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Steele Brothers #1

Unwritten Law

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Being an identical twin doesn’t come without issues.

No one can tell us apart, not even our parents sometimes. We don’t usually use that to our advantage, but it comes in handy when my brother needs help breaking up with his boyfriends—which happens more than I’d care to admit. I know it’s enabling him, but I can’t say no to Anders. I will do anything for my twin. The breakups always go the same; they’re swift and simple.

Until Reed.

He’s everything I've fantasised about but never allowed myself to have. When I give in to temptation and begin to freak out, it’s not because he’s a guy. It’s because he thinks I’m my brother, and I can’t bring myself to tell him the truth.

**Unwritten Law is a 52,000 word stand alone with a HFN/HEA guarantee and no cliffhanger. It contains a mistaken identity trope. Please check trigger warnings in the front matter.**

220 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 2, 2018

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About the author

Eden Finley

60 books6,612 followers
Eden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are mostly full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She lives to create an escape from real life for herself and her readers.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

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5 stars
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312 (5%)
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70 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 686 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,546 followers
August 24, 2018

Well, now I'm really glad I Facebook stalked Eden for an ARC of "Unwritten Law", because it turned out to be a very fun and entertaining read.

I'd expected this to be one of those "my brother slept with the same guy I'm sleeping with now" stories, but that wasn't at all the case here. Eden took a slightly different approach, which I enjoyed more than my initial "sloppy seconds" assumption.

Law's identical twin brother, Anders, the twin who Law was pretending to be, never even met the other MC, Reed, until significantly later in the book. After the point where Reed 'thought' he was engaged in a a friendship with Law and a hookup situation with 'Anders'.

[Law -- my less 'bearded' interpretation]

[Reed -- aka, my Game of Thrones hottie actor crush]

Trust me, it's way less confusing than it sounds while reading the story, which was very well-laid-out and superbly written.

The story had steam, but it wasn't what I would call rife with it. And when sex happened, they pretty much did the deed, then Law ran for the door.

The book was much more about the developing friendship and subsequent feelings between 'straight' (*cough-bi-cough*) Law and very much 'not-straight' Reed, which was a joy to watch.

Of course, Law was extremely conflicted as he constantly chickened out in coming clean that he was neither straight nor the brother he'd been pretending to be.

Reed's friendship had come to mean so much to Law, and the sexy bits were bringing on genuine feels, that he was terrified that his little revelation would result in the loss of both.

But as one would expect, secrets can't remain hidden forever, and when the truth came out, it came out spectacularly badly.

The story wasn't as angsty as you might assume. Both MC's were fairly level-headed, so while there was hurt, the pair eventually worked through the deceit and anger.

There was also a side-plot where one of Law's martial arts students, who Reed taught in school as well, was suffering from abuse at home. I absolutely adored 15 y.o. Davis and felt for what he was going through.

All of the additions to the main plot felt organic and never forced, so I was glued to the pages as I read.

The story overall felt fairly laid back, with two great guys getting to know one another much better, as feelings developed. Yet, since they were so even-keeled, I didn't feel quite the same level of raw excitement that I felt while reading Eden's "Fake Out (Fake Boyfriend #1)" story.

Yet I'd still rate this one at 4.25 stars for the sheer enjoyment that it made me feel.


My ARC copy of the book was provided by the author for a fair, unbiased review.

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Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews975 followers
December 18, 2018
3.5 stars for the story

4.5 stars for the narration

Joel Leslie and Anthony Ferguson nailed this.

Well, well, well!!!! Me Liked it!

It's official, i will read every MM book Eden writes. I have found my new go-to, happy place - gasping-dramedy author. And i really love her characters.


-So imma try explaining this book, the way i would tell it to someone face to face.

-Ok here goes not a review.

-We got twin 1 Anders older by 10 minutes

-Twin 2 Law (Our Main MC 1)

-Reed our MC 2

- So twin 1 and twin 2 are identical twins and twin 1 got issues, like real issues (broke my heart a bit). The two are codependent and their bond is so strong! Like really strong! and they will do anything for eachother and shit like that. Anders only dates twinks and when he is done, he is freaks out about breaking up with them, so he usually sends his identical twin Law (our MC) to do the breaking up for him.


