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Any Girl: A Memoir of Sexual Exploitation and Recovery

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"It became untenable for me to remain silent about a part of my life I had long kept secret. I had to follow the persistent, uncomfortable pull of truth, wherever it would lead me."

From the outside looking in, the young life of Mia Döring seemed unremarkable, as she pursued her studies at a prominent Dublin art college, immersed in a vibrant social scene.

Unbeknownst to those around her, however, Mia's life was anything but ordinary. At age sixteen, she had been sexually exploited by an older man, which carved a direct path into the Irish sex trade, where she remained for several years until finally leaving it behind over a decade ago, at age twenty-four.

In her literary memoir Mia, a psychotherapist specialising in sexual trauma, excavates her difficult history as she sets about integrating her past with her present-day life. Along the way, she presents an ardent and intelligent refutation of a culture that affirms and applauds the industrialised sexual violation of women and girls, ultimately offering something more precious - a way forward for society bedded in true understanding and compassion.

Any Girl is a ferociously honest, intensely tender and utterly unforgettable book that is as thought-provoking as it is timely.


237 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 17, 2022

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Mia Döring

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews
48 reviews3 followers
April 4, 2022
Sad but amazing

This book made me cry but also made me angry about how society treats women. Those who state sex work is work have no idea of the trauma women who are in prostitution go through and how society conspired to hide the truth. Nor how many men are willing to abuse women because they think they have a right to sex.
If you are not angry then you haven't been paying attention
1 review2 followers
March 1, 2022
An incredibly sad yet incredibly important read. I cried yet felt hope at the end of this book. I’ll be forever in awe of how Mia puts such awful acts so eloquently.
Profile Image for Camila - Books Through My Veins.
635 reviews391 followers
February 15, 2023
- thanks to @hachette for my #gifted copy

A few years ago, I would have stayed as far as possible from memoirs like Mia’s. I was one of those readers who firmly believed that there was no need to read ‘real’ stuff – with enough ongoing shit in our lives, I was reading to forget about the ‘real’ world.

Now I read to forget but also to remember, and to learn. Because how can I, as a person, grow in any kind of sense, if I’m oblivious to other people’s realities? How can I acknowledge my own privilege if I don’t open myself to empathise with another human’s lived experiences, different from mine?

Before reading Doring’s memoir, I was an enthusiastic and passionate defender of sexual workers and their right to their profession, the respect and care they deserve. But Doring’s book changed completely the way I understood sexual work. I ignorantly believed that, surely, most people engaging in sexual work had a chance to choose the profession in the first place. I chose not to worry or even wonder about how sexual work actually works, the exploitation and abuse that it entails even for those who want to believe they are doing it willingly.

Doring’s honesty disarmed me completely. I was utterly moved by the account of her experience in the Irish sex trade and the heartbreaking aftermath: profound and life-changing sexual trauma. Her impeccable research is crucial to understand how and why we live in a world where the abuse of women and girls has been industrialised and legalised, and what can we do about it.

It would be impossible to deny that this memoir is a full-on roller-coaster of emotions. I went from empathy, understanding and sadness, to absolute fury and frustration… yet Doring leaves room for hope and compassion through invaluable insights from her personal experience and the experiences of women she has helped as a psychotherapist specialised in sexual trauma.

Ovearll, Any Girl is a crucial, life-changing memoir that explores the intricacies and consequences of the sexual trade and sexual abuse. Absolutely unmissable.
Profile Image for Lena.
61 reviews1 follower
November 25, 2023
Mia Döring is my new personal heroine. This book made me feel very close to her. For starters, we read a lot of the same books, like Pema Chödron, f.e. I also relate to her as a helping practitioner who's primarily working with survivors of sexualised violence. And I relate to her as a woman. When women's bodies are openly bought and sold (or raped for free) by so many men, it puts a price tag on every woman.
And also, how can you not feel close to someone who's been so trusting with their experience to you.

If I was in any way confused before about the "sex-work" supposedly being empowering or something, I'm not anymore.

