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The 5th Wave #2

The Infinite Sea

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The riveting follow-up to the New York Times bestselling The 5th Wave, hailed by Justin Cronin as "wildly entertaining."

How do you rid the Earth of seven billion humans? Rid the humans of their humanity.

Surviving the first four waves was nearly impossible. Now Cassie Sullivan finds herself in a new world, a world in which the fundamental trust that binds us together is gone. As the 5th Wave rolls across the landscape, Cassie, Ben, and Ringer are forced to confront the Others’ ultimate the extermination of the human race.

Cassie and her friends haven’t seen the depths to which the Others will sink, nor have the Others seen the heights to which humanity will rise, in the ultimate battle between life and death, hope and despair, love and hate.

320 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 16, 2014

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About the author

Rick Yancey

34 books9,803 followers
aka Richard Yancey.

Rick is a native Floridian and a graduate of Roosevelt University in Chicago. He earned a B.A. in English which he put to use as a field officer for the Internal Revenue Service. Inspired and encouraged by his wife, he decided his degree might also be useful in writing books and in 2004 he began writing full-time.

Since then he has launched two critically acclaimed series: The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp, for young readers, and The Highly Effective Detective, for adults. Both books are set in Knoxville, Tennessee, where Rick lived for ten years before returning to Florida.

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Profile Image for Emily May.
2,090 reviews314k followers
February 23, 2016
I really LOVED The 5th Wave. I read it in the middle of my college exams and it was the only thing that kept me sane in between studying. The atmosphere was just right, the writing was engaging to me, and I thought each of the characters brought something important to the table. Such love is hard to follow.

When I opened this book I was both excited and nervous. My expectations were so high that I knew it was dangerous. And, what can I say? I really needn't have worried. There is something so utterly compelling about Yancey's writing that makes me think we would be great friends in real life.

This book has more flaws and not quite as much eerie atmosphere now the big secrets are out... but, overall, it is a worthy sequel that didn't fail to punch me in the gut numerous times. If you were a little worried that Yancey wouldn't be able to pull out another good 'un after The 5th Wave - don't be.
“The world will burn for a hundred years. Fire will consume the things we made from wood and plastic and rubber and cloth, then water and wind and time will chew the stone and steel into dust. How baffling it is that we imagined cities incinerated by alien bombs and death rays when all they needed was Mother Nature and time.”

I think the first book is a quieter novel, which had different effects on different readers. I, personally, thought it was one of the book's strengths. The Infinite Sea, however, is a different kind of book. We finished the first after a huge climax of action and drama; the secrets were out, covers had been blown, we were suddenly dropped into the middle of a war that only escalated with this second book. Here things go from bad to worse; people are lost, distrust lingers between the characters, these kids have had to grow up faster than kids ever should.

To get the negative out of the way...

The most annoying thing about this book is Cassie. I am relieved that Yancey chose to write in a style that moves from perspective to perspective effectively because she might have driven me crazy otherwise. Yancey's characters are so different and have so many layers that I don't believe for a second that the author was chanelling his own beliefs through Cassie, but that didn't stop me from hating her slut-shaming and self-righteousness.

Her love for Evan is a little more nauseating in this sequel than in the first, but I am glad that this whole situation introduces us to a minor but fascinating character called Grace. This is her from Cassie's perspective:
“a tall girl with a cascade of honey-blond hair and striking Norwegian-model-type features, piercing blue eyes, full, pouty, collagen-packed lips, and the willowy figure of a runway fashion princess.
“Hello, Evan,” Cosmo Girl said. And of course her voice was deep and slightly scratchy like every seductive villainess ever conceived by Hollywood.”

*eye roll* and then later...
“Why don’t you tell me,” I shot back. “You extraterrestrial slut.”

Allow me to point out that she is a "slut" because she used to be with Evan before Cassie came along. Cassie and Evan are like the Mary Sue and Gary Stu at the centre of this book who angst over each other with emo poetry. If these things bug you too you might be wondering how this book still manages to pull out a load of awesome and get a high rating...

Because - and I should probably stress this - Cassie and Evan are only a very small part of The Infinite Sea. This book is full of different characters and interesting little back stories that it's easy to just ignore those two. As I said, we get to meet Grace who I found fascinating. We hear the back story between her and Evan so she becomes something more interesting and well-rounded than merely Evan's ex who is being used as a tool to make Cassie jealous. And we learn Poundcake's disturbing history and find out just why he never speaks.

But my favourite character? Ringer. She was rapidly becoming my favourite in the first book and this one just cemented my love for her. I love everything about her. From the rage that bubbles beneath the surface:
“My anger is greater than the sum of all lost things.”

To her flirtations with Zombie, her intriguing back story and the way she tells Cassie exactly how it is:
"Beats hanging around here waiting for your alien prince to come."

In the end, this was a really good sequel with plenty of action, drama, twists and turns. I didn't reread the first book before I started and that didn't affect my enjoyment; I got sucked back into the world and story instantly. I feel like I'm just completely on the same wavelength as Rick Yancey because his writing always just works for me; he can be writing about action or characters or philosophical musings... and I genuinely enjoy reading it. Can't wait for the next book.

