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Torrid Affair

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I’m fucked.

The life I have lived for the past ten years is built solely on lies and secrets.

But I can’t help myself.

I’m in love with two different men. And one of them is my brother-in-law.

He’s my drug. My fire. My addiction.

But he’s married to my best friend. And I’m married to my husband.

I’m not ashamed. I have no guilt.


I’m not fucked. I’m a fucked up person.

This is the story of how I ruined my life.

And the life of the one I loved most.

310 pages, Paperback

First published September 10, 2016

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About the author

Callie Anderson

12 books794 followers
Callie Anderson is a wife, mother and writer, who embraces the truth, then weaves it into a magical tale of romance and heartache.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 314 reviews
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,600 followers
April 27, 2017
Let me tell you something first.

I have read books about cheating before and I loved and even fell in love with some of them. (E.g. My Time in the Affair by Stylo Fantome & A Love So tragic by Stevie J. Cole).

I have read books about incest and even swapping couples and loved them hard.
(E.g. Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma & Rule Breakers by Roya Carmen).

I am telling you all this because I am not one of those readers who cannot read about cheating or forbidden affairs. I have no such hard limit.

Having said that, I must tell you that Torrid Affair is the most distateful and infuriating book about cheating with OTT annoying characters and forced drama that I have ever read.

I never hated any characters so hard in the books I have read before... I hated all four of them.. And even though the writing was good and captivating, the plot line was so infuriating that I wanted to DNF it a hundred times.

Now, I will tell you all about it but from now on, there will be spoilers.

I must admit that this was the only book that sucked the joy of reading out of me. I just couldn’t pick it up and go on reading without forcing myself to do it and I didn’t DNF it because I wanted to write a thorough review about it.

So however much infuriated I was with the plot line and the characters, I went on reading it!

Now having finished it, I can finally say that these four characters are the most horrible characters I have ever read about, and I neither believed in their love nor wished their happy end... I just wanted the book to end so that my torture ends.

I cannot recommend this book to anyone because I hated it. Why did I give it 2 stars instead of 1? Well, the characters were crappy, the plot line was annoying but the writing was kind of good, kind of captivating. That’s why...
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,592 followers
February 8, 2018
3.5 Stars

**Please note that all of my spoilers in this review are BIG spoilers, so proceed with caution...**

Overall Opinion: This was actually a lot better than I thought it'd be. Just by the title alone, I know my safety gals won't like this one! I, however, like to mix it up every once in a while. The ups and downs, and the connection I made to the characters and relationship made it enjoyable for me. I was completely disappointed in the ending though!! I really wanted what I call an "HEA" with maybe a farther glimpse into their future, and sadly I didn't get it. It might very well be a situation of me being greedy too ;)

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Brie and Nate's story. They meet on the first day of classes when Nate steals Brie's parking spot and ends up being in her class. They connect instantly, and end up going out on a date. They bump into each other again soon after, and find out that they are just not meant to date at this time and end up becoming friends. There are some forbidden aspects to their relationship, as stronger feelings start to develop that they feel they need to hide. There is an unfortunate event that separates them for ~10 years, and when they are reunited-- their feelings come back full force regardless of the fact that they are both married to other people. There are a lot of struggles that they have to survive in order to find happiness...and they get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between Brie and Nate's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good until the abrupt ending. I never skimmed, and I thought it flowed well otherwise.

Instalove: Kind of. They have an instant and strong connection, but I thought it felt justified (we do experience their development of feelings).

H rating: 3.5 stars. Nathaniel. I liked him. I just wanted him to take a little more of the initiative at times and not put it on the h to make the big decisions.

h rating: 4 stars. Brielle. I liked her. I felt for her struggles and I appreciated her weird loyalty but sometimes that loyalty just went too far IMO.

Sadness level: Moderate. Very angsty, and I teared up quite a bit on this one (but never turned into an ugly cry).

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes and no. There were some scenes with mention of condoms, and some without. I don't remember any mention of past practices

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes

Cheating: Yes

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had nowhere near enough closure for me. The ending kind of ticked me off tbh! We go through all of this drama and angst and then we don't get a good jump ahead HEA?!? As my followers know -- I am really picky as to what I determine is a "HEA", so others might be fine with this ending .

How I got it: It was part of my kindle unlimited subscription.

Safety: I'd say that this will probably be Not Safe for most of the safety gals
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,416 reviews9,972 followers
September 7, 2016
༺**Complimentary Copy**༺ Provided by the author
"Callie Anderson" exchange for an honest review..Thank you!!

