Jennifer☠Pher☠'s Reviews > Unwritten Law

Unwritten Law by Eden Finley
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bookshelves: 2018-release, arc, foreword-pr-marketing, m-m

In a sea of 5★ reviews there is me. Ugh.

So, I have typed and deleted this review at least twenty times already. Everything I type up sounds like I hated the book. I didn’t. But guys, I’m seriously at a loss.

This wasn’t at all what I expected it to be.


So, let’s try to get this out. Let me reiterate. I didn’t hate this. It was well written and I stayed up way past my bedtime, even for a Saturday night, to finish it but yeah, well, it just didn’t work out for me. The setup seemed like it was going to be kind of fun and then there would be the discovery and then there would be the romance but that is not how it went down. The setup part went on too long and went from a simple little lie to full on deceit and well, that is not cool. I just didn’t buy Law’s reasoning at all. I get it, it snowballed and the longer he avoided it the harder it was yadda yadda yadda, I get that, but still, he was deceiving Reed pretty much the whole book and well, it wasn’t cool. Oh, and that point in the book when he took Anders’s advice and just continued to take what he could get while he was getting it, well, that right there pretty much ruined any chance he had to be loved by me. It changed the whole thing to doing it on purpose and I’ll say it one more time, that is not cool.

There really wasn’t any romance. There was fucking with “Anders” and bros with Law. I am all for falling for your friend type stories but again, that’s not what happened here. Well, maybe it did but no, not fairly or really.

So, the twin thing. It all just seemed contrived to me. What happened to Anders is pretty fucking serious, yeah? I mean HUGE but I don’t know if I completely comprehended the whole needing Law to break up with guys for him thing. It all just felt weird to me.

I just don’t know.

And then Law’s “secret”. I just can’t believe with how close we are to believe these two brothers are that Law would have kept this from Anders and the reasoning why just didn’t jive for me.

See, it sounds like I hated the book. I didn’t. I like the idea of these twins. I like that the story had a pretty serious, no, really serious, back story. I like this attorney friend of Reeds’. I totally hope it is him in the next book. I liked the kids and all that too. Overall I liked it, really I did, I think mostly I missed the romance and the groveling. The drama at the end kind of forced their hands a little bit and well, I don’t know. I just don’t.

I guess you just can't win them all. I'll definitely read the next one.

**ARC provided by Foreword PR & Marketing in exchange for an honest review.**
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Reading Progress

July 13, 2018 – Shelved
July 13, 2018 – Shelved as: 2018-release
July 13, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
August 18, 2018 – Started Reading
August 18, 2018 – Shelved as: arc
August 18, 2018 – Shelved as: foreword-pr-marketing
August 18, 2018 – Shelved as: m-m
August 18, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Susan I will wait for your review. This looks quite angsty. I don't like secrets and the angsty big reveal so I'm hoping it's a bit of a fluffy book.

Jennifer☠Pher☠ It wasn't really angsty but I didn't love it. The deception went on way too long. I don't think I thought that was how it was going to go and well, yeah, the big reveal is about what you would expect. I stayed up way past my bedtime finishing it so I may read the last 20% or so again before I review but I'm thinking 3 stars.

Susan Darn. That sounds exactly like I didn't want it to go. :(

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Looks like early reviews are all gushing, maybe it is just me?

Anne Boleyn's Ghost Jennifer☠Pher☠ wrote: "Looks like early reviews are all gushing, maybe it is just me?"

FWIW, I am often hesitant to trust early reviews because they are all gushing. I appreciate that yours always are honest!

So I actually enjoy many books where one MC keeps something vital from the other, but that blurb turns me off. I don't think that I can handle one MC pretending to be someone else who actually exists and who is known to the other MC. Plus I haaate when siblings share a partner. Hopefully it doesn't get that far here because I don't understand how you could reconcile that with your twin?!

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Anne Boleyn's Ghost wrote: "Jennifer☠Pher☠ wrote: "Looks like early reviews are all gushing, maybe it is just me?"

