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Famous #2


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When I quit the biggest boy band on the planet, I was supposed to get my life back.

It’s not that I wanted to leave the spotlight. I felt like I had to for my daughter. Her picture shouldn’t be splashed all over the tabloids.

I thought I could do this parenting thing on my own, but it’s obvious I need help. I just didn’t expect to find it in the form of a gorgeous guy I meet by chance.

I can put my attraction aside for my daughter’s sake. I’ve put my whole life on hold for her.

If only he wasn’t so tempting.


Working as a nanny is my backup to my backup plan. My first plan is fame, but something always holds me back.

When I randomly run into Ryder Kennedy and end up becoming his daughter’s nanny, I figure it’ll be a short-term thing.

But then Ryder finds out I can sing. He wasn’t ready to give up music, and now he’s found a new way to have it: through me. He wants to produce my demo and make me a star.

He says I was born to be in the spotlight, but I think I was born to run from it.

It doesn’t help that each day I’m with him and his daughter, the deeper I fall into fantasies of being part of their family. And not just as the nanny.

320 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 16, 2020

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About the author

Eden Finley

60 books6,611 followers
Eden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are mostly full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She lives to create an escape from real life for herself and her readers.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 606 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,546 followers
July 17, 2020

I adored this second book in the "Famous" series right out of the gate, where pop star Ryder met up-and-coming musician Lyric in McDonald's (?), after Ryder overheard Lyric telling his young nephew how badly he thought Eleven, Ryder's old boy band, sucked.

Despite their odd first meeting, Ryder ended up hiring Lyric to be his 4 y.o. daughter's nanny, which of course led to pining and, eventually, to a big ole' case of The Feels from both guys.

They were a very well-suited pair; however, when Ryder offered to help him with his music career, Lyric's staunch refusal to become a sell-out, like his deceased musician father, became a point of contention for them to overcome.

I thoroughly enjoyed how, no matter their desire to play nice and avoid fights, both Ryder and Lyric communicated openly with one another.

This openness may or may not have then eventually led to Lyric , then him finally getting out of his own way, so that both men could be happy and move forward. Together.

I almost always tend to enjoy scenes of jealousy in my reads, but especially this time, when Ryder tried desperately to avoid setting Lyric up on a date with another famous musician on the prowl for a hookup.
“Why does Cash Kingsley think I’m straight when you know I’m not? Like, definitely not.”

“Maybe you give off a super-straight vibe?”

“Bitch, please.”

My feet stumble backward as if they think I can get out of this by running away. Yet, my newly found, high, squeaky voice jumps in. “I might’ve told him you were straight? Okay, bye.”

I was thrilled to see Lyric stepping on his own proverbial dick to keep his meet up with Cash from getting him laid -- by someone other than Ryder.

Another favorite part of the story was the inclusion of Harley, from the previous "Pop Star" story, pretty early on in the book.
“Hey, Brix, can you do a background check for Ryder on the guy he says he doesn’t want to fuck but really he does?”

I growl.
Then once the guys finally gave into their feelings and become a couple, the other element of drama introduced was them hiding their relationship from not only the public, but also from Ryder's 4 y.o. daughter, Kaylee, the latter of which ended up going about as well as one would expect.
Yeah, that whole thing where I thought my daughter was oblivious? Turns out we were the ones who were so blinded by each other we didn’t know she was watching and listening to every. Damn. Thing.
I also ended up liking how the return of Ryder's baby-momma, Maggie, was more of a blessing than a curse for the couple, which rarely happens in M/M romance.

In regards to sex, the very versatile, flip-floppy steam was smoking hot, but not so prevalent that I ever felt like skimming or fast forwarding.

Overall, I'd rate this book at around 4.5 stars, rounded up, and wholeheartedly recommend it to fans of Eden's previous works, with zero reservations.


My ARC copy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for a fair, unbiased review.

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Profile Image for Snjez.
887 reviews808 followers
July 20, 2020
I enjoyed this story a lot, much more than the previous book in the series. It's sweet and funny and heartwarming. And to think I almost skipped reading it!

Music industry is still not my favourite thing to read about, but I liked everything else. The writing is excellent, I loved the dialogue and the humor - that first scene when Lyric and Ryder meet is priceless.

