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Brute Force #3

Lethal Nights

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#1 bestselling author Lora Leigh turns up the heat in her latest novel of high-stakes passion and persuasion featuring the men of Brute Force.

Ilya Dragonovich is no stranger to the dark side. As a safe-house owner for security agency Brute Force, Dragon knows that the battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man—and, sometimes, a beautiful woman…

Emma Jane Preston needs help. After her marriage crumbled, she believed she could get back to a normal, happy life. But now she needs the kind of protection that comes at a cost—one that only someone like Dragon can provide. But can Emma Jane trust this handsome, undercover operator to keep her safe when she is in danger of falling into the arms of the deeply seductive, fiery Dragon. . .and never letting go?

301 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 24, 2019

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About the author

Lora Leigh

201 books10k followers
Lora Leigh lives in the rolling hills of Kentucky, often found absorbing the ambience of this peaceful setting. She dreams in bright, vivid images of the characters intent on taking over her writing life, and fights a constant battle to put them on the hard drive of her computer before they can disappear as fast as they appeared. Lora’s family, and her writing life co-exist, if not in harmony, in relative peace with each other. Surrounded by a menagerie of pets, friends, and a teenage son who keeps her quick wit engaged, Lora’s life is filled with joys, aided by her fans whose hearts remind her daily why she writes.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews
August 16, 2020
Sexy Russian with complicated past falls for simple divorcee.

The Hero, Ilya Dragonavich, is a bit hard to quantify easily. He is basically a Mafia hitman who has been adopted into the head Mafia family. Though birth family is much more complicated. Either way, he is sexy as all get out and he finds this beautiful simple woman in the process of going through a bad divorce and he decides to help her out so she doesn’t lose her home to her deadbeat ex.

Ilya gets to know Emma Jane Preston better while negotiating the purchase of her house in order to save it for her by turning it in to a safe house for his boss, he determines that she is the woman for him. Though he doesn’t act on it at the time. One year later assassins try to kill her in her house so he has to come in and protect her and try to determine who wants her dead and why.

The story is fast paced, steamy and very good. It has all of the benchmarks of a great Lora Leigh book, such as suspense, drama, romance, humor, enjoyable supporting characters and more. I really liked the entire book. This was the first book in this series that I have read and I didn’t need to read the first two in order to understand or get involved in the story. However, I did like this enough to now want to go back and read the others.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.

Profile Image for PamG.
1,081 reviews743 followers
September 16, 2019
LETHAL NIGHTS by Lora Leigh is a well-written romantic suspense novel that is the third book in the Brute Force series. The story takes place in Hagerstown, Maryland and the main characters are Ilya Nicholas Dragonovich and Emma Jane Preston.

Ilya works for the security agency Brute Force and arranges agreements for safe-houses. Danger always seems to be near him. Emma Jane is going through a divorce and needs money in order to retain her childhood home. A year later when Emma Jane needs protection Ilya steps in to help.

I was immediately pulled into the story and had no problem getting to know the characters. There is plenty of intrigue and suspense as well as some very steamy scenes. However, these don’t start immediately so the reader gets to know the characters and the dangerous situation first.

The author has done a great job of character development for Emma Jane and Ilya. I like that Emma Jane is a strong female character that is self-confident, complex, courageous and independent. Ilya’s character is intelligent, caring, brave and has a strong inclination for protectiveness as well as having a dark side.

The story line brings in several themes including divorce, domestic abuse, child abuse, family traditions as well as family relations, love and trust.

While this is the first book I have read by Lora Leigh, I look forward to reading the other books in the series. Additionally, I have two other paperbacks by her on my to-be-read bookshelf that are not in this series. I definitely need to move those up in my reading schedule.

Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press, Lora Leigh and Net Galley for a digital ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,833 reviews747 followers
August 28, 2019
Lethal Nights is another hot read by Lora Leigh! This woman is a master at creating such heat and tension between the main characters that I feel like I need to fan myself!

I'm a huge fan of the anti-hero, and man does Ilya fit this. He's dangerous, mysterious and a bit mystical. He's referred to as the Dragon and comes from a blood line of gypsies. They all have a tattoo of a dragon to signify their lineage. His is on his face to cover old scars which didn't sound attractive at first, but the author wrote this in such a way that the dragon tattoo seem to be a separate entity from Ilya. Like I said, mystical.

