maria’s review of Loneliest Angel (Spirit School #9) > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Aron (new)

Aron Lewes Thank you so much for this review, Maria! One of my 3 kittens passed away yesterday (he was only 4 months old!) and I've been feeling so incredibly lowly since it happened. I think this has improved my mood. I really appreciate you as a reader! <3 Book 10 (Gabriel's story) is the only book I've managed to complete this year. I would love to share it with you in a few months. :)

message 2: by maria (new)

maria arcara I'm SO sorry to hear about your kitten!!!! I can totally relate to losing a fur baby. I am currently facing a dire diagnosis for my sweet kitty girl, and the thought of having to say goodbye to her in the foreseeable future is heartbreaking, so I think I get it... My girl is 14 and her brother passed away a couple of years ago.... I truly don't know which is harder - losing one who has been with us for years or having to say goodbye to one so young 💔

I'm glad my review brought a bit of lightness for you! Apologies for not getting it posted sooner; apparently, I lost track of time since Loneliest Angel was released.

I would ABsolutely love to read Gabriel's story when it's ready 😁

Sending you lots of love and wishes for peace and comfort in the meantime ❤️

message 3: by Aron (new)

Aron Lewes Aww, I'm sorry you're going through something similar. Young, old or somewhere in-between, I think it's always difficult to lose a well-loved animal.

Also, don't apologize! I didn't expect a review, so it was a nice surprise! I'll be back in your inbox once I have the Gabriel book dusted up a bit more. :)

message 4: by maria (new)

maria arcara Thank you for the sympathy! And agreed - it's always difficult losing a fur baby ❤️🐾❤️

Well, of course I intended to leave a review as soon as it published, I just spaced on the timing! I love your work, so if reviews can benefit you, I'm more than happy to write them!

Thanks for thinking of me with Gabriel's story; I sincerely look forward to reading when you are ready to share it!

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