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Nanny Love Match #1

The Nanny and the Nerd

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Penny Fennimore is not winning at life. An aspiring writer with a monster-sized case of writer’s block, she’s got bills to pay and barely a dime to her name.

Enter the exclusive Nanny Match Agency and an opportunity to make bank.

The job: A live-in nanny position caring for video gaming billionaire Rowen Gale’s six-year-old niece.

The problem? Her hot nerd of a boss!

They’re opposites in every way. He’s the king of hi-tech, and she uses a flip phone from the digital dark ages. She’s not even sure he’s 100% human until their eyes meet, and the attraction meter blows through the roof.

She’s got to put the kibosh on her libido.

But the universe doesn’t always play nice.

When Mr. Robot-Bedroom-Eyes goes MIA, she marches up to his fancy-pants video gaming company to give him a piece of her mind and ends up rewriting his video game's storyline.

Did anyone ask for her opinion? That’s a no! 

The positive? She’s writing!

The negative? Her boss needs her to keep it up. 

Turns out, this video game requires a complete overhaul, and she’s the only one who can give him what he wants. 

Now, she’s not only caring for his niece—she’s with him morning, noon, and night! 

And that’s where it gets complicated. 

When he looks at her, she gets a glimpse of what’s behind his muted veneer. 

Her heart is on the line.

Could this nanny match be the match that changes everything, or will it be game over for the nanny and the nerd?

♥The Nanny Love Match Series

The Nanny and the Nerd 

The Nanny and the Hothead

The Nanny and the Beefcake

426 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 29, 2021

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About the author

Krista Sandor

33 books2,818 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author Krista Sandor writes steamy contemporary romance with toe-curlingly hot heroes and heroines you'll want as your best friends.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 366 reviews
Profile Image for Christie.
1,038 reviews26 followers
February 19, 2022
2.5 stars

This was unfortunately a real struggle to get through. The story felt implausible, and it wasn't very well written. There was way too much inner monologue, it was 150 pages longer than it needed to be, the use of exclamation marks was excessive, and it tried too hard to be funny and quirky. I ended up skim-reading the last quarter just to finish it.

I saw potential in Penny and Rowen's romance, and it did have the single caretaker/nanny and hot nerd thing going for it. I also thought some of the scenes with Phoebe (Rowen's niece) were sweet. So for that reason I'm not giving it 1 star.

But so much of this book was completely unrealistic. Like the nanny matchmaker; Rowen having his rando "friends" (who he literally just met) ransack her apartment and move her in with him without her knowledge; the plot with Penny's sister and mom, which felt super forced and resolved years of distance way too easily; the fact that Penny is supposedly a great writer, but the snippet we hear at the competition was just... not that good? Also the public love declaration scene at the end was super cringeworthy.

The elements were there for this to be a really great book, but I think the author could have done with enlisting a developmental editor to iron out some of the messier parts of the plot.
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,225 reviews825 followers
July 28, 2021
Give me a hot nerdy hero any day! Add a heroine who’s a bit IT illiterate and the nerdy guy’s nanny to boot, and I’m all in! Once I started I could not stop!


Penny’s got some real life struggles that have her in a low place emotionally. Her offer of the nanny position had a magical, fairy tale quality to it that had me curling deeper into my reading spot. Despite her nerves regarding the job, she was amazing during her first interaction with Rowen. Watching her grow into confidence with her writing and her additional job with Rowen’s company was not only fun and quirky, it was everything sweet that captured the hearts of those around her.


Rowen had some serious issues as a result of the way he was raised. But from the first moment he saw Penelope he was a goner. Although he attempted to keep his emotional distance, he continued to fall further and further into all that was Penny. I loved watching him yield to her sweet and crazy ways.


I absolutely loved the dynamics between not only Rowen and Penny, but all of the surrounding characters as well. For a book that’s filled with steam, plenty of humor and a ton of heart warming moments, these characters came alive on the page due to beautifully rich development. And holy mother of all heartache! This book had me laughing one minute, fanning myself the next, then experiencing all the heartbreak imaginable before wrapping it all up in the most perfect way ever!

I cannot wait for more nanny shenanigans!

Dual POV

Profile Image for Alison.
1,328 reviews103 followers
September 11, 2021
This is a decent billionaire/nanny romance. I enjoyed it but am not sure if I would give it a re-read.
Profile Image for Lori R..
1,357 reviews69 followers
July 29, 2021

I absolutely loved this. It was sweet and quirky and cute and steamy and full of so much heart.

