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Belladonna #1


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For as long as Signa Farrow has been alive, the people in her life have fallen like stars...

Orphaned as a baby, nineteen-year-old Signa has been raised by a string of guardians, each more interested in her wealth than her well-being – and each has met an untimely end. Her remaining relatives are the elusive Hawthornes, an eccentric family living at Thorn Grove, an estate both glittering and gloomy.

Its patriarch mourns his late wife through wild parties, while his son grapples for control of the family’s waning reputation and his daughter suffers from a mysterious illness. But when their mother’s restless spirit appears claiming she was poisoned, Signa realizes that the family she depends on could be in grave danger, and enlists the help of a surly stable boy to hunt down the killer.

Signa’s best chance of uncovering the murderer, though, is an alliance with Death himself, a fascinating, dangerous shadow who has never been far from her side. Though he’s made her life a living hell, Death shows Signa that their growing connection may be more powerful – and more irresistible – than she ever dared imagine.

416 pages, Hardcover

First published August 30, 2022

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About the author

Adalyn Grace

9 books7,634 followers
Adalyn Grace is the #1 New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, International, and Indiebound bestselling author of Belladonna and the All the Stars and Teeth duology.

Prior to becoming an author, Adalyn spent several years working in live theatre and studied storytelling as an intern on Nickelodeon Animation’s popular series The Legend of Korra.

Local to San Diego, Adalyn spends her non-writing days by watching too much anime, and by playing video games with her two dorky dogs.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 21,347 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
July 11, 2022
this story is soooo unbelievably, imaginatively good. omg. i love everything about it.

the atmosphere is peak gothic ghost vibes. i love the family shrouded in dark history and the old manor filled with restless spirits. it creates a living, breathing setting that propels the story in a wonderfully spooky direction in terms of plot.

the characters are also top notch. i loved them all. signas stubbornness, sylas’ snark, deaths charm. each and every one of them are full of depth and personality and are so enjoyable to read about.

and the writing is so improved from AGs previous books. not that her writing was bad before, but this feels more elevated, more mature. and i really appreciated that.

so not a single negative thing to say, tbh. honestly, this is the kind of book where i would collect multiple editions of it because i love it that much! lol.

a massive thanks to little brown books for the ARC!!

5 stars
Profile Image for Ayman.
267 reviews113k followers
March 13, 2023
about a girl that can’t die and Death, who is a person, can finally touch someone and they not die. and they solve a murder mystery together. so they’re bound to fall in love. 💜

think the setting as “The Haunting of Bly Manor.” if you liked that show in anyway, this is for you. the writing was descriptive, lush, and enthralling. there’s some twist and turns i couldn’t have guessed from a mile away. my jaw was on the floor the last 15%

i appreciated how, although this is the first in a series, we still got a full story with this one. and it ends with events that would lead up to an entirely new story. i’ll have to admit, i was mostly paying attention in the last half of the book. this would’ve been a 3 stars hadn’t it picked up towards the end.
Profile Image for SK.
487 reviews7,934 followers
July 19, 2024
I had A LOT of fun with it. But at the same time, I realized it wasn't perfect at all.

I absolutely ate up Death and Signa's slow burn romance. These two characters intrigued me and had great chemistry. Death's hot, sexy and charming. The way he carried himself and slowly put out for Signa was everything. Signa learning more about herself and finally accepting Death as hers was wholesome.

I liked the murder mystery aspect with historical and goth vibes. But I did end up thinking it dragged towards the end. The plot twists and reveals did not really surprise me.

I think one of the biggest issues was that I did not really care about the side characters much. I liked Blythe but not much. It was basically Signa and Death carrying the book for me. Another issue was the slow pacing.

Overall, a fun book to help get out of a slump. I believe it's the sort of book that is not for everyone, given the way it's written.

If you like this and want a NA version with a shadow daddy? Read- A Kiss of Iron 👀

I am ready to meet Death... wait that sounds wrong
Profile Image for Lau.
54 reviews
February 6, 2023
Sincerely, no ❤️
Anyone who says this is good is straight up lying. This book singlehandedly cured my “surely if the cover is drop dead gorgeous it can’t be that bad” delusion.

Had I read this as a physical book instead of an ebook i would’ve ran out of post-it notes tabbing all the red flags. Let’s not beat around the bush, this book is about an old ancient immortal being Death grooming a young girl until she’s legal and then gets with her.

This whole novel is so predatory and creepy considering Death meets our main character Signa as a two month old BABY, i repeat a TWO MONTH OLD INFANT. He’s fascinated by her and visits her throughout her childhood. There’s this incredibly messed up power dynamic between them. The mc keeps telling him to stay away but he doesnt.
He is ALWAYS described in a menacing way looming and towering over the mc. Read these following quotes knowing this is a grown man talking to a barely legal naive orphaned girl who he met when she was an actual infant and watched her growing up and then ends up as her love interest (including rather graphic sexual acts):
- “Your name is no curse, Little bird. I just like the taste of it”
- “For she was stuck in the garden gate, her front half inside the garden and her back half still with Death. It felt like there was something hard inside her. Cold, biting metal that grated against her insides. Her hands trembled at the wrongness of it all”
- “Why is it you are so polite to others? So demure and soft yet so bullish when we speak? Ask me kindly, Signa”
- “You’ve been watching me?" she asked. (Death:)“I find that you make the time pass quicker. Otherwise, I grow bored and weary”
- “Death bent so his shadowed face hovered before hers, only a breath between them. “I’ve never seen you so demure, and so sickeningly stifled”
- Signa: “All my life I have wanted nothing more than to be rid of you. (…) I begged, night after night, death after death, for you to leave me alone.(…)I hate you, and I hate everything you’ve done to me.” to which Death reacts the following: “Death grew larger, his anger so palpable that it suffocated the room. (…)”You no longer have a choice in this (…) I tire of these games. I know you better than you think, just as I know you will never rid yourseld of me, Little Bird. As I will never rid myself of you”
- Death isolates Signa from all her guardians and bonds by killing them. Signa points out he’s the reason she’s been isolated all her life and would’ve loved some company every now then. To which he’s just like blah blah I was protecting you (ignoring he also took her grandmother and mother who she loved very much). Also on that note at the beginning of the book it’s said Death only comes when he’s called and it’s not his choice who he takes away but now he’s saying he chose to take her guardians away from her. Make it make sense
- “Death spoke as though Signa were a child. As though she were a small, fragile thing that needed to be coddled”
- “I have waited for you for a very long time, Signa” Yes since she was an infant, creep
- “I have waited an eternity to meet you”
- “I have waited for you for millennia”
- “There was a silky husk to his voice now, too pleased for his own good. “Since the dawn of this earth, I have waited, You are mine, and I am yours” and this is where i threw up