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TITLE: Torrid Affair
AUTHOR: Callie Anderson
CHAPTERS: Prologue | 3 PARTS | 38 | Epilogue
RELEASE DATE: September 13th, 2016


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* WARNING * If cheating is a hard limit for any of you don't one click this.

TORRID AFFAIR: This kick starts off in the 'Prologue' and let me tell you from just that glimpse into what's to come it looks like it's going to be emotionally raw, it's going to rip my insides out then stomp on them, it's going to destroy me.

“This is the story of how I ruined my life.”

PRESENT DAY: Torrid Affair begins with Brielle sitting all alone reflecting on her past, and her marriage to Julian, but to understand where it all unraveled we need to go back, back to where it all began.

Like the Prologue it leaves a sinking feeling in your heart, even though you don't know their story YET it still has some impact on your emotions with what 'Brielle' is going through.

PAST Before the story allows us to move forward we are zapped back into the past, ten years prior to where it all started falling apart. Back to where Nathaniel and Brie met.

Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives' Brielle & Nathaniel

One stolen parking space, One date, One kiss, One too Many Lies, Two broken hearts

“A fire.
A spark.
All from one fucking kiss.”

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This moves from Present to Past flawlessly, a feeling of trepidation as you delve deeper into the story, you know it's going to gut you at every turn but like a collision course of destruction you can't stop yourself from reading.

You always want what you can't have.

I feel like I've personally had a Torrid Affair, reading this threw every emotion at me, I'm exhausted!! Full on drama, angst, my nerves are shot to pieces wondering when it was all going to come crumbling down around them, a forbidden love triangle of epic proportions. I loved reading how they met, that's where the feels zapped me full force, and then the heartbreak..

I know many will steer clear of this due to the cheating aspect within the story, but others will jump in with both feet and one click this. It draws you in as soon as you read the Prologue, that's when you'll be truly hooked, it's so well done that before you know it your wanting, needing to read the outcome.

Believe it or not, I didn't end up hating Nate or Brielle, I ended up rooting for them, wanting, craving that HEA, did they get it?? Or did they get what they deserved?? You'll have to read it to find out.

How brave are you to one click this??

This was my first read by this author, but I can honestly say it won't be the last.

*Teaser off the authors FB page*

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews886 followers
March 4, 2017
Let’s just get this out there, right up front. This book contains cheating. For some, this a huge hard-limit, and I totally get that. But if you are brave enough to risk your heart and your kindle, I can’t tell you how much a chance this book deserves.

Torrid Affair begins in present day with Brie trying to come to terms with the state of her marriage to Julian that leads her to having to face her past and the man that she never stopped loving, Nathaniel, her brother in law. But before the story can move forward, we are taken back over ten years prior where Nathaniel and Brie first meet and everything begins to fall apart. Once we fully get a chance to see how these four characters became such a mess, we go back to present day as Brie seeks out the only man that might be able to save her marriage, her husband and at the same time risking her heart all over again.

This book fucked with my heart and my head. It was angsty and explosive. I can’t even tell you anything else because this is one of those, you have to experience it for yourself. I can tell you, that if you can put your issues with cheating aside, you will see this book as so much more. With a story that involves four characters, two married couples, best friends and brothers – this wasn’t just about selfish people. This was an ugly love story. It was gritty and intense and so fucking real that it will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

I can’t remember the last time I was cheering for characters more during a book. This is a must read for any who can handle a little bit of hurt with their romance.

Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews485 followers
August 30, 2016
Reviewer's disclaimer: As the title suggests, this book does have cheating in it. If this is a problem for you, don’t read it. No one is forcing you to read it, so don’t be a dick.

Callie Anderson has once again ripped out my heart and crushed it in her amazing author hands. She then rebuilt it and put it back tenderly, making sure all was right with the world again. She has a writing style that will suck you into a book and make the outside world disappear.

I am a huge fan of how Ms. Anderson’s stories will change a person. In this book she wrote about a few subjects that are not easy to read about, but she does it with a grace that makes the issues pertinent and dealt with them appropriately.

On to the characters… Nathaniel/Nate, Nate, Nate… I am not even sure what to say about you. I wish you were real. You were a loveable character when I didn’t want to punch you in the nuts! Hahaha. He was a truly good guy and tried to do the best thing. I wish all men had that characteristic.

Brielle (Brie) is a strong woman in a very tough situation. Oftentimes, women tend to place the blame for everything on themselves, and she was no exception. I only wish she had fought harder for herself, but I 100% understand why she didn’t/couldn’t.

