Elisa Glendenning's Reviews > Spotlight

Spotlight by Eden Finley
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This started off so well. I love single dad tropes and little Kaylee made me laugh. I really liked the MC’s. Their meet cute was funny. They had great chemistry, and even though it was a little unrealistic that Ryder would hire a complete stranger to be his daughter’s nanny, I was excited for what was to come. However, as soon as the pair hooked up, I started to lose interest and that’s such a shame because I was genuinely invested in them as a couple.

Ryder and Lyric are lovely guys, but both had issues that ended up taking me out of the story. Ryder’s overprotectiveness, whilst understandable was unrealistic. His actions were inconsistent at times and his internal conflict became quite repetitive. For all Ryder’s protestations that he couldn’t get involved with someone, I thought he succumbed rather quickly. As for Lyric, my main issue was just how stubborn he was when it came to his career aspirations. At first, his principles were admirable but it just got annoying. He did get over himself eventually but I didn’t like how the music took away from the romance. It might be boring to some, but I actually wanted more family time as those scenes were really enjoyable.

I’m not sure how I feel about the ending and I’m on the fence as to whether I’ll read the next in the series. Overall, it was sweet but didn’t quite live up to expectations.
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July 18, 2020 – Shelved
July 18, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
January 29, 2022 – Started Reading
January 29, 2022 – Shelved as: 2022-reads
January 29, 2022 – Shelved as: cute-kids-or-babies
January 29, 2022 – Shelved as: mlm
January 29, 2022 – Shelved as: rock-n-roll
January 29, 2022 – Shelved as: series-or-trilogy
January 29, 2022 – Shelved as: single-dad
January 30, 2022 –
82.0% "“Why are you so fucking keen on sabotaging your career?”
“I’m not!”
“I call bullshit.”
“Oh, you’re calling bullshit? The fact you brought me into this at all, that’s bullshit.”

These two are doing my head in 🤯"
January 31, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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message 1: by Rebecca (last edited Jan 31, 2022 08:56AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rebecca Great review, Elisa! ❤️
Sorry this didn't live up to your expectations :(
I definitely think Lyric got way too annoying towards the end too, with his stubbornness about making it himself but like you mentioned, the family scenes were adorable enough to win me over 🥰
The books only got worse for me after this but I'm hoping the next one in the series works out better for you ✨

Snjez Great review, Elisa! Sorry you didn't enjoy it more. ❤️ I was also more interested in their family time than music. 😉 This one was actually my favourite in the series. 😅 I haven't read the last one and don't plan to. Hope you enjoy the next one, if you decide to continue! 🤞

Simone - on indefinite hiatus  - Lyric? Seriously??? 😳🙄
Tbh, I generally often like the "pining" more than when the guys are actually together. 🙈😅 Sorry for the disappointment, Elisa, but great honest review! 😘

message 4: by Elisa (last edited Jan 31, 2022 01:58PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Elisa Glendenning Rebecca wrote: "Great review, Elisa! ❤️
Sorry this didn't live up to your expectations :(
I definitely think Lyric got way too annoying towards the end too, with his stubbornness about making it himself but like y..."

Thanks Rebecca 😘 I liked Lyric but yes, talk about making life hard for yourself 🙄 The family scenes were adorable but there just weren’t enough for me. I was told this was the best in the series and the fact that they got worse for you is hardly a ringing endorsement for me to carry on 😅 (view spoiler)

Leslie Great review! I felt the same and never ended up reading more in the series except for a few freebies I think. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Elisa Glendenning Snjez wrote: "Great review, Elisa! Sorry you didn't enjoy it more. ❤️ I was also more interested in their family time than music. 😉 This one was actually my favourite in the series. 😅 I haven't read the last one..."

Thanks Snjez 😘 The reason this sat on my tbr for so long was because it had a music industry setting, which I don’t tend to read a lot of anymore. It was more the father/daughter dynamic I was interested in, so I’m not really surprised my interest waned 😞

Elisa Glendenning Simone wrote: "Lyric? Seriously??? 😳🙄
Tbh, I generally often like the "pining" more than when the guys are actually together. 🙈😅 Sorry for the disappointment, Elisa, but great honest review! 😘"

Yep, he also had a brother called Chord and a sister called Melody! 😆 I’m so with ya on the pining! Their first kiss was at 50% and it was still too soon for me 😅 Thanks, Simone 😘

message 8: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ great review, elisa! i thought this was going so well :/ i had noticed that this has been the best in the series so far according to most of the positive reviews i've seen compared to the others. i can see how it faltered your enjoyment as soon as they hooked up though, as well as the issues both had as individuals.