Yeah! they sound like jerks but they really are not! One day when Anders freaks out about a blind date, he sends Law to go let down the guy gently. When Law meets Reed, the guy he is supposed to break up with, he can't do it, because Reed is his fantasy guy, but he is in the closet, so he pretends to be Anders, and starts hooking up with Reed. Then he finds out they work with Reed and introduces himself as Law, Anders identical twin. And starts a friendship with Reed. Sounds complicated? umm not really! Let's just say Law gets entangled in some serious web of lies, and for some reasons it was so much fun to read.


-Reed and Law got some chemistry. There were some smexy times, but not enough.

-The Drama was ok! predictable but kept me entertained.

- I can't wait for Anders story.

Overall it was an enjoyable book.

The cover is hot and so is this guy!!


Profile Image for Hayley ☾ (TheVillainousReader).
419 reviews1,501 followers
September 6, 2018
Update: I’m changing this to 2.5 S T A R S

This was... not very good... I’m sad about it...

I was super intrigued by the concept of twins swapping places, especially in each other’s love lives. Doesn’t everyone want an identical twin they can swap places with to get out of things they don’t want to do? The answer is yes.

While this concept was really fun everything just felt really messy. Reed’s sexual relationship with Anders (who is actually Law pretending to be Anders) didn’t seem very fleshed (ha) out as well as his friendship-turned-relationship with Lawson. Did half the pages get destroyed!? Because that’s what this feels like, so much is missing.

Lawson and Reed were enjoyable characters but I feel like I don’t know anything about them. I mean it took me until about halfway to figure out that Lawson was a teacher at a dojo, not a teacher teacher. Honestly, I know almost nothing about them and I read a whole book about them. Like, seriously nothing. Lawson owns a dojo and Reed is a teacher, that’s about it.

Their relationship felt rushed and insta-lovey, even though it was a month before they confess their love for each other - which is still not very long. As with a lot of things in this book I feel like I saw nothing of their relationship and it’s development. I think they went to one dinner, had a night watching movies that I was mostly told about, and met at the dojo a few times. I didn’t get any of the mundane moments that lead to love that I adore so much.

We barely see any interactions between Anders and Lawson which I thought was strange because not only are they siblings, they are twins and they live together. There aren’t really any other secondary characters which was a bummer because in my eyes great secondary characters are what makes a good story great - it makes it feel more real.

There was a PTDS sub-plot (or was it the plot?) that was not developed or resolved well. So, low-key yikes about that.

Overall, not Eden’s best work. It was too rushed and just felt so messy. I’m putting this a 3 stars because it was enjoyable, but I might drop it later on because not going to lie, I skimmed the last few chapters. If you're thinking about reading a Eden Finely book I would 100% recommend Fake Out which I loved.

ARC provided for honest review by Foreword PR & Marketing
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews260 followers
October 21, 2019
In a sea of 5★ reviews there is me. Ugh.

So, I have typed and deleted this review at least twenty times already. Everything I type up sounds like I hated the book. I didn’t. But guys, I’m seriously at a loss.

This wasn’t at all what I expected it to be.


So, let’s try to get this out. Let me reiterate. I didn’t hate this. It was well written and I stayed up way past my bedtime, even for a Saturday night, to finish it but yeah, well, it just didn’t work out for me. The setup seemed like it was going to be kind of fun and then there would be the discovery and then there would be the romance but that is not how it went down. The setup part went on too long and went from a simple little lie to full on deceit and well, that is not cool. I just didn’t buy Law’s reasoning at all. I get it, it snowballed and the longer he avoided it the harder it was yadda yadda yadda, I get that, but still, he was deceiving Reed pretty much the whole book and well, it wasn’t cool. Oh, and that point in the book when he took Anders’s advice and just continued to take what he could get while he was getting it, well, that right there pretty much ruined any chance he had to be loved by me. It changed the whole thing to doing it on purpose and I’ll say it one more time, that is not cool.