Rowen is the perfect super-smart, geeky hottie McTottie. Highly intelligent, but way too literal and uptight and worrisome.

Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time?
Way too often. It was sort of endearing.

A little too honest and blunt most of the time?
Yup. It was a bit awkward, yet funny.
Needs to lighten up…a lot?
Most definitely.
Although nerdy, and he’s still hot AF?

Penelope has her share of problems, lots of them actually. So when a red scarf-wearing fairy godmother…okay…a customer at the restaurant she works at…presents her with an offer that seems weird at the time, she cannot refuse. A nanny? Really? She has to accept

I adored Phoebe. She’s been through so much at a young age. To see her want the love and attention of her Uncle Row pulled at my heartstrings. To see her warm up to Penny and have little stars and hearts in her eyes was the sweetest. She was able to play and have fun and dream and be happy and just be the little girl she was meant to be. All while receiving the hugs and love and attention she needs and deserves.

Watching the three of them get to know each other, get into a routine, and play and loosen up and spread all the love made my heart burst.

I just loved the way Penny got through to Rowen, saw through him, saw the real him, and made him snap out of his robotic, indifferent ways. He was so smitten with her from the second he saw her, it confused and irritated him. She peeled away his icy layers and made him realize he’s worthy. Worthy of wanting love, giving love, receiving love, and of being the man Penny & Phoebe need and deserve in their lives.

Rowen is one of the swooniest and sexiest computer geeks I’ve read. He knows how to make a girl happy (waggle eyebrows), but he just needed the push. And Princess Penny was the one to do it. They are so much alike it’s ridiculous. And cute. And I just wanted to squeeze them both.

This well-written story was everything I’d hoped for. Hot nerd, quirky nanny, adorable little girl, great story. I laughed and swooned and tingled and got a bit teary-eyed at times. The grand gesture at the end? Brilliant! Oh, Rowen…you adorable, sexy nerd you. *happy sigh*

I cannot wait for the other books in this series!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,686 reviews61 followers
July 29, 2021
3.5 stars! This was a really fun escapist read. Penny and Rowen put the opposite in opposites attract. Penny is a fun loving writer with a penchant for post it notes and Rowen allows technology and rigid organization to control his life. They have immediate chemistry, but it feels like they spend a lot of the book running away or trying to avoid the connection they have.

There are a lot of quirky characters that add to the fun of the story, but I really loved how Penny had such a great support system in her friends, and even her sisters - which was a surprise to even her! I wanted to kick Penny’s mom in the teeth though for all the negativity and judgement she radiated. Ugh! Despite her parental influence, I loved how Penny brought warmth and age appropriate structure to Rowen’s nieces life, who was surprisingly well adjusted for all the trauma she’d been through.

One of my favorite parts was Penny and Rowen’s working relationship as they reimagined his gaming narrative. And how the team supported her and made her feel important and worthy despite a complete lack of technical knowledge.

The ending “twist” was pretty predictable, but still left me scratching my head a bit. I enjoyed this one for all the nerdy goodness and the inadvertent dirty talk. Penny, Rowen and Phoebe made a terrific family in the end.

I received an advance copy of this book from Grey’s Promotions and these are my honest opinions.
Profile Image for Brittany.
412 reviews39 followers
July 29, 2021
I had such high hopes for this book. I wanted to love it so so so bad, but it fell short for me.

What I liked:
The hero, Rowen. I thought he was funny in a self-deprecating way. He still sees himself as this nerdy kid even though he's a hot billionaire. I thought he was written well and enjoyed him a lot.

What I didn't like so much:
I don't know that I am going to explain this well, so I apologize. I thought the dialogue didn't read well. More for Penny's POV than Rowen, but there were parts that I was just not interested in what was going on, or it was a lot more information than I needed. There is this whole part with a rando kid flicking his booger that turned me off. I understand what the author was trying to do, but it was too far for me. I am not a prude, but I'm reading romance; this is the last place I actually want to see the word booger. I think you can imply something without going there. Okay, obviously, this was a hang-up for me, moving on.

