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Cainsville #3.6

Lost Souls

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The disappearing hitchhiker is one of the hoariest urban legends, and no one knows that better than Gabriel Walsh, a lawyer who grew up on folklore and myth. When author of books on the supernatural Patrick brings Gabriel a case of a hitchhiking woman in white who vanished on a country road after accepting a ride from a businessman, Gabriel knows the Cainsville elder is just trying to wheedle into his good graces. But Gabriel is a man in need of a mystery, one that will get him back into someone else’s good graces. His investigator, Olivia Taylor-Jones, has blown town supposedly on a simple vacation. But when she left there was a rift between them and…he misses her.

Gabriel is well aware the only thing Olivia loves more than a good mystery is a weird one, and this hitchhiker case more than fits the bill. As Gabriel digs into the story, he’s forced to face ghosts of his own and admit that the woman in white isn’t the only one who has lost her way.

With Lost Souls, New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong weaves an unmissable novella-length tale connected to her fan-favorite Cainsville series.

192 pages, Hardcover

First published December 15, 2016

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About the author

Kelley Armstrong

278 books32.2k followers
Kelley Armstrong has been telling stories since before she could write. Her earliest written efforts were disastrous. If asked for a story about girls and dolls, hers would invariably feature undead girls and evil dolls, much to her teachers' dismay. All efforts to make her produce "normal" stories failed.

Today, she continues to spin tales of ghosts and demons and werewolves, while safely locked away in her basement writing dungeon. She's the author of the NYT-bestselling "Women of the Otherworld" paranormal suspense series and "Darkest Powers" young adult urban fantasy trilogy, as well as the Nadia Stafford crime series. Armstrong lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, kids and far too many pets.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 175 reviews
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
February 5, 2017
I have been hooked on the Cainsville series since the first book and any chance I have to read anything set in that world, with the characters I've come to absolutely love, is a chance I don't even think twice about.

And a novella set almost entirely in Gabriel's point of view, I am so in. I love Gabriel and while he can be bristly and rough and tough we've seen over the course of the series that there is a lot more to him than meets the eye. That in fact, the man has a heart of gold, even if it sometimes has to be melted a bit to get to it.

I adored this novella. With Patrick and Gabriel and Liv, it really was such a treat and makes me even more excited for the last novel to be here. I can not wait for more and to see how it will all come together. This series has grown so much and with it my love for it as well. It really will be so hard to say goodbye to it.

*ARC copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Mogsy.
2,160 reviews2,708 followers
February 10, 2017
3.5 of 5 stars at The BiblioSanctum https://bibliosanctum.com/2017/02/09/...

In the interest of honesty, I picked up Lost Souls without realizing that it was part of the Cainsville sequence, so that probably had an impact on my rating. Still, despite my oversight, I really enjoyed this novella, and I think fans of the series who are familiar with the characters and the subtle nuances in their relationships will no doubt appreciate it even more.

As urban legends go, few are as well-known as the one about the “Vanishing Hitchhiker” or its many variations. The stories all roughly begin and end the same way: A driver encounters a hitchhiker on the side of a lonely road, but after picking them up the hitchhiker subsequently disappears without any explanation. Kelley Armstrong has adopted this motif for the central premise of Lost Souls which stars Gabriel Walsh, a lawyer who takes on a side job investigating the case of a man alleging to have been led astray by a vanishing hitchhiker in the form of a young woman in a white sundress. Gabriel would have been tempted to dismiss the story as a hoax if the circumstances around the incident hadn’t been so strange. For one thing, why would the man risk jeopardizing his successful career and marriage by filing a false report? Also, there have been a string of similar vanishing hitchhiker sightings in recent years, but a suspicious number of them have ended up with the witnesses committing suicide not long after—exactly forty-eight hours after picking up the hitchhiker, to be exact.

Plus, if there’s one thing Gabriel loves, it’s a good mystery. Lately, his relationship with his friend and employee Olivia Taylor-Jones has been on the rocks, and he has hopes too that presenting her with an interesting puzzle like this would help mend fences. In the wake of their rift, Liv has taken off on a vacation and Gabriel finds himself missing her, even if he has trouble admitting it to her or anyone else. Given their shared love for the strange and the weird, this case of the disappearing hitchhiker might be their chance to reconnect again.