You have an innately fascinating character like Death and instead of playing with all the lore and world-building that comes with turning an abstract concept like death into a character you decide the best course of action is… to turn him into a perv who grooms a girl from birth until she’s barely legal and then shadow fucks her (please don’t ask, i still don’t understand the mechanics of it nor do i want to)?? Every single one of their interactions gave me the ick, it's like this was written for the male gaze and to have a young girl at this powerful man's mercy and putting her in unpleasant situations. If the mc was an actual person or friend the entire city would be blaring with warning sirens and shrouded in red flags screaming these are telltale signs of abusive relationships. Imagine dying only for death to be an insufferable creepy man. Can’t even escape them in the afterlife. Not to mention he’s as bland as a stale piece of unsalted unbuttered bread that’s gathering dust on the floor. If you want fleshed out takes on death as a character pick up Mrs Death Misses Death or Death in the The Sandman #8: The Sound of Her Wings Sandman Comics by Neil Gaiman. If you're only intrigued by the enemies to lovers period piece aspect of this book do yourself a favour and just stick with Pride and Prejudice

The writing is bad. There's so many things that just make no sense at all and had me???? while reading. Also literally every single man in this book is tall. So tall. It has to be pointed out the entire time. Here’s some of these ravishing descriptions
“He was as tall as a willow and broad as an oak”, “He was far too tall for such a space”, “(…) with a tall willowy frame”, “he was exceedingly tall and alarmingly thin”, “he was as alarmingly tall as ever”, “(…) noticing again how large he was. Like a walking tree trunk, really. A tree trunk with muscles”I'm sorry but this reads like trashy erotica . “(…)given his hulking size”.
We get it, the author likes her men tall. Funnily enough she also likes her women as tiny things. Dainty. Petite. The perfect counterpart to all the men being hunks (or sorry, tree trunks). Honorary ridiculous writing mention for “Her hair was pale as butter”

Our mc Signa. The author is trying very hard to make her into a feisty girl who’s so not like the other girls (she’s got one blue and one gold eye after all) but at the end of the day Signa is nothing but a damsel in distress pick-me-girl. She’s always going on about her “Lady’s Guide to Beauty and Etiquette” and how she can’t stand Death and Sylas yet spends 80% of this book lusting after both and getting hot and bothered about everything they do and don’t do. Don’t pretend you’re writing a strong and independent female character when she always needs a man to swoop in and get her out of every bad situation or to patronise her because she’s oh so helpless. For a couple of pages she wants to take matters into her own hand and learn to control powers and take lessons but that's literally never mentioned again. Just throw every single man in this story away and give Signa some actual depth and character that goes beyond craving male validation and being horny.

Next on the itinerary: Sylas. Some of his charming qualities include:
- he is tall as a willow and broad as an oak
- has no regard for Signa’s personal space. Women LOVE manspreading after all (yes the author literally felt it necessary to include scenes of him manspreading)
- he’s constantly using a patronising tone while speaking to Signa
- male character A hits female character B in the face. Signa is shocked and exclaims as such to Sylas. His reaction (and I quote): “To be frank, I think it’s wise to fear more for character A’s well-being than for miss character B. I find that nothing is as terrifying as a woman scorned. And did you see her face? Positively murderous. Now enough of that”. Excusing and belittling violence against women? check. Victim blaming? check. Misogyny? Check. THIS is the man y’all are praising and lusting after??

I don’t care if people cry “this is fiction”. Society needs to stop normalising grooming and inappropriate relationships with minors under the guise of uwu but she’s 19 and legal. He meets her as a baby and waits it out until she’s finally old enough. Literally grooming. This leads to one of my main points. This book is YA. Target audience 12-18. Had this been written as adult fiction it would be one thing but to market this towards teens who presumably do not have the emotional maturity to realise the dangerous implications of glamourising grooming and predatory tropes is never ok. Let’s not teach young girls that’s normal and not concerning behaviour. If your reaction is to roll your eyes and say it’s not that serious - i hope you realise you’re part of the problem.

With that out of the way: Sconegate. Listen. I know some authors use certain words more than others, but there’s a line and this book crossed it. Signa eats scones the ENTIRE time. Scones get more screen time that the supposed murder mystery in this book. 27. She eats twenty-seven scones in this book. Yes this is petty and yes I kept a scone tally. In any given scene there’s a scone present. Death feeds her scones. Death throws scones at her (“A scone flew at her then, landing hard on her chest. She barely caught it before it hit the floor. “You wanted this, didnt you?”). Death CHOKES her with scones. I think this is just about the most ridiculous scene I've ever read (“The moment she opened her mouth to speak, a scone flew from the table and into her mouth, choking off the protest Death refused to hear.”) This has to be a kink.

I almost forgot to talk about the murder mystery of this book but don’t fret, so did the author. After all we’ve got hunky men to lust after and dinner etiquette to learn. The last 10% of this book we have some semblance of a plot. Imagine you’re a first grade teacher and you’re trying to explain the concept of a murder mystery to a classroom full of kids. To make it age appropriate and easy for them to grasp you present a small cast of characters and a setting. You’re an empathetic teacher so you make sure your kids feel a sense of achievement and lift in morale for solving it so you lay out the most obvious and cliché motive and suspect. It’s all so clear cut they have no trouble figuring it out and thus learn the very basic concept of a murder mystery. The readers are the kids in the classroom in this book. I don’t read a ton of murder mystery books nor am i particularly gifted in predicting plots yet i predicted the entire plot down to the smallest details. This is just lazy writing. Other than the mystery there’s also a “twist”. A twist that is so obvious I had it figured out by chapter three. If you’re the kind of person that gasps in shock when Hannah Montana reveals herself to be Miley Stewart or Clark Kent to be Superman you might be impressed though.

This book reads like the author has some sort of power play/size difference/predatory/scone feeding fetish or kink and decided to turn it into a book. Which you do you but do everyone a favour and write it as adult erotica with consenting adults instead of packaging it as a ya murder mystery (which in actuality is just trashy erotica with no plot)

Let's end this rant with this: A bonus scene written by yours truly - or: If you read this you know everything you need to know about this book.