There are also quite a few other ‘supporting’ characters that really made the book. We do follow only Brie and Nate, but Jillian and Delaney are a huge part of the story too.

This story is broken into three ‘parts’. The first part is past and is long, but it was needed to fully understand the foundation of the relationships the four main people had. Some may call it a bit slow, but in my honest opinion, it was all relevant and necessary to truly understand the other parts of the story.

Not only is this book amazing, there are some parts that may have you a bit excited. Ms. Anderson is wonderful at slipping hot scenes into the book to wrench up the tension and excitement. ~ Devlynn, 5 (bajillion) stars


It’s official, I’m a goner. Callie Anderson has broken, repaired and opened my heart in ways I never dreamed possible. The words jump off the page and write themselves on your heart.

So, let’s discuss…

First, let me say, don’t be scared of the title. This book and the story is so much more complex than you’ll initially think. But that’s exactly who Ms. Anderson is as a writer. Everything she writes is on the EPIC scale. It makes you think, dream, feel, love and open your mind and heart to new things. For me, it’s a bit scary to think and feel like she’s jumped inside my mind, been part of my journey, and can see what’s in my deepest and darkest feelings.

I’ve believed for as long as I can remember that the heart chooses who we love, because seriously people, if our minds and logic had anything—and I mean absolutely anything—to do with love, can you imagine the better decisions we would make? Excuse me while I recognize the failure to maintain logic when it comes to L.O.V.E.

My heart wanted him.
My soul craved him.

That’s exactly how every woman (or man, if you change him to her) has felt at some point in their life.

My dreams were a fairytale that ended with a bullsh!t happily ever after.

Well, hell! We may have felt this too. But dreams change and they are ours no matter what. So, as with life, we move on. And ladies, HEA is what you make of it…so kick your dreams into high gear and make your own, whatever you deem it to be!

There was a moment when I stopped and placed my kindle to the side and walked away. Why? Because Ms. Anderson’s words were so profound and gut-wrenching that I had a physical reaction to them. I felt them to the tips of my toes and in the tingling through my body. I needed to step away, get a hold of my tears and my tingles, and then come back to it. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to finish the story, because more than anything, I did. I just needed to take a moment to breathe (and maybe grab a glass of wine).

Take a chance, readers. Step out of your box. I have faith you’ll be more than pleasantly surprised! ~ Heather, 10 Indescribable stars
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
September 7, 2016
★★★★4 Stars★★★★

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Well this was one exhausting and frustrating as hell ride and aside from drinking, I'm glad I survived that effed up trainwreck! Whether we want to admit or not, we all love books like these. The ones that test your patience, the forbidden love story, or the storylines you know without a shadow of a doubt is so wrong but you refuse to stop reading. I've been there, read that, and while doing so I questioned my morals. But did that stop me from reading? HELLS.NO.

How do you know when you've found the one? Was it an instant connection that you felt, or the knowledge that you would DO anything, BE anything for that person? Ten years ago Brielle found exactly that in Nathaniel. Coming from a broken home, she never thought that she would fall in love and have someone love her back. But Nathaniel is about to change her life and she just doesn't know it yet.

Their chance encounter was fate.

Their love was extraordinary in the making.

But their heartbreak was down right brutal.

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"Ten years again, I had a choice to make. You begged me to choose you and I didn't. For ten years I've lived with the wrong choice.

Fast forward to the present and Brielle is married to Nathaniel brother and he's married married to her best friend. But now family crisis has her coming face to face with the one person that's haunted her for all these years. I'm sure you're wondering: How did they get there? If they loved each other so much, what the hell happened? You just have to read it to find out.

What I will say is that Brielle and Nathaniel's journey will test you. Certain situations or should I say characters, will make you wish you had a boat to throw them overboard. And some will just make you extremely mad but in order to get to the good, you have to step over the bad right? So if you can do that, then this story has your name all over it.

WARNING: If you haven't read the blurb yet, this story contains cheating. If that's a hard limit,then this book is NOT for you.

*Arc kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
September 12, 2016
The title of this book is pretty self-explanatory. Some people, like myself, find it very hard to get into a story that involves cheating.

Usually I try my best to avoid these types of stories because not only are they painful, but I can never figure out how cheating can result in a HEA. However, this book was about so much more than a torrid affair. As a matter of fact, I found myself rooting for the characters that were involved in said affair.

I know. I even surprised myself.

This story is essentially about Brie, Del, Nate and Julian. I couldn't help but fall for Brie and Nate. Their love story was sweet and heartwarming and bitter and heart-wrenching. Their road to happily ever after was paved with good intentions. For the most part. My heart ran the gamut of emotions: from happy, to sad, to angry, to confused, to furious, to devastated, to hopeful, and finally to elated.

