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Rockton/Casey Duncan #7

The Deepest of Secrets

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#1 New York Times bestseller Kelley Armstrong returns to the captivating town of Rockton in The Deepest of Secrets, the next installment in one of the most imaginative crime series on shelves today.

It’s not always easy to live in the hidden town of Rockton, something Detective Casey Duncan knows firsthand. Tucked away in the Yukon wilderness, the community survives—and thrives—because the residents' many secrets stay just that—secret.

But what happens when these secrets start to come out? Overnight, no one is safe. It’s not a question of if your secret will come out—but when.

Casey and her boyfriend, Sheriff Eric Dalton, need to find the culprit while protecting those who have been thrust into the spotlight. For a place built on privacy and new beginnings, Rockton isn’t handling these revelations very well. People are turning on one another, and when one of the loudest complainers turns up barely alive, it's clear that their trickster is actually a murderer.

The threat of exposure is reaching its breaking point, and no one knows what’s going to happen next.

352 pages, Hardcover

First published February 15, 2022

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About the author

Kelley Armstrong

278 books32.2k followers
Kelley Armstrong has been telling stories since before she could write. Her earliest written efforts were disastrous. If asked for a story about girls and dolls, hers would invariably feature undead girls and evil dolls, much to her teachers' dismay. All efforts to make her produce "normal" stories failed.

Today, she continues to spin tales of ghosts and demons and werewolves, while safely locked away in her basement writing dungeon. She's the author of the NYT-bestselling "Women of the Otherworld" paranormal suspense series and "Darkest Powers" young adult urban fantasy trilogy, as well as the Nadia Stafford crime series. Armstrong lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, kids and far too many pets.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 767 reviews
Profile Image for PamG.
1,081 reviews744 followers
December 2, 2021
Kelley Armstrong brings plenty of suspense and action, as well as a unique setting, to the seventh book in the Rockton series. Rockton is a hidden town somewhere in the Yukon wilderness of Canada. The residents have many secrets and they’ve come to the town to disappear. However when secrets start to be publically disclosed by an unknown perpetrator, the town becomes distrustful and divided. Detective Casey Duncan and her common-law husband Sheriff Eric Dalton need to find the offender while protecting those whose secrets have been disclosed.

Casey and Eric are well-developed characters with plenty of depth by this seventh book in the series. They have to protect the townspeople while appeasing the council that runs Rockton from afar. Casey has a relentless drive to serve and protect the townspeople and find the wrongdoer. She’s relatable and easy to root for and like. The secondary characters run the gamut from helpful and likeable to obnoxious liars and worse.

Overall, this is well-written and entertaining with complex characters set in an off-the-grid town. A slightly slower start quickly accelerates as the plot develops and Casey’s investigation takes off. While this could be read as a stand-alone, readers will be better served to read the series in order to better understand the full background of the residents and how the town operates. Gossip, lies, murder, spies, trust, secrets, envy, fear, threats, assault, a guilty conscious, personal vendettas, petty revenge, grief, and a sense of entitlement are all threads that are explored during the novel.

It’s unclear if this is the end of the series or if it will go in a new direction in another book. I believe the author originally contracted for 7 books so this may be it. If so, all major threads are closed in this one, but there are threads that could be woven into future novels or a spin-off series.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press – Minotaur Books and Kelley Armstrong for a digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley and the opportunity to provide an honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way. Publication date is currently set for February 15, 2022.
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,303 reviews4,072 followers
January 22, 2022
Book seven of Kelley Armstrong’s ‘Rockton’ series.

So, you’re probably wondering…what is Rockton? Glad you asked! Well, Rockton is a fictional town hidden deep into the Yukon. Where one can go (providing the committee approves you) to remain hidden until the proverbial dust settles in their lives. And the reasons run the full gamut, ranging from staying one step ahead of the law, their spouses, or life itself. Here in this mountain hideaway, they’re mostly living off the grid. A very small community of complete strangers, unable to venture beyond the borders of their town or risk what may be waiting for them in the forest.

If you’re new to the series, no worries! Kelley Armstrong starts the book with a bit of a recap of all the principal characters. Having said that, while I’ve read nearly every book in this series I was still a bit confused. Susanne had to break it down for me…character by character!🤪

When a resident of Rockton is outed with his previous life/crimes, on display for everyone. It’s up to Detective Casey Dunkin and her boyfriend / Sheriff Eric Dalton to find who’s responsible before chaos ensues.

Oopsie Daisy…Too late!🙃

This series runs a bit hot and cold for me. After all, there’s only so much crime you can solve in this cozy little town. But I always enjoy my visit to Rockton.

This may possibly be the end of Rockton? Or…..😱

A buddy read with Susanne.❄️☃️

posted to: https://books-are-a-girls-best-friend...