Since I have not read any of the main books in the Cainsville series, I know I’m probably missing a lot here, so keep in mind these are the opinions of a newcomer to this world and its characters. The main struggle I had was with the character behaviors and motivations. I found myself exasperated with Gabriel and Liv, namely because all the drama surrounding their relationship is based on miscommunication and misunderstanding—pretty much the oldest trick in the book. While backstories were provided for both, without the deeper context of the series I had a really hard time sympathizing with Gabriel’s excuses for being jerk or Liv’s reasons for being so manipulative. That said though, the story itself was relatively easy to follow, and references to past events were freely provided. Not once was I confused or overwhelmed. So while Lost Souls is clearly intended as a companion novella to the main series, the fact that I was able to follow along just fine is no small feat.

For Cainsville fans, the interpersonal relationships and character development will probably end up being the main draw, though personally I also loved the mystery plot in between these sections. Armstrong adapts the urban legend of the vanishing hitchhiker to great effect, making it a race against time for our characters to find the answers. There are even ties to Gabriel’s past, giving me the chance to know him better. Perhaps my only complaint about the story is the ending, which I thought was anti-climactic and too abrupt, but it’s a minor issue in the big scheme of things.

All told, Lost Souls is probably best tackled only if you are caught up with the main series, though speaking as a relatively new fan of Kelley Armstrong, not having read any of the other novels did not prevent me from enjoying it either. If anything, reading this novella made me even more curious about Cainsville. I also wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Lost Souls if you simply want to read more by the author; she’s an amazing writer who knows all about creating suspenseful drama, and even in this compact novella you will be sure to find all the ingredients of a good urban fantasy mystery.
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews392 followers
March 30, 2017
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads.

Typically, I fall fast and hard for Kelley Armstrong’s writing, but her CAINSVILLE series has been the rare ugly duckling. Over the course of four books, my ratings have fluctuated between 3 and 5 stars, so where LOST SOULS was going to land on that spectrum was anyone’s guess. I’m pleased to say that it settled right smack in the middle which is the best place for a novella to be in my option because it means that first timers will enjoy it without having to have read the full length novels, and buffs will welcome the chance to hang with Olivia & Gabriel again before the final installment is published in August.

The story takes place on the tail end of Taylor-Jones’ vacation with Ricky which was the note that BETRAYALS concluded on. So, as I mentioned, this short isn’t an essential part of the main plot however, if you’re a stickler for doing things the chronological way, you’ll want to cram it in before the summer. This side plot does cross a couple of T’s though with regards to Gabe & Patrick’s relationship, how Walsh’s childhood steered him towards becoming a lawyer, and Rose’s background information on the “lady in white” ghosts in different cultures was a nice perk. All things considered, the mystery still led us on a merry chase, and I liked that Gallagher was mostly absent because it allowed the author to refine Gabriel’s internal monologue.

LOST SOULS was largely told from Gabe’s point of view which is something that I’ve been longing for since I started this series. He’s such a contrary character that you can’t help but want to pick his brain. I also hope that the trio being short one member was Armstrong’s way of foreshadowing what’s to come in RITUALS however, that’s probably just me reading too much into things seeing how I’m Team Walsh. Recommended for anyone who loves a good “crime-spree hat trick”.
Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,973 reviews846 followers
June 26, 2019
I read my first book by Kelley Armstrong a couple of month's ago. The book was OK, not as fabulous as I had hoped it to be, but still enough interesting to make me want to read more from the author. And, this novella felt like a good second book to read. Now, I don't know anything about Cainsville, but this novella was very good and I hope to get a chance to read the books in the series someday.

Lost Souls starts with Gabriel getting a case from Patrick about a hitchhiking woman in white who vanished after getting a ride in the care of a businessman. It doesn't seem to be a very troublesome case, but it's just the case that Gabriel needs to lure Olivia back after they had an argument and she went on a holiday with her boyfriend. So, this case may be just the thing to smooth things over since he doesn't want to lose her as an employee and as a friend. But, there is something really weird going on and even Patrick starts to think that something is off with the case...