All the characters were great, though my personal favourite is Lyric. He is wonderful. And Kaylee is the cutest. I loved how well Lyric, Ryder and Kaylee fit together right from the start.

My only niggle were the intimate scenes. The slow burn and the build up to their relationship were perfect, so I guess I expected something a bit different.
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
January 4, 2021
Audiobook - 4 stars

Story 3.5 stars

I enjoyed this more than book 1. It was actually sweet and kinda romantic. There were some high highs and low lows.

Rider and Lyric had chemistry from the word go, they meet in the first scene and let's just say it was not pretty but it was so good and funny, I felt the zing immediately. It is one slow burn, good thing I love me some slow burn.

I liked Ryder, I loved his relationship and Kelly, what a bomb father/daughter duo. As much as i liked him alot, he frustrated me sometimes with his relationship phobia. I understand he was hesistant due to his celeb status but at some point it got on my nerves. He is still a cutie though.

I liked Lyric too. He was such a darling. An aspiring musician with some reservation, I liked that. This was somehow the source of the angst in this story but it didn't take up most of book. It got a little bit on my nerves. Other than that it was a smooth sailing.

The chemistry between Ryder and Lyric was so hot and I felt it. The sex was hot too, but due to the slow burn we didn't get to experience most of it. I wanted more.

Kelly and Chase get on my list for the best book kids. They brought so much joy into my listening. I found myself missing them when they were not on page.

The banter and humor was good. I had some lol moments and that is always a plus.

Overall, I had a good time with this book.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
July 16, 2020
I couldn't sleep last night....so pretty much binged this one. Once I started I just couldn't stop.

Loved every single thing about it. Probably my favorite Eden Finley to date.

Absolutely loved Lyric. And Ryder. Loved them together.

This one had witty banter.
No OTT drama.
A baby momma that wasn't annoying.
A cute, fun kid who didn't take over the whole store.
Plenty of steam.

Profile Image for Wendy.
179 reviews16 followers
May 5, 2022
4.25 sweet family moments stars


And another winner is... Spotlight! This was such a sweet and sexy book - yes, it's possible to be both, and you know it. Music, passion and family themes gathered and gave birth to this beautiful story.

In my opinion, this second installment was more focused on family than music. But it was kind of the same for the first novel too, with the stalker plotline, which absolutely didn't bother me. I'm an avid music fan, the kind to blast music in my car and sing along, but I don't necessarly need to read about it, as I can't HEAR it. On the other hand, I get frustrated with sport romance, if there is not enough playing time. Talk about double standard, but still🤷‍♀️

Again, the characters 🥰 Lyric and Ryder had one of the best worst-meet-cute ever. He's never going to live down his "lazy and cliché" comment and I'm loving it! They were so good together, and with Kaylee. The family dynamic was definitely one of my favourite focuses of the story, including the parts with Maggie. It also weighted a lot in the characters' decisions for the future, which I really liked, because it showed Ryder's daughter wasn't only a plot device to get our MCs together.

I loved Ryder from head to toes. He was such a great father, even if he doubted it. I was definitely not disappointed to learn how Kaylee happened. I didn't see it coming. The sexual tension between Lyric and him was almost suffocating. I couldn't wait for things to happen, and when they did 🤯 As a producer, Ryder was determined to let Lyric shine, pushing him (maybe to much?) to let go of some of his prejudices. Lyric's continuous resistence is actually what got the book to lose 0.25 points, because I was fed up in the end. Ryder's perfect speech almost made up for it, so I kind of relented on this side. Appart from that, Lyric's character was very sweet and thoughtful. With him, the family dynamic made sense.

I can't get enough of this series. I'm already 13% into Fandom and, even if the tone is a bit different, I still have this need to know how things are going to evolve, especially as the other Eleven members are quite present in this book too.
Profile Image for Elisa Glendenning.
522 reviews48 followers
January 31, 2022
This started off so well. I love single dad tropes and little Kaylee made me laugh. I really liked the MC’s. Their meet cute was funny. They had great chemistry, and even though it was a little unrealistic that Ryder would hire a complete stranger to be his daughter’s nanny, I was excited for what was to come. However, as soon as the pair hooked up, I started to lose interest and that’s such a shame because I was genuinely invested in them as a couple.