"I'm going to kiss you the way you deserve to be kissed. You'll be able to feel it. You're not spineless, nor are you broken. You're the strongest woman I know." - Nate to Brie

As previously stated, this story is about much more than an affair. It's about family, friendship, manipulation, betrayal, abuse, addiction, revelation, hope and love. I wanted more from the ending. More of a time jump for the winning couple. But it definitely had a decent HFN.

I recommend this book to those who don't mind putting their hearts through the wringer and those who believe in second chances.


ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Rejane.
1,359 reviews63 followers
Shelved as 'no-way-jose'
September 16, 2016
It says in the blurb. It has cheating. With brothers. Heroine, it seems, cheats in her husband with her brother in law who is also married to her friend.
A reviewer said if you're brave enough to read this, we'll see beyond the affair. See a love story that because many reasons, couldn't be lived in the past.
For me, IMHO, it's not about "braveness " it's about principles. I don't condone cheating. There's no excuse. Period.
March 30, 2017
4.5 ★'s

This book was right up my alley and it's been sitting right under my nose for a while now. I'll be honest...the blurb didn't really do it for me. I mean, I wanted to read it for the angst and most cheating books are pretty angsty but...I'm pretty particular about the type of cheating. Good thing I had nothing to be worried about!

Nate and Brielle meet in college, go on a date and share a "half" kiss with the promise of a next date. Both can hardly wait but it's with a sad heart that we find out that Nate has been hanging out with Brielle's best friend and roommate for a while and that changes everything!

To complicate matters...just a little, Brielle starts dating Nate's brother, Julian. To be fair, it's Julian that's after Brielle but she doesn't really put up much of a fight. Soon, it's just too much to try to force the relationship and they end up as friends...well, to her at least.

Nate's never given up on having a relationship with Brielle but it was frustrating that he kept having one with Delaney (Brielle's best friend). Of course, neither Julian or Delaney know about Nate and Brielle so when they decide to continue their friendship, it becomes even more taboo because, of course, we all know where this is going!

I do have to say that getting Nate's POV made a huge difference to me. Hearing how he feels and things she says to him really ramp up the relationship.


As they get more involved, other factors come into play...namely jealousy and it does some real damage. Brielle's attitude will grind on you a bit but it was hard not to sympathize with her.

The story is told in three parts. The first one is when they are in college. Unfortunately for all of us time jump haters, Part two is ten years later.

Julian and Brielle are married but Julian isn't the person Brielle thought he was. She finally decides to do something about it and get help. Naturally, that help lands her on Nate's doorstep who just happens to be married to...you guessed it, Delaney. It's a slippery slope my friend...and it's only going to get more slippery.

The "cheating" before could be explained since the lines were very blurred. That all changes with Part Three...and when all hell breaks loose. I was really shocked at the extent of where things went. I wasn't shocked about Delaney however.

I really liked Nate's dad, Warren...what a sweetie! And of course, there is Caleb!

Thankfully, things end up well after that intense drama. It is wonderfully angsty, heartbreaking and romantic. I will definitely be checking out more books by the author.
Profile Image for Yvette (Booksandbandanas).
485 reviews109 followers
August 24, 2016
Calle has the ability to write a story that makes you want to question your morals in life. If you are against cheating do not read this book. But, if you want to read a story that's addictive, and heart stopping this is the book for you.

This book starts with the main character and what her life is now. It's past to present which sometimes bothers me, but the way Callie created it, she mastered it to complete perfection.

Nate and Brielle are quite the package. They meet in college but everything was always put against them until it wasn't....This story like all cheating in books makes you question why am I rooting for them? I shouldn't want them together. Brielle makes decisions, Nate makes decisions, that once you read the story you'll be able to better understand.

There's no sugar coating the lies, deceit, and all around unbearable intense love story. Some parts will have you screaming at your kindle. Most parts actually.

Callie once again had me turning these pages frantically and obsessing over who I loved and hated more. She's created the perfect love story that will make you question EVERTHING. This story made my heart and soul ache. It's mind numbing, and an absolute addictive read.

Must read.
September 14, 2016
The book is just "meh".

My opinion is not about the cheating. Honestly, I didn't care about the cheating aspect, because in college they had a secret relationship when they had already broke up with their significant others; in the present, they had an actual affair, because they both are still married to other people, but from the first page, you already know that both of their spouses did something that made impossible to sympathize with them.