Now, I'm a newbie with this series, but I do love paranormal series and this urban legend case fascinated me. I also enjoyed discovering more about the characters and learning more about Cainsville. In short, I was hooked and after I finished this novella was all I could think of that I need to read this series and I'm actually right now thinking of buying the first book...

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews168 followers
April 12, 2017
Loved Loved Loved!!

This short novella depicts/highlights Gabriel and Olivia's emotions & feelings towards one another (although we already know their tangled relationship is fragile at the best of times), however, I could see a crack, just a small crack, and it was allowing a small amount of light through.

Patrick was another element of Liv and Gabriel's feelings and all these emotions came through with the investigation.

I loved this story, I love the series and I can't wait to see how all of this plays out!!
Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews299 followers
February 26, 2017

Interesting little mystery where Olivia and Gabriel investigate a “woman in white” ghost case. I enjoyed being back in Olivia and Gabriel's world. Their relationship was at the same place it always is.

I have read the first three books in the series and there were no spoilers in this short story for me. Bigger things were alluded to, but nothing from the latest book.

The ending felt a bit rushed after the lackadaisical pace of the rest of the story. Overall the story seemed to focus a bit more on relationships than plot. 3.5/5

Buy, Borrow or Bin Verdict: Borrow

Check out more of my reviews here

Note: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ferdy.
944 reviews1,258 followers
March 10, 2017
Glad this was in Gabriel's POV. He was a lot more interesting than Liv, who has become rather flat and predictable in the last couple of books. Even Patrick's POV had more entertainment value than Liv's.
Enjoyed the mystery-of-the-week plot, it was more engrossing than the various plots in the last two books in series, which like Liv's POV have become somewhat stale.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,089 reviews
January 18, 2017

4.5/5 stars

Lost Souls is a novella in the Cainsville series. It is set between Deceptions (book 3) & Betrayals (book 4). It is really meant to be read as a companion to the Cainsville series. I would not recommend reading this book if you have not read the series as there are spoilers from the previous books.

Kelley Armstrong is one of my favorite authors. I absolutely love the Cainsville series. So I was very excited to read this novella.

I would describe this series as part mystery and part paranormal.

The story alternates narrators between Gabriel (30 year old lawyer) and Patrick (a Cainsville elder). Olivia is also featured prominently.

Patrick is trying to get closer to Gabriel. So while Liv is out of town he brings him a case to solve. The case has to do with a hitchhiking woman in white who vanishes on a country road after accepting a ride from a man. Is she real? Is she fae? Is she a ghost?

Gabriel and Olivia work together (and apart) to try to solve this case. I love Gabriel and Olivia together. I love their working dynamic. And I love their peculiar friendship.

I love Gabriel. He is such an intriguing and unique character. He has such strong feelings for Olivia. But he is so insecure that he can end up being cruel to protect himself.

Kelley Armstrong manages to make this story just as interesting and entertaining as her full length novels. She fills the reader in on key details from the previous Cainsville books. However this series is extremely complex. There are definitely some spoilers from the first 3 books. And if you read this novella without knowing this series you would not understand Cainsville. Or Gabriel. Or Olivia. Or Patrick. IMO, this novella is meant to be read by people who have read the series.

My only small complaint is that by reading the novella it is not completely obvious when this story is set. At first I really was not sure if it was set after Deceptions or after Betrayals. I think that should have been made more clear in the story, in the book blurb, and I think the story should be labelled #3.6.

Lost Souls was an interesting story. We got to see more of Gabriel, Patrick and Olivia. It was nice to get a new story. Overall this novella was very enjoyable. And it made me even more excited to read the final book of the series, Rituals.

Thanks to netgalley and Subterranean Press for allowing me to read this book.
400 reviews46 followers
July 1, 2023
A valuable interlude in the Cainsville series, set after the events of book #3 Deceptions, in that it gives us a closer look at Patrick and Gabriel. Written in close third person, the chapters alternate between their two points of view (apart from a prologue that sets up the story) and delve at length into their thought processes as each one attempts to do right in relationships--Patrick's with Gabriel and Gabriel's with Olivia.