The heroine, Emma Jane is more of the girl next door type. The kind of woman who everyone has nothing but good things to say about her. She's genuinely nice but with also with a strong backbone. Ilya thinks she is too innocent for him. He wants her but he knows he should stay away. when danger comes her way, he will stop at nothing to protect her.

I'm really enjoying this series. There are a ton of side characters that are completely fascinating and I want to know more about them. I think maybe some of them are tied to other series...I hope.

Great series!

Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,225 reviews825 followers
September 15, 2019
This author knows how to draw you into a relationship and hold your heart captive. Ilya and Emma Jane were pretty darn perfect and I loved their story.

When Ilya helps Emma Jane keep her home from her ex-husband, he knows that she is his. But his life is filled with violence and blood that he was born into and he cannot taint her innocence with it. Of course, the story doesn’t end there. Months later, someone is out to harm Emma Jane and there is only one person she can trust to keep her safe.


I loved both of these characters. Emma Jane definitely carried an aura of innocence about her, but she wasn’t weak. She was fiery and outspoken and knew how to stand up for herself. She stole Ilya’s heart from the beginning when she claimed his dragon tattoo was flirting with her and I loved that she was so lighthearted with a man who walked in darkness.

”He was filling parts of her that weren’t physical, branding himself on to her soul and ensuring when he left her he left her forever longing for him.”


Ilya was extremely protective and he was determined to find out who was out to get his woman. I loved his strength and determination but also the fact that her tears shredded him and that he would lay his life down for her. So much alpha goodness!

”She was so deep inside his soul he couldn’t imagine being without her now. This, this moment in time, was life, it was living.
…She warmed the parts of his soul that had never been warmed.”


While there is a bit of mystery here, this is more about Emma Jane and Ilya and their journey into love. The mystery brought them together, but the struggle is how to stay together when it’s all said and done. There was a bit of emotional push and pull but through it all you just know you’re going to get your happy ever after. You’re just not sure how that’s going to look and what steps it will take to be achieved.

With some action and a lot of great characters, this was an engaging read. I love when there is a bit of humor towards the hero and his “feelings” and I greedily gobbled those bits and pieces up. With a beautiful epilogue to wrap it all up, I closed this book feeling completely fulfilled with another great read.

Dual POV
Profile Image for Firstpella.
777 reviews
October 8, 2019
Maybe I’m just desperate since my go-to authors all seem to be on hiatus but this Leigh isn’t awful. Which, since Leigh has sucked plastic straws bad over the last decade, is not a recommendation. The H/h are interchangeable with almost any Leigh H/h. The story has so many holes it’s vapor. And there’s throwaway anal shoved in (pun intended) on the last pages.

Yet this story is still better than some of the more recent shit I’ve tried.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,471 reviews353 followers
August 18, 2020
Lethal Nights was an amazing read with a steamy romance and a suspenseful plot.

Ilya Dragonovich, known as Dragon, is no stranger to the dark side. And when the first woman to capture his heart is threatened, no one is safe. Emma Jane Preston hoped life after divorce would be normal. But when she finds herself the target of a professional hit, it's clear that isn't going to happen. With Dragon to protect her, she knows her life is safe, but how can she keep her heart safe from the man who touches her the way no other ever has?

Ilya and Emma Jane initially meet a year prior to the events of the main story and while they're both attracted to each other, they don't act on it beyond one incredibly steamy kiss. When the pair come together again a year later, that attraction hasn't dissipated at all and it is present in all of their interactions. The chemistry between these characters is simply amazing and when they finally give in to their attractions, the scenes are incredibly hot. The only real conflict in the pair's relationship is Ilya's belief that because Emma Jane is such a good person, she won't be able to accept him and all of the terrible things he's done. I liked though that while Ilya had doubts about how things could last due to who he is, he never gives up on the relationship and is all in. Overall I was very happy with their relationship and the direction everything went.

The mystery of who was after Emma Jane and why was an interesting one. Although I will say it was fairly obvious to me why she was being targeted and I don't understand why it took the characters so long to accept the reason. There are a few great scenes that are quite suspenseful and keep you guessing as to how the situation will turn out. I thought the ending was well done and I was ultimately surprised by how everything was wrapped up.

Lethal Nights ended up being my favorite book in the series and I would recommend the series if you're looking for some steamy romantic suspense reads.

**I received an advance copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
September 26, 2019
Brianna Bronte did a great job with this story. Ilya Dragonovich and Emma Jane Preston had skirted around their attraction for different reasons. Ilya was a dangerous man and the heir to the Dragonovich family that wielded mafia power in Romania and Emma Jane was just getting out of a marriage.

