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Cassidy Blake #2

Tunnel of Bones

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The thrilling sequel to Victoria Schwab's New York Times bestselling City of Ghosts!

Trouble is haunting Cassidy Blake . . . even more than usual.She (plus her ghost best friend, Jacob, of course) are in Paris, where Cass's parents are filming their TV show about the world's most haunted cities. Sure, it's fun eating croissants and seeing the Eiffel Tower, but there's true ghostly danger lurking beneath Paris, in the creepy underground Catacombs.When Cass accidentally awakens a frighteningly strong spirit, she must rely on her still-growing skills as a ghosthunter -- and turn to friends both old and new to help her unravel a mystery. But time is running out, and the spirit is only growing stronger.And if Cass fails, the force she's unleashed could haunt the city forever.#1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Schwab returns to the spooky and heart-pounding world of City of Ghosts, delivering thrilling new adventures and an unforgettable spin on friendship. (Because sometimes, even psychic ghost best friends have secrets. . .)

209 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 3, 2019

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About the author

Victoria Schwab

79 books115k followers
VICTORIA “V. E.” SCHWAB is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty books, including the acclaimed Shades universe, the Villains series, the City of Ghosts series, Gallant, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and The Fragile Threads of Power. When not haunting Paris streets or trudging up English hillsides, she can be found in Edinburgh, Scotland, tucked in the corner of a coffee shop, dreaming up monsters.

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Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
November 20, 2020
“What you can't see is always scarier than what you can. Your eyes play tricks on you, filling in the shadows, making shapes.”

Does this woman ever stop writing to, like, breathe? Eat? Go to the loo? Victoria creates story after story, releases book after book and I'M HERE FOR IT. She is a one-woman power house and the fact that we will get to experience her worlds on screen sooner or later fills my Schwablin heart.

With Tunnel of Bones Victoria once again proves that she is one of the most talented and hard-working writers out there. She stepped up the Cassidy Blake game with this sequel and I am so excited for what Bridge of Souls and a possible fourth book in the series might hold. As with many sequels, the stakes are higher, the enemy is stronger, and Tunnel of Bones is no exception. What I enjoy the most about Victoria's books is that she never gives you all the answers. She is an expert at keeping the reader on edge. She adds kindling to the fire, but she never burns it all. So I sit and read and wonder and I am always left craving more. So what the heck is going on with Cassidy's best ghost friend Jacob? His reluctance to open up about his past and his thick head drive me mad at times, so I'm glad we finally learnt more about his back story. I still don't trust the guy. I also don't see how Cassidy is a Gryffindor because in my mind she's clearly a Slytherin, but I was also sorted into Gryffindor and I have a growing feeling that this might not be entirely...accurate. So I can relate.

Plotwise, this sequel was a huge improvement to book one. I got a little frustrated with City of Ghosts. I cannot put my finger on it, but it felt slow and I didn't enjoy the direction that the story had taken as much. But with Tunnel of Bones Victoria has found her rhythm, and I was both genuinely intrigued and creeped out. The poltergeist kid was seriously creepy. And even though Paris was literally burning, it still felt true, realistic. Grief and loss are powerful emotions. They can make you move mountains, and if you're a spectral being with unnatural powers, throwing a whole city into chaos almost seems like the obvious next step.
I also really like the ring of Mischief, Menace and Mayhem and dividing the book into parts according to these categories rounded it all up nicely.

It will take a while until The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue hits shelves so until then I'll bide the time with the second instalment of the Steel Prince graphic novel Shades of Magic Vol. 2: Night of Knives. And that queer vampire story that Victoria Wrote for the Vampires Never Get Old anthology. Lots to look forward to.

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Profile Image for Hamad.
1,186 reviews1,531 followers
November 17, 2019
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City of Ghosts ★★★ 1/2
Tunnel of bones ★★★

“It’s hard to believe in ghosts, until you see one, and then it’s hard not to.”

