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The Regency Rogues #1

The Beast of Beswick

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Lord Nathaniel Harte, the disagreeable Duke of Beswick, spends his days smashing porcelain, antagonizing his servants, and snarling at anyone who gets too close. With a ruined face like his, it's hard to like much about the world. Especially smart-mouthed harpies—with lips better suited to kissing than speaking—who brave his castle with indecent proposals.

But Lady Astrid Everleigh will stop at nothing to see her younger sister safe from a notorious scoundrel, even if it means offering herself up on a silver platter to the forbidding Beast of Beswick himself. And by offer, she means what no highborn lady of sound and sensible mind would ever dream of—a tender of marriage with her as his bride.

327 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 26, 2019

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About the author

Amalie Howard

39 books2,826 followers
AMALIE HOWARD is a USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestselling author, most notably of The Beast of Beswick, “a smart, sexy, deliciously feminist romance,” and one of O-The Oprah Magazine’s Top 24 Best Historicals to Read. She is the co-author of the #1 bestsellers in regency romance and Scottish historical romance, My Rogue, My Ruin and What A Scot Wants, and has also penned several young adult novels, critically acclaimed by Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, VOYA, School Library Journal, and Booklist, including Waterfell, The Almost Girl, and Alpha Goddess, a Kid’s INDIE NEXT selection. Of Indo-Caribbean descent, she has written articles on multicultural fiction for The Portland Book Review and Ravishly magazine. She currently resides in Colorado with her husband and three children. Visit her at amaliehoward.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,548 reviews
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
724 reviews1,154 followers
December 5, 2019
Outstanding twist on beauty and the beast!!!! I think this is my favorite version thus far!!! Nathaniel is dark anti hero,very complexed and a true beast,but Astrid is strong ,smart and brave with the heart of a lioness and a worthy mate for the bastard of beswick!! The storytelling was fabulous and I loved how both nathaniel and astrid were such memorable characters. The sexual chemistry was off the charts and the intimate moments not only steamy,but at times tender and heartbreaking. Their is also a humor element though out the book that had me laughing. I won't soon forget about the rooster in Nathaniel pants!! Lol ! I have loved beauty and beast since I was kid and it's still my fave fairytale of all time. We all want to be loved for who we are not how we look and I think that is why so many are pulled to this tale. I could not put down this book,it had my full attention between the amazing writing and even better characters!! This is my first book by Amalie Howard but it won't be the last!! I knew when I saw this cover and read the first impressions on bookishFirst that it would be a fabulous read and the beast was not even mentioned,but it was Astrid that sold me!!! I love a strong take charge woman!! Until next time luv's💞💋

I want to thank bookishfirst and Entangled publishing for this copy I won😉
Profile Image for Laura Thalassa.
Author 48 books21.6k followers
December 13, 2019
UPDATED: Read it. ADORED it. Definitely for fans of beauty and the beast without all the problematic parts of the fairy tale. XD

When all the authors you look up to love up on a book, you know you need to read it! Adding this one to my TBR!!! <3
Profile Image for Addie.
539 reviews283 followers
December 21, 2023
On Kindle Sale Dec 21 2023, for USD 0.99

(Tropes: Spinster/Wallflower, Enemies to Lovers, Fake Relationship, Marriage of Convenience, Scarred (hero), Opposites Attract, Unstarched)


The hero is DARK, badly scarred with a lot of hang ups and does not go out of his way to fit into society. I can’t blame him, the way society is described to treat him, but at times I found the story a bit overdramatic how everybody talks and react to his scarring.

The great thing about this book, is another strong heroine – Astrid. She almost immediately sees past his exterior and holds her own.

There is a lot of back and forth. They are both strong willed, push and pull, and clouded with insecurities. It’s not a fluffy read, but certainly compelling. The sexual chemistry is basically leaping off the pages.

She didn’t know who she was when she was around him. He confused her, muddled her senses. Made her feel like flying and weeping in the same breath. Being with Thane was like being caught at the center of a hurricane while in a tiny skiff. She lost her bearings with one look. And those feelings didn’t make her feel weak. How did surrendering to someone make one feel powerful?

- At the thought of the duke, Astrid felt a muddled sentiment—one part irritation and one part fascination. One could not call him handsome by any stretch of the imagination, but parts of him were beautiful in isolation, like his eyes when they were lit with amusement or his mouth when his mood was indulgent, which wasn’t often. Astrid wondered what those lush contours, so at odds with the pitted rest of him, would feel like against hers. Warm. Alive. Sinfully sweet.

- Somehow, she’d wormed her way into his household and into his thoughts.

- “No, thank you, Conrad. I simply could not eat another bite.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Who the flying fuck was Conrad? Thane’s eyes narrowed when the man gazed adoringly at her. Was that the footman’s name? Apart from Fletcher and Culbert, servants at Beswick Park came and went. Thane hired them for their discretion, nothing more, and he certainly did not avail himself of their names. Or watched them fawn over his guests.
“Have you finished flirting with all the servants?” he snapped.
Astrid gave him a cool look. “Is that what I was doing? I thought I was just being courteous and well-mannered.”

- He cradled her jaw in his large hands, grazing her cheeks, her jaw, her brow with his lips. His voice against her ear was an agonized rasp. “My God, you are lovely.”

- With a low growl at her plea, he drew her up against him, giving her exactly what she wanted. More of him. Their mouths crashed into each other, ferocious now. Hungry. His lips teased hers, his tongue dominating her mouth with deep, delectable licks. Desire shook her. Her senses quaked and crumbled.

- “I should not have kissed you.”
Inexplicably hurt, she responded in kind. “It was just a kiss, Your Grace.”
But even as she said it, Astrid knew it for the lie it was. There was no just a kiss with a man like him. Even now, her lips felt like they’d been conquered, like they still belonged to him…no longer hers.

- “I never took you for a coward,” he said.
“I beg your pardon,” she shot back. “How dare you? I’m no coward!”
Thane grinned. “And we’re back to you begging. I already like where this conversation is going.”
“Go to the devil.” She whirled on her heel, but he blocked her path easily, barring the door with one hand.
“Let me out, Beswick.”
“I like it when you call me Thane.”
“And I’d like it if you dropped dead.”
He pressed his free hand to his heart with a mock sigh. “So bloodthirsty for such a puny female.”

