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The Christmas Postcards

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Set in a chocolate-box village, a woman makes a surprising connection with a pen-pal that will change her life - and warm your heart - in the new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author Karen Swan.

It had been a make-or-break holiday for their marriage, but Natasha and Rob’s rekindled romance is short-lived when their daughter’s beloved soft toy disappears on the journey home.

As Natasha comforts the distraught child, she turns to social media for help. Miraculously, the toy is found, but it has become the lucky mascot of a man named Duffy, who is thousands of miles away.

When Duffy promises to keep Natasha updated with pictures, the pair begin a correspondence that soon becomes more meaningful to both of them. Sometimes, Natasha feels this stranger understands her more than the man lying next to her.

But as the weeks pass and Duffy heads deeper into the mountains, Natasha begins to notice a change in him. Then one day, the messages stop. Too late, Natasha wonders why he had ever needed a lucky mascot at all.

From the picture-perfect Cotswolds to the majesty of the Himalayan foothills, The Christmas Postcards is a novel about how the closest connections can be the furthest apart.

480 pages, Paperback

First published October 27, 2022

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About the author

Karen Swan

59 books2,076 followers
Karen Swan began her career in fashion journalism before giving it all up to raise her three children and a puppy, and to pursue her ambition of becoming a writer. She lives in the forest in Sussex, writing her books in a treehouse overlooking the Downs. Her books include Christmas at Tiffany's, Summer at Tiffany's, The Perfect Present, Christmas in the Snow, The Summer Without You, The Paris Secret, and Christmas Under the Stars.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 453 reviews
Profile Image for C.
663 reviews17 followers
November 16, 2022
If you are looking for an incredibly slow type of romance. This is for you. Over half way through is when this novel begins to make progress.

I usually enjoy Swan’s novels however this one is another let down.

The novel begins with a few people’s point of views which is confusing as it also changes date. Not only are you keeping up with the dates, but also the characters as you are only beginning to get to know them.

It wasn’t as structured which makes for a non-enjoyable read for myself.

Review: https://clife.blog/2022/11/25/the-chr...
Profile Image for theliterateleprechaun.
1,847 reviews27 followers
September 9, 2022
Hey diddle-diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the ….

You finished the line, right? This book is about a cow, a precious stuffed animal named Moolah, who jumped over the moon. Well, not literally. But close. Moolah gets lost at an AirBnB and the next person to stay a night there takes the stuffed animal as a mascot on his journeys. Moolah sends postcards back to the family, ultimately bringing joy to three heartbroken souls.

A learning experience for those of us without children as much a sweet reminder for those who do, Moolah’s travels are Swan’s way to take us on the journey of the parenting ‘rite of passage’ no mother wants to go through ~ the loss of a toy! Swan knows how to tap into readers’ emotions and feel the anguish both the mother and child feel. The quest to be reunited with Moolah propels the story as much as the side plot of two people also trying to recapture what they’d lost.

The Queen of Destination Fiction sweeps readers away on an armchair travel via postcards from a stranger! Her Christmas novel about reuniting lost souls is the book you didn’t know you needed.

I was gifted this advance copy by Pan Macmilian and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.
Profile Image for Zoe.
2,112 reviews291 followers
November 17, 2022
Atmospheric, heartfelt, and enchanting!

The Christmas Postcards is an alluring, compelling tale that sweeps you away into the life of Natasha, a young mother who, after her daughter loses her toy elephant she can’t possibly live without, begins a correspondence with the man who found it, Duffy, who seems to be on a soul-searching mission of his own and who may have actually spent a moment of time with Natasha once years before.

The prose is effortless and immersive. The characters are multilayered, troubled, and genuine. And the plot is a heartwarming tale about life, loss, love, friendship, relationship dynamics, hope, happiness, tragedy, fate, self-discovery, and romance.

I’m not sure if it’s ever truly winter unless I have a Karen Swan book to cosy up with in front of the fire, and this twenty-fourth outing is everything I could have wanted and more. The Christmas Postcards is a charming, emotional, irresistible tale by Swan that’s the perfect escapist read with its layered characters, idyllic settings, and beautifully entertaining storyline.

Thank you to Publishers Group Canada for gifting me a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lydia Bailey.
426 reviews20 followers
December 19, 2023
Not very often I give a Christmas Book 4/5stars (even though I like them) but I’ve really enjoyed this one. It takes a few chapters to warm up & get going but once you’ve sorted out who’s who & catch a glimpse of the ‘big twist’ (predictable as it’s well signposted but still riveting) it’s a real page turner. I enjoyed the climbing sections - totally original- and the plot lines surrounding Rob & Tom. I was slightly disappointed not to get more ‘what happened next’ info after the big reveal with Rob though.