Many parts were over the top, I think, in the hopes of being funny, but it didn't work. As I always say, this is just my opinion, and I'd love for you to try the book and then tell me what you thought!
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,409 reviews80 followers
July 29, 2021
The nanny and the nerd has just checked off all my boxes for a great escape from the real world read!
A reclusive, awkward tech billionaire Rowen Gale meets a quirky compassionate creative author that has just been assigned to be his niece's nanny. Now lets meet Phoebe a girl that is too cute for words.
When Penny an aspiring author gets released from another bill paying job as a waitress a lovely client approaches her with an offer. A nanny is not something that she has ever thought she would do but Madelyn assures her that she is just the gal for the job.
Rowen Gale is a man with a broken childhood after being adopted by a loving family he found his passion and livelihood in the gaming world. He has now found himself the primary guardian of his niece Phoebe after the tragic loss of his brother and sister-law. His mother had been caring for this little girl for the past three years but life had once again intervened and when she had a stroke Phoebe is now in his care and he is no where near prepared for the job.
The moment Rowen and Penny meet there is a spark, chemistry and a general feeling of having known each other all along. They are cute, fun, unexpected, have intelligent witty banter with a breath a fresh air. What an unexpected adventure with this couple and their merry band of friends that surrounded them in their world. I cannot wait to see where Krista takes us next in this series.
~~Michele McMullen ~~
Profile Image for Mizz.
1,074 reviews387 followers
August 6, 2021
DNF at 50%

Couldn't connect with Penelope
Profile Image for Fran.
958 reviews10 followers
September 23, 2021
this was a whole lot of hilarity. His niece especially had me chuckling every time she spoke and half the time when she was just doing something. she marched to the beat of her own drum and it was amazing. coolest 6 year old ever and if I ever had a daughter I would want her to be just like this adorable little girl. The MCs were both very similar in some ways and very different in others. they balance each other out very well in my opinion.
Profile Image for Darbin O’Gill.
590 reviews5 followers
December 11, 2023
This was fun, very fun. The tension was just enough to make me physically nervous and had a bit of second hand embarrassment.

I recommend for contemporary romance readers who don't mind feeling uncomfortable in a good way.
Profile Image for RateTheRomance.
955 reviews120 followers
August 2, 2021
THE NANNY AND THE NERD was a fun read, but very predictable and you have to suspend reality...a lot. That's not always a bad thing. Fun and predictable with over-the-top scenarios that seem to wild to be true (with a heavy dose of hot sex) can make for a great read at the beach.

Penny is fun, light, and creative. I loved her chaotic, free-spirited nature as a counter to the grumpy and rigid leading man. She is very likable when she isn't struggling with crippling self doubt and letting others push her around. Girlfriend needs to set some boundaries!

Rowen is a sexy, nerdy, grump with emotional baggage for daaaayyys. He is sexy as hell, but much more difficult to like since his personal issues make him completely freeze out others, therefore hurting his young niece (of which he is guardian).

His niece, Phoebe, is a classic Rom-Com child. Smart, sassy, precocious, and mostly unrepresentative of a human child. She makes one major childlike mistake in this story, but is otherwise a perfect caricature of a 6yo girl. Fun to read, but not realistic.

There is a twist that I saw coming a mile away. Literally I knew in the first 3 chapters what the ending would be and I'm NO super-twist-sleuth.

THE NANNY AND THE NERD is light, fluffy, implausible, escapism. You might love it as a beach read, but if you are looking for complex characters, a fresh perspective, or emotionally genuine story telling you might want to skip this one.

I received a gifted copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

TRIGGERS: parents with addiction, stroke, death of parent, fatal car accident
FEELS-O-METER: 2/5 - A bit if drama, but pretty light read.

Profile Image for Jenn the Readaholic.
1,939 reviews60 followers
July 9, 2021
So I kind of adored Penelope. Or Penny, as she prefers. And her sisters. I LOVED their post-mom call and what they called the gripe sessions. I especially loved how Penny’s sisters made sure that she knew just how proud they were of her for living the life she wanted, instead of bending to their mother’s will. Add Rowen, his niece, and his “not friends” guy friends to the mix and I was hooked. Sure, the big grovel was a tad cornball, but it fit perfectly with the rest of this story. And Rowen just broke my heart. He had so much love to give and was so terrified of giving it that he instead shut every emotion away for safety’s sake.