- “Good Lord, see how she’s shaking with fear,” Lady Everleigh cried. “I saw it. The girl is terrified. An imbecile could see it!”
Thane opened his mouth to silence the absurdity once and for all, but Astrid beat him to it. She met her aunt’s crazed eyes with cool composure, the hint of a smile on her lips.
“I assure you, Aunt Mildred, it’s not fear that makes me shiver.”
God. This woman. Thane was so fucking proud of her in that moment, he wanted to crush her to him.

- She grasped at his lapels as she pushed to her tiptoes, her gaze lit with equal parts anger and passion. Thane’s heart thudded in his chest. Would she do it? Would she give in?
Her lips parted, and he leaned forward a fraction, his body stiff and aching. Desire hummed between them, so thick he could taste it on his tongue. Put us both out of our misery, he willed her.
Her lips grazed his, a puff of air feathering against his mouth. Glacial eyes lifted to his. “I wouldn’t beg you to kiss me if you were the last man in England.”


- “Again,” she commanded.
He arched an eyebrow at her high-handedness but complied. “Bossy.”
“I know what I want, and you’re not a mind reader,” she said and gasped with pleasure as his body sank home a third and fourth time. “I call it leadership.”
“I love the way your brain works.” He thrust again. “And I love a woman in control.”

- In his bedchamber, Fletcher had left one candle burning, which Thane extinguished on his way to the massive bed. It made her heart twinge, but Astrid didn’t mind the darkness. There was safety in it. She understood why Thane needed it with his scarring. And the truth was, she was too afraid of what would be written all over her, what he would be able to see in her eyes. He wanted to hide his body. She needed to hide her heart.

- “It’s not fair.”
“Why?” he asked, bewildered.
“You’re making me like you, and I hate it.”
“You don’t want to like me?” He brushed at her tears.
She sniffed and buried her face in his neck. “No. I want you to go back to being the intractable Beast of Beswick.”
“I’m still a beast; look at me.”
“I am looking.” She lifted glimmering ice-blue eyes to his, the melting desire in them making his body come to instant attention. “Thane,” she whispered, “take me home.”


A highly amusing element in this book are a couple of the side characters – particularly the duke’s valet, Fletcher.

- Thane fought his irritation at the valet’s complete lack of respect. He settled for staring Fletcher down with a protracted, honed look. It was one that made hardened generals quail on the battlefield, but the man did not cower or scurry away.
“If you mean to intimidate me, you’re wasting your time,” Fletcher said.
“I pay you to be intimidated.”
His valet arched a brow. “Very well, then. Pretend I’m quaking in my boots if it suits you.”

- On the way past, Fletcher shot him a gratified look, an aggravating grin gracing the man’s mouth. “Do you require a blanket, Your Grace? Perhaps a scarf or muff?”
“No.” He stared quizzically at the valet. “Why do you ask?”
Fletcher’s grin widened. “Heard it’s been snowing rather heavily in hell.”

- He grilled Fletcher incessantly as to her daily activities, desperate to know every detail.
“Why don’t you do us all a favor and talk to your wife?” the valet had sniped the day before, and Thane had nearly put him through the wall.
“Because I’m asking you,” he’d snarled.



- Her husband was watching her, breath ragged and eyes shadowed. His pitted flesh flinched at every caress, but he made no move to stop her exploration.
Finally, she raised her hand to his heart, feeling the steady thud against her palm. “Mine.”
“Always,” he whispered back.


3.75 - 4 stars
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,225 reviews825 followers
November 11, 2019
Holy heck! Talk about your grumpy, beastly hero. Thane was perfect!!!

’Though this duke was wholly human as far as she could tell…his eyes burned with an unholy amber fire, holding her in a glower that seemed better suited to hell. Astrid couldn’t control the dread running through her body. His nostrils flared as if he could sense her unease, and suddenly, she felt like prey, well and truly snared by something far bigger and far more dangerous than she.


When Astrid is forced to take drastic actions in order to protect her sister, she immediately knows who to coerce. But Thane isn’t easily swayed, despite his instant desire and the fact that her hands, and his salacious fantasies of what they could do, are driving him to near madness. He quickly learns that the bluestocking takes determination to a whole new level and his life is suddenly turned upside down.

While Astrid abides by most of society’s rules, nothing can rule her thoughts and opinions. She is fierce in her belief that women have the right to choose their own future and should not be dictated to by any male. I loved that she never hesitated to stand up to Thane, even when he was his most intimidating. She has a fiery spirit and sharp tongue and she not only keeps him on his toes but brings a smile to his lips that has been long absent.

’She was no meek English rose, no sweet-tempered maiden, no delicate miss. She was a fiery hothouse bloom that made his blood burn and drove him to intolerable distraction.’


Not only was Thane’s face and body covered in thick, grotesque scars, his heart was scarred even more so. He was his own worse enemy when it came to his relationship with Astrid. But I totally understood where he was coming from each time he drew her in only to push her away again. I’m not a push and pull fan but there was no other way this hero could have reacted. Each time it was a step closer to him finding healing. Even when he was being brutish I just wanted to hug him. His heartache was my own and I ached for him to find true happiness with Astrid.

Together this couple were absolutely, freaking amazing! I loved their quick, sharp and always smart banter. While there is definitely immediate desire, everything else takes time and I loved every layer that was peeled back as this couple grew closer. Thane’s possessiveness thrilled my alpha loving heart and bless Astrid’s heart for knowing just when to use it against him. While this story is rich in character development, the chemistry between these two sizzles across the page. The smexy times will definitely leave you feeling breathless.


I picked this up because I’m a sucker for anything that hints at a beastly hero and I’m so glad I did. This book totally did it for me!

Dual POV
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
April 11, 2021
Beauty and the Beast retellings have officially become a book-kink of mine. Especially in historical romance. I absolutely adored this story. Every part of it. There wasn’t a moment I was bored or disinterested. I was fully engaged throughout every moment and it was so bloody good!
Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,684 reviews192 followers
November 2, 2019
Series: Standalone
Publication Date: 11/26/19
Number of Pages: 384

Well, I’m not sure how to write this review. I liked the basic story and the writing was good, but it just was not a Regency story. Nothing in it was period correct – and I think I really do mean nothing – not even the basic stuff. All of it was anachronistic. It is also a very, very modern tale with modern language, modern ideas, modern – well everything. I’m not sure I understand why an author would choose to write a period story and then ignore the research to get it right. So, I guess my bottom line is – the basic story is nice and if you don’t mind all of the inaccuracies, then you will enjoy the read.