When someone threatened EJ’s life, Ilya knew it was time to claim her as his own and under his protection. But the person after her was a mystery, and that was not going to fly with the Dragon heir.

I really liked Emma Jane’s independence, loyalty and inner strength. She clearly loved Ilya but she also had a clear sense of what’s right, and she also stood up for herself against her protective family. The mystery stalker wasn’t really much of a mystery although the motive was a surprise. I enjoyed their reliance on each other for comfort and love. I also see that Emma Jane was strong enough for a boss like Ilya.
The almost mythical characteristics of the dragon tattoo gave the story a supernatural feel that gave the stories Romanian family some mystique.

I had hoped for more information on EJ’s culpability with her accident as well as his mother’s motive. Maybe in the next books, we can get a resolution on those issues.
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,760 reviews212 followers
September 4, 2019
Three and a half
I know when I choose to read a book by this author that it’s bound to be extremely steamy with saucy times aplenty and when in the mood I’m very much ok with that. This is actually the third book in this series although I seem to have missed the other two but will state that I found this worked very well as a stand-alone. Yes characters that are obviously from previous books appear but they are very much background and the main couple quite rightly dominate this story.
Emma Jane met Ilya when she needed desperately to save her home from her greedy soon to be ex husband. Their attraction was incendiary and immediate but Emma Jane is an old fashioned type believing in the sanctity of vows and to be honest I didn’t think she was actually ready for romance. Luckily Ilya is aware that timing is everything and walks away but when later Emma Jane becomes a target he’s back in her life and this time he is most definitely staying !
This book was an entertaining, spicy read although for this reader too much was made of Ilyas dragon tattoo and exactly why he’s referred to as Dragon. I thought the way Emma Jane referred to his tattoo as if it had a life of its own was cute but unfortunately at times it almost felt as if the author was confused as to whether this was a romantic suspense or a paranormal romance. I just didn’t find the mystical elements about ink or dragons and mates to be realistic. I did enjoy this couples journey however and thought the final revelation and showdown was perhaps a little rushed but nevertheless it did make sense. Not my favourite book from this author but certainly one that anyone looking for a hot read would enjoy.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
August 6, 2019
4.5 Something Bigger Than Us Stars
* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
Humans in this world are not alone...and if we take this idea...we can follow this to past generations which become legends...All cultures have families which go back in time and have had an impact on the world. Lora Leigh has created a world which follows this concept and Lethal Nights (Brute Force #3) lives in it. The feeling of more than just a love story is powerful and I was caught up in it from the start.

I had not read the first two books and had no problem with being fully aware of what was this tale.

On the surface of this story, it could be a simple tale of a divorcee who is in the throes of fighting to keep her home from foreclosure. The ex used her name to take out all sorts of loans, etc. putting everything in jeopardy. A man who works with a security company and decides to help by making the home a "safe house". The use allows the woman to keep the home and she is able to move on with her life.

But this is a Lora Leigh story and naturally, there is so much more.

The man who assists has a past which has a lineage which is dark, lethal and powerful. It is also mystical in how intense it is...which guides him to know deep in his heart, this woman is his heart...but by being so, is a danger to her.

The woman is strong and capable. She has had to overcome the realization of her marriage and what a mistake it was. She has a family which loves and supports her. She has risen out of the pain from her past marriage. Now she has met this mysterious man and she is drawn to him, she feels the need he has for her and meets it head-on.

When her home is attacked, the man is back to make sure nothing will ever happen again...But there is more to this tale and it is all-consuming. The need and chemistry between both of them is intense. It is more than sexual... it is life-affirming. There is a tie between them which cannot be denied.

All of this intensity is surrounded by a story which includes past characters from the other books and has a bit of thiller/mystery to hold interest. The sexy times are steamy, hot and full-on which Lora Leigh fans know are her forte.

If you like to read an all-encompassing story which will give you a bit of mystical along with the love story, then buckle up because this will capture you.

Collision Point (Brute Force, #1) by Lora Leigh Collision Point (Brute Force #1)
Dagger's Edge (Brute Force #2) by Lora Leigh Dagger's Edge (Brute Force #2)
Lethal Nights (Brute Force, #3) by Lora Leigh Lethal Night (Brute Force #3)

A gifted copy was provided by St. Martin's Press via NetGalley for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews601 followers
August 24, 2019
I love an earthy romance, but I want it to be a natural growth of a storyline that has depth and swallows my imagination whole. Give me heat, passion, danger and dark pasts, but give me a story I can follow, passion that makes me feel the heat and make my heroes larger than life.

