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What would you be willing to risk for a lifetime of fortune?

Emmett Atwater isn’t just leaving Detroit; he’s leaving Earth. Why the Babel Corporation recruited him is a mystery, but the number of zeroes on their contract has him boarding their lightship and hoping to return to Earth with enough money to take care of his family.


Before long, Emmett discovers that he is one of ten recruits, all of whom have troubled pasts and are a long way from home. Now each recruit must earn the right to travel down to the planet of Eden—a planet that Babel has kept hidden—where they will mine a substance called Nyxia that has quietly become the most valuable material in the universe.

But Babel’s ship is full of secrets. And Emmett will face the ultimate choice: win the fortune at any cost, or find a way to fight that won’t forever compromise what it means to be human.

“The 100 meets Illuminae in this high-octane sci-fi thriller.” —Bustle


384 pages, Hardcover

First published September 12, 2017

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About the author

Scott Reintgen

17 books1,360 followers
Scott Reintgen grew up in North Carolina, and took full advantage of the fact that he lived on the same street as fourteen of his cousins. It could be a little crowded, but he threw a few elbows and carved out a space for himself as the family storyteller. He enjoyed the role so much that he decided to spend most of college and graduate school investing in the world of literature. This led to a career teaching English and Creative Writing in the great state of North Carolina, where he currently lives with his wife and family. To his great delight, the demand for stories and storytellers is alive and well. As such, he can often be found at local coffee shops laboring over stories that he hopes his family, and fans, will love.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,429 reviews
Profile Image for Marie Lu.
Author 47 books135k followers
July 18, 2017
A high-octane thriller with a fully realized, complex cast and twists at every turn. Scott Reintgen knows exactly how to hook you into a story from the first line and keep you flying through the pages until you've reached the wild ending!
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,602 reviews11k followers
April 20, 2019
UPDATE: $1.99 Kindle US 4/20/19

Wow! This book was pretty freaking awesome!

Since it doesn't come out until Sept. 2017, I'm going to keep it short and no spoilers.

Emmett is one of 10 teens picked to go to the planet Eden. They are going to meet a new species there and try to set up a good life on Eden. They have some work to do there. They have to mine a substance called, Nyxia. It's pretty cool stuff too.

The kids are put through some rigorous training like fighting, terrain issues, work they have to do there and a few other things. They have to be prepared for life on Eden.

The kids are scored daily on the trials they perform and that will tell who all gets in.

I loved some of the characters in the book and I can't really tell you which ones because some might die right? Just want to keep you on your toes!

The company they are working for, Babel Communications, are keeping secrets. Isn't that the way it always goes though? But the kids are in a race to see who can get to Eden at all costs. They will win a lot of money and their families will be set for life. I wonder if that's really true.

Some of the kids form some bonds even though they are competing against each other. Sometimes you need teamwork to get you to the top.

So, who ends up going and who goes home? Find out when you read the book.

I was so excited for this book and loved it. I'm looking forward to the next one already. I wonder what's going to happen?

*Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for a digital copy of this book.*

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,898 reviews12.6k followers
July 9, 2024

Where my YA Sci-Fi fans at? If you haven't done so yet, you need to be picking up The Nyxia Triad!!!

In a not too distant future, Babel, one of the most powerful corporations in the universe, decides to select 10-teenagers to compete for the opportunity to embark on a space mission.

More specifically, they are fighting for a chance to be sent to the planet of Eden to mine a new miracle substance called, nyxia.

Babel has promised great wealth to the kids selected and that means a lot in the unstable world in which they live.

Coming from countries all over the world, this diverse cast of characters embarks on the journey of a lifetime and fierce competition ensues.

I felt that Reintgen writes from a teen perspective really, really well. I suppose as a teacher, he has a lot of experience dealing with that age group.

The dialogue felt natural and how they related to one another, spot on, especially considering the circumstances they find themselves in.

The main character, Emmett Atwater, was fantastic. I had no problem becoming attached to him and was rooting for him from the very start.

He is just such a sweet kid, trying to do what is best for his family while saving his integrity along the way.

Competitions in books are one of my all-time favorite tropes. I am a competitive person, so I absolutely adore and relate to reading about competitions. The training, the mentors, the mental strength, the challenges; yep, I love it all.

These kids go through vigorous training that at times is downright dangerous. They have so much to prepare for; being sent onto alien soil, that is in fact inhabited by dangerous aliens according to Babel.

A lot of the training takes place in VR, virtual reality, which adds a super cool gaming element to the story as well!

If you have been seeing any buzz for Nyxia Unleashed and wondering if it is worth tracking down the first book and starting this triad, I would say YES. It definitely is!

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a great, action-packed science fiction story; particularly with YA characters, but great for readers of ALL ages!
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
September 19, 2017
That cover. All the heart eyes. Honestly, I didn't even read the description before hitting that request button faster than I could blink; I had seen some fantastic early reviews for Nyxia and I'm a bonafide, card carrying member of the "judge a book by it's cover" club. I know, that's terrible for a book blogger to admit but it's the truth and there you go. I've been finding the young adult space exploration novels a bit hit or miss lately; I'm really drawn to the idea of them but sometimes the execution and world building just doesn't leave a significant impact on me. As a reader, I consume roughly 200 books per year and the ones that are a debut to a new series or trilogy rarely hold me long enough to intentionally carry on, but this one did. Can I have it now? A rough draft is fine thanks. 

Clearly, I am no teenager; I'm usually in my jammies by 8pm and I only wear makeup and big girl clothes when absolutely necessary. I am not the intended target audience for a book like this, which is why I always give my observations a wider berth for the genre and form more generalized opinions throughout my reading experience. All that to say, Nyxia worked well for me as it didn't make me feel like an old fart. Yes, the focus is on a group of whippersnappers, but the quality of dialogue, the level of world building (along with the aspect of leaving some things mysterious for the following installments), it was all pure genius. The beginning was a slow and steady introduction to Emmett, our narrator, and the why behind his involvement in Babel Corp and their mission to mine Nyxia is gradually revealed. From there, we had the chance to discover the purpose of the mission and the benefits and incentives for the kids to go, followed by the training exercises and relationships that form during the one year passage to Eden. That's all I'll give you plot wise, because you need to gasp as loudly as I did in the airport at the twists so everyone around you can jump up and give you dirty looks the rest of the evening. Oops. 

One of the many facets that won me over was the naturally occurring diversity. These kids are from all over the world, and as I learned more about why they are present and what backgrounds they came from, an inclusive picture was created in my mind. It was so cool to have a multi-racial plethora of kids formed in my brain! I wouldn't call the plot action packed, but it did grip my attention from beginning to end. Think slow building suspense with regularly placed twists that keep you tense and intrigued throughout. It's no wonder everyone is grasping for the next book; the ending is abrupt and a bit of a cliffhanger, but not in the way that pisses you off. It was highly memorable, and once one question was answered a few new ones would open up. I'm really intrigued to see where the author takes us next and to learn more about Eden, the natives on said planet, and what will happen to those who were able to complete the challenges and proceed to the next phase. If you enjoy young adult novels with unique world building that are just as enjoyable for adults as to those of a younger audience, you really don't want to miss Nyxia.

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my copy via NetGalley; it was a pleasure to provide my honest thoughts here. 
Profile Image for emi.
538 reviews1,157 followers
July 9, 2017
2.99/5 stars

"Why’d they choose us?"
"We’re all broken. They picked us because we’re broken."