Ryder and Lyric are lovely guys, but both had issues that ended up taking me out of the story. Ryder’s overprotectiveness, whilst understandable was unrealistic. His actions were inconsistent at times and his internal conflict became quite repetitive. For all Ryder’s protestations that he couldn’t get involved with someone, I thought he succumbed rather quickly. As for Lyric, my main issue was just how stubborn he was when it came to his career aspirations. At first, his principles were admirable but it just got annoying. He did get over himself eventually but I didn’t like how the music took away from the romance. It might be boring to some, but I actually wanted more family time as those scenes were really enjoyable.

I’m not sure how I feel about the ending and I’m on the fence as to whether I’ll read the next in the series. Overall, it was sweet but didn’t quite live up to expectations.
Profile Image for JAN.
1,198 reviews919 followers
July 25, 2020
**** 4 Stars ****

Sometimes I forget how good a slow-burn romance can be.
It is so swoony worth it, giving way more credibility to the story. 🥰

I loved the hell out of the pace of this story.
I savoured every step of them towards love.

There was nothing rushed. Yes, there was lust at first sight, but the MCs didn't act on it from the start. Ryder's maturity and sense of responsibility towards his daughter were captivating. This caution made their love blossom slowly, solidifying their relationship.

BTW, Kaylee was such a cute kid and support character!

As for the angst, the tad bit splashed here was just perfect, woven organically in the plot. I know my angst reputation is scary, but sometimes less is more. The drama fitted nicely the story, so much that I'm going to give a go-to book one. And that speaks loud since Fake Boyfriend Series, which is very popular among my friend, was a massive bust for me. 😖🙈🙊🙉

The end was a bit cheesy and predictable, but who cares?
Great enjoyable read!
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,396 reviews665 followers
July 13, 2020
4 Stars!

I really liked the second book in the Famous series.

Ryder and Lyric were really cute together and their relationship was really low on the drama. I liked that there was no big misunderstanding or some crazy scheme that separate them at the end.

The way these men were introduced was pretty funny and maybe a bit awkward for them considering Lyric made some not so nice comments about Ryder's past music. Obviously he didn't know Ryder, from the boy band, was close enough to hear his conversation with his nephew. But in the end it was a good way to break the ice between them and get a conversation going.

Lyric lets Ryder know he would be up for being hired as Ryder's nanny for his daughter. He has experience since he is practically the nanny for his brothers son while he's trying to make his way into the music business. Ryder is a little apprehensive hiring someone like Lyric considering he feels an attraction to the man and needs to keep that side of himself hidden. But the chaos of his life trying to keep his foot in the music world and trying to raise a 4 yr old with no help seals the deal and he hires the man.

It doesn't take long for these men to catch feels and cross that line that Ryder was trying so hard not to cross. But he's tired of being alone. Lyric wants it all with Ryder and is scared he's never going to be as out and proud as he is. He knows his fears for his daughter being caught up in the tabloids and being exploited, but he also knows you can't hide forever and Ryder deserves to be happy and have love. Ryder wants Lyric enough to go to great lengths to show him how much he cares and wants to help him fulfill his dream of being an artist. That last part doesn't always go so great with Lyric mostly standing in his own stubborn way. He wants to make it on his own and fights the help Ryder is trying to provide. That is the only real drama in this book. Like I said, it was pretty low and I for one enjoyed that. I'm not a real big fan when something ridiculous happens at around 75% of the book to separate the MC's. It always seems forced or unnecessary. So kudos to this book for not falling into that pattern.

I can't wait to see who's up next in this series.