Lora Leigh’s LETHAL NIGHTS gave me much of what I want, but in dribs and stutter stepped drabs. There is lots of mystery, a dragon tattoo with personality and some clever moments on the part of our heroine, Emma Jane. Ilya Dragonovich is almost too dark, too mysterious, because I never felt I got to know who he was, what made him tick. This time out, the story just didn’t flow for me, or unfold completely, like a half-finished origami swan. This story just seemed to wander too much with no clear destination.

I received a complimentary ARC edition from St. Martin's Paperbacks. This is my honest and voluntary review.

Series: Brute Force - Book 3
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks (September 24, 2019)
Publication Date: September 24, 2019
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
September 23, 2019
Holy hotness, Batman. Lora Leigh really knows how to bring the heat in Lethal Nights.

Emma is a safe-house owner for the security team, Brute Force.

Ilya is an agent with Brute Force that has left Emma alone because she is so fresh and good and he is dark and shady.

But when Emma is targeted by someone from Ilya’s past, Ilya will pull out all the stops to protect her.

I enjoyed Lethal Nights. It definitely puts the steam in steamy romance. The base story was extremely entertaining with random extremely steamy scenes breaking up the flow. Overall, hot as Hades and a strong plot to boot.

I received this ARC copy of Lethal Nights from St. Martin's Press. This is my honest and voluntary review. Lethal Nights is set for publication September 24, 2019.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Lora Leigh
Series: Brute Force (Book 3)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks (September 24, 2019)
ISBN-10: 125011036X
ISBN-13: 978-1250110367
Genre: Erotic Romance

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lethal-Nights-...
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/leth...
Itunes: https://books.apple.com/mt/book/letha...
Profile Image for Eva Millien.
3,115 reviews48 followers
September 23, 2019
He is no stranger to the dark side and as a safe-house owner for the Brute Force security agency, Dragon knows that that battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man – even beautiful women. She need help, but the kind of protection that Emma Jane needs comes at a cost – one that only someone like Dragon can provide.

This romantic suspense is the type of romance that speaks to readers and has them drooling over the sexy hero with the dark side. The chemistry between Dragon and Emma Jane sizzles with heat from every page and the couple certainly have no trouble with the passion side of things as this story has pretty steamy interactions but the relationship however has some issues due to Emma Jane’s trust issues and Dragon’s fearing no woman would be able to handle this rough, tough, scary alpha male with a very dark past. So this story while passionate has quite a bit of emotional turmoil flowing from the pages, especially with fear and anger that the situation is causing.

The story is fast paced and full of danger, excitement and lots of thrills as everyone tries to determine just who has targeted Emma Jane for death. The story not only several adrenaline pumping attacks on Emma Jane but the story also has the unfolding story involving the details of Dragon’s past and a family legend that adds lots of fascination and intrigue to the story as well. Readers can’t take their eyes from the pages with the never ending suspense and surprising twists that keeps readers gripping the book in a white knuckled grip.
Profile Image for Elaine - Splashes Into Books.
3,686 reviews124 followers
September 23, 2019
This is the third book in the Brute Force series but it is the first one that I've read and it still worked well as a standalone read. It is a very steamy, romantic suspense involving international conspirators in an action packed story.

Emma Jane Preston senses someone is in her home and takes refuge in her bath. That's when the intruders break into her bedroom and shoot it up. Unharmed but traumatised by the experience, this feisty lady is determined not to endanger anyone else. That's when Ilya Dragonovich turns up, adamant that he's going to be her protection. They met a  year ago when he helped negotiate for her home to be used as a safe house for his company. The attraction between them was great but not acted upon. Now he's back. Will he be able to resist her this time? Just who is out to kill her - and why?

This is a fast paced, action packed story that is an enthralling read. It has great characters, plenty of intrigue, murder, mystery, romance and suspense. The relationships in very different families are explored and the relationship between Emma and Ilya hints at paranormal elements and I'd love to see his dragon tattoo - it sounds amazing! The story has some very steamy scenes (too many for my tastes) but the overall plot is well developed and thoroughly enjoyable. If you enjoy steamy romantic suspense, stories packed with threats and danger as well as romance, look no further!