A scone falling on Signa’s petite little head wakes her from her dream about glistening large dark stallions that make the heat in her belly rise. “Oh no what a shame I was rather enjoying that” she thinks and picks up Lady’s Guide to Beauty and Etiquette to read a chapter. By now she knows the book by heart but Signa takes comfort in absorbing the words, after all a lady can always improve oneself. A sudden chill creeps up her dainty little toes and she recoils as she notices dark shadows and a towering presence in her bed. Death is lying next to her, smirking. He is way too tall for her small bed and it’s only now she notices his knees spreading out and touching her to make room for himself. Flashes of red cross her vision and anger coils up in her chest. Signa hates him. She lets him know by glaring at his face which is mere centimetres from her. “Do tell, have you been watching me?” she gasps, ready to pummel him. Death’s menacing grin widens and Signa notices his muscular male physique. He’s so tall. So so tall. He’s a tree trunk. Tall as a willow, broad like an oak, really. “I’ve been watching you since the minute you’ve been born, little bird” he says, stretching out his large hand and revealing a scone. She feels her resolve crumble. It’s lemon. Her favourite.

special thanks to this superstar for holding my hand while rage reading and dissecting this dumpster fire of a book with me and making it a million times more bearable.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,898 reviews12.6k followers
June 11, 2024
**4.5-stars rounded up**

With a story as beautiful as its cover, Belladonna took me completely by surprise. I enjoyed this so much!

We follow Signa Farrow, who is not your average girl. I know you hear that a lot, but in this case it's true. For example, she has an immunity to Belladonna, can commune with spirits and has a relationship with Death.

Unfortunately, our Signa was orphaned as a child and has lived with many guardians since. Recently, she's been with her Aunt Magda, who is cruel. There's no love lost between the two. So, when Aunt Magda suddenly dies, Signa isn't exactly heartbroken.

She does have questions about her future though. Then she receives word that her last remaining relatives, the Hawthornes, would like her to go live with them at their Thorn Grove estate, as her Uncle Elijah's ward.

Lacking other options, Signa leaves her old life behind willingly and with a bit of hope in her heart.

Arriving at the estate, she begins to become acquainted with everyone. Her Uncle is mourning his wife, Lilianne, who passed away recently. Woefully, her younger cousin, Blythe, seems to be suffering from the same mysterious illness that prematurely killed her mother.

When it becomes clear to Signa that Lilianne didn't die of natural causes an unexpected murder mystery begins to unfold. This is made significantly more interesting by the fact that Signa gets the support of her old friend, Death, as she tries to solve it.

This book surprised me. I really didn't know much about it going in. My initial attraction was the cover, followed by Adalyn Grace's name on said gorgeous cover.

I was delighted with the setting, which based off some dates of included journal entries would be sometime in the 1850s or 1860s. It has a lush gothic feel that I really loved. Even the focus on plants like belladonna, Signa's frequent use of it, felt very period specific and natural to me.

I enjoyed learning about Signa's Thorn Grove family along with her. She's really thrust right into their world of formal parties, frequent visitors and gossipers galore.

Having lived a fairly secluded life up until that point, I think Signa had felt very lonely. Now surrounded with people she becomes attached, to some more than others. Particularly her cousin, Blythe. She's very saddened by Blythe's illness and becomes determined to see her well.

I actually really ended up enjoying the romantic elements as well. I loved the dynamic between Signa and the character of Death. It was giving me Addie LaRue vibes and I'm not mad about it.

Signa, at the age where it would be acceptable for her to marry, has some other prospects as well. Watching her navigate that, while trying to decipher her unusual feelings for Death was super compelling. I was eating it up.

Grace did a fantastic job of building the tension and mystery. It was hard to put down once Signa began looking into Blythe's illness. It was a bit of a race against the clock and for a while, almost everyone was a suspect.

I loved the ending of this as well. It was a great set-up for the second book. Personally, I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Signa is one of my favorite new characters of the year, so I can't wait to be reunited with her.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers and Hachette Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review.

I definitely recommend the audiobook for this story. It was so easy to get swept up into this world through that medium. 10-out-of-10 recommend!!
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,691 reviews54k followers
May 16, 2023
This book is dreamy combination of fantasy meets mystery with paranormal and gothic elements. This time I can judge this book with its cover because both of them are AMAZING!

A haunted house that is invaded by ghosts. A suspicious death of patriarch’s late wife and a suspicious illness of his young daughter whose condition gets deteriorated at each day.

Only 17 years old Signa Farrow who is called “cursed orphan” after everyone who adopts her keep dying one by one, a gifted girl who stands at the thin line between life and death, chewing the poisonous belladonnas to summon death to challenge him can save this family!

That girl lost her own family. She felt the cold breath of DEATH on her face, staring at shadowy figure of him directly. She did everything to lure him take her with him.

Slowly she realizes mysterious things about her life: She talks with the spirits, seeing ghosts and she also realizes she cannot kill herself. Each time she pops several belladonnas into her mouth, she feels the shivering feeling as a sign of death’s approaching.

When Signa accidentally killed her venomous Aunt Magda, she broke the important rule without knowing. Magda was not meant to die at that night so when a life is taken, another must be spared rule saved her cousin Blythe’s life.

Thankfully Blythe who suffers from mysterious illness is part of eccentric Hawthorne Family living at Thorn Grove. Signa is sent there to live with Hawthornes: her last remaining relatives, trying to understand the complex family dynamics.

As the patriarch of the family: Elijah mourns his wife Lillian through wild parties he throws at their eerie mansion where ghosts lurking around the corridors, Percy: his young son does everything to take his father’s attention, caring the young Blythe who is ill, showing the exactly same symptoms with her dead mother.

Signa meets with the spirit of Lillian and she realizes somebody in the house murdered her and unfortunately only Death and a sarcastic stable boy can help Signa to solve the mystery!

I loved to see how Signa’s character evolved and accepted her true powers. Of course Death was the most alluring and charismatic character of the book definitely intrigued me!

I loved the final twist and cliffhanger! I’m absolutely looking forward to read the second book! I had amazing reading time!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Little Brown Books for Young Readers for sharing this amazing digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.
587 reviews1,743 followers
August 31, 2022
Now available!!
Published Aug 30, 2022

I have never seen a book so epically blow a 3-1 lead like Belladonna did. (look, a sports reference) That opening scene was killer, and even the story set-up afterwards was intriguing. I was enthusiastically exchanging theories with my reading buddy up until around a third of the way through, but either the pacing shifted or finally caught up with me, because I had to all but drag myself through the back half of this book.

The absolute biggest miss for me were the scenes where Signa was learning about and trying to navigate “society”. God were they boring; I could not bring myself to care about a single moment devoted to that weak-ass plot line. I’m not sure if it’s the Bridgerton effect, but there’s absolutely no need to shoehorn a young woman’s ~societal debut~ into a story about vengeful ghosts and murder conspiracies. How did Adalyn Grace expect anyone to give two shits about the implications of refusing an invitation to tea when we *just found out* that . Belladonna has a focus problem—where the things that felt the most pressing, like issues of life and death, had to take a backseat to the frivolous and tedious aspects of aristocratic posturing.