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Profile Image for NickReads.
461 reviews1,228 followers
April 24, 2020
“That’s the cost. That’s the price. Get ready, because when you crush the humanity out of humans, you’re left with humans with no humanity.

In other words, you get what you pay for, motherfucker”



Definitely not disappointing!

You can find the full review and more about this book on my blog!

First I want to say something. Before reading this, I heard many many bad reviews and things about this book, and if you know me, you would know that The 5th Wave is my favorite dystopian of all time, and to be honest ,after hearing those things I kind of stepped away from this book because I didn't want it to "destroy" the first book as many people have said. Now I have read it, I don't understand all that hate. This is not a bad sequel, this is not bad at all. I know it is a little boring, but that's just in the beginning, and after that the story is really really interesting. And I know this is not as good as the 5th wave but it is not bad, it's actually really enjoyable read. So don't hesitate,you will like it.

“When you look death in the eye and death blinks first, nothing seems impossible.”


The Infinite Sea follow the story of the first book "The 5th Wave". Now after they know which is the 5th wave, they are being followed by the "Aliens". After they survived at the camp, they found a place to stay. Cassie is still waiting for Evan, and Ben and Ringer and the others are trying to find other survivors. Everything changes after Ringer gets captured and Evan comes.

“It isn’t that the lies are too beautiful to resist. It’s that the truth is too hideous to face.”


To be honest I didn't like Ringer's POV. It felt like Cassie is not the protagonist anymore, and I really like her. Ringer is still a great character but still Cassie got my heart in the first book. Also Poundcake's POV was kind of pointless.

“People die. Love endures.”


The ending was spectacular. Not as mind blowing as the first, but still Rick Yancey has a special ability for ending the books. So beautiful.

“Ha-ha. The dumb jock who can’t talk the Queen’s English. I swear to God, the next person who corrects my grammar gets punched in the face.”


Also the writing style is so unique. I really like it ,even that sometimes it gets a little complicated and it is hard to follow, but still so beautiful. Especially the Evan's POV is written perfectly.

“No hope without faith, no faith without hope, no love without trust, no trust without love. Remove one and the entire human house cards collapses.”


I highly recommend this book to every 5th Wave reader. It didn't disappoint me ,and it's a great sequel, believe me.

Profile Image for Shannon A.
686 reviews531 followers
February 25, 2016
I just finished this and forgot everything that happened because nothing happened.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews381 followers
February 1, 2022
The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave, #2), Rick Yancey

The Infinite Sea is a young adult science fiction novel written by American author Rick Yancey. It was published on September 16, 2014 by G. P. Putnam's Sons. The novel is the second in The 5th Wave trilogy, preceded by The 5th Wave and followed by The Last Star. After fleeing from a camp established by aliens, 16-year-old Cassie Sullivan, her brother and a squad of child soldiers attempt to prevent the extermination of the human race. A few days after the events of the first novel, Cassie, Ben, and the rest of squad 53 have taken refuge at a hotel, which they call "Walker Hotel" in honor of Evan Walker, who is thought to be dead after destroying Camp Haven.

Ringer, believing that their refuge in the hotel will not last, goes out searching for a cave system mentioned on a brochure. Teacup, who she had grown close to, sneaks up to Ringer who shoots her, mistaking Teacup for a Silencer. A helicopter flies in and they are both captured by The Others. While Cassie and the others anxiously await Ringer, they realize that Teacup has gone missing, and Dumbo and Poundcake set out to find her but return empty-handed. ...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز شانزدهم ماه نوامبر سال2015میلادی

عنوان: سه گانه موج پنجم - کتاب دوم دریای بیکران؛ نویسنده: ریک (ریچارد) یانسی؛ مترجم: مهنام عبادی؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، نشر بهداد، سال1393؛ جلد دو از سه، در400ص، شابک9786009554638؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان امریکایی - سده21م

روز آخر دیماه سال1397خورشیدی دوباره خواندمش، بسیار سنگین است، شخصیتها را گم میکردم، چند روز پس از رخدادهای نخستین رمان، «کاسی»، «بن»، و بقیه در یک هتل پناه گرفته بودند، و بقیه رویدادها ...؛

