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Lizzy & Diesel #1

Wicked Appetite

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Life in Marblehead has had a pleasant predictability, until Diesel arrives. Rumor has it that a collection of priceless ancient relics representing the Seven Deadly Sins have made their way to Boston’s North Shore. Partnered with pastry chef Lizzie Tucker, Diesel bullies and charms his way through historic Salem to track them down—and his criminal mastermind cousin Gerewulf Grimorie. The black-haired, black-hearted Wulf is on the hunt for the relic representing gluttony. Caught in a race against time, Diesel and Lizzie soon find out that more isn’t always better, as they battle Wulf and the first of the deadly sins.

With delectable characters and non-stop thrills that have made Janet Evanovich a household name, Wicked Appetite will leave you hungry for more.

322 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 14, 2009

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About the author

Janet Evanovich

268 books39k followers
Janet Evanovich is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum series, the Lizzy and Diesel series, twelve romance novels, the Alexandra Barnaby novels and Trouble Maker graphic novel, and How I Write: Secrets of a Bestselling Author, as well as the Fox and O'Hare series with co-author Lee Goldberg.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,083 reviews
Profile Image for Robert.
824 reviews44 followers
February 19, 2012
"Hi, my name's Stephanie Plum Somebody Else and I'm just like Stephanie Plum except I bake cupcakes and have a Magical Talent instead of being a bounty hunter. You don't know who Stephanie Plum is? You should buy one of her books! There are heaps! She's not a supermodel but she's sexy, she doesn't have an intimidating set of qualifications but she's still smart and sassy and she has two dangerous, mysterious hunks who fancy her! So she's just like me - except I only have one mysterious, dangerous hunk who fancies me but he can't shag me or we'd lose our Magical Talents. The other one is a bad guy who doesn't fancy me - except I'm not sure really which one is the bad guy - maybe both are! Anyway, I fancy the "good" guy but I can't shag him 'cos we'd lose our Magical Talents! Did I already say that?

"Anyway, just like Stephanie Plum, I have preposterous adventures, only mine are even more preposterous because they involve Magic! Soon I'll have heaps of books too because Evanovitch writes them at about one a week, which is easy for her, because apparently they are all the same! Anyway, I have to go now - feeling frustrated 'cos of this Magical Artifact that makes me horny but I can't shag this great guy I met because then we'd lose our Magical Talents! I already said that? Sorry!"

Complete waste of time and probably the most boring "magic system" I've ever come across. I recommend running away screaming if you are presented with this book.
Profile Image for Vinaya.
185 reviews2,125 followers
February 26, 2011
Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting Stones... or possibly dwawfes!

Wicked Appetite is like an episode of Looney Tunes. It's goofy, it's over-the-top, and it's hilarious! Janet Evanovich finally gets her groove back after a long, torturous 'Plum'met into really boring fiction. I first fell in love with Evanovich way back when she was writing weird, wacky romances for Loveswept. Books like Naughty Neighbor and The Rocky Road to Romance marked her as being a class apart, especially in the paperback romance category, where funny, zany books are not exactly the norm. I mean, what other romance novel have you read that involves large dogs with a passion for burgers, Capitol Hill mysteries involving pigs, cookbooks for dog food and trigger-happy geriatrics? I cannot tell a lie, I liked Stephanie Plum and the Trenton gang too... about thirteen books ago!

Thankfully, Wicked Appetite is the first book in a series about the Seven Deadly Sins, so it can't go beyond, you know, seven books. Lizzy Tucker is a baker who bakes superlative cupcakes at Dazzle bakery and tries to peddle her cookbook to various publishers so she can keep her house from falling down about her ears. Until one day, a dark, creepy looking stranger walks up to the bakery and brands her. He is instantly followed by a tall, blond, hot hunk who claims that the stranger in black is his evil, homicidal cousin, Gerwulf Grimoire. He goes on to reveal that Lizzy is an Unmentionable (no, not a piece of underwear, but a person with enhanced abilities to sense magical objects) whose help he needs to recover the lost Stones containing the Seven deadly sins.

"The way it’s been told to me is that there are seven deadly sins known collectively as SALIGIA. Envy, Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Lusty, Grumpy, and Sneezy.”

“I think some of those were dwarfs,” I said to Diesel

Diesel tells Lizzy that any person who manages to collect all seven stones will have the power to create hell on earth. His mandate is to find the stone of Gluttony before Wulf does and return it to BUM, the governing body (part?!) for Unmentionables.

"My orders are to stop Wulf from acquiring the Stones. Probably, no one cares if he collects the dwarfs.”

“What happens if you only get some of the Stones but not all of the Stones?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you just create hell in Connecticut.”

Along for the ride are a cast of characters straight out of a screwball comedy flick. There's Gloria, whose inept attempts at casting a spell of truth always conclude in disaster for her poor victim, who graduates from speaking gibberish to merely gobbling.

“Maybe it’ll wear off,” Glo said. “Some of these spells are temporary. The book isn’t always specific about length of time.”

