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Party in the Blitz

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Nobel Prize winner Elias Canetti’s sensational a frank, acerbic, and cranky way his years of British exile. Elias Canetti originally intended Party in the Blitz to capture an image of his time in post-war London. Well known throughout Europe, Canetti scorned British intellectuals who weren’t familiar with his work. By force of will alone he accumulated English followers, but not before being christened “the godmonster of Hampstead.” Canetti’s memories of various people in his social circle are brief and scathing brimstone sketches. T.S. Eliot, Iris Murdoch, Wittgenstein, Herbert Read, Bertrand Russell–Canetti rakes them all over the coals. To Canetti, T.S. Eliot was nothing more than an American emigrant trying desperately to act British, and Canetti’s portrayal of Iris Murdoch, with whom he had an affair, is nothing short of brutal. Michael Hofmann’s translation pulls no punches, delivering the goods on Canetti’s searing “when you write down your life, every page should contain something no one has ever heard about.”

256 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Elias Canetti

134 books608 followers
Awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize in Literature "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and artistic power."

He studied in Vienna. Before World War II he moved with his wife Veza to England and stayed there for long time. Since late 1960s he lived in London and Zurich. In late 1980s he started to live in Zurich permanently. He died in 1994 in Zurich.

Author of Auto-da-Fé, Party in the Blitz, Crowds and Power, and The Voices of Marrakesh: A Record of a Visit

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Evripidis Gousiaris.
230 reviews105 followers
December 26, 2015
Ο Κανέτι στην αυτοβιογραφία του ''Πάρτι και αερομαχίες'' περιγράφει με αιχμηρή ειλικρίνεια καταστάσεις και πρόσωπα που τον συνόδεψαν στην προσωπική του ζωή. Παρόλο που το μεγαλύτερο μέρος των ανθρώπων που περιγράφονται, καθώς στην αρχή και ο ίδιος ο συγγραφέας μου ήταν άγνωστοι, η κομψή αλλά και σκληρή του γλώσσα με έκανε να μην θέλω να σταματήσω την ανάγνωση. Στο μέλλον σίγουρα θα διαβάσω και άλλα έργα του ίδιου συγγραφέα!
Profile Image for Lazaros Karavasilis.
219 reviews58 followers
August 2, 2024
Μερικές φορές προσεγγίζεις ένα έργο χωρίς να πολυκαταλαβαίνεις τι ακριβώς είναι. Όταν εντελώς τυχαία άνοιξα και διάβασα την πρώτη σελίδα της αυτοβιογραφίας του Κανετι, ήξερα πως αυτό που θα διαβάσω θα είναι κάτι καλό.

Πράγματι, στην αναζήτηση μου για να βγω πέρα από το comfort zone μου και να διαβάσω είδη και συγγραφείς που δεν γνωρίζω, η μόνη γνώση που είχα για το έργο 'Παρτι και Αερομαχίες' ήταν ότι περιέγραφε τα χρόνια που έζησε στην Αγγλία, αφού ως εβραίος είχε αναγκαστεί να εγκαταλείψει την Αυστρία, μετά την προσάρτηση της από την ναζιστική Γερμανία το 1938.

Ως διανοούμενος παλιάς κοπής, ο Κανετι ανατεμνει τα χρόνια σύμφωνα με τα οποία ενώ διεξαγόταν πόλεμος, η ζωή για κάποιο κόσμο εξακολουθούσε να κυλά ομαλά. Η διαμονή του στην αγγλική επαρχία τον φέρνει σε επαφή με κόσμο τόσο της εκδιωγμενης ευρωπαϊκής διανόησης όσο και της βρετανικής, αλλά και σε επαφή με απλούς ανθρώπους. Ο Κανετι παρατηρεί, αλλά το κυριότερο ακούει τι έχουν να πουν οι γύρω του και αυτό το περνάει με άριστο τρόπο στη γραφή του. Όπως λέει και το επίμετρο, ο Κανετι αποφεύγει τα κυρίαρχα θέματα που χαρακτηρίζουν την Αγγλία και επικεντρώ��εται σε μικρογραφίες, όπως τα πάρτυ που πήγε και οι διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις που σύναψε ως αντιπροσωπευτικό δείγμα μιας ολόκληρης κουλτούρας. Μπορεί να μην ήξερα αρκετά ονόματα από αυτά που αναφέρονταν, αλλά η γραφή του Κανετι ήταν τόσο ωραία που απλά σε συνεπερνε η αφήγηση του.

Θα ήμουν λιγότερο ενθουσιασμένος αν στα τελευταία κεφάλαια δεν γινόταν πιο συγκεκριμένος και περιεκτικός με αποκορύφωμα το κεφάλαιο για την Αιρις Μέρντοχ και την σχέση που είχε ο συγγραφέας μαζί της. Για κάποιο λόγο έβγαλε ένα πολύ έντονο συναίσθημα που δεν το περίμενα και με εξέπληξε ευχάριστα.