In particular I was impressed by how little each one has learned from past mistakes, beyond admitting that they were indeed mistakes. And that's all about Gabriel's unfortunate childhood and adolescence, struggling to live on his own after his drugged-out mother abandoned him. What follows may be a spoiler for the first two Cainsville books, so if you haven't at least read Deceptions, you may want to skip the rest of this brief review.

The fact that Gabriel's mother brought him up to a life of petty crime from childhood on, leaving him to fend for himself at age fifteen, makes it remarkable that his biological father Patrick knew it was happening and congratulated himself until now on not interfering in what he deemed his son's valuable life experiences and never even letting Gabriel know who his father is.

Admitting now that that was wrong, Patrick wants to make amends of sorts by helping Gabriel form a solid relationship with Olivia, so he brings them a case involving an apparent ghost who exerts a kind of mind control over men who pick her up as a hitch-hiker.

It's remarkable how Patrick, who of course isn't human but a hobgoblin (bocan), misreads situation after situation. And it's remarkable how Gabriel, having bootstrapped himself into a successful law practice, cannot yet come to grips with the fear that keeps him from taking what he knows are positive steps.

The story of the ghost is fairly slight--it could be told completely in about twenty pages, I'd say--but it does bring in a new element in the Cainsville cast of Fair Folk (Tylwyth Teg).
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,760 reviews212 followers
February 6, 2017
Ok this author enjoys surprising her readers and her Cainsville series is one that always keeps reader on their toes. You get a little bit of paranormal and a whole lot of mystery and this novella that connects Deceptions and Betrayals is no different. Revolving around Gabriel whose journey has been a hard one we catch up with him when he is at a low ebb. There's a connection between him and Olivia who works for him that is magical but not in the way you expect but as this story begins their friendship is under a lot of pressure. So what better than a new case to blow away the cobwebs and the one that Patrick is dangling fits the bill but is it real and just why is Patrick so keen?
I empathise so much with Gabriel and yet freely admit he's not the most warm and fuzzy character and yet he just works ! There is a sort of triangle running through this book involving Ricky but it's very much on the back burner as the author takes the ghost story of urban myth and tarts it up in her own inimitable fashion. Olivia has experienced so much and yet she will bravely go forward without losing that spark that makes her shine. As for Patrick instigating things well he never quite gets it right but hey ho at least Gabriel and Olivia somehow forge ahead or is that just maintain the status quo?
Happily even with Gabriel in turmoil he's not allowed to wallow and indeed he actually , shock horror seems to be facing reality! Although the reality here is that yes we now know the fae are real but perhaps ghosts are too? Plus there's a clock ticking away with a life at stake so time to pull on those big girl panties and solve the case!
I really do think this is something that should be read after the first three books in the series as it gives away a huge plot line that still needs to be resolved but as a way of catching up with characters it works very well . The twist in the tale as we discover just what is really happening whilst a little quick for my taste was a surprise but that's why I keep coming back to this author as her imagination just knows no bounds!
A copy of this was provided for me which I have voluntarily read and these comments are my own honest opinion
Profile Image for Susana.
1,016 reviews262 followers
March 9, 2017
Arc Provided by Subterranean Press through Netgalley

Release Date: March 31st

The greatest compliment I can give to this novella, is that after being thoroughly pissed of with the way things ended in the third Cainsville novel, I am now _once again _ determined in finishing the series! So, well done! Objective achieved, lol
As to what happens in this novella, obviously I'm not going to spoil it for you guys, but I'll say that the basic plot was extremely interesting... okay, there's ghosts...and other supernatural beings involved.
Patrick, aka Gabriel's... now what have you read?
Have you read the first four books and the anthology "Led Astray" who has some pretty good shorts on Gabriel and his childhood? Because in the case that you haven't, let's just keep things...secret. Okay?
So, I was talking about Patrick who is a writer amongst other things... Olivia would probably use a much more colourful language about the guy!*snort*
Patrick decides to get more involved in Gabriel's life, and of course things don't go as they probably should. A big mess ensues. Gabriel and Olivia's relationship is still on the mend, and people are getting lost. In more ways than one...
Now if you're wondering, after all my blabbering, if you can read this novella without reading the previous stories, the answer is yes.
Of course by doing so, you'll be losing more than half of the "fun" :)
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,612 reviews2,228 followers
February 6, 2017
"I bring you the gift of murder and mayhem, a puzzle to be solved, a mystery to be cracked."