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books.
Profile Image for Maureen Carden.
291 reviews70 followers
December 5, 2022
Everything about Rockton is a deep secret. Its very existence, its location way off the grid, the crimes or criminals the residents are escaping, the crimes behind the crimes that gain certain residents entry for large amounts of money, the mysterious background of the young sheriff, and with two exceptions, the faceless council existing only behind a radio receiver.
In The Deepest of Secrets Rockton #7 the biggest secret of all to the town’s leaders is whether or not the council is shutting Rockton down. Suddenly the council isn’t adding new residents, nor are they allowing extensions to the current residents.
Rockton was originally established to protect people from the political craziness of the fifties, then the protestors of the sixties, now…it’s become just another money making operation. Those killer rabbits Casey and Eric are always waiting to appear? They must be the far-away, never seen town council.
The residents of Rockton see the deepest secret differently; for them the reason for their flight to Rockton is the deepest secret of all. When someone maliciously exposes the background of one of Rockton’s most beloved residents, well, “Things fall apart, the center cannot hold”.
Other backgrounds are threatened with exposure. Then the real fun begins with the violence, the mistrust, blackmail and the underlying ugliness of people turning on one another.
It seems as if the town council made a big mistake in adding the former Casey Duncan to the population of Rockville. A detective was desperately needed to solve some horrific crimes.
Casey and the Sheriff, Eric Dalton fell in love and over time became Rockton’s true town leaders with the help of their deputy, the town madam, the sociopath butcher (how perfect is that?), the council assassin (yes indeedy) and a few others. No one is boring in Rockton. In fact the old saw about watching out for the quiet ones…
The council’s mistake: Eric and Casey will do almost anything to keep Rockton safe and on an even keel; including circumventing the council. Once again Eric and Casey have almost too much to contend with in having to finding out who is releasing secrets, who is blackmailing whom, who is killing people and if maybe one person is doing it all.
Halfway through the book, the boom is lowered and the council declares Rockton closed down to the last board in the last house. They will transfer the current residents to a new location. This is no surprise, the last few books have strongly hinted about this, and Armstrong has made no bones about this being a seven book contract.
Luckily Eric and Casey have made a plan B, others have made their homes in the Yukon forest; but it is an extremely hard life. The forest isn’t trying to kill you, it just does. Their plan B might be vague, but they have people who want to join them.
Rockton is located far off the grid in the boreal forests of the Yukon with the wilderness and wildness beyond imagining. Armstrong beautifully writes of the beauty and danger of the flora and fauna. Armstrong can also combine humor and terror in one encounter as she does with a previous episode of Casey and her bear cub bowling.
Yet in The Deepest of Secrets too many people seem to ignore Rockton's number #1 rule of not going into the forest alone; too easy to get lost, too easy for a deadly predator encounter.
Or is it the characters that fascinate? They actually act in mature ways. The characters talk to one another to solve problems; friendships might be severely damaged at some points, but grown up people usually find their ways back. So Casey and Eric are shocked to see how the townspeople react to this first exposure.
Secondary characters are sometimes introduced the Rockton way, with their true selves revealed as the books go on. Some are charming, some not so much.
The Rockton books are always action packed but underneath is always a layer of sweetness.
I feel as if the last half was rushed, I wanted more details about plan B. What I really want is another series detailing what happens next.
This might be book # 7 in one of the three best series I have ever read, but Armstrong writes a prologue that quickly brings new and old readers up to speed.
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press and Minotaur books for sending me an ARC. The opinions are entirely my own.
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,895 reviews14.4k followers
February 7, 2022
3.5 In the beginning I thought Rockton sounded like a great idea. A town in the Yukon, hidden away, no technology but a small community of people who had a reason to disappear. Eric, the sheriff had come as a child, back story previously revealed and Casey his detective, their dog Storm had become a small family. That's in the beginning when those let in committed only non violent crimes or were running from those who meant to do them harm. Now though, well in the last few books, actual criminals have been let in and law enforcements jobs had gotten much harder. Plus, it seems that Rockton was being shut down. So, is this the end? The ending seems to suggest not, but I guess that's up to the author. The readers will also have to wait and see.

While this may not be my favorite of the seven books in the series, many of the characters have become old friends. The ending was very unexpected and I liked that Armstrong threw in a curve. Personally, I'd like this series to continue, it was different, intriguing and though not without violence, it was never horribly graphic.