Luckily, it all worked out in the end and still managed to have the “I’m almost embarrassed but I can’t stop reading this hilarity” flair that I love from this author. She brought it all here. Emotion, humor, angst, serious feelings of doubt in oneself, and the perfect way to bring out the best in both Rowen and Penny. Thanks to this tale, I can’t wait to see what misery Mitch deserves to live through with Charlotte!
Profile Image for PelicanFreak.
1,755 reviews
February 16, 2023
Pure torture.

This stars a female lead who isn’t just awkward but … just really, implausibly awful to listen to. Her inner narrative is just plain dense … but she isn’t actually portrayed as a stupid person, so it doesn’t fit.

Plausibility issues come in elsewhere also, for example she’s at the mechanic, where he deems ‘everything’ to be wrong with her car, but she still drives it to work. There were many instances like this one.

Bits that I think were meant to be funny or witty were just plain dull.

Conversations e FMC and just about anyone else between were painful to listen to, lots of repetition and again … just not believable.

I do not recommend this read at all and based on this experience, I’m unlikely to listen to anything else by this author.

0 stars, but on platforms that won’t allow me to rate it zero, I’ll hit the 1.

This narrator was perfect and the production was smooth. 4 stars on this front.
46 reviews2 followers
August 31, 2022
You guys are so unserious… how is this rated so high
Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews54 followers
July 2, 2023
(audiobook+ebook) I love it when the couple truly becomes a team, and that’s the case here. It doesn’t mean the journey to get there is an easy one though.

Penny and Rowen are polar opposite: she has no money, he’s a billionaire; she hates technology, he’s a tech mogul; she feels like no one is in her corner, he has people looking after him; she’s an escapism artist–or will be once she writes that novel–while he’s pragmatism personified. But that’s exactly why they’re made for each other. They fill the other’s missing pieces. It could be seen as too much, but it works.

They meet when Penny is hired to be the nanny to Rowen’s niece–he’s become her guardian. Let’s just say they don’t really see eye to eye at first. But there’s a lot of attraction. None of this is appropriate for a nanny/employer relationship, so of course they ignore it for as long as they can. But along the way, they learn more about each other, until there’s more than just lust.

The learning about each other isn’t easy. While Penny is more or less open–though she hides her self doubts and inner struggles–Rowen doesn’t understand socializing. He’s neurodivergent, and his traumas run so deep, that he doesn’t get social clues, nor does he have normal interactions with people. Including his family.

Family is the theme. Broken families though. Rowen was an orphan, adopted by a loving family, but there isn’t much left of it: brother and father are dead, mother is ill. Before that, his family life was awful. As for Penny, she has troubles communicating with her sisters and mother, feeling like she doesn’t belong. But the message is hopeful though: despite difficult circumstances, family can be a place of support and love, even when you don’t realize it. And it’s even truer of the family you build, like Penny, Rowen and Phoebe.

While the narrator does a great job, I feel like the audiobook would have been better with dual narration instead of solo. The female narrator’s male voice didn’t work for Rowen in my opinion–though she expressed his aloofness pretty well. The conversations were fluid and energetic. Not bad in the end, just not great.


- Series: Nanny love match #1 (can be read as a standalone, but connected to another series by the author)
- Hashtags: #billionaire romance #forbidden romance #opposites attract
- Triggers: mention of car accident, parental neglect and abuse, neurodivergence
- Main couple: Penelope Fennimore & Rowen Gale
- Hotness: 3/5
- Romance: 4/5
- + it was beautiful to see them work together
- – the last revelation, while heartwarming, required a lot of suspension of disbelief
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,204 reviews187 followers
July 24, 2021
5 star review The Nanny And The Nerd (Nanny Love Match #1) by Krista Sandor
When I heard Krista Sandor had a new series releasing I couldn’t wait to dive in. The Nanny and the Nerd is Penny Fennimore and Rowen Gale’s story and it was a fun, quirky read from the first chapter. Falling into a job as nanny to Rowen’s niece, Phoebe , Penny gets more than she bargained for with this hot as sin nerdy gamer. Suffering writer's block she needs to pay her bills so the job seems to be perfect for her. However she doesn't count on the attraction that sizzles between her and her boss.
Stumbling across the narrative that Rowen is trying to re write, Penny cannot help but get involved with the writing which in turn gets her creative juices finally flowing and once they begin working together the attraction that they are trying to ignore comes to the forefront. There were times my heart just about broke for Phoebe and everything that she had been
through and I loved the relationship that Penny forged with her, truly heart warming. Phoebe is just an adorable little girl and she nearly stole the book out from under Penny and Rowen.
Although not a long book, it was well written and entertaining with characters whose story you cannot help but become invested in.
Profile Image for Megan Riverina Romantics.
1,263 reviews71 followers
February 21, 2023
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️.5
Heat Rating: 🔥🔥🔥
Narrator Performance: 🎧🎧🎧🎧.5