I will forever be here for Gabriel POV. For. ever.

I hate to say this but I think I liked LOST SOULS more than BETRAYALS.. not that it should come as a surprise, really. The main factor being that there was hardly any Ricky to suffer through for this read. I know, I'm awful, poor guy, what did he ever do to me. He's such a nice dude. And that's mainly the problem. Gabriel might be frustrating as all get-out but he has legitimate reasons for being so. His character growth is slow as molasses but it's still there. We are seeing that evolution. And while LOST SOULS, a transitory story between books three and four of the Cainsville series, didn't offer much more of that, and gave us familiar bits of Gabriel's history, I still found it really relevant and worth reading. Patrick's involvement was a nice bonus, too, as he played a large role in this novella.

"On the stoop, he found the usual suspects : a cat and a boggart, actively ignoring one another. The boggart was Grace, the building owner, wearing her cranky old lady glamour. Well, the 'old lady' part was a glamour. The 'cranky' part was just Grace."

I'd also like to mention how much I love the mystery in this one. Over the course of this series the 'murder mystery' of the week/book hasn't always drawn me in. I've definitely been more caught up with the interpersonal drama and developments. But Armstrong really crafted a perfectly executed plot in this short story. Urban legends, fae, mystery, mistaken identity, thrills and chills and plays on words.. and, oh, banter. Little bit of that, too.

"..the folklore for ghosts is very clear that if you summon them at their graveside--"
"The folklore is also clear that to stop a ghost you have to dig it up and burn the bones."
"Uh, no. You've been watching Supernatural haven't you?"
".. my point is that the lore is full of crap."

As much as there is a lot to recommend this series, can I just say how happy I'll be to get the final book? I need my ending, people. I need it. I've earned it. We have earned it.

4 "again with the sarcasm" stars

** I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **
Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews116 followers
April 23, 2017

I was more than astonished to find that it's been almost one and a half years since I binge read the first three books of this series. Somehow though, Gabriel, Olivia and all those other amazing characters have managed to brand themselves into my memory, which made it surprisinglyeasy for me to immerse myself right back in the story.

While, as a reader of the Cainsville series, you're mainly used to Olivia's narration, this short is told from Gabriel and Patrick's POV only.
Patrick, wanting to get in their good graces, presents Gabriel and Olivia with a new mystery case to investigate, in the hopes of working with them and winning their trust. A case about a ghost story. Being the skeptic he is, Gabriel only takes the case to set things right with Olivia, who, unsurprisingly, is instantly on fire for anything supernatural.
And so starts another exciting investigation full of surprises, dead ends and deceits.

I truly loved this. How could I not, given that I got a good and private look into Gabriel's stubborn head and Patrick's deviously scheming mind?
There were quite a few laugh-out-loud moments, as well as touching glimpses into Gabriel's sad childhood. Poor boy. It's no wonder he's as closed off as he is.
It was fun though to see him squirm uncomfortably whenever confronted with anything just slightly feeling-related, or struggling to subdue his emotional defense mechanisms.

This was a perfect companion novella to an amazing series I adore.
Now that I'm once more hooked, I guess Betrayals is up next.

This won't work as a standalone novella, as you'll need some background story in order to fully understand what's going on.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for booknuts_.
809 reviews1,822 followers
July 3, 2017
I RARELY pick up the novellas of a series. I’m just not interested in them. I like having them but I rarely read them. weird, I know. But the only reason why I picked this one up was because it’s about my main squeeze and I was in need of something before the final book in this series which I LOVE!

So in this novella it’s just a mystery BUT it’s a mystery with Gabriel point of view for almost all of it. So I was all about it! I Love Gabriel, always have because of his rough character and yet when he feels, he feels deep. I love his lack of ability to do and say what he needs out of fear of rejection and so he runs the other way but this whole series is about changing him through experiences. He just isn’t what he makes himself out to be, and I love him.

I loved the mystery that has me dying for the last book in this series. With Gabriel, Liv and interestingly enough-Patrick. Patrick comes with a case for Gabriel for his own gain and then Gabriel only takes it thinking of Liv and their complication relationship. Well Patrick gets left in the dust while Gabriel and Liv take over and it’s just so like them.