Like other Karen Swan Christmas books this isn’t particularly Christmassy but it does involve a lot of snow & a fair amount of wreaths & trees 🎄Maybe that’s why I enjoyed it so much- not too schmutlzy!
Profile Image for Vilija|Knygų Puslapiuose.
184 reviews52 followers
March 9, 2024

“Kalnuose yra tik toks pasirinkimas: tu gali arba negali”

Ką tik pasibaigė Vilniaus knygų mugė. Ji kaip visad buvo pilna susitikimų, pokalbių apie knygas ir ne tik. Kiekvienos mugės labiausiai laukiame dėl atvykstančių užsienio autorių. Viena iš jų šiemt buvo jau antrą kartą Vilniaus knygų mugėje besilankanti Karen Swan. O kaip tik metų pradžioje perskaičiau naujausią kalėdinę jos knygą.

Nataša ir Robas bando išgelbėti savo santuoką. Pora grįžta iš atostogų Maldyvuose ir vienai nakčiai apsistoja Vienoje. Ten mažoji jų dukrelė pameta savo mylimiausią žaisliuką. Likimas taip sudėsto, kad pradingėlis atsiranda alpinisto Dafio kuprinėje. Jauna moteris bando sugrąžinti žaislą savo dukrai ir taip užsimezga graži draugystė.

Kiekvieną kartą skaitant naują Karen Swan istoriją žinai, kad bus įdomu, keliausi po kokią nors gražią šalį ir mėgausiesi jausminga istorija. O šį kartą autorė mums pasiūlė kelionę po kalnus, pačius save ir praeitį. Kas iš pradžių atrodė kaip eilinis romanas, man tapo kvapą gniaužiančia istorija. Man čia tiko viskas: aplinkybės, jausmai, žinios apie alpinizmą, žmonių tarpusavio santykiai, sielos, vaikystės žaisdos ir beribiai kalnai.

Man patinka skaityti istorijas, kurios pateikiamos iš kelių perspektyvų. Skaitytojui tenka galimybė sužinoti, patirti ir išgyventi visą amplitudę jausmų, įvykių, pasirinkimų. Knygos herojai įdomūs, nenuobodūs, kasdieniški, savi. Rašytoja mums pateikia tam tikras gyvenimiškas situacijas, kurios tikrai privers pagalvoti, o kaip aš pasielgčiau vienoje ar kitoje situacijoje.
Labai patiko skaityti dar ir dėl to, kad jaučiu, jog autorė tikrai daug domėjosi alpinizmu, jo istorija, patirtimis ir išgyvenimais, kuriuos patikia kopiantys į kalnus žmonės.

Labai rekomenduoju visiems Karen Swan gerbėjams, kalnų ir gyvenimiškų istorijų mylėtojams. Man labai patiko skaityti ir išgyventi visus užplūdusius jausmus. Viena geriausių kalėdinių K. Swan knygų.
Profile Image for Hannah.
535 reviews112 followers
November 30, 2022
This one pulls at your heartstrings from the starting point missing plushie cow who is part of the family. Who is the lucky charm. The idea was unique and special. As an adult who loves teddy bears it pulled me in from the start. That and the fact Duffy is from Cumbria where I live it was meant to be a favourite of mine.

Natasha and Tom (Duffy) time was never on their side. From Natasha getting married (the less said about Rob, James whoever he is the better) to disasters up mountains. For time to finally possibly just be on their side. I loved Tom from the off he is so likeable given everything which has happened to him too. Natasha I could say grew on me. Grew on me every chapter with Tom. I could not take to Rob and there was clearly a reason for it.

Such a beautiful, sad, tragic love of two people who had a spark from first meeting, an unbreakable bond which could not be replaced. With a moose pulling them back together.

I did not guess who was Mabel's father. It was quite the surprise at the end. A pleasant surprise after all the heartbreak.

Told across four plus years another fantastic winter read by Karen Swan. This is one of the best if not best I have read.

500 stars
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Julia.
506 reviews13 followers
December 16, 2022
This book took me a while to get into it but once I did and worked out who was who, I quite enjoyed it. Hugely predictable and not very Christmassy at all despite the title!
Profile Image for Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews.
2,090 reviews312 followers
December 25, 2022

Karen Swan’s last twenty-three novels have all sold around the world. I have no doubt that this Sunday Times bestselling writer will experience the same success with her latest festive release. The Christmas Postcards is a heart-warming, atmospheric and wholesome read this merry season.