I also think that the author went way over-the-top with making the heroine a strong, intelligent woman. She was actually a superwoman. She had every skill known to man (or woman). I assume that is why she was always arguing with the hero – in order to showcase all of her skills and talents. She is an expert on the exact type of porcelain the hero needs to have cataloged, she is an expert horse trainer, she swims like a fish, she isn’t fond of ‘feminine’ things like embroidery, she (and everybody else) cusses like a sailor, she can write, etc. She has absolutely every talent/skill/attribute that we, in today’s world, would consider being a strong independent woman. I think it would have been better to pick one or two attributes and focus on those instead of using the shotgun effect. It would have been really easy to dislike her – and, in the real world, I probably would have disliked her.

I really liked Thane. He was horribly, horribly injured in the Napoleonic wars and came home a very angry, very reclusive man. The description of his injuries and what caused them drew me out of the story. I just can’t picture it. I picture this man in the center of a large circle of men with bayonets and they are all poking him with the bayonets. Had they been sword slashes or something I could picture it – but not bayonets. Anyway – I digress. Thane is horribly disfigured and even before that he had an unhappy life – his father was cold and disapproving and, evidently, his older brother was as well. By the time Astrid appeared on his door, he had managed to drive most of his friends away and most of his servants as well. So, he was lonely and angry.

I loved his Aunt Mable – she was priceless. Totally anachronistic, but priceless. She was bright and funny – and very risqué. She, along with the valet and butler, add a bit of lightheartedness to the story.

There were some plot points that just didn’t make sense to me – for instance – he just, out of the blue, decides to give Astrid some land and buildings to open a school. Why? She’d never mentioned any desire to open a school – and that is the only mention of it. It was just left hanging.

Even given the above, I did enjoy the actual story itself. I liked Thane and enjoyed seeing him learn that he could have love and a family in his life. I even liked Astrid because, even though she was annoying, she was still vulnerable, and that humanized her a bit.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
August 13, 2020
I wish that I liked this book more than I did. The beginning was so fun with how they met and how Astrid wanted marriage to save her sister from an unfavorable marriage. After that, though, I found it hard to stay super interested in the story and not as much happened as I would have liked. If you like a scarred hero story, though, you'd probably really enjoy this one.
Profile Image for Ali L.
277 reviews4,554 followers
April 6, 2024
A young woman who isn’t like other girls (she’s much, much worse) forces her way into a duke’s house with her sister after he refuses to marry her. The duke, who has significant, painful scarring from the war, lets the two women stay because he’s just so tired all the time and instead of showing gratitude, the young woman is just sort of a snotty bitch to him. He responds to this insolence by getting erections fourteen times a day. In case you missed the eleven total times it’s mentioned, Astrid’s eyes are ice-blue but she’s red-hot with horniness for her husband. This book could have ended at the 250 page mark but instead goes on for another hundred pages where nothing happens except for more erections. Will the duke get therapy to help cope with his trauma? No.
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
914 reviews1,617 followers
January 3, 2022
Loved this beauty and the beast retelling. A gruff, scarred hero who uses anger to redirect any one who might get a hint of his vulnerability, who gradually decides to trust the heroine. Ugh, this is my stuff y'all. I loved it.
October 4, 2021

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Even though Beauty and the Beast retellings have been done to DEATH, I am still a sucker for them. Especially when the authors find a way to subvert the trope somehow. THE BEAST OF BESWICK does this admirably, taking a fairly misogynistic fairytale involving Stockholm syndrome and Nice Guy-isms and turning it into an empowering feminist love story about sacrifice and redemption.

Astrid Everleigh is considered "ruined" due to a tragic incident that happened about ten years ago. Her sister, however, is of marriageable age, and when she finds out that her greedy, horrible aunt and uncle are planning on marrying her off to the same man who ruined her own future, she decides to take matters into her own hands. To protect her sister, she will ally herself with the one eligible man in the area capable of standing up to the evil Earl: the Duke of Beswick.

After being grievously wounded and scarred in what I believe were the Napoleonic Wars, Thane Harte has been wallowing in self-seclusion, playing cricket with priceless pottery and generally terrorizing his servants. When Astrid approaches him, he's completely taken off guard-- not just by the fact that she doesn't fear him, but by his attraction to her, as well.

So let's talk about why this book was awesome.

🌹 The strong heroine! I loved Astrid so much. I felt like the author did such a great job espousing her with feminist principles without being anachronistic. She was so compelling and true to herself and her morals and I really loved her for it. It was easy to see why Thane did, too. Especially her wicked sense of humor and her ability to back-talk the Duke whenever he was being a jerk.

🌹 The secondary characters! For me, a romance novel ends up being so much stronger if it has a good cast of secondary characters. I loved Thane's lascivious footman-chasing aunt (what a QUEEN) and all of his staff. The relationship between Astrid and Isobel (the sister in question) was also really loving and sweet. Especially how their relationship ended up shifting at the end, becoming more equal.

🌹 Spicy sex scenes! There were actually way more than I was anticipating, tbh! I would classify this as an erotic romance, so if that is something you love, I think you'll really enjoy this-- especially since all of the scenes are very sensual and well written. Sometimes books can make me cringe a little but not this one! There's a fantastic scene involving a door in a study that is just 🔥🔥🔥

🌹 So many emotions! I need my romances to have real emotional stakes so all of the angsting and pining and tragic backstories REALLY worked for me. It grounded the romance and gave it depth and urgency, which I really liked. Both the hero and the heroine had things they needed from each other, which made it feel MUCH less unequal than the original fairytale, which brings me to...

🌹 Marriage of convenience! Something about an arranged marriage or a marriage of convenience really appeals to me. Maybe it's because usually a book ends with marriage as part of the HEA, so when two virtual strangers marry and have to forge an emotional connection with one each other and fall in love, it feels more like a partnership and less like insta-love?? Whatever it is, it's my kryptonite.