Σίγουρα θα αναζητήσω και τα υπόλοιπα κεφάλαια της αυτοβιογραφίας του.
Profile Image for Deniz Urs.
53 reviews47 followers
March 13, 2019
Iris Murdoch bölümüne kadar Canetti'ye kızıp kızmamakta çok gidip geldim. Klişe tabirle o dönemler daha feminizm kundakta bebekti dedim..Zaten Bertolt Brecht'te de o dönem kadın bilinci yoktu dedim... Dedim de dedim ama yine de sinirlerime hakim olamadım.

Yazarların ürünlerini kendi kişiliklerinden ve özel hayatlarından ayrı tutabilir miyiz sorunsalına kendi içimde cevap verebilmiş değilim.. Bence olsa olsa bunun cevabı kişilerin hassasiyetlerine göre değişebilir olduğu olabilir. Örneğin Nazi Almanyası'ndaki soykırımı yaşamış bir yahudi, Günter Grass'ın yahut Knut Hamsun'ın adını duymak istemeyebilir. Benzer şekilde kadın sorununa kafa yormuş ve bunu kendine dert edinmiş kadın ya da erkekler de "kadın" için sırf kadınlıkları üzerinden bu tarz aşağılmalar içeren metinler okumaya tahammül edemeyebilir. Kaldı ki Grass ve Knut Hamsun örneklerinden farklı olarak; sadece Canetti'nin kişiliğinde de değil direkt kendi yazdığı metinde bu aşağılamayı aleni görüyoruz.

Iris Murdoch bölümüne dönecek olursam üslup çok rahatsız ediciydi. Bence Canetti Murdoch'un 24 roman yazmasını hazmedememiş. Denebilir ki T.S Eliot'a da epey aşağılayıcı ibare var kitapta.. Evet ama "erkek" olması üzerinden değil.. Murdoch'un yaşadığı ilişkileri çarpık olarak nitelendiren Canetti kendi kurduğu ilişkilerin de kendi tabiri ile "çarpık" olduğunu kabul eder miydi acaba..

Ben kim ki Canetti'ye 1 yıldız veriyorum. Ama veriyorum işte..
Profile Image for Anna.
3,521 reviews189 followers
June 1, 2008
The book is a page-turner. Elias Canetti wrote about those years he had spent in Great Britain during World War II and just after it. He brought whole gallery of people he had met in London and towns where he lived in after he had to leave London cause of Luftwaffe bombings.
245 reviews
December 13, 2020
I don’t know how many people read Canetti these days. This is one of his last books and it’s the work of an old man looking back on a range of lovers, friends, close rivals and enemies whom he has by now all outlived. With entertaining frankness, Canetti recalls his years in England (beginning as a war refugee from Austria living for a time near my home in the Chilterns, but mainly in an intellectual Hampstead milieu) through a gallery of portraits of the people he has known. These include some scurrilous stories about Iris Murdoch with whom he had an affair, and portrays as needy and time-obsessed, Gavin Maxwell (author of ‘Ring of Bright Water’) is frankly described as a paedophile though his brother Aymer is Canetti’s greatest friend, Oskar Kokoschka the Czech artist is shown as claiming he was inadvertently responsible for Hitler’s rise to power because he and Hitler were both competing for a prestigious scholarship to the Vienna art school and whilst Oskar was successful Adolf was not, and went into politics, TS Eliot (arrogant and mercenary), Vaughan Williams a lifelong cuckold living in a menage a trois… I don’t know how much of this true but it seems plausible and well-observed, and it is beautifully written, in long sentences, perfectly balanced and rhythmic. There is amusing social commentary about the English, where a regimented shyness prevails ‘Whoever is anything out of the ordinary must diligently conceal the fact. The summit of the art is not vouchsafing one’s name. When introduced, you mumble it as unclearly as possible.’
Some of the scenes described are very vivid and memorable – the party that gives the book its title is based on an incident in Hampstead in in 1940 when lecherous couples are embracing, and more, in a house where fireman are rushing in and out fetching sand and water to extinguish fires in neighbouring buildings: ‘the couples continued to hold each other hard, no-one let go of his or her partner, it was as though the panting, sweating labourers had nothing whatever to do with them, they were two different species, each oblivious to the other…’ And I particularly like the portrait of a wealthy gay man with an expensive car: ‘Aymer…was bored in has castle at home; out in the world, as long as he was at the wheel, there always adventures. Nothing impressed the young men whose eye he was trying to catch so much as his Bentley. It did for him what armour did for the knights of old.’ This sounds a very modern type.
There is a lot to enjoy in this book of recollections, and I recommend it. Now I will look out for Canetti’s better-known works.
Profile Image for Vasilis.
59 reviews4 followers
January 5, 2015
Βάζω 3 αστέρια γιατί το συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο περιγράφει την εμπειρία του Κανετι απ�� την ζωή του στην Αγγλία. Θα μου άρεσε να διάβαζα κάτι άλλο του ίδιου (την "Τύφλωση" ή το "Μάζα και εξουσία") για να κατανοήσω τον συγγραφέα καλύτερα. Το ύφος του και το γράψιμο του Κανετι γενικά μου άρεσαν και ακόμα και στο "Πάρτι και Αερομαχίες" το βιβλίο κυλούσε αβίαστα.
Profile Image for Misael.
138 reviews5 followers
March 8, 2018
Canetti es quizá una de las voces más pesimistas y más lúcidas del siglo veinte. Los escritos de este libro son una mezcla de apunte de autobiografía y de memorias, pero el aspecto más importante es el análisis de caracteres que hace. Desmenuza a todos las características de la personalidad inglesa, alcanzando la universalidad de los seres humanos.