★ I thought that this is a duology and apparently it is not! I am not the target audience and so I will try not to be so critical but I know that MG does not mean it have to be bad or simple.

★ The writing is very very easy and straight forward, I respect Schwab’s ability to change the writing voice according to the intended age group which I have noticed many authors do badly specially after sticking for years in writing one specific genre! But this was really appropriate for younger readers and yes, if I had kids -I decided that they will be readers (JK whatever they want)- then this is the kind of books I would feel appropriate to read. It can be read in an afternoon, I actually literally did that, I started it in an afternoon and finished it before sleeping!

★ The characters were as good as in book 1, there was not a huge development to their characters but we got more backstory which was cool.

★ The plot was very simple in this one, I thought that it was too simple, the book felt like a filler rather than a continuation of book 2 and I think it can be made into a TV cartoon for children where each book is an episode with a separate story and they move the bigger story slowly!

“What you can’t see is always scarier than what you can. Your eyes play tricks on you, filling in the shadows, making shapes.”

★ Summary: I like how Schwab refreshed our memories about the world and how things work. I think the writing was good but the plot was too simple and like a filler! I was more intrigued by book 1 to be honest. I thought this is a duology and I wouldn’t have started it if I knew it was a trilogy or a series! Anyway still recommend for younger readers!

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Profile Image for Charlotte May.
783 reviews1,259 followers
April 4, 2020
Addictive little tale with a side of ghosts and creepiness! Just great!
👻 🦴

“C’est la vie,” he says. “Things happen.” “Unless you’re Cassidy Blake,” says Jacob as the car pulls away. “And then you make them happen.”

Another quick and exciting instalment in the Cassidy Blake series.
Cassidy once again finds herself in a haunted city while her parents film their ghost themed tv show.
While exploring, Cass and her ghost best friend Jacob accidentally awaken a poltergeist and suddenly the whole of Paris is in danger!

It’s light middle grade fun with just a dose of the paranormal and the scary, I’m excited for book 3!

“The Blake family: two parents, a ghost-seeing girl, her dead best friend, and a rather unhappy cat.”
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.3k followers
February 16, 2020
“You are my best friend. In life. In death. And everything in between”.

Vale, Victoria Schwab está ganando muchos puntos conmigo. Primero escribe un libro, City of Ghosts, sobre Edimburgo, la ciudad más embrujada del mundo y que pude vivir de primera mano en diciembre. ¡Y luego saca un libro que se centra en las Catacumbas, uno de mis lugares favoritos de París!

Pues bueno, Tunnel of Bones es la secuela para City of Ghosts, y sigue a Cassidy Blake, una chica que después de tener una experiencia tremendamente cercana a la muerte desarrolló una habilidad especial para ver fantasmas, atravesar el Velo que separa al mundo de los vivos con el de los muertos y ayudar a las almas a que crucen definitivamente al otro lado y salgan del limbo. Cassidy, además, es hija de una pareja que está haciendo un programa sobre lugares embrujados, así que por eso están viajando por el mundo. En esta ocasión, están en París... oh, París, la ciudad del amor, sí, pero también de cientos de kilómetros de catacumbas, huesos e historias sangrientas. Allí, Cassidy empieza a sentir que cosas más extrañas de lo normal están sucediendo a su alrededor y que, además, su mejor amigo fantasma Jake, está actuando de una manera bastante inusual. Pronto Cassidy descubrirá que despertó a un espíritu que lo único que quiere es crear caos, destrucción y muerte.

En mi opinión, que parece ser la contraria a todo el mundo, City of Ghosts estuvo muchísimo mejor que Tunnel of Bones. En el primer libro nos encontramos con una ciudad fantástica y con una villana absolutamente formidable y que, en medio de todo, sentí que representaba un peligro real para Cassidy. En esta secuela amé la ambientación de las catacumbas y del folklor paranormal de París, pero sentí que el villano era bastante menos impresionante. Sí, hubo un montón de situaciones de peligro, pero no sentí que ninguna fuera una situación de vida o muerte. Quizá me faltó un poco más del caos y la destrucción que prometía el hype.