Karen Swan’s annual Christmas themed release follows Natasha, a woman who is experiencing problems in her marriage. As a solution to her failing relationship, Natasha and her husband Rob have decided to take a much-needed romantic holiday. But this ends rather sadly when their daughter’s special toy vanishes during the trip home. In an act of desperation, Natasha takes drastic measures to recover this beloved family toy. Natasha posts on special media, in the dim hope that someone might have found the treasured toy. Miraculously, the toy is found to be in the possession of a man called Duffy. But Duffy is now on the other side of the world, on a mountain trek deep in the Himalayas. Duffy makes it his mission to ensure that he keeps Natasha in the loop with his travels with his special mascot. Over time, this unique communication channel creates an unforgettable bond between the two of them. It also makes Natasha see that she has grown further apart from her husband. But suddenly the correspondence grinds to a halt, leaving Natasha lost and confused. What has happened to Duffy and his good luck charm?

Karen Swan’s traditional festive release this year is The Christmas Postcards, which also marks her twenty-fourth published novel. A story set in the picturesque south west region of the UK and stunning Nepal, this yuletide communication tale has plenty of feel-good vibes thanks to Swan’s easy going writing style. I enjoyed the two featured settings in this one but I wasn’t overly taken with the storyline featured in The Christmas Postcards, it wasn’t as festive infused as I would have liked.

Swan’s initial set-up involving a precious lost toy was an interesting plot frame. This sweet and heartfelt plot complication draws in any kind of reader, as it is quite embracing. I felt sorry for Natasha and her daughter, I could also sympathise with the marriage in crisis situation faced by the lead protagonist. Swan is able to convey the feelings and high emotions involved in a relationship divide. I was interested to see how Natasha and Rob’s marriage would fare by the close of the novel and if dear Moola would eventually be returned. Set across three points of view and vastly different location sites, The Christmas Postcards is a mostly entertaining tale. The correspondence that strikes up between Duffy and Natasha was fun to follow and I enjoyed Duffy’s Himalayan climb. This area of The Christmas Postcards really allows the queen of destination fiction to show us why she has gained this special title. The Nepal scenes were very vivid and even encouraged me to one day take a trip to this amazing part of the world. This was the highlight of the book for me. Karen Swan’s latest is a sweet and comforting novel, that is all wrapped up with a fulfilling conclusion.

A little light on the full festive treatment with some predictable coincidences, The Christmas Postcards is a nice title to mull over this holiday season.

*I wish to thank Pan Macmillan for providing me with a free copy of this book for review purposes.
Profile Image for Vanessa (bookfairy95).
1,060 reviews135 followers
December 2, 2023
10/10 stars! This book deserves more than the 5 stars in the rating scale, because it was SO good!!


Als ich dieses Buch begonnen habe, hatte ich mit einer süßen Weihnachtsromanze gerechnet und obwohl ich diese auf jeden Fall bekommen habe, war dieses Buch so viel mehr als einfach nur süß und weihnachtlich. Dieses Buch war Spannung, Abenteuer und einfach unglaublich viel Emotion. So viel Emotion, dass ich in den letzten 30% des Buches einfach durchgeheult habe und so geschluchzt habe wie zuletzt bei Fourth Wing!

Zunächst einmal möchte ich über das Format sprechen, denn es ist eines was ich in Büchern ganz besonders mag. Zum einen wird es aus 2 Perspektiven erzählt; der unserer Protagonistin und der des Bergsteigers Duffy. Zum anderen wird es in zwei Zeiten erzählt; einmal die Gegenwart und einmal 4 Jahre in der Vergangenheit.
Und eines muss ich vorweg einfach loswerden: Ich habe mich bereits im Prolog der Geschichte Hals über Kopf in Tom verliebt! Dieser Mann ist einfach ein absolutes Geschenk!😩❤️ Und das Ganze hat sich im Laufe des Buches nur noch hundertfach bestätigt.🥰
Natasha und Mabel sind einfach goldig, die Suche nach dem Kuscheltier alleine schon einfach richtig witzig und Duffy ist als Charakter auch einfach großartig, wenn auch ein wenig mysteriös. Über die Umstände der Geschichte möchte ich eigentlich gar nicht zu viel sagen, aber ich möchte euch folgendes anteasern:

⭐Es gibt hier einige Umstände, die die Beziehung von Natasha und Rob erschweren. Ich hatte eine große Theorie, die sich leider bewahrheitet hat und obwohl ich damit gerechnet habe, hat die Auflösung mir geradezu den Boden unter den Füßen weggerissen.
⭐Einige Dinge rund um Duffys Reise sind nicht von Beginn an klar, aber so emotional, dass ich teilweise wirklich Angst hatte. Und wenn ich sage, dass dieses Buch auch eine ordentliche Portion Abenteuer hatte dann meine ich das wirklich ernst. Schnallt euch also an!
⭐Eine Sache, die erst am Ende des Buches rauskommt hat mich tatsächlich wirklich überrascht, aber auf die beste nur mögliche Weise.