ARC from Netgalley.
Profile Image for Luvtoread.
561 reviews395 followers
February 22, 2022
My Recommendation


The town of Rockton is buried deeply within the unfriendly wooded area of the Yukon in Alaska built for certain people who needed to find safety from their old lives and to give a new identity and a fresh start to them although a difficult and unusual safe haven where they must sign a contract that they must stay in Rockton a minimum of two years. Rockton is reminiscent of the old wild west where there are no modern conveniences as in electricity or telephones, cars etc. Many people have adapted and have learned to love this way of life but for others they can't wait for their contract to end and get back to the civilization they had known before whatever undesirable situation brought or bought their way to this life that isn't known to anyone (except the council members) outside of it's own parameters. Rockton cannot be found on any map because to the outside world Rockton does not exist!I

Detective Casey Butler and her boyfriend Sheriff Eric Dalton have known for awhile that the council which finances and governs the town are making plans to shut Rockton down and they seem to want to place all the blame on Casey and Eric for not keeping better control of the town which only has around 340 or so people left. When word gets out that there are civilians who are killers from their past lives many of the town folk want these people exiled immediately from Rockton. Casey needs to find out fast who is behind this secrecy breach since the town is now in an uproar creating doubt about how safe the town might really be when another member of the community goes missing and then someone else dies and then more individuals suddenly go missing. The chaos that has erupted is completely out of control and this is just what the council needs as the final straw to shut Brockton down permanently.

I enjoy reading these books from the series so much. I can't imagine living a life without the everyday conveniences that we take for granted yet there's another part of myself that would like to explore this type of environment (maybe?). There is such a rich, colorful cast of characters which make the stories so interesting and intriguing with new and old faces in each story. This book and the others can definitely be read as stand-alone reads and I plan to read the earlier books that I previously missed. The author Kelley Armstrong has created a fantastic world to build many storylines around and they are believable as well. Casey and Eric are solid characters and they have their hands especially full in this book. The last 39% of the story was very unexpected and exciting. Someone wrote a review where they said this was the final book book in the series but I truly hope not because I have become completely invested in the series and am looking forward to many more books. (Please!)

Highly Recommend!

I want to thank the publisher "St.Martin's Press/Minotaur and Books" and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this fun and exciting book and any thoughts or opinions expressed are unbiased and mine alone!

I have given this book a rating of 4 INTRIGUING 🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS!!
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
January 23, 2022
Book Review Posted to blog: https://books-are-a-girls-best-friend...

So this is it. The End of Rockton. Somehow I have grown quite fond of these characters over the years and have to say that I’m quite sad to see this day come.

That said, I must say that I was very EAGER to see how it was going to end…and I was, unfortunately, let down yet again.

Why does this happen so often? I think the answer lies in the fact that I anticipate. Lie in wait. Have high hopes. And they continue to be dashed.

Casey Butler and Eric Dalton are the stewards of Rockton, keeping it safe from all others and keeping the town’s secrets. Now, however, someone has decided to take matters into their own hands, spreading the residents' secrets and wreaking major havoc.

Secrets, lies, revenge, and of course, murder. It wouldn’t be Rockton, without that.

This one ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, which admittedly surprised me, considering this is (supposedly) the last book in the Rockton series. Like I said at the beginning, I was a bit anxious to see how this ended and now I’m perplexed. Will there be more to Casey and Dalton’s story? Time will tell, I suppose.

Until then, thank you, Kelley Armstrong, for writing about a place hidden deep in the Yukon that I could imagine escaping to, even in the darkest of times. I think I’d rather battle criminals than covid, but that’s just me.

This entire series was a buddy read with Kaceey, which gave us much to talk about these last few years. I love the fact that we have been reading together for so long Kaceey and I can’t wait to continue reading with you for many years to come.

Thank you to Netgalley and Minotaur Books for the arc.

Published on Goodreads and Twitter.
Profile Image for Marialyce .
2,104 reviews692 followers
March 2, 2022
3.5 stars

I have always been a fan of the series that takes place in the imaginary town of Rockton. It's been a fascinating story of a place set up to safely secure people of somewhat nefarious backgrounds. Detective Casey Duncan and her boyfriend, Sheriff Eric Dalton, have had their hands full with the people who populate the town as well as the committee that sends these people to the town.

This time out, the town finds themselves under a bit of a siege since a secret has come out about one of their population. It threatens to destroy both Casey, Eric and the town they have worked so hard to defend and keep together. Because of this secret, people are turning on one another and so afraid they will be the next target of the person who has revealed the original secret. Everyone in this enclave has secrets, devastating ones, that not only could wreck themselves but also destroy the town.

To add to all of this, some townsfolk decide not to follow one of the cardinal rules of the town. That is to never go into the forest alone. Of course, rules are meant to be broken, and when some people do just that the devastation to them is catastrophic. The committee raises its untrustworthy head and makes a decision that devastates Casey and Eric. It becomes crystal clear the the revealer of secrets is the one who has murder on their mind.