Lo que sí me intrigó muchísimo de este segundo libro es la situación de Jacob. ¿Por qué es tan reacio a hablar de su pasado? ¿Qué le sucede en esos momentos en los que se pierde en el infinito? ¿Estará llegando el momento en el que Cassidy tenga que ayudarlo a cruzar definitivamente hacia el otro lado? ¿Se convertirá en el villano de uno de los siguientes libros? ¡Todo eso es lo que quiero saber!

En fin, aunque Tunnel of Bones no me gustó tanto como su predecesor, sí he de admitir que es un libro con un ritmo súper rápido y que encaja perfecto dentro del segmento middle grade.
Profile Image for Xandra (StarrySkyBooks).
134 reviews182 followers
September 5, 2020
😭 I didn't know all of the spooky books I read today would make me this emotional.

I have a lot of things to say about this book! Mostly, if you loved the first one because of Cassidy and Jacob's friendship, then I don't think you'll be dissappointed here! (I think I cried at the end of City of Ghosts for whatever reason, and without spoiling anything, I cried in this one as well 😂 Or maybe I'm just a crier, who knows?) Such pure, ghostly friends 😌👻

very spooky, lots of bones

4 stars
June 18, 2021
“What you can't see is always scarier than what you can. Your eyes play tricks on you, filling in the shadows, making shapes.”

I forgot so many things that happened in this book. I originally read it in 2019, so of oucrse I was bound to forget some of the things that happened in here, but actually forget the overall the plot of the book. I didn't think my memory could be that bad, but, oh well, it is.

In Tunnel of Bones, we follow Cassidy and her parents as they go to their second filming location which is Paris. The TV show is fun and all, but little do Cass' parents know about the dangerous gosts lurking in Paris. Cassidy unknowingly awakens a very strong spirit and she must rely on her newfound ghosthunting powers to unravel the mystery before the spirit grows too strong to be stopped.

This is a very fast paced middle grade. I think I read it in less than 4 hours, maybe actually three. The plot starts from page one and there isn't really anything that could be boring in here. This is an very entertaining book, perfect for getting out of a reading slump or just if you want a cute fast book to read.

The characters are my favourite part of the story. I loved both Cassidy and Jacob and the dynamics between them are very inetresting with Cass being a ghosthunter and Jacob being her best friend and also a ghost. I really liked seeing more of Jacob backstory since we aren't really told anything about him in book one, but here we get to know him so much better. I was also very happy that we got to see again some characters introduced in book one. I didn't really expect to see them again and I'm happy that Victoria Schwab managed to surprise me with that.

The audiobook for these books is excellent and if you can I recommend reading this book that way. The narrator has a very soothing voice and she makes quite a few different voices for different chaarcters. It's also really not that hard staying concentrated enough while listening to the audiobook. This is such an easy book to read that you woudl listen to the audiobook without really realising it.

The Cassidy Blake series is one that's really close to my heart and I'm so excited to finally read Bridge of Souls, and to go to a new filming locations. I'm not even sure what the plot of the third book is, but I'm here for it.


I can't believe how much I actually forgot that happened in this book.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,026 reviews2,452 followers
October 4, 2023
4 stars

Tunnel of Bones follows our favorite middle grade ghost hunter Cassidy Blake to a new city and country, Paris, France. While her parents are filming their ghost show in the catacombs, Cassidy and her ghost friend Jacob accidentally awaken a poltergeist and find themselves way out of their league.

I read the first book of this series, City of Ghosts, in March 2020 when the covid19 pandemic hit the US and everyone was given the stay at home orders. I was so stressed out about the world in general, that I didn’t love my read through of that book but I think larger circumstances came into play with that one. Fast forward to over a year later and I picked up the audiobook version of the second book and I really enjoyed it. It makes me wonder if I need to give the first book another chance.