I wasn't really sure what to rate this but ultimately I'm going to go with a 4 to 4.5. It was so, so, so close to being perfect, but the pacing was just a little off. Halfway through the book, it already felt like it was wrapping up, so the plot felt a tiny bit stretched out. Not that I'm complaining hugely. It was padded with some great sex scenes and excellent banter, and considering that this was her debut in the HR genre (I think she mostly wrote YA before this), I'd say that Amalie Howard comes out way ahead of even more seasoned authors who've been doing this for years. What a fantastic experiment.

4 to 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
November 3, 2019
Thane had never begged for a single thing in his life, but he’d drop to his knees for her in a heartbeat.

I usually hate when a blurb makes a comparison to another book that I adored. Because more often than not, it sets an entirely unrealistic expectation for the book that it never lives up for. But when it says that this is The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare meets Taming of the Shrew, it's right on point. It's like a historical Beauty And The Beast meets Duchess Deal if I were to describe it.

Now look, if you're a die hard historical romance fan, I'll warn you that this isn't quite accurate as a true regency. It's more of a modern spin on it, if I'm being honest. I didn't mind this in the least, because the story had me so enraptured, I couldn't be bothered to care. I will also say that if you're a contemporary fan that wants to dip their toe in the historical romance pool, I can't think of a more perfect book to start with.

Lady Astrid Everleigh is desperate to get out from her greedy uncle and aunt's thumbs when she learns that they have agreed to a marriage of her younger sister to a man that was responsible for her public ruin. She'll do anything to save her sister from the fate of being married to man with no scruples, even if it means that she'll promise herself to a man far more fearsome. Lord Nathaniel Harte is the answer to all her troubles, if only he'd be more agreeable.

Thane isn't known as the Beast of Beswick for no reason. He returns from the war horribly scarred, and with the disposition to match. He's angry, grumpy, and a complete recluse. He just can't fathom how a beauty like Astrid could truly want someone like him. There's something about her that stokes his temper and fires his blood. She's infuriating and beautiful, and it doesn't take long for him to agree to a marriage in order to help. But the passion between them is no fake thing...

I don't know who I loved more in this story, Thane or Astrid. Both of these characters were so perfect in their own way. Astrid with her sharp wit and even sharper tongue. Thane with his grumpy demeanor and underlying layer of vulnerability. Then you add in the electric secondary characters, and I was absolutely hooked. This was such a fun and sexy read that hit the spot for me just right. I'm a new fan of Amalie Howard, and will happily read any of her future books.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Niki (mustreadalltheromance).
1,174 reviews96 followers
October 15, 2022
When the man who ruined Astrid Everleigh's reputation ten years ago after she refused his suit sets his sights on her younger sister, Isobel, Astrid is determined to keep her safe from him. She may be a spinster, but she's not willing to let that stop her. She just needs a forbidding husband to stand up to the despicable earl and who better than the infamous Beast of Beswick.

It just so happens that Lord Nathaniel Harte, the Duke of Beswick, is in need of a wife, or so his servants believe. But the war scarred duke isn't exactly fit company; he's more well known for wreaking havoc on his father's prized porcelain collection and snapping at anyone who tries to get too close. Thane had planned for a solitary existence after the war and instead found his older brother dead and himself a duke, saddled with responsibility. Now the last thing he needs is a caustic young woman underfoot cataloging his father's porcelain. She further shocks him by offering herself into the bargain. He has no need of a wife but soon finds him sucked into a marriage of convenience nonetheless and both Thane and Astrid rapidly realize they're in way over their heads.

I have some very mixed feelings here. I was so looking forward to this book as I'm a sucker for beauty and the beast stories, and while I did enjoy the story itself for the most part, it just didn't live up to my expectations or quite fulfill its whole potential. I really enjoyed the last 25%, but the rest was rather a struggle. I really liked that Thane and Astrid both wound up fighting for and standing up for each other in the end, but it was a long time in coming and many of their issues stemmed from or were drawn out by, Astrid's behavior. Thane was by no means perfect, but his behavior made a great deal of sense given while I felt that Astrid's was disproportionate to her past experiences and her character just didn't jive for me.

From this point on you enter rant territory and chance spoilers; feel free to skip it, I just have to get it out. Firstly, this whole book felt very modern and not like a regency at all. It was full of modern dialogues (such as "said no woman with half a spine ever") and lots of very heavy handed feminism. I am all for equality, but this was just like beating a dead horse and became ridiculously repetitive, almost laughable, and detracted greatly from the romance, which I found rather lacking. I very much understand chafing at the position of women at this time, but Astrid's behavior was very unrealistic. I had several issues with Astrid in general, the first of which being my pet peeve, forms of address. As the daughter of a viscount, Astrid would be an Honorable Miss, not a Lady with a courtesy title. More importantly, Astrid barges into this poor man's home, insinuates herself into his household, lies to him, insults him, and then wonders why he's not nice to her and uses this as another example of why men suck, without taking any time to examine how he might feel. She is unbelievably good at all male pursuits and is very arrogant, even trying to equate her adolescent heartbreak to the pain and PTSD Thane is obviously suffering. Most annoying to me was how hypocritical Astrid turned out to be. Her intention was to coerce the duke into marrying her and then when they're caught in a compromising position, she immediately blames him, saying he betrayed her. Her bluster and 'independence' make her sound like a petulant child always finding something to complain about even when she was getting her way. One minute Astrid is an unapologetic hoyden with the mouth of a sailor, the next she's complaining about some lapse in propriety and attempting to be stiff and proper, chastising Thane's language and claiming to be a lady. It just comes off as fake to me. Thane's injuries, while no doubt horrific, were difficult for me to picture. He is stabbed repeatedly by six French soldiers with bayonets and his description of taking on six bayonets "face first" has an almost comical feel to it that to me belittles his injuries and suffering. Thane was without a doubt very difficult to deal with in any capacity, but Astrid's constant baiting of him didn't help things and her honesty and maturity came a bit late for me.