The author made me face a lot of hard truths, and one of them being - how much it actually means when men speak out against violence, and how much I myself rely on my close male friends to restore my feeling of safety, and how often they fail me. My work isn't as traumatising as many people think: what's traumatising is the silence and lack of any emotion (at best) and excuses and justification (at most realistic) that men come up with for each other.
In my head I have this place where I keep all my memories of men being upset about other men being abusive towards women. I go to that place often.
It doesn't take a lot of space.

Cause let's be real, the rapists won't listen to a bunch of women who tell them that they're rapists, because listening to someone requires respecting that someone. And if those men respected and listened to women - well, I wouldn't have to write this in the first place. So yeah, unfortunately, we need men to be more upset about this.

Reading this book could be a start. Gotta admit, I couldn't help myself from going through the reviews in search of men who read it and gave it a good rating. There wasn't a lot of them, but there was enough to give me hope.
11 reviews
March 2, 2022
This 250 page book could have fitted into 50 pages and you’d have learned the same amount about its sad topic,
I am sorry that this poor woman has been dealt such a bad hand that she is now so terribly damaged, but the book should have been ghost-written by someone less traumatised so that it would be less of a rant.
Not a good read I’m sorry to say.
Profile Image for Mehrzad.
210 reviews29 followers
February 22, 2022
I remember I was a young brash kid and a friend asked me: would you marry an ex-prostitute?
To this day, I cannot answer this question. What I could come up with before listening to this audiobook was I needed more information, but now, decades later, I think even having that information would have not been enough, not even remotely close.

This book digs deep into many aspects of rape and its effects including but not limited to physically, emotionally, and psychologically, and how it could put you on edge all the time. Overall, it was a sad memoir that makes you think again about your thoughts, feelings, and words whenever somebody would feel safe enough to share their experience of being raped. A very informative one.

Profile Image for Sammie Van Norstrand.
24 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2023
Trigger warning for sure!! A tough read, but so important. Mia Döring is so so wise, strong, and insightful. Reading her story educated me in so many ways about men’s violence against women and the misogyny layered in the sex-trade, especially within Ireland. Mia has such a beautiful skill of sharing the raw and rough trauma of her past while being a beacon of hope and light for women and survivors everywhere. Very highly recommended!!
Profile Image for Ben Schnell.
89 reviews4 followers
October 14, 2022
For me it took the immorality of pornography and male sexual entitlement beyond a mere cognitive understanding and rooted it deeply in the emotional as well, which is something I needed as I tend to engage in the world primarily intellectually, which can deprive me of a more important type of truth.
Profile Image for Mairead Hearne (swirlandthread.com).
1,065 reviews86 followers
March 16, 2022
“It became untenable for me to remain silent about a part of my life I had long kept secret. I had to follow the persistent, uncomfortable pull of truth, wherever it would lead me.”

Any Girl by Mia Döring was published February 17th with Hachette Ireland. Described as ‘a ferociously honest, intensely tender and utterly unforgettable book that is as thought-provoking as it is timely’, Any Girl is a book that will shock and horrify most readers.

*Please note that the book does depict scenes of sexual trauma and abuse that may trigger certain readers*

An extraordinary memoir, Any Girl, is a book that I kept putting to one side for one reason only – I was afraid. I knew from the outset that it was going to challenge me, anger me, upset me. I knew I would find it a very uncomfortable and distressing read. I also knew that it was a book I needed to read, one that spells it out in black and white what it is to be exploited in the sex trade, and in particular in the Irish sex trade.

‘A radically honest account of surviving sexual exploitation in the Irish sex trade. A psychotherapist’s literary debut of past trauma and the integration of lives past and present’

If I’m totally honest I feel very ill-equipped to review Any Girl. The words within these chapters are those of someone who has suffered terribly, who lived a life so far outside my norm, that I find it difficult to express my thoughts.