I really like this middle grade ghost/horror story series and I’m excited to read the next one. I’m also excited to recommend this series to any middle graders who visit my library for recommendations.
Profile Image for Sylvie {Semi-Hiatus}.
1,043 reviews1,634 followers
November 14, 2019

I literally finished this book in three hours, I just love a fast paced books. I can't say it was better than 'City of Bones' but this was just as fun and delightful.
I love Cassidy and Jacob together and individually, I simply cannot get enough of them. It's always fun reading about them and their adventures.
Profile Image for jade.
489 reviews364 followers
September 28, 2020
“he seems happier, lighter, after sharing his story. i feel a little heavier after hearing it, but that's okay. that's how friendship works. you learn to share the weight.”

after saving the souls of edinburgh from the raven in red, cassidy & jacob find themselves in paris for the next episode of the inspecters. cassidy’s parents are all too eager to explore the catacombs beneath the city and discuss its horrors on camera, while cassidy is trying to find her footing as a ghost hunter.

and jacob is still, y’know, dead and along for the ride.

this was so much fun! i was so glad to see that most things that held me back from enjoying the previous book to the fullest are taken care of here.

the Ghost of the Week narrative is much tighter: we now have a poltergeist terrorizing the streets of paris, and it’s proving nearly impossible to take it down. so cass & jacob dive into parisian history like a pair of ghost detectives, and try to uncover who this evil spirit was before it went haywire and whether they can dig up some way to defeat it.

it’s a big contrast with the antagonist from the previous book, because you never really find out who the raven in red is and why she’s going around stealing souls. personally, i tend to prefer more personal stories with a larger emotional weight, so i really enjoyed this change in approach.

not to mention that the whole idea that ghosts can turn evil and become poltergeists is very relevant for one certain dead character.

cass is plagued by nightmares in which jacob turns evil, fearing she might eventually need to use her ghost hunting powers on him. meanwhile, jacob is both pleased and unsettled by just how much more powerful and tangible he seems to grow the longer he stays on the real-world side of the veil.

so the poltergeist plot actually tied in much better with cass & jacob’s story, which made this book feel much more balanced in terms of narrative than the previous one. there’s even some very well-written parallels with what we learn of jacob in tunnel of bones, and i’ll admit that had me in a State during the final showdown.

speaking of jacob…

i’ve mentioned before that i’m a sucker for tales with ghost / undead characters, because you know that at some point, you’re gonna get: (1) a heartrending account of how and why they died, (2) an explanation of why they think they never ‘moved on’, and (3) a tearful goodbye because they’re gonna have to leave the world of the living behind some day.

tunnel of bones sets that up more explicitly than the previous book, because jacob’s backstory is at its center. who he was before he died and how his soul got tangled with cassidy’s is given its due attention, and it was worth the wait.

there’s also various side characters, who serve their role of making the world feel more natural and populated well enough. we have pauline deschamp, who acts like a local guide for cassidy’s family, and who plays it very straight and skeptical but might actually hold some superstitious beliefs. there’s also adele laurent, a young girl who seems bored enough to want to help cass & jacob figure out who the poltergeist is.

and finally, there’s several appearances for lara chowdhury through texts and video calls, as she advises cassidy on how to handle the poltergeist (and clashes with jacob, of course). again, i saw a bit less of her than i would’ve liked but more than i would’ve expected, so i guess it’s a win?

what is decidedly not a win is the continuation of the ten thousand harry potter references. please, stop. i’m begging. i am on my knees. it’s so jarring and clumsily handled and it makes me believe everything that gen z is saying about millennials being wine-sipping sad idiots obsessed with their harry potter houses.

everything taken together, though, tunnel of bones is a worthy sequel that improves upon the weaker points of its predecessor. i doubt anyone here needs another round of me praising schwab’s prose into the heavens but as always, it’s great.

if you’re looking for a spooky halloween read with a pair of weirdo ghost hunters, i’m pretty sure you’ve found your book.