This was yet another case of what I call "strong heroine syndrome" in which independence and confidence in a woman are presented as shrewish and hateful and I'm just not here for it. It killed what could've been a very poignant and emotional story about accepting love and feeling worthy, but it just missed the mark here. The steamy scenes were extremely well done here and I could feel the hero and heroine connecting in those moments, but those were almost the only times I could feel that connection and I would've liked more of that outside the bedroom, though I felt we only had one real scene where this occurred. I also would've liked to see the despicable earl and Astrid's aunt and uncle get their just desserts rather than have their plot line just fizzle out.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Lady Nilambari Reads HR.
490 reviews168 followers
April 11, 2022
4.25 Stars

As I read The Wolf of Westmore, I felt like this one deserves a re-run, mostly because I couldn't remember anything about it!

- My first Amalie Howard.
- Great writing, slightly modern in places but who cares?
- A very cute Beauty and the Beast re-telling. This is no “The Duchess Deal” but comes a close second.
- An amazingly tenacious heroine with a saucy tongue who is not afraid to give back as good as she gets.
- A scarred war hero with a prickly personality but who is more than willing to be tamed.
- Great banter, super sweet romance, and hot steam.
- Crazy AF villain.
- Side characters ranging from idiots to insane! I loved the valet, Fletcher!

*And I loved all of the above.

I lost it in the final third of the book when the hero's insecurities ran awry.

Probably will re-read The Rakehell of Roth soon!
Profile Image for Inna.
1,603 reviews350 followers
May 11, 2022
I got to about 60% and decided I couldn’t take any more of this nonsensical story. The heroine propositions the hero for marriage so she can have full control over her sister’s guardianship and prevent a marriage between her sister and the villain. Then a whole bunch of “this could never happen in RL” nonsense happens, during which I suspended my disbelief.

At around 50% he agrees to marry her, great. But then because the author just had to drag the story out, the h’s sister decides to run away back to their scheming aunt and uncle, and take matters into her own hands. And what do the hero and heroine do? They get married and just leave the sister, hoping that she’s got things under control by herself. LOL. They get married for one purpose and then they ignore it (obviously to continue this awful storyline). I swear this story is so badly written that I’m gritting my teeth to nubs at the stupidity.

I recommend just skipping this awful book and reading something by an author that doesn’t get lazy with the storyline.
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
March 23, 2021
AHHHHHHH!!!! BE. STILL. MY. ROMANCE. LOVING. HEART! That was the absolute sweetest read! I fell head-over-heels in love with Thane and Astrid! I loved the angst, the tender-hearted feels, the back and forth tension! This had soooooo much heart and HEAT, charm and PASSION, you guys! Really enjoyable! I can’t wait to read more from this author! 4 solid stars!

PS: This is a standalone in a series. It's so sooooo so good.
Profile Image for The Girl Murdered by Her TBR.
425 reviews930 followers
August 26, 2021
3 stars...

What officially draw my attention when I read the blurb of this book is that Thane spends his miserable time shattering antique porcelain glassware. Weird right? Sometimes, I feel like my brain doesn't work properly...

Well this one frustrated the hell out of me. I always loved Beauty and the Beast retellings, there's always something romantic about it even if almost every flow of the retold stories are the same. Unfortunately, this one isn't my favorite. Astrid (h) and her sister Isobel really tested my patience with their attitude. For one, they were both so ungrateful and selfish.

When Astrid barged and demanded-that's right, demanded-to the house of Thane Harte, the Duke of Beswick to wed her to save her sister Isobel from an unwanted marriage with an asshole Earl, I admired her courage and boldness but when she started to judge and insult the Duke continuously while at the same time ask demand for his help, that's where it rubbed me off the wrong way. She was too proud and full of herself. She mainly focused on her and her annoying sister's throughout the book. When Thane granted to help them by making them stay at his house, Isobel still spoke ill about him and excused her behavior by saying that she was just lonely and she misses her friends. Bitch what? Are you serious? Come on, the man provided shelter and fed you the least you can do is be grateful right?

Also, Astrid and Thane's relationship revolved on insulting each other and having hate sex which could have been perfect if it weren't for the fact that once they say hurtful words to each other, only Thane would be guilty at the end. Astrid on the other hand, would just feel sorry about herself. It's always about her when instead it should be about them .

But fortunately, when Astrid and Thane came to their senses and stopped being stubborn pain in the asses, their story ended up being cute and romantic. The grumpy broken man who doesn't trust anyone opened his heart to the woman who accepted who he truly was. Yeah, that did finally got me interested and happy.
Profile Image for Chloe Liese.
Author 18 books9,219 followers
April 10, 2021
Well. WELL. This hooked me and didn't let me go. Just dragged me right in, made me park my butt, abandon all duties, and read straight through. I haven't honestly been this absorbed in a story since I fell down the Tessa Dare rabbit hole. There is something incredibly readable about Amalie Howard's writing (at least in this book—this is my first of hers!).

That said, while it sucked me in a la Tessa Dare, it isn't Historical RomCom, and it wasn't really anything I wasn't expecting (a classic Beauty & The Beast retelling). Grumpy AF scarred reclusive man. Determined, fierce, no-bullshit woman. Clashing mutually dominant personalities. He doesn't feel worthy of her. She's afraid to give him her guarded heart. It's a tale as old as time (see what I did there?) and to me that this highly familiar story kept my attention so thoroughly is testimony to Howard's storytelling. She hooked me with a predictable narrative and didn't let me go until "The End."

Not only was this highly readable and well-paced, it was SEXY. There is a lot of lustiness (and straight up sex) in this book, and while I love to read it, I really want intimacy to propel the narrative and develop the characters/their romantic arc, and usually when *that* much fun stuff is happening, it stops achieving that after a while. HOWEVER. This book, every single sexy scene was 1) unique, 2) developed the story 3) developed the characters/their relationship arc and 4) WAS REALLY DAMN SEXY.

Are you picking up a theme here? It was sexy. It was hot. And I. Was. Here. For. It.

In short, if you want a historical romance that is absorbing, readable, well-paced, and smoking hot sexy, I highly recommend!
Profile Image for farwa ☽ (hiatus; exams).
166 reviews363 followers
May 7, 2022
~4 stars

I’m sO conflicted about my rating right now because i swear i LOVED this book cause damnation this was sooo fun and sexy and full of personality of the characters that was just urgh so entertaining to see.