I requested and was gifted a copy of this book without obligation via NetGalley and this is my honest review after choosing to read it and enjoying doing so.
Profile Image for Sheila Melo.
1,837 reviews46 followers
September 24, 2019

FINAL DECISION: My favorite of the series, this one is sexy and action filled. I loved the interaction between Emma and her "Dragon" in this one. Dark and sexy man totally undone by his woman.

THE STORY: Emma Jane Preston is in the midst of a divorce when she meets Ilya Dragonovich who is setting up the security for the safe house. A year later, someone breaks into her home and almost kills her. There was an intense attraction between Emma and Ilya a year ago, but she wasn't going to get involved with him while she was still married. Now divorced, the two end up spending pressure time together as Ilya tries to figure out who wants to kill the sweet Emma.

OPINION: I really enjoyed this book because of the relationship between Emma and her Dragon. There is something really sexy between them made better by Emma's total acceptance of Ilya despite his past which he believes makes him inappropriate for Emma. There is a bit of suggestions which makes it feel almost like a shifter paranormal but gives it a taming the beast feel that I especially enjoyed.

The action story was interesting and had some dramatic moments which pushed the story along, but for me the relationship between Emma and Ilya was the focus and I enjoyed the fact that they were the center rather than the plot.

Definitely my favorite of the series primarily because of the mashup of various genres which made this feel fresh and interesting between the characters.

WORTH MENTIONING: This book has some slight paranormal elements.

CONNECTED BOOKS: LETHAL NIGHTS is the third book in the Brute Force series. While there are side appearances from characters from the other books, this book can be read as a standalone without a problem.

STAR RATING:I give this book 4 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

 This review was originally posted on Top10RomanceBooks.com
Profile Image for Vikki Vaught.
Author 11 books158 followers
September 9, 2019
This is the third book I have read by Lora Leigh, and I enjoyed it for the most part. Thanks goes to the publisher, via Net-Galley, for the chance to read and review in advance of publication. My opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Ms. Leigh writes fantastic suspense scenes that had me nibbling on my nails, waiting to find out what would happen next. It quickly drew me in, and I had a hard time putting it down. This is a plot-driven story, and for anyone who loves hot, steamy sexual scenes, there are those as well.

Emma Jane Preston is a bit of the girl-next-door type of character. She’s recently gone through a divorce and isn’t looking for another relationship. She needs to heal from her bad marriage with a man who did a number on her self-esteem. She is attracted to Llya Dragonovich, but she tries to ignore her feelings for a good part of the book.
3.5 Stars

Llya Dragonovich, known as the Dragon, is a tortured hero and believes he could never be good enough for Emma. He’s done thing he’s not proud of and knows that when it’s time, he must assume his roll in the family. A family who has unusual business practices. He would not want to put those types of dangers on a family.

The romance between Emma and Llya is amazingly sweet, especially compared to the strong, verging on Erotic scenes, in Dagger’s Edge, the second book in this series. I actually liked this a lot more. I enjoyed watching their romance develop and wanted them to find their happy ending.

If you enjoy high suspense romances with well-written suspenseful with a lovely romance as well, then you will love Lethal Nights. It will certainly keep you on the edge of your seat. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Jewlsbookblog.
2,160 reviews72 followers
November 2, 2019