Wenn ihr also auf der Suche nach einem etwas anderem Weihnachtsbuch seid, dass neben Romance und coziness und feel good vibes noch ein richtiges Abendteuer beeinhaltet, dann ich #EinGeschenkzurWeihnachtszeit vermutlich genau das richtige Buch für euch!!❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Emma.
58 reviews
November 22, 2022
This is one of the most dramatic and ridiculous books I’ve ever read and I loved it!
Literally everything in this book is predictable and yet there are so many ‘plot twists’ I felt like I was getting whiplash. There were so many twists and turns you think she’d decide to save a few plot points for different books. You thought you knew what serendipity means? Think again! No two people have ever had as many coincidences as the two main characters in this book. At one of the ‘reveals’ I genuinely laughed out loud.
Don’t read this if you think it’s going to be a subtle work of art, but I can absolutely recommend it if you want an easy read that will make you laugh when you’re supposed to be shedding a tear.
Profile Image for Veronica ⭐️.
1,168 reviews268 followers
December 8, 2022
Every year I look forward to Karen Swan's Christmas story. I can always be assured of a riveting tale and a happy ending set in an exotic location with plenty of snow.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas Natasha's  young daughter loses her treasured toy cow, Moola, accidentally leaving her behind in a B & B in Vienna.
Duffy is staying one night in Vienna, hoping to catch up with a friend before his next flight to Nepal, when he happens across a toy cow exactly like the one his sister had. He takes this as a sign and now Moodle will be his good luck mascot as he treks the Himalayas.

A social media post to help find Moola goes viral eventually reaching Duffy although he is already too far to return the toy he promises to send photos whenever he has internet.
I loved the idea of a social media post to find Moola going viral and flying around the world. So many wonderful people wanting to help.

There is so much to this story! It has mystery, suspense, armchair travel, edge of your seat suspense and romance all rolled into one.

Nat is very unsettled in her marriage, she has everything she could want and she can't seem to pinpoint why she is unhappy. Swan deftly depicts Nat's unsettledness without making her unlikable or appear selfish.

The two plot lines are so different in content and theme. Nat's is all about a husband who is rarely home and trying to handle a distraught toddler alone and her feelings of disconnect now she is no longer in the workforce. Duffy's story is more melancholy, showcasing the atmospheric Himalayas and the dangers faced by mountain climbers in extreme conditions. The two plots are pulled together by the emails and photos between Natasha and Duffy.

The Christmas Postcards is an immersive story about love, loss, second chances and the fate that sometimes controls our life.
*I received my copy from the publisher
Profile Image for Steph.
453 reviews43 followers
November 14, 2022
Oh my word. I genuinely don’t know where to start with this review. It’s my first book by Karen Swan, I read it in two sittings and I’m SO gutted it’s over! I absolutely adored everything about it, the locations, the descriptions, the characters (minus one 😝 if you know; you know!). I felt lots of emotions when reading this, happiness, sadness and some anger.

The storyline was so beautiful and I found myself to be so invested in missing toy and those pages kept turning. I needed to know the outcome and I thought how it was handled was so lovely.

I became attached to the characters, lovely personalities and Natasha’s friends were very supportive and I loved their humour.

The twist that came in the book - I was SO shocked, I won’t say anything further as I don’t want to spoil it. But oh my word!

I’m super excited to read more of her books as The Christmas Postcards was everything I love in a book, it was extremely heartwarming and had such a lovely ending.
Profile Image for Leanne Lovegrove.
Author 15 books81 followers
November 20, 2022
Karen’s best yet. This a fantastic novel with all the beautiful things: great characterisation, friendships, worldly settings, snow, Christmas, cute children but it is a deeply layered story that will catch you by surprise, is meticulously researched on the field of climbing and Nepal and it has all the feels. An emotional read, have the tissues ready. I loved it
Profile Image for Aoife.
1,420 reviews619 followers
December 13, 2023
Not my favourite Karen Swan book, unfortunately.

In The Christmas Postcards, we follow a young woman called Natasha who is devastated and stressed when she accidentally leaves her 3-year-old daughter's precious toy Moolah behind in an Air BnB in Vienna. Following a social media search, she soon finds out that Moolah was found by Duffy, a man currently trekking through Nepal on an emotional, soul-searching journey. The two exchange 'postcards' as a way to help Nats' daughter Mabel with her loss. We also flash back to Nats' hen do when she was having cold feet about her marriage and a met a man called Tom who changed everything for her.