The story was based on nothing but a series of coincidences.
They make stupid decisions.
They stayed married to other people even though they both know something about their spouses that could easily end their marriage.
I couldn't feel this big love, honestly.

In the end, the resolution is a little bit extreme in my opinion.
It's not my job to change the story or to tell how should have been written, but I can honestly say that I didn't find it emotional or engaging.
Too bad, I was really in the mood of something angsty.
Profile Image for  Naqelle .
85 reviews36 followers
July 9, 2017
4 Stars
"The heart wants what the heart wants. I never understood that phrase until now."
.Book : Torrid Affair
.Author: Callie Anderson
.Genre: Adult, Drama

This is my second book from Callie Anderson and of course she brings the same angst and drama,But in this book its times 2. From the first page to the end of this book I was so frustrated with the characters I wanted to pull my hair out. But Callie Anderson brings it home in the end and delivers a great book.

"Love was fucked up. Whoever said it was the most wonderful and beautiful thing in the world was full of shit."

( If your looking for a book with a lot of drama and angst this is the book for you.)
Profile Image for  Linathebookaddict  .
1,488 reviews397 followers
September 9, 2016
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{ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.}

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Title: Torrid Affair
Author: Callie Anderson
Category: Drama, Romance
Series or Standalone: Standalone
Plot: 4
Characters: 4
Scorching Level:4
HEA: Not telling

This was so wrong but at the same time so emotional!!! If you are looking for a brutal, heart-breaking story, then look no further.
Brielle is a woman in a miserable marriage. She hates her life and she cannot forget the man who marked her forever.
In order to know her story, we go back in time when our heroine first met Nathaniel. Nate was the perfect man for her, the love of her life, but of course fate has other parts.
The book has a slow progression, but it is necessary to the story. There is cheating in the book, so if that bothers you take a moment and think if you should read this.
The author did a great job with her characterization. There were times where I wanted to scream to her characters, but I liked them in their imperfection.
This is not an easy read, but I think the romance lovers will enjoy it. I recommend it.

4 Stars

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Profile Image for Jae Mod.
1,716 reviews234 followers
August 21, 2016
** ARC provided by the author for an honest review **

My GOSH what a powerful, emotional read that will leave with a major case of a book hangover !

Callie Anderson wrote a magnificent love story that swept me away from the moment I began to read. I must say however there is cheating involved and if that is a trigger please proceed with caution. With that being said, and no I do not condone the act .. the circumstances and way it was written made me realize, see and understand the why.

THAT ladies and gentlemen is the sign of true great writing.

My heart broke .. shattered for the characters .. every single one of them.

You will go on the voyage along side them from the moment their paths crossed right up until the very end. Love isn't always simple nor is it wrapped up in a silver bow. It is messy, complicated, heart breaking and soul shattering. When the stars align and the universe smiles down upon you .. stolen instances makes all the pain, struggle and sacrifice worth it. Will two people who were always meant for each finally find a way an HEA or will life and duty never allow them two run into the sunset together. Friends, family, duty and honor all play a part .. in keeping them apart and bringing them together. Will love win in the end?

Each chapter will bring you new insight, each word might slice your heart open and yes even restore it. Humor peppers through out as does life lessons. It is a story worth reading and a tale that you will not forget.

5 beautiful heartbreaking stars.
Profile Image for Melissa.
632 reviews2 followers
September 12, 2016
Hold your heart. You have been warned. This is not your typical love story yet that's what it is. It's rough and wrong. Emotional Rollercoaster of Angst! I loved every word. This is a perfect example of the heart wants what the heart wants. There is cheating so if you can't handle it don't read it!
Profile Image for Luna Sol.
417 reviews67 followers
October 16, 2016
Magnificent. Could not put this book down. This was my first book by this author and I look forward to reading more from her. This one will be a book hangover for sure. One of my top reads of 2016.
Profile Image for CRlovebooks ❤️.
482 reviews32 followers
September 9, 2016

True, it is not all love and kisses in this book. And there are lots emotional moments that literally made me ache physically. But, it just added to how much, as a whole, I enjoyed this book!
As you can probably guess, there is cheating in this story. And while the idea of cheating in a romance book is a turn off and most likely turn most readers off completely, do not avoid the book because of that. This is not just a one night stand, not a selfish kind of cheating. This is different...just keep reading don't stop because when a author makes you root for the couple that's cheating...you know they are doing a good job.
This book is full of angst at its best. I was riding the emotional roller coaster, I was holding my heart so it didn't break. But I love the fact that a story could totally consume me like this book did.
Their story of Nate and Brielle Is both heartwarming and heartbreaking and you will live every moment with them.

