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Two young princes on opposite sides of a war must decide between loyalty and love in this galaxy-shaking finale of the Bloodright Trilogy.

Gal and Ettian have never been farther apart. Once, they were roommates and best friends, each suffocating under a secret of galactic consequence. When Gal’s came to light—that he was heir to the Umber Empire and all of its brutal conquest—the two were forced to flee their military academy, fall in with a brewing rebellion to reclaim the Archon Empire from Umber’s grasp, and face their long-held feelings for each other.

Then the rebellion discovered Gal’s identity and to save his life, Ettian had no choice but to unveil his own secret: that he was the long-lost heir to the Archon throne. With Gal as a political prisoner, Ettian began the fight to restore his own empire—and to open Gal’s eyes to the possibility of a galaxy reclaimed from Umber’s greed. But just when Gal was starting to come around, a team of Umber operatives rescued him from Archon’s clutches and dragged him home to take up his crown.

Now, separated for the first time and in full command of the might of their respective forces, the star-crossed rulers find themselves truly at odds. And with the war reaching a tipping point, the time has finally come for Gal and Ettian to confront what they owe their empires, their friends, and each other if they’re ever to forge a universe where the two of them can be together.

288 pages, Hardcover

First published June 14, 2022

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About the author

Emily Skrutskie

13 books1,019 followers
Emily Skrutskie is six feet tall. She lives and works in Los Angeles. Skrutskie is the author of THE ABYSS SURROUNDS US series, HULLMETAL GIRLS, and the Bloodright Trilogy, starting with BONDS OF BRASS. Her latest novel, THE SALVATION GAMBIT, is now available.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 200 reviews
Profile Image for Justine.
1,265 reviews347 followers
August 27, 2022
A middling ending to a pretty good series. It wasn't bad, it just didn't quite stick the landing the way I hoped for.

This series is all about the feels. I love Gal and Ettian as a couple, and that carried on nicely in Vows of Empire. But the rest of the story felt a bit unsupported and slightly unrealistic. There was some excitement towards the end, a nice twist, but its impact was subsequently watered down by the extensive explanations of "the plan" that followed.

On the upside, this continues to be a great choice for audio. The narrators are lively and engaging and I did enjoy that aspect quite thoroughly.
Profile Image for  Bon.
1,348 reviews184 followers
June 27, 2022
Forgot to mention this during the actual week but happy release to this conclusion!

Thank you to Netgalley and Sabrina Shen over at Del Rey for an ARC to finish off this series.

Although there are aspects I enjoyed, think it's safe to say this leaned more towards letdown like the second book. I'm probably in the minority here and gonna start with what I didn't love, so the good will stick better at the end.

I think the editor was slacking. By the third book of overdone writing, paragraphs stretched out, and sentences weighed down with far too much metaphor and florid language, it gets old. I skipped whole sections of Too Much Politicking or Strategizing, over and over. We've seen this in the previous books; much tell, and hardly any show. The book wasn't long but it sure felt like it. That's a feat in a book clocking in under 300 pages.

That leads me to the sense of stake. Everyting was depicted in such a hyperbolic, world's gonna end way that I think Skrutzkie sabotaged herself, like a narrative crying of wolf. Over and over we're told whole systems are at risk, how bloodthirsty Gal's parents are, all this extremely high-stakes tension is built into this trilogy. And yet at the end of it all, I never really felt that. Much of the tragedy is reduced to flashbacks, tension watered down with our characters removed from it by a generation. I get that it's YA but the characters' gravitas in every conversation and inner monologue defies what Cost we see. Avoiding spoilers but there are so many GOTCHA moments of a particular nature in this book that I stopped believing anything I read on-page, and that's just not effective storytelling.

But now on to the better parts. It's always emotional getting to the ends of things, and I have real affection for this series, from its conception as fanfic with the serial numbers filled off, to the tropes, to the gorgeous covers. The first book was easily consumed, despite Pandemic Brain, and that I appreciate.

I love how organic the inclusion of queer characters was in this series, how the world plays with gender roles and sexuality. Outer space, that blackness between planets, is a liminal space, like the wild west or the sea during the age of piracy; it begs this kind of acceptance of anything and everything. The gay, gruff generals, the sapphic commodores, the nonbinary ambassadors, and use of the title Emprex, those parts were awesome.