Overall I loved the ghost mystery. I loved this little tease before the grand finale of the Cainsville series which I’m dying and crying inside at the same time.

Sexual Content: mild
Language: heavy
Violence: mild
Drugs/Alcohol: mild
Profile Image for Chrissy.
439 reviews9 followers
September 10, 2021
Love this! Love all the character dynamics: Liv & Gabriel of course, but also Gabriel & Patrick, and Patrick & Liv. Also loved Chrissy the ghost, simply for the fact that my favorite series now has a character who shares my first name, even if it's only a minor character in a novella. :)
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,831 reviews115 followers
April 2, 2017
I've been a little frustrated with this series, particularly with the love triangle, over the past few books. This is definitely not a favorite trope of mine! I was hoping a short story would be a change of pace and that there'd be a little less angst, but there were definitely elements of this still in there.

I did find this short story a little difficult to get into, but about half way through the action picked up. I love the character of Gabriel and it is a refreshing change to be seeing the narrative from his point of view. He's my favorite kind of hero, the grumpy and terse kind. Patrick, his father, is involved heavily in the story too and we see some of the story from his eyes.

This time, there is a case with an urban legend hitchhiker mystery to solve. Gabriel and Olivia get tangled up in it scooby style trying to solve it. I am not sure this story fixed any of their relationship woe, but it was a reasonably entertaining read and I enjoyed the mythology and folklore that it explored. But, I am still a little torn about this series as a whole. While this was an solid installment, I am hoping the final book in the series provides some kind of closure and my Oliva and Gabrielle ship sees the light of day. 

The art work is beautiful in the paperback copy of this book, it is well worth a look. If you're a fan of the series then this might just be a fab edition to your paperback library.
Profile Image for Vertrees.
565 reviews14 followers
March 6, 2017
Another fantastic short story. Was literally LOL'ing at Gabriel and Patrick's bickering.
Profile Image for Under the Covers Book Blog.
2,840 reviews1,354 followers
February 6, 2017

I have been a fan of Kelley Armstrong for years and the Cainesville series is one that slowly pulled me into its mystery. When I first started reading it I wasn't quite sure where the paranormal angle was, but it's slowly (quite slowly) been coming out. I didn't jump on reading book 4 when it came out because I'm holding out for the audiobook, and lucky that because this novella takes place between books 3 and 4. So perfect timing for me to read it without having experienced book 4 yet.

LOST SOULS has us investigating another case that mixes what is believed to be a touch of paranormal and in this case an urban legend more so than an omen. The case was interesting in and of itself, but the way the author pulled so many personal strings around this case to draw the reader in made it all the more appealing. And all those strings in this case revolve around Gabriel. He's the focal point for me in this story. His relationship with Olivia has suffered a bit after Deceptions and he can't find it in himself to open up to her to fix it. Patrick is also looking to connect with him. The case gives the perfect backdrop to try and work through some of those issues.

Gabriel is quite complex as a character. There are many walls he's erected to protect himself. Feelings are not something he's used to or deals with well. But I think I'm finally seeing an internal struggle that he can hopefully overcome before the series ends.

Overall, this short novella delivered on the edge of intrigue I have come to love about this series while giving us some crumbs to mull over on the personal side. Perfectly done and I can't wait to read more.

*ARC provided by publisher
Reviewed by Francesca

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Profile Image for Donna.
1,055 reviews55 followers
February 12, 2017
I liked the twist on the vanishing hitchhiker legend and am so in love with Gabriel's pov, but some plot elements could have been explained a bit better. The ending was also too abrupt for my taste.
Profile Image for Lola.
1,756 reviews268 followers
March 8, 2017
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

I love Kelley Armstrong her Cainsville series and this novella is an awesome addition to that series. I would definitely recommend it to fans of the series and even more for those who like Gabriel. This novella is told from Gabriel his point of view with a few short chapters from Patrick in between. I really like Gabriel, he's one of my favorite characters in this series and getting to spend a whole novella in his head was awesome.

I feel like we get an even better understanding of him in this book. How he feels over what happened in book 3 and how it effects him and also why he keeps doing those things, we even see him do one of those push away actions in this book and get to see what goes through his mind while he does it. And through it all it's so obvious how much he cares about Olivia.