“Hear that?” I said to Shirley. “Good news. The spell might wear off.”

Shirley flipped me the finger.

“More good news,” Diesel said. “She knows sign language.”

And then there is a one-eyed ninja cat.


And a monkey that's almost human, and fluent in sign language too.


Also a rival Unmentionable with a fetish for medieval role playing.

No, Sir Hatchelot, you don't look stupid at all!

This book is full of wisecracks and one-liners.

“There you have it,” I said to Mel Mensher. “The big guy here has an unusual energy field.”

“Lady, I’m talking full-blown spectral phenomenon.”

“Well?” I asked Diesel.

“I’m not spectral, but I’ve been told I can be pretty damn phenomenal.”

This is like other urban fantasy books in the same way that Bugs Bunny is like Yogi Bear. If you are expecting Wicked Appetite to have world building, plot development, suspense build-up, etc, you are destined for disappointment. This is not an urban fantasy book, really. Nor is it a paranormal romance. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it sure as hell is fun!

The lack of plot development and build-up sometimes makes the book seem abrupt and uneven. There is also no real point to a lot of the book. There are very many, many scenes that have been inserted simply for the amusement factor, with no regard to whether they further the plot or not. Evanovich's writing style is funny and wiseass, but no-one could call it sophisticated. These are the sort of things that will disturb and possibly severely annoy serious UF readers, but for someone looking for a summer beach read, or some fluff to laugh away the blues, this is the perfect book. And for fans of Janet Evanovich, like me, this book heralds the return of the non-collaborative, non-Plummy, original and gold-plated queen of the funny romance. I'll be looking forward to the next book in this series.

P.S. I just discovered that Diesel and Carl (the monkey) have previously appeared in the Stephanie Plum novels, and that Diesel, in fact, was a sort-of love interest for Stephanie. I'm not sure how to feel about this. Doesn't Stephanie have enough men in her life already? She's really not all that, so why does she have all these men falling at her feet? I haven't read the books with Diesel in them, so I'm going to pretend I never found out that tidbit, and Diesel is a brand-new character!
Profile Image for Regina.
625 reviews420 followers
February 26, 2011
I didn't finish this, I was listening to the audio and stopped about 1/5 of the way in. The main character is very similar to Stephanie Plum -- except she can cook and has blonde hair. Her physical description, her style of dress, her voice, her experience with men/boys (a failed engagement v. Stephanie's failed marriage both failed in "comical" ways). The main character has a side kick that is goofy and off the charts but so not interesting -- it made me miss Lula. The main character inherits a house -- just like Joe in the Plum series and a main character did in Evanovich's Overboard. Diesel was just not interesting and seemed to be a combination of Ranger and Joe. Diesel was more interesting in the "in between" Plum novels. Evanovich obviously has a formula and she sticks with it. It appears from her last few "in between" Plum books and this book that she she wants to capitalize on the popularity of urban fantasy books, but this book is just so uninteresting. Not worth purchasing or the time to listen/read.
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,859 reviews1 follower
December 7, 2020
I really like Janet Evanovich's books. They are fast reads and funny, and this book was no different. Lizzy is a baker with powers she did not how about until Diesel show up. Diesel is a character that is also in the Plum series. This is the first book in the Lizzy and Diesel series. I love the Plum series, and I hope this will be like the Plum series. So far it has not let me down. This book was a fast read that was funny, fun, and everything I wanted. (*)
Profile Image for Jeremy Perrault  Peterpan23.
71 reviews91 followers
June 23, 2023
My mother introduced me to Janet while reading the Plum series. I looked at the description and was not impressed. I went to the library and found the “Wicked” series…

The rest is history!! It is funny and familiar. Diesel and Carl (monkey) remind me of shaggie and scooby lol. Lizzy is familiar in the sense of how she is gullible, lovable, relatable and all around interesting. The story takes place in Salem, and that’s a big perk for me. I love witch trials history, but this doesn’t feed totally into that rich history. It’s definitely a tale on its own.

The characters speak for themselves, and it is a fun read from start to finish! I can’t wait for the next one.

Stay curious my friends, and enjoy a dessert while reading this 🤫😉🧁
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,869 reviews2,298 followers
May 24, 2021
Wicked Appetite
(Lizzy & Diesel #1)
by Janet Evanovich

I had read this book before but forgot I did until I started it again. Since it is so good I decided just to go ahead and read it over again!
I didn't realize the first time that the Diesel that is in here is the same one that is in the Plum series! I have read the Plum series up to about 20 also. Don't know how I missed that.
This is a fun read about a sexy Diesel, A baker named Pizza, A crazy friend who tries spells named Flo a ones eyed cat, A monkey, and a whole host of other odd characters! It's a hunt for magical stones and the chaos that ensues along the way!
Profile Image for Amanda.
707 reviews99 followers
December 4, 2013
Janet Evanovich is the well-known author of the Stephanie Plum series of books, and here she begins another series that edges firmly into the paranormal arena. Elizabeth Tucker lives in Marblehead, just north of Boston, and makes cupcakes for a living while living in the house bequeathed to her by Great Aunt Ophelia. Her life is perfectly pleasant but very ordinary when two men walk into it and proceed to turn it upside down. One is Wulf and he is a Bad Man. The other is Diesel, our Alpha Male, who explains to Liz that she is an Unmentionable and has to help him search out the SALIGIA stones (so named because of taking the first initials for the Latin names of the Seven Deadly Sins). Wulf is also looking for the stones and so Liz is caught in a race against time to discover their whereabouts.