Mia Döring was raped at the age of sixteen by a young boy of the same age. This was the point where her life became very much split into the before and after. Following that night, she continued on living her life, covering up her now shattered self from her friends and family. At such a young age she was unable to process the enormity of what had happened and left herself open to a predator who she calls J. He groomed her from the age of sixteen and was a presence in Döring’s life for a number of years after. At the time she told herself that it was an exercise in empowerment. After all it was her body, her choice. When money was offered, the situation escalated but she still always thought it was a choice, her choice and a quick way to earn a few bob. As a student a €100 was a lot of cash and, for Mia Döring, it suddenly became a way of life, a way of surviving. She led a double life and thought she was managing her life, but she wasn’t. Self-harm and an attempted suicide did not prevent her from being sucked back into this dark and seedy world. She had come to need the validation. She needed to be wanted.

When Mia Döring finally took a step back and recognised the abuse for what it was, she began a journey that led her, today, to becoming a psychotherapist specialising in sexual trauma. She participated in a powerful TEDx talk in 2017 at Griffith College in Dublin, entitled Break the Silence and Build a New World, which you can view over on YouTube.

“Writing this book is the biggest act of trust I can make. My story is out of my hands now; how others respond to it is up to them”– Mia Döring

Any Girl provides a frightening insight into the sex trade, with Döring unafraid to express her own views or, as she refers to it, “being personal with my politics”. She provides graphic details of some of the deplorable acts that were inflicted upon her, giving the reader a very raw, honest and disturbing account of those early years of her young adulthood. The power of sitting with discomfort is a phrase Döring uses to describe self-reflection. We should all be more aware of our thoughts, our reactions, not to be so judgemental of others and to call out on actions we see as inherently wrong.

Any Girl is an extremely affecting read, a first-hand account of a very painful and abhorrent experience. It is a harrowing memoir, a reality-check for society as a whole and a timely reminder of how easy it is to ignore what we cannot see.

I will leave you with the words of Mia Döring –

“Men hurt me because they chose to hurt me.
It wasn’t about me.
There wasn’t something innate about me that made men abuse and hurt me.
It wasn’t what I was good at.
It wasn’t part of my identity.
I am allowed to be loved..
I am not ruined.”

– Mia Döring
September 20, 2024
This was a tough but important read. In this book, Mia courageously shares her personal story and trauma from her experiences in sex work, offering valuable insight into the industry. She reveals how some men feel entitled to abuse women, believing they have a right to sex.
It was deeply moving to see how these experiences impacted Mia and how she continues to navigate the lasting effects of that trauma.
I'm grateful for Mia's bravery in being so vulnerable and writing this book, especially in a world where the stigma surrounding sex work remains high.
Profile Image for Nicki Thoirs.
86 reviews
September 2, 2024
My sister gave me this book to read. Halfway through, I knew it was an exceptional book because it caused some heated debates over the dinner table!
While Mia told her story, she also created a space to start a conversation about prostitution, trauma, and the bias that women face on a regular basis.
Society has a long way to go, but hopefully, this book will help to further create a conversation and develop some solutions!
Profile Image for Katie.
296 reviews6 followers
March 21, 2022
Very open account of being sexually exploited that I think many women will be able to relate to, even if they have never worked as a sex worker.
It changed my mind about many things too as Mia gives very good argument. It's important for everyone to know what really goes on and the lifelong issues it causes.

It's also beautifully written and so engaging I finished it in one weekend.
16 reviews1 follower
April 6, 2023
"As long as prostitution exsists men & women will never be equal"

Everyone man & woman should read this book. A tough read but things we all need to know and understand, this book is just the life lesson everyone needs to hear.
Profile Image for Meredith Macri.
85 reviews3 followers
August 7, 2023
Gut wrenching and incredibly painful, but also so honest, hopeful, and relatable. The cover says “every man and woman should read this” and I whole heartedly agree.
609 reviews12 followers
April 14, 2022
A remarkably honest memoir of the sufferings of a young woman! Such a brave and honest book, and it's clear Mia has toiled over writing this for years and finally now got the courage, such an inspiration!