I also couldn’t fully conceptualize ‘Death’ based on the description provided by Grace. Is he a ghost? How are they if his face is literally obscured the entire time? Logistically, I have many questions, but his character never felt fully real to me either. There was a bit of Luc from Addie LaRue in his demeanor and presentation, though that character had motivations, his powers and reach were clearly defined, etc. But with Death, I still don’t understand what ‘he’…..is.

The actual ghosts were the best part and more interesting than most of the characters, despite rarely getting to speak, and I wish we didn’t keep getting dragged from them back to the boring humans. There’s certain tropes that I would expect in a gothic novel, and foreshadowing in general is frequently utilized, but there was not one twist that you couldn’t spot a mile away, which erased all of the uncertainty, all of the tension. I kept hoping my assumptions were wrong because of how unremarkable they’d make the story, but I was, sadly, correct. What a bummer.

And do not get me started on that attempt at a cliffhanger/twist in the epilogue. I am not falling for that again!!!! I have already seen Signa try to solve a murder mystery once and was NOT impressed.

I usually do more of a set-up for what a book is about, but I was too annoyed by how this one played out to attempt it here. Basically all you need to know is that this book was heavy on vibes, missing plot in the middle and probably best enjoyed not thinking too hard about anything presented.

*Thanks so much to Little, Brown For Young Readers for an advance review copy!

**For more book talk & reviews, follow me on Instagram at @elle_mentbooks!
Profile Image for benedicta.
422 reviews594 followers
August 26, 2023
1.5⭐️ wow what an utter disappointment. this book gave literally nothing 😒

😒 this is like insta love but with distant family the fmc has never met before and some more insta love with 2 love interests she insists she absolutely hates but also thinks about all the time and goes out of her way to see them

😒 there is no magical setting or anything horrific or gothic about the environment set or plot, scratch that, there's barely a plot

😒 there is only people sitting around and chatting and the fmc thinking about everything that's none of her business and some etiquette book that she needs to abide by (honestly I didn't find one single thing I cared about)

😒 oh and they have the most boring soirees and tea parties, even the gossip whispered there were boring
March 19, 2023

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ALL THE STARS AND TEETH was overly written and felt like the work of an author who was trying to prove herself. BELLADONNA, on the other hand, feels like the work of an author who knows that she doesn't have to. That she is, in fact, it. I can't think of many authors where I gave one of their books a one star review only to come back and give one of their later ones a five, but Adalyn Grace is that rare case and she pried all five of those stars from my stingy little fingers with BELLADONNA.

This is everything I never knew I wanted in YA fantasy and I honestly don't think the reviews do it justice. I mean, with YA fantasy being a dime a dozen these days, and everyone off to the races to write The Next Big Thing, what makes this one stand out? What is it like? Well, BELLADONNA is beautifully written and features an awkward, sort of Tim Burton-y heroine, like a female counterpart to Victor Van Dort from Corpse Bride. The writing is beautiful and ornate without being overdone and it has a wonderfully Gothic pseudo-Victorian setting replete with ghosts, poison, and murder. There's a very cinematic feel to both the writing and the story-telling and it's darkly whimsical and utterly addicting, because even though it doesn't really do anything different, the characters and the setting are all so vivid that they seem to come alive.

Signa has changed hands multiple times every since her mother was Red Wedding'd at a baby shower. Signa was the only survivor but Death left his mark on her and now she can consume poison without succumbing to it and people around her have the disconcerting habit of dropping dead. When her aunt dies, Signa taken in by her uncle as ward, where she will live with her cousins, Blythe and Percy. Just one problem, their mother was recently Red Wedding'd herself and Blythe, with her mysterious illness, appears close to death herself. And instead of living out the days to her inheritance peacefully in the countryside, Signa ends up involved in a dastardly murder plot where she, and everyone she holds dear, may be in danger. Also, the family is in-fighting over petty and non-petty dramas, and the uncle, mad with grief (or guilt?) is hosting elaborate parties like he thinks he's Jay Gatsby, or something.

So let's talk about why this book was great. The writing was good. The setting was wonderful-- creepy and atmospheric, with body horror and real stakes. Honestly, there were some moments in this book that made me glad I wasn't reading it at night. The heroine was delightfully awkward and it wasn't portrayed as too quirky or twee. I could sense her inability to fit in and her loneliness, and the author showed us instead of telling us. Part of the book is watching Signa grow and blossom, like a dark orchid, in a hothouse full of society people who don't quite know how to deal with her.

There's also a love triangle, of sorts, and some genuinely sensual scenes. Sometimes sex in YA can be yuck, but the heroine is older (19) and the author did such a good job making things romantic and vague, rather than explicit. I think the last YA book I read that managed this balance so well was Holly Black's CRUEL PRINCE. I just love me a really good romance, okay? Especially if it makes me swoon and the hero is just the tiny bit dangerous. Which is maybe why this just kind of feels like a love ode to goth girl media. There's elements of Labyrinth, Tim Burton, Secret Garden, classic fairytales... basically everything I loved as a kid but grown up and wearing a fancy dress and falling in love for the first time.

Someone needs to make this a movie. And also give me the sequel. Not necessarily in that order.

5 stars
Profile Image for Sylvie {Semi-Hiatus}.
1,044 reviews1,632 followers
August 13, 2024
4.75 out of 5 stars!

I was hooked on this book from the prologue and since then I knew I was going to love this book thoroughly!

Now, imagine if there's Caraval meets House of Salt and Sorrows meets One Dark Window with a hint of Historical Regency romance. If you enjoyed all of these, then you MUST pick up this book!

Third Fourth time’s a charm.
If it weren't for the terrible reading slump I would've already read this book and been ready for the third book by the time it releases. Sigh!
Since I'm still in an awfully wretched slump and it has no intentions to go away, I unfortunately have to put this book on-hold, and hope I'll be able to pick it up again very soon.
Time to read another fantasy fairytale-esque series that I’m hyped about. 👀
I have no idea how, but suddenly this book is in my tbr-list.
Side note: I blame it on the fanarts.
August 11, 2024
ೃ❤⁀➷ 𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜𝓍𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓇, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝓉𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒮𝒾𝑔𝓃𝒶 𝒷𝓎 𝓈𝓊𝓇𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝒶𝓈 𝒾𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒹𝒾𝒹—𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓈𝒽𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓈 𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓋𝒶𝑔𝓊𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓅𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝒶 𝒽𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃. 𝒮𝑜 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓋𝑜𝒾𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝓂. 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑒𝓉 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝓂 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒮𝒾𝑔𝓃𝒶 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒹𝑜. 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒹𝑜. 𝒮𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒹𝓇𝒶𝓌𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝒾𝓂 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝑜 𝒶 𝒻𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒. 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝑜, 𝒾𝓉 𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓂𝑒𝒹, 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝑒𝓇.” ೀ

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ಇ. ⋆·˚ ༘ *ꕤ 3.75 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼 ꕤ༉‧₊˚.