I enjoyed the story once again, but felt it was overly long and drawn out. It just didn't match the suspense of the previous editions. I am hoping Kelley Armstrong continues to take us on the adventure she started when we first traveled to that far away Yukon location.

Thank you to Kelley Armstrong, Minotaur Books, and NetGalley for a copy of this continuing story which published on February 15, 2022.
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,825 reviews432 followers
March 4, 2023
The Deepest of Secrets by Kelley Armstrong
Rockton / Casey Duncan series #7. Final book in the series. Thriller, police procedural. Best read in series order.
Detective Casey Duncan and Sheriff Eric Dalton deal with secrets and threats being exposed in their tiny town of Rockton, while the Counsel pulls the rug out from under them to close down the hidden town. Danger explodes from within the town as well as in the forbidden woods.

Compelling and fascinating following Casey thinking through and solving crimes. Why do the nasty and mean have to ruin it for people that are just trying to live their lives? I still love the working search dog, Storm for a bit of levity.
A bit of bitter resignation for the town’s inhabitants as well as the ending series.
Good news, there is a spin off coming February 2023. Casey and Eric think they can do better than a manipulative or money hungry Counsel.
Profile Image for LIsa Noell "Rocking the Chutzpah!  .
702 reviews447 followers
February 27, 2022
My thanks to St. Martin's Press, Kelley Armstrong and Netgalley. I'm usually not for a soft ending. Yet, here I am. This last Rockton was an easy read. Turns out that I'm o.k. with that. I always say that I'd have shot them, but in reality. that would not be good! Also, I have no guns. Truth is that I don't know where Kelley goes from here. I want New Rockton, and all bad things to come! Mwa, ha, ha!! If not, then it's been a pleasure.
I am mad for this series, and these people.
Still..I've now tried Ms. Armstrong's next book. I couldn't finish it! There's just something about this series that makes me happy.
Profile Image for Fiona Cook (back and catching up!).
1,341 reviews279 followers
February 25, 2023
Someone’s spilling secrets in a town that relies on allowing residents to obscure their pasts - and Casey Butler isn’t going to let things slide off the rails on her watch.

Welcome back to Rockton - Kelley Armstrong’s fictional Canadian off-the-grid escape for anyone needing a quick getaway, home to detective Casey Butler and her partner Sherriff Eric Dalton. Previous events have led to a state of near-crisis even before someone decides to start revealing the secret pasts of other residents; and it’s not long before that decision brings a whole host of matters to a head.

The events of The Deepest of Secrets have been building for a few books now, but never fear - if you’re new to the series, there’s an introduction at the start of the book to catch you up. These books do very well as standalones, but it’s much appreciated that new readers are given that context on previous events; though as a fan of the series, I’d have to recommend going back to read the earlier books as well.

This series is as reliably good as you’d expect from an author as well-established as Kelley Armstrong, and this latest entry takes it all the way to phenomenal. A lot happens in a relatively short space, and yet it never feels rushed - events move at a pace that feels natural, but build the suspense nicely towards the finale. The Yukon setting isn’t just a pretty backdrop, but actually impacts the story in such an effective way, both with environment and wildlife - it’s certainly not just the people you have to watch out for up there.

The Deepest of Secrets is an exciting thriller, one that remembers to include everyday life in the story, grounding it and making it feel impressively welcoming, for a genre that usually centers on the worst in people. But in Kelley Armstrong’s hands it’s humanity’s flaws that showcase characters rising above and doing better - something that will keep me coming back to her novels again and again.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,612 reviews2,230 followers
February 16, 2022
This wasn't at all how I thought this series would wrap. I mean, in some ways, yes, because we've known the end of Rockton was literally nigh for these characters but.. between the somewhat meandering mystery and cases to solve and how it does, actually, end? Rather disappointing.

What makes it extra sad is that book six had felt like a resurgence in a series that hadn't been satisfying me like the early instalments had. So my hope had been restored we would go out with a bang. Instead it was a bit of a whimper, both with the villain(s) of the week and any kind of romance element. There just wasn't much here.

This is still such an interesting series overall, with a great and exciting and challenging concept, and if you're looking for something different amongst all the various procedural mysteries, this is definitely one to try. I just had much higher hopes for how we would say goodbye to these characters and what their futures would look like.

2.5 stars

** I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for Seneca.
31 reviews33 followers
February 27, 2022
The latest addition to the Rockton series was an enjoyable, fast read as usual. I love the characters in this series, but I'm definitely more in love with the beautiful Yukon setting. These books are always so much fun, and I really hope this isn't going to be the last book in the series, but if so, it's been a blast, Rockton.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
January 25, 2022
Without a doubt I love this quirky town and it's even qurkier characters. I fell in love with Armstrong's writing a long time ago but there is just something about this series that draws me in.