کَسی سالیوان؛ پس از اینکه توسط پدرش، از دست بیگانگان نجات یافت، گوشه ‌ای پنهان شد، و شاهد بود که «وُش» چه بیرحمانه پدر او را به قتل رساند؛ «کَسی» نتوانست به یاری پدرش برود، چرا که طبق خواسته‌ ی پدر، باید برادرش «سم» را، از دست بیگانگان، نجات میداد؛ با خودش عهد بست، روزی انتقام سختی از «وش» بگیرد؛ او پس از بی اعتمادی، به تمام موجودات اطرافش، هنگام جستجو، برای پیدا کردن «سم»، با فردی به نام «ایوان واکر»، که یک نیمه انسان بود، آشنا شده، و پس از پشت سر گذاشتن رویدادهایی، توانسته بود، به او اعتماد کند، و حالا با کمکش، راحتتر میتوانست جان «سم» را، نجات دهد؛ پس از «موج پنجمِ» و حمله ‌ی بیگانگان، با هدف نابودی همه‌ ی ساکنان زمین، تقریبا تمام هفت میلیارد نفر جمعیت زمین، کشته شده، و تنها تعداد اندکی باقیمانده بودند؛ برای نابودی افراد باقیمانده، بیگانگان، در جسم بیجان انسانها، جای گرفته، و در شمایل آنها، به شکار بازماندگان زمینی، میپرداختند؛ و یا با طعمه قرار دادن کودکان بیگناهی، که یک بمب کربن دی اکسید، در بدنشان کار گذاشته بودند، انسانها را با یک انفجار مهیب، به کام مرگ میکشاندند؛ اعمال این چنینی، که توسط بیگانگان انجام میشد، باعث شده بود، هیچیک از افراد زنده‌ ی روی زمین، نتوانند به کسی اعتماد کنند؛ یا به یکی یاری برسانند؛ هدف بیگانگان هم همین بود، از بین بردن روابط انسانی، و سقوط بشر، به پست ترین جایگاه ممکن؛ اما آنها هنوز، به پیشرفت بشر به درجات بالای انسانی، پی نبرده بودند…؛

نقل از متن: (چطور زمین را، از وجود هفت میلیارد انسان، پاک می‌سازید؟ انسانیت انسان‌ها را پاک‌ کنید؛ وقتی موج پنجم بر سرزمین می‌خروشد؛ «کسی بن» و «رینگر» مجبور می‌شوند، با هدف نهایی دیگران، روبرو شوند؛ انهدام نژاد انسانی.؛ «کسی» و دوستانش، هنوز ندیده‌ اند که دیگران تا چه اعماقی، می‌توانند سقوط کنند، و البته دیگران هم، هنوز ندیده ‌اند، که انسانیت تا چه ارتفاعی، می‌تواند بالا رود؛ جنگی نهایی میان زندگی و مرگ، امید و نومیدی، عشق و نفرت...)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 26/11/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 11/11/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
September 22, 2013
I think we can all agree on how much we need this book in our lives!

As for Cassie and BEN?!
Why did he dare to kiss her when it should be Evan kissing her??!!
Is that his way to give the former young-school-girl inside of her a cookie? He clearly knows no that she must've been infatuated with him in school. That just makes him seem so cocky. *Sigh/Grunt* Whatever!

Evan BETTER be alive!
And Cassie better forget about her childish school crush on Ben!

Come on Mr. Yancey, give us a happy ending.

Oh, yeah. With all the love and emotions I almost forgot we were in a war.

I guess you can let humanity win the war against the Others.
As long as Cassie and Evan are allowed a long and happy life together.

Or if you decide to let the Others dominate the world forever, I guess I'm cool with that too. As long as Cassie and Evan are spared. Oh, and Sammy too. :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cynn.
184 reviews178 followers
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July 23, 2016

¿September 2014?

I need the fucking book right now!

I can't wait


Profile Image for Natalie Monroe.
612 reviews3,772 followers
June 30, 2015
*zero spoilers for the first book*

Good morning, The Infinite Sea. I'm afraid I have some bad news. You're suffering from a bad case of Second Book Syndrome.

It's a common affliction in the YA middle child. Symptoms include dragging narrative, long periods of character inertia, lack of substantial plot, and padding. While it's not contagious, people reading you may experience boredom or frustration.

There's no known cure, I'm afraid. You're going to have to wait it out. I'd advise a year long quarantine--or longer--for your entire trilogy to come out.

You have also contracted Slut-Shaming Pox, a particularly nasty case, too. Also commonly seen in YA novels.

"...a tall girl with a cascade of honey-blond hair and striking Norwegian-model-type features, piercing blue eyes, full, pouty, collagen-filled lips, and the willowy figure of a runway fashion princess.

"Hello, Evan," Cosmo Girl said. And of course her voice was deep and slightly scratchy like every seductive villainess ever conceived by Hollywood."

When your character encounters an enemy, it's best to dwell on more important matters, such as how to escape, rather than commenting on how her looks makes her a slut. ...Yes, yes, I'm sure you didn't mean it. Either way, I would recommend a strict diet of feminist works and a rehab stint at Tumblr or Goodreads. The people there will sort you out in no time.

Let's see, there was something else... Ah, yes, you have a mild bout of Excess Symbolism Flu. I was quite surprised; usually this disease shows up in overly pretentious works and badly-written ones. This sickness causes you to bash readers over the head with hinting. Not lethal, of course, but very annoying.

Your name is The Infinite Sea, and the phrase was mentioned multiple times in your body.

"...the one he carries across an infinite sea."

"...a stone around my neck to carry me down to the bottom of an infinite sea."

"I am drowning in an infinite sea."

"...an infinite sea of blood that envelopes me and bears me down to the lightless bottom."

You can see how readers would feel overwhelmed if I may and irritated.