Un tipo con un oído superdotado para captar las minucias de los individuos.

Además odiaba a los ingleses de una manera muy elegante, en especial a T. S. Elliot.
Profile Image for Don Powers.
40 reviews
August 30, 2020
PARTY IN THE BLITZ; The English Years
Elias Canetti
(translated by Michael Hofmann)
N.Y.C.: New Directions Books, 2005
(original edition: Vienna, 2003

Elias Canetti (1905 - 1994)

Canetti (Nobel laureate) had an enormous head and it contained a monstrous ego.
His one novel and his sociology book are wonderful and brilliant, but this memoir displays Canetti wielding a mallet of scorn and a scalpel of cattiness. Arrogance is a virtue in his eyes and only a chosen few deserve the slightest respect: Arthur Waley (sinologist); Bertrand Russell (philosopher); Herbert Read (art critic) are among the acceptable. T.S.Eliot is eviscerated; Iris Murdoch, humiliated; Carl Jung is merely dismissed as banal.
Jung may be a help here: he developed the concept of the "shadow"--lurking in all of us and containing the aspects of ourselves that conflict with our own idealized image. We then tend to project our self-hidden foibles onto others. One clue that this process is afoot is the vehemence of the judgment we level at anther. This book has an illuminating afterword by Jeremy Adler in which (without reference to Jung) he identifies such a characteristic in Canetti.
It should be added that Canetti is a terrific writer whose anecdotes are clear and concise and contain many valid insights. I wholeheartedly recommend his novel,AUTO-DA-FE, and his sociology textbook,
Profile Image for Jacques.
417 reviews7 followers
December 17, 2021
Portret van Canetti ten tijde van zijn verblijf in England. De party's, 'nietaanrakingsfeesten' noemt hij ze, waarin de Engelse standenmaatschappij hoogtij viert. Over zijn ontmoetingen in de clubs met o.a. Bertrand Russell, T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas en mede-emigrant Kokoschka. Canetti's privéleven komt slechts zijdelings ter sprake. Ijdeltuiten, verarmde adel, naast hun schoenen lopende schrijvers en andere excentriekelingen krijgen de volle aandacht. Een schitterend roddelboek over de Engelse jaren met verwijzingen naar de realisatie van zijn boek 'Massa en macht'.
Profile Image for Charles Kerns.
Author 9 books12 followers
September 3, 2015
If you don't like T.S. Eliot, Iris Murdoch, Wittgenstein, Herbert Read, Bertrand Russell or brits in general, this is the book for you. Hard to believe there was so much ill will in one person. He finally put it all down, just before he died--probably the best time to vent.
A warning: unless you have interests in or animosity towards Brit intellectual life of the 40-50, this could be a bore.
September 25, 2021
Απλή παράθεση χαρακτήρων και προσώπων που γνώρισε στη ζωή του στην Αγγλία. Δεν μπόρεσα να εκτιμήσω τις δυνατότητες του συγγραφέα από το συγκεκριμένο εργο.
Profile Image for Gulliver's Bad Trip.
227 reviews26 followers
August 29, 2024
Este é mais um livro de memórias do Canetti, porém, com uma clara ênfase, do início ao fim, de contrastar o passado, desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial que o motivaria a se estabelecer na Inglaterra, com o então presente do livro, ou seja, a década de 90, a Dama de Ferro, neoliberalismo, racismo etc e os momentos quando o autor moribundo escreve ou edita suas anotações intencionalmente póstumas (ler isso em conjunto com o recentemente publicado O livro contra a Morte é bastante esclarecedor). Contrastes, contradições, incoerências. Nada é o que parece. Assim como outros escritores isolados ao redor do mundo, desde a segunda metade do século XX, Canetti, mais do que confundir ficção com "não-ficção", percebe a destruição e, finalmente, a indistinção da realidade circundante ou a sua completa ausência, assim como a 'nenhumação' sofrida pelo próprio escritor no decorrer das suas desinteressantes memórias.
Um episódio em específico chamou muito minha atenção: o que trata de Kokoschka, sua fútil militância política focada em influenciar estrategicamente os poderosos que permanece tão popular quanto inefetiva até hoje e, principalmente, a menção de sua boneca feita para literalmente substituir sua amante infiel. Na hora o caso de Hans Bellmer, cuja maioria das obras de arte consiste em bonecas inquietantemente tratadas e moldadas como se fossem vivas ou em modelos de carne e osso tratados como se fossem bonecas mutiladas, e sua mentalmente doente amante, Ünica Zurn. Pelo o que eu sei esta última, depois ter relações promíscuas com o poeta Henri Michaux e experimentar pela primeira vez drogas alucinógenas o que a levaria a entrar e sair de instituições psiquiatricas por anos a fio, acabou se matando ao pular do prédio de Bellmer quando, ambos já envelhecidos, ele finalmente renegava sua figura paterna à ela. Não sei por que mas imagino Canetti se impressionando com esta história caso algum desconhecido lhe tivesse relatado-a.