I was really looking forward to Wicked Appetite when I first heard about it – I thought it sounded amusing and exciting. Disappointingly, the reverse is true. It is very often extremely unfunny and there was not a hint of excitement to be found within the pages.

I enjoyed a few things in the book – principle amongst them the description of Liz’s cupcakes, mostly because it made me hungry to eat some of them. Another large benefit was the slightness of Wicked Appetite, which meant I didn’t have to endure it for too long.

There was very little other than that to enjoy. The plot was preposterous; the manner in which it was explained to Liz was paper-thin; the characters were barely two dimensional, let alone three. I couldn’t tell you anything about the motivations of Diesel, Liz, Glo, Wulf and any of the rest of the cast of characters. What’s more, thanks to the frivolous manner of writing, I couldn’t have cared either.

The “humour” was quite often tiresome, rather than funny – I use as an example the monkey Carl. Now, the first time he “gives someone the finger” I did find myself smiling at the idea, but on one page it happened no less than three times. At that point I just wanted to shake said monkey and throw Wicked Appetite across the room.

But I did persevere to the end, although it took all my patience: and I was not rewarded by the climax to this book. It was boring, there was no sense of tension or threat to any of the characters, and I realised (to my horror) that it left a set-up for more novels in this series.

Wicked Appetite can be equated to eating candy floss – seems like a good idea at the time, but leaves you unfulfilled and with a great sense of disappointment.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
April 21, 2017
This was a fun series and a nice change in pace. I really liked Diesel from some of the Stephanie Plum short stories so it was nice to see him in his actual element but I have to say, I think I like him and Stephanie together as a team more than Lizzy and him but maybe that is just because I'm more familiar with it, who knows. It was fun seeing Carl though, he was a nice surprise to the story line.
Profile Image for Monika Sadowski.
203 reviews50 followers
May 11, 2020
What was this book about? It’s a mess. Diesel is so arrogant, dialogues are just stupid, they are constantly hungry and nobody knows how to cast a spell. Who is Wolf?
Profile Image for May.
Author 1 book53 followers
September 16, 2010
Do you think a monkey farting and flipping everyone off is hilarious? Ok, maybe the first time but would you like to read about him flipping people off every other page? If so, perhaps this is your book.

First off I've been an Evanovich fan for years. I have been anxiously awaiting this new series and hoping that going in a new direction and make a sparkling book like she used to. I have felt like the last few books she's released were flat, boring, and uninspired. So what happened here?

Diesel is a character in the "between the numbers" plum novellas. He's big, bad, and kind of a super hero... but where does he go when not in Trenton, NJ? What all does he do and what makes him tick? When I heard he was getting his own spin-off series I assumed that we would be getting more into his 'unmentionables' world. I thought it would be a great new series.

Reading this book I kept thinking that either one of her kids or employees wrote this and turned it in under her name, or else she is just tired of writing but likes paychecks. This isn't a romance. It's not a mystery. It's not even action/adventure. I don't know WHAT this book was supposed to be.

I do know that it was short. With nothing but simple short words, double spaced with nice big font, and no real plot to speak of or have to pay attention to it was less than 3hrs to read. Instead of more editing, plot, and/or pages Evanovich wastes precious space with a lot of "we got out of the car and climbed a flight of stairs. Then we went and got __ and __ to eat." She doesn't give us enough interest or action. There's no insight to the characters or this "unmentionable" world they're a part of. The plot is literally "find the special stone before the bad guy. But no rush."

Enter Lizzy. She's a cupcake maker (and baker) living in Salem, MA. One day a scary guy (name Wulf) appears, followed by Diesel, and it all goes from there. She has some 'unmentionable' (aka special/supernatural) ability to find objects and teamed with Diesel they set out to beat Wulf to the punch/save the world/etc. The entire book is from Lizzy's point of view... another junk food eating but still thin Evanovich heroine. We don't get any insight into Diesel - unless he really is simply no-personality muscle for the organization he works for. Apparently he only drives Porsche vehicles, and Carl the monkey followed him to this book from the Plum series. Do you know Carl? He flips everyone and everything off.

I think what really makes me MAD about this one is that it could have been FANTASTIC. I mean really. We've got a badass (almost comic book like) hero out to save the world. A woman discovering she's not just a wicked baker, but also has supernatural abilities. It's set in Salem, MA and Evanovich could really have made this a fantastic whole new fictional world. She could have filled it with rich detail and plot twists. Hilarious moments and scenes (that I know she can write!) and a lighter take on the supernatural that I would have welcomed with open arms.