Then there's the matter of the rats living in the walls of the abandoned hotel your characters were living in, which were referenced almost religiously in the first several chapters. I had my suspicions then and then they were confirmed when the rats turned out to be an analogy for human-alien relations.

My advice: lay off the booze and treat your readers with respect. You'll be surprised by how intelligent most of them are.

And I believe we're done here. Your writing is thriving, by the way. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Follow my instructions regarding the afflictions I told you and you'll be right as rain in no time. Good day!

Profile Image for Danielle.
1,002 reviews584 followers
July 24, 2020
It took me a hot minute to jump back into this world again. I’ve read just a few books 😉 since finishing the first one. I liked it just as much as the first one, which is not always the case with sequels. I’m definitely going to read the next one. Just hoping I can get it from the library sooner than later! 😋
Profile Image for Andye.Reads.
903 reviews718 followers
September 26, 2014
Why I DNF'd this book:

I am so sad that this book was such a disappointment.

I loved The Fifth Wave so much. I mean, 5-star-loved it! From beginning to end, that book had me captivated. So, you can imagine my disappointment when I finally decided . . .

I'm not finishing this book.

Excessive, redundant, unneeded, superfluous. These are the words that came to mind over and over as I was trudging through the first 2/3 of this book. I was just so bored. The first half of the book is filled with endless musings about all the whys, whens and hows these "others" were trying to annihilate the humans. I don't mind this being a part of the story, but it just went on and on, and nothing else happened.

I kept trying to push through.

I felt like if I could just keep going a little while longer, it would get better. I had faith. But in the end, I just have too many other books that need read to waste my time on a book that I have to force myself to keep reading.

In the end, I just didn't care anymore.

The story dragged so much that I just lost interest in it. The characters felt flat to me, the mystery lost its appeal, and the romance just died. Romance? What romance?

So I cheated.

I knew my friend, Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes, had just finished, so I just asked her to tell me how it ended. Let me just tell you, I enjoyed her summarizing more than the actual book. And after hearing how it ended, I can't say I'm sorry I didn't finish it. (Double negative much?) I think if I had kept reading, I would have just been even more annoyed.

In my opinion this was an unnecessary book.

It was filler. The few important parts of this book could have been added to the other books, and it could have been an awesome duology. As it is, I don't know if I'll even have the motivation to read book 3.

Dejectedly Yours,


Update: I did end up finishing this, I just let it play (audiobook) in the background while I did other things. The only way I got through this was because it was the audiobook (which was well done). The ending was so weird and anticlimactic! And again, just a complete waste of time.


Profanity: Very Heavy
Sexual Content: Heavy (but brief)
Violence: Heavy
Want to read
June 20, 2013

I'm completely blown away by what the first book did to me.

I'm going to be honest here: I didn't like Evan from the start. For me, it always was Cassie and Ben.
I was okay with the friendship-bonding thing between Ben and Ringer, but Cassie and Evan? I was just sitting there like "NO! NO! DON'T FREAKIN' TOUCH HER!"

I mean, HE HAS BEEN STALKING YOU FOR HOW LONG NOW? A MONTH? Ew. That's just creepy. And come on, Rick Yancey. Please don't go all Twilight on us, like "Uh oh no, I am an alien, you're human, we can't ever be together because our species are fighting each other ohhh paranormal romance". Please. Don't do that.

Ben + Cassie.

That's what I want. No, what I Need. Crave.

Good christ, I need this book so badly.
Profile Image for Reading Corner.
89 reviews121 followers
March 5, 2016
I definitely prefer The Fifth Wave to this book but The Infinite Sea doesn't fail to deliver and is an excellent sequel.The plot isn't as engrossing as the first book, due to the unveiled mystery but this book still manages to reel you into the unwinding chaos and takes hold of your emotions.

The writing is fantastic, as it submerges you into the catastrophe and fear the characters have to bear, in order to survive.The characters struggle is really felt in this novel, as all of the characters are put into sticky situations which make you question what you would do.

More characters are explored in this book, like Poundcake and Ringer who is a real badass.I loved her pov and how her character develops as the story progresses.It was also interesting to get an insight into her and Poundcake, I really enjoyed it.However,I think Cassie and some of the others should have gotten more chapters because most of the characters are incredibly likeable and fun to read.

Ringer's romance was cute and heart-breaking but I don't like all the inter-connecting love triangles,it's just a bit ridiculous.The idea of Cassie and Ben really grew on me and I found I was losing interest in Evan and Cassie being together,I don't think they match up as well.

Overall, this is a great sequel to The Fifth Wave because of the beautiful writing which contains some fantastic quotes,the gripping plot and engaging characters.
Profile Image for Juliana Zapata.
280 reviews3,682 followers
June 27, 2016
Tengo que reconocer que esta parte de la historia me sorprendió bastante, aunque no tuvo tan buen ritmo como el primer libro, si tuvo mucha mas profundidad, no solo en el mundo que creó el autor sino también en cada uno de los personajes principales de este segundo libro de la saga.