This beauty and the beast retelling felt like a breath of fresh air after such a tiring day *sighs peacefully* even though not a lot was going on here after the 50% mark but man just add a bunch of witty and funny banters to anything and i’m SOLD
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,364 reviews1,026 followers
January 4, 2020
This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

The Beast of Beswick was such a fantastic book here and boy I was hooked on this story. This is the first book in her Everleigh Sisters Series.  I just love a great Beauty and Beast retelling and this one takes the CAKE. Its always refreshing to find a new author to love and I really had such a blast with this one. She is one of those that really pulls you into a story and honestly it was the heart of the characters that really tugged at my emotions for this one.

What this book begins with is our heroine is very protective of her sister but they are orphans and their uncle is their guardian at least until Lady Astrid turns 26 which she is just a handful of months short of. But when her younger sister is about to be forced into a marriage that caused much pain and grief for Astrid she knows that she needs to come up with a plan to save her and so she goes to the formidable and scarred Duke of Beswick. Nathaniel Harte fought in the war and came back heavily scarred and keeps to his estate and terrorizes his servants and his hobby is shattering priceless artifacts of his father whom he despises. But the moment Astrid comes to him with a plan, he is not ready for this formidable and courageous young woman who stands her ground and isn't fearful of his scars. They come to an agreement, Astrid will catalog his father's artifacts for an auction and he will let Astrid and her sister stay in his home while they hide from her uncle until she comes into her inheritance and they can't be touched. But plans don't always go the way you expect and a fierce love builds between Beswick and Astrid, but will Astrid lose her sister in the process? And will their love be worth fighting for?

The Beast of Beswick was such a powerful story that sweeps you away into this historical world of danger, villains and secret desires. We have such a great relationship that we see between Astrid and her sister, we see a fun yet passionate romance build between Beswick and Astrid and some unique plot formatting especially toward the end that kept me on the edge of my seat. I honestly was on tinderhooks through most of this story and highly impressed with the few shocks along the way. I am so EAGER for Isobel's story. Because her character is what really surprised me the most. Through most of the story we see her character be so shy and timid, but we see her true strength come out in the love she has for her sister and crafting her own future on her own terms and I have a feeling her book will pack a powerful punch.
you need to decide whether you let your scars rule you.

The romance that forms between Astrid and Beswick was so fascinating, Astrid is such a strong heroine, ballsy and very set in her own ways. She knows herself and has that confidence and surety that pulls Beswick's attention. There is such powerful chemistry that builds between them that is gravitating in a unique way. They both contain very strong personalities but we see how they really balance each other in various ways. I loved seeing them get past their hurdles and realize their love for each other and fight for it!!

An empowering love story that will take you on an adventure of laughs, endearing characters and fascianting plot points to keep the reader engaged until the very end!! Truly Empowering!

 photo Addicted To Romance Reviews 2_zpsplp8m0tb.png
Profile Image for ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader.
627 reviews317 followers
January 6, 2023
Reread January 6, 2023

I love this book!! Such a good Historical Romance

Original review January 12, 2020

4.5 stars

My first book by Amalie Howard, but it sure won’t be my last. I love a good re-telling of The Beauty and the Beast and this one was amazing!! Highly recommend it
Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,100 reviews1,831 followers
April 23, 2022
✨Beauty and the Beast✨

Updated upon reread: I’m bumping this up in rating because I am totally distanced from other Beauty and the Beast retellings now and I enjoyed it so much more! Plus I’ve come to TOTALLY adore Amalie’s writing and I definitely didn’t appreciate this as much when I first read it. The audiobook was also super good! The epilogue was fricken adorable, *crumpets* like come AWN.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.25/5 🌶🌶🌶.75*/5

*This is on the cusp between 3.5🌶 and 3.75🌶 but there were so many good scenes that I rounded up! Idk what my ass was doing a year ago rating it a 3.25🌶.


Okay, this was a weird experience for me. I started it almost as soon as I finished Tessa Dare’s The Duchess Deal, and the two books are remarkably similar (written in pretty different styles though), what with the Beauty and the Beast trope and scarring and such. I felt like I had déjà vu for half the book because I was still so caught up in the other world. That being said, if you enjoyed one of them, you’ll probably enjoy the other!

So I think the main issue I have with the couple getting married halfway through the book is that there are always like five or more extra scenes of one of the two just refusing to let themselves be happy when they’re LITERALLY MARRIED ALREADY and can’t help it. Like your wagon is hitched to hers so just giddy up and enjoy the ride gotdamn. Maybe I’m just impatient but the in-between pages bogged me down.

Thane’s whole thing was that he didn’t feel like he deserved happiness but had absolutely no care as to how that whole mindset made the woman he loves feel. Like he just needs to listen to her, enough with this “I love you therefore I can’t be with you” hogwash. Once he got over that hump, the camel was in love and peachy and it was super sweet. It took me a while to warm up to him (also just don’t see why he abbreviated Nathan because I like that name way better than Thane lol I cry) and he ended up being cute, I just got a little lost. Thus, the chemistry never was quite there for me until the last chapter or so.

I loved Astrid’s major dressing down of Beaumont which was great. I honestly needed her to yell at Thane too because she’s got style. I did expect Beaumont to be a bit more theatric at that last scene but I’m happy he understood he was cancelled. Oh and there’s a wonderfully meddlesome manservant to jest with Thane so that’s always a win.

Despite it all, I am hopelessly romantic and the last 20 pages were super adorable and I was finally endeared to them as a couple and Thane as an individual. I think some middle bits could have been cut because I wanted this sugary sweet conclusion sooner! In the end, this did take me a month to finish simply because I wasn’t really invested until the last chapter and my attention got lost in the middle. I think if Beauty and the Beast is one of your favorite tropes then you’ll love it, but you may still wanna smack Beast around a bit.

⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 🌶🌶🌶.25/5
Profile Image for Soft Nectarine ~.
234 reviews290 followers
August 14, 2024
He needs to hide his body. She needs to hide her heart. ⚔️ 🩵

Lady Astrid is the shrew spinster who stands up to the grumpy & scarred Lord Beswick. Marriage of convenience turns into something more when passion grows & the feelings can’t be helped ✨ Before the two prance off into the sunset both must face their own insecurities and open their hearts.