Happy reading dolls! xx

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
721 reviews85 followers
August 10, 2020
4.5 Loved-this-musical-romance Stars!!🤩💘 I loved this so much more than the previous book in the series 😍.
Lyric is so likable and relatable right from the start💕. His first meeting with Ryder is both cute and awkward and yet there is instant chemistry too. But that chemistry has to take a backseat when Ryder hires Lyric as a nanny for his little girl Kaylee. Besides his nanny duties, Lyric is also a struggling musician. His refusal to conform or compromise himself or his music for better marketability has resulted in a lot of failed auditions and rejections😢. However, he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes made by his father, who was a failed musician; someone who sacrificed everything and yet success alluded him. Even when Ryder (who accidentally hears him singing with Kaylee) offers him his connections to advance his career, he stands by his principles and refuses.
Ryder, after leaving the band Eleven , has pretty much devoted his life to protect the privacy of his daughter Kaylee. He has no social or personal life and a very limited professional life (freelance music production from his home studio), but when Lyric comes into his and Kaylee's life their instant attraction makes him hope and wish for a different future 💘. As they grow closer and the attraction leads into a full-blown relationship❤️, they are faced with quite a few barriers (of their own making🙄)before they can get to their HEA 😱 As potential stardom knocks on his door, will Lyric take the tried and tested road or the unconventional route? How do Ryder and Kaylee fit into his future? Will Ryder have the courage to admit his real feelings towards Lyric? Will Eleven ever get back together? 🤩
Although the book is about pop-stars, music and the high-life in the entertainment business, the story itself is very engaging with 2 lovable MCs who are both strong willed. Ryder who has sacrificed everything to protect what is most important in his life, his daughter; and Lyric who is willing to sacrifice a possible career in the musical business for what's important in his life, his integrity. No wonder sparks fly when they meet🔥, but there is some slow burn before anything happens and I loved the gradual development of their feelings... beyond the physical. The supporting characters are great as well, with no villains. All in all, a wonderful story with romance, music, family and an amazing HEA 💝. Highly recommended to all M/M romance fans who are looking for something low-angst and heart-warming. 👍👍
Who's next? Cash? Mason? Blake or Denver? 😉 Can't wait!! 😍
Profile Image for oshiiy.
343 reviews52 followers
December 15, 2021
2.75 stars ⭐️ it's me, not the book. This book started off promising, and I loved Lyric and Ryder’s meet-cute situation too. But in the middle of the book, with its slow burn and all, I felt boring.

Generally, I think I'm not connecting with either of the characters. I want to like this book so much, but something is missing. I mean, I want something more than music like I want to get emotionally attached to the guys. I want to ride their journey with them. I want to be angry, happy, and miserable with them.

All in all, this was a cute read!
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews165 followers
July 18, 2020
This book was absolutely perfect. It was torture having to work and take care of my children yesterday instead of just sitting down and reading the whole thing. I fell asleep with a big smile on my face after finishing it.

We met Ryder in the previous book, where we learned that Eleven broke up because he wanted to protect his little girl from fame. But Ryder is a huge star still, constantly hiding from the paparazzi while taking care of her as a single dad. He works from home as a producer. And he hasn’t dated since she was born.

He meets Lyric in an adorable meet cute at an indoor playground. Lyric is a talented singer who wants to make it big, but has a list of conditions that pretty much make it impossible. He offers to nanny for Ryder, as he currently nannies for his brother part time.

They are both attracted to each other, but Ryder doesn’t date and he isn’t out. But they can’t stay apart and when they give in, the sex is amazing. ::fans self::

Ryder wants to help Lyric make it big, but Lyric wants to make it on his own. They fight, but always communicate and stay strong. They fall in love and it’s beautiful.

The book is sexy, fun, sweet, and funny. I loved Maggie and Kaylee. Loved seeing Harley and Brix again. Loved the other side characters like Cameron and Cash.

It can be read as a stand-alone but I recommend reading Pop Star first. I personally hate reading series out of order, or skipping books, but if it’s your thing, go for it.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,764 reviews379 followers
July 17, 2020
I loved this book even more than the first one in the series!

Lyric and Ryder were just so sweet as a pairing, first as friends dealing with the complications of their situation, then as lovers.

Everything about this book just worked for me.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,312 reviews40 followers
July 21, 2020
I must be among the very few people who did not like this as much as the first book. I liked the beginning a lot but this kind of angst is not the one I like. Lyric's career plans took over the romance for me. Also it wasn't as funny as the first book and the banter was toned down

Still, a good read. I'm looking forward to Denver's story
Profile Image for Yarie ☆.
326 reviews25 followers
November 7, 2020
+ 18- M / M
Ryder is a single father, ex boybander he left fame to devote himself to his daughter, he thinks he can't have it all, or he has fame or he has privacy to raise his daughter in a healthy environment.
On one of his outings with his daughter he meets Lyric, he is there babysitting for his nephew, Lyric criticizes one of the songs that his nephew was singing (that was Ryder's boy band), as soon as he sees that Ryder there he is super embarrassed, they end up talking and Ryder finds out that Lyric is trying to have a music career and thinks that Lyric will ask him for help, but Lyric surprises him and asks him for a job as a babysiter

Rating: 4 Stars.
Steam: 6 out of 10.
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Miranda.
273 reviews15 followers
May 16, 2024
3.5 stars- I really really liked Lyric and Ryder, they are both so precious and talented. Ryder was such a good dad, definitely a turn on! Story is light, fluffy, no angst, very entertaining
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,369 reviews554 followers
July 18, 2020
4.5 stars!