What romance there was, was very good, complete with pining and feral makeout scenes. The ending was lovely and probably the best way it could go, given the pressures of the story. Women characters were allowed to shine, and even got POV slots in this one. It was neat to read Hanji's voice for once. The messaging of taking down monarchies and inherited right of rule was incredible.

All in all, the Bloodright Trilogy was pretty fine. It's an inclusive world, an improvement upon its familiar base in popular sci-fi fandoms, and I applaude it releasing all three volumes through a global pandemic.
Profile Image for Shilo Quetchenbach.
1,525 reviews62 followers
May 24, 2022
Now THIS is how you end a trilogy that's been nothing but one plot twist and con after another with a bang.

I fell in love with Ettian and Gal and Wen from the very beginning of Bonds of Brass. The writing style employed in these novels is easy and conversational and personal, making incredibly good use of first person perspective. The story races along at full tilt with plots and secrets and betrayals and counter betrayals and 'wait-that's-not-actually-a-betrayal's slotting into place and never quiiiiite spinning out of control, but only just.

The first book was Ettian-focused, and the second Gal-focused, but in this one there's a nice balance of the two and also a look into Wen and a growing familiarity with the utter chaos that is the Wraiths.

If I can just quote from my review of the second book in the trilogy (Oaths of Legacy) for a moment:

"...if I could read about Wen going off-script with a mad slap-dash plan and Ettian caring too much and Gal “fed up to here with these two idiots but don’t anyone dare touch them” emp-Umber attempting to manipulate everyone forever I totally would... "

Same, past self. Same.

After absolutely flying through this final book at a breakneck pace I can say that I am completely satisfied with the ending. It's the best ending these characters could have dreamed up. It is everything I wanted (and several things I didn't know I wanted). The plot twists and surprises and long cons nearly killed me several times over as I read, in the best way possible.

I love a good twisty plot where the characters are pulling multiple cons on each other and ALSO on the reader, and this trilogy definitely delivers, with moments that made me gasp and moments that made me want to cheer as things fell into place.

I am in awe of Emily Skrutskie's plotting skills and also will read absolutely anything she writes because this trilogy and these characters have completely stolen my heart.

*Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Del Rey for providing an e-arc for review.
Profile Image for Cæsar Eanraig.
199 reviews24 followers
April 20, 2024
This was a really good way to finish this trilogy, it had thrilling moments, I enjoyed, Congrats to Emily Skrutskie!!!

I also have this book on Audible, high praises to the dynamic between the narrators James Fouhey, Anthony Rey Perez, Carolyn Kang and Siho Ellsmore, superb job to all, everyone brought to the table, I was entertained!!!

Profile Image for Victoria.
119 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2022
I just-

I can’t-

I don’t-

These books fucked me UP, my dudes. They chewed me up and spat me back out. When I picked up Bonds of Brass, I was like “oh, Finn/Poe fanfiction, this’ll be cute” but it was




This was action and betrayal and secrets and TWISTS. The motherfucking TWISTS. Like when Wen stabbed Ettian, I KNEW it had to be a trick but I was TRAUMATIZED. I absolutely lost my fucking shit like I’ve never lost it over a work of fiction before in my LIFE.

Heavens and hells, Emily knows how to write a good story. This was one of THE best sci-fi action stories I’ve ever read. It was funny and witty and I felt so much joy and excitement and shock and just UGH. And the characters!

I love love love Wen. She’s so smart and capable and badass and she is going to do a fanTASTIC job at tearing down bloodright and reshaping the galaxy, with Hanji by her side helping her every step of the way.

And while I still haven’t quite forgiven Hanji for shooting Ettian, I love the Wraiths with my whole ass heart. Each and every one of those idiots who share a single brain cell 💖💖💖💖

And ETTIAN. And GAL. And ETTIAN-AND-GAL. My gods, I’ll be thinking about these boys for the rest of my fucking life. They’ve gone through so much pain and sacrifice and struggle, and I am SO HAPPY they got their happy ending. Fucking soft boys. Fucking saps. So fucking in love it makes me want to 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

10 out of 10
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for charlie.
127 reviews2 followers
July 22, 2022
“A life where we wake one curled around the other and don’t leave bed for a solid hour. A life of a thousand stolen kisses.
We chase our hearts’ desire across the stars. Just the words one of us once shaped it into, the words we sometimes breathe to each other in the deepest part of the night, scarcely believing we finally have it.
You and a life with you.