I didn't realize when I first started this it would be the last book (for now) with these amazing characters and I'm not going to lie, because of it, I had to put this one down for a few days because I knew I would plow through it like I always do and I just wasn't ready to say goodbye to these beloved characters yet, The little rascals some how managed to worm their way into my heart and I just knew the goodbye, even a short one would be hard.

This was everything I was hoping it would be. All the drama, mystery, and craziness I love about this series and then some. I truly truly hope that we do get more because this really is a favorite and the book world needs more Casey and Eric.

Another amazing installment in this series and another testament to how wonderful Armstrong's writing is and why she will always be a favorite and one of my go to authors for stand out books that are completely unique.

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,925 reviews566 followers
February 14, 2022
This review can also be found at https://carolesrandomlife.com/

This was fantastic! I have been a huge fan of this series from the beginning and have eagerly anticipated each installment. I went into this book with pretty high expectations and I was not disappointed. This is the seventh book in the Rockton series and I would recommend reading this series in order since events from the previous books play a role in this story. Once I picked this book up, I had a very hard time putting it down. I found this to be a very exciting and entertaining read.

I love how Casey, Eric, Will, and the rest of the group work together to solve crimes and keep the town of Rockton safe. In this installment, it felt like the town was against them. Between the council and the problems in town, I had no idea how they would keep things together in this book. Things never get boring in Rockton and in this installment, someone in the town seems to be out to discredit certain individuals and the town is in an uproar. Throw in a little murder and things get very interesting very quickly.

I was completely taken with this mystery. I had no idea who might be responsible for everything going on in Rockton but I couldn’t wait to find out. I love the way Casey approaches a mystery and I always enjoy watching her go through the investigative process with other members of her team. This book had plenty of action and excitement that kept me glued to the pages. A lot of things that have been brewing for a while came to the forefront in this book and I am really curious about where the series goes from here.

I would highly recommend this series to others. This has been an excellent series filled with great characters, a unique setting, and mysteries that keep you guessing until the very end. I cannot wait to read more from this talented author!

I received a digital review copy of this book from Minotaur Books via NetGalley.

Initial Thoughts
This was fantastic! I have been a huge fan of this series from the beginning and have eagerly anticipated each installment. I love how Casey, Eric, Will, and the rest of the group work together to solve crimes and keep the town of Rockton safe. In this installment, it felt like the town was against them. Between the council and the problems in town, I had no idea how they would keep things together in this book. A lot of things that have been brewing for a while came to the forefront in this book and I am really curious about where the series goes from here.
Profile Image for Janet Newport.
471 reviews111 followers
October 1, 2021
Thank you NetGalley and St Martin's Press / Minotaur Books for this arc.

I've read and enjoyed the previous books in this series and do recommend they be read somewhat in order before reading this one for character backgrounds and overall story arc, but it's not absolutely necessary. Rockton is somewhere deep in the Yukon Territory and is a super-secret, off-the-grid hidey hole for folks needing a "Wit-Sec" program not otherwise available to them, or else they want to fly under the radar of all the legal ramifications of WITSEC, basically people in trouble and people that caused trouble and all want to avoid the consequences of real life.

So.... interesting and irksome people stuck into a near a deep-freeze as can be found that will still support human life. Casey, Eric and Will comprise the "police force" of Rockton. And Rockton keeps them busy, In this book, it seemed like there were dead bodies everywhere. And the Council is shutting Rockton down (not a spoiler -- it's been hinted at in previous books).

A fast paced read with lots of tension and action, but it seemed to me to "devolve" into a middle school mindset with some immature cliques, motivations and power-plays from the aforementioned irksome people.
It definitely felt more of a YA read than the previous Rockton books. I've enjoyed the series, but this ending felt rushed and more in-line with the "Great Resignation".
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,209 reviews
February 17, 2022
Sad to see this excellent series end. It has such a unique premise. The murders/mysteries are all so clever and I could never figure out who did it (and I usually can). The main characters, Dalton and Casey, were fantastic. All the other supporting characters who were came in along the way added such color and flavor to the stories. An all around excellent series!
Profile Image for Julie.
1,902 reviews588 followers
February 25, 2022
The Rockton series is one of my favorites! I love the setting, the characters and just the premise itself....a town hidden in the Canadian wilderness where people in trouble go to disappear for awhile. It makes for great suspense novels!

The Deepest of Secrets is the 7th book in the series. This time, the residents of Rockton are on edge. Every one of them came to the hidden town to hide out and keep their past secrets private But someone is revealing information and the threat of exposure causes the residents to start turning on each other. Soon the situation escalates from gossip to violence. Can Detective Casey Duncan find out who is behind it all before things spiral completely out of control?