Oh how I enjoyed this second installment in this series, about Ryder, another member in the band Eleven that Harley, from the previous book, was a part of.

Ryder has spend the last two years out of the spotlight, away from the band, being very overprotective of his almost 5 year old daughter, Kaylee. He wants her to have as normal a life as possible, but being in a world famous band, even 2 years after the band broke up, doesn't make that easy.

When Ryder and Kaylee are at a place that has a kids play structure (forget what it's called...but like Chucke E. Cheese without the games, just the play structure?), he hears a guy behind him call Eleven cliche and lazy and such to his nephew who is singing their music, and even when he's doing that, Ryder can't help but be amused by it.

And when they're standing as the kids play, looking after them, Ryder notices how attractive the guy is, and when they're kids get into a scuffle on the play structure and they meet, Ryder finds out the guy's name is Lyric, and Lyric certainly recognizes Ryder.

Then they get to talking, and there is an instant connection between the two. When Lyric mentions that he's trying to make it as a musical artist, but he wants to do it on his own terms - and so auditions haven't been going so amazing for him - and so he needs a job, he mentions that he would love to be Kaylee's nanny.

Ryder is resistant at first because of his overprotectiveness, but after Lyric helps Ryder out when paps gather at the place they're out, Ryder gives him some real consideration.

And so Lyric becomes Kaylee's nanny, and as the two get to know each other more, the more they start to fall. And when Ryder hears Lyric singing when he's checking up on Kaylee and sees them singing together, Ryder sees real talent within Lyric.

And so Ryder helps Lyric record a demo song, and they get even closer. But Ryder is extra cautious and scared about how more would work between them, but can't get Lyric out of his head and wants him too much to give up at the same time. And Lyric is cautious too, because he doesn't want to get his heart broken, and he has his own problems with his father who tried to become a singer, that Lyric is almost too scared to even really try for a career.

I did really enjoy their connection, and I enjoyed this so much. I do wish the sex had been written a little more detailed. What was there was good, no doubt, but I just wanted a little more. But what was there was good, make no mistake, but the sex scenes just felt a little too rushed at times for my tastes. I wanted to get more of their connection from that than what we got, is what I'm saying.

But it did not take too much of my enjoyment out of this book, and I still enjoyed it immensely. It was also wonderful where they ended up by the end of this.

Although, both Harley and now Ryder still haven't come out, and that just puts a slight damper on things for me. I get that it's probably more realistic that they haven't yet and that they need time, but I just wish they could be ready to come out at some point soon. Because no matter what, both couples still have to hide, even if they don't with their close friends and family, which is good. But I wish they could be out to the world.

I wonder if they'll come out at the end of the series? Like I don't know if the series will be all the boy band members or we'll move onto some other famous singers/bands, but either way, I hope by the end of the series that all MC's who aren't out will be out. That would make me super happy.

So overall I loved this one, just a few niggles to make me round down instead of up. But still definitely worth a read, and I definitely give this two thumbs up. Loved it!
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
727 reviews1,148 followers
June 22, 2024
|| 3.0 stars ||

I really liked the beginning of this book: the love-interests had good banter, chemistry and even some tension. It was also very slow-burn, which I appreciated.
However, once Ryder and Lyric got together and started to give into their emotions, the story started to drag a little bit, get repetitive, and sadly, also seemed to have lost most of its spark.

I liked all of the characters in this book, but I didn't love any of them. They were okay, just not all that special or even super interesting.
I did kind of love the little kid though; Kaylee was very cute, I can't deny that. I actually would have loved it if she was in more scenes, especially with her dad, Ryder.