This was fine for me. The writing was good as Karen Swan books always are, a nice Christmassy setting between snowy Nepalese mountains and a cosy Cotswold village, and an interesting past time/job belonging to main characters from animal artist Nats to literal mountain climber Duffy. I think of the main problems I had with this was I just didn't like Nats at all - I found her spoiled, whiny and honestly fairly idiotic for most of the book - and her overbearing parenting style just really irritated me as well but kids in books aren't always my favourite (though I find Karen Swan does them better than most).

It's fairly obvious from the start what the connection between Nats and Duffy is, other than Moolah, and while flashbacks reveal that story and everything that happened all those years ago we also learn about the not so great present the two of them are living in. Duffy clearly has severe emotional baggage due to a lot of family trauma and Nats' marriage is clearly not very good just by going with all the red flags being planted by her husband Rob (never there - literally, doesn't want her to go back to work and have an independent income of her own, expects sex constantly, not understanding Nats' grief over not being able to conceive a second child). I'm actually kind of surprised I was right when it came to Rob from quite early on, though after a while all the clues add up big time and it's really very dramatic, not quite realistic (especially how long this went on for - but also how did Nats have no suspicions about the lack of friends, family, colleagues etc).

I will say cheating is a big part of this book from many different angles, past and present, physical and emotional. I know this is is something that turns off a lot of people and most of the time, I'm find with it but it was just a lot in this book and it was kind of topped off with the cherry on the cake that was the Mabel reveal. Yes, what Rob did was utterly despicable but .

So this was fine, nice to have another Karen Swan ticked off the list as I've made it a Christmas/December tradition (though might have to start doing it for her summer books too) but overall not my favourite one by far.
Profile Image for Craig and Phil.
1,780 reviews97 followers
December 25, 2022
Thank you Pan Macmillan for sending us a copy to read and review.
It’s that time of year again when we celebrate Christmas with family and friends and I read my traditional festive book.
The choice for the holiday read was The Christmas Postcards.
A story of romance, hope, secrets, a missing stuffed toy and very light on the theme of Christmas.
While making a rush exit from a hotel while on holiday, Natasha and Rob leave behind their young daughters stuffed toy.
Mabel is distraught and cannot sleep without her beloved animal so Natasha begins a quest to find it.
Without much luck she turns to social media for help.
The toy is soon found but has become a mascot for Duffy, a man trekking the mountains far away.
Duffy suggests sending Mabel postcards of his adventures with the toy.
Soon the mail becomes very important to not only Mabel but Natasha who is trying to mend her broken marriage.
But then tragedy happens, secrets unravel and everything changes for them all.
A book that some will enjoy and fans will devour with gusto.
I liked some of moments in this book but it isn’t a favourite.
Karen usually sets her twice yearly releases in exotic locations, adding in flawed characters, a splash of love, a twist, the weather to match and include the happy ending, we have the trademark selections for her storyline.
I did find a lot of this predictable and the twist wasn’t that hard to work out, it’s a nice idea and premise, a tad long and some of the plot unnecessary.
Readers will be able to find some joy in grabbing a Swan novel in this atmosphere.

Profile Image for Justina -  slaugytoja_skaito.
74 reviews15 followers
December 28, 2023
Karen Swan - Kalėdų atvirukai 📩🐮

Po kelionės į Maldyvus, kurioje sutuoktiniai Nataša ir Robas bandė sulipdyti byrančią santuoką, su savo mažąja dukrele Meibele nakčiai sustoja tikra žiema alsuojančioje Vienoje prieš grįžimą į Angliją. Vis dar išsiblaškę ir apimti keliavimo streso jie netyčiom palieka mylimiausią Meibelės žaislą, kurį keistais likimo vingiais lemta surasti į sudėtingiausią gyvenimo kelionę besiruošiančiam Dafiui. Nataša net nenutuokia kur ir su kuo dukros taip mylimas žaislas, tad į jo paieškas įsitraukia ne tik visos bendruomenės moterys, bet netgi pats Harry Styles! Plačiai pasklidęs paieškos signalas pasiekia ir į Himalajų viršūnę bekopiantį Dafį, bet žaislas jau tapęs jo sėkmės talismanu ir kol kas jis tikrai negali su juo skirtis. Tačiau mažoji Meibelė taip pakeri Dafį, kad jos ilgesio malšinimui jis siunčia žaisliuko kelionės nuotraukas! Trumpos žinutės iš taip toli ne tik džiugina mažylę, bet ir artimiau jungia su nepažįstamuoju kažkur toli Himalajuose. Negera nuojauta vis aplanko Natašą, o netikėti sutapimai atskleidžia ne vieną paslaptį, kardinaliai pakeisiančią visų jų gyvenimus.