My heart wanted him.
My soul craved him.
But he was forbidden.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jean.
801 reviews49 followers
September 20, 2016
3.5 - 4.0 Stars

Wow, this book sucked me right in......especially the first 50%, but then UGH!!!  I hated the direction of this storyline after that!  But, even with that being said, I still devoured the book and couldn't put it down. 

I had a real problem connecting with the main characters because I DID NOT agree on some of their decisions.  And don't even get me started about the secondary characters (namely, Delaney and Julian)!

I knew that the cheating could be an issue for me......it is one of my major pet peeves in a book.  The other being, wasted time......and I would have to say 10 years was a huge gap in time which totally pissed me off!  So with two major pet peeves in this book, I still have to say I liked the book overall, especially the first 50% where Nate and Brielle are getting to know each other.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,111 reviews81 followers
October 17, 2022
Well... I struggled with this book. And it wasn't the cheating that got to me. It was the fact that Nate and Brie knew each other and had an emotional connection before they both got married to other people. Usually there's always one person in a crappy marriage that can't or won't get out of the marriage for various reasons. But... Nate and Brie really made a big mess of things.

Pretty early on...a big bomb gets dropped. I just lost it. The struggling to read on was pretty early on in this book.
everything that happened in the early years between Brie and Nate happened I felt because of Nate. because I truly felt everything was in his court in the beginning. It was so early on that he could have made the decision. He knew he wasn't into the girl he was dating and yet he continued to see her. There was a chance to change it all. And not go the route he did. But he didn't. And it just got bigger and bigger. And as I'm reading. Seeing how everything is being played out. I can't help but feel a little pissed off! At both of them. Because they are both playing with other people's feelings! Especially Brie. She was dating a guy just to make Nate jealous.

When they both find themselves single and do something in Brie's head deems unforgivable.
She goes in full freak out mode and totally just ignore and denies everything!
I'm not really big on a lot of angst in my books. The whole drawn out back and forth thing really gets to me. I can to a little. But I felt it full force in this book. Brie was just so over the top. It really got to me.
I also got a little aggravated reading this book. I can honestly say the early years did nothing for me in this book. I should have felt the love the longing coming from both Nate and Brie. All I felt was that they just made a big giant mess out of things. Played with people's emotions.
Yes.. I felt they cared/loved each other. But all the actions they did was the total opposite.

The retelling of events in Nate's POV... Was a 50/50 for me.
On the one hand... I loved to hear Nate's POV.
On the second hand...Going back and retelling the events we just read. Is not my favorite thing in books.
Did it work for me? Yes and no. I just wish we could have known what he was thinking right when it went down in that moment. Not later on in the book.

I would say everything after the 56% mark. I couldn't take it! Especially how everyone's lives tuned out. I feel this is where the story ended for me.
The way everything played out. Just didn't sit right with me. 10 years... 10 years I felt was wasted on them playing games with other people. Especially Nate... He found out pretty quick that his wife told him a lie. And he just let it all go! And stood with her!!! And I felt a little bad for Julian. (Even though he was a monster.) Because he never truly had Brie's true heart. But he made a mess of his life as the years went on. Maybe his life could have turned out differently. I don't know.

I wish I could say I liked this book better. But I can't. I thought the ending was nice. But I felt it should have ended differently.

*ARC provided for an honest review*
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lorena  Garcia -- Brittany's Book Blog.
1,721 reviews57 followers
September 11, 2016
**Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

Oh my god, this book was everything I was expecting it to be and more!

I absolutely LOVED, loved this book and even though there is cheating involved, you have to read it in order to understand why.

I'm not kidding, I thought my heart was going to shatter as I read this beautiful book. I have nothing but praise for it.

I have started falling in love with this author's writing, her books turn me into an emotional mess and now I am hooked and addicted to her beautiful stories.

It was earth shattering to have to read this book because when two people fall in love and can't be together because of certain circumstances and the heartbreak and suffering they go through just to sacrifice their love to make others happy, made me completely and utterly sad.

It took a lot of will power for these two beautiful souls to stay away from each other but it was so devastatingly hard when all they could think about was being together, they were so consumed in each other and didn't want to hurt the people they loved.

But life isn't always fair and hearts get broken and there is deceit and lies involved in this story that really made me want to scream at the top of my lungs and wish these two people could find a way to be together without having to hurt anyone in the process.

Although they do end up sleeping together, while cheating on theirs spouses but the love they shared was just beautiful and they deserved to be together. The highs and low's they went through, just to get to where they wanted to be was tough. And of course, there are always villains and the villains in this book got what they deserved in the end!