The romantic relationship also wasn't all that great, and like I said, was more entertaining at the start than near the end. I believe Ryder and Lyric genuinely liked each other, and I do think they'd be good together, I just don't think we got to see much of them actually being a good couple. When they were together, they mostly just had sex, and most of the rest of their interactions happened off-page. That was a bit disappointing, and probably also the reason why I didn't like their vibe as much after they got together.

Weirdly enough, I thought the overall vibe of this book was very different from the first book, which is maybe kind of weird, since they both focus on people who used to be in the same boyband. Nonetheless, it's very different: Whereas the first book was more action-packed and had more of an actual plotline, this second book focuses more on the family-dynamic of a single-dad, his young daughter and their nanny/boyfriend. Both of these books focus on music though, so they do have that in common.
However, the fact that these books are so different isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does make me wonder what the next book in the series will be like. I now feel like it could be anything. I'm curious, and I hope it'll be the best one yet, because although this series has been entertaining so far, nothing has really stood out for me.

'Famous' series:
1. Pop Star - 3.5 stars
2. Spotlight - 3.0 stars
3. Fandom - 3.0 stars
4. Encore - 2.5 stars

Spin-off 'Cash Me Outside' series:
1. Locked Heart - 4.0 stars
2. Thorned Heart - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Leslie.
1,140 reviews293 followers
July 18, 2020
Might write a review later. I’m very sporadic with my reviews lately. For now I’ll just say that I like this series but I don’t love it the way I do her Fake Boyfriend books. I can’t see myself re-reading these the way I do those. There’s something missing for me with these and I can’t figure out what that is. That being said, I enjoyed this one more than book one and I will keep reading them.
Profile Image for Mariah.
1,288 reviews488 followers
September 22, 2020
Eden Finley really has that secret sauce huh.
I had this book in my back pocket (read: Kindle) for when I needed a pick me up and it didn't disappoint!

I did a major Eden Finley & May Archer binge the past couple of months and I was totally hooked.
I love the familiar cast of characters, with the transparent set ups for the next couple in books to come.
This one was surprisinly vague, and I understand that's because there's nothing too concrete in the works for this series right now and that's a shame! But there are still 3 other members of Eleven and I've got everything crossed!
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,260 reviews260 followers
July 29, 2020
It took me a while to get into Spotlight.

It felt repetitive at first, and if I read the little girl's name one more...

I also did roll my eyes every time I read Cash Me Outside because I kept thinking of:

But in the end, I got sucked and enjoyed it.

-Dual POVs
-Moderate steam
-Some banter
-No OTT drama

Good stuff.

4 stars.
Profile Image for Bookreader87(Amanda).
1,119 reviews41 followers
August 13, 2020
Lyric & Ryder

I enjoyed the meet cute and had hope for this one unfortunately it was pretty much like book 1 in the series. I wasn't really feeling the romantic aspect. I admit I also got bored with the whole Lyric trying to make it on his own. He kind of annoyed me when it came to that lol.
Maybe this series isn't for me but I'm still willing to give book 3 a try. Maybe 3rd time will be the charm?
Profile Image for Caz.
2,988 reviews1,115 followers
March 25, 2024
I've given this an A for narration and a B+ for content at AudioGals, s0 4.75 stars which bumps it up into the 5 star bracket.

Spotlight is the second book in Eden Finley’s Famous series, which tells the stories of the members of the world’s biggest Boy Band after it breaks up. The story has a number of things in common with book one Pop Star;– a closeted lead character, a realistic portrayal of the workings of the music business and the way so much of the media treats celebrities – but those similarities didn’t outweigh the rest of the story or make me feel as though I was listening to the same book all over again.

When Ryder Kennedy left Eleven, it wasn’t because of personality clashes or creative differences – it was because he wanted to be a proper father to his young daughter, Kaylee. Two years later, and with Kaylee now four-going-on-five, Ryder has his hands full working as a producer as well as being a single parent of the rather precocious child he’s trying desperately to keep well away from the public eye.

Ryder and Kaylee are at a play centre when Ryder overhears a guy – another single dad, he assumes, as he’s sitting with a boy a few years older than Kaylee – dissing Eleven and their songs as “lazy and cliché”. It’s not the first time he’s heard stuff like that and it won’t be the last, but it still hits a nerve. Kaylee goes off to play, but shortly after, Ryder hears her screaming and rushes into the play area to check on her, practically colliding with the guy … which of course leads to much awkwardness when he catches sight of Ryder’s face and realises he’d been overheard. Oops.