Instead we got a monkey that flips us off on every other page.

Oh, and the promise of no 'romance' since she states that Diesel & Lizzy can't hook up or one of them will loose all their powers, and they can't do that because, you know, fate of the world rests in both of their hands.

I feel like I should say something nice about this, so I'll tell you that there were some interesting supporting characters. The bits with Glo and her spells, the one eyed cat... ok that's it. That's the only parts I remember as good.

How sad is that?

Profile Image for Sheri.
390 reviews72 followers
November 25, 2012
I loved the humor in this book. I seriously cannot think of a book that made me laugh so much. I love sexy and fun Diesel, and Wulf seemed interesting. I have a feeling he's going to be making some mischief later in the series. I think those two are going to be fun to have together. I really enjoyed the banter between Lizzy and Diesel, and Lizzy's friends were funny, too. For these reasons, I will definitely continue the series. Oh yeah, and how can you go wrong with a monkey? I love Carl!

The only thing I have to say negative about the book is that nothing really happened. It was all setup for the rest of the series, I guess, and never really went anywhere. Not much action in the book. It was a quirky, fun read. The basis of the story is the seven deadly sins, and the road the author took with it will be interesting.

As a side note, after reading some other reviews I realize that this is sort of a spinoff of the Stephanie Plum series, which I have not yet read but am planning on reading soon. Apparently Diesel and Carl the monkey first appeared in the Stephanie Plum series.
Profile Image for Darth J .
417 reviews1,293 followers
March 13, 2014
I was familiar with Diesel from the "Between the Numbers" Plum sub-series and I liked many of the Stephanie Plum books anyway, so when I saw that the author was going to be writing a new one with a more-than-hinted-at supernatural angle, I picked it up. (Forgive the run-on sentence.) Anyway, I have it listed on my "better than I thought it would be shelf" because Evanovich's recent books have not been her best efforts* and I had a lower expectation going into this. My 5 star rating comes from my personal enjoyment of the book, rather than it being a literary masterpiece (plus the bar was low to begin with).

*In my opinion, but many others share the same sentiments about the recycled plots. Just look at the other reviews of the recent entries in the series if you don't believe me.
Profile Image for Heidi.
1,291 reviews223 followers
June 16, 2024
I'm not sure what shelf this new Evanovich series belongs on... A super silly, sweet and not very wicked blend of mystery, romance (teasing of the kind to be expected from this author) and paranormal.

I wanted it to be better than it was...the kookiness just outweighed the lightweight story.

Save it for the beach!

(Reviewed June 2011)
Profile Image for Giovanni Gelati.
Author 24 books885 followers
September 20, 2010
I have received a lot of messages and questions about this novel. What do you think of it? How good is it? Does she deliver again? How much is Diesel actually in it? I could go on and on and on. I love it. Hopefully within the confines of this post I will answer all the questions that you may have, and then just do yourself a favor and click on the Amazon book cover here and suck this bad boy up. I laughed my fanny off and then some. I had many of the same questions you had. Can she pull a full length novel off using Diesel, not just a shortened Between the Plums type thing?
Here is the central plotline in a nutshell:” Seven Stones of Power. No one knows when they were created or by whom, each said to represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins.” Cryptic yes, but how else are you going to tie together a story with a muffin baker, an Unmentionable, Carl the Monkey, a wannabe witch, and a one eyed –half tailed cat? The simple answer is here before you, Wicked Appetite. Janet Evanovich should patent her style as she continues to make me laugh and provides me with simple minded entertainment as only she can. Do I believe that a monkey knows when to spontaneously give anyone and everyone the you are numero uno hand gesture? If it is a Janet Evanovich novel, yes! Carl the monkey has always made me laugh and he is ever present in this novel. Diesel is Diesel; I don’t think I can say much more about him as he seems to be one of the coolest good guys in this genre besides Ranger.
Here is a taste of the novel: Diesel is speaking first” Honey, you smell bad way beyond the nasty.”
I closed my eyes and slumped back in the seat.” Can we review what’s happened here? In the interest of saving the world from a hellish future, we’ve got some poor woman talking nonsense, we’ve blown a man’s house to smithereens, and now we’ve totally trashed another man’s apartment. And if that’s not enough, we’ve acquired a cat with one eye, and a monkey.”
Diesel looked at me.” Your point.”
I blew out a sigh ”I don’t have a point. My life is out of control. Everything was looking so good a couple days ago, with my own house and a terrific job. And now everything is facaca.”
“Your life isn’t out of control,” Diesel said, “It’s expanded.”
I know that some are going to say that this is almost a Plum novel without Lulu, but you know what, in my book, Janet Evanovich delivered the goods and entertained me. I have always enjoyed Diesel and all the mystical stuff that surrounds him. The way she used him, giving us a fuller explanation of him and his world, was just the thing. Bringing in Carl the Monkey, the cat, the mystery and history of Salem , Mass. all came together and worked well. Do I suggest this novel, without a doubt. My wife is enjoying it now and all of a sudden I am the most popular father to a bunch of daughters looking to get to read it before the other. That usually only happens to me each mid- June. I am not minding a double dose of that. Pick it up and laugh a little, now if I could only find my fanny.
What are you reading today? Check us out and become our friend on Facebook & Linkedin. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. You can also follow us on Twitter, and the Gelati’s Scoop Facebook Fan Page. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Gelati’s Store Tab on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day. http://www.gelatisscoop.blogspot.com