We do get a total HEA in this magnificent book :)

Her books are definitely on top of my best reads for sure!!

Profile Image for Emily Goodman.
1,070 reviews37 followers
August 25, 2016
Callie Anderson has written one book that’ll set you on the edge of your seat as your heart fills with angst, forbidden hopes, desires and dreams as her two characters tiptoe that boundary line between friends and lovers.

Anderson doesn’t hold back as she delivers a story centered around a topic that most readers consider “Off Limits” or an “Automatic No”- Cheating. But I am here to tell you that this isn’t a story of two individuals who maliciously come together at the detriment of those around them. It’s a story of finding your soulmate at the wrong time. It’s a story of never being allowed to be happy because of the love you have for others. It’s a story of resisting temptations and Anderson tells this story so extremely well you are swept away into the love story of Nathaniel and Brie.

With every chapter Anderson delivered her story grew in depth emotionally, slicing the reader’s heart wide open with each well calculated click of her keyboard. The emotions were angst ridden, running deep within the character’s hearts and into the reader’s mind. If you dare to be brave enough to push back the boundaries of the cheating storyline, I promise you will find an exceptionally well written tale that will evoke such deep rooted thoughts and emotions capturing your attention until the very last word. It’s a messy, complicated love story, but the best love stories are. Pick up Torrid Affair by Callie Anderson and experience the beautiful emotional rollercoaster that she has created.
Profile Image for Alison Phillips.
300 reviews9 followers
August 26, 2016
Wow, just finished this book and all I keep thinking is wow. The story was just beyond. I loved everything about this book, were the characters perfect? Nope, but then again are any of us.
I know some won't read this book due to the cheating but honestly I really think you should try and keep an open mind going into this book. Cheating doesn't bother me in books at all but if it does and it's a hard limit you may not enjoy that aspect of the book but again I really would hate for you to miss out on this beautiful story because of that one part of the book.
Brielle, I really, really loved her...honestly
I don't think she could be any better, a little stubborn at times but over all a really genuinely good person.
Nate, I loved him too even though I probably cursed him a couple of times but again he thought he was doing right...so I forgave him pretty fast.
The story has its ups and downs...has its fair share of angst which I love...add a few tears which I also love and twists and turns.. All of which I love.
Really loved the entire book, it was a real page turner.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
September 12, 2016
4.5 Angst Filled Stars!
Review by Lisa Kane

Callie Anderson has put about a million warnings out there that this book has cheating. So if you can't handle that, do yourself a favor and read something else. Having said that, if you're still on this crazy train then dive into the shark infested waters with me!

Brielle is looking at her life and wonders how she got where she is-married to an abusive husband and at the end of her rope. She had such big plans for her life but instead of pursuing art she's worked dead end jobs. Her hopes of finishing college just didn't pan out and her life is one big mess of settling instead of living. But she can't do that anymore, her husband needs help and there is only one person who can get him the help he needs.

If I could go back and find that one crack, that first chip, the one that ultimately broke us...

Ten years ago, Brielle was in college along with her best friend Delaney. Brielle's always been the serious one, and Delaney's the gorgeous girl who turns all the guy's heads. Brielle meets a hot guy by way of a coveted parking spot and things seem like they may be heating up for them.

I opened my mouth to wish him goodnight but he leaned in. Half of his lips captured half of mine and I closed my eyes, hoping he would kiss me. But instead, he pulled away. A grin grew on his face and I felt my eyebrows furrow.
"That's half a kiss." His thumb brushed along my bottom lip. "Now you'll have to go out with me again to get the other half."

Delaney, meanwhile wants Brielle to go to a football game with her. She has a guy that she's interested in too. Um...I'm starting to get that weird feeling in my stomach. Something bad's gonna happen at this game...There just may be more action at this game off the field than there is on it right now.

I tried to apologize, but she shot me down and didn't let me explain. This wasn't the type of man I was.
Okay, maybe that was a lie.
But I liked Brielle.

Brielle is crushed and pissed and feels like she was being played. Brielle's done. She can't believe she was so stupid. Nate tries to say he's sorry over and over but meanwhile, he starts a relationship with Delaney. As in she spends the weekend at his place.

Nate introduces them to Julian. He and Brielle hit it off and they start going out. Nate is none to happy but he has no right to say anything. But Julian doesn't give her that butterfly feeling in her stomach. She just can't get over Nate. (These four spend way too much time together and the "things" Brielle hears between Nate and Delaney would make me sick) But there is something between Nate and Brielle and he wants to make things right.