While I enjoyed the mild suspense elements in Lethal Nights, I loved the pull between Ilya and Emma Jane more! Her innocence was sweet, bringing a touch of sunshine to his dark existence, but her core of steel would have brought down a lesser man I think. I also loved how she teased Ilya and got a kick out of her humorous comments regarding Ilya’s dragon tattoo. Ilya was this bada$$ kind of guy who could probably chew steel and spit it out, but Emma Jane bringing him to his knees had me grinning like a loon more often than not. Especially her tears. Nothing makes a guy wake up quicker emotionally than the sight of tears...I loved that moment of realization. Emma Jane and Ilya’s romance was steamy and sizzling with Leigh’s trademark touch, but the banter was what won me over. Even though the suspense elements were flimsy compared to previous entries, I have no complaints because the romance turned out a lot better than I was expecting.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,200 reviews187 followers
August 22, 2019
4 Star Review Lethal Nights (Brute Force #3) by Lora Leigh
This is Ilya Dragonovich and Emma Jane Preston’s story.There was a great deal of chemistry between Ilya and Emma and it was scorchingly hot. Lethal Nights had action, suspense, danger and intrigue which kept me interested.
I had a hard time engaging with the characters as much as I would have liked, but that is more me, than them. I did like how focused and determined Ilya was to protect Emma and I admired Emma’s strength and how she has moved on from her past.
There were secrets, lies and surprises and Ms. Leigh wove an interesting story. Will Ilya be able to keep Emma safe or will it all be in vain?
I received this book through the publisher via Netgalley.
Profile Image for Donna.
3,932 reviews49 followers
September 1, 2019
If you like your men dark, dangerous and oh so sexy then Ilya Dragonovich is the book hero for you. No woman is going to tame him except the one who doesn’t want to. In the midst of a nasty divorce Emma Jane Preston needs help and Ilya provides it. Now a year later Emma is under attack and nobody can figure out why but Ilya isn’t about to let anyone harm the dragons mate weather he has claimed her or not.
Lethal Nights is a fast paced smoking hot story featuring a good woman and a very bad man. Break out a glass of wine and a fan for this one.
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,826 reviews1,400 followers
May 10, 2021
Love a stoic and alpha man? Look no further than Ilya Dragonovich. The bastard son of the infamous Dragon, Ilya should have been treasured as the only son of the Dragon. Instead, he's been treated in the worst of ways as a child. The horrific acts perpetrated on a child ten and under are pure evil. Each of these acts were encouraged by his birth mother. This is unfathomable to me. How can a mother treat their child so horribly? Or encourage such body scarification? She should be drawn and quartered over a period of days. Young Ilya's traumatic childhood sets the foundation for his strength and determination in his adulthood. No one will ever take advantage of him or place him in a vulnerable position. Nor will he have anyone attached to him who could be used against him. This leads for a very lonely life. When he meets Emma Jane, this all changes.

Emma Jane is a breath of fresh air. She is a woman with a steel spine. She may have been hoodwinked by her ex-husband, but that isn't going to happen again. What I liked about Emma Jane aka EJ is that she knows how to protect herself. She may not be trained to defend against assassins, but she definitely can handle a gun and scurry herself to safety. She's no one's victim. Her compassion and empathy for Ilya is one of her more endearing traits. Her ability to connect with him and love him even when he is afraid to open up is sweet. This kind of romance with an obstinate male and stubborn female is one of Ms. Leigh's trademarks. She does it so well and this slow seduction is just at the right pace and heat. This story is probably one of the less erotic filled by Ms. Leigh. She does keep a good sexual tension between EJ and Ilya. Their chemistry is more a slow burn than an intense explosion.

For those who have read other series by Ms. Leigh, they may be able to catch the cameo of other characters hiding in the background from other series. I love how she entwines her series. It makes it a richer world building for me. The different layers and how different military groups and organized crime can work together is a rosy picture I enjoy. The similarities between the two groups is higher than most people think. I hope Ms. Leigh features more of the Dragon gypsy clan. One which also involves a bit of mystical paranormal senses that intrigues me. This romantic suspense is recommended for readers who love a bad boy black knight coming to the rescue of a damsel who can slay the dragon for herself.

*provided by Netgalley
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,448 reviews82 followers
July 21, 2019
ARC received for review

Ilya and Emma Jane were hot from page one. There was just so many people coming in that I had no idea who they were or what the point was to them being in the story. That kind of reminded me of book one. The bad guy was pure nasty. Then the ending just left a lot to be desired.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
September 27, 2019
I’m so so on this one. Part of me really liked Ilya & Emma Jane together, but another part of me was driven nuts by them too with all the drama they each seemed to create for themselves. I was also bothered that the Ilya slept with other women after meeting Emma Jane and knowing she was his mate. The one thing that I really liked was how Emma Jane had people that supported her and did what they could to protect her.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Catherine (The Sassy Bookster).
715 reviews63 followers
August 20, 2020
Disclaimer: I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book. All opinions stated are solely mine.
Ilya Dragonovich is no stranger to the dark side. As a safe-house owner for security agency Brute Force, Dragon knows that the battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man―and, sometimes, a beautiful woman…Emma Jane Preston needs help. After her marriage crumbled, she believed she could get back to a normal, happy life. But her ex-husband moved among some shady characters, and now she needs the kind of protection that comes at a cost―one that only someone like Dragon can provide. But can Emma Jane trust this handsome, undercover operator to keep her safe when she is in danger of falling into the arms of the deeply seductive, fiery Dragon. . .and never letting go?
  Review This is my very favorite of the series, so far because of Ilya. He is a very dangerous man with a past filled with violence and on the surface, nowhere close to the kind of man Emma needs.Ilya is, for all intents and purposes Ivan Resnova's second in command, but as the story unfolds we find out that due to the circumstances of his birth, he wields a lot more power in the Russian underground than is known. He has a complicated history which he believes makes him a bad bet for any woman (with good reason) but when Emma finds herself in danger, he is there in a heartbeat.Emma is very much the girl next door, well-liked in her community and lives a simple life after her divorce. That is until Ilya enters it and everything changes. She finds herself in life-threatening danger and only Ilya can keep her alive. Ilya does not exactly fit the prototype of a hero, not with the kind of life he has lived, but he's still the guy you want at your back in good and bad times. The ways he cherishes Emma certainly makes him a favorite of mine and Emma has a core of strength that makes her the perfect match for him.LETHAL NIGHTS has a more robust backstory for the characters and brings a little more to the page than the usual passion and suspense, it brings a lot more of the mystical stuff that the author sprinkles in some of her romantic suspense stories and also fits in with Ilya's Romani background. Like Oliver Twist, I want more and hope that there is a book in the making for Ilya's brother, Alexi.  