FWIW, I am often hesitant to trust early reviews because they are all gushing. I appreciate that yours always..."

You just love me, I know it. HAHA!

You make me laugh. Your likes and dislikes are so all over the place I am always kept on my toes. I never in a million years would have thought you would like secrets.

It's not anything at all what you are thinking. I think.

message 7: by Anne Boleyn's Ghost (last edited Aug 20, 2018 09:38AM) (new)

Anne Boleyn's Ghost Jennifer☠Pher☠ wrote: "You just love me, I know it. HAHA!"

You bet I do!! In all seriousness, I find your ARC reviews among the most trustworthy.

My reading tastes are weird because I'm SO strict about fidelity but I don't mind deception, which isn't good for a relationship either. It is very dependent upon the circumstances. Like I LOVE Helenkay Dimon's m/f and m/m romantic suspense books where one MC keeps a huge secret or assumes a false identity but the fundamentals of who they are and how they feel are true. As long as the circumstances are legit (like an undercover operation) and the deceiver grovels for forgiveness, I'm in.

I haven't read any reviews for this but the blurb mentions breaking up with his brother's boyfriends and "boyfriend" indicates a certain level of intimacy and seriousness. But if it's like one date, that's doable.

Jennifer☠Pher☠ This will be doable for you. You may end up loving it actually based on that explanation up there! I need to write my review...

I just had to go check, looks like I really like Helenkay Dimon too! I am horrible at remembering.

Thank you for that about my ARC reviews. I sometimes feel really bad when I don't like a book but I have to be honest, it just sucks. Really though, I only can gush if it is gush-wrthy :o)

Enirehtak  Melas So, I think what Law did blurred the lines of consent and that really made me uncomfortable. I also, did not like how Anders disrespected his dates. If he can date these men, he should have had enough deceny to break up with them. If not, then he shouldn’t be dating them.

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Ravenclaw wrote: "So, I think what Law did blurred the lines of consent and that really made me uncomfortable. I also, did not like how Anders disrespected his dates. If he can date these men, he should have had eno..."

I agree with you completely. I think there was a bunch of stuff that just read kind of wrong but I didn't want to come across as such a hater, ya know? The parents not getting the boys help was another huge thing to me. I don't know how you move on from something like that honestly.

Enirehtak  Melas Yeah, although I knew they were trying to be helpful.

I always feel guilty for giving non 4/5 stars reviews, but I need to be honest.

Beth doesn't write  enough reviews Great Review and I am glad you didn’t hate it but I will pass. Deception is a No No.

message 13: by Jennifer☠Pher☠ (last edited Aug 23, 2018 05:33PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Beth doesn't write wrote: "Great Review and I am glad you didn’t hate it but I will pass. Deception is a No No."

Thank you and good for you, had I known I would have also. I enjoy the author and didn't even think. Glad I could help.

message 14: by Enirehtak (last edited Aug 25, 2018 10:38AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Enirehtak  Melas I think I am okay with reading it because it at least allows talk about how deception can and does blur the lines of consent. I think that is a conversation that should be encouraged, even if it's just fiction. I will say that I think the second book in the series will be more favorable to me.

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Ravenclaw, you are probably right. I'm not upset that I read it and I didn't hate yeah, I am ok that I read it too. And yes, it will be curious to see how she spins Anders.

message 16: by Mel (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mel Sparks I personally thought this story was lacking on so many levels, like you I thought the little lie would have bean dealt with sooner giving us an opportunity to be apart of a lovely romance but the author had other ideas apparently. I didn't like it and felt cheated honestly.

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Mel wrote: "I personally thought this story was lacking on so many levels, like you I thought the little lie would have bean dealt with sooner giving us an opportunity to be apart of a lovely romance but the a..."

It sucks because I was totally looking forward to it! I get what you are saying exactly though about feeling cheated. There wasn't any romance.

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