Después del primer libro quedaron muchas preguntas y la mayoría de ellas fueron resueltas en "El mar infinito" el mundo esta cada vez mas desolado y los alienigenas nos están ganando el planeta. No hay una resistencia humana formalmente establecida, solo el instinto de supervivencia de los pocos grupos que quedan, además ahora los "otros" tienen una nueva arma para eliminar a los humanos restantes.

La relación de Cassie con los demás chicos y en especial con su hermano es mas agria de lo que esperaba, se siente como si fuera un extraña (para algunos lo es) dentro del grupo, además esta la insistente desconfianza en sus teorías sobre un Evan Walker que suponemos muerto después de la explosión de la base alienígena al final del primer libro.

Me gustó mucho que el autor nos contara mucho mas sobre el pasado de los personajes, quién y qué hacía cada uno antes de la primera ola, en especial la historia de bizcocho me partió el corazón, creo que es uno de los personajes mas importantes de este segundo libro. También tengo que mencionar a Navaja, con el que tuve una relación de amor-odio durante toda la parte que narró Hacha, pero al final puedo decir que tomó las decisiones correctas (aunque tremendamente inesperadas).

El final del libro me gustó bastante, me estaba temiendo que los personajes terminarán de una forma muy similar a como terminaron en la primera parte (que era lo que se veía venir) pero Rick Yancey me sorprendió bastante con los acontecimientos de los últimos capítulos.

En conclusión debo decir que aunque este libro sea mas lento que el anterior, es sin duda una excelente parte de la historia, una muy buena apertura para la conclusión, que por lo que nos cuentan aquí, va a estar muy interesante, muy sufrida y llena de acción. La verdad con esta distopía y en este punto no me espero para nada un final feliz.
Profile Image for Rish.
195 reviews93 followers
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May 21, 2013
August 2014?

Profile Image for Jasmine.
484 reviews878 followers
March 19, 2016
Even the stars will wink out one by one and there will be no light or heat, and this is the war, the endless, futile war against the lightless, heatless void rushing toward us.

[Impressive Reading Experience]
Oh, wow, the most enjoyable thing while reading this is that I'm completely amazed by how perfect and powerful Rick Yancey's words are. He's indeed an extraordinary writer because he never fails to overwhelm you with seemingly simple descriptions yet you'll feel the strength and emotion beneath them at the same time. Reading both The 5th Wave and The Infinite Sea is such a huge pleasure I seldom have so I can't stop praising how wonderful and flawless his writing style is.

Let's start with the story! Like the first book, this one contained alternative POVs from several characters in the story, but mostly from Ringer's instead of my favorite Cassie's.

[Evan & Cassie]
"I found you, but in finding you, I lost myself."

We know that Cassie and Evan seperated in the end of The 5th Wave, so technically, she was supposed to find him and he was supposed to keep his promise. However, life wasn't easy particularly in the alien-apocalypse era. As much as she wanted him to come back to her, her determination faltered with the passing of time, and her stress increased gradually. Predictably, Cassie's faith in him would more or less lost bit by bit when her "friends" didn't believe in her story about Evan Walker, so she began to doubt whether there was a real human inside him. Despite the struggle, she still managed to stay strong and put her big girl pants on.
I'd forgotten how cruel the Others could be. Not enough to punch a hole through my heart with a bullet. No, first you have to pummel it and stomp on it and crush it in your hands until the tissue oozes from between your fingers like Play-Doh.

As for Evan, it's actually a relief to see him badly injured AND alive. He showed us that not all aliens downloaded in human bodies was unbreakable and perfect; some of them, like him, was wounded and malfuntioned, and by saying "malfuntioned", I mean not only his broken body, but also his mindset--the way he chose not to destroy humankinds as the commander ordered--was pinpointed as the ultimate target of Vosch(the commander), which brought out the next part of the story.

Honestly, the last chapter, DUBUQUE, surprised me most, because never did I expect Rick would end the story this way. The scene was so unbelievably beautiful and memorable; the characters might not appear perfect, but the combination of imperfections made it nothing to fastidious about.

[Ringer & Razor]
"Some things, down to the smallest of things, are worth the sum of all things."

At first I disliked Ringer a lot because of her arrogant and pessimistic attitude toward everything she and her buddies had to face, and because she didn't believe whatever Cassie told of Evan. I even hated her because she was so proud of building up her own fortress and shutting people who cared about her out. And the way she thought pretending everything was fine could make her feel better when everything wasn't so at all. In my opinion, she was just avoiding the consequences and being an ostrich the entire time, but the more I knew about her, the less I felt this way.

She went through a lot of experiments in the alien lab and I didn't like seeing her manipulated like a puppet. Even though she tried hard to fight back, it was apparently in vain. The products of the 5th wave always knew her next step before she took the initiative. So the time she met one of the soldiers, nicknamed Razor, in the building, she fell for punched him in the throat with all the strength she got. Yep, typical Ringer's style. Thankfully, they became friends afterwards. I mean, c'mon, he even played chess with her, umm, despite the fact that he didn't know how.
He opens the box, pulls out the board, fumbles with the pieces.
"You got your queens and kings and the prawns and these guard-tower-looking things. How come every piece is like a person except those?"
"Pawns, not prawns. A prawn is a big shrimp."
He nods. "That's the name of a guy in my unit."
"Prawn. Never knew what the hell it meant."

