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Pillow Thoughts #1

Pillow Thoughts

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Pillow Thoughts is a collection of poetry and prose about heartbreak, love and raw emotions.

It is divided into sections to read when you feel you need them most.

Make a cup of tea and let yourself feel.

259 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 29, 2017

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About the author

Courtney Peppernell

26 books2,963 followers
Courtney Peppernell is a bestselling author from Sydney, Australia, best known for her Pillow Thoughts poetry collection. The series has achieved acclaimed success worldwide, with more than a million copies sold since the initial launch in 2017.

Courtney spends her days writing and working on many projects with her beloved dogs in tow. She hopes to continue exploring expression and the art of healing through stories, novels, and poetry for years to come. Stay tuned for more book releases and announcements from Courtney and her team!

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1,695 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 29 of 4,198 reviews
Profile Image for Maditales.
611 reviews32.5k followers
October 24, 2023
I honestly just had no idea what to read and I saw this poetry collection on my shelf and thought “let’s try something new”.
Let’s just say that wasn’t the best decision
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,192 reviews1,715 followers
April 24, 2024
Thank you Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Sadly, I didn't enjoy this poetry collection as much as I wanted to. They're like rundown sentences, often times cheesy and it lacks substance especially on the first half of this collection. I like some pieces on the second half but it's forgettable and it didn't leave a huge impact on me.
Profile Image for Sarah.
186 reviews437 followers
May 8, 2017

Dear Life, you are exhausting at times. You throw more tantrums than I have ever known possible. You slow down, you speed up, you take time and give time. Sometimes there is sunshine and other times there are storms. So I try to break it up a little, take risks, love a lot and find comfort in trying new things. But you are never the same Life, always changing, always keeping me guessing. So I will live you Life, to my absolute potential.

Profile Image for Shealea.
481 reviews1,260 followers
September 6, 2018
Truth be told, I can probably go on and on about how mediocre and embarrassing this literary monstrosity is because God knows I never thought I’d ever find a poetry book that I would end up loathing more than the collections written by Lang Leav. However, there are much more important things for me to accomplish than to waste so many words on a book that shouldn’t even warrant any positive attention.

To summarize everything, Pillow Thoughts is a portfolio of generic content framed using totally obsolete structures. Structurally, it’s atrocious. Lyrically, it’s atrocious. Stylistically, it’s atrocious. Perhaps the only remotely positive thing I can say is that I am incredibly blessed to have received only a digital copy of this book; otherwise, had I been given a physical copy, I would have grieved for the trees that died and ultimately lost my shit altogether.

* Read the full, detailed rant in my natural habitat! (Seriously, read it.)

Full disclosure: I was supposed to participate in a promotional blog tour for this book, which is why I received a copy of it. However, as evidenced by my star rating, I most certainly did not enjoy reading it, and as such, I decided to forfeit my spot in the tour. Still, many thanks to the blog tour organizer for providing a review copy.

Actual rating: 1 star
Profile Image for persephone ☾.
576 reviews3,225 followers
January 10, 2022
i’m so weak when it comes to sapphic poetry but i got to be objective, this wasn’t that good, i’m just so starved for any kind of representation that i would take every gay crumb that’s presented to me
Profile Image for PrincenBeaux.
67 reviews
February 11, 2018
Honestly, some of the worst poetry I've read. boring, not memorable and so fucking mediocre and lacking substance that I don't understand how this got published.
Profile Image for lucie.
528 reviews761 followers
March 25, 2018
It’s okay to close some doors, hell, it’s even okay to lock them.

This book was more like a collection of inspiration comments for an instagram or facebook post, not a (modern) poetry.
Profile Image for Daniella.
165 reviews324 followers
April 17, 2018
I DNF'ed after like 50 pages of not highlighting or underlining a single poem. That's really unlike me, I'm usually easily pleased with poetry but this really was lackluster.
Profile Image for demi. ♡.
206 reviews268 followers
November 5, 2019
❥ 3 / 5 stars

Most of the poems in this book are kinda meh but there are some that I really like.

“Your feelings are valid and real. Do not let anybody denounce them just because they do not feel the same way. These feelings do not make you weak or clingy or overly emotional. They make you strong, brave and beautiful. You are not merely made of stardust; you are the comet streaking through the sky on the way to do good and bright things.”

“You can make all the effort in the world and yet someone will still tell you it’s not good enough.
But this isn’t about them, it’s about you.
You just need to be enough for you.”