4.0 stars.
Profile Image for ☾❀Miriam✩ ⋆。˚.
911 reviews472 followers
October 23, 2019
“It's hard to believe in ghosts, until you see one, and then it's hard not to.”

This book is an example of a series which doesn't suffer from the "second book syndrome"! I enjoyed book two just as much as book one. Actually, thinking about it I guess I liked this one even better, because of the depth of the story, and the way it was much more emotionally charged than the first one. I am pretty sure I would have been a fan of this series in my middle grade years!

Profile Image for sarah.
405 reviews272 followers
November 7, 2020
“First comes mischief, then comes menace, then mayhem.
The more trouble poltergeists cause, the more powerful they get.”

#1) City of Ghosts ★★★
#2) Tunnel of Bones ★★★★

Tunnel of Bones is the latest instalment in Victoria Schwab's middle grade paranormal series. After finding the first book slightly underwhelming, I was really pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this one! The characters felt more developed, the ghosts more chilling and the plot more engaging. I won't go into any spoilers for either book in case you are worried about that, either!

In Tunnel of Bones, Cassidy Blake and her best friend/ghost Jacob travel to Paris for the next season of her parent's ghost hunting show. I am completely biased when it comes to anything relating to France, so it really isn't a surprise that I liked the setting more, but it was simply so good. I have always been fascinated by the catacombs and having the chance to 'see' them along with the rest of the city was really interesting.

“It's important to take care of the past. To revisit it, to study and learn. Understanding the past helps us move through the present and discover the future.”

Even more than the setting though, I loved the plot and development of Jacob in particular. It felt much darker and grittier than the first book which I really appreciated. And you can never go wrong with a creepy child. The ghost story this book focused on was simultaneously so terrifying and sad to me. It made the story feel more authentic too, I felt the motivation behind the villain to be realistic- grief and fear are powerful emotions.

“What you can't see is always scarier than what you can. Your eyes play tricks on you, filling in the shadows, making shapes.”

If you read my review of City of Ghosts, you may know that Lara was not my favourite character. Having some distance from her made me appreciate her more, and while I still think she is a caricature, she isn't an annoying one anyone. I also actually liked the new addition to the gang this time around with adele! The friendship between Cassidy and Jacob felt realistic, with all its ups and downs. The ending actually had me bordering on emotional (a feat for me, particular with middle grades).

“You are my best friend. In life. In death. And everything in between.”

Overall, I enjoyed this book even more than the first and cannot wait to continue on with the series! If you haven't picked either book yet, now is the perfect time. And if you weren't completely sold on the first one, I would still recommend at least reading on to the second.
Profile Image for Rachel Kathryn Wright.
407 reviews20 followers
August 30, 2020
This is the sequel to City of Ghosts in the Cassidy Blake series by Victoria Schwab. One of the things that I love most about Schwab is that even with this book being middle grade is that she is still able to keep her style of writing. It is a similar theme to her other books but written in a way that kids can easily read this. This book has left me so excited to see what will happen next in Bridge if Souls. With most books that get a new villain, they get stronger, and I absolutely loved this villain. The villains in this series has been great. Also, the character growth was fantastic. And we got to learn more about Jacob and how he became a ghost, which is amazing. I hope we get to learn more about Jacob’s past and maybe meet his family, which would be very emotional and heartbreaking. And the plot was amazing and was paced really well to make everything suspenseful. And the new setting being Paris and specifically the Catacombs was great. I enjoyed book one immensely, but this one is better.
Profile Image for Coos Burton.
859 reviews1,455 followers
July 24, 2020
Otra hermosa historia de las Crónicas de Cassidy Blake, esta vez ubicados en Francia, más precisamente en las Catacumbas de Paris. ¿Hay algún lugar mejor que este para perderse? (y, si...). Historia recontra amena y divertida, con mucha historia.