I'm glad Rick spent more chapters from Ringer's POV here or else I wouldn't get enough of them. They were adorable together and exchanged many funny banters whenever they chatted. The deeper they felt for each other, the more intimate they interacted.
He brought me from the tomb. He raised me from the dead. He risked his life so I might have mine. Easier to turn aside. Easier to let me go. Easier to believe the beautiful lie than the hideous truth.
"Now we're even," I whisper.
"Not exactly," he says hoarsely. "I only kissed you once."

What made me extremely heartbroken was
I felt like they were just started to know and explore each other but Razor already made his decision.

[The End]
This is such an impressive series and though I enjoyed the first book more than this one, The Last Star is still my most anticipated book of this year. I have a feeling Rick won't disappoint all of us and the ending must be both happy and bittersweet. The author gave us some space for imagination and rethink about the essence of humanity and I begin to ponder upon the meaning of the 5th wave, whether those aliens really occupied our bodies without being affected by their original hosts. It's getting philosophical by the end of this trajectory that even Vosch failed to predict. Highly recommend this book to everyone!
Profile Image for Angela.
880 reviews1,506 followers
January 17, 2016
re read this book this month and it was even more amazing the second time around

I dont think anyone should or really could write a review to sum up how amazing this book is!!!! Reading it this time I noticed so many tiny things that make up so many big moments. And this book again has stolen my heart and messed with my head.
So for now all I will say is, Rick Yancey has done it again... Brilliant
I just can't understand how anyone couldn't like this series!

Read review for this book and others on our blog:
Profile Image for Dylan Williams.
87 reviews345 followers
November 7, 2014
This books was a train wreck, and I really did not like it. I read the 5th wave about a year ago, and whilst I didn't think it was anything special, I did enjoy myself while reading it. This book however, has all of the exact same problems just to far greater extremes.

Let's start with the basics; this books is a really poorly structured sequel. The story jumps straight back into where it left off in the 5th wave, without any refresher of who these people are, what they are doing, and what the point is. This was a serious problem considering the books were published a year apart. When I think of some of my favourite series (like Legend and Percy Jackson), what makes them so great is that each book reintroduces all you need to know so that you aren't confused - this book didn't do this. And for the first 100 pages or so I spent the whole time trying to reimagine the characters, and I was seriously confused. If you were reading this book straight after the 5th wave however, this wouldn't be much of a problem.

On top of this, once I managed to figure out who everyone was and what the relationships were, I still wasn't enjoying myself because the way the characters interact and how they are developed is done so poorly that it was really irritating to read - there isn't a single character that I liked in this book. I found the points of view annoying and the supposed romantic relationships completely unrealistic and unbelievable.

The thing that made the 5th wave most enjoyable for me was the plot, it was engaging and really intense. This book however, was completely pointless. The pacing of the book just really didn't work for me - It took so many pages to do absolutely nothing. It could have easily been compressed into about 100 pages and did not deserve its own book, and would have been far more enjoyable added to either the end of the 5th wave of the beginning of the next book in the series.

Plus, I just really wanted more! I hate to compare it to the legend series again - but what I loved about those books is that it slowly expands the scope of the novel to introduce other parts of the world... This book however, with an apocalypse scenario that has supposedly devastated the planet, focuses far too directly on one character.

The story did pick up a bit towards the end, and started to resemble the engaging plot that I remembered from the 5the wave - but it wasn't enough to redeem this book. I will not be continuing on with this series.
Profile Image for Anja H..
838 reviews586 followers
February 16, 2016

"People die. Love endures."

I didn't love this book as much as I loved the prequel, but it was pretty enjoyable nonetheless!
By the way, I completely forgot I still had to write this review, oops! Basically, most of what happened in this one was everyone getting their bearings and it felt like more of an extremely long prequel to the third book, which I honestly can't wait to read.

Though the first half of this book was pretty boring, the second part was seriously awe-inspiring yet again. I have no clue where Rick Yancey gets his inspiration for all these crazy plot twists, but boy I love it! The last few chapters had me going crazy yet again!

I loved that this book involved a lot of Ringer's POV, since we didn't get that in the previous one. My love for her has increased exponentially (just like my love for Evan tbh). Cassie was sassy and badass as always, no surprise there! We also got to learn a lot more about everyone's past and that's part of what makes these books so interesting.

I still haven't seen the movie of the first book, but since I read that it doesn't have very good ratings, I'm quite sad that they're probably not gonna turn this one into a book as well.
I seriously can't wait to have the third and probably final book in this trilogy in my hands, because I expect it to be one hell of a ride!
Profile Image for regan.
170 reviews
October 20, 2014
Why can't I have this book freaking now?! Oh yeah! That's because it comes out in like what, August...of 2014?!?! UGH!!! I am SICK of cliffhangers! After what Rick Riordan did to me, I don't think I can take it! Wait...Rick Riordan...Rick Yancey...OH MY GOODNESS!!!! The Rick's are Cliffhanger kings!!! -.- why, just why?

