Emily May's Reviews > The Infinite Sea

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
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really liked it
bookshelves: young-adult, sci-fi, 2014

I really LOVED The 5th Wave. I read it in the middle of my college exams and it was the only thing that kept me sane in between studying. The atmosphere was just right, the writing was engaging to me, and I thought each of the characters brought something important to the table. Such love is hard to follow.

When I opened this book I was both excited and nervous. My expectations were so high that I knew it was dangerous. And, what can I say? I really needn't have worried. There is something so utterly compelling about Yancey's writing that makes me think we would be great friends in real life.

This book has more flaws and not quite as much eerie atmosphere now the big secrets are out... but, overall, it is a worthy sequel that didn't fail to punch me in the gut numerous times. If you were a little worried that Yancey wouldn't be able to pull out another good 'un after The 5th Wave - don't be.
“The world will burn for a hundred years. Fire will consume the things we made from wood and plastic and rubber and cloth, then water and wind and time will chew the stone and steel into dust. How baffling it is that we imagined cities incinerated by alien bombs and death rays when all they needed was Mother Nature and time.”

I think the first book is a quieter novel, which had different effects on different readers. I, personally, thought it was one of the book's strengths. The Infinite Sea, however, is a different kind of book. We finished the first after a huge climax of action and drama; the secrets were out, covers had been blown, we were suddenly dropped into the middle of a war that only escalated with this second book. Here things go from bad to worse; people are lost, distrust lingers between the characters, these kids have had to grow up faster than kids ever should.

To get the negative out of the way...

The most annoying thing about this book is Cassie. I am relieved that Yancey chose to write in a style that moves from perspective to perspective effectively because she might have driven me crazy otherwise. Yancey's characters are so different and have so many layers that I don't believe for a second that the author was chanelling his own beliefs through Cassie, but that didn't stop me from hating her slut-shaming and self-righteousness.

Her love for Evan is a little more nauseating in this sequel than in the first, but I am glad that this whole situation introduces us to a minor but fascinating character called Grace. This is her from Cassie's perspective:
“a tall girl with a cascade of honey-blond hair and striking Norwegian-model-type features, piercing blue eyes, full, pouty, collagen-packed lips, and the willowy figure of a runway fashion princess.
“Hello, Evan,” Cosmo Girl said. And of course her voice was deep and slightly scratchy like every seductive villainess ever conceived by Hollywood.”

*eye roll* and then later...
“Why don’t you tell me,” I shot back. “You extraterrestrial slut.”

Allow me to point out that she is a "slut" because she used to be with Evan before Cassie came along. Cassie and Evan are like the Mary Sue and Gary Stu at the centre of this book who angst over each other with emo poetry. If these things bug you too you might be wondering how this book still manages to pull out a load of awesome and get a high rating...

Because - and I should probably stress this - Cassie and Evan are only a very small part of The Infinite Sea. This book is full of different characters and interesting little back stories that it's easy to just ignore those two. As I said, we get to meet Grace who I found fascinating. We hear the back story between her and Evan so she becomes something more interesting and well-rounded than merely Evan's ex who is being used as a tool to make Cassie jealous. And we learn Poundcake's disturbing history and find out just why he never speaks.

But my favourite character? Ringer. She was rapidly becoming my favourite in the first book and this one just cemented my love for her. I love everything about her. From the rage that bubbles beneath the surface:
“My anger is greater than the sum of all lost things.”

To her flirtations with Zombie, her intriguing back story and the way she tells Cassie exactly how it is:
"Beats hanging around here waiting for your alien prince to come."

In the end, this was a really good sequel with plenty of action, drama, twists and turns. I didn't reread the first book before I started and that didn't affect my enjoyment; I got sucked back into the world and story instantly. I feel like I'm just completely on the same wavelength as Rick Yancey because his writing always just works for me; he can be writing about action or characters or philosophical musings... and I genuinely enjoy reading it. Can't wait for the next book.

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March 16, 2013 – Shelved
September 16, 2014 – Started Reading
September 18, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

Drew Yay! I can't wait to read this!

message 2: by Tandie (new) - added it

Tandie Great review Emily :-)

Wren Ooh. I can't wait to read this. I am actually going to read it soon. Within...three more books. Which means three days. (Unless I cram my weekend with books. Teehee.) Thanks for this review. I actually liked Cassie in 'The 5th Wave', and I can't wait to see how annoying she gets. (I get some cruel amount of amusement from annoying characters.)