Merged review:

I have received a lot of messages and questions about this novel. What do you think of it? How good is it? Does she deliver again? How much is Diesel actually in it? I could go on and on and on. I love it. Hopefully within the confines of this post I will answer all the questions that you may have, and then just do yourself a favor and click on the Amazon book cover here and suck this bad boy up. I laughed my fanny off and then some. I had many of the same questions you had. Can she pull a full length novel off using Diesel, not just a shortened Between the Plums type thing?
Here is the central plotline in a nutshell:” Seven Stones of Power. No one knows when they were created or by whom, each said to represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins.” Cryptic yes, but how else are you going to tie together a story with a muffin baker, an Unmentionable, Carl the Monkey, a wannabe witch, and a one eyed –half tailed cat? The simple answer is here before you, Wicked Appetite. Janet Evanovich should patent her style as she continues to make me laugh and provides me with simple minded entertainment as only she can. Do I believe that a monkey knows when to spontaneously give anyone and everyone the you are numero uno hand gesture? If it is a Janet Evanovich novel, yes! Carl the monkey has always made me laugh and he is ever present in this novel. Diesel is Diesel; I don’t think I can say much more about him as he seems to be one of the coolest good guys in this genre besides Ranger.
Here is a taste of the novel: Diesel is speaking first” Honey, you smell bad way beyond the nasty.”
I closed my eyes and slumped back in the seat.” Can we review what’s happened here? In the interest of saving the world from a hellish future, we’ve got some poor woman talking nonsense, we’ve blown a man’s house to smithereens, and now we’ve totally trashed another man’s apartment. And if that’s not enough, we’ve acquired a cat with one eye, and a monkey.”
Diesel looked at me.” Your point.”
I blew out a sigh ”I don’t have a point. My life is out of control. Everything was looking so good a couple days ago, with my own house and a terrific job. And now everything is facaca.”
“Your life isn’t out of control,” Diesel said, “It’s expanded.”
I know that some are going to say that this is almost a Plum novel without Lulu, but you know what, in my book, Janet Evanovich delivered the goods and entertained me. I have always enjoyed Diesel and all the mystical stuff that surrounds him. The way she used him, giving us a fuller explanation of him and his world, was just the thing. Bringing in Carl the Monkey, the cat, the mystery and history of Salem , Mass. all came together and worked well. Do I suggest this novel, without a doubt. My wife is enjoying it now and all of a sudden I am the most popular father to a bunch of daughters looking to get to read it before the other. That usually only happens to me each mid- June. I am not minding a double dose of that. Pick it up and laugh a little, now if I could only find my fanny.
What are you reading today? Check us out and become our friend on Facebook & Linkedin. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. You can also follow us on Twitter, and the Gelati’s Scoop Facebook Fan Page. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Gelati’s Store Tab on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day. http://www.gelatisscoop.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Tonya.
573 reviews130 followers
August 24, 2022
Fast paced, hilarious book one of a new series called Lizzy & Diesel by Janet Evanovich. Tons of hilarious scenes and unforgettable characters make this book! Loved it and can't wait for book two!
Profile Image for Erica.
1,423 reviews480 followers
October 25, 2016
You: "You don't read Janet Evanovich. What gives?"
Me: "Witches."
You: "You know there's going to be romance in this story, right?"
Me: "Yes, but...it's October. I wanted a witchy story."
You: "So you picked this one? Out of all the witchy stories out there, you picked a genre you don't like by an author you no longer read?"
Me: "YOU DON'T KNOW ME! Also, everything else was checked-out."
You: "Well, don't come crying to me when you hate this."
Me: "...well...you see..."
You: *walks away, shaking head*

Ok, so maybe you do know me. Maybe you know me really well and so you're probably surprised by those three stars. Is this a 3-star book? Absolutely not! Did I like this book anyway? Yes, I did!

I used to read the Stephanie Plum novels back in the ‘90’s and I know I loved them then but I also know when I tried to pick 'em back up in the last several years, I couldn’t do it. I went into this fully aware that I might not like it at all based on how dated and sexist and plot-holey and formulaic and ridiculous those Plum novels are.

This one is no different only it's not yet dated, not quite.