But as meet-cutes go, it’s a good one, and once they’ve sorted the kids out, the two men end up chatting over coffee and Ryder can’t help thinking just how good it feels to have an actual adult conversation again. The other guy – whose name, improbably, is Lyric – is an aspiring songwriter and performer making the rounds of auditions while working part-time as a nanny for his nephew. When Ryder mentions that Kaylee is having trouble at school (she’s in Pre-K) Lyric suggests that maybe he should consider a different school – or that if Ryder wants to take her out of school, he’s available to be her nanny. Ryder can’t help but be sort of impressed by Lyric’s direct approach – but he’s suspicious, too. He’s become so used to people wanting something from him, he can’t help but think that maybe Lyric deliberately set out to get his attention in hopes of getting access to his industry connections.

In fact though, nothing could be further from the truth. Lyric is determined to make his own way in the business, to succeed entirely on his own merits or not at all. It’s a deeply entrenched belief, one he holds due to the fact that his father – also a singer/songwriter – spent his life changing his image on the advice of professionals and never made it – and Lyric is determined not to be like him. If he achieves fame, he wants to do it as himself, because the public likes him for who he is and what he does, and he’s not going to crush the essence of who he is as an artist for anyone or anything.

There’s a nice undercurrent of simmering attraction between Ryder and Lyric right from the start, although Lyric believes Ryder is straight (he has no reasons to assume otherwise) and Ryder works hard to ignore the temptation Lyric represents. Like his friend Harley (Pop Star) Ryder isn’t straight and isn’t out because they were both contractually forbidden to portray themselves as anything other than straight, and even though they’re both doing their own thing now, they still have reasons for staying mostly in the closet. In Ryder’s case, it’s Kaylee; it’s hard enough keeping her from getting randomly “papped” as it is – but if he were to come out publicly – even though it’s two years since Eleven broke up – it would still provoke a media frenzy it would be impossible to protect her from.

But as it becomes more and more difficult to deny his attraction to Lyric – or notice that it seems to be mutual – Ryder starts to wonder if perhaps a different life is possible. For the first time in five years, he feels a real connection with someone, a sense that with Lyric, he could have something genuine and lasting… if he can only quiet the part of his brain telling him he has to shut off that side of himself for Kaylee’s sake and just go for it.

The chemistry between Ryder and Lyric burns bright, the romance is a lovely slow-burn and the conflicts arise organically as a result of who these people are and the situations they’ve found themselves in. Ryder’s almost pathological need to protect Kaylee from media intrusion is understandable, even though it can seem a little too self-sacrificing at times, and while Lyric’s adamant refusal to accept even the tiniest bit of help is a laudable ambition, it displays a remarkable naïveté about an industry he’s supposed to have grown up around; the “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” thing is still extremely prevalent, so I admit I found his refusal to accept any help – even the tiniest thing – a bit nonsensical.

Those were my only issues with the story though and I enjoyed this instalment in the series much more than the first. I’m not always a fan of children in romances, but Kaylee is cute and her relationship with her dad is well-written. I also liked her mother, Maggie, who hasn’t been in the picture for good reason, but who now wants to be a bigger part of her daughter’s life. She’s fun and perceptive and she fits nicely into the family unit Ryder and Lyric are building.

Iggy Toma is one of my favourite narrators, so I settled into Spotlight knowing I’d enjoy the narration – and found it exceeded my already high expectations. I can’t quite put my finger on why that was exactly; all I can say is that there was such a strong sense of engagement with the characters and their story that took it – and the performance – to another level. Mr. Toma’s characterisation of both leads is terrific, but his portrayal of Lyric is especially good, the deep, rich tone he employs imbued with a real sense of the character’s generosity of spirit and good humour. All the secondary roles are appropriately voiced and clearly differentiated, from the deep, gruff notes assigned to Cash (one of the artists Ryder is producing) to Harley’s upbeat snark, and while I imagine voicing children isn’t the easiest thing to do, Mr. Toma’s portrayal of Kaylee is ridiculously cute and completely endearing.