Tai buvo antroji mano skaityta Karen Swan knyga ir dar kartą galiu pasakyt - kaip buvo gerai! Maniau pasiimsiu lengvą kalėdinį skaitinį, o perėjau tokią emocijų karusėlę! Istorijai labai vaizdinga, detali tiek, kad pabuvoji tiek Anglijos kaimelyje, tiek Himalajų viršūnėse. Skaitydama viską labai išjaučiau - tą Natašos nerimą, meilę, dvejones, išgyvenimus, bet ir Tomo tvirtą pasiryžimą, aplink tvyrančią įtampą, jį kankinančius skaudulius ir ilgesį. Čia buvo ir tokios tikros, artimos moterų draugystės, bendrystės bei jaukių moteriškų pasisėdėjimų, kai pasidalinęs savo vargais gali gauti įvairiausių patarimų! Autorė tobulai nagrinėja visokius sudėtingus jausmus ir santykius. Nėra čia viskas burtų lazdele pamojama ir išsprendžiama, kartu su veikėjais sprendi visas dilemas ir tokias gyvenimiškas bei realias! Stipriai apžvelgtos ir asmeninės savybės - ambicijų stiprumas, motyvacija, tikslo siekimas ir drąsa didžiausios baimės akivaizdoje! Patiko man ta meilė iš pirmo žvilgsnio ir kaip likimas iki to suvokimo priėjo, iki pat pabaigos ne tik kad sunkiai sekėsi kažką nuspėt, bet dar su kiekvienu skyrium vis labiau nustebindavo! Na puikiai puikiai! Visai neturiu prie ko kabinėtis, tad vienareikšmiškai 5⭐️!
Profile Image for Knygų  Romantikė.
233 reviews40 followers
December 17, 2023

Karen Swan visada sugeba taip įtraukti į istoriją, kad tie beveik 500 puslapių slysta per pirštus ir vis bijai, kad per greitai nesibaigtų istorija. Ši tikrai kvepia Kalėdų stebuklu. Skaičiau ir verkiau ir džiaugiausi kartu, įtampai kaustant atrodo bijojau net iškvėpti, kad tik viskas gerai pasibaigtų. Natašos istorija vertė net kelis kartus krūptelėti, o Tomo gyvenimo tikslas užduoti klausimus, kodėl, ar tikrai to reikia... Ši autorė tikrai viena mėgstamiausių ir laukiu kol imsiu skaityti ir kitas jos knygas, nes visos apsigyveno namų bibliotekoje ❤️
Profile Image for Louisa Thabet.
26 reviews
December 30, 2022
Initially, I thought this book was a whole load of bull but the ending saved it. I had it rated as 1 star as there were so many parts that didn’t make sense at the beginning but the last 100 pages brought everything together. The first 300 pages were such a drag. I pretty much skimmed through all of Toms chapters until the point he nearly died. I didn’t enjoy the ‘love at first sight’ type thing she had with Tom… it was so over dramatic. E.g “the man she’d only met yesterday morning had become her oxygen. He ran through her bloodstream, he was the charge that made her heart beat”… sorry?? you are giving Joe Goldberg from You vibes here hun please calm it. After all he was a stranger to her and she was on her hen weekend? She really must of hated her fiancé to be if she slept with someone after meeting him one time. Bit bizarre, this story line could have been more thought through.

I also hated the fact they causally used all different type of celebrities to make the post go viral. Harry styles wouldn’t even post about missing children never mind a rag toy. It was stupid, I would have rather the ending was dragged out longer than this missing toy nonsense. Lastly, who thought of this title? “Christmas postcards” is a ridiculous title for this book, emails are not postcards and it didn’t feel Christmasy at all to me.

There was a load of other holes in the plot that annoyed me but we would be here all day. It was far too long for this type of genre. I definitely would have enjoyed it more if it was kept short and sweet. I can’t deny though, it was an easy read and I did enjoy the ending, I just wish there was more spice and communication between Natasha and Tom.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kirstie Cooper.
537 reviews15 followers
October 30, 2022
I read my first Karen Swan book a couple of years ago, and i absolutely loved every single page.
In my opinion, she is in a league of her own writing wise, and i am still yet to come across an author with her style of writing that manages to pull it off so well.
Loved the storyline, loved most of the characters, and obviously loved the ending.
Great read and would recommend.
Profile Image for Bookworm Blogger.
831 reviews25 followers
November 28, 2022
I’d like to thank NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for approving me for an ARC of this book. I had an Audible credit and decided to use it on this book, especially once I learnt that Kristen Atherton was the narrator. I have listened to a few books narrated by Kristen and she always blows me away with her exemplary voices.