i'm honestly going to miss them so much 🥺
Profile Image for Aaron .
143 reviews341 followers
June 29, 2022
Meh. It was okay. A little too short and I didn’t love the 4 POVs. But I understand why they had to happen mostly. Overall just a Meh trilogy.
Profile Image for akacya ❦.
1,424 reviews289 followers
July 31, 2022
this is the third book in the bloodright trilogy.

gal and ettian, once roommates and close friends, now find themselves on opposing sides of a war. they’re trying to manage their feelings for one another with their loyalty to their families and empires.

this was a satisfying conclusion that nicely wrapped up gal and ettian’s stories. there was sooo much pining since the two princes were apart pretty much the whole time which was painful haha. there were lots of plot twists too!
Profile Image for Kayla.
605 reviews7 followers
June 17, 2022

Okay! First off, this book is MUCH better than book 2. By all accounts, even Gal's abrasively naive and immature mood swings finally take a back seat, and thank god because I didn't know if I could handle it. What I loved most about this book is that I truly could not tell where it was going to end and who was playing who. I guess with books it's so easy to write knowing that so much is going on "behind the scenes" that the reader can't see so it's fun to string them along. There were many points where I was so shocked and went HUH?? after reading specific chapters. That was something that I loved so much from the first book and and really set the mood and intensity of the story. This happened in the second book but for me was just sour twist after twist that I couldn't understand or cope with.

In this one, many of those twists stress me out, but I was not particularly upset by them and I felt that they made sense to the plot when they were later explained. I love Ettian and Wen's relationship, I love the ride or die vow that they have together and how supportive they are all of each other after such a shit last few months of politics and danger. I think Ettian and Wen really steal back the spotlight of this book and I think in a way almost overshadow the original pair of Gal and Ettian which I guess can be considered a bad thing.

I was content with the ending though I could see it coming by about 75% through the book, it wasn't a shock, though in the back of my head I was constantly wondering if Emily was about to pull an Allegiant. For me, I think that plotline is so supercharged and spectacular that I was fully ready to accept it here. Something about destroying your main characters and having a queer woman take over really suited me, but killing of two lgbtqia lovers in the process probably wouldn't have been good for business. I respect that it didn't happen though a part of me is still menacingly rubbing my hands together pretending it did.

My one big complaint is that we barely have any time or dialogue with Gal and Ettian together. All the pining and slow burn of the first book fizzles out in book 2 and then becomes a fast side plot to politics in book 3. I want the drama and the action but I also want the romance. That's definitely the one thing I wish was different. We got so much great time between Ettian and Wen, but none of our boys.

Overall, I believe this series redeems itself and I'm happy to own all of them and definitely will reread them again in the future even if I skip book 2. Praise be!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for MeadeReads.
239 reviews37 followers
April 23, 2023
The two MCs were barely together but like two seconds until the end. Made me just miss the tension of book 1. Was still happy to know the ending!
Profile Image for Wafflepirates.
369 reviews17 followers
March 24, 2022
*Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.*

Rating: 3.5

Based on how book 2 ended, I wasn't sure what to expect going into this one. Told mostly in a dual pov switching between Gal and Ettian as what at first seems like separate plot lines come together as the two plan something big. While both coming at it from different views, the pair realize the bloodright system is flawed and needs to be fixed, while also realizing they need a way to thwart the Umber Empire's bloodthirsty ways. They enlist the help of Wen, who is probably the most competent person in this series, and Gal's Wraith squadron (led by Hanji, also an incredibly smart and interesting character). There's a main plan involving all of them that is largely kept secret, even as it begins unfolding, and seemingly unexpected roadblocks pop up that make it seem like there's more scheming going on than just what Gal and Ettian have cooked up. I felt like keeping such a huge, driving plot point under wraps, even until the last chapter practically, made it difficult to follow at times. There weren't enough hints at what the endgame was, and that made the plot seem messy at times. I also found it strange that While I wasn't wholly satisfied with how it ended, I did think it suited the story and brought some character arcs to a good end. And while I wish a lot of my understanding of the plot wasn't in hindsight, the actual plot was solid and interesting.
Profile Image for D.
903 reviews11 followers
September 25, 2022
Oh damn, I didn't see this one coming. The first half was alright, and while the book was never boring, it absolutely wasn't what I wanted. One of my least favourite tropes is done THREE TIMES in this book, and I was disappointed with how it ended. Makes me sad because book 1 was bloody fantastic.
Profile Image for Presley Soudant.
29 reviews1 follower
August 21, 2022
A series hasn't brought me to life like this in years. I was squealing and cursing and confused and angry and happy it left me wanting to recommend it to everyone. I read the first book during our first lockdown in 2020 because I made a promise to myself that I wanted to get into space opera books. Don't ask me why. While I loved the first one, I wasn't wowed and I think that's because it was my first dip into the genre. I vowed to wait until the whole trilogy was published to finish it and holy shit am I happy I did. Reading it all at once was another experience and allowed me to fall deep into these characters.