Spotlight is a charming, feel-good listen, a sexy, low-angst romance with a lot of warmth and humour and two intensely likeable leads it’s easy to root for. Iggy Toma’s terrific performance adds an extra dimension to the story and makes it one definitely worth checking out in audio.

This review originally appeared at AudioGals
Profile Image for Cami.
1,535 reviews74 followers
November 3, 2022
Ryder is a music producer now but he used to be in the same boy band that Harley from Pop Star was in. We briefly met him in the last book and heard about him since Harley wants the boy band to get back together but Ryder is busy being a single dad to the ever so adorable, Kaylee. Ryder is having a rough time as the single dad of a VERY energetic daughter.

Lyric is a struggling musician who is set on making it in the industry bet under his terms not anyone else’s. He is the “Manny” to his brother’s son Chase, when he isn’t playing gigs around town. He has his degree in education so he is really great with kids but his real passion is music.

The meet cute for these two was pretty funny and really different. Ryder & lyric had great chemistry and the family dynamic was fun and not just with Maggie & Kaylee but adding in Chase and his parents.

I did enjoy this book more than the first one in the series but I will say I’m not a huge fan of a slow burn & this kind of fit that category. Also Ryder was frustrating at times since he was so opposed to dating and the final thing is these books seem to be a bit long and don’t really need to be. Still a good book.
Profile Image for Tina ♥ Bookaholic.
876 reviews124 followers
June 11, 2024
Wieder einmal ein Finley Roman und man hat genau das bekommen, was erwartet wird. Es ist eine süße, witzige Geschichte in der Ryder, ein Ex-Boyband Sänger für seine Tochter den Beruf an den Nagel hängt, um sie vor der Presse zu schützen, denn seine Berühmtheit will er nicht auf Kosten seiner kleinen Tochter leben. Genau diesen Fame möchte aber Lyric, der bislang nur in Bars aufgetreten, aber keinen Agenten bekommen hat, weil er sich nicht verbiegen möchte. Irgendwie kommt es, dass sich die beiden bei einem Indoor-Kletter-Spielplatz kennenlernen, sich auf Anhieb gut verstehen und Lyric so den Job als Nanny für Ryders Tochter bekommt.... Man kann sich denken, wie es dabei weitergeht. :D
Gute Grundidee und ich mochte die Figuren, die Konstellation mit der Familie. Es war einfach etwas fürs Herz, auch wenn es dann doch etwas schnell ging und sehr heiß wurde, aber das kennen wir ja von Eden Finley schon.^^ Dennoch fand ich die süßen Momente mit der Tochter sehr cute, aber auch jene, wo Ryder und Lyric alleine waren und sich angenähert haben. Schöne Story, ohne viel Drama dazwischen trotz der Angst vor dem Outing. Also ja, es war sehr süß, lustig und hat Good-Vibes versprüht. Was kann man sich mehr von einem Liebesroman wünschen!? :)
Profile Image for Megan.
183 reviews8 followers
August 9, 2024
This was a cute, sweet story. Love the single dad/nanny trope. I also loved that, for once, the baby mama/ex wasn’t a horrible person, but someone who lifted up and supported her co-parent. I feel like that is rare in these types of stories. Kaylee was adorable and I loved the relationship she developed with Lyric. My only gripe about it is the ending, and it’s the same gripe I had about Popstar’s ending. **spoiler** I am not a fan of them deciding to stay in the closet at the end. I know sexuality is something that is very personal, and no judgement to those who keep that part of who they are to themself (I haven’t come out to my parents yet, so I totally understand it). But to me it’s always more fun and gratifying when the characters are finally able to show the world their true selves. But since this has happened in two books in this series, I’m wondering if all 5 of the Eleven guys will come out together when the band finally reunites.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,890 reviews392 followers
May 9, 2021
Spotlight was another quick and fun read! I'm really enjoying the different perspectives and how Finley always includes a bit of humor and teasing in their novels. I really liked how Ryder and Lyric were with each other and how much they loved Kaylee.

I did have a few issues with Ryder putting his entire life on hold due to his child and Lyric self-sabotaging and being stubborn, but I really liked how Finley developed and addressed those issues in the story. I also loooooooooooooved loved loved the ending and what it meant for everyone :D
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