This read is one which is quite distressing in parts, reading about the suffering of this young lady, but suprisisingly, she first went into the "Business" of her own accord, becoming an escort on her terms, she was engaging with men as she liked to be in control. This comes even after a rape at 16, by a boy of the same age. As a student she then became an escort by choice, as she liked the money, she was discreet and didn't tell any friends or family of her secret life.

Although this book is a memoir and ultimately describes her story in immense detail, she also provides her views on why the world is the way it is, why people perceive the women to be at fault when there is prostitution. How it's not right that women on sex sites can be scored marks out of ten, but nobody negatively scores the men paying for the sex. The stigma attached to sex work is still to this day very opinionated, but this was written really well in that she is extremely honest.

At the beginning of the book she briefly mentions how now, many years later, she is now working with some young women to try to help them and persuade them to stay away from the things she herself went through, I would like to read more about this work as there isn't much mentioned but granted this is her first book so hopefully there will be more to come.

A very honest and true account, extremely descriptive in places and not to everyone's tastes.
Profile Image for Krista Danis.
132 reviews5 followers
March 24, 2023
In Any Girl, Mia Döring boldly confronts and interrogates social normalization of rape in the sex trade, baring the scenes raw and stripping away the fantastic stories we tell ourselves of women's empowerment, consent, and control. Our communities are complicit because gender privilege and sexual violence is woven into the narratives of our families. The truth is too devastating to face. Not since reading Dworkin in my 20's has my intuitive disgust for commodified sex been so awakened.

My anger was accompanied by fierce compassion for women who "choose" the sex trade, which Döring elicits for a group of people our society has intentionally withheld empathy. She dissects and dismembers the idea of voluntary sex work, identifying trauma and shame as paralyzing influences in her own childhood decision-making.

She says a lot of important things about the ways trauma, like addiction, modifies the physical body and resides inside it, and the invisibility of that biological edit. However, she also leaves so much room to grow, overcome, and resist the damaging effects of trauma. She recognizes that "...if we do the opposite of what shame is telling us to do, it learns that it has no place to live inside us."

There are so many reasons for men, as well as women, to read this book, as I think so many of us will see ourselves in her stories, as one character or another. I invite you to read it, but do not expect to enjoy it. However, like Döring says toward the end of her book, "Discomfort is okay. Pain is okay. Feeling hurt is okay."

Profile Image for Amy.
18 reviews
July 19, 2024
Any Girl by Mia Döring

The Story 📚
As an outsider, Mia lead a normal teenage and young adult life. Secondary school, college - the usual things. But the truth was much scarier. Sexually assaulted by a class mate, and then sexually groomed and exploited by an older man - Mia’s childhood was taken for her. Mia found herself within the Irish sex trade for many years, where her abuse continued. With this memoir, Mia tells her story of a young girl trying to survive, and how this trauma seeped in and affected every aspect of her life. Alongside this, Mia examines Ireland as a collective society - and the views and opinions we place on women and sex.

The Review 👩🏻‍💻
From being a woman, someone who has worked within women’s refuges in Ireland - and has friends working in violence against women’s services in other countries - I have heard a lot of stories. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

I generally try to avoid saying anything negative about non-fiction, particularly around something traumatic. This is Mia’s voice - her chance to say whatever she wanted. But, I did find the second half of the book a little repetitive. However, I swapped between reading and audiobook - and I always say if the author reads their own non-fiction, it definitely adds to the readers experience by listening in.

A raw and honest look into a horrible corner of Irish society. Obviously the nature of the book has multiple triggers. Mind yourself.
Profile Image for Merissa.
8 reviews
September 12, 2023
Whilst some parts are graphic and blunt, and hit with almost no warning, Mia's honesty and openness is something everyone should aspire to. There were some parts where the author, rightly so, gives her opinions on the sex trade and how it is harmful. I felt I wanted a bit more from these arguments, but it wasn't the point of the book and now it's something I can look into.

I can tell the author has done self compassion and IFS therapies and her outlook helped me with my own thoughts and feelings around self acceptance in light of these practices. Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone wanting their eyes opened to the sex trade in Ireland. I'm most shocked by how casual and in-your-face it all is, yet it's hidden.
Profile Image for Sarah O'Riordan | travelseatsreads.
515 reviews37 followers
December 8, 2022
Every now and again along comes a book that I struggle to review and Any Girl is definitely one of those.