Não sei quanto ao pai dele, mas Jeremy Adler é um sicofanta literário, que infelizmente é um tipo bastante difundido no establishment cultural inglês independente de origens nacionais ou étnicas.
Como não só o Reino Unido, que entre os anos 1990 e 2010 não apenas se integrou à União Europeia como rapidamente desfez tudo como se nada tivesse acontecido, mas também França, Alemanha e, ainda mais recentemente o resto da Europa mostram claras tendências de uma política baseada em xenofobia e retomada do militarismo sem precisar de um líder fixo como Enoch Powell, o que torna tudo pior ainda para uma vaga oposição à isso.
Profile Image for Marc Keymeulen.
124 reviews6 followers
June 21, 2024
Blik van binnenuit in de intellectuele elite in het Engeland van net voor en tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog, opgetekend door Elias Canetti op late leeftijd.
Aanvankelijk interessant en soms amusant, in enkele gevallen ook behoorlijk venijnig (T.S. Eliot, Iris Murdoch) maar mettertijd wordt het warrig tot zelfs moeilijk te volgen gewauwel.
De overlap tussen de verschillende hoofdstukjes is groot - als je bijvoorbeeld drie of meer keer leest wat de achtergrond is van vriend Aymer dan weet je het wel - wat er op wijst dat er weinig redactie aan te pas kwam, noch door de schrijver tijdens leven, noch bij publicatie na zijn dood.

Ik vond Het Martyrium indrukwekkend, deze memoires hebben me niet bepaald kunnen bekoren.
Profile Image for Dimitra.
29 reviews2 followers
October 30, 2021
Αρχάρια στην ανάγνωση αφηγημάτων-ημερολογίων..με συνεπήρε κάθε περιγραφή του Ε. Κανέτι για τους ανθρώπους και τα μέρη της Αγγλίας! Αγάπησα το συναίσθημα να διαβάζω κάτι για το πάντα ξεχωριστό Λονδίνο και μαγεύτηκα από τον Ε. Κανέτι…ενώ μάλλον «δεν έχω δει τίποτα ακόμη» αφού η Τύφλωση και το Μάζα και Εξουσία εκκρεμούν…αυτή η συλλογή βραβεία Νόμπελ είναι διαμάντι(α)!
Profile Image for Elromalero.
24 reviews
February 16, 2018
Utterly dull literary gossip...how this egomaniac, petty little man won the nobel prize is beyond my understanding :((
Profile Image for Kostas Kanellopoulos.
622 reviews31 followers
December 31, 2022
Ο,τι αξίζει από τις αναμνήσεις του Κανετι από την Βρετανία είναι το μίσος για τον Έλιοτ και την Θάτσερ... και η άσβεστη μνησικακία του για την πρώην ερωμένη του Αϊρις Μέρντοχ
Profile Image for Frank Dahai.
70 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2009
Canetti was an egoist, but he has come stories to tell. I loved the old-London atmosphere that pervades it. The tale of the Scottish Laird and his wife and their Parisian dresses is worth the price alone.
Profile Image for Joni.
126 reviews9 followers
October 9, 2016
a funny blunder. witty in its expat vitriol, pathetic in its antics. deserves its place in the misogynist canon for its anti-murdoch. worth reading for the garden parties only. a bedside book to be discarded after consumption
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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