This book is told in a dual timeline, focusing on Natasha and Duffy. Our present-day story involves Natasha’s child, Mabel, and her lost toy. When a social media post, asking for help to find it, goes viral Natasha learns that it is in the hands of Duffy, who is on a hiking expedition. We then skip back a few years to Natasha and the night of her hen do where she meets handsome Tom and finds her world is turned upside down.

Initially, I was confused with the two storylines and wondered what relevance they had to each other. Let’s just say that it became clear very quickly where this story was heading and I was here for it! The romantic in me loved the idea that you can know someone by just meeting them and feeling that magnetic pull.

Natasha was an interesting protagonist. As a mother, I related to her and her inconsolable child, if I was in her shoes I would have done anything to find Moolah again too. Her bond with Mabel and natural mothering instinct was beautiful to read but I felt that she had lost her own identity. Her marriage and astonishing home didn’t seem to make her happy and I desperately wanted her to see the light and forge a new path for herself and Mabel.

When Duffy entered the scene, it was clear that there was more to his hiking expedition than he let on. He seemed to have a lot of emotional baggage and I often found myself wondering what the end result of his hike would be. I loved his touching responses to Mabel and his ability to engage with her even when he was miles and miles away.

What started as a slow burner soon ramped up to a tense and climactic ending for both Natasha and Duffy. Whilst the romance elements were a given I hadn’t expected a lot of the other twists and action that were packed in towards the end. Karen Swan had built a foundation that made you love the characters and care about their outcomes, in those last moments I was holding my breath and struggling to hold back the tears during that phone call. I shall now be devouring the rest of Karen Swan’s collection!
Profile Image for Maria Naydenova.
809 reviews63 followers
December 29, 2023
Не може и тази Коледа да мине без Карън Суон. Нещо като традиция ми стана да я чета по това време. И този път не ме разочарова и отново ме остави с много приятно усещане тази книга.

Чудесно написана, с невероятно емоционален прочит и една наистина затрогваща история. Не беше съвсем коледна, но действието се развиваше през декември и с цялото планинско изкачване в мечтаното покоряване на върха, беше много подходяща за сезона.

Много интригуващ сюжет и чудесно представяне в две паралелни линии между настояще и минало, които накрая се преплетоха. Много обрати и неочаквания разкрития, които излизаха наяве едно по едно и се подреждаха като малки парчета от един доста засукан пъзел. Наистина останах изненадана, когато осъзнах каква всъщност е цялостната картина. Части от нея се виждаха още от началото, но други бяха непредвидими.

Началото беше една идея по-мудно, докато се навлезеше в историята и се разкриеше посоката, в която тръгва всичко. После всичко стана доста динамично и финалната част буквално я поглъщах ненаситно.

Чудесен прочит и още една хубава история от Карън Суон. Искаше ми се да има и още от нея, като тайно се надявам за продължение.
Profile Image for Laura.
860 reviews115 followers
October 6, 2022
I found Karen Swan's last two stand-alone novels, The Secret Path and Midnight in the Snow, somewhat disappointing, but she's back on form with The Christmas Postcards. This sweet if unlikely read follows two characters whose lives are linked together by a series of coincidences. Natasha is distraught when her small daughter's favourite soft toy cow goes missing. It turns out they left it in a holiday apartment in Vienna - but by the time they discover this, the toy has been picked up by mountain climber Duffy, who's on his way to the Himalayas to trek to Annapurna. Through the power of social media, Duffy finds out that Natasha is searching for the toy, and sends a series of photos - 'the Christmas postcards' - to her daughter so she can see that the cow is having fun on her travels. But are there further connections between Natasha and Duffy that will draw them even closer together?

There's minimal luxurious travel in this one - although I was chuffed to see it's set in Frome, a town I visited often when growing up in Wiltshire and which I've never seen feature in a novel before. Sadly, the descriptions of Frome are not particularly evocative, and this could be set in any Cotswolds village or town. However, I enjoyed the sequences set in the Himalayas, which brought the snowy peril that I thought was missing from Midnight in the Snow. Thinking of Swan's back catalogue, this reminded me particularly of Together By Christmas and The Christmas Lights, so I'd especially recommend it to readers who enjoyed those two. A cozy holiday read.