The only quip I have about this book is that I wish there was more of Gal and Ettian together. It felt like more importance was put on their side relationships than their actual one even though the whole plot is based on their relationship. I dunno I just love the romance...call me greedy.

These space dipshits have my whole heart.
Profile Image for nagel__bagel.
47 reviews3 followers
October 17, 2022
I have a lot of feelings but mainly ambivalent. Big meh energy.

An overarching plot premise here fizzled for me. Fizzled hard. The main 70% or so of the book just dragged, certain villains never felt threatening, and the main romance had no tension whatsoever. Because that was in the bag, the subplot became an epic romance/fated mates plot armor snoozefest. There was a lot going on, lots of familiar tropes, but even though you can hardly keep up with the intricate plot, none of it is particularly surprising and it all feels basically meaningless. As a romance reader I cared little for the advanced spaghetti plot (linguini plot?). Most disappointingly, the Wraiths were totally squandered, their skills felt so deus ex machina'd. Combined with the above issues... Ugh. Most definitely more fiction than romance - all action, no swoon.
Profile Image for Mariam.
280 reviews112 followers
May 20, 2022
I've always been told I have my mother's eyes, and now I turn them to their old purpose- bending the men of the Gordan bloodline to their every capricious whim.

Similar to its predecessor, Vows of Empire has an incredibly slow build-up and spends over half the book repeating themes that have been long established. Furthermore, the scope of the war has grown so large that the much-needed detail about certain characters and events is no longer possible. With the trilogy coming to a close, I find that I still know very little about Gal, Ettian, and Wen, let alone minor characters such as Hanji and the Wraith squadron. These flaws are nothing new and have been holding the story back since the first book.

On the bright side, the last hundred pages or so were interesting enough that I stopped skimming. The action, plot twists, and ending were unpredictable which is always a good sign. Though it was still rushed, I prefer it to a story that drags on. Overall, a nice conclusion to a fun trilogy.

ARC provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books376 followers
July 12, 2022
The build up to the final confrontation from the beginning lead to this moment. An enemies to lovers romance with a twist set in the backdrop of far future space and two clashing empires. The first book in the trilogy grabbed my attention and now I am excited to see it come to an exciting end.

Vows of Empire is part of an ongoing story so doesn’t make a good place to jump in.

The tale started when two young guys became friends at the Umber space academy. One was a promising, young Umber and the other a scholarship student from the conquered Archon empire. Then a late night attempt to kill Gal made him go on the run with Ettian and share the secret that he was the Umber heir and he had to stop this attempt at a coup.
The two young men go on the lamb to keep from getting captured and their adventure leads them to a savvy street gang member, Wen, who ties in with them and then the Archon resistance who can’t know Gal’s identity. They don’t speak of feelings, but Gal has never treasured before what he has with Ettien. His mother tried to make him tough, cold and ambitious, but all he wants to do is stop the brutal conquering machine of Umber might.
If Gal thought his confession was a shocker, Ettien’s is mindblowing to him. And the twists keep coming in this building story of twists, betrayals, and machinations.

I have been very taken with this series from the beginning. It has a good blend of worldbuilding, fast-paced action, intrigue, but, most of all, complicated relationships. Gal and Ettien started it and then Wen emerged as a main character and lastly, Hanzi, emerged. Everyone seems to have their own secrets and secret agenda. Vows of Empire began with Gal and Ettien far from each other and no solution in sight as to how any of it, from the two warring empires to the two enemy lovers, would resolve. I started to get an inkling early on what was really going on so I wasn’t very shocked by the surprise moments. Still, I could appreciate seeing how it all played out. I’m a little hazy on where things finally went on a grand scale because there wasn’t a final resolution there, but the main story, started in the beginning, got resolution.