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Profile Image for Judi Easley.
1,485 reviews48 followers
September 23, 2019
Lethal Nights
A Brute Force Novel
Lora Leigh
St. Martin’s Press, 24 Sep 2019
288 pages, Kindle edition
Romantic Thriller
Provided by NetGalley

The cover tells me nothing except that someone likes purple and that it’s about a dominant man and a woman and a group that’s likely militant called Brute Force. The purple probably indicates royalty in this case. All of which is true to some degree in this case, but I’m not enamored of the cover.

The story is typical of this particular author who writes steamy stuff. This is an awakening story. Dominant bloodied male awakens the innocent female who proves to be his ultimate mate. Ilya Dragonovich is the son of the Dragon and has led a rough and dark life. It started with the fact that his mother had his father murdered because he didn’t love her and wanted to kill the baby son as well. It didn’t get any better from there. The dragon tattoo on his face hides scars given to him by his family members. The many lethal talents he has mastered he learned from family members who raised him. Now he faces a woman who stirs him deeper and more truly than any other has, in ways no other ever has. The dragon has found his mate, but to claim her he will have to claim his true position in the clan.

For Emma Jane, she knows that Ilya will make her feel more than she has ever felt before, but he will leave. Why would such a man stay with a woman such as she? If she can only resist him, she may just survive this. But already she knows no other man will ever make her feel what this man makes her feel with just a kiss. And that dragon tattoo on his face keeps flirting with her!

If you like steam with your thrill, this is a great book for you. I personally found it wound up a bit quickly at the end. But I have missed the first two books in this series and probably should go back and read them, even though this could stand on its own. Recommended.
Profile Image for Ruthie Taylor.
3,720 reviews39 followers
September 20, 2019
~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

This is the third in the series, each with a new relationship, but carrying on the story, so we see development of the previous ones.

Ilya is a man who has known great suffering, and as the next leader of the Dragon clan, he has lived his whole life in danger. Sadly, as we find out the most awful things which happened to him where perpetrated by those who should love him the most. Yet for all that darkness, he is someone who comes over as incredibly sensitive and passionate too. He recognises Emma Jane as his mate, but has stayed away for her safety, although ensuring that she is not rendered homeless or without income. She has a despicable ex-husband who would do anything to see her fall, and this ultimately brings the situation to a head.

I loved the drama, the sexual tension, which is exquisite, and the slow revelation of what they are to each other and how much they have to gain by acknowledging their love, lust and passion for each other. Emma Jane is such a wonderful mix of innocent yet strong, hopeful, loyal, and utterly trusting in Ilya's ability to support her, but not control her.

There is undoubtedly more to come in this fabulously intense and powerful series, I am already looking forward to reading the next one!

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
1,752 reviews
September 24, 2019
Lethal Nights (Brute Force #3) by Lora Leigh
3.5 stars
M/F Paranormal Romance
Triggers: Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Attempted Murder
I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads.

I am assuming the editing issues will be reviewed and rectified before this is released.

This is the third book in the series and while you don’t necessarily have to read them in order, they are very good.

This is Ilya Dragonovich’s story. He is an important man in the underworld and while he knows who he is and what he is, he just is not quite sure if he’s ready to take his spot.

Emma Jane is a strong, independent and fierce woman. She knows that she has gotten a bad deal with her ex husband creating issues for her. And, while she knows that her family loves her, she just couldn’t quite bring herself to lean on them when she needed the most.