It didn't matter how many times I tried to focus on Delaney.
All I wanted was Brielle.

Enter angst. Introduce drama. Say hello to heart break. Just when things look like they are going to work out for Brielle and Nate, fate throws a curve ball and that bitch is going to take no prisoners. Life changes on a dime, Brielle is shattered and Nate is forced to make a choice. He makes the WRONG choice. Nate's decision (I wanted to head bang this idiot at this point of the story) sets off a whole chain of events. Who marries who, who settles for less than they deserve. Who gives up happiness.

Me: It's not fair to ask, but please, Nate. Pick me. Don't stay with her. She will never love you like I do. Come back to me.
Nate: I can't.

It's ten years later and Brielle is about to come face to face with her past. I'm stopping at this point, because the whole rest of the story is based on what happens next. I can't quite wrap my head around Nate's decision. I hate when the main male character pushes away the heroine and leaves things unsaid. That always leads to conflict and tears and regrets. Torrid Affair is no exception. There is some consolation in knowing that Nate was more than aware he made the wrong choice, but all their lives would have been so different had he just questioned things more, had he just thought things out.

"Ten years ago I had a choice to make, you or her. You begged me to choose you and I didn't. For ten years I've lived with the wrong choice."

But the die is cast and four lives are about to intersect for the first time in a decade. Will Brielle ever find the happiness she lost so many years ago?

The few seconds we were able to spend together healed years of pain. And I'd rather have those few seconds than nothing at all.

I devoured this story, after reading Callie's Love Letters series, I was worried. This is a woman who does things to her main characters that authors rarely do-so I had good reason to be scared. The cheating is a non-issue for me-if it fits and it feels right I have no problem with it.

He had a wife and a kid.
I had a husband.
He was my brother-in-law.
It was wrong.
It was so wrong.
But it felt too fucking good.

Characters don't always do what we want them to-they break our hearts and scar our souls with their poor decisions, but if they didn't then where would be the great stories?

"When I kiss you, you'll kick your feet up and we will hold hands as we run toward the sunset."
Profile Image for Ashley Berry.
535 reviews25 followers
September 7, 2016
Well, that was an interesting ride. I found it addicting and I am no stranger to angst and books with cheating. In fact, they are my favorites. I love to read why people make the decisions that they make that could destroy their lives. This is a 3.5 star for me. Though I enjoyed it very much, somethings just felt off for me-not real. I am an angst lover, but this never felt like true, heart pounding emotions. I figured things out way early on and things just could have happened so differently. I get that if they would have happened that way, this wouldn't be the type of book that it is. I was just expecting a little more, sorry. I just finished and my thoughts are all over the place, so please take this review with a grain of salt. Bc though I had issues with it, it's still a solid read. I still couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Alissa.
423 reviews74 followers
August 27, 2016
4.5 stars - I've come to expect the unexpected when I read a book by Callie Anderson. Her stories go to places that lots of authors stay away from. Torrid Affair is a story filled with betrayal, lies and deceit, but underneath all the ugly is an all-consuming love story. Brielle and Nate are no doubt soulmates, but they just can't seem to find the opportunity to be together to explore the pull they have towards each other. So they make the opportunities happen, regardless of who gets hurt in the process. I don't want to give away details in the story - just heed the warnings that there is cheating in this book. Callie writes it unapologetically and boldly.

I finished Torrid Affair and felt like I ran a marathon. My head was spinning, my heart was pounding and I didn't know up from down. Some of the events wrapped up a bit quickly at the end, and there were times that the characters flip-flopped with their decisions, but otherwise I loved the book!!
Profile Image for Faith Andrews.
Author 22 books1,095 followers
September 16, 2016
I have a new favorite Callie Anderson book! Wow! I'm still high off all of the angsty emotions, but holy hell . . . Callie has done it again.

Not every book is filled with honky dory situations and people with the most fantastic moral compass. Torrid Affair is the perfect example of this. And before you go and say "oh, but cheating books aren't for me," I assure you that while there is cheating and the characters are at times fully to blame for their not-so-innocent actions, this is still a book soooooooo worth reading. You see, in life we usually take the "easy" path or the road that seems "right", but often times what's best for us and what's truly right for our hearts, is on the other side of morality.

I throughly enjoyed this story and every single facet of it's sometimes ugly but always enticing truth. 5 stars for this beautifully written romance about one woman, two brothers, and what happens when she marries the wrong one.

1,168 reviews32 followers
November 3, 2016
I was so intrigued at the sound of this book, but I just couldn't believe some of the actions of the main characters and couldn't continue with the book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 314 reviews

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