So we start with an inherited house in Marblehead between Boston and Salem and a bakery where Lizzie makes cupcakes, the best cupcakes. This story is about as sweet and filling as the cupcakes Lizzie makes. She works with Clara and Glo. Diesel and Wulf are the guys in her life. There's a cat with a marble eye and, later, a monkey. Also, a spellbook and a broom and some charms that hold the power of gluttony.

At first, I kept thinking, "This is totally written like a sitcom. It’s so fast-paced and lacking in depth, just a big infodump to get the tale across in 30 minutes." Then I thought, "No, it’s more like a Saturday morning cartoon from the ‘80’s." After rolling my eyes one too many times, I put it on 1.5 speed and found it sounds like a bad radio play from the 40’s. Delightful!

So, ok, yes this is fluff and it’s dumb and corny but...there’s a one-eyed cat and a monkey. I was entertained and listening to this helped my day fly by. And, seriously, that monkey is worth the price of admission ergo, 3 stars!

Profile Image for Erth.
4,043 reviews
March 3, 2021
I loved the Stephanie Plum series, and I enjoyed the Between The Plum novels. So I decided to give the Lizzie and Diesel series a try, I'm glad I did this book was so fun and funny! I love all the fresh characters and how the spells her friend casts goes all wrong, had me laughing out loud! I had to buy the next two books as soon as I finished this one. I had to keep going to see them find the rest of the 7 stones!! I highly recommend this book!!!
Profile Image for Howard.
1,673 reviews101 followers
November 7, 2020
5 Stars for Wicked Appetite; Lizzy & Diesel #1 by Janet Evanovich read by Lorelei King. This was a great start to the Lizzy & Diesel story line. I thought it was a lot of fun. And of coarse the narration was superb.
Profile Image for Bonnie.
1,416 reviews1,090 followers
November 15, 2015
Fun, highly entertaining read for when you’re in that kinda mood. There’s no dramatic (or even realistic) world-building, there’s no real plot development, so if you’re in the mood for some serious novel you are definitely looking in the wrong place. This is the book when you’re looking for a good time and want to read some real funny fluff.

Lizzy is a pastry chef who makes some seriously fabulous cupcakes with an average and fairly normal life until she meets Diesel. Lizzy is informed by Diesel that she’s an “Unmentionable” and that she can detect magical objects and he needs her to locate them for him.

“Did you know you were an Unmentionable?”
“No. I thought bras and panties were unmentionables.”

As Maja warned me from the very beginning: “I hope you like cupcakes. And monkeys.” Suffice it to say, the word cupcake appears 125 times in this novel. I had one major cupcake craving by the time I was done. Big as in:

Now that’s a cupcake.

The monkey’s (or unicorn if you’re Wendy :D) name is Carl and, well… Carl is hilarious. He’s not a freaky talking money or anything, but he loves cheez whiz, froot loops, and he loves flipping people off.

There’s also Hatcher, but he’s kind of a freak. He’s some geek who insists on dressing in medieval garb which does in fact include a sword. And then there’s Cat 7143. Yes, that’s his name. He has a glass eye, half a tail, and he’s apparently a ninja.

There’s the obligatory bad guy, Wulf, and the required hot guy, Diesel. All of these great characters are all in search of the seven stones which happen to contain the seven deadly sins. This is the first in the series, and I’m assuming it will only be 7 in the series, but I can’t wait for the next book! The ending was cute and left a smile on my face.

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Profile Image for Leslie.
227 reviews
December 27, 2011
One word...RIDICULOUS!!!! I gave it a chance, to page 100, then skipped to the end, deciding I wasn't going to waste anymore reading time on it.

I'd never read Janet Evanovich. I'm aware her books have been hits, bestsellers, yadda yadda. So, in an effort to try a JE novel, without starting with the Plum series, I picked this most recent work. Well, if this is how JE writes, I am no fan. Fluff. Wayyyy too fanciful. Sure, I enjoy a fantasy and the opportunity to get away, get involved in a story, but, in my honest opinion, Wicked Appetite is wickedly ridiculous.

The characters were silly. I can read silly and get involved but these people, OY! I had a problem with some of the names, like Dazzle family and the Dazzle Bakery. And this guy, Diesel?? What about Gerwulf "Wulf" Grimoire??? Ok, if there are names out there like this I apologize. I do think I remember some celeb naming their kid Diesel and Valerie Bertinelli Van Halen's son is named Wolfgang (I've heard her refer to him as Wolfie, ugh!), but I knew when I started into the story this was a doozy. Then, making fun of the obviously overweight Shirley. Sure, make fun of the fat chick, they can take it. That's just one of my pet peeves anyway, but I cringe when it's used senselessly for a joke or a laugh.

I also find it ridiculous when a writer describes every freakn' thing in a scene! Writing is about scene set up and allowing the reader to use their imagination.

Is JE trying to capitalize on the paranormal interest? Is she trying to bring in YA? I don't think she managed it very well if that's the case.The dialogue was moving way too fast which led to confusion and at points, that's all the story was, dialogue. I don't find true writing in that particular style. Maybe JE is writing for a movie or series pick up?