╰┈➤˗ˏˋ 𝓠𝓾𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂

Our FMC - Signa, who is an orphan is set to inherit a huge fortune upon reaching adulthood and thus, is subjected to being passed around several greedy relatives. Unfortunately for those relatives, Signa's cursed and unable to die yet followed by death in both literal and metaphorical sense.

One by one, those relatives meet their untimely end and with each demise, Death appears, either to collect waiting souls or summoned by Signa’s new suicide attempt. This, of course, causes Signa to hate Death as she believes him to be the source of her ‘curse’ which would lead to her being unable to marry. (That's obv the problem here lol)

As Signa nears her 18th birthday, she is sent to live with her last remaining relatives: the Hawthorne Family at Thorn Grove who have their own curse as well. Their home is haunted by the ghost of Lillian, the wife of the Hawthorne patriarch, and Blythe is dying of the same illness that took her mother.

Things come to a head when Lillian confronts Signa, claiming she was poisoned, and that’s when the race against time begins. To help Lillian find peace by finding the culprit while trying to prevent Blythe’s death, Signa will need to work together with Death.

╰┈➤˗ˏˋ 𝓜𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼

I have to say that I really enjoyed this on my second attempt but I still experienced a few lulls from time to time where I just wasn't staying as engaged with the story was I would have liked.

I loved the premise but I just felt like too much time was spent deviating from the main story with things about etiquette and social manners that it ended up just becoming distracting. I know the main character is trying to work out how to integrate herself into polite society after being passed around relative to relative her whole life because being caretaker of her comes with a stipend but it just got to be too much.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ I do think that this reads more like a murder/mystery/paranormal novel rather than a fantasy/romance - that could have been what initially turned me off the first time I tried to read it.

Nevertheless, speaking of the mystery aspect of the book- it is top notch with twists and turns.

As for the magic system, I do like how the paranormal elements from Signa’s connection to spirits, ghosts and the afterlife we’re explored building as Signa gathered clues to solving the mystery. Do wish there were more details to build on it because the system wasn’t established too much in beginning but it grew on me, especially as Signa worked with Death.

ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ All in all it's a solid read and I'm excited to jump into the next one.
Profile Image for Adalyn Grace.
Author 9 books7,634 followers
June 6, 2022
Final Update:
We have finally announced the limited edition first printing, as well as the exclusive Barnes and Noble edition.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙉𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚:
- A stunning purple case design printed straight onto the hardcover
- Inverted end pages design
- A deleted chapter
- An alternate dust jacket with color changes

This limited edition is exclusive to @barnesandnoble and is available for pre order now!

𝙇𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙍𝙪𝙣:
- A beautiful white case design printed straight onto the hardcover
- Beautiful end papers

This gorgeous white version comes standard with all first editions and is available through all US retailers! Amazon, Target, your local indie, etc. However, it’s 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱. All US pre orders (with the exception of the B&N exclusive) will be guaranteed to have this cover!

While I hope that these editions will make it to the shelves, 𝗽𝗿𝗲-𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. Both are limited and when we run out, the publisher won’t be printing more!

First US Printing Edition:


Barnes & Noble Exclusive:



The pre order campaign is live! Please see the image below for details. For my information you can head over to my Instagram.

Please submit your receipts here.

If you're looking for a signed + personalized copy, you can order through Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore

Profile Image for brooke (semi-hiatus).
106 reviews9,964 followers
August 6, 2024
this is the first book i’ve picked up in nearly a month so hopefully it turns out to be good!! br with my fav girl rowan 🩷💓💘
Profile Image for manju ♡.
186 reviews1,791 followers
September 6, 2024
i can’t believe it took me years to start this series, but i wouldn’t have it any other way. sometimes it's just a matter of timing. i hate to think about how many books i missed out on absolutely adoring because i read them at the wrong time.

if i picked this up two years in the future, or a few months ago when i wasn’t feeling it at all, it wouldn’t mean much of anything to me. but now, right now, at this very moment—i am standing on the precipice of the rest of my life, looking at the years to come but not knowing where i’m going to be or what i’m going to be doing or who i’m going to be doing it with. and that’s terrifying. i am young, and wary, and still trying to figure everything out without losing my mind in the process. and it is so reassuring, so completely heartwarming, to read about characters who feel the same way. to know that they were once lost but have since found some sense of home and safety, something worth fighting for, a life worth living.

although signa isn’t a particularly stand out protagonist, her story brought me so much joy and comfort in these past two weeks. i loved her brazen, stubborn side and her fierce loyalty when it comes to the people she loves. seeing her realize that the plans she originally had in mind for herself may not truly be what she wanted was so so special to me. because sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. but there’s so much beauty, so much opportunity and possibility, in the unplanned.

the discussions about death were also so well done, considering this is a young adult novel. i loved that adalyn grace clung to the idea that death itself is not inherently bad; it is necessary and simply a part of life. death even says the world of the dead is kinder than that of the living and i think that makes so much sense. + the way the afterlife included reincarnation as an option but also (sort of) the concept of heaven?? lovely. i’ve never considered myself to be spiritual, but if an afterlife exists, i would like to believe we can choose which way we want to go. because then—even in death, we have a choice.

[a very special thank you to alyssa who bought me the physical copy of this book and who probably won’t see this but i am very very grateful 🥹]
Profile Image for chloé ✿.
163 reviews3,235 followers
September 5, 2024
✨🤍🪻 4 stars🪻🤍✨

i liked this more than i expected & it gave the perfect fall vibes

🪻 ‘i know i cannot force you to want me in return, but say that you do, and i promise that i am wholly and unequivocally yours. say that you do, and i will make this world everything for you, Signa. 🪻

brb… i’m busy swooning over Death himself

what i loved:

+ major fall vibes !!! 🖤🍂☕️
+ large, gothic, and haunted mansion
+ murder, death, and lots of mystery
+ ghosts & magic
+ Death as a character (the mmc, no less) and how he is portrayed (he’s mysterious and very shadow-y🤭)
+ some very good, swoony, highlight-worthy quotes
+ the use of plants for medicinal & poisonous purposes

what i didn’t love:

- tbd… i need to read the others first and then think about it
- nothing blatant stands out right now but i didn’t quite get that ✨5 star feeling✨

if you want a gothic-y fantasy novel for fall, add this to your tbr for a rainy autumn day. trust.