There's a bit of a mystery, Patrick brings the case to Gabriel hoping to get his attention. It works and Gabriel takes the case. There's a lot of figuring out what's going on and what the disappearing hitchhiker is. But besides that there is also a lot of character focus, we see how Gabriel interacts with Liv and even how Patrick interacts with Liv. And we get to spend more time in Gabriel's head seeing how he thinks. It was interesting to have this whole story without even getting Olivia her point of view as that's whose point of view we mostly get in the main books.

It was great to spend time reading from Gabriel and Patrick's their point of views and this novella does add some character depth and understanding even if it doesn't advance the main plot line. It almost could be read as standalone as the events here don't impact the main story, but at the same time it would contain spoilers for those who haven't read the series, so I would recommend to read it in order if possible. It's set between book 3 and 4 and also makes some references to another novella that was written in between these books. It was nice to get those other hints of the ongoing story and it was easy to imagine when this would take place. So it felt firmly set in the timeline of this series with mentions of what happened in earlier books. The mystery itself is contained to this novella, it has a beginning and an end. It made for a great read.

To summarize: This was a great novella and I really enjoyed it! I would recommend it to fans of the series who want more Gabriel. The whole novella is told from Gabriel his point of view, with a few Patrick chapters in between. It really helped give even more understand and more depth to his character. Gabriel is one of my favorite characters in this series, so I loved spending time in his point of view. It was obvious how much he cares about Liv and it was heartbreaking to see how he keeps messing things up and can't help himself. He's fully aware what he's doing and how it sounds, yet he can't stop pushing her away in certain situations. There's a small mystery that gets resolved before the end of the book, but mostly I would recommend it for the additional time spent with the characters. All in all a great read.
Profile Image for archdandy.
198 reviews28 followers
March 11, 2017
In this new short story set in the Cainsville world by Kelley Armstrong we follow Gabriel Walsh. Patrick brings him a new and interesting case and he hopes it will help to bring Olivia back to him and repair their relationship. Unfortunately it doesn't quite work out that way for Gabriel and nothing really moves forward for them. Olivia is still walking on eggshells by the end of the story and Gabriel is still making an ass of himself.

I love Kelley Armstrong's books and characters and normally I'm rooting for both characters if there is a love triangle because each one will usually have their good sides and bad sides. I just don't feel the same about Gabriel. I don't think he is a terrible person or a bad character but I don't think he is right for Olivia. I'm team Ricky all the way!

This story was short and sweet and it was interesting to get inside Gabriel's head instead of following Olivia around all of the time. I don't think it warmed me to his side in any way though. The mystery was good and it was great to see Patrick trying to bond more with Gabriel. It's going to be fun to see where their relationship goes over the course of the series and of course Overall a nice addition to the Cainsville series.

*Please note I received an ARC of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
March 4, 2017

I have been a fan of Kelley Armstrong for years and the Cainesville series is one that slowly pulled me into its mystery. When I first started reading it I wasn’t quite sure where the paranormal angle was, but it’s slowly (quite slowly) been coming out. I didn’t jump on reading book 4 when it came out because I’m holding out for the audiobook, and lucky that because this novella takes place between books 3 and 4. So perfect timing for me to read it without having experienced book 4 yet.

LOST SOULS has us investigating another case that mixes what is believed to be a touch of paranormal and in this case an urban legend more so than an omen. The case was interesting in and of itself, but the way the author pulled so many personal strings around this case to draw the reader in made it all the more appealing. And all those strings in this case revolve around Gabriel. He’s the focal point for me in this story. His relationship with Olivia has suffered a bit after Deceptions and he can’t find it in himself to open up to her to fix it. Patrick is also looking to connect with him. The case gives the perfect backdrop to try and work through some of those issues.

Gabriel is quite complex as a character. There are many walls he’s erected to protect himself. Feelings are not something he’s used to or deals with well. But I think I’m finally seeing an internal struggle that he can hopefully overcome before the series ends.