I’m not a big Contemporary Romance reader but I simply adored this book. It was chock full of humor. The main characters, though a tad weird, were both rather likable. He’s shut down emotionally and rich. She’s got a run away imagination and can’t manage to get her life under control. Plus there was an adorably precious kid that I couldn’t help but love.

There was really only one thing that bugged me about the book. I’m sure it’s a me thing but I think that Rowan feeling unwanted and unloved is a bit mind boggling. Dude was adopted. That right there says you are wanted. I mean, it’s not like he spent a ton of time in the foster system bouncing from one home to another. Sure it’s normal for some of those feelings to be there, however the way he internalized the feelings to the degree he did seemed extreme to me.

The narrator was fabulous! King’s performance was stellar. I love how she captured each characters’ personas. She both acted and used different voices to bring the story to life. My one complaint is that I would have liked a little more change voice wise from her to differentiate the males.

*Review copy provided for voluntary review.
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
7,907 reviews154 followers
July 12, 2021
Part of the fun is falling in love. Penny and Rowen are adorably, clueless, unpredictably tempting and unbelievably irresistible. Sandor puts her heart in The Nanny and the Nerd and serves up a delicious heartache that is addictably heartwarming.

Profile Image for Mari  Pequenos Retalhos.
907 reviews28 followers
August 21, 2022
It was a nice story, it just took me a while to really get into it. I liked Penny and Rowan but I especially liked little Phoebe and her foot tapping cursing. She is a great kid. I also enjoyed the way they approached video games and their story. So, it was a nice book.
Profile Image for Marika.
4,663 reviews95 followers
August 2, 2021
I absolutely adored this story!
I always love nerds, especially in books, and the nanny that is so quirky and seems to be coming straight from the past..
It's sweet, it's fun, it's heartwarming and heart-rending, the chemistry is on point..and I love the plot in this story!
Once I picked up the book I couldn't put it down! Read it all in one go!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,812 reviews241 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
November 23, 2022
DNF at 3%. The first chapter and the start to the next is the heroine bumbling around and everyone in her life from her mom to mechanic to boss dumping on her. I didn’t have the patience to continue.
Profile Image for Katslovesbooks.
855 reviews21 followers
July 12, 2021

I LOVED this book!!! Krista has done it again, she just knows how to find the right balance of melt your heart with panty melting moments that will leave you in romcom heaven.

The Nanny and the Nerd has become one of my top five romcoms of all time. The characters, the plot and every moment in this book was simply perfection.

When Penny's life is upside down she lands a job as a nanny. From the very first encounter she has with sexy nerdy and gaming genius Rowan things get interesting and after meeting Rowan's sweet niece Phoebe, Penny is a goner for these two. Unfortunately for her Rowan is part robot part human (just kidding) but Rowan is a workaholic who has a strict life style and is relentless in not feeling emotions.

The chemistry between Penny and Rowen is electric and super good. So many hilarious moments had my laughing so hard but there was also some very sweet moments.

Definitely a must read and I can't wait for the next pair in the Nanny Love Match Series.
Profile Image for Micca.
13 reviews
February 2, 2023
You know the saying Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover? Well, I definitely did, and I was so hesitant to read this one and only did so because it was recommended on Kindle Unlimited.

Let me tell you - the cover of this book DOES IT NO JUSTICE. I was expecting an easy read with little to no character development and a ton of tropes executed poorly but This. Was. Not. That. Yes, it was an easy read. Yes, there are a ton of tropes but it tries to subvert them. And holy character development!! We see a billionaire tech nerd (lol) actually change his ways. He starts off as cold and unfeeling (as they all do), with high IQ, and very very very low EQ. He's stubborn. He's egotistical. He's too logical for his own good. Throw in an unexpected niece whom he needs to care for, a nanny matchmaking agency that is too good to be true, and a nanny named Penny who shakes his entire world.

It was too good... and I ended up reading the rest of the series (because OF COURSE the main female lead has three best girl friends who just so happens to be in financial trouble) on the same weekend.