🩵 fmc is the ultimate bluestocking! can’t stop talking about women’s right even when she is riding him

🩵 grumpy x sunshine

🩵 mmc struggles with his scarred appearance

🩵 modern spicy language!

🩵 marriage of convenience

I always enjoy the back and forth banter of two strong characters but this one dragged a little. The silent treatments and flip flopping got a little old at the end. Looking at you Beswick! I definitely prefer my mmc to a bit more decisive.

Can’t believe I haven’t talked about SPICE! The use of modern language definitely made this spicier 🌶️ mmc is coerce and often overcome with feelings while the fmc is no shy Miss…she literally grabs him by the balls. Okay that’s enough.

marriage of convenience
forced proximity
possessive mmc
virgin fmc
disability rep
lovely staff! 🧹
Profile Image for shaira ✨.
471 reviews155 followers
August 12, 2022
one of the best renditions of the beauty and the beast trope i’ve ever had the pleasure of reading *chef’s kiss*

the perfect balance between pussy throbbingly horny and heartwarmingly endearing and downright adorable 🥹

as a testament to how hot and bothered this story rendered me: i can safely—or rather, haphazardly—say this one beast of beswick had me losing my train of thoughts at least a couple (dozen times) during the past forty eight hours alone and *almost* made me walk into several street polls during my lunch hour stroll through the city while listening to this in the background 😭

this book in its entirety—as proven over and over since the dawn of this fairy tale’s very existence—is one of the very reasons i’m so drawn to the BATB trope in the first place. thane was EXACTLY like beast, but on hyperdrive. he was just as beastly/grumpy and virile and oozing raw sexual energy as his disney counterpart but all the variables here were amplified a hundred fold !! astrid was thee ultimate girl queen pussy boss here—as in she OWNED every scene she stepped into. my favourite astrid moment would unequivocally most indubitably have to be when she quite literally told beaumont (the small dicked man!) to fuck off. like yesss, go off queen 👏🏽

the amalgamation of these two very dominant personalities was the best thing ever !! i can’t begin to describe just how euphoric this made me feel. one of their most noteworthy moments would have to be the spicy scene at the beginning of chapter eighteen. it felt so ridiculous yet so empowering and captivating. trust that amalie howard would describe a couple mid-intercourse and make the act look to be the most intrinsically bona fide work of art ever 🤌🏽

exhibit A

honestly tho, this book was soo fucking good, seriously can’t get enough !! also, my iron clad determination to grow amalie howard’s fan base after me reading this book is hereby, ASTRONOMICAL 📈📈
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,610 reviews590 followers
June 11, 2021
I’ve read this twice now and both times forgot to write a review. The second time I read it, I read about the same time as The Black Beast of Belleterre. While Black Beast of Belleterre is insanely sweet, this one is not.

The hero is a great, big loud jackass that hates everybody, and the heroine is a savvy Regency woman trying to outwit conniving relatives and an evil villain.

Little navel gazing which is rare for the Beauty and Beast trope and pretty refreshing.

It wasn’t life changing, but it was enjoyable.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
November 30, 2019
4 Non-Biddable Love Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free
Back in the day of historical times, a highly coveted woman on the marriage market would be highly feminine, well versed in the needlework arts and most importantly, Biddable. Yes, the willingness to be directed by her soon to be husband was the key...no push back, no mind of her own and never to talk back and have her own opinions.

Thank goodness I am of these times!

In The Beast of Beswick, we are given the circumstances where two sisters are at the mercy of a scheming, money-grubbing uncle and aunt. The parents died and did leave funds for the girls but the uncle has been using them for his own purposes. The good news is that the older sister, Lady Astrid Everleigh, is months away from receiving the untouchable funds which will change everything. Once she turns 26, she will be in charge of her sister and the uncle cannot do a thing about it.

But until then...the scheming is in full force.
The uncle has agreed to marry off the sister before she even has an opportunity to be part of her season and to add insult to injury, the cad is the man who told lies about Lady Astrid when she turned him down during her season. It was his telling of false tales about her which caused her to be shunned by the ton.

Astrid will not allow her sister to be bought and sold to this man...but how can she do this...
Lady Astrid knows of one person who would be the perfect answer...a man no one would approach, who would or fight.

Astrid just needs to steel her spine, present the situation, and make the duke see his need for Astrid. Astrid will do anything to save her sister from that man and her uncle. She will present an offer the duke cannot refuse...

Lord Nathaniel Harte, the Duke of Beswick is not living the life he thought he would. He never wanted to be the duke, his brother was destined for that. But fate decided to hand him something very different. Thane was strong, handsome and willing to enjoy the adventures life had...and one was joining the army and fighting for the Regent. He was fearless and when another cowardice soldier ran away, he laid down his life saving the rest of the troops. The wounds were deep and it was a miracle he lived. His scars were nothing but horrific. After many surgeries, the results left him alive but at what cost.

Years had past and as I said fate played a mean hand. His father died and then the brother who was to be the duke died as well. Thane is now the holder of the title and all of the responsibility...and one of the main responsibilities is to continue the line...to produce an heir. But with the body and face, he has now, Thane is more beast than man... at least that is how he sees himself and the ton and others reinforce it.

Thane has only his butler and manservant who push back and speak truth to him. The relationships are tricky but deep. Thane threatens every day to fire these men but would be lost without them.

It is a commotion outside the door of his bathing pool which causes Thane to pay attention. It is late in the day and he is hearing a woman demanding to see him. She will not be turned away and pushes past his men opening the door and finding Thane standing there in only a towel.

Astrid thought the room was a study or library...and turned away so as not to see anything. Thane thinks this disturbance and Astrid's embarrassment is something to play with...and he does..saying inappropriate things causing Astrid to turn red.

Thane tells her to go to the library and he will meet her there...and once he does, he sits so that the light does not show his entire face...after all most are frightened of the sight.

Astrid has come with a purpose and will not allow this man to deter her. She was "spoiled" by her father who allowed her to have the same education a man would. He allowed her to ride horses and she was well versed in many different subjects. She was not raised to be biddable and never would be.

The time has come for Astrid to present her reason for being there. The duke has an extensive artifact collection from his father. Astrid learned of it while waiting for Thane to come to the library. She presents the idea of her cataloging it for the charity auction Thane is doing and he marries her. This marriage will allow him to produce an heir, she will be able to save her sister and it is the answer to all their needs.