Warning. This review may contain spoilers. You have been warned. Don't go crying if you read something from here and you haven't gotten that far. Not my fault.
Ok. Let's just say that this book, along with The 5th Wave, is one of my all time favorite books. It was so wonderfully, absolutely, magnificently amazing!!! I loved this book so much! It killed me to not be able to read this book for a week or so due to my homework and studies for school. Killed me. I've never taken as many honors classes as I have now, and one of my greatest regrets of that is losing time(like, all of it) for myself. But when I did get to read it, I fell in absolute love. It is definitely up there on my list of favorite books!!! YOU. MUST. READ. THIS. SERIES.
Now to to spoilery part where I rant and junk :)
CASSIE DARLING. I loved her loyalty to Evan. It made me feel so many feels I think I may have cried in front of a few people. Gahhhh I was all djmahdjsbdhsnCASSIEhfjsndjsksjeksmCASSIEbfjs klamidksjhd
*breathes* No, really, that kind of loyalty and trust was amazing. She stood up to Ringer and Ben so many times, but she never gave in. That's love right there. Real love, not the kind you see everyday. It's the once in a lifetime love.
EVAN. MY FLIPPING NUGGET YOU'RE SO FREAKING CRYPTIC!!!! I hate it so much and love it so much at the same time! I hate and love that I hate and love it so much! Gahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! In the first book, I don't think I fully grasped the whole alien-human are one thing. This book definitely cleared whatever crap was blocking that understanding. But OHMYGOODNESSTHEENDING. That was so perfect. Evan and Cassie. Evan and Cassie. Evan and Cassie. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can ruin these two. NOTHING.
RINGER, DEAREST. Ok. I'm not sure who I like her better with. My heart says Razor though, I think. Ben and Ringer was like a cute couple thing to me. Razor and Ringer, now that made me feel the feels, made my heart ache and hurt when they hurt and rejoice when they rejoiced. BUT THE ENDING. Freaking Razor. WHAT THE ACTUAL NUGGET?!?! You just sacrifice yourself? What duh what?! Uhhh NO. Nonononono. Right as you make me love you with Ringer, you probably like, DIE OR SOMETHING. *throws tantrum* NO! I liked you, dude! You were perfect for Ringer! Perfect! Stinkin' Rick and your stinkin' uncertainess and your stinkin' mysteriousness and your stinkin' CLIFF HANGERS. Ugh.
Profile Image for Leahxx.
116 reviews60 followers
October 19, 2014
So basically at first I was like, "Eh, this book is pretty mediocre compared to the first." And then as the book progressed I was like, "HOLY COW THIS BOOK IS FABULOUS." So yeah, I am completely and 100% in love with this book. I mean is it better than the first one? Hard to say, but they're pretty close.

!!!!!!!! SPOILERS. !!!!!!!

1. Wow, so Razor? Yeah, I want one. How is it that all these super attractive and amazing guys are surviving this apocalypse? I would really love to know. Because if this is how it's going to be during a real apocalypse, I say bring it on. Anyway, I adore him and Ringer. That was so perfect and we're going to forget the betrayal part, minor detail, minor detail. We are also going to forget the part where he gets shot in the chest. That didn't happen.
2. If Ringer is going to cling onto her feelings for Razor and Cassie refuses to stop being in love with Evan, WHO IS GOING TO END UP WITH BENJAMIN PARISH, THE BOY WHO STOLE MY HEART. I personally enjoy fantasizing about him and Cassie, but clearly we aren't headed down that road. He had better end up with someone though because he can't die and he can't be alone. Well he can be alone if it means he's not dead.
3. POUNDCAKE. WHY. HE WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. HE WAS SO ADORABLE. That made me so sad. He was so brave though. It makes me sad that no one ever really understood him.
4. So are we saying that it isn't an alien apocalypse now? That it's just a bunch of crazy intelligent, horrific human beings making it seem like an alien apocalypse? My mind is completely fried from that realization in the book.
5. At first I didn't think I'd like the Ringer POV and I dreaded reading that huge section that was hers, but it was actually so insanely good. I have so much more respect for her and I genuinely like her character now.
6. Cassie is forever one of my favorite main characters because she's so sassy and I don't know, she's just great. But sometimes I would enjoy punching her in the face because of how she fails to handle
certain situations, but she's under a lot of pressure. I get that.
7. I like this book a lot because it's about so much more than just survival and love and regular story crap like that. There are so many deep thinking parts, like how Vosch asks Ringer all those questions and how no one ever knows who to trust and there are so many crazy twists and turns. I love it.

Overview- the next one needs to be in my hands by tomorrow or I might have a meltdown, but this may be hard to accomplish because we have no idea when the next one is supposed to be released haha. Just wow. I need to stop and contemplate life for the next few hours, so this review is finished. Bye.
Profile Image for emma.
2,252 reviews74.5k followers
August 27, 2022
the best part of the second-book-in-a-trilogy curse is when it's so disappointing that 6 years can pass and you realize that never once in that whole time did you ever even consider reading the third book.