There really wasn’t any romance. There was fucking with “Anders” and bros with Law. I am all for falling for your friend type stories but again, that’s not what happened here. Well, maybe it did but no, not fairly or really.

So, the twin thing. It all just seemed contrived to me. What happened to Anders is pretty fucking serious, yeah? I mean HUGE but I don’t know if I completely comprehended the whole needing Law to break up with guys for him thing. It all just felt weird to me.

I just don’t know.

And then Law’s “secret”. I just can’t believe with how close we are to believe these two brothers are that Law would have kept this from Anders and the reasoning why just didn’t jive for me.

See, it sounds like I hated the book. I didn’t. I like the idea of these twins. I like that the story had a pretty serious, no, really serious, back story. I like this attorney friend of Reeds’. I totally hope it is him in the next book. I liked the kids and all that too. Overall I liked it, really I did, I think mostly I missed the romance and the groveling. The drama at the end kind of forced their hands a little bit and well, I don’t know. I just don’t.

I guess you just can't win them all. I'll definitely read the next one.

**ARC provided by Foreword PR & Marketing in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,809 reviews2,320 followers
September 3, 2018
Amazon US * Amazon UK

I only recently found Eden Finley's books but I've quickly become a big fan of hers. Her M/M books are very well written and so far they haven't failed to deliver the perfect blend of hotness and sweetness. Unwritten Law wasn't any different and I loved the mix of heat with the emotional side to the story.

Law loves his twin brother more than anything else in the world, which was a fact that became very clear early on in this book. And even though there wasn't a ton of page time with him and Anders, it was still evident in everything Law did to protect his brother just how much he cared for him. And I loved that brotherly bond they shared and how it brought out all the emotions in this book.

Then we have Law with Reed and holy hell did I love them. This is where all the heat came in had the sexual tension through the roof. I thought they had an amazing connection and seeing how that turned into this lust for one another was so amazing to read about.

Bottom line, this is a book you need to read. Law and Reed were both fantastic characters and then we have secondary ones that I'm already dying to read about. I can't wait for more from these brothers!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
September 11, 2018
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Cute, but that's it*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

The book centers around Lawson ‘Law’ Steele (28), a teacher of dojo; a program with the local schools, promoting anti-bullying, teaching self-defence, and giving these kids a much-needed boost in their confidence and self-esteem, and Reed Garvey (24), a school teacher (English lit) fresh out of uni. It was a cute, fast forward story that had a timeline of one month. I find it a little too quick to fall in love, but hey, it worked for them. The story had some depth, but I still felt like there could've been a whole lot more to make the story have more of an impact. Also the book was extremely predictable and I'm 99% I know what next book will be about. Overall, I liked it, but it's something I'll probably forget after a couple of weeks as it was more of a book that made the time pass than a book that I know I'll want to read again. Because I don't.

Anderson ‘Anders’ Steele, Lawson's twin brother and an accountant.
Elizabeth and Connor Steele, the twins parents.
Davis (15?), a student.
Brody Wallace, Reed's friend (he’s also kinda his ex, but not) and a lawyer; works for the biggest criminal law firm in Australia.
In high school, I chose soccer so he tried out for basketball. I played guitar so he picked drama classes. I got tattoos, and he got piercings. He went into accounting, and I went into teaching. We’ve spent our whole lives trying to be different and find our own personalities, I see being with guys as his thing.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M).
Series: - Series (Standalone?), Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Lawson ‘Law’ Steele.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yes.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure, if you're looking for something easy.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
Rating - 2.5/3 stars.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,260 reviews260 followers
September 3, 2018
So, overall this was an enjoyable book and had a lot going for it.

-Friends to lovers. Things start off with a hook-up but from there a friendship develops.
-Bisexual representation
-Character development
-Great main characters and supporting cast
-Low angst
-Dual POV

BUT I couldn't get past Law having to break up with his twin's hook-ups- it just felt manufactured, and I didn't think it needed it. I would've rated it higher if it didn't. I just had a tough time believing it.