Elisa Glendenning Leslie wrote: "Great review! I felt the same and never ended up reading more in the series except for a few freebies I think. 🤷🏻‍♀️"

Thanks, Leslie 😘 Glad I’m not the only one to feel that way. The only thing I want to know is whether Ryder reveals his relationship status but not sure if I care enough to find out 😬

Anna [Bran. San. Stan] Really insightful review, Elisa! This is on my TBR and it’s always good to go into something with reasonable expectations. 😉

Elisa Glendenning elena wrote: "great review, elisa! i thought this was going so well :/ i had noticed that this has been the best in the series so far according to most of the positive reviews i've seen compared to the others. i..."

Thank you, Elena 😘 I can appreciate the positive reviews as Lyric and Ryder were lovely. I’m disappointed I didn’t like it more. However, even if this wasn’t the best in the series, I’m not sure I’ll continue as I’m not really into pop/rock romances anymore and sadly, I wasn’t that inspired to read the next couple’s story 😬

Elisa Glendenning Anna wrote: "Really insightful review, Elisa! This is on my TBR and it’s always good to go into something with reasonable expectations. 😉"

Thank you, Anna 😘 I’m glad I haven’t put you off 😅 I’m very much in the minority here, so hopefully you’ll like it more 🤞

Simone - on indefinite hiatus  - Elisa wrote: "Simone wrote: "Lyric? Seriously??? 😳🙄
Tbh, I generally often like the "pining" more than when the guys are actually together. 🙈😅 Sorry for the disappointment, Elisa, but great honest review! 😘"


🤦‍♀️😂 Well, that's one way of originality... 🙄😂

Elisa Glendenning Simone wrote: "Elisa wrote: "Simone wrote: "Lyric? Seriously??? 😳🙄
Tbh, I generally often like the "pining" more than when the guys are actually together. 🙈😅 Sorry for the disappointment, Elisa, but great honest..."


Ariana  (mostly offline) Super review, Elisa! 😘 Just the fact that both names contain a 'y' does my head in. Glad that there were some redeeming features!

Rebecca Elisa wrote: "Rebecca wrote: "Great review, Elisa! ❤️
Sorry this didn't live up to your expectations :(
I definitely think Lyric got way too annoying towards the end too, with his stubbornness about making it hi..."

(view spoiler)

Elisa Glendenning Rebecca wrote: "Elisa wrote: "Rebecca wrote: "Great review, Elisa! ❤️
Sorry this didn't live up to your expectations :(
I definitely think Lyric got way too annoying towards the end too, with his stubbornness abou..."

6 months is a long time to be on hold and quite telling 😅 I won’t hold it against you if you can’t finish it 🤣😂 Xxx

Elisa Glendenning Ariana wrote: "Super review, Elisa! 😘 Just the fact that both names contain a 'y' does my head in. Glad that there were some redeeming features!"

🤣🤣 Thanks, Ariana xx

Rebecca Elisa wrote: "Rebecca wrote: "Elisa wrote: "Rebecca wrote: "Great review, Elisa! ❤️
Sorry this didn't live up to your expectations :(
I definitely think Lyric got way too annoying towards the end too, with his s..."

Hahaha, thanks Elisa! But after reading all the books in the series so far, my neurotic self refuses to give up on the last book so I'll make my way through it somehow! 💪🤣

Elisa Glendenning Rebecca wrote: "Elisa wrote: "Rebecca wrote: "Elisa wrote: "Rebecca wrote: "Great review, Elisa! ❤️
Sorry this didn't live up to your expectations :(
I definitely think Lyric got way too annoying towards the end t..."

Lol, you go girl 🤜🤛 I hope it’s worth the wait 🤞😅Xx

message 21: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp I could honestly not agree more. I had the exact same feelings when it came to this book:
Lyric's protestations regarding his career really did become annoying, more family scenes would have definitely been nice, and the spark totally disappeared between Ryder and Lyric once they hooked up.
You hit it all right on the mark. Great review!

message 22: by Imme (new) - rated it 3 stars

Imme van Gorp Elisa wrote: "Leslie wrote: "Great review! I felt the same and never ended up reading more in the series except for a few freebies I think. 🤷🏻‍♀️"

Thanks, Leslie 😘 Glad I’m not the only one to feel that way. Th..."

In case you still want to know if he reveals his relationship status down the line:
Yes, he does actually, in the final book, but it's totally anticlimactic and given absolutely zero attention or detail. He just randomly blurts it out to the paparazzi and that's that ;/
sooo, if that's what's only making you possibly continue reading, i wouldn't bother

Elisa Glendenning Imme wrote: "I could honestly not agree more. I had the exact same feelings when it came to this book:
Lyric's protestations regarding his career really did become annoying, more family scenes would have defin..."

@Imme Glad I’m not the only one to feel that way - it was such a let down. Thanks so much for clearing up the relationship status. Why does that not surprise me but at least I can forget about this series once and for all! 😉

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