I constantly lament at how writers go for the bucks, editors & pubs encourage it, but those of us who enjoy actual storytelling are left with book after book of nonsense.
Profile Image for Berit Talks Books.
2,062 reviews15.7k followers
October 18, 2017
I am a huge Stephanie Plum fan, and really wanted to like this book, however it just fell a bit short....
Lizzy and Diesel were OK characters, but a little under developed, and I never understood their attraction to each other..... actually if I’m being honest everything was a little under developed, the mystery, the paranormal aspect, the secondary characters, and even the monkey.... not sure if I will pick up the next book in the series, but on a positive note it really has nowhere to go but up (hopefully)....

*** narration:Lorelei King definitely made this book more enjoyable than it would have been in print; she is the voice of some of my favorite Stephanie Plum and Charley Davidson, so whenever she adds her voice to a book it definitely increases my enjoyment.... definitely a case where the narrator improved the book!
Profile Image for Leah.
701 reviews104 followers
September 23, 2019
Borrrrrrrrrring lol
Way too much dialogue...
Such an easy read, perfect for an audiobook in the car.
This book really doesn't take any thought lol it's very one dimensional and flat.
It's like rom-com meets slightly fantasy world.
The best thing about this book was that it was sometimes comical.

Similar to
- J.R. Wards series The Black Dagger Brotherhood because of the sassy main character girl and hot men in a fantasy world. he Black Dagger Brotherhood is wayyyy better though.
- Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1) by Briggs, Patricia because of the over use of dialogue and mysterious fantasy world
- Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1) by Frost, Jeaniene because of the over use of dialogue, boring story, badass main character, and mysterious fantasy world
Profile Image for Elena.
1,453 reviews
October 19, 2012


I have finally managed to start the "Wicked" series and read Wicked Appetite - it was very similar to Stephanie Plum series (which I also wasn’t the hugest fan of), but i hated this !! The dialogue seemed so immature, the heroine whiny and annoying - constant talk of food and what she wants to eat (get it – “gluttony” ha ha) -it was all just booooring...Diesel was plain weird and unmemorable (besides being hot – that detail was mentioned at least 37 times)... I think that the fact that I chose the audio book version is what additionally killed it for me - it's the same narrator! Don't get me wrong-the narrator is good, it's just that she(obviously) makes Lizzy sound the same as Stephanie and all the other characters sound just like Plum series characters. On top of that, the plot is cookie cutter material, so I can't seem to separate the two series !

This time some supernatural elements were introduced, but writing about the paranormal just does NOT seem to be J.E.'s forte, and in that aspect, as well, the book falls flat. She just seems to be milking the supernatural chick-lit craze - if everyone else can do it - why not J.E.? Well, turns out she CAN'T! It was an obvious (unsuccessful) attempt to cash in on the paranormal romance hype and I was expecting vampires and werewolves to start popping in at any moment!! Sad...

Also, there are just tons of STUPID lines and characters that are pointless, i.e. the stupid monkey who constantly "eeks", burps, farts, and gives the finger?! Really?!?! Is this a book for 3 year-olds?! Are there adult women out there who can find this amusing?!

Then there is Diesel who keeps coming up with a new car every half hour (Cayenne, Porche Turbo, Lincoln...without any explanation as to where he is getting the money for all of this?!!?) and in all of these vehicles he allows a MONKEY to ride inside, eat junk food, and throw up!! Page after page after page!!! GROSS! The book was literally starting to stress me out, because I kept thinking how pristine car after car is being turned into a pig sty by a damn monkey, spilling ketchup and throwing up on the leather seats!?!?!?! Is this something that’s deemed normal to write about and that I should find amusing?!??!?

Throughout the book i felt that the author was mocking us / making fun of our intelligence...Obviously, just my personal opinion...

But, if you like magic spells that sound like "witch, wizard, pickle pie in your eye...", ditzy heroines, macho-beefy underdeveloped heroes, monkeys that constantly show middle fingers/burp/fart/throw up/(must not forget!)"eeek", etc... then, THIS is your cup of tea!
Profile Image for Carolyn.
470 reviews1,137 followers
June 14, 2015
"Wicked Appetite" has everything I was hoping for from Evanovich: quirky characters, fun plot and a smidgen of romance. This is an incredibly light read but it's entertaining and amusing. I liked the characters, who are all a bit nuts in their own way.

Lizzy is a pastry chef working at Dazzle's Bakery in Salem with friends Glo and Clara. Her life if pretty ordinary until two mystery men enter the bakery a few minutes apart. From here her life changes and she's swooped along on an adventure, which turns out to be quite fun and reveals she has certain abilities of the magical kind.

There's lots of ridiculous antics and rushing from one place to another (which happened a bit too frequently) an interesting magical mystery to solve, but there are a few additions that I didn't like (such as Carl the monkey!).