“You will always be a lot of things.
Not everyone is going to like you or understand you.
And in the times it feels like you are on trial,
Try to treat others with good intentions,
Even the ones that don’t deserve it.
Be you, even when it’s hard.”

“Things might not get better tomorrow. You may have many tomorrows and nothing changes. But that is not the point. The point of moving through all these tomorrows is to get to the one tomorrow that finally does get better.”
966 reviews393 followers
June 18, 2017
It's almost 4am and I've just finished reading the most beautiful poems ever, the most beautiful and meaningful, so beautiful that they made me cry, yes, I was moved and sort of got out of the numbness that was starting to drag me in.. I loved it, absolutely loved it.
Profile Image for Bryce Rocks My Socks.
489 reviews855 followers
August 3, 2022
You’ve become so damaged
That when someone
Wants to give you
What you deserve
You have no idea
How to respond

just going to leave this here to casually call every single one of u out. have a good night yall :)
Profile Image for Emma.
978 reviews1,045 followers
August 2, 2018
This was a nice poetry collection. It’s really short and quick to read and it is divided into sections that are introduced by some really nice illustrations of jellyfish. I liked reading about the themes dealt in this little book and I also quite enjoyed the writing style of the author. Overall it was a pleasant read.
Profile Image for Maggie Gordon.
1,913 reviews153 followers
May 4, 2018
Every time I think I've found the worst poetry book imaginable, I stumble across another that makes me rethink my "don't trash books" philosophy. Pillow Thoughts is dreck. Mindless, self-congratulatory trash that, for a book written about a woman's love for another woman, oddly and unfortunately supports a bunch of disgusting heteronormative bullshit about one true love. You've probably had the thoughts that this author had at one point or another. They are pretty common feelings when one is young and unwise in love. Lots of them encourage wallowing in harmful emotions that don't help you get over anyone, suggest terrible expectations for romance, and are so utterly laden with teenage melodrama that never rises about the basest expressions of hurt feels. Poetry is meant to be art in words, yet Peppernell, aside from a few mangled metaphors, never uses her medium in a creative or artful manner. Simplicity can have a beauty of its own, but I want more than Twitter-style rambles. Also, what is with these modern books that are over 20o pages long, but all the poems are less than 4 lines. Ugg... skip this one.
Profile Image for Elena Mayr.
121 reviews364 followers
September 29, 2021
Wow, „Pillow Thoughts“ von Courtney Peppernell war einfach nur wunder-, wunder-, wunderschön.
Es hat sich wie eine sanfte Umarmung angefühlt.
Die Autorin hat unendlich schöne Bilder geschaffen, die mir wahnsinnig viel Kraft geben.
Ich bin verliebt. Sehr sogar. Und dankbar. Dankbar, dass ich dieses Buch lesen durfte.
Herzensbuch! 💛
Profile Image for Yousra.
461 reviews80 followers
August 28, 2018
I hate modern poetry but I don't know why this one felt so honest. I feel like I just had a long talk with the author and a part of it, although so simple, touched somewhere deep inside me that I teared up.
This book is split into many parts to read each of them depending on what you're feeling or what you're going through in life at the moment. If you're missing someone, if you're lonely, if you're in love.. and they're all so honest and raw.

Also, I sincerely hope the author found love, comfort, and happiness in her life.
Profile Image for iana.
120 reviews20 followers
June 23, 2022
Do you know the feeling when you find your high school notebooks with absolutely pathetic attempts to write poetry? Well, imagine they were published. Zero stars.
Profile Image for Calista.
4,784 reviews31.3k followers
June 8, 2018
There were some poems in this collections that did touch me deeply. Some things rang true. Overall, I did find this to be a bit lackluster. It did not ring out in me and resonate the same way as other recent poetry collections.

I think Courtney does have talent and she has put together a beautiful collection. I love the Jellyfish theme throughout this. As I said, there were several that rang like a pure bell calling me to a higher truth. That didn't happen often for me in this one. It could be me. Not sure.

If you enjoy poetry, I think this is worth the read.
Profile Image for Tori.
88 reviews29 followers
January 17, 2019
This book was absolutely not for me. It was extremely cheesy and I found myself annoyed the entire time I was reading it. Maybe one page/poem was decent but the rest was awful. Maybe (and that's a very tiny, slim maybe) I would have liked this book better when I was 15 going through a heart break but most likely not. The only good thing that came from finishing this book is I am finally on track in my reading challenge.
Profile Image for Sammie Reads.
963 reviews148 followers
December 16, 2022
Well that book of poetry was quite the lovely read! Which is fitting, because it's all about love. Wanting love, having love, losing love. Wishing for love from afar, holding love tightly from up close, and all of the kinds in between. This book was done by sections, and each was lovelier than the last.