Vanessa J. Great review, Emily! I cannot wait to read this, but I'm afraid I will keep comparing it to The Monstrumologist (Yancey's best work, in my opinion), even when they don't resemble in the least. I did actually like Cassie in the first book, but not Evan (*duh*).

I hope I don't get dissapointed, since I also have very high expectations to it. Again, great review! :)

Cathryn Thank goodness you liked it. That gives me hope that I will too.

message 6: by Jay (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jay Awesome review

message 7: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Your reviews are always bloody brilliant!

Emily May Vane wrote: "Great review, Emily! I cannot wait to read this, but I'm afraid I will keep comparing it to The Monstrumologist (Yancey's best work, in my opinion), even when they don't resemble in the least. I di..."

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.

Emily May Jay wrote: "Awesome review"

Thanks, Jay :)

Emily May Andrew wrote: "Your reviews are always bloody brilliant!"

Thank you, Andrew!

Daryl Got to read The Infinite Sea maybe next month. Love The 5th Wave and I'm sure will love the sequel more :D Thanks for the review.

Hayes the Haute Librarian Can't wait to read this!! It's on its way from the library!!

Emily May Mics *amante de los spoilers* wrote: "SLUT-SHAMING *sigh*.
Well I want to read it, I "hated" Cassie in the first book so I think I'm going to hate her more (if that is possible) in this book but as you say "Cassie and Evan are only a ..."

Haha, I actually didn't mind her in the first book. I like her when she isn't obsessing over Evan (which is an admittedly small portion of the time :D )

Jenny i've finished it last night... im always looking forward for your reviews...

Emily May Thank you, Jenny :)

Turkan Taskin I'm so happy the sequel wasn't disappointing for you (I loved The Fifth Wave too, and I can't wait till I read this book). :)

Amanda Oh, I disagree. I did not like Ringer's book. In fact, I honestly did not remember the character from 5th Wave. She seemed like a huge plot device merely for Yancey to explain the alien mythology in a really simplistic way. I was starting to understand how Evan was "crashing" by the end of Book 1 and was intrigued. Ringer's experience took that and smashed us over the head with it saying, "See! See! SEE!"

Yvanka Yes, YES! Exactly everything you wrote is what I thought. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words, so don't have to write a review and can just refer to yours this time!

Emily May Yvanka wrote: "Yes, YES! Exactly everything you wrote is what I thought. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words, so don't have to write a review and can just refer to yours this time!"

Haha, no problem ^_^

Vanessa J. Yay! I read it! I actually liked it a lot, although not as much as The 5th Wave. Still, I have to highlight again that, for me, it is not Mr. Yancey's best work.

I agree with you about Cassie: I wanted to slap her because she annoyed me a lot.

P.S: (view spoiler)

Rebecca And Razor??? I was all "Evan? Evan who?" And *grabbyhands* and thennnn... *wails* I wasn't expecting that! I know it's nota love story, but it made me very sniffy.

Melissa LOVED Ringer!!

message 23: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma I'm reading this right now and I am getting so annoyed by Cassie. Even Sam is getting annoyed by Cassie. I'm just wanting to read about Ringer more!

Emily May I know exactly how you feel, Emma :(

Ketandu I know right! I'd pick Ringer over Cassie as a favorite character any day!

Diana Wow a very good review. Although I disagree with you about Cassie. In my opinion she wasn't extremely obsessed with Evan or thinking about him 24/7. I mean she was still very concerned about her brother and she was still trying to figure things out while dealing with Ringer.
Speaking of Ringer, I have to disagree with you on that too. I actually didn't like Ringer in the first book and in the second book I only got to mildly liking her. To me she was just a dull and depressing character and she honestly reminded me of myself (I know it sounds really weird that I dislike a character that reminds me of myself because I can relate to her) Because I usually don't show many emotions and I keep my head straight when it comes to boys and all but when reading books I like characters that are very interesting and quirky and funny and sarcastic and smart with a touch of bad ass-ery (I know that's not a real word) and Ringer just wasn't that. She was just extremely guarded and in a way kind of stoic. She did have moments when I thought she was a bad ass (that's why I started to sort of like her) but overall she took some life out of the book for me. Then, she could be a pretty rude person (I mean she slapped Teacup! A little girl!)
It's all a matter of opinions though, so I was happy to see that you liked the book too :)

message 27: by Shawn (new)

Shawn Taylor Totally agree Cassie part feels like is written by a desperate high school girl

message 28: by Captain Dem (new)

Captain Dem the second is evan alive??? and if he is is he with cassie????