I received a free proof copy of this novel from the publisher for review.
Profile Image for Catherine.
115 reviews
December 12, 2022
This book is just what I wanted. I didn’t think I would enjoy this as much as I did. It was a slow burn but I was so invested in the storylines that I just couldn’t put it down! I really felt like I was a part of the story - I adored the writing. The ending was emotional and had me holding back tears on the tube (not successfully) ~ not my finest moment hahahaha. I would definitely recommend this book and I think it will become something that I read every Christmas 🎅🏼
Profile Image for Ritu Bhathal.
Author 6 books130 followers
October 16, 2022
Karen Swan, you did it again!
I thoroughly enjoyed this story of love and loss and hope through adversity.
Natasha and Rob are back from a holiday that was kinda 'make or break' for them. their little girl Mabel somehow ends up leaving her precious stuffed cow toy, Moolah, behind in an Air BnB, and all hell ensues as she is unable to sleep settle or live without it.
An idea by one of Natasha's friends to post a Lost Toy search on social media attracts the attention they need, and soon there is a reunion of sorts.
Only Moolah the cow has her own adventures to enjoy before she can return, as the person who found her is on his own life-changing trip.
The ensuing story filled with emails and pictures, or postcards as Natasha likes to call them, that wing their way to Natasha and Mabel, keeps you on your edge, especially as there is a past story thread running through the book which weaves its way into the present.
There are a couple of far-fetched conclusions to the story, however, they didn't detract from the story,
I read it in a day.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jessie.
150 reviews
December 21, 2022
So my annual Christmas read was one I was looking forward to as I knew the author was highly regarded. Unfortunately it fell super flat.

This was also the most predictable read I have ever read! I’ve never guessed so much, so early, so correctly!

It also felt a little too long and dull (perhaps due to it’s predictability?) There were far too many unnecessary details, at one point the book basically introduced us to the whole female half of the village! For the sake of one scene?!
It was however, a much better book in terms of writing (which I expect from this author) and she clearly seemed to have researched rock climbing.

A big part of my problem with these books is the idea of love at First sight, of people falling in love in the space of a month (or 24 hours). It’s stupid,and I realise I hate it.
These people always seem to need therapy to deal with past trauma/abandonment issues but instead “fall in love” and it solves everything.

So unfortunately call me a grinch, after two tries, these books are not for me.
Profile Image for Bridget.
2,789 reviews122 followers
October 30, 2022
In Karen Swan's The Christmas Postcards, two characters' lives are linked by a series of coincidences. Natasha's daughter, Mabel loses her toy cow, Moolah, whilst on a family holiday. Natasha turns to social media for help and hopefully Moolah's return. The stuffed cow ends up in the clutches of Duffy, a climber who uses it as a mascot. A lovely winter story that isn't dottily Christmassy, fate, relationships, love, second chances and fortuity all play a part. Compelling and heartwarming.

A special thank you to Pan Macmillan, Karen Swan, NetGalley and Pigeonhole for the opportunity to read. This review is my unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Justkeepreading.
1,871 reviews
November 2, 2022
I absolutely adored it. Full to the brim with Christmas, joy, spirit and wonder. A gorgeous love story with wonderful characters and a storyline guaranted to make you smile.
Profile Image for Indrė.
108 reviews6 followers
November 20, 2023
Nuostabi knyga ! Tiek daug įvykių, intrigėlių, buvo ir paslapčių, netikėtumų... ir žiema... Tiek daug veiksmo vyko, norėjosi skaityti ir skaityti, kad sužinoti kas bus toliau...
Profile Image for Sue Gerhardt Griffiths.
1,043 reviews56 followers
December 31, 2023
4.5 stars

I find it hilarious that after reading my third “Christmas” book by Karen Swan that I still expect it to be, well, Christmassy, and certainly was not. You’d think I’d have learned by now! Lol. Though, I can no longer be disappointed in her misleading titles as her stories are outstanding and that is all that really matters, nevertheless, they have that wintry, holiday feel therefore they make it a perfect read for the festive season. Beware though, they do tug at your heartstrings.

Sweet, moving, atmospheric and uplifting!

See you next year Karen Swan when I will pick up your next “Christmas” book. Ms. Swan’s settings are just so interesting that I want to pick up all of her books just for the locations alone.

Listened to the audiobook on BorrowBox
Published by Macmillan
Read by Kristin Atherton
Duration: 15 hrs, 7min. 1.25x Speed
Profile Image for Toma P..
54 reviews9 followers
January 3, 2024
Taip norėjau duoti tas 4⭐ kad ir su avansu, nes žinau, kad vistiek kažkada vėl skaitysiu Karen. Bet kodėl... Ta Robo istorija tokia absurdo komedija man buvo... Nataša, kad ir jauna, bet vistiek kažkokio naivumo įsikūnijimas ir jau per daug(: o pabaiga... Ta prasme.. įsijaučiu, skaitau, narplioju visus vingius istorijos ir tada pyst - 3 psl visko išsinarpliojimo reziume((: na, labai atsiprašau, bet aš esu epilogų mylėtoja((: kai taip rašantis žmogus su manimi pasielgia, iš mano perspektyvos niekad nebus toks elgesys gerai((:
Bet džiaugiuosi už tuos, kuriems viskas tiko 💚
Displaying 1 - 30 of 453 reviews

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