Les adjunti el link de mi videoreseña para más detalle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evzQ3...
Profile Image for Rae.
221 reviews161 followers
February 10, 2022
I don't know what it is about these books but just like last year, I devoured this book in almost one sitting. I love the eerie vibe and the sweet but unlikely friendship, these books are impossible to put down and once over, all I can think is that I must have MORE!!!!

Schwab has become one of my favorite authors over the last couple years and these books just go to show that she can master any genre and age group she sets her mind to writing. I love the writing and the pace of following Cassidy and her parents on their ghost hunting adventures and how even with parents that star in a paranormal tv show, she still has so many secrets that they don't believe. It's such a fun dynamic between parents and child while the oblivious parents are looking for ghosts, Cassidy is falling through the veil between worlds sending the specters on to where they belong. Its great!

This was the PERFECT read for October and I'm honestly already counting down the days to the next book in this series because I know I will love it!!!
Profile Image for Sara.
1,315 reviews407 followers
November 6, 2020
3.5 stars.

Tunnel of Bones continues the story of Cassidy Blake, reluctant ghost hunter. This time Cassidy finds herself in Paris, home of the catacombs and a rather pesky poltergeist.

I liked the atmospheric feel of this. Schwab always has a way with writing her characters into rather magical, or in this case, spooky worlds and her children's books are no different. There were certain moments, when Cass and Jake were down amongst the bodies of the long dead, surrounded by ghosts and a creepy child with glowing red eyes, that gave me shivers.

I also liked the expansion to Jacob's story. As the sidekick, he's a little pushed to the background at times with this mysterious backstory that we finally get a glimpse into. It gives his character a bit more development, and made me like him a bit more. Because, to be honest, before we get that backstory I never really warmed to Jacob. Call me Lara.

However, I did find the plot a little lacking. Right from the start you can see where this is heading, and the antagonist unfortunately isn't as strong as the one Cassidy fought in City of Ghosts. The stakes feel less threatening. That said, the hint of the man in the hat with the skull mask has me excited for the next book.
Profile Image for ☠Kayla☠.
259 reviews125 followers
June 17, 2020
First off let me just say I'm absolutely loving these books so far and I really hope they become a series. I also LOVE the supernatural with ghost and spirits being at the top of my list so this book is absolutely perfect for me.
This is the second book to City of Ghost and honestly I liked this one more. I feel like there was more to this story then the first one and more interesting places that they had to explore.
In this book we follow Cassidy and Jacob on they're adventures reaping ghost and sending them across the Veil like in the first one. Only in this book they're doing they're reaping in Paris. And to make this book even more perfect then it already is they go to a place that I so badly want to visit myself someday, the Catacombs. And the job they have to take care of in this story? It's so much more interesting in my opinion then the one they had to take care of in the first book.
This book is definitely a must read for anyone who read the first book and loved it. Like I mentioned above, I think this book was better then the first. This, however, is one of those stories that you have to read the first book or you won't understand the second.
Profile Image for Deborah Obida.
689 reviews687 followers
February 8, 2020
This book is so much better and deeper than the first book. The ghost in this is an unusual one, he is not hell bent on revenge nor on power but something else that will shock you. Its actually very sad.

I really enjoyed reading more about Cassidy and Jacob, we finally found out how Jacob died and it was sadder than I thought.

The writing though not my best I still liked it, I know its because of the target audience. The depiction of The City of Dead was awesome.