Now that Emma Jane is working with Ilya’s group, she knows that she’ll need to be even more secretive with her family and that doesn’t sit great with her. She wants to be honest with them.

Ilya is powerful in his own right, but when Emma Jane is in danger, his inner dragon comes out to protect without fail. Ilya’s family drama has been brought to Emma Jane’s doorstep and while Ilya wants to be able to sweep it under the rug and not think about it, he’ll have to face it head on.

These two have a simmering chemistry that can only be found after denying their impulses for so long. They feed off each other and that’s because they are destined to be together.

I really enjoyed watching this story unfold. It has action, love, passion, craziness and loyalty all wrapped in a package that is made of a dragon’s love and devotion.
Profile Image for Cathy Geha.
4,040 reviews105 followers
September 22, 2019
Lethal Nights by Lora Leigh
Brute Force #3

I enjoyed the beginning of this book in which Ilya and Emma Jane met, kissed and said goodbye...for awhile BUT when the rest of the book started up I felt totally lost. I couldn’t figure out who the bad guys were or why Ilya’s family was so strange sounding or who shot up Emma Jane’s house or why she was getting a divorce or who so many of the people mentioned were. I then found out this is a spin-off (maybe) of another series with at least seven books in it and though I did skim the book have to say that it just didn’t make sense to me or keep my interest. I am guessing that if you had read the previous series (not sure what it was) it might be a wonderful addition because you would know the backstory and many of the characters. Or, if I had even read the first two books in this series it might have been okay. I had wanted to read a book by this author and might try one of her stand alone books in the future but this one was not for me. The reason I wrote this review is to let others who might be interested in reading it know that for me, it was not a standalone book.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars
Profile Image for Toni.
1,415 reviews58 followers
September 30, 2019
4.25 Stars

This is the third book in the Brute Force series by Lora Leigh.

I wasn’t sure exactly what level of sexy to expect from this book. I wasn’t certain if Leigh was a more erotic author or just a run of the mill romantic suspense maven. What I found was somewhere in between.

Ilya was super intense in that brooding, no one really understands me type of way. And Emma Jane didn’t seem to want to let the happiness live at her residence. I didn’t quite understand either of them. I feel like their problems and situation could have been figured out much earlier if they both learned to compromise.

Ilya didn’t communicate enough and neither did EJ. They pretty much set themselves up for failure from the start as if each of them didn’t deserve the love of the other.

Like I said above this was an intense, intense book. It gave me a headache at times but I am glad that the author found a way to make it all come together in the end. I felt like it was a bit iffy all the way through the book. Not as many sexy scenes as I anticipated but it was a well rounded romantic suspense that kept me guessing until the end.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.
Profile Image for Bobbie.
1,117 reviews10 followers
September 17, 2019
Lora Leigh has certainly written an imaginative series. I have read the first, but not the second, and now have read the third. This book revolves around the Romanian Gypsy clan called the Dragons, and Ilya Dragonovich is the grandson of the leader. Emma Jean is his true love in his eyes, but forces are there that want to kill her. Emma Jean does not know the whole story, and that is the basis for this story. It is a love story, but it is also so much more. Love the history and customs with this Romanian clan, whether true or not, as I feel they were taken from facts learned in writing this story. A fun, entertaining read. This kept my attention and it was basically read in one sitting, that is how much i was into this story! Ms. Leigh’s writing is well done and she makes a great storyteller!
Profile Image for Julia David.
2,238 reviews17 followers
September 17, 2019
This is my favorite of this series. Emma Jane is just getting out of a bad marriage and Ilya walks into her life. He knows he can't start something with her because she isn't divorced yet. He is there to help her and he knows he has to leave her alone. Not only because her divorce isn't final yet, but because he has an enemy that would love to get back at him through Emma Jane. He really tries to stay away, but can't. Someone has targeted Emma Jane and he needs to find out if it is connected to him or does Emma Jane have an enemy? Could it be her ex-husband? She is his mate and if she is killed, he will not survive.
Profile Image for Maida.
Author 15 books464 followers
September 18, 2019
After I finished the second book of this series, I said I’m done with LL’s non-Breed books but when this was offered to me for review, I reluctantly accepted, thinking there would be improvements in the writing and editing. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

I liked the dragon tattoo parts, some of the more appropriately-placed sex scenes, Emma Jane’s spirit, and, hmm, did I say Ilya’s dragon face tattoo already?

Most of it is thin, convoluted plot, far too many named characters, repetitive and contradictory dialogues, overused storyline, and weak chemistry.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews

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