This was very much YA in some ways, particularly how the characters thought and behaved. I was grateful to be spared as much of Gal’s thinking since this one had four narrators including the two young women, Wen and Hanzi. In truth, Wen and Hanzi tended to overshadow Gal and, especially, Ettien. They were forces of nature and took initiative and faced the bulk of the danger and fights. The romance was undergirding the story, but was understated and not heated like in most YAs.

This one wound out like a chess match because the plotters had a long game going and much of the book was spent getting their pieces properly placed. But, it didn’t lag and kept up the tension throughout. Those who enjoy exciting Young Adult LGBT Sci-fi or Space Opera should definitely give it a go.

I rec’d an eARC from NetGalley to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Panderp.
358 reviews19 followers
July 21, 2023
2nd Read, July 2023
Welll... can I just have my third review in a row just be some pterodactyl screeches too? Because *pterodactyl screeches*

Seriously, it's so clever and funny and heartfelt and such a fun ride from start to finish. Wen Iffan's transformation is a sight to behold. Gal is my favorite bitch. That ultimate sacrifice still makes me cry. I fucking love the Wraiths, the chaotic dickheads <3 .

1st Read, June 2022
I am so thankful to have had this series brought into my life. It's everything that I think of when I say I want well written and diverse queer stories. Yes, Gal and Ettian are utterly gone for each other but the fact that they're queer is the LEAST IMPORTANT part about it! I just want fantastic stories that include characters who are queer, without having the story revolve around the fact that it's queer, and the Bloodright Trilogy delivered!

And not only that, but the female characters are SO GOOD! Wen and Hanji and the Commodore and even Iva emp-Umber, in all her horrifying glory, are epic. These women know how to get shit done and (ignoring the tyrannical empress) will do wonders for the future of the galaxy!

I look forward to the day I read these all back to back, rather than waiting a year in between. I need to experience it all again.

It was worth it to sow the seeds of discord I'll no doubt reap when I go back to my administration. Worth it to wage this war, worth it to save his sorry ass from the academy when this whole mess started. I've said it before. I've wanted to believe it so badly, and now I can.
No empire is worth it if I don't have him too.
Profile Image for elise p.
300 reviews14 followers
April 9, 2022
While I more or less enjoyed Vows of Empire, it's my opinion that it does fall far short of the previous two books in the trilogy. The trilogy follows a very familiar arc in that the scope gets larger and larger with each book, but this fails for two reasons. The first being it was the tight, character-driven aspects of the first book combined with easy-to-follow action on a small scale that made it both loveable and easy to follow. By book 3, the scope is literally intergalactic, and the details about the politics and the world itself start to become unrealistic (both in terms of the sci-fi, but more importantly, in the area of human motivation) and difficult to understand. Important side characters just don't act like humans with human motivation and critical thinking skills would.

I was glad to follow our MCs through one more journey, but it unfortunately wasn't my favorite.

*Many thanks to Del Ray and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this highly-anticipated ARC!*
Profile Image for Nicole.
353 reviews61 followers
June 18, 2022
I don't think I can properly put into words how very much I love Wen Iffan.

Listen, if you've read the first two books in the trilogy, you know what to expect from this one: space shenanigans, insouciant reclining, political machinations, completely stupid boys pining, incredibly competent ladies making the galaxy a better place, and the minivan of starships. This book delivers in every way possible on the promise of the first two, unraveling a scheme several books in the making. You know how this one's going to end--you know there's a plan; and yet, you remain on the edge of your seat, biting your nails to stubs in anticipation of how it's all going to work out.

Skrutskie is brilliant, and at this point, I trust her to always give me a wild and entertaining ride full of emotional roller-coasters and absolute satisfaction.

If you haven't read this trilogy yet--hey, it's done now! You don't have to wait in between cliffhangers to get to this ending. So what are you waiting for? Go read it.
Profile Image for Shaz.
757 reviews17 followers
July 23, 2022
Two and a half stars

This was fun and Gal has mostly stopped being unbearable and also it helps that he isn't the only viewpoint in this one. Liked what it was doing, not the biggest fan of how it did it.
Profile Image for Elsie.
432 reviews5 followers
June 22, 2022
I will go way too in depth with some spoiler thoughts and comments but first: I got and devoured this on release day just like I did for #2 and wow. My heart! Was this a perfect book? No. But for the sheer rush of emotions and laughs this book brought me (especially in the height of my grief over the loss of a parent wherein this book release was the one thing I was looking forward to and enjoyed over the past months) this deserves 5 stars! I do wish the boys spent more time to together (like this should be romance first machinations second) but I also appreciate the subversion of mlm fiction by giving female characters prominent and memorable roles in the story. I've seen some critiques of the prose but honestly I enjoy it! I don't mind a little melodrama and flowery-ness and I think it holds well under each of the POVs (which I suspected there would be swapped POVs since the end of the last book and I appreciated being right).