🪻 you must not allow yourself to be consumed so thoroughly by death. it’s not selfish to live. 🪻

bonus — the third book in the trilogy just came out

extra bonus — available on kindle unlimited
Profile Image for cherie ^_-★.
76 reviews506 followers
October 6, 2024
3.5 stars ⭐️
⤷ rtc!! ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪

pre-read 🪻:

tysm to everyone who voted/commented on my poll 💜 i’ve heard some great things about this book and i’m intrigued!!

(update: br with my bbs maryam, almas, asra, april, and rose ~ this is so exciting eeeee ��)
Profile Image for Avery (Taylor's version).
247 reviews883 followers
December 11, 2023
2nd read

“You must not allow yourself to be consumed so thoroughly by death. It’s not selfish to live.”

I reread this in preparation for Foxglove, and I forgot how much I loved this book, and I nearly cried at this one thing that happened at the end.

Death is still the best, and once again, don't take that out of context.

First read

“Do not change the parts of yourself that you like to make others comfortable. Do not try to mold yourself to fit the standards someone else has set for us.”



I have not felt this strongly over something since I read Legendborn back in February, but this was SO GOOD.

And let's just take a moment of appreciation for the cover- like the Barnes & Noble exclusive did not mess around, I cannot stop staring at the design underneath the dust jacket, it's BEAUTIFUL.

The Plot

Usually when I read mysteries, I'm positively awful with guessing who's the murderer, or any other possible twists.



I don't know if anyone else guessed it or if it was really obvious but LET ME HAVE THIS MOMENT PLEASE

The other twist, the twist for who the murderer was, I actually did not guess, but I'm okay with that.

This book just has a way of captivating you, like I didn't read this in one sitting and didn't really have an inclination to do so until I actually sat down and read it when I had a lot of time on my hands, and I couldn't tear myself away.

The pacing wasn't necessarily fast (not that it was slow either. it was just right) but it just sucked me in and felt like the pages were flying by because I couldn't stop reading. Like I brought this to a restaurant and was trying so hard not to make reactions (though it was VERY hard not to. some of the scenes I read were ones I was peeking around to make sure no one was looking over my shoulder) because my family already thinks I'm weird and I don't need to give them further proof.

The last few chapters of this book were crazy. I was staring at it with wide eyes as everything was revealed (along with the wonderful little plot twist I got right. I'm so proud about that) and I almost cried at one part, which is saying something, though not really since I'm an emotional person.

Also, the vibes in this book are immaculate. Like I love gothic and spooky settings, and this was so good and perfectly what I wanted. The writing had a hand in that, so I'll just say that the writing is actually amazing, like it was so beautiful and lyrical.

“Stop worrying about society and playing its game, hoping that you'll be good enough. There is no such thing as true goodness, there is only perception.”

The Characters

I loved the characters in this so much. Like, I hated none of them except the people you're supposed to hate.

Signa is such a great main character. She's strong, but not arrogant, gentle, but not timid. She's the perfect balance of someone who has a smart mouth but doesn't get on my nerves like most of the main characters with the snarky personality do. She's responsible, smart, and everything I wish to be if I were a main character in a book (not like it's ever gonna happen. A girl can dream though)

Seeing her character growth was also astounding, going from careful and slightly shy to the determined person she was at the end.


I've learned plenty of things about myself this year as to what kind of characters I've learned to love. First was a demon prince, and now we've got literal Death. Is it concerning? Yes. Do I necessarily care? Not one bit.

I never doubted Death. I fell in love with him instantly, because that's what I do, and I actually (surprisingly) really liked that he wasn't cold and snappish but was actually so cute and kind and adorable and caring to Signa and he had me giggling and kicking my feet on numerous occasions.

Like he's so gentle and just overall amazing 😭

I love Death.

Do not take that out of context.

I also really liked the side characters too, especially the Hawthornes. They were so well fleshed out and I loved how they reacted to Signa and interacted with her.

“Your name is no curse, Little Bird. I just like the taste of it.”


The Relationships

The romance in this book is one of the best I've read this year. I was a little concerned at first, since in the prologue Signa's a baby and Death is there and all that so it's a bit strange but....I can overlook it.

Kinda concerning how fast I did, but oh well.

The tension that these two had was just so GOOD 🤌

I was always looking forward to their interactions because Death is the love of my life (that still sounds so wrong) and the way they talk to each other is the best. Like the one-sided enemies to lovers thing, the SLOWBURN, the immortal x mortal, were all amazing.

And all the scenes where they finally give into it, I really hope there are more of those in Foxglove because they are incredible.

Going away from the romance because I'm growing repetitive in my love for it, I also really liked the family relationships and bonding in this. Signa fit in so well with the Hawthornes and I loved how they viewed her as close family and took her in so lovingly. I can't wait to see them even more.

“Because I have waited an eternity to meet you, Signa Farrow.”

There are numerous variants of this same phrase throughout the ending half of the book and when I tell you I giggled like a maniac throughout all of them (still in public, might I add)

So overall, this was an amazing way to begin the month of March. I highly doubt any other book will beat this one as my monthly favorite unless it is an absolute masterpiece.

5 stars

“You bring out the absolute worst in me, and I become vindictive toward those who treat you in ways I don’t care for. Yet you also bring out the best in me—I want to be better because of you. Better for you.”

I love him so much, it's honestly concerning.





I'm literally so happy I got the exclusive edition or whatever edition I did it's GORGEOUS the actual hardcover is beautiful and the end papers are just AHH. I'm sorry, I can't stop screaming over it, it's probably the prettiest book I own
Profile Image for jay.
918 reviews5,307 followers
September 4, 2022
"I'd prefer you not summon me whenever the urge strikes."
The voice was not what she expected. It wasn't ice, nor gravel, but the sound of water in a meadow, slipping over her skin and inviting her in for a midnight swim.
"I'm a busy man, you know."

Have you always been a bit too into the grim reaper? Worryingly so? Would you kiss him if tempted? Touch? Fu-... sorry, got a bit lost in a personal fantasy there haha.

This was my most anticipated read of the year and boy, did it give what needed to be given!!!!

The writing was beautiful. Death was hot. The voice the audiobook narrator did for Death was also hot. I loved Signa, though she was a bit naive at times. Death was hot. The side characters were fully fleshed out and I cared for them deeply. Death was ho- fine, I'll shut up.

The murder mystery was also well done, though I will obviously not go into detail. And there were also a few meaningful conversations about life and death's meaning in it thrown in for good measure.

There was a scene so beautiful at the end, it made me cry and manifested my decision to give this 5 stars.

You all know I can't write five star reviews, it was good, go away.

TL;DR: I'm honestly unsure whether I want all of you to read this or whether I want to gate-keep it for myself.
Also, because I know some of you strangely care a lot about those things: it doesn't have smut. Try not to cry. I mean, it is YA.
May 31, 2023
Life, she believed, would be much simpler if one had the answers all laid bare before them.