Thank you, Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review

It doesn’t feel right to give this book three stars, but I can’t bring myself to give it two stars. I don’t know what it deserves and I’m just so conflicted right now? Maybe if Goodreads created half star ratings I wouldn’t have this kind of inner turmoil…

There has been so much praise thrown at this book that I’m wondering if I even read the same book as everyone else. I’m usually not a SciFi fan because, like any reasonable person, I realize that space is f*cking terrifying and aliens will one day destroy us all. Yet, I was prepared to throw an entire galaxy of stars at this book before I even began reading it. You can imagine the agony I faced when I realized, about 40% into this book that I was going to end up extremely disappointed.

This book did start out good. Ten random inexperienced kids being paid to go into outer space to mine a mysterious mineral on some far off planet? And they have to compete against each other to see who is top dog because only some of them are actually going to end up on that planet? Then sprinkle in aliens that are obsessed with children. I was so intrigued. I wanted to know why.

So I kept reading, wanting to know why.

And I kept reading.

And I kept reading.

And then I finished the book.

I still don’t know why????

I think that is the first problem I have with this book. It’s going to rely quite a bit on its sequels to help tell its story, but as I read an ARC of this, it’s going to be over a year before I even get my hand on the next book. By then, all I will remember about this book is how big of a let down it was for me.

Now, you might probably not be asking yourself, "Teenagers? Competing against one another in space? Where does that sound familiar?" And which I say to you, Ender's Game. And while I do love the Ender's Game movie, I am very vocal about my absolute hatred for the book. And the similarities between Nyxia and Ender's Game were so uncanny to me, I had a difficult time separating my EG hatred from my possible love for Nyxia. I did, however, eventually get over it, but there was still a lasting impression. Which is problem number two for this book: I didn't find the plot all that original.

It also reminded me a lot of that one season of Power Rangers where they go off into space to colonize some planet. But, unlike Power Rangers, Nyxia wasn't full of colorful spandex, wasn't full cheesy dialogue, and wasn't made in the '90s. Talk about even more disappointment.

And that was all the plot was. Them competing. It was 400 pages of Emmett looking at a scoreboard and wondering why his name wasn't in the #1 position. And then going around training. Then competing. Then looking at the scoreboard. And you get the picture.

Anyways let's move onto more reasonable reasons why this book is a bigger disappointment than I am to my parents.

So, if I'm not mistaken here, this is a science fiction book. It takes in the future. The characters are all floating around in space. There are aliens that might one day kill us all. Except there is no science? At all. I was all prepared for giant words I don't understand the meanings of to be thrown around like a typical science fiction book. And with all those words would could scientific explanations and other scientific things. But, like the MIA answers to my many questions, those scientific things never came. Instead, everything was answered by the fictional mineral of nyxia.

How do they travel across space really quickly? Nyxia.

How do they say "fuck you" to the antigravity laws of space and keep their feet on the ground? Nyxia.

How did they create a society where instalove doesn't exist? Nyxia.

Okay so maybe that last one only happened in my dreams, as even this book wasn't immune from the disease that was instalove, and trust me this book is dying from it, but I'm sure nyxia would be able to cure it if it tried.

But let's talk about nyxia for a second because it doesn't make any effing sense to me. It is a mineral. These children are being sent to some far off planet to mine it, to take that natural resource from those big bad aliens. Yet, nyxia can shapeshift. It's pretty much the Pokemon Ditto in rock form. The people in this book can look at it, tell it to turn into a spoon, and it will do whatever they command. Then, for some reason, it also can help make a 27-year-long space journey take only a year? How? Then, to add onto that, it's also self-aware. It won't cure an injury caused by its substance.

No matter how much I try, I can't wrap my mind around it. It doesn't make any sense. How can a rock, a natural resource, be self-aware? How does it have the ability to turn its self into almost any substance? Maybe, if we had a scientific explanation like a reasonable science fiction book should have, I would be able to accept a self-aware rock and move on with my life. But there wasn't one, so I'm just left here eternally confused.

Now, there must be something I liked, considering I did end up giving this book three stars. And that is easy. The characters. They was a giant cast of them, too many for me to go off and list them, but they were all so funny, realistic, and diverse. The main character, Emmett, is a POC from Detroit. There's a girl named Kaya from Japan. Jazzy, from somewhere in the south, is an ex-child beauty pageant contestant Which is my favorite part of this entire story. Probably the only reason I bumped my rating to three stars. If you know anything about me, you'd know about my undying love and devotion to Toddlers & Tiaras. I loved the cast, and if I do end up one day picking up the second book, it will be because of them.

But that also brings me to unanswered question #2319 I have with this book. Why were ten random, inexperienced teenagers that are apparently "broken" sent into outer space? Isn't that, like, incredibly dangerous? These children have no astronaut experience whatsoever . I understand why they sent children, for the aliens really like kids for some unexplained reason, but why not send teenagers who are more equipt to go into space than ten random kids?

Also can we talk about something incredibly irrelevant to the plot but bugged the crap out of me? Emmett had never heard of the story Alice in Wonderland before? Like how have you not? I don't understand? It's never explained how he hasn't ever heard of a 150 year old classic? Also the Disney movie exists? I started to assume maybe books and movies are banned or nonexistent or something in this world, but Kaya owned a copy of the book? And then also later in the book he mentions watching old Disney movies with the other crew mates??? Scott Reintgen please explain.

Then the aliens. Let's talk about the aliens for a second. I forgot what they are called in the book, but that doesn't matter, as the book never goes into much depth about them. We are told about them. But there is no depth. Are those aliens good? Bad? How do they function? Do these aliens have politics? Is there an alien that's like the equivalent of Kim Kardashian? Is there a Kanye West alien as well? How do they live? What drives them? All we got was some corporate human telling us they are bad and the main character wondering if he's lying. We had almost 400 pages full of words that could have been used to give some more details about these aliens and yet they were all wasted on the Emmett trying to master the art of manipulating nyxia. Even the aliens in that one Power Ranger season had more to them and that's a children show about superheroes in spandex.

Then there were plot twists just for the sake of plot twists. And quite a few of them that by the time a major one happened about 60% into the book, I wasn't even surprised. I was even expecting it, to be honest.

I think, maybe, if this book took out a lot of its competition scenes and combined this book with its sequel into one much bigger book I would absolutely love it. But there were just too many unanswered questions for me to really feel absolutely satisfied with it. I think also then, if that happened, this book could separate itself a lot better from other published works.

Well I can see why so many people are throwing praise at this book, it just wasn't for me at all.

Maybe the next space book I plan on picking up will be much better. Probably not. But optimism amiright???

But probably the next book buddy read w/Scrill (if she ever wants to buddy read something with me again) won't be a sci-fi though.

Sorry there's no GIFS in this review. I'm just being really lazy right now.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
January 10, 2020
$1.99 Kindle sale, Jan. 10, 2020. It's a "Hunger Games in space" type of read, except with more attention to diversity. (This is the first book in a trilogy, and the second and third books hold up fairly well, if not perfectly.) Review first posted on Fantasy Literature:

A group of teenagers, engaged in a deadly serious game-like competition. Life-changing fortunes are at stake, if not life itself. An ominously secretive corporation pulling the strings.

Many of the elements in Nyxia are familiar, but Scott Reintgen combines them with some more unusual plot features ― a worldwide cast that is primarily of minority races and nationalities, an appealing urban black young man as a protagonist, and a trip through space to a distant planet, rather misleadingly called Eden, that is clothed in secrecy. The result is an adventurous page-turner of a YA book.

The mysterious Babel Communications has gathered ten teenagers for a trip to the planet of Eden. As they begin their trip to Eden on the spaceship Genesis, Marcus Defoe, an executive of Babel, explains to the teens that wealth beyond their imagining will be offered them ― fifty thousand dollars a month for life, free top-grade medical care for their families, and more ― if the teens sign on the dotted line and, by the way, agree to a gag order on the secrets they’ll be learning. All sign.

Defoe explains to the group that they are traveling to Eden to work there for Babel for a few years, mining a near-magical, incredibly valuable mineral called nyxia found only on Eden that responds to your mental commands and morphs into (almost) anything you mentally ask of it. Why teens? There are dangerous natives living on Eden who are deadly enemies of humans, but culturally they reverence children and young people, putting them in a safe zone. So Babel has picked teens in desperate circumstances and offered them incredible boatloads of money to go to Eden and do the nyxia mining for them. Apparently non-interference with alien races is non-existent as a guiding principle for Babel Communications.

During the year-long trip to Eden, Babel puts the teens through brutal training, turning it into a competition: points are awarded and scores are kept and cumulated, and the bottom two teens will be sent home, missing out on most of the incredible financial benefits. But Babel has much more up its sleeve than its personnel are saying, and you can’t believe everything you hear from them.

Emmett, the main character and narrator of the novel, is complex, bright, and sympathetic enough to be an engaging protagonist. He struggles with anger and resentment against injustice, but diligently strives to follow the moral guideposts that his loving parents and others have helped him to form. Emmett habitually works to control his anger, channeling it into mental filing cabinets (“I file the thought away under P for Power”). There are also several very strong, intelligent and capable female characters. The multi-ethnic cast is a plus, particularly since the diversity is handled in a way that it makes complete sense for the storyline.

Scott Reintgen, a debut author, has created a gripping and compelling read in Nyxia, the first in a planned trilogy. There are a few minor inconsistencies in tone and characterization. Nyxia itself is a fantastical, near-magical substance that has so many diverse, amazing uses that it veers close to fantasy, requiring some suspension of disbelief. Additionally, the competition-driven plot may strike some readers as overfamiliar. Nyxia distinctly reminded me of both The Hunger Games and Ender's Game. Still, I think fans of those books will find Nyxia hugely appealing. Not just a paler imitation, Nyxia is a book that adds to the genre. I highly recommend it if you like young adult science fiction adventures, and I’ll be anxious to pounce on the next book in this series.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher for review. Thank you!
Profile Image for Always Pouting.
576 reviews931 followers
August 16, 2018
Emmett Atwater gets the opportunity of a life time when along with nine other teenagers he is recruited by Babel Corporation. Yet Emmett knows better than anyone that everything comes at a cost, especially when he sees that all the other recruits are poor too. Soon they're all told that they will be competing against one another and that only eight of them will be able to go through to Eden, the Planet where they will be working, in the end. Emmett know's he has to win, this opportunity will improve his life and save his mother's life but it's difficult as he tries to reconcile his competitive feelings with his tentative friendships and loneliness. Especially when his suspicions about Babel's intentions begin to seem warranted.

This book is totally 4.5 stars for me, I really enjoyed reading it. I couldn't put it down because I really needed to know what was going to happen to Emmett. Also there was a lot that happened that I did not see coming like and also . So I was pretty engrossed the whole time I was reading and I found it really easy to relate to the characters, especially Emmett.

The book has a lot of diversity which I know is important for people so if you're looking for that you should try this one out, but regardless of that I did really enjoy all the characters . Like all the characters have their own strengths and weaknesses and they all grew on me and that ending made me agitated a little because now I don't know what happens next but like I need to know so I'm just going to go nap until the next one's out.
756 reviews2,554 followers
July 30, 2018
3.75 stars.

Well, wow. This book was pretty amazing. If you're a huge fan of SciFi, add this to your tbr because it's literally so fucking awesome. I mean, The Hunger Games, but in space!!!! And god that ending??? I need the next book now, please.

This book is about 10 teens chosen to mine a mysterious substance, nyxia, on a newly discovered planet. Throughout the book, they are trained to fight and survive for the life on Eden. In exchange for helping Babel, their families are cared for, given tons of wealth and fame.

This book is filled with diversity. There are people from all over the world present in this book!!!

●Our MC Emmett is black.
●Kaya is Japanese.
●Bilal is Palestinian.
●Jazzy is American.
●Longwei is Asian.
●Azima is Kenyan.
●Isadora is Brazilian.
●Katsu is Japanese.
●Jaime is Swedish.

I loved all these characters. They were kind, funny, loving, caring and just amazing. (Except for a few assholes.)

The emphasis on family is so strong and amazing. Emmett had a beautiful relationship with hs parents, filled with love, care, loyalty and support.

The only problem I had with this book was that it was too slow for me. This is a slow paced book and takes its time and that left me a bit bored. I, personally, enjoy fast paced books, but if you love a slow build up, you'll love this book.

Overall, despite the slow pacing, I loved it and I'm dying for the next book.

BR with my fav Kaylin!

I got an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nicole.
820 reviews2,380 followers
March 4, 2021
2.5 stars

I file this book under M for meh.

This book was fun, to say the least. It could be easily read in one sitting. Competition –at least for me- is always entertaining to read about and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of this trope. However, fun isn’t enough.

When the Babel Corporation chooses Emmet to go to a new planet, he doesn’t think twice about accepting their offer. After all, the 50 000$ each month for the rest of his life isn’t something he can refuse, especially that he’s family is very poor. They have to get Nyxia, a very expensive substance not available on Earth, from Eden.

Emmet soon discovers that he’s competing with 9 other people and only 8 can go to the new planet. Thus, he’ll do everything in his power to win although he feels like Babel is hiding some dangerous secrets.

Let’s start by the few things I liked. The book is easy to read and keeping up with the new information doesn’t take any effort at all. It’s also entertaining. I liked that our 10 characters have to challenge each other, alone and in teams. I didn’t get bored while reading it and that’s something. I also like the diversity in this book. The contestants are from different countries from all around the Globe.

Babel Corporation is named as such because it removes the language barrier. People can have their own translators attached to their jaw. That’s my first problem. As someone who isn’t an English native speaker, I always struggle with translation. I’m fluent and all but when someone asks me what does this English sentence mean in Arabic? If it is a bit complicated, I have a hard translating it all without adding words and keeping loyal to the meaning and structure. Sure I can explain it in a long version but it would have a different structure which isn't right. Anyway, so yeah we also have these words that have many meanings. Let’s say spring. It can mean different things in different contexts. Moreover, one of the hardest things to do is translating a book. Many expressions will sound ridiculous. You can’t say "a piece of cake" in Arabic, you’ll sound silly. So it’ll need work on how to get your reader understand what the author meant without translating word for word. Which brings us to my problem in this book.

As creative as it sounds I refuse to believe that there’s something that easily translates everything without not changing any of the meaning... while still making mistakes. Yes, the author spoke about expressions relative to each language. But you know? It would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for the word “cool”. You see, the Nyxia translator got it wrong. It translated it ironically, to Arabic, as cold. However, if you GOOGLE TRANSLATE IT (worst translator ever), you’ll see that it can mean “very good” as well. Later, we have someone reading in Japanese, and Emmet understanding what she’s reading in English. Has any of you read manga? Do you notice the numerous mistakes that translators make? (I’m not criticizing them because God bless them for doing it for free) What I mean is that they’re translators and they can translate incorrectly only a few words from Jap to English (took this example because the Jap contestant reads to Emmet). Can you imagine the whole book? So after the word cool, do you want me to believe that a book can be translated correctly?

We know so little about Earth. Yes, it’s the future and we still have the same countries but surely not everything is still the same, yet we barely know anything about it. With all the advanced technology, can’t all the kids make a conversation in English? Not saying scientific and advanced things but maybe basic conversation? It's already very common nowadays so shouldn't be even more so in the future? What’s happening right now? Surely we don’t have the same political systems. Of course, many things changed. More developed technology and such but we don’t even know what the year is!! We only know that Babel is very advanced and that’s only because of the Nyxia substance! Lack of world-building? Oh yes, very much. Therefore, I didn’t see much sci-fi. No wowzy stuff men made or anything “science”. Believe me, I’d know because I’m not the biggest fan of this genre.

This book screams diversity. Different races, different languages, different cultures, different everything. Which is great.. in theory. So the population on Earth must be over 10 billion at the time. However, of course, 3 will be Americans. Sorry, 2 Americans and 1 from Detroit. Hey, are you from the States Emmet? I’m from Detroit. Seriously? Not even Michigan. Not even a State. But a damn city. No people don't talk well English but they know Detroit. Since we don’t know anything about school systems and programs, at least to know if they study about the United States cities and villages, it’s so absurd to say I’m from Detroit. Believe me, a foreigner might know many states. However, can you guarantee that the person you’re speaking to knows a city in your country? *sighs* Americans.

The other characters go something like this
Jazzy: nice
Isabel: loves Roathy, always angry
Roathy: there’s something dark about him
Longwei: mean and wants to be on top
Katsu: big with a (ridiculous) sense of humor
Kaya: strategic and kind
Jamie: pretty boy (although he doesn’t act like it)
Bilal: too good
Azuma: strong and wants to marry

Yes, Emmet’s adjective vocabulary is only limited to this. Always repeating the same stuff about them. Always. I couldn’t relate to any of them and they all felt flat. Just nothing impressive at all. I also wasn’t impressed by Emmet. I mean yes, I didn’t hate him but he wasn’t the kind of character I’d root for. So yeah, the characters weren’t the best. You don’t even hate them. Only feel nothing. I had some problems with how some characters were portrayed.

Now to the ending. Or rather, the romance. IT WAS PLAIN BAD. Talk about insta-love!! I thought I’ve read bad romance in the past but this was something else. It was so anti-climactic, rushed, and out of nowhere. Since it happens at the end, I can’t say much without revealing any spoiler. It made me cringe. There was no chemistry, no attraction, it was just forced and unbelievable. I was honestly considering giving it 3 stars before the romance started.

I think that this book is good if you’re looking for a mindless read set in space. Don’t expect anything complicated, just a quick fun read.

arc provided by publishers via NetGalley

Profile Image for Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen).
426 reviews1,897 followers
July 8, 2017
4.5 Stars


“When you look back, it won’t be mercy you regret.”

Taking place in a near-future where mankind discovered a habitable planet, a corporation creates a challenge to send young-adults who will mine a mysterious new element known as Nyxia. Ten teenagers are recruited into the program, though only eight will make it through.

Scott Reintgen’s debut is a wonderfully introspective story that puts great twists on tropes made popular by the Hunger-Games-esque dystopians that surged a few years ago. It’s an awesome start to a series, and I need the next book now!

I received an ARC of this through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thanks to Crown Books for the opportunity! (Quote not final)

Buddy-read with my favorite Sana! (Who is taking forever to read this and I may or may not have left in the dust)


The. Characters.

This has an ensemble cast of characters with different races, sexes and backgrounds. There’s literally ten characters introduced in the first chapter, and it is honestly overwhelming at first. It took me a little while to to keep everyone straight, but I very quickly I loved them all.

As the book builds upon this training program, you slowly learn about the characters and it is awesome. Each of them seems like a fleshed-out person and it made their interactions so powerful. We have:

• Emmett-
Our MC is a black male from Detroit who hasn’t grown up with a lot of privilege, outside of his loving family. Has an extremely powerful character ARC regarding anger and one’s agency.

• Kaya-
From Japan, bringing with her an assortment of books and a brilliant tactical mind.

• Jazzy-
A southern belle from Tennessee with a ton of charm and outside-the-box-thinking.

• Bilal-
Just a ball of sunshine. From Palestine originally, he seemed to live a difficult and isolated life before joining the program. Everyone’s favorite, including mine.

• Azima-
A badass warrior from Kenya. Has a very interesting relationship with femininity and ‘expected’ gender roles.

• Roathy-
A detached young man who fights with a desperation. (I don’t think he ever reveals where he is from)

• Isadora-
Brazilian with a mysterious tattoo and a cold, calculating demeanor.

• Jamie
I honestly wanted a little more from this Swiss competitor. But as the only white male in the group, he opens up interesting conversations about race and perception.

• Katsu-
Kind of just comic relief, tbh. But with hints of a dark side?

• Longwei-
A Mongolian who is immensely talented when it comes to competition, but seems to define himself by his ranking.

Also, gender roles were thrown out the window? Women kicked ass alongside the men. And men cried when leaving their families. I really loved all the diversity in the cast, and think it was handled very well.

This is a slow-build plot (which is my favorite!) with several twists and turns. Though I understand complaints about the amount of training sequences, I think it was necessary to show the characters develop and further build the word. I really enjoyed the pace set here, and it cultivates perfectly.

I personally hate when teens are thrust into some role of importance (usually in a dystopian society) without proper training or reason. Here, there was a decently believable reason, and lots of the focus on training these kids despite their age.

Nyxia itself is fascinating. I swear it was almost a character itself, and I’m really interested to learn more about it.


There’s one random chapter in the middle that changes POV, for no reason? I still don’t understand why it was there.

There’s also a scene where a character seems to make some comment about having the ability to see auras or “colors” of other people? And I’m not sure if I just completely misunderstood the scene or it was random AF.

I didn’t dislike the sort-of-romance thrown in at the end. I just don’t understand why it was necessary? As slow as everything else developed, I wish this hadn’t been so quick.

In Conclusion

This is fantastic start to a series. Everything builds slowly and is completely drive by the characters, but also establishes such an interesting world, I can't wait to see where it goes.
Profile Image for Ben Alderson.
Author 27 books14k followers
October 31, 2017
Wow. Where do I start!

I really did enjoy this book. At first, I was REALLY confused as what to expect but wow. I didn't expect this.

I loved the writing. I loved the dialogue, internal and external. I found the main character detailed, deep and interesting.
I really enjoyed the idea of this 'training' and 'scoring' sections of the book. I think it added something a lover of The Hunger Games or Harry Potter house points would love as an adult.

I did have an issue with the NUMBER of characters. First, there were 10 competitors and I got used to that. Then more were introduced and I almost died. But, I did get used to it in the end.

I loved the pacing of this book. Really, REALLY loved the pacing. I also love this unique sci-fi idea and 'nyxia'.. urmmm HELLO CAN I PLEASE GET A COOL NYXIA RING!?

I will be reading the sequel, in fact, I hope it comes out soon because I am worried I may forget a lot of these characters. YES, this book had me crying.... and laughing..... and gasping. This, for me, shows that I really did enjoy it. So glad I had NO EXPECTATIONS when reading. It made the experience more interesting for me.
Profile Image for Taylor.
460 reviews189 followers
July 6, 2018
Updated Review:

Thanks to Random House Children's/Crown Books for providing this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

"We can be kings and queens, sure, but only if we bow first."

How far would you go for a chance at financial freedom and the perks associated with a secured lifestyle? What lines would you cross if it meant free health care and access to the best and most advanced treatments -- in perpetuity --  for you and your family? That's the question our MC, Emmett Atwater, and his fellow Babel recruits competitors must answer before arriving at Tower Space Station and the newly discovered planet Eden.

Hailing from every nook and cranny on Earth, the recruits aboard Genesis 11 are quickly pitted against one another after discovering that only 8 of them will actually win the prize and earn the chance to see Eden. As such, much of the book is devoted to their competition. From physical trials in the Rabbit Room (a techie's dream; think VR on steroids) and endurance drills to mental tests and Nyxia-manipulation sessions our cast of characters are constantly pushing their limits. And although it might sound repetitive, Reintgen keeps the intensity high with a constant slew of twists and a connection to the diverse characters -- and their stress levels -- every time we're exposed to the scoreboard. 

"...your shared humanity is the most precious commodity of all."  

My favorite part of this book -- beyond the tech gadgetry of course (I'm talking to you, Nyxian language converter) -- was Emmett's narrative and his relationship with his family -- especially his father. It was truly refreshing to see a positive paternal presence complete with uplifting guidance throughout this YA thriller.

"You get in there and fight, Emmett. Be worthy. Not in their eyes, but in yours. Break the rules {if} you need to, but never forget who you are and where you come from."  

Through the eyes and mind of Emmett, a black teen from Detroit, the book is able to eloquently toggle between its' sci-fi components to real-world insights on everything from systematic poverty and empathy to mercy and hope. 

"Where I come from, low expectations are generational."

"My fight is one of decades and generations. One bad day won't stop me from rising up."

These sneak peeks into Emmett's psyche add a level of realism that is often missing in the sci-fi genre. And it's truly a testament to Reintgen's words that a book set in the future -- and in space -- is able to pack those heavy hits. Because let me tell you, there are a handful of quotes and scenes tucked away in this novel that hit you harder than one of our southpaw's jabs. 


The first installment had me hooked from takeoff and I can't wait to see how this sci-fi saga plays out. If you're a fan of The Hunger Games/Divergent, and are looking for a fast and addictive read, Nyxia is definitely the book for you! Fathom? 

Original Review:
Y'all I know there's a lot of hot titles dropping in September, but do yourselves a favor and add this one to the list. RTC!

First thought:
Dropping the other three books I'm currently reading (WHAT has happened to me???) to pick up my first approved NetGalley ARC! Let's do this!
Profile Image for Niki Hawkes - The Obsessive Bookseller.
771 reviews1,485 followers
September 29, 2017
[4.5 stars] Red Rising Fans: I have a YA recommendation for you.

As someone who has admitted to having trouble with young adult books lately, it should come with some extra weight that I loved Nyxia. It had a fun concept, fantastic competitions, and a page-turning story that promises even more in the books to come. So, personal endorsements aside, I think it’s important to know what you’re signing up for with Nyxia. All the advertising I’ve seen for it describes a gritty Hunger Games in space read that initially gave me the impression teens were being dropped on a planet (much like The 100) and forced to fight for survival/domination. While this might be true in future books, at the moment the story has very little to do with either space or new world discovery (other than on the periphery).

It is, in fact, a story much more similar to Survivor (the show) than Hunger Games, where teens subject themselves to grueling competition for eventual monetary rewards. Aside from the cool technology, this story could have taken place at any old facility on Earth. The “space” element of the whole thing was in concept only and definitely an under-realized aspect of the book.

But you know what? The characters and their competitions were so dang interesting, I didn’t care one whit about the lack of world-building.

I am a huge sucker for a book with a good competition and Nyxia contained a nice variety of challenges that had me page-turning endlessly to see what would happen next! Based on how I normally evaluate books, Nyxia would receive a solid 4 stars. But because it struck a chord with me (for how well it did the things it did well), I’m giving it an extra .5 for that intangible “it” factor. I can’t wait for the next one!

Recommendations: I think the characters, the writing style, and the overall concept would definitely appeal to Red Rising fans, especially if you don’t mind the occasional YA read. It doesn’t have the same grit, but I’m hoping it is shaping up to have the same heart. Don’t go into this one expecting space-exploration and new world discoveries. Go in expecting great competition and loads of fun.

Via The Obsessive Bookseller at www.NikiHawkes.com

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Profile Image for Carrie.
3,445 reviews1,636 followers
August 19, 2017
Emmett Atwater had no clue why he'd been recruited by the Babel Corporation but now that he has heard their proposal he knows there is no way he could pass the opportunity by. Babel has recruited ten teens from around the world and offered them a contract with so many promises and opportunities involved Emmett knows it would help his family tremendously.

The contract is offered to get the recruits to leave Earth and travel to a distant planet called Eden in order to mine for Nyxia. The inhabitants of the planet will welcome children to their home so the teens are needed to seek out this new resource for Babel. The catch..only eight of them will make the cut to call the new planet home and they must prove themselves all along the journey.

Nyxia is the first book of the new sci-fi young adult Nyxia Triad series by Scott Reintgen. I have to say starting this one off it really began to remind me of other young adult series out there so I was a bit hesitant to think it would gain a life of it's own. Most notably I kept thinking of Divergent when the recruits end up competing against one another. But thankfully the story and characters did grow into one that I did enjoy and would look forward to reading more in the future.

Now one thing I would warn with Nyxia is while the characters were described as a very diverse group along the way I thought that was kind of lost in the rest of the story. The action seemed to over power personalities to me and since it was described at the beginning they were given translators I think that kind of lost the different nationalities and languages to where they didn't stand out much. The action however did keep coming and a few surprises along the way to keep my attention and have me looking forward to seeing if the series can pull itself out of reminding me of other young adult titles and become completely creative and new in later installments.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.wordpress....
Profile Image for Elle (ellexamines).
1,113 reviews18.9k followers
August 24, 2017
DNF at 37%. There's legitimately nothing wrong with this, it is is just so not a "me" book. It's the kind of book I would have obsessed over in grade six. In fact, it reminds me most of Gone by Michael Grant, a series I was obsessed with for years - same compelling plot, same fairly interesting but slightly-too-large cast of characters, same towards-the-lower-end-of-YA writing style. I feel like I'm going to finish it and give it a solid three. That might be fine with a standalone novel, but this is the beginning of a trilogy. I don't want to read a solidly-good-but-not-for-me trilogy.

There are also too many characters. Here's who we have so far:
Emmett - the main. Seems like a good dude.
Kaya - my icon?? and the love interest.
Longwei - the token villain competitor dude.
Katsu - a Good Dude.
Jaime - token white friend.
Azima - Seems sweet. Really has no personality yet.
Bilal - who??
Jasmine - god even knows.
Roathy - towards the bottom due to an altercation with Emmett, vows revenge.
Isadora - towards the bottom due to her care for Roathy and her own incompetence.

Do pick this up if it interests you, though!! My two BR partners (Melanie and Solomon) both gave it a solid five stars.

Thanks to Netgalley for the arc. This does not influence my opinions in any way. (Obviously, or I'd have given it a higher rating.)

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Profile Image for Nic Stone.
Author 39 books4,390 followers
February 8, 2016
In a word: Wow.

This is by far the most ethnically inclusive mainstream YA sci-fi book I've ever read. It tells the story of an African American young man named Emmett who is recruited by a mysterious corporation and promised a LOT of money for completing a top secret mission on a distant planet. The fine print: while en route, he'll have to compete against nine other recruits--all from different countries--in a series of physically and mentally excruciating tasks to secure one of eight spots on the final mission team.

The beauty of this story, though, isn't solely rooted in the diversity of the characters. What really made it a hit for me is that despite the fact that all the recruits come from different countries/cultures, the main conflict really hinges on the one thing all the characters have in common. (I won't say what it is because trying to stay spoiler-free.)

I've never read a book that manages to illustrate the complexity of human motivations while simultaneously keeping the pages turning. Not only could I not put it down... when I got to the end, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Every time Emmett was faced with a moral dilemma--and there were many--I found myself torn. Every single time. There were no easy answers.

And that was my favorite aspect of the story. The depth. The complexity of each character. The constant battle between doing whatever it takes to earn a place on the final team, and maintaining a sense of self and personal integrity.

If I could give it six stars, I would.
Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,039 followers
September 16, 2017
File this under F for fantastic! This is like the Hunger Games in space. Those who know me, know that I often 'don't do' sci fi unless it's very character driven. This book ticks all the right boxes for me.
The main characters ( competitors) are all underdogs, minorities from impoverished backgrounds. Emmett, our young protagonist is very cool while the others are well drawn too. Babel, the corporation behind the trip, clearly can't be trusted and I'm pretty sure the chosen teams are going to be in for some unpleasant experiences. I am so excited for the next book.
Many thanks to Netgalley for an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,477 followers
October 19, 2017
I am having a hard time rating this one because I think it would be a great book for young kids, but it didn't work for me personally. I admit that I'm not the target audience, but some YA novels can be just as entertaining to adults as non-YA. This just isn't one of those, IMO. I think the audience for this one is Middle School. In that age-group, this book would be amazing.

It is very much like Red Rising Jr..
The being-in-space thing isn't that important in this first book because the entire story takes place in a spaceship that could very well be a gymnasium and campus with dorm rooms. I don't think these kids even look out the window of the spaceship.

So, we have this group of kids who are competing to get a job mining the equivalent of Flubber on another planet. The Flubber is a magical substance that can do anything and be transformed into anything with just a thought. Why will kids be the miners? Because the aliens like kids and are less likely to kill them.

Our narrator is an African American boy from Detroit who was dirt-poor and needs the job to provide for his dying mother and over-worked father. He is a likable kid and it's easy to root for him to get his spot. The other kids are from everywhere on Earth. It is a virtual diversity-dreamland on this spaceship.

So, they set-up a diverse group of kids who represent humanity to fight each other for a limited resource (the jobs) in whatever way possible without having to worry about being "fair". Sounds about right...

Okay, that's freaking adorable.

They don't actually get to kill each other, though I would have liked that better. I could just see them arriving to the new planet with a spaceship full of children's corpses. That would scare those damn aliens into giving us what we want...
But, it didn't go that route. Too bad the author didn't take notes from me.

Anyway, the book is basically a competition book. It was original and would be very exciting for younger audiences. I could see 13 year old boys really enjoying this book.
Profile Image for Sherwood Smith.
Author 155 books37.5k followers
May 25, 2017
I opened this ARC yesterday to glance at it (I have other books going) and absolutely fell into it. And a debut? What a stunning book!

I was going to avoid it, as I am tired of teenage gladiatorial books with sloppy worldbuilding that only exists to throw the teens into a pit to fight themselves bloody (between swooning and angsting over their Lurve Triangle) but I stumbled on a reference to there being only one white character in this book, and I had to read it.

I am so glad I did. Make no mistake, the tension-line is at maximum overdrive, because the competition is there, hoo boy is it there. But Reintgen has put together a fascinating world that promises all kinds of layers behind the mega corporation Babel, who funds this trip to a new planet called Eden, where a mysterious substance called nyxia is being mined. But it's being controlled by indigenous people who slaughtered the adults and protected the children in the initial exploration party.

So many interesting questions lie outside, to be answered in subsequent volumes, meanwhile this one concerns Emmet, a black kid from Detroit, trying to find his place among the other nine teens on their ship: while they travel to Eden, the ten embark on a super intense training regimen that is meant to eliminate two from the ten.

What I found exceptionally good was how Emmet struggles not only to be the best, but to define what that best is. He's all the conflicts of human nature wrapped up in one complex kid: his parents, he knows, define the best as being a good man, not merely a physically strong or lethal one. And it is not clear that the adults training and watching over these kids want the same thing.

Reintgen does a terrific job with the female characters. They are complex, fascinating, frightening, wonderful. All the characters are distinct, and watching how they develop is as absorbing as the steadily heightening threats of the training.

The writing is so much better than that in the usual run of YA gladiatorial novels--taut, vivid, intelligent, insightful, heartbreaking as well as exhilarating, and only *one spelling mistake* (free reign instead of free rein) and no grammar oopses. Rare!

Meanwhile there's the nyxia itself. What is that stuff?

I look forward to finding out; meantime this is one of my best reads of the year so far.

Copy provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Lauren Lanz.
813 reviews287 followers
May 9, 2021
(Rating lowered after further contemplation. Original review below).

"My fight is one of decades and generations. One bad day won’t stop me from rising up. I won’t quit, not today, not ever.”

Combining several elements of well-known sci-fi and dystopia, Nyxia is a fairly entertaining read. Although my interest in the plot hindered by the end, I do think this is a story that many will find great enjoyment in (mainly for its characters).

~★~ What is this book about? ~★~

Emmett Atwater is one in a handful of broken teenagers granted an unforgettable opportunity: win a lifetime of riches in exchange for mining the rare resource Nyxia.
Soon enough, it is revealed that there is only eight spots available for the mission, and a total ten recruits. As their space journey commences, Emmett is forced to secure his place through a competition gone cutthroat, one that may cost his sanity.


It was so refreshing to see such a diverse cast in a YA fantasy! The main characters are made up of teenagers from all around the world including Japan, Brazil, Kenya, Sweden, Palestine, China and America! Reintben did a particularly good job in establishing distinct personalities for each of the ten Babel recruits. I grew attached to many of them within only a couple of chapters.

As for the plot, it started off amazingly! By the hundred page mark, I expected to give Nyxia an easy five stars. Unfortunately, as the competition progressed things became slightly repetitive and my attention span dwindled. If I wasn’t so fond of the characters, I don’t know that I would have finished this book. I can easily see both sides of the spectrum (why people might love or hate this book), but I fall somewhere in the “meh” category. If you like reading about space, and don’t mind some familiar dystopian tropes, I’d bet you might enjoy Nyxia.
Profile Image for Nemo ☠️ (pagesandprozac).
948 reviews469 followers
August 24, 2017
(2.5 stars)

Call me old-fashioned, but when I read a book about space, I tend to expect it to be... space-y.

This kind of felt like Hunger Games or Divergent in space, except from the fact that a lot of the time you could completely forget that they even were in space and they could easily have been just training on Earth, in the desert, or in the Slytherin common room. Contrast this with space books such as Illuminae or Defy the Stars, where there was no doubt that the action was taking place In Space.

But I'm a huge space fan, so maybe that won't bother people who aren't as into space as I am.

Oh, and also, there was a disappointing dearth of aliens. We meet precisely one (1) alien, and only for like, three pages or something idek. So that was also disappointing, because I was expecting A L I E N S.

Anyway, enough about the lack of aliens and space-y-ness, let's talk about the other stuff.

The characters were really well developed. All the contestants had their own distinct personalities and depth, especially the main character Emmett, who also had realistic flaws and character development throughout the novel, which was really nice! Also, there was only one white person, which makes sense seeing as the participants were selected from all over the world. So well done for racial diversity.

The plot had lots of potential, but... as mentioned before, it did seem like Divergent in space, which isn't an intrinsically bad concept but I did kind of feel that I was reading Divergent all over again in some parts. The nyxia gave it an interesting twist, but still... nothing really stood out, to be honest. Furthermore, the pacing was slow and even monotonous for lots of the book. There were moments of action as well, but they felt quite spaced out (no pun intended har har) and mostly it was just training training training romantic angst training.

Oh yeah, the romance. HoOooOOoOOOoooOoooO boy.

So Emmett didn't end up with the person I thought he was going to end up with, which was pleasantly surprising. But then, like 75% of the way through, he suddenly meets this person and BAM! instalove. Seriously, instalove. He'd gone through an interesting emotional journey with all the people on Genesis 11 [mild spoiler: ], but then he snogs this person who came out of nowhere with little-to-no buildup?? What??

Also, the Big Babel Twist™ was, uh, not really a big twist at all. I mean, really, people could have figured this shit out. And there were so many plot threads up in the air, which I assume is to set up for the following two volumes, but seriously there were Too Many unresolved things. The competition ended, and that was about it. What's the deal with the Adamites?? What's the deal with Nyxia?? Hell, what's the deal with Babel?? Read Volume 2 to find out!! (Except I won't be, because I don't care.)

Overall, my impression was that there was potential, but it was ultimately super forgettable. I've read a bunch of stupendous sci-fi recently, so maybe those titles raised my expectations too high, but eh.
Profile Image for AnisaAnne.
118 reviews463 followers
August 12, 2017
You can also read my review on WP: anisabookreviews.wordpress.com/2017/0...

A black hole: a region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape. It absorbs all your light and reflects nothing. What are you then?

An extraordinary opportunity presents itself to a teenager, hungry to discover and work on the planet Eden. After all, the compensation would set his struggling family for life. Emmett is one of the ten selected by the conglomerate Babel Communications to embark on a mining expedition of a valuable metal resource, Nyxia. But there is an unforeseen game. Only eight teens out of the group will be able to travel to the planet. The ten participants will be pitted in vigorous mental and physical games, in a competition to determine the best and to weed out the weak.

The narrative is easy to follow as it unveils a new world on the Genesis 11 and Eden. The ship is sleek and full of high tech specs. A mirror that reads your vital signs, a mask that is a language converter, holograms images. A ship that defies zero gravity all of this is possible from the metal Nyxia, the new black gold. The Nyxia is an interactive compound and almost like a 3-D printer operated by the practiced mind. The inhabitants of the earth- like Eden are territorial and sometimes treacherous. Adamites take on a more humanoid look while the primitive creatures Tars have an armor of shiny sharp scales.

The competitions are thrilling and a large focus of the book. There is a score board, and the competition is fierce. Tension builds when the games become more involved and intricate. Kaya and Emmett make an early alliance that proves useful in the matches and the in-between. They use strategies that are intelligent and grounding in a highly driven environment. The novel is an exploration of the psychology of competition and games. However, as the games start to take on a dark and sometimes horrific atmosphere, the participants suffer physically and emotionally and begin to question the tactics of Babel Corporation. All the competitions are designed to push the teens beyond their current limitations. After all, the participants are an end to their means. Instead of competing against other ruthlessly, Emmett embarks to find the dark secrets behind the machine. But as he learns what Babel hides, but he also learns something more meaningful about himself and his competitors.

Very few books can incorporate characters from different cultures with precision, and Reintgen does this well. The characters are all introduced in the first few chapters, and although it would appear too overwhelming, each character has an interesting backstory, with distinct behaviors and habits. They all share one thing in common, their broken history they are trying to fix. Our main protagonist, Emmett, is a black teenager growing up in the suburbs of Detroit. He knows what it is like to be desperate and impoverished. His mother also needs a transplant and has spent many nights in intensive care. The author creates Emmitt as a person aware of his color but does not let this frame him. His love for his family is palpable, which defines his every action, especially his competitive side. The book written from the perspective of Emmett gives us a poignant look at a struggle to represent the what it means to be a great man (like his Pops and Moms) over being the very BEST.

There are many names and references from the Bible and other spiritual philosophies which add depth to the novel. Babel, the company name may refer to a man building a way towards God, and reuniting to a common language. Eden, the planet perhaps representing the Garden of Eden, full of resources to mine with some areas off limit. And then there is the concept of mercy, in the face of justified punishment and it outright contradiction and unification in a biblical sense. On a tangent, some of the names have symbolic meaning chosen to suit their character. Azima, magically charmed into movement is graceful with her footing in competitions like a "snake sticking from high grass," "...born for motion." Jamie, the supplanter to trip up or overthrow has a fiercely competitive side wanting to destroy Emmett. Bilal, the most trusted companion of the prophet Mohammed is a loyal force in the book. And Longwei, the dragon of greatness, believes he is invincible and unwilling to tolerate defeat.

Nyxia is a well-crafted novel. It has tension, character depth, and chimerical sci-fi competitions that reeled me in the right off the first page. There are twists, turns, and emotional defeats. The competitive matches felt dynamic and realistic even in the virtual simulator. Emmett is likable and relatable, and I felt driven to see him through his journey in this novel, and I look forwards to seeing what the future has in store for him.

I highly recommend Nyxia by Scott Reintgan! And I will file that away under N, for Nyxia. And...A for awesome novel!.

Thank you, NetGalley, Random House Children's and Crow Books for Young Readers, and Scott Reintgen for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,882 reviews6,113 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 27, 2018
Neither of us are enjoying this, so we decided to set it aside and possibly try it again at a later date. Personally, I'm not sure if I'm just not in the mood for it, or if it just isn't the right book for me, because I am bored as hell and do not care about anything that is happening.


Buddy read with one of my faves, Kaleena <3
Profile Image for Murf the Surf.
24 reviews82 followers
August 1, 2018
Oh, I'm so mad at Amazon, as I'd written a hour long review to peruse and fix at my leisure. What happened? I'd done so many of these reviews in the Amazon window erroneously assuming they would transfer to GRs. Anyway, here is a quick review to satiate my troubled mind this evening, so bear with me please. Emmett Atwater isn’t just leaving Detroit; he’s leaving Earth. Why the Babel Corporation recruited him is a mystery, but the number of zeroes on their contract has him boarding their lightship and hoping to return to Earth with enough money to take care of his family. Forever. Before long, Emmett discovers that he is one of ten recruits, all of whom have troubled pasts and are a long way from home. Now each recruit must earn the right to travel down to the planet of Eden—a planet that Babel has kept hidden—where they will mine a substance called Nyxia that has quietly become the most valuable material in the universe. But Babel’s ship is full of secrets. And Emmett will face the ultimate choice: win the fortune at any cost, or find a way to fight that won’t forever compromise what it means to be human.
As you see I quickly cut and pasted much of my information to explain the Nyxia part for you. It is a miraculous black morph that transforms into weapons, clothing, vaulting poles, and just about whatever your heart desires. The key here is desire, being one of the deadly sins I believe, it can also posses your soul! Somewhere along the line, I figured that Nyxia is far more than a toy and altered the consciousness of an entire planet........well, maybe.
Do enjoy this tome as mush as I have, and as always, spread some love around today! Peace, Murf
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,151 reviews1,741 followers
June 4, 2020
Well, what a wild ride through space this book was!

Emmett Atwater is one of ten teens chosen by the Babel Corporation, for a three-year journey through space, with the hidden planet of Eden as their end destination. Each of these teens has something in common, something they need, and something that Babel has in abundance - money. Only eight of them can prevail to win this promised money, that will help save their families from poverty, famine, war, or illness. As earth becomes all but a distant dream, Emmett must fight against both his peers and the emotions within himself to keep the end goal in mind.

Space travel will always be a thrilling topic to explore, but add into that the abundant trials, that formed much of what this book was centred around, and I remained hooked throughout. I usually reserve my audiobook listening for before bedtime or whilst on dog walks, but I found myself returning to this one at multiple points throughout the day as the mysteries of Babel continued to grow and the stakes were forever raised, within the challenges they set out.
Profile Image for Carlos.
663 reviews306 followers
January 23, 2018
This was such a good book , once I was hooked into up I couldn't stop. This is a mixture between sci fi and dystopian world. the reason I liked this one was because I could personally relate to Emmet (it is nice to have a main character who is not white or has an amazing ability already), and I liked watching him grow through the book, Imagine this, there is a planet and new life forms and you get to investigate it if you are chosen to go there. Emmet is in the running but along the way he will have to defeat people to get a precious spot in the new planet. He will find love, betrayals and some corporate secrets that will make him doubt everything he has been told. Highle recommend this book if you are looking for a good sci fi book...Cant wait for the next one ...Put it on my TBR already.
Profile Image for Tomi Adeyemi.
Author 13 books20.5k followers
December 7, 2017
I just found my new favorite sci-fi!

NYXIA was on my radar almost two years before it came out because I was so intrigued by the premise. I was saving it as my reward read and I’m so glad I did because it’s an awesome adventure. I read this ~400 page book in two sittings and I loved it. Sometimes with sci-fi I have trouble picturing things, but I never felt that way with this novel. It was like watching an awesome movie in my head with characters from all over the world that I really got invested in throughout the novel. I just pre-ordered the sequel, I’m counting down the days until July 17!
Profile Image for Suzzie.
924 reviews172 followers
October 4, 2017
I seriously was not expecting to love this book as much as I did! Within a few chapters I was completely invested. The setting and the characters are so well drawn and the plot is amazingly paced. I would have easily have read this in one sitting because of the interests level but I am battling a sinus infection so had to cut reading time short last night.

Pick this up and check it out! I really enjoyed this book to the moon and back!
Profile Image for Bitchin' Reads.
481 reviews129 followers
August 14, 2017
Update 8/11/2017: So here is my final review! I received an e-ARC from Penguin's First to Read. (Thank you for the opportunity!)

I want to start this review off with what other books or movies I was reminded of while reading Nyxia. It will help to summarize and set up the remainder of my review.

***WARNING: I tried to avoid spoilers, but it was difficult and I did not succeed in the end. The spoilers here are mild, so tread carefully. You’ve been warned.***

Avatar—There is a substance on an alien planet (Eden) that humans want, and this substance represents a huge industry opportunity that will yield a lot of money and advancement in science, warfare, medicine, and much more. The natives (Adamites) of Eden prove to be physically large, strong, and skilled, a terrifying force to reckon. The humans (or at least the “bad” and “mean” humans, i.e. Babel) will do nearly anything to get at the nyxia deposits, including sending young people in because fully matured humans (ahem, adults) are too much of a threat to the aliens. Or, specifically, the adults tried to have things done their way and ended up getting their butts handed to them. However, the whole book is about the journey to Eden, so no alien planet time. As for alien time—I refuse to spoil information beyond what I’ve given regarding that aspect.

Divergent—There is a competition among the young people to determine who gets to go down onto Eden, since there are only a limited number of young people the Adamites have agreed to allow onto the planet. The entire book goes through the trials and tribulations, the tests, the struggles and celebration as each of the young people compete to show how adept their physical, mental, and emotional skills are—this is all happening as they travel to the planet. Along the way friendships bud, enemies lurk, bodies are broken, there is homesickness and fear as they travel further from Earth, and the youngins begin to realize that their training and education is changing them. Who they were, what they believed made them them, is on the line. Self-identity and humanity become key ideas of contention for Emmett (the protagonist) and the others, because the closer they get to Eden the harder it is for them to determine who they are and what it means to be human.

• and The Hunger GamesNyxia morphs from a competition to prove standings with scores (like in Divergent) into death matches where kill-or-be-killed determines standings (ahem, The Hunger Games). Over the course of the book, I figured it would probably lead to this outcome. It only made sense that people in space would hold themselves to different laws and standards than while on Earth. However, though similar in concept, the execution was much different and OH THOSE PLOT TWISTS—I will not spoil it, I refuse!

Now onto nyxia, the substance Babel wants from Eden. I’m struggling to think of an apt comparison, but I keep coming back to this explanation I gave my boyfriend: a material that you can telepathically control; the stronger and more practiced your mind is, the easier you can control it, especially when competing with another to manipulate it; a material that is sentient and can control you as well, but there is little knowledge as to what all it can do and the dangers. He responded with: a substance imbued with the Force. That’s close, but not exact. I’ve seen some reviews where people were metaphorically defecating on the idea of nyxia, saying it was boring, or not done well, or it had been done before, or it was stupid (what an arbitrary, lackluster, over-used and ill-used word, by the way). I can’t attest to why those reviewers felt those words best described the substance, but I disagree. It was exciting to me, because there were so many opportunities that came with nyxia’s involvement in the story. It is a substance that can be turned into weaponry, architecture and protective barriers (i.e. keep their spacecraft sealed tight and reinforced, among other things), used in reconstructing broken parts of a human body, and it can be manipulated into almost anything but water (it cannot become transparent)—and that is only what we discover in this book, the first in the series. And a sentient material that can turn against you, even in the most painful and invasive of ways? What the actual what? Sign me up. I want the next book now—I’m intrigued! To me it was wild, well done, similar in basic principles to substances in other movies/books but different in how it functions and interacts, and incredibly intelligent—I mean, c’mon, nyxia is able to connect to those who manipulate it, and its incorporation almost as a character itself was interesting as hell.

My favorite aspects of this book were the writing and the depictions of characters and their relationships. There were some moments where I had to stop and re-read a line or section because the language was amazing; I had to go back and savor the words, prepared to take it all in.

He's gasping for air, and the sound of his wheezing breaths are dying things. (page unknown at this time)

There's a heaven in him no darkness can take. (page unknown at this time)

And Reintgen depicts a family with such fullness and ease that I, an aspiring writer, am very jealous and taking notes.

“What’s your name?”
He used to ask me all this before football games. It’s a tradition, a reminder.
“Emmett Ethan Atwater,” I say.
“What’s Ethan mean?”
“What’s Emmett mean?”
“Hard worker.”
“What’s Atwater mean?”
I hitch. “You never told me that. …”
He smiles. “I don’t know either.” (page unknown at this time)

(I’m sorry that I was unprepared with quotations—I can only access the e-ARC on my home computer and I write my reviews at work. I meant to collect a few more, which I will just have to do at a later date—or maybe after the book releases!)

But guys, Reintgen’s writing is #goals for a writer. Absolute, beautiful #GOALS. He knows when and how to amp the emotion and drawback. He knows how to show what is happening with few, apt words without resorting to telling the story. (Concision is your friend when writing, y’all!) He brings in colloquialisms and makes them his own, especially since all the characters are from all around Earth and differ in their cultural backgrounds and experiences—I’m a sucker for colloquialisms, especially when incorporated well. And now to the diversity—if you’re into books showcasing diverse characters, this is a book for you. The majority of the characters are people of color and their inclusion and coming together didn’t feel wrong or forced or perverted in any way; they each had a clear goal, and that goal fueled the story. It felt so good and right to see this kind of representation. Like I said above, I’m taking notes on how I can improve my writing based upon how he has written Nyxia.

And lastly, because I could rant my praises for the remainder of the day but have other pressing matters to attend, I want you to know this: I have been experiencing the worst book hangover since finishing it. It has everything I wanted—and more—and everything I have picked up since just isn’t touching me in the same, right way. This book is perfection and had everything I needed to feel complete. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this is a good book hangover; it helped me understand just how much this book moved me and affected me. I hope it does the same for you as well.

Happy reading!


Update 8/10/2017: Working on the review now. ;)


WOW does not fully encompass my feelings for Nyxia. It is an exploration of what it means to be human against the backdrop of alien world and alien people.

I literally just finished reading, so I need a bit to digest. Review to come. I really loved this YA sci-fi. Well done, Reintgen. So much great writing and development in this book. So much connection and intelligence. So much awareness of different peoples, cultures, personalities...everything. Thank you for writing this awesome book.
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