Now for a lot of spoiler discussion:

Regardless, the first book remains probably my favourite in the series but the whole trilogy now holds a place in my heart and will get a good couple of re-reads through the years. (I made a great spotify playlist for this after the first one so now it's an obligation at this point)
Profile Image for Heather.
454 reviews28 followers
June 15, 2023
I don't think I have words that can adequately describe the rollercoaster that was the conclusion to this series. It was a bit like being strapped onto a rollercoaster, except you haven't any idea what the theme is or how long the ride is and sometimes it just stops and you think it's over but then it starts up again. Ya know?

I love nothing more than a good elaborate plan, but you know what I love even more? When the plan is taking place right in front of me and yet I am unable to piece it together until the very end!
Having both Ettian and Gale POV's in this book made the reading experience much more enjoyable to me than the sophomore novel of this series and without giving anything away I will just say - The ending is endlessly satisfying to me.

I do wish the sequence near the end in which the plan is being explained to me, weren't so long. I few scenes that were told to us I think could have been shown earlier on without ruining the surprise of the end.
April 3, 2024
A shocking yet brilliant twisted sequel to Oaths Of Legacy- this last & final book in the Trilogy had some jaw dropping twists & turns & this was again a book I remained glued to for most of the time. The final future of the two Empires- Archon & Umber - with their respective Bloodlines with Bloodrights to Rule the Galaxies unfolded heroically from both ends- strategy , planning, deception & loyalties put on the line for perfecting a plan for their Heir's Rule- all rolled into the war waged amongst the two Empires & setting the course for the future . But will the war turn the tables of the Bloodright Legacy or will the love of two Galaxy Emperors herald the destruction of Kingdoms of the near future? Loved reading every bit of it!
Profile Image for rebecca.
78 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2022
”we chase our hearts’ desire across the stars”

i was fully prepared to get mad at this book, but i gotta say that wow. it completely surprised me for the better. it’s an absolute joy to read about cons and plotting in space and i’m so happy to have picked up this trilogy!!

but i’m not gonna lie, i was about to pull my hair out over how many times the word ‘bloodright’ was mentioned. what did i ever expect from a trilogy legit named ‘the bloodright trilogy’ though??
Profile Image for Katja.
92 reviews50 followers
June 28, 2022
Very disappointing ending unfortunately! The story's strongest suit and intrigue (ettian vs gal) was wasted, the final climax undramatic and this constant way of writing where all the characters know what's gonna happen but we don't even though it's first person pov is ... fun once but tiring in the end. If everything is a plot twist in the ways of "that didn't actually happen... This did" I won't believe a single thing that's happening in the story?
Lots of potential wasted!
Profile Image for Georgia.
97 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2022
solid end to a solid trilogy, with enough surprises to keep me guessing and a really sweet ending with Gal and Ettian 🥹 wish we'd gotten to see them on the page together more, and a have a minor issue with the fact the war wasn't resolved - not too surprising, given how relatively short this is, but feels a bit too easy (like, surely Gal's mother, ruthless imperial, would have had a major response to what happened to Gal at the end???). nevertheless, will be rereading this series again soon
Profile Image for Alex Lakej.
185 reviews11 followers
March 28, 2022
I think this was a really great end to the trilogy. I really missed Wen and Ettian and Gal so much. They really are the finnpoe we never got huh. I do think it was a little rushed in some parts and there is definitely a lot of political and strategic talk in this book which isn’t something that really suits my fancy, but overall I really liked it. The epilogue did makes me cry a bit I’m not gonna lie. But yeah, if you haven’t read the rest of this trilogy yet and you like star wars and wanted finnpoe to be canon, I definitely recommend catching up in time for the release of the last book!

This arc was provided to me through Netgalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mii.
466 reviews51 followers
August 27, 2022
To quote directly from Gal,
"You’d think I’d be used to this by now." is what I have in mind almost throughout this whole thing, twist after twist, one betrayal after another.. this was exhausting but I'm liking it so much too.
I think this is a good series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 200 reviews

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