This story starts off at a slow burn....with the plot developing over the first half of the book. And then it just really takes off. I was hooked on each word. After 7 books I'm invested in these characters and what happens to them.....so I totally binge read this one! I enjoy Casey and her lover Eric Dalton (Rockton's sheriff) as main characters. They work well together to keep things safe in Rockton, and I just like the characters in general. They've been through a lot in seven books!

I read somewhere that this might be the last book....I hope not! I'm definitely in line for the next book if there is one...love this series!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from St Martins Press. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,083 reviews898 followers
February 18, 2022
For those new to this series, Rockton is an off the grid refuge town for those trying to escape something in life like a stalker, abusive mate, or punishment from a crime. The residents are supposedly non- violent offenders, however Eric and Casey, Rockton’s Sheriff and Detective, have found out the hard way many of the residents are not as their paperwork has presented them. Over the past installments Casey and Eric have had to defend the town and themselves from some very dangerous people. Both Casey and Eric love their life, limited and imperfect as it is, they’ve found a place to belong, safe and fulfilled with each other. However, things have come to a head with the council that controls the town and change is in the air.

In this newest installment, one of Casey and Eric’s close friends has the reason for his exile exposed to the whole town and there are threats of more being revealed. A few members are stirring up trouble, questioning Casey and Eric’s leadership and authority so there’s a lot of turmoil and distrust swirling about. One of the troublemakers is nearly murdered and another goes missing. Add to that is the suspicion that the council is planning on shutting Rockton down and there’s a lot going on here in The Deepest of Secrets.

I’ve loved the Rockton/Casey Duncan series from the start and The Deepest of Secrets was another riveting installment, hard to put down! I love how Casey pieces together the clues even without the aid of technology, hunting down leads until she’s left with the truth. Eric and Casey make a wonderful team, both professionally and romantically; their relationship is one of my favorite things about the series. With how things ended it’s going to be interesting to see how the series continues on and I’m excited by all the changes! What will happen next? It seems like the possibilities are wide open.

If you haven't read the Rockton series, you are missing out! It's one of my favorites! There's a new mystery introduced and wrapped up with each book, but there are relationships and an ongoing background story arc that make it best to start at the beginning.

I alternated between an e-copy and the audio version, which is how I’ve read most of the books in the past. Therese Plummer is one of my all-time favorite narrators, so the audio versions are always an auto-buy.

An e-copy was kindly provided by Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,090 reviews
February 18, 2022
Kelley Armstrong is my favorite author. And I adore the Rockton series. This book was everything that I wanted from a series ender and more.

The Deepest of Secrets is the 7th and final book in the Casey Duncan/Rockton mystery/thriller series. Each book has its own mystery. So you could technically read this as a standalone. But IMO these books are meant to be read together. However the author does start this book with an introduction to help new readers and remind faithful readers of what they need to know about this series.

The narrator of this book is once again Casey. She is a 33 year old detective (1st person POV). This series is set in the Yukon town of Rockton. Rockton is a secret off the grid town that is a safe haven for people in hiding.

I love Casey and Sheriff Dalton so much. So reading this book and knowing that it was the final book in the series was so bittersweet.

There is an amazing mystery in this book. It is action-packed. And the Rockton residents have so many secrets, many of which the readers don't know. So it was amazing to learn more about the people in the town.

I was anxiously trying to figure out how the book would end. The author packed a lot into the last chapter. But it was a very interesting and for me satisfying ending. I absolutely cannot wait to see what novellas the author writes for these characters!

Thank you to netgalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read this book.
Profile Image for Donna.
2,131 reviews
March 6, 2022
The introduction in the book tells readers everything they need to know about the town of Rockton.

Someone begins revealing the secrets of the past lives of town residents in this #7 story.

I liked this book better than some of the previous books that featured outside settlements. I've always been more interested in the townspeople. Casey has the lead role in this story.

I think the author has done all she can with the current town and it's time for Rockton to shut down. I wonder if this is the end of the series or if Casey and Dalton will establish a new Rockton. I'm curious what it would look like so I'm in if there's more.

This story has an exciting ending.
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,554 reviews69 followers
October 4, 2021
I’ll start by saying that this is one of those series where it benefits the reader to at least have read book 1 rather than starting here with book 7. This is one where you really need to know the world and the characters to really get everything that happens.

Fans of the series should love this! Questions are answered, secrets are spilled (in terrible ways), and, honestly, it’s just a seriously satisfying read! I will say that a couple of my favorite characters were a little more background than major players here, but I was definitely worried about another of my favorites.