Any Girl is Mia Döring's story about sexual exploitation, resilience, tenacity and recovery. Her story isn't one which is straight forward or pleasant to read and it isn't one that has all the answers. In fact, it left me with so many questions when I finished and I think that is the importance of this book.

Mia opens the conversation on sex work and it's relentless exploitation of those involved. Within the pages of this very honest and raw memoir she gives some insight into a world that the majority of people are lucky to be ignorant of.

There were many points where I paused and put the book down, sometimes in horror and other times questioning certain aspects but what is clear is that this is a book to be read and to consider.
While I stated that it's a world so many are ignorant of, I also think it's a world that so many of us would be surprised to see how close we or those we may know are to it.

Mia through her bravery equally normalises sex work and while also shining a glaring light on its horrors and can only be commended for her brutal honesty in sharing her story. A must read for those who don't want to keep their heads buried in the sand.
14 reviews
January 9, 2023
A very important book to read. I can only applaud Mia. Were I a father I’d have my sons read this book in the hopes it would make them better men. It reminds me too to be a better man: call out misogyny when I see it; speak out against harmful comments dismissed as ‘banter’ etc.

Craft wise, also, a beautiful read. Wonderful book. Wonderful bravery. Should be shared in schools. We need to learn consent.
Profile Image for Chloe Bagnall.
35 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2023
Similar to other reviews, absolutely heartbreaking and hard to hear content but very necessary. However, I felt I had learned everything she had to say by the first half of the book. I found that the second half really said nothing we hadn’t already heard and became quite repetitive. I couldn’t put the book down for the first half but really had to force myself to get through the second half which was unfortunate.
13 reviews
September 10, 2023
Painfully relatable and brutally honest. Mia challenges our culture around sex work and prostitution and shows us how we are all involved in minor and major ways. I Read this in 1 day, but I know I'll still be thinking about it for weeks to come.

"I am not a man hater ... I've never harmed a man. I've never hit or abused one, or cheated on one. I've never betrayed or raped a man. I've never sexually exploited a man... I have ever reason to hate men, as a class, but I don't, and I can't"
Profile Image for eunice.
44 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2024

powerful yet so sad, realities of mankind. what a hero to be able to tell her story.

“The integrity of the sky is not harmed by the passing of rain clouds.”
“only when we have accepted our own shadow that we can be a safe refuge for others who are struggling with theirs.”
“We grow to learn that none of our internal experiences actually mean anything about who we are.”
“Anywhere there is vulnerability, there are predators.”

128 reviews
April 6, 2022
I thought the book was excellent, I don’t have the words to describe what I think about this lady, I think she’s one of the bravest people I’ve ever read I can’t imagine putting myself out there the way she did, my heart goes out to her. I hope she finds peace. I feel that everyone (especially men( should read this book.
17 reviews
May 23, 2022
Though the subject matter is understandably difficult to read at points, Mia Doring guides you through the challenging moments with elegant writing and a sincere delivery. A heart-breaking, fascinating and eye-opening look into the sex trade, with moments that I'm sure many women, sadly, can relate to.
1 review
June 9, 2022
Beautifully written, searingly honest and hauntingly real. The title is so apt. All stereotypes and misconceptions you ever had about the sex trade will be dismantled. There really is no argument left in favour of it. Doring is such a warrior to come through this and speak so candidly and eloquently. ‘Any Girl’ is for every girl…and boy.
June 10, 2022
Having read this book twice now, it has helped me on my ongoing journey and has helped me seek counselling. Mia has a magnificent approach to the human condition and her own truthful telling of her own story is truly remarkable and as is Mia herself.
1 review
June 24, 2022
Written with such strength, courage, and empathy towards every girl. I seen parts of myself in this book. Thank you Mia for sharing such a sad but incredibly powerful memoir. a must read for Any Girl <3
Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews

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