Georgia Brenner I am about halfway through this book. I love it. Ringer is amazing. Grace is so fascinating. I love Ben. I really hate Evan and always have. And I love Cassie. I'm really excited to see how things play out in this book. Great review!

Crimzon This is one if my favorite books by far right now! So wonderfully written! I loved how Rick Yancey wrote it from multiple characters' viewpoints! So clever!

message 31: by Sebastian (new)

Sebastian Schiebel I completely agree with you about cassie and ringer, although personally i liked this one more than the first, but thats probably due to my being both a guy and a teenager, and the inherent primal attraction to sex and violence that pubescant hormones cause. I think my favorite part of the book was the relationship development between ringer and whats his face that liked baseball ( been to long since i read the book) and im really excited to see ringers story unfold and develop in the next book. ( please excuse any typos it can be hard to type on a small phone.)

Anthony Tallant I read the books about a year ago! Been waiting so patiently for the 3rd and now it's only a couple months away!

message 33: by Jess (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jess Ringer!!! The ending destroyed me!

Nisha I LOVE Ringer too! And I found Cassie very unbearable right from the beginning.

message 35: by Asha (new) - rated it 4 stars

Asha B can I just say.. such a good review. makes me want to re-read the book. And yeah Cassie was a pain in the ass.

message 36: by Jess (new) - rated it 1 star

Jess Cassie...THAT'S why I was so disengaged from this sequel. I've figured it out. Now, knowing that, I feel like I can re-read this and appreciate it more. Once again, Emily helps me find the error of my ways.

message 37: by Maria (new) - added it

Maria I can only find book 2 and (soon) book 3 for Kindle on Amazon's page. Too bad. Why wouldn't the first book be available for Kindle?

Emily May Maria wrote: "I can only find book 2 and (soon) book 3 for Kindle on Amazon's page. Too bad. Why wouldn't the first book be available for Kindle?"

I don't know :( That's very strange...

message 39: by Maria (new) - added it

Maria Emily May wrote: "Maria wrote: "I can only find book 2 and (soon) book 3 for Kindle on Amazon's page. Too bad. Why wouldn't the first book be available for Kindle?"

I don't know :( That's very strange..."

Yeah, I know. Thans for the reply, though!

message 40: by Nikki (new) - added it

Nikki I'm currently reading The 5th Wave and I do agree that sometimes Cassie can get really annoying but at the same time, this is a really good read. Glad I followed up with my cousin after he recommended the book to me.

message 41: by Nevaeh (new) - added it

Nevaeh Covell They are really good books!!! You'll like the last one!!!!!

David Sandoval Totally, but totally agree about picking ringer over Cassie as main character! The thing between Evan and Cassie has become soo annoying to the point I waited to change to the next POV. And I found this book more interesting and catchy than the fifth wave.

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm glad you liked this! I loved this one too, and, like, everyone hates it. XD

Sherrie T͙h͙e͙ I͙n͙f͙i͙n͙i͙t͙e͙ S͙e͙a͙ w͙a͙s͙ a͙m͙a͙z͙i͙n͙g͙! G͙r͙e͙a͙t͙ f͙o͙r͙ E͙v͙a͙n͙ a͙n͙d͙ B͙e͙n͙ p͙l͙u͙s͙ C͙a͙s͙s͙i͙e͙ l͙o͙v͙e͙ t͙r͙i͙a͙n͙g͙l͙e͙ l͙o͙v͙e͙r͙s͙!

message 45: by Marie (new)

Marie Bong Oh my gosh. I went into shock after reading your review. It revealed many truths to me that were overlooked because of my current highly emotional state at the ending. Cassie!!! She's kinda annoying! I really just realized that. But I have to disagree about Evan, I was anticipating and relying on him the whole book.

message 47: by Rio (new)

Rio I met the author, before the book had been published yet. I would be questionable to anyone who doesn't like him. Even when he speaks he tells amazing stories of memories and his past. I could start spouting off the memories he