Def recommend!
Profile Image for Laurie.
1,553 reviews31 followers
August 5, 2021
After a terrible day in which she was fired from her job as a waitress, learned that both her car and laptop needed expensive repairs, and struggled with a serious case of writer's block, the last thing aspiring author Penny Fennimore expected was to be approached by a mysterious woman and offered a new job as a nanny. With nothing to lose, Penny agreed to an interview with eccentric tech genius Rowen Gale, who was in desperate need of help with his 6-year-old niece, Phoebe. Before long, Penny found herself moving into Rowen's mansion, caring for Phoebe, and...kissing Rowen in the hallway? That wasn't in the job description!

Penny and Rowen were super cute together and had a ton of chemistry. Their sometimes-awkward conversations were so funny, especially in the beginning, when they kept accidentally saying things that were meant to be entirely innocent but could easily be misinterpreted as innuendo. I also enjoyed the way they worked together, especially Rowen's support and encouragement of Penny as a writer. They made a great team, both personally and professionally. Finally, I loved their interactions with Phoebe, Rowen's adorable scene-stealer of a niece. Phoebe had been through so much in her short life, but she was still so cute and sassy. I can't even imagine what she'll be like when she hits her teens!

Overall, "The Nanny and the Nerd" was laugh-out-loud funny and sweet, but also surprisingly emotional at times. I adored this book and highly recommend it for all fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedy. I can't wait for the next book in the series!

*Review copy provided by the author. All opinions expressed are my own.
57 reviews5 followers
July 9, 2021
My nanny jobs never turned out like this!

I have read all of Krista’s books and one of the things I love about them is that the characters are so relatable. I find pieces of myself in each of the women, and Penny did not disappoint. I actually think I see myself the most in her! Between her relationship with her mother, questioning herself as a writer, her sisters, her supportive friends, her doubt in herself…gosh I could go on and on. I really enjoyed the development of her character throughout the book.

The chemistry between the Rowan and Penelope is palpable from the beginning. Rowan kind of gives me Christian Grey vibes in the best way (moody, rich, dark past, an unnecessary need to prove himself), but also I loved watching them encourage each other and understand each other. What he does for her towards the end of the book touched my heart so much because that shows his true understanding of Penny. Their connection with his niece Phoebe just makes them more lovable, and many of her scenes had me laughing out loud!

I could go on and on. Five stars. Will be reading again soon!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kathy Schofield.
86 reviews4 followers
July 9, 2021
Well, hot diggity dog...this Nerd is on fire!!
I enjoyed this read. Love the premise of the book. Loved how the little kid wasn't too much of a whiny brat - you know how some kids are portrayed in books!
Penny as a Nanny was perfect.
Rowen as the Nerd - some of the taking and computer stuff went straight over my head, but that's ok - who, although has the brains, didn't think he was able to have love. That broke my heart.
The sexy eyebrow raising scenes were perfect. I'm not usually one for the "insta-lust/love" thingy, but these two worked!!
Enjoy the read.
Great to see there'll be another one in this series. Oohh, it'd be great if the kid is older though 😉😉😉
Profile Image for Donna.
378 reviews17 followers
July 12, 2021
5 Foot-Tapping Stars!

Rowen is a hot computer nerd that is currently left guardianship over his niece. He needs to focus on releasing his new game which means he needs a nanny for Phoebe. But Penelope aka Penny is a nanny like he has never seen… she’s beautiful and young and sweet and captures his heart. These 3 along with their friends and family will grab your heart.

Don’t miss out on one the best ROMCOM’s in 2021. You will laugh and swoon and then you will laugh some more, a lot more. I did mention you will laugh, ok you got it. Now go 1-Click The Nanny And The Nerd and enjoy another great read by Krista Sandor.
Profile Image for heloísa.
155 reviews4 followers
July 12, 2021
Let's start by talking about how amazing Penny's relationship is with her sisters the rant session represented me so much and made me think about putting it into practice officially hahaha continuing the support one gives the other is wonderful not making them give up their dreams to please others in the case s mother. Rowen has a big heart and her with her niece increases her passion and seeing him fear giving himself up hurt my heart. The hot scenes are great and on point. A light funny book that brings the message that do what you want and give yourself away. I received an ARC for an honest review. Thank you to the author, Valentine PR and Grey's Promotion.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 366 reviews

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