Even though not a slam dunk for me, I still recommend it and think most people will enjoy it.

3.5 Stars
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
September 11, 2018
Quizás es lo justo decir que sé que probablemente estoy siendo generosa con las estrellas. Eden Finley no es una escritora que sobresalga, no escribe especialmente bien y sus historias no te van a sorprender. Sin embargo, a mí consigue entretenerme mucho, sus personajes siempre me despiertan ternura y me deja con muy buenas sensaciones.
En esta ocasión encontramos una historia de amor con confusiones entre gemelos, alguna tragedia, momentos sexys, un libro ligero de amor con algún toque de angst para darle más vidilla.
Me ha gustado, estoy deseando que salga el siguiente.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
September 17, 2018
Well damn...just damn this one snuck up on me. It started out ok but by the end of it all I was lovin' it...full review to follow soonish!

4.5 stars rounded down because still no 1/2 stars here on GoodReads

This one's got a hot guy and equally hot twins but...

It's also got a definite twist to it, but before we talk about the actual story I just want to be clear there may be twins in this story but what there isn't is twincest.

Anders and Law are twins so of course they're close but are they maybe too close if Law is the one breaking up with Ander's boyfriends...they've got their reasons for why this happens and while Law would prefer not to do this but there are reasons and until the day that Anders calls Law to come to a restaurant ASAP and break his blind date it hasn't caused any real problems...but, Reeds not like the other dates and while he's not Anders' type it turns out he's very much Law's type.

This one captured my attention from the very start it was good and I enjoyed the concept and the more I read the more I liked what I was reading. "Unwritten Law' is twin story with a bit of a different twist and the story really didn't go as I had expected it would which was definitely a pleasant surprise. While Reed and Law are definitely the MCs in this story Anders plays a very strong supporting role and I came to really like all three of these men but 'Unwritten Law' courtesy of Anders really does belong to Reed and Law and it's their story that we are being given in this first book of Eden Finley's 'Steele Brothers' series.

Reed's new in town and he's been set up on a blind date with his neighbors accountant or so he thinks because what he actually gets is a fellow teacher who happens to be the accountant's twin. While the two hit it off on an intellectual level it's the immediate physical attraction that leads Law astray resulting in what's suppose to be a one time hook-up.For Law it's a chance to explore his long repressed interest in men and for Reed it's a chance to end his dry spell following a bad break-up but ultimately he views it as a chance to make a friend since being new in town he's sorely lacking in the friend department.

I found the interactions between Reed and Law good there were serious moments, humorous touches all laced with those moments of awkwardness that comes with the beginnings of a new relationship but there were also secrets...secrets that when kept become bigger and seem to be all consuming...creating a chasm that ultimately Law is sure can never be bridged.

One of the best things about this story for me was the ending...it wasn't so much an HEA as it was an HFN solidly working it's way towards an HEA. Which all things considered for this story is a far more believable ending than a simple HEA would have been. Now all I need to make me really over the moon happy is a story giving Anders some happy because that boy needs some happy and maybe Reed's friend Brody will play a part in it or maybe his happy is waiting somewhere else for him? I know I'm looking forward to finding out especially if their stories as excellent as this one was.


An ARC of 'Unwritten Law' was graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,369 reviews554 followers
September 6, 2018
4.5 stars!

This was really good. I was really excited to read this story, and it didn't disappoint. This was fun, entertaining and Lawson and Reed had great chemistry.

I like how the author made it believable for this type of situation to arise, it making sense why Anders asks Lawson to break up with Anders' boyfriends for him all the time.

Reed and Law were fun together and where they end up is adorable and awesome, and I'm already excited to get Anders' story.

What happened to Anders in that past was horrifying and I'm glad that Lawson has been there for him all those years.

Definitely recommend this! :D
Profile Image for Trio.
3,357 reviews186 followers
February 17, 2021
This one didn't really work for me, and I think it was partly due to the narration. I enjoyed Antony Ferguson, he has a great Australian accent - the other narrator, not so much.