It took me 11 days to finish this.
I had to take it in small doses because I was afraid it'd put me into a slump if I let it suck the enjoyment out of my veins.

★𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼/5
★𝗣𝗟𝗢𝗧: 📜���📜/5
★𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 🌹🌹🌹/5

I finally did finish, and I have so many conflicting opinions about it.
The main one, I fear, is an unpopular one.
Hence, this was okay, but not nearly as stellar as I'd expected from the various reviews.
I loved the prologue and I was expecting greatness after reading it, but I ended up being almost bored by the book up until the last 20%. That's when it picked up a little again, but the fact that I could see all the twists coming from a mile kind of annoyed me.
I found the characters flat and the plot messy, like the author couldn't decide what direction the story should take.
I also wasn't a fan of the romance.

It wasn't all bad, but for me, it had nothing that made it special.
For me, it was overall mediocre.
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
December 6, 2022
"You are no soft thing to be coddled... You are bolder than the sun, Signa Farrow, and it's time that you burn."

I really wanted to love this book, but I'm afraid it didn't quite hit that mark with me. Belladonna is by no means a bad book, and it's completely on trend with it's cover art and thematic content. In fact, this will be a huge hit with many readers, and I'm excited to see its reception amongst the YA crowd as it releases. The aspects that didn't work for me will be favorite qualities of another reader, and that's what makes this hobby such a beautiful experience.

For what it's worth, I think the idea here is stellar: we have a young lady who loses her family at a very young age and is bounced around between relatives who keep dying due to pesky unforeseen reasons. Signa, our main character, has some mysterious ability to not be able to die, and when she does something (like eating poison berries), instead of passing on she has an encounter with Death. Part of the fun of the book is learning why this is happening and watching the blossoming romance between the two. Also, there is a bit of murder mystery at play here once Signa reaches her latest relatives' estate, which is always appealing to me.

It's fair to note that the very first pages of the book feature a scene where Signa, as an infant, loses her family and has her first encounter with Death. While I didn't read it as such organically, after seeing several reviews once finishing the book, there is great concern about the fact that Death's interaction with Signa could be considered problematic and possibly even grooming, so please be cautious and alert going in that this does exist and might trigger some folks.

Aside from that, I did find the book very predictable. The twist involving the identity of two characters was something I guessed from the first 10% for spoiler reasons . Also, the identity of the murderer was easy to guess as well, but the why behind it did add a little extra depth to it.

Let's talk about the ending. I think I have a different definition of cliffhanger than other readers, so for me, while this was definitely left set up for a sequel, most of what happens in this book felt very standalone, and I did not feel the compulsion to pick up the following book immediately like I would if things ended in a grasping WAIT WHAT moment. This is purely personal preference though, and I know that the way this book wraps up will spark different feelings for different readers. Overall, this was a fun read that felt a little on the younger side of the YA spectrum, with just enough "adultish" references and romantic encounters to keep this from truly feeling too young.

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Gillian.
212 reviews308 followers
December 13, 2022
“I have waited for you for millennia, Signa Farrow. Since the dawn of this earth, I have waited. You are mine, and I am yours. And together, this world is ours.”

I absolutely loved this book! This was an enchanting and mysterious romantic fantasy about wealth, desire, betrayal, love and power. Signa is an orphan who has been raised by different relatives who only cared about her wealth. After her Aunt dies Signa is brought to live with her last living relatives, the Hawthornes who live in a mysterious and spooky estate. When the Hawthornes mother's spirit claims she was poisoned, Signa decides to help and allies herself with Death, who has been around since she was young. Will Signa discover who killed her Aunt Lillian and save her family?

"I believe I have always been yours, Death. As you were made for me, perhaps I was made for you."

I was completely swept away by the Gothic inspired world the author created from the very first page. The plot was intriguing and the pacing was perfect! I really liked the Gothic and dark vibe of the book. There were so many twists and turns that I wasn't expecting. Although I did guess one of the plot twists, there were still many surprises. This book had everything I wanted in romance and mystery including enemies-to-lovers, slow-burn romance, Gothic/dark vibes, and great chemistry between the main characters. I loved Signa, she is strong, stubborn, persistent, helpful and kind. Signa is a relatable character and I felt a connection to her. A few of my family members have passed away and I have felt lonely sometimes like Signa. I loved Signa's character development, she grew as a person throughout the book and she learned more about herself and her powers. I'm in love with Death, he is mysterious, charming, powerful, devilishly handsome, and sweet to Signa. I also really liked the side characters, especially Charlotte and Blythe. The chemistry between Signa and Death was *chef's kiss*! I love that Signa makes Death a better person and that she can be herself around him. The sexual tension was amazing! The author is such a great writer and storyteller, the beautiful writing transported me into the Gothic world through the author's descriptive words. The ending was so good and surprising! I can't wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up).
395 reviews1,239 followers
March 15, 2023
This is totally Jaymiej's fault. 😜

This book just checked all of my boxes! It's dark and moody and I am in love with the gothic and macabre vibes. I used to be so stingy with my 5 star ratings, only saving them for what I considered literary masterpieces, but then I changed my mind, now I base it on my reading experience. And my reading experience with this book was obsession! I loved this book so much and I never wanted to put it down.

Signa is no ordinary girl, a shadow has followed her all her life, causing her heartache and isolation. This shadow has a name, he is Death. When an opportunity arises to fulfill Signa's dream of being part of a family and finding companionship, it's threatened by a strange illness and foul play and she must finally confront Death and her unusual connection to him to solve the mystery and her loved ones.

This book is FULL of beautiful writing and dialogue. The imagery that the author painted was rich and immersive. I loved Signa, I thought her navigating who she thinks she should be with who she really is, was done really well and was very relatable. The star of this book for me was obviously Death. Every single time he was on the page, it was magic. I mean, how do you not fall for him?! I loved him completely.
I figured out the twist almost immediately, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book at all and the other mystery, I actually was surprised! I can't wait for the second book now!

"Hello, little bird come to stab me again?"

"How do you feel about this woman? I could infect her with a light plague. perhaps. Or we could give her the pox?"

"Since the dawn of this earth, I have waited. You are mine, and I am yours. And together, this world is ours."
Profile Image for rae ✿.
315 reviews283 followers
December 22, 2023
i really wanted to love this🥲 but it didn't work for me i guess,
and here's why:

1. it took me almost 1 week to finished the first half of the book and that said something like if it weren't for libby i'd probably dnf it.
the first half is so repetitive that literally nothing is going on just the same sentence repeating the same thing.