I don’t know if this will be the end of the series or will lead on to a new chapter with our characters and their odd little town. I’m really hoping it continues, but if it doesn’t, this was a fitting ending.

An excellent read and I’m truly hoping for more!

*ARC via Publisher

Profile Image for Matt.
4,205 reviews13k followers
February 8, 2024
Kelley Armstrong has penned one of the great Canadian police procedural series that I have read over the past number of years. I have e devoured all seven novels and could not get enough. Those who have followed the series will know there has been a great deal of change, exacerbated by secrets and deceptions in small-town Yukon. Now, things take a significant turn and Armstrong’s characters must make a frightful decision to protect themselves as Rockton crumbles.

Life in Rockton is not always easy, as Detective Casey Duncan knows all too well. An isolated community in Canada’s Yukon Territory, Rockton is filled with thieves, cheats, and those who fled trouble back home. This collective of under two hundred is connected by their isolation and a close-knit community, but not everything is on the up and up.

While everyone’s secrets that brought them here are kept under lock and key, some people know, particularly the Council, who agree to admit people as they make their various applications. Now, someone has decided to leak secrets in a further attempt to splinter the community. Soon, it becomes apparent that Rockton is on the way to dissolution and the locals will have nowhere to go except back to the chaos they left behind.

As locals turn up murdered with their ‘crimes’ announced for all to see, Casey will have to protect the innocent and help those who could be in danger. Engaging the services of her boyfriend, Sheriff Eric Dalton, they try to trace down a murderer and work to create a cohesive core who will fight back against the end of Rockton in its current form. With a number of projects on the go, the murders continued and Casey will soon have to face the truth that Rockton may be on its way out, but someone wants its legacy be a chilling and spine-tingling event. Armstrong does well to tie off many of the threads here, but leaves some dangling and teases where things are headed.

Kelley Armstrong has shown herself to be a top-notch novelist who captures the reader’s attention with each book. This novel has been one of the best, building on the tensions that have mounted from the early chapters of the first piece, at least when Rockton came into the narrative. The story moves along and the momentum races as tensions mount. Armstrong uses this momentum to help shape her series so well and keeps the reader hooked as things disintegrate. The characters prove themselves worthy and their choices will surely shape how things will progress after this book.

The plot has always been key to this series and Armstrong makes sure there is massive movement with twists on every page. Rockton is surely about to implode in a way, but there is so much more to develop, leaving Armstrong to posit some major things about how things will go in a post-Rockton world. With a novella to bridge the gap and a few novels in a related series, I will be busy rushing to learn the secrets that Armstrong has been developing for the last few books.

Kudos, Madam Armstrong, for a great ending and planting seeds for the next beginning.

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Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,353 reviews551 followers
August 26, 2023
I spent several years with Rockton, initially reading the first novel in 2019. I have gotten to know and love this quirky town of Rockton and the people that inhabit it. Over that time, I have come to care for some of these people in a way that this closure did not do justice. This one felt more remote than any other of the Rockton novels. I didn't feel the connection to anyone in quite the same manner. Instead of experiencing this story, it seemed to be happening while reading.

The mystery was good to figure out, but the investigation was lackluster. This felt like Kelley Armstrong wasn't as connected with this series and was just ending it. She did a lot of loose end tying up while still leaving me with many questions that will now remain unanswered.

I liked it, but it wasn't the best of her brilliant work, both as an author and in this series as a whole.

3 Stars for me.

My Take on the Rockton Series
#1 City of the Lost 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
#2 A Darkness Absolute 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
#3 This Fallen Prey 🌟🌟🌟🌟
#4 Watcher in the Woods 🌟🌟🌟🌟
#5 Alone in the Wild 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
#6 A Stranger in Town 🌟🌟🌟🌟
#7 The Deepest of Secrets 🌟🌟🌟
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
March 14, 2022
The Deepest Secrets
3 Stars

This is the final installment in the series and, unfortunately, it shows.

The book can be divided into two sections. The first revolves around the investigation into whoever has revealed Will Anders' secret past. Once this is wrapped up around the halfway mark, the focus shifts to the murder of a resident and the council's disinterest in solving the case as they have decided to pull the plug on the town.

In both sections, the characters appear to be going through the motions perhaps because they, like the reader, are well aware of the fact that their days in Rockton are numbered. Casey's once again demonstrates that her policing skills are lacking as she is consistently caught flat-footed. The clues in the two cases are right under her nose yet she is blind to them until it is too late.

Despite the issues with this particular book, the series itself has been entertaining with an original premise, a compelling setting and likable characters. Nevertheless, it is disappointing that Armstrong has failed to take full advantage of the promising opportunity to end the series on a high note with this lackluster resolution.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books376 followers
February 19, 2022
The Rockton series has built a fantastic and riveting series arc, provided intense and intriguing murder mysteries along the way, and delivered a core group of characters who instilled deep reader love. Now, it is driving toward a climax that will hold us spellbound and keep us reading into the dark hours.