Overall, this short novella delivered on the edge of intrigue I have come to love about this series while giving us some crumbs to mull over on the personal side. Perfectly done and I can’t wait to read more.
Profile Image for Douglas Meeks.
886 reviews237 followers
March 25, 2017
I gave some thought to giving this 3 stars but only because there is a lot of history and pages devoted to it that if the reader is not a follower of this series then you are pretty much lost on those pages BUT that does not affect the enjoyment of the reader in the main story here.

There is obviously some bit of past betrayal between Gabriel and Olivia but we are not really told exactly what it was, we do know he is sorry for it BUT again when the book ended I was not sure what their relationship is since it was not clear to me if either wanted a romantic relationship or just good friends but again, still did not keep me from enjoying the basic ghost story which is quite a mystery.

Bottom Line: A well written story, a opening that grabs your attention, sadly a lot of history I had no clue about that had a bearing on the relationship but not really on the main story here. So when I consider everything and my enjoyment of the story and almost immediate liking of the characters (although Gabriel needs some hard core lessons in how to deal with women since he seems clueless and a bit of a dumba$$ at times) I had to give it 4 Stars but even though I seldom consider it for a rating, I feel compelled to mention that the $6 cost is about double what this story should have cost.
Profile Image for Jess.
3,258 reviews5 followers
December 27, 2016
Decent Gabriel development, but otherwise very slight. I liked the look at Patrick, too, but I think I prefer the full novels to this novella.
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,384 reviews189 followers
June 4, 2017
4 stars


Ebook release: December 16, 2016
Paper Release Date March 31, 2017

The disappearing hitchhiker is one of the hoariest urban legends, and no one knows that better than Gabriel Walsh, a lawyer who grew up on folklore and myth. When author of books on the supernatural Patrick brings Gabriel a case of a hitchhiking woman in white who vanished on a country road after accepting a ride from a businessman, Gabriel knows the Cainsville elder is just trying to wheedle into his good graces. But Gabriel is a man in need of a mystery, one that will get him back into someone else’s good graces. His investigator, Olivia Taylor-Jones, has blown town supposedly on a simple vacation. But when she left there was a rift between them and…he misses her.

Gabriel is well aware the only thing Olivia loves more than a good mystery is a weird one, and this hitchhiker case more than fits the bill. As Gabriel digs into the story, he’s forced to face ghosts of his own and admit that the woman in white isn’t the only one who has lost her way.

With Lost Souls, New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong weaves an unmissable novella-length tale connected to her fan-favorite Cainsville series.


REVIEW: LOST SOULS by Kelley Armstrong is a companion novella in the author’s contemporary adult, paranormal Cainsville mystery/suspense series. The time frame happens somewhere between the events of DECEPTIONS (Cainsville 3) and BETRAYALS (Cainsville #4) but can be read as a stand alone without too much difficulty although I recommend reading the series in order for cohesion and backstory especially the ongoing mythical dynamics between Gabriel, Olivia and Ricky. LOST SOULS is not a necessary installment to the series but does reveal some background about Patrick’s connection to Gabriel.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Gabriel and Patrick) LOST SOULS focuses on the urban legend of the ‘vanishing hitchhiker and the lady in white’ - in the case of CAINSVILLE everything happens for a reason, and an explanation is exactly what attorney Gabriel Walsh is hoping to explore. Whether a hoax or a happenstance, Gabriel is out to prove, one way or another, that the vanishing hitchhiker is more than an urban legend.

LOST SOULS follows Gabriel as he reluctantly teams up with Patrick –a man whose true identity to Gabriel is kept secret-but a man who has kept watch over our leading hero for most of his life. Patrick is trying help keep Gabriel occupied during his PA’s absence-Olivia Taylor-Jones-an absence Gabriel feels down to his bones. What ensues is the search for the truth, and the revelation of mystical and magical creatures that are up to no good.

LOST SOULS is a ‘spirited’ story line with witty banter, rapid back and forth conversations, and a time-honored mystery that appears to recycle every few years. The relationship between Olivia and Gabriel continues to be tested, not only with Olivia’s love for Ricky but by ongoing, repetition of history and fabled lore. The premise is entertaining and imaginative; the characters are animated, revealing and energetic. The final resolution and reveal was a little abrupt but it is a novella so long winded explanations are not usually forthcoming.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

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