2. very bland characters, they were very one dimensional, they were very idk unappealing for me.

3. lacking in the world building, the plot is very messy like what's exactly going on in here and it's more telling than showing and i didn't enjoy that.

4. the relationship between the main characters felt forced with zero Z E R O chemistry whatsoever.

5. signa is annoying. she's so damn naive it got on my nerves.

6. death is boring.

7. "the mystery" bitch where.

8. lastly i think the only villain here is this dumb book "Lady’s Guide To Beauty And Etiquette" bc for the love of god please burn it.

SO YEAHHH oh also i can already tell the second book is gonna be boring bc the story is basically finished. sometimes authors need to know that it is okay to just make it as standalone yk you don't have to make everything as this long ass series🤷🏼‍♀️, anyway
Profile Image for Isabelle Reneé Reads.
144 reviews402 followers
November 29, 2022
Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

When I say I had high expectations for this book, know that they were absolutely ASTRONOMICAL. When I read that delicious premise, felt that Gothic vibe, and saw that enemies-to-lovers trope, this darling became one of my most anticipated reads of 2022.

Fortunately, my dearest reader friends, this book LIVED up to the hype.


ok allow me to elaborate.

the premise

Signa Farrow is a nineteen-year-old orphan, cursed with the ability to see both dead souls and Death himself. Her eyes are mismatched (one blue, one gold), and she has an inability to die. She also seems to have a rather deadly sort of luck: every single one of her five guardians has died in the most random circumstances. Sure, nearly all of them were abusive and greedily seeking the vast fortune Signa’s parents left her, but the public doesn't see it that way. Signa has been labelled a demon and a social outcast, shunned for her odd eyes and the trail of dead bodies behind her.

The only one that truly sees her, ironically enough, is Death himself. She’s seen the grim reaper at varying intervals throughout her life, most often when he comes for the souls of her guardians. She’s talked with him before, but she can't help but hate him. He's taken so much away from her: first her parents, and then all five of her guardians, leaving her constantly searching for a real family and a place to call home.

The book opens as Signa is being shipped off to the mansion of her distant cousins (the Hawthornes) after the death of her fifth guardian. While apprehensive, she can't help but feel a sort of excitement. With a whole family here this time, will she finally experience what life is like with a real home?

However, while not unwelcoming, the Hawthornes themselves are under severe duress. The Hawthorne mother (Signa's aunt) died last year from a gruesome, incurable disease, and the whole family is still grieving. There’s tension between the son, father, and uncle over the fate of the Hawthorne family business. With Signa’s sickly cousin constantly swerving towards death, Signa is seeing Death more frequently than ever before. And slowly, Signa is beginning to suspect foul play in her cousin's sickness, as well as in the untimely death of her aunt.

the plot


First off, the writing. Adalyn Grace’s writing style is pleasantly smooth and easy to read without affecting her lush worldbuilding (of which there was just the most perfect amount).

I also loved the whole Gothic vibe and the mystery that Signa was trying to solve with Death the entire book. My one complaint would probably be that the pacing was a tad irregular, with some scenes and plotlines happening much quicker than others, but overall, this didn't hurt the beautiful experience.

oh, and you definitely won't see the plot twist at the end coming. it's amazing 🤩

the characters


Signa Farrow is, put simply, AMAZING. She’s mastered how to hide her curse and how to use it for her own gains. This girl is smart and practical and I LOVE HER SM YOU GO GIRLIE.

For having such a grim name, Death was actually such a cinnamon bun (I KNOW RIGHT I WAS SO SHOOKETH). He’s totally morally grey and made definitely questionable decisions, but as my questionable taste in fictional men can attest, I was absolutely hooked with him from his first appearance.

And the romance between Signa and Death?
PLEASEEEEEEEEE IT WAS SO CUTEEEEEEE. he cares so much for her, and he’s done everything he can to protect her from those who hurt her 😭😭

now, I get some might feel a little weirded out because he’s immortal and you know, ✨age gap✨, but DO give them a chance. he’s so sweet and respectful to her, and there’s a plot twist that makes it much less weird (don't worry, I won't spoil that ;)

The side characters, especially those with the last name Hawthorne, were well-fleshed out and actually contributed much more than i thought they would to the mystery plotline. this book wasn't just a romance, and i really appreciated that ❤️


so basically, go read it 😘

Star Rating: ★★★★★
If This Book Was a Movie Rating: PG-13

Recommendations If You Liked This Book:
Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen
The Darkening by Sunya Mara
Profile Image for Marianna Moore.
241 reviews7,003 followers
September 28, 2024
Wow I LOVED THIS!!! This book reminded me why I love YA romance so much! Also I am in fact down bad for Death himself…. So there’s that.

Gothic fantasy romance meets murder mystery and I was SO HERE FOR IT! This gave me all the fall vibes I was looking for. It’s also set in the Victorian era so think like spooky Bridgerton??

Our FMC Signa who I adore can see Death… yeah, I know wtf??? She believes she’s been cursed by him as those around her start to die so let’s just say she isn’t the biggest fan of him. Unfortunately for her when she goes to live with her last living relatives she gets thrust into a murder mystery that requires her to team up with Death himself to solve….. OH IT WAS SO GOOD!

The romance in this was PERFECTION, I loved the dynamic between Death and Signa, that man is so swoon worthy, girl I get it, I would fall for Death too no question. Also if you love a good masquerade ball scene….. read it.

This was such a fun atmospheric read and so beautifully written. I did find some parts to just
be a little boring but I think that’s just because the whole “court gossip” thing isn’t really my thing. Other than that I’m very excited for book 2!
Profile Image for aeryn rose.
158 reviews560 followers
July 13, 2024

Death was her poison, and all she wanted was to consume more.

I actually had a fun time reading this! However, it definitely did have its issues.

Let me just start off by saying that I absolutely adored the world building in this book. The way it was written was so beautiful and you could just picture yourself in the scene. I think this was done brilliantly and it really set the stage for the settings of the book.

I liked the characters to a certain extent. I liked the connections between all of the characters, but they reallyyyy lacked depth. On a personal front, I could not connect with then myself. I thought Signa's character development throughout this book was beautiful and written well, but it did irk me at times that she could be a walking doormat. The tension and the angst between Signa and Death was just *chefs kiss*. Beautiful!!

I thought the plot was actually very intriguing and it had a good direction. However, the plot was extremely surface level. There wasn't anything really....deep about this book. I just kept asking and begging for more. I liked what was in this, but it was definitely missing things in terms of plot and character depth.

I will definitely be reading the next book in this series, as I am very interested with how this ended and I think the series is good enough to continue!!


I've been eager to start this lately and I think now is the right time 😙🩷💜
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