Perfect, right...

Well, Thane hears this and almost falls off his chair. He says all sorts of scandalous things to Astrid and she leaves him hoping he will think it over. What he thinks is this woman is crazy...and how could she even want to be with him. What also surprises him is the stirring he feels for her.

These two are forces that will come together due to the need to protect the sister...and through this process, the Beast of Beswick becomes the man Astrid learns to love. Thane is confused, fighting his need to push everyone away with the need to master this woman. He cares for her in a way that frightens him. How can a woman so lovely as Astrid could ever love him...

This was an enjoyable read and it does skirt the Beauty and Beast feel. Astrid has a quick mind and is nothing like the required woman of the time. She is smart, allows her mouth to say what she thinks and is supportive of Thane. She sees the true man he is and brings out his best. Thane is the perfect foil for Astrid, allowing her to be who she is and appreciating it. Their chemistry is perfect and worked.

Amalie Howard was a new author for me and I will keep my eye opened for more.

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
Ready to get my Historical on...
In Times Past...
Women had Few Choices...
Lives were Dictated...
Rules Obeyed...

But Every Once in a While...
A Woman of Certain Means...
Willing to Fight for a Sister's Life...
Makes a Decision...
Breaking All The Rules...

Lady Astrid Everleigh is that Woman...
And She has Taken On...
A Path that will Tie Her to...

Lord Nathaniel Harte...

Yes, to Everyone's Amazement...
She will Become the Bride of...

The Beast of Beswick-November 26, 2019

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,925 reviews566 followers
November 26, 2019
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

This was such a delightful romance! I had read a couple of favorable reviews for this book so I knew that I wanted to read it and was thrilled to get the chance. I don't read a ton of historical romance but I do tend to enjoy them every once in a while so I was ready to give this Beauty and the Beast story a try. I was swept away by Thane and Astrid's story and didn't want to put the book down for any reason.

Astrid is considered a spinster at twenty-five after a scandal during her first season. Her entire focus on her sister's happiness and wants to make sure that she is able to make a good match. Imagine her surprise when her uncle makes plans for Astrid's sister to marry the man that caused her scandal. The only way that she can have any influence is to find a husband so that he can take over as Isobel's guardian. Astrid knows the right man for the job.

Thane fought in the war and came back scarred. So many scars that people call him a beast, stare, and don't want to be around him. The scars on the outside are only the beginning. His personality is a little rough and he can be rather short with his staff and those around him. When Astrid shows up with her plan, he is less than impressed.

I loved these two! Astrid was incredibly smart and didn't hesitate to make any sacrifices necessary to ensure the well-being of her sister. She didn't think that she was any less capable than any man and resented the fact that she had no rights. Thane liked to act gruff but he really had a soft heart underneath it all. He pushed people away because he didn't want them to have to deal with the scrutiny of being with the beast. I felt like the personalities just fit together and they had fantastic chemistry.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of historical romances. It was such a joy to watch Thane and Astrid fall for each other. There were more than a few moments that I couldn't seem to stop smiling. I definitely plan to read more from Amalie Howard in the future!

I received a review copy of this book from Entangled: Amara via Bookish First.

Initial Thoughts
What a delight! This was somewhere between 4 and 5 stars for me. I am going with 4 for now but may bump that up once I have more time to think about it. I loved Thane and Astrid! Loved them! They were perfect for each other and had a lot of chemistry. Thane's scars on the inside were worse than those on the outside. And the ones on the outside were bad enough to be called a beast. Astrid has been through a few things herself and is careful as a result. I had a lot of fun with this Beauty and the Beast story!
Profile Image for Jessica Grogan.
487 reviews24 followers
October 28, 2019
The first 30% was brilliant. And then it seemed the main conflict was resolved by the 50% mark. Found myself skipping pages without it affecting the story.
Profile Image for Emilie.
526 reviews19 followers
October 17, 2019
I received an ARC of this book.
I really tried to like this book, but there was just too much going on with it to be a coherent, organic story. The hero, Thane, has been severely injured in the war with Napoleon, and carries both physical and emotional scars that keep him from moving about in society. The heroine decides that to save her and her sister from a nefarious suitor (who happened to ruin her many years ago) she must propose marriage to "The Beast of Beswick." He refuses, so she tells him that she is also (very conveniently) an expert on Ming vases and can catalogue his extensive collection. He refuses this as well. Then several days later our heroine, Astrid, decides she and her sister are in grave danger and they flee to "the Beast's" home, where she begins to appraise his vase collection without permission. When her "host" does discover her at his home, he is furious. And while Astrid is dependent on his mercy, she constantly insults her "employer" by picking fights, taking offense at his opinions, and just being disagreeable. I felt very sorry for Thane and was not a fan at all of Astrid.
The author seemed to feel like every single convention of an "independent" female needed to be very evident in Astrid (I assume that's why she was continuously challenging and arguing with Thane), and she rode horses astride in breeches, swam like a fish, trained unmanageable horses, not to mention was an expert on ancient Chinese artifacts, a champion of Wollstonecraft, and even an author. I think the story would have flowed MUCH better if the author had picked one or two of these character traits and focused on them, instead of making her some kind of impossible "Renaissance woman." It was distracting and annoying.
There were also numerous plot points that were inconsistent, impossible, or anachronistic. Due to the fact that I read an ARC I will put all of those down to being an uncorrected proof and hope those things will be fixed in the published copy. As it was, the number of instances when these occurred really pulled me out of the story.
As I said, I wanted to like this book, but several chapters in, too many things just started to bother me. The main idea of the story was great. But it got bogged down with way too many unnecessary details
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,618 reviews4,304 followers
December 25, 2023
This was a fun historical with largely modern sensibilities which I'm a fan of. (after all, the entire genre is essentially fantasy anyway) Though it's worth saying that there certainly were feminist women and men at the time- the textually named Mary Wollstonecraft for one. That aside, this kind of a heroine who knows what she wants and goes after it, paired with a scarred hero reminiscent of the Beast from the fairytale is a fun combination for me. And I like that she's trying to protect her sister from a predatory man. I'll be reading more from this author in the future!
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