Everything happens a bit too quickly in "Wicked Appetite", and Lizzy and her friends except everything without as much as a blink. I think the magical element should have been drawn out more for it to be credible and therefore more realistic. I also wish the magic could have been more obvious, it's all a bit too subtle. I really didn't understand the addition of Carl the monkey and because of this I found him irritating instead of funny.

Other than these few points this is a fun book to read and as it's the first book in a series, I will definitely keep a look out for the next instalment.


"Wicked Appetite" is a book filled with fluffy goodness. If you want a light, quick read with elements of the paranormal then this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Tabitha Turnbow.
19 reviews43 followers
September 25, 2010

I know some of you are out there shaking you heads already. I’m sorry I can’t help it. We, my Mother and sisters, have been sharing Janet Evanovich novels for a while. When a new comes out we take turns with them and have a nice time discussing them when we all get together over a lunch or something like that. Wicked Appetite is no exception. Diesel is up there for me with Morelli , and for some of my sisters Ranger.
I read some of the other reviews on the novel on both Goodreads and Amazon before my fingers started to pound the keyboard on this old warhorse of a computer I have. Most seemed to be on the side of ambivalent to thumbs down. Me though, I enjoyed it, and so has the rest of our little group. Janet Evanovich writes like she writes. I am comfortable in the fact that I am going to be able to sit in my chair and just chill to a goofy story, laugh at Carl the monkey flipping everyone the bird, something burning down, and a lot of romance and romantic tension throughout the novel.
Wicked Appetite was no surprise in content to me. The plotline was nice and comfortable and fit like one of my favorite bedroom slippers, so it made me happy. If you are looking for some deep, deep social commentary for a plotline, or a political thriller, then this is not your novel. Entertainment, laughs, chuckles and comfort are what is inside this novel, and it suited me just fine. Full length Diesel: now who can’t handle that on a regular basis, anyone?
Profile Image for Jordan Price.
Author 137 books2,106 followers
December 2, 2010
This story was hilarious! I was laughing out loud at several points and probably scared the cats. Readers who’ve heard of Ms. Evanovich but were daunted by the thought of plunging into the long Stephanie Plum series—take heed! Here’s your chance to get into something new!

I think a lot of urban fantasy takes itself horribly seriously, and this new series is like “Evanovich does urban fantasy”… just like you’d imagine. Irreverently.

My niggles with the plot would be that the final conflict wasn’t very conflicted, and the element that kept the protagonist and her love interest apart didn’t ring true to me. They had great chemistry, though, and the madcap, magical adventure was loads of fun.

I had many favorite lines, but the passage that goes into, “why wasn’t I clever enough to write that first?” territory is this: You just passed a supermarket! I don’t have enough butter. And I need cereal. I want to make sure I have enough Raisin Bran. I mean, what if I ran out of Raisin Bran in the middle of the night? What would I do?
Profile Image for Moonkiszt.
2,546 reviews294 followers
March 20, 2021
So. This was my first Janet Evanovich book. I'm wondering if it is indicative of all of them. I expected something a little more serious. This was downright silly. However, I stayed to the very end, the pudding proof for all my reads. . . .

If you want a silly read to space between your next heavy ones. . .this is whip cream, for sure. And you'll want snacks throughout since this deals with the sin of gluttony, with light overtones of ?adultery (but more along the lines of an intense desire to procreate. . .?).

All in all I can say you wouldn't want a bookshelf of these. Just a few will do you. That said, I'm looking for the next one.
Profile Image for Jan.
867 reviews45 followers
October 19, 2010
Hmmm, a sex-deprived baker with magical detection powers, a one-eyed, ninja cat, a monkey more human than apeish, a would-be witch and a wise-cracking hunk named Diesel. Must be the first book in Janet Evanovich's new paranormal series. Lizzie, our phenomenal baker, discovers that she is one of the two "Unmentionables" who can detect magical items when two hunky cousin vie for her help in finding a stone that is related to the deadly sin, Gluttony. Let the fun begin.

I really enjoyed this book and I am just a bit surprised. I like the premise and the fact that there is an anticipated end (as in 7 deadly sins). Although it is definitely Evanovich, I found the characters refreshing. Lizzie is definitely not Stephanie. She is not nearly as worldly or jaded. (Don't get me wrong, I love you Steph!) And Diesel and Wulf are both hunky guys but Wulf is evil. Ranger is sketchy, but definitely one of the good guys. I am really looking forward to the next to see what kind of crazy stuff Lizzie and company can get into.
Author 5 books
September 5, 2013
Having never read anything by this author, I didn't know what to expect. This book is drivel and a complete waste of time. I forgot the main character's name and kept having to check the back of the book. None of the characters had any personality, what passed for a plot was so thin it could turn sideways and disappear, and the one character who MIGHT have been interesting was given no development or motives. The main character is bullied by her romance interest, who forces his way into her bed, and at point is thought to have been assaulted and/or raped. The emotional trauma is brushed off in favor of the monkey who flips everyone off every other page. I will not be reading anything else by this author. This book was trash.
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