Profile Image for mara.literacka.
148 reviews425 followers
August 14, 2022
Duchy i Paryż? Nie było opcji, żebym się nie zakochała w tej opowieści. Zaraz sięgam po trzecią część. Płaczę, ze to już zakończenie cyklu.
Profile Image for gabrielle (hiatus).
179 reviews143 followers
September 29, 2022
What’s worse than an ancient ghost trying to steal your life force? A poltergeist trying to murder you, and possibly others you care about. Cassidy Blake doesn’t have the best luck in the haunting department. While exploring Paris, her and Jacob – along with the help of some friends, both old and new – must unravel a mystery before it’s too late to save herself and the misguided spirit.

Even though I gave it the same rating, Tunnel of Bones is a step-up from its predecessor. While still being a quick read, the plot felt much more intricate this time around and the Catacombs as a main location made for a darker setting. I really love how friendship is portrayed and how it is a driving component in this series.

A big thing that bothered me – and that kept me from giving a higher rating – was the interactions between Cassidy and Jacob. Their friendship is still endearing, and I loved experiencing the sinister foreshadowing (I hope) as Jacob continues to grow stronger, but the rapport between the two of them became very repetitive and kind of annoying.

*Cassidy runs heedlessly into danger*. *Jacob tries to stop her*. *Cassidy faces consequences of said bad decision*. *Jacob sticks around and tries to help his friend because he’s a good ghost*. And repeat. At some point, you’re going to have to think your actions through, especially when there’s lives on the line.

Aside from that, I really enjoyed this sequel and am quite ready to cross the Bridge of Souls.

My reviews for:

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue – ★★★☆☆
Gallant – ★★☆☆☆

Cassidy Blake Series
Book 1: City of Ghosts – ★★★☆☆
Book 2: Tunnel of Bones – ★★★☆☆
Book 3: Bridge of Souls – ★★★★☆

Monsters of Verity Series
Book 1: This Savage Song – ★★★★☆
Book 2: Our Dark Duet – ★★★★☆
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
2,054 reviews996 followers
April 24, 2021
I swear, I fall more and more in love with Schwab’s writing with each book I read by her. At this point I’d gladly read even her grocery list, suffice to say that I’m slightly obsessed. I didn’t think it possible but this book was even better than City of Ghosts! It’s my second time reading it and I sped through it entirely too fast and I’m diving into book three immediately, I want more adventures with Cass and Jacob. Speaking of Jacob, I was absolutely thrilled that we got more back story on him, it made me love him all that much more. I really adore what Schwab has done with this series, it’s SO much more than a middle grade story and everyone who’s a fan of ghost stories is sure to love this book and this series!
Profile Image for Alice-Elizabeth (Prolific Reader Alice).
1,162 reviews165 followers
September 10, 2019
4.5 stars!

Having read and adored the first book (City Of Ghosts) last year, Tunnel of Bones takes us back to Cass and her family who are now exploring the sights and catacombs of Paris. Cass and her ghost friend Jacob end up being targeted by the ghostly spirits of a young boy, who was crushed to his death whilst playing hide and seek with his older brother many years ago. The spookiness and the thrills were definitely there again but the pacing was a little too fast for me. However, there's twists and turns that kept me very excited to read on. Bring on book 3!
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,869 reviews2,298 followers
March 16, 2021
Tunnel of Bones
(Cassidy Blake #2)
by Victoria Schwab
This time Cassidy's parents are going to Paris to shoot their ghost hunting show. Little do they know that their daughter sees and talks to ghosts and that Jacob is around them a lot and he is definitely a ghost. While in Paris, Cass and Jacob find ghostly trouble on their own or it finds them! A poltergeist decides to follow them and cause trouble. But it doesn't want to stop at trouble, it wants to harm or worse! Definitely a good and suspenseful read! Made for middle grade, and adults that like good stories too!
Profile Image for Gem (The Creepy Geek).
507 reviews247 followers
November 1, 2023
Really enjoyed this! Definitely darker than the first outing and I loved the setting so much.

The introduction of stronger ghosts and more information about Jacob, as well as Cassidy becoming more and more comfortable with her abilities and her role,was wonderful!

Can't wait for book three!
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