The Deepest of Secrets is the seventh installment in a very connected series of books that provided gritty suspense, sensual romance, political intrigue, captivating Canadian wilderness setting, and pulse-pounding thriller action and police work. Do yourself a solid and read them in order.

As the town of Rockton recovers from the latest murderous rampage and the secret of the wild people is now in the open, Casey and Eric along with a few trusted others know the clock is ticking down to when the Council closes down their hidden wilderness town. It is when not if and they will be forced to make a huge decision.
They don’t need this latest anonymous antic that stirs the town into a frenzy. Someone has posted a huge sign at the center of town outing Deputy Will Anders’ big secret. It divides and creates a nasty atmosphere especially when the main person vocally against Will and the other leaders is nearly murdered. Casey tries to solve the case even as the Council is coming down with decisions that force her to work with one hand tied behind her back so to speak and many townspeople barely trust her to do her job because of the fervor that was stirred up against the police.

I have no idea if The Deepest of Secrets is to be the last book, but it certainly had that feel the whole time I was reading. All that has gone before has led to this point and still, Kelley Armstrong manages to rev it up to a whole new level. The Council has been sending in types who are dangerous and volatile and expecting Eric and his team to stay on top of it. The cauldron has reached the boiling point and is ready to boil over. In the midst of great change and time for a big decision, there is this new mystery. Someone is outing deadly secrets on people in the town and a murderer is on the prowl in their midst. The pace and tension was perfect, but so was the emotional impact especially when poor Will had to face down his past under a spotlight with witnesses. This time, I pegged the culprit early even with some other villains causing their own brand of trouble. I was just a hazy on motive until later.

The character growth across the series has made it so Casey and the others are in a place personally and with each other to face what is happening. The malice was heavy on several fronts including from the Council, but Casey was one tough operator who took the hits, went down, dusted off and came up ready for more. She and Eric are an amazing team as police and as romantic partners. They faced all that got thrown at them so well.

I didn’t want to stop reading once I got started. There was never a moment when I felt it was a good place to stop. Every bit was pulling me in and most of the time I was flipping pages madly to see what came next. I felt this one wrapped things up logically, but also left room for more. Please, let there be more. If you haven’t started this series yet and you really love murder mysteries or especially outdoorsy thrillers, grab this series up.

I rec'd an eARC from Net Galley to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katie.
2,832 reviews152 followers
March 8, 2022
I finished this two weeks ago, but I was on vacation! Anyway, not my favorite in the series and i wish there were more character stuff, but I still enjoyed it.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,890 reviews392 followers
February 16, 2022
#1 City of the Lost: ★★★★★ | 5 stars
#2 A Darkness Absolute: ★★★★✮ | 4.5 stars
#3 This Fallen Prey: ★★★★✮ | 4.5 stars
#4 Watcher in the Woods: ★★★★★ | 5 stars
#5 Alone in the Wild: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#6 A Stranger in Town: ★★★★★ | 5 stars


4 stars!


"No deal."

I just want it registered that I'm really sad to say goodbye to the Rockton series. I loved getting to know Casey and Dalton throughout the course of seven books and I'll miss them and all the situations they had to deal with along the way.

With that said, The Deepest of Secrets was not entirely what I expected it to be! I think anyone who's followed the series along knew how everything was going to end regarding Rockton, so that wasn't surprising to me at all. I really appreciated how Armstrong dealt with that and what it meant for the characters.

What did strike me as... not necessarily odd, but it did catch me by surprise were the choices Armstrong made regarding the main mystery in this installment. I expected this final book to deal way way way way more with the council than it did and there was a bit of a question mark in my mind the entire time I was reading about the murder investigation unfold here. I didn't necessarily understood why this book seemed so much less in regard to that plot aspect here in the sense that the stakes were not high at all lol

Even so, I did enjoy the investigation bits and how they tied to Rockton's status as a town. It was fun reading about the core characters banding together to try and figure things out as they had to deal with the big elephant in the room regarding Rockton. The conclusions they reached regarding their situation made a lot of sense to me and I really liked the path they decided to take.

In the end, this final installment was a bit bittersweet to me. It didn't exactly match my expectations of what the final book would be like and it did have some loose endings. I did appreciate the hopeful tone of the final few scenes and that Casey and Dalton were on their way to getting the life they both wanted.


Series: #7 and final in the Rockton series.
POV: Told from Casey's POV.
Content Warnings:
Steam: None!
Cliffhanger: No.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 767 reviews

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