If you are dreaming of someone, if you are in love, if you are heartbroken, if you are lonely, if you are sad, if you are missing someone, if you need encouragement, if you are soul-searching, if you need a reason to stay (suicide prevention), and these are for you. Some of them are long streams of consciousness, and others are a thought. Some of the poems rhyme, while others are just a lovely paragraph that tells a story.

Some favorite snippets:

"And if the moon could talk
I wonder if he would tell the night
Just how lovely she is
With all those stars shining bright"

"It's okay to close some doors; hell, it's even okay to lock them."

"We get older and suddenly what we cannot have becomes just what is. Less becomes plenty and time is a fragment of our short adventure on earth."

Very enjoyable and lyrical read, and I loved it so much!
April 24, 2023
When they look back at you,
they see an entire universe;
you are a body of art,
you are a map of galaxies,
you are every flower,
lovely from the start.

Absolutely loved this book. Gonna get myself a physical copy too so me and my best friend can annotate it 🥰
Profile Image for bianca.
57 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2021
I can't express how much I love poetry and how much I love this work specifically. This contains so much life-changing and educational and heart-wrenching and heartwarming information that is formatted in such a way that allows the reader to feel connected to everything being said. Definitely a must read, even if poetry isn't necessarily something you're interested in.
Profile Image for Anna lost in stories *A*.
1,021 reviews181 followers
March 10, 2020
As always when it comes to poetry collections, it’s extremely hard for me to write any kind of review… because each experience is a very personal one for me and I always feel weird recommending or not those kind of books to you… when it comes to novels, comic books or even non fiction stuff it’s easier, but with poetry… I guess it’s just too close to my heart to really share with you :) so as with the previous ones I read, all I will say is that I absolutely loved it… divided into different parts that focused on poems for a certain mood I will definitely come back to it… not to mention that I was very glad that I had a good feeling about it and I already have sequels on my shelf… ;)


Profile Image for Shorouk ♍.
28 reviews27 followers
July 15, 2022
"' Maybe you’re running scared because running is better than letting someone else in. But the truth is you can’t spend your whole life running. It’s exhausting living in fear. Slow down. Chances and risks keep life interesting. "'
Profile Image for Althea ☾.
643 reviews2,184 followers
June 17, 2019
// I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review //

"I hate to spoil the ending
but You is fine
You is still here
You is going to make it"

I like how each section is labeled on what you are feeling right now and what mood you are in when you read it. I have always wished there were poems books that were like this because it would be so helpful. . . and now I found one.

Some of the poems were too straight forward for my taste and I was not a fan of all of them. This was actually my only main problem the whole time I was reading it. But there were ones that really touched me (like, seriously, they touched my heart. . . literally one tear drop down my eye type) and I liked how the poems are not just thrown together and there is actually some find of flow to it in each section if you pay attention to it enough. A lot are pretty much related in a way. If ever the reader gets to reading everything.

"Be you, even when its hard."

The bluntness of this is not all bad because it actually tells the readers straight up what the author thinks and feels. It does not sugarcoat anything, especially the topics here that really matters (loneliness, heartbreak). This is what I interpreted from it though. And that last poem. . . pure. Just, pure love.

Poems are always your own interpretation of what you are reading. . . practically all books are.

And can I just say. . . the jellyfishes. are so cute. they stole me and sold me into reading this and finishing it. And don't you just love that metaphor? The jellyfish tends to hurt everyone, but inside, they are soft creatures.

As the book said, you just have to have people with the same heart as you.

This is definitely a book I would go back to again and again.

"But all I was trying to do,
was show you that even a monster can be loved"
Profile Image for Искра.
Author 2 books49 followers
February 7, 2017
Тhis is gorgeous. It made me cry, it made me think, it made me feel better.
It's a shame I can't share all of my favorite quotes, but here is one.

You can be in love at 3am or 5pm,
and sometimes it is with someone else
and other times it is with the way the sky looks
on a Saturday afternoon.
You need love, and love needs you.
You are the sun and the moon and every star
and you deserve someone who will cross the universe for you.
Life can be chaotic and sometimes people will hurt you,
but in the middle of all your loud thoughts and sleepless nights,
just remember that magic grows in flowers,
the sun can make your heart race after the rain,
and whenever you can make someone smile,
you will forget all the reasons you were ever sad.

I am in love.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 4,198 reviews

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