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago, very half-heartedly
Profile Image for Arah-Lynda.
337 reviews597 followers
February 5, 2016
This is an alien invasion, right? And if you had any doubts after reading The 5th Wave just how far these beings out of time and space will go in search of dominion over this planet and its indigenous occupants, the opening chapter of The Infinite Sea will erase blast those doubts into smithereens. It grabs you by the throat and whispers wetly in your ear…..”Listen Up Chump!”

We pick up with Cassie right where book one ended. She’s got Sams, with his bedraggled bear, as well as Zombie and the rest of Ben’s ragtag group, waiting with mounting impatience for Evan. Where in hell is he or as Ringer might say, “What to hell is he?”

The focus here is not so much on Ben and Cassie or even Evan for that matter. Instead we learn more about that ragtag squad of Ben’s, most notably Ringer. That is not to say the rest of them are ignored, in fact we do learn more about Evan’s earlier (pre invasion) days, which is how we meet Grace. This is Cassie’s first impression:

Dumbo was back in the doorway, slack-jawed, red-eared, and in the grasp of a tall girl with a cascade of honey-blonde hair and striking Norwegian-model-type features, piercing blue eyes, full, pouty, collagen-packed lips, and the willowy figure of a runway fashion princess.
“Hello Evan” Cosmo Girl said. And of course her voice was deep and slightly scratchy like every seductive villainess ever conceived by Hollywood.

Yancey gets an A plus for this character. I loved her.

But back to Ringer, following her and learning more about this rigid, void of feeling, unsmiling girl will lead the reader to a better, okay I’m just going to say, understanding of what is really going down here.

Maybe, hard to know for sure, when you’re riding a paradigm shifting wave……..Woot!

I am holding on for The Last Star Mr. Yancey.
Profile Image for Kim.
272 reviews248 followers
July 25, 2016
The good news everyone is dying for: NO LOVE TRIANGLE. In fact, there's hardly a romantic component to this book at all.

If anything there is

And there's no cliffhanger! Not really. Nothing nowhere near as bad as The Fifth Wave. Hooray.

This volume was a bit disorienting to read. The first 2/3 cover a span of just a day or two. The final third covers a period of about a month and sticks with just one character whereas the first 2/3 have a consistent and even POV switch.

It is almost entirely nothing but action. And while it was a very enjoyable read and I was riveted, I really missed the emotional impact of the first book. There's practically no time for character development in the ensuing chaos. I hope Book 3 will more than make up for it.

Also, there are some intriguing developments in what we learn about the Others and what their ultimate goal is but far more questions are raised than answered. I guess that's par for the course for a middle book.

Rick Yancey's writing is as solid as ever, though. We're fully poised for an explosive and gutwrenching finale.
Profile Image for Trina.
902 reviews3,899 followers
February 8, 2017
Reread in May 2016.
3.5 stars because I keep wavering between 3 and 4.
Updated review:
In my original review (below) I said this book felt like filler and didn't advance the plot much. Upon rereading, I actually disagree with my previous statements. Reading the first 2 books back to back gave me a much bigger picture. And again, the story follows the same pattern as the first book by having one group on the outside, and one group on the inside of the whole alien operation, which I feel lends a great amount of harmony to the story.

It also worked better as a reread because knowing what to look for allowed me to catch on to more things. So, I enjoyed this more than I did the first time, but it's not as strong as the first book, mainly due to it's short length and time period covered. I don't think it's useless filler, but I am wondering what on earth Yancey has planned for the finale.

First read in October 2014.
Original review:

I don't feel like much progress was actually made in this story, it felt like all filler.

What went wrong for me was that we spent so much time watching our characters set things up only to never see it play out. Especially with the plan they formed just fizzling out. I just don't understand the motives behind writing it that way. True, this plan may not have worked, but why even bring it up if he knew it wouldn't happen? Filler.

In the last section we do learn something new about the Others, which was pretty cool, and something happens to a character which can turn the tables and take the story in a new direction, but again, we just get pages and pages of filler describing games of chess and eye colors instead of doing anything with these new plot developments and then the book just ENDS.

Plus, the thing that we do learn feels sort of like Yancey was trying to back track, or didn't know how to pull off what he had originally set up. Or, more likely, not enough time was spent exploring this new information. The book was very short and so much of the word count was spent retelling the same scenes or describing how many broken bones someone had at any given time instead of on the characters really processing much of anything.

Honestly, the important information could have been added into The 5th Wave, or the next book. There was just very little build up and very little pay off.

Luckily, The 5th Wave was so good that it was still good to read anything about this world. But I can't help but wonder if book 3 will be a big let down.
51 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2018
If there's an intense, Twilight-esque love triangle, I'M GOING TO MOTHERFUCKING PUNCH EVERYBODY IN SIGHT I'm going to cry really, really, really hard.

Evan's the choice. It's not Ben. It never has been Ben. And godmotherfuckingdammit it never will be Ben.

Cassie saved Evan. Evan's ALWAYS liked Cassie. Therefore Evan + Cassie = happy book.

That is all.
Profile Image for Lorena.
5 reviews
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May 29, 2013
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