I did like the dynamic between the brothers, and the way the author slowly reveals all of the whys works well.
Profile Image for Erth.
4,043 reviews
March 8, 2021
Law pretends to be his twin brother Anders and antics ensue. While my heart breaks for what Anders went through, it hurts even more for Law. Law has put aside his own suffering to take care of his brother (albeit in a misguided way). Along comes Reed who throws a wrench into everyone’s plans. I am so glad Law found Reed as Reed realized that Law needs someone to care for and about him. Excellent writing and lots of witty lines (Satan and rimming come to mind). ❤️ this book and looking forward to reading Anders HEA.
Profile Image for Ronie Reads.
1,389 reviews22 followers
October 5, 2023
What webs we weave, when once we deceive..

That was a perfect night cap of reading. Twins are everything to each other. Brothers so close a tragedy short circuited their life choices. One finds it hard to break up with current lovers. So his twin does it for him.

Then one day a client recommends a nice guy for him. But he can't go through it. So here comes twin to give excuses..a family emergency. But decides his will be his time to see..is it both or just girls he is interested in.

Nice twist and how cool that there are more programs. That look after children's well being. Not just teachers doing home visits. American school system is very invasive. Doing everything but teaching the basics...reading, writing. Arithmetic, and cursive. No more home economics, money smart tools, diverse history, and gardening.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,764 reviews379 followers
January 10, 2019
Another gem from Eden Finley

My 2019 reading continues with another interesting premise - in this instance a twin who ends up falling for his brother's blind date.

I love Eden's chilled Aussie style, her books are generally low on angst and full of snark and humour but still manage to touch on some serious topics.

This book covers the fall out from both domestic violence and also family issues which arise from a lack of acceptance over someone's sexuality.

It's also keenly focused on the importance of dealing with things properly, through the use of professional services and how 'survivor' guilt isn't the only outcome. There's also the guilt Law feels for not having been there to protect his twin.

I loved the pacing of this, although it happens over a relatively short period of time, it never felt rushed and I was cheering on Law and Reed as they went through an emotional crisis and out the other end.

Now I'm hoping book two will be Anders and Reed's best mate Brody!
Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
929 reviews15 followers
September 26, 2018
Overall book rating: 4
Audio Book: N/A
Book Cover: 3.5

I really had fun with this one. What a predicament to get yourself into! LOL

Not a whole bunch more to say other than that really. I’m not in a great review mood at the moment so it’s NOT because the book didn’t merit a better review. It’s simply me being LAZY.

I liked how it all came together and also the fact that there is no "making due with my brother's seconds" theme. I think that was done really well.

I will definitely read the next one. ;-)
Profile Image for Carol.
3,146 reviews121 followers
March 28, 2023
This book gives an entire new meaning to the old saying "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." It amazed me that the twins could keep this going for over 6 months but then they had been doing this all of their lives. I felt so sorry for Reed. He not only loved this man that he thought was Anders but was in reality Lawson who had rejected him FOR Anders. Confused yet??? Anders met up with guys and then had Lawson break up with them pretending to be him. Usually, one night was the end until the next time but this time Lawson's heart became involved, and the lie went on way too long causing both Lawson and Anders to almost lose everything. The whole twin switch could've been overlooked on night one, but Lawson being in Reed's life as himself and pretending to be his brother was beyond stressful and so unfair to the guy he's fallen in love with.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,619 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2018
Unexpected turns of events make this story so lovable, I just read it in one sit.
Anders and Lawson/Law are identical twins even their parents can’t keep them apart.

Law is always there for his brother, even to break up his always short relationship with way to young guys. So.... this evening he will cancel a blind date for his brother...

Reed is new in town and recovering from a bad relationship. He is lonely and now his neighbor has set him up with a blind date.

When they see each other there is no canceling at all... even better they end up in Reed’s apartment. When the new week starts Law finds out Reed is also a teacher where Law gives Martial Arts to the lgbtq union from local schools.
Reed learns Anders has a hot straight brother... Lawson.

