben, die mit schwerwiegenden Entscheidungen verbunden sind, immer ihre Leichtigkeit bewahrt und die Liebesgeschichten zwar nicht zu zuckrig, aber immer süß sind.
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,776 reviews27 followers
September 8, 2016
This is book four in a series and I guess – in theory- you don’t have to read these in order – but ya should! Without reading about Adam and Finn, you really can’t truly appreciate Robbie and why it’s such an AMY thing to do to give him his own book! Also, Ezra and Miguel's book also gives you insight as to why Ezra has to be the one to help Robbie.
On Facebook we had a long discussion – Mary and Amy and all the peeps – about whether or not Robbie even WAS redeemable and a lot of people thought he wasn't… well – she managed to find a way.
At first you think Robbie was a true a-hole. He dumped Adam in the middle of a war-zone and left him high and dry, knowing what that could potentially do to him. And we, as readers, are already very invested in making Adam (and Finn) happy so how can we look at Robbie and root for him?
Well---- there are some things we learn that help – for sure – but I think the most important lesson Amy teaches us is that anything (I guess within reason!) can be forgiven if you really mean it and are determined to “not be that guy” anymore.
That’s awesome because who doesn’t want to believe they can outgrow their mistakes, right?
In any case – we now get to see just what makes Robbie tick and learn more about the bi-sexual and oh so tempting Cy (who briefly thought about pursuing our Ezra). And… for me this is HUGE – we get to see Mickey and Shane again!!!! WOOOOOT!
Of course I devoured this in one sitting the minute I got it and I loved every last bit of it. Just like all the other “Amy lite” books it has some hot smexy times, some super satisfying feels and some hard bits that we have to be brave to withstand.
Based on the ending I’m not sure if this is the last one? It sort of leaves it open for more, but not in the near future… As Darrin said – all his boys are happy and healthy so I guess this is a good place to stop, (or take a vacation!) right?
Highly recommended to fans of the series, an okay standalone but better read in order.

Profile Image for Sarah.
1,456 reviews30 followers
September 11, 2016
I was given a copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

The final book in this series is as sweet and redemptive as the ones before. As usual, past hurts and difficulties are overcome by the support of the loosely connected and tightly knit family the characters in this series have created for themselves.

Despite some initial angst, this is the happiness and sunshine side of Amy Lane - a healthy dose of comforting romance. The fourth book follows a very similar formula to the earlier ones. Robbie is seen by Darrin before he arrives in time to rescue Finn. He arrives with baggage but like each of the new characters in each of the other stories in this series, Robbie is embraced by the Candy Man family as he comes to terms with the past and makes a new future for himself.

Family dramas aren’t quite as intense as they’ve been in earlier books, but it feels like we’ve seen Robbie’s homophobic parents before. Add Robbie’s search for romance and his need to find an adult purpose in life and it starts to feel like a slightly formulaic repeat of various elements of the earlier books in the series.

Cy is wonderfully unique. We’ve seen glimpses of the beautiful dancer before, but this is finally his story and he makes a fantastically reluctant leading man. As always in an Amy Lane book, the connection between Cy and Robbie is emotional, tender and sweet.

This feels like the last in this series and the recycled elements here suggest it might be time to put it to bed. But I loved catching up with the enormous cast of characters and the happy couples from previous books. I love the series - it is a romantic and hopeful and gloriously sentimental injection of sugary happiness.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,302 reviews481 followers
September 6, 2016
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

This is the final book in Amy Lane’s Candy Man series, and I admit to picking it up for just that reason. Adam’s story began the series, and it was very fitting that it should be Robbie’s story that closes it out. The arc has come full circle, and I admit to worrying how Robbie could find redemption after what he did. But I should have known that Lane would bring it around and show us the other side of the story. This was a satisfying read, and a nice end to a good series.

Robbie broke my heart at times. Almost immediately we are shown his depths, and we see just what drove him two years ago to turn on Adam, and we see how much that has cost him. He’s been punishing himself for a long time for his actions, and I felt part of that was certainly justified. But he felt it so deeply, and he knew it was wrong. I liked that we got to see how he attempted to rectify the situation, but it was hard to see him hurting so much. He came a long way in this book, first by making amends, and then as he began to heal. Yes, Cy was a big part of that, but Robbie did the work himself.

Read Kris’ review in its entirety here.
Profile Image for Beacullen.
519 reviews7 followers
September 8, 2016
I have loved all of Amy Lane's books that I've read so far, but honestly this one is one of the best. I did not expect to like Robbie at all, after hearing how hurt Adam had been by him, his story was so heartbreaking. But he realizes it and wants to be a better person. This story is about him realizing that he wants to be happy, and free to be who he wants to be. Not who his parents want him to be. I love Cy, what a great person to be with Robbie. He is literally everything that Robbie wants to be and he loves him for it. There was so much healing for so many people in this story, Adam, Robbie, Cy, so many friends that only get closer and closer. Seeing Robbie stand up to his dad was the best, knowing that Finn's dad had his back, and all of their backs...again, was awesome. I loved that Mikail and Shane had a couple of cameos, I love those two and it was great to see them be part of a story that they fit so perfectly in. I hope there are more of these books, there can never be enough of the Candy Heaven crew. :)
Profile Image for Lidia.
2,499 reviews26 followers
September 9, 2016
3,5 Stars
I was a bit disappointed from this fourth book of series and maybe also the last. I not sure but the Robbie's story wasn't as the other, there was something amiss...less magic, poetry and intensity...also the writing was different. The characterization of MC was a bit rushed as the progressing of their relationship...though the sex scenes was hot . Sure, could be more angst , after all Robbie betrayed his lover Adam , but I liked the moral, basically Adam has moved on, met Finn, made his dreams came true. Now Robbie must became brave and man up. So I enjoyed the reading but I wasn't passionate about it, shame because I was expecting more .
Profile Image for Viki Evans.
297 reviews
September 8, 2016
Tart and sweet

Oh I love this series. I read the whole series from the start before I tucked into this on and I'm glad I did. I expected to hate Robbie for what he did to Adam but I loved him the most I think with Finn a very close second. I suspect this is the end on this series,but this was great and a must read. Xxx Start with Candy Man you will not be disappointed xx
Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews

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