After this it’s getting complicated, for reasons I will not spoil. But it’s wonderful put together, there are hot encounters between Reed and Law/Anders... and we get to know them better.
The side stories are essential and pretty nice woven into the whole picture.

Friendship, unconditional twin love, desires, funny passages, traumatic experiences and lies are what we see.
The personalities of the main were absolutely pleasant, beautifully flawed and convincing. This all put down in a captivating and intriguing manner. I didn’t stop reading until I was finished.

Anders has a story of his own. We get to know the horror he’s been through and how this effects his and also a great part of Law lives. I throughly hope book #2 will there be soon.

Read and reviewed for LesCourt ARC Team
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
November 5, 2018
**3.5 stars**

An enjoyable, fun and sexy read : I had a good time reading it.

Lawson and Anders are identical twins and really, really close...so much that Lawson, very protective of his brother, regularly agrees to go out on dates on Anders’s behalf. OK, usually, it’s to break off with the twinks Anders is fond of, but for once, it’s for a blind date with Reese, a new teacher in town only looking for having a good time.
And blind is all goes : yes, Lawson is blind-sided by Reese and his attraction for him and embarks in a mistaken identity situation that fast goes out of control. As Lawson confesses to his brother :
“You know how our teacher said the wrong name the 1st day of ninth grade and I didn’t correct her ? I was Dawson for the entire school year.”
Anders snorts. “Man, that was so funny.”
“I didn’t call her out the 1st time, and then it was way too late to correct her.”

Even though there are references to domestic abuse, it’s low on angst and it’s mostly focused on the relationships between Reese and Lawson and between Reese and Lawson as Anders (confusing ??? Nah !!!). No cheating, well technically. A tiny bit eye-rolling, but fun and steamy.

Overall, an entertaining read.
Profile Image for ⚣Michaelle⚣.
3,662 reviews223 followers
January 26, 2019
4 Stars

Hey, this was pretty good!

I have to admit I like my twins a little more...let's say "interactive" - but even without the 'cest this one was interesting and (to me) quite original. Sure, I've read books where twins take each others places on occasion, but never one where one twin took on the persona of both brothers in order to live a double life. I'd elaborate more but that would spoil stuff that unfolds exactly as you think it would and then throws in some surprises, too.

I loved the narration as well; second book this week I've listened to performed by Antony Ferguson (as well as Joel Leslie) and I'm quite happy with choice to ask the library to get this one.

Can't WAIT to get to Anders' book...it needs to come out soon so I can request it!
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,511 reviews70 followers
October 1, 2018
*3,5 stars*

The blurb for this one caught my eye because it sounded like fun.
And that's what it was - pleasant fun!

Leaving the rather unrealistic (but fun! XD) plot aside, I liked Law. He is cute and reliable and has been keeping his sexuality a secret for his brother's sake. And not only that, he would do pretty much anything for his twin brother, Anders. Because Anders has gone through a terrible trauma (and it is terrible) which neither have totally worked through.

Lawson's dedication to Anders is deeply touching and utterly commendable, but he forgets about himself and that he has needs and desires in the process. Meeting Reed changes all that.

This may sound heavy, but it isn't written that way- the emphasis of the book is on the romance and the fact that Lawson is dating Reed as Anders, but falling for him as himself. If you think now WTH, this is rather complex, I can't blame you. It made my mind boggle, too - and those of the MCs. But it all had a certain charm I found very appealing.

So, a cute and mostly light and fluffy story, with a drop of a serious background. What a pleasant way to spend an evening!
Looking forward to Anders' story.
Profile Image for Santy.
1,211 reviews71 followers
May 10, 2020
I liked this a lot and enjoyed it for the most part.

I just wish the whole deception of Reed had been shorter and that the grovelling Lawson had to do lasted longer; hence making it sweeter. Yeah I'm petty like that. Lol!

Nonetheless, I enjoyed it and will be reading Anders' book next. I need to see him rising from the "ashes" so to speak. Domestic abusers deserve the deepest pits of hell! and he needs&deserves an HEA

Oh and I liked that the twins acknowledged what was happening was unhealthy and sought help for it. I like it when characters are self aware so that was a big plus in the positive column for the story.
Profile Image for Fabi.
1,031 reviews158 followers
November 21, 2018
4.5 stars!

There aren't a lot of pages but there's a fully plotted and well told realistic story.

Like many other people, I am fascinated by identical twins. Eden's boys stole my heart with their caring and loyalty to each other.

There's just enough angst to keep you invested. These level headed men get caught up in a 'situation' but there's no OTT drama and I felt like all of their actions and reactions were believable. I was invested in their resolution.
Profile Image for Snjez.
887 reviews807 followers
September 6, 2018
I didn't really enjoy this one.

I couldn't connect to the characters. Reed was ok, but I had a hard time liking Law. The way he acted and his reasons for doing so ... I just didn't buy it.

There was also some drama thrown in there which I think was unnecessary.
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,746 reviews214 followers
October 25, 2022
4.5 stars
Really liked this one. Two things made me rate it less than 5 stars, Law's reluctance to tell the truth after so much time had passed and his violent actions near the end; I'd prefer to not see that scene included.
All in all, it was very very nice, hard to put down, and had a fine balance between light and angtsy.
Bought the second book as soon as I finished this.
Profile Image for Quin Quin.
Author 22 books460 followers
August 22, 2018
I read this book in one sitting. I never read a book in one sitting. Ask Quin. I am like the slowest reader ever. But Unwritten Law sucked me in and there went my entire day....

Lawson and Anderson. One straight, one gay. Sounds easy enough. The gay one gets to do all the fun stuff, right? Uh, hold on.

It is not the same old, same old romance you come across way too often. Boy meets boy, and they cannot be together. Yes, this is similar but oh so different. I could feel Law hurt and see Reed's confusion flash before my eyes. Also, there is some serious steam in this book since Reed and Anders (Law's twin brother) are fuck buddies. But before I say too much, I'd recommend that you dive into the preview of the book. If you like your romances steamy, twisted and leaving-you-breathless, then just get on with it already.

For those who might say that they couldn't relate to why Law did what he did, keeping up the net of lies, I'd like to get into Law's corner and encourage you to...give the guy a break. He wanted to test himself out and fell into a trap by not coming clean. Period. People have lied for less. The Steele Brothers relationship is complex and even somewhat complicated but this is what makes it a masterpiece for me. Thank you for sharing this original story with us. Gotta love our Steele Brothers.
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1,715 reviews25 followers
September 7, 2018
3.5 stars

I’ve read and really enjoyed another series by this author and the blurb for Unwritten Law sounded especially intriguing, so I was excited to dive right into this new series and set of characters. In some ways, I enjoyed the read, but in others I was a little disappointed. Reading Unwritten Law was a little like waiting for a train wreck. The set up was as such that you knew disaster was inevitable, you cringe when you hear the brakes screeching, and yet you can’t look away from what promises to be a fiery crash.

The start of Unwritten Law dives right into the thick of things and pulled me along for the ride. I liked Lawson and Reed from the top and their meeting definitely promised loads of chemistry. Things moved along fairly quickly between the two, and though it wasn’t insta-love, I didn’t get quite as much development as I wanted. However, I could sense the physical and emotional connection early on, and it was easy to route for these two men. Similarly, I would have liked a bit more time getting to see Anders and Lawson together. Their close bond is a big part of the book, and I felt like it was talked about a lot without getting to experience it firsthand much. I also struggled a little with the pacing and writing style. I had trouble pinpointing it, but it felt rushed or almost frantic sometimes, and it simply didn’t strike me as memorable as the other works I’ve read by Miss Finley. This was especially noticeable at the angst-ridden moments. I was nervous for the characters, but my reactions to the conflicts and heartbreak felt muted. That said, I did enjoy the book and found the story easy to get swept up in, even when I was waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop. Since I did enjoy the main and secondary characters and the book was definitely addicting, I’ll likely continue the series. I think if you’re looking for a fun, fast read, Unwritten Law might be a good choice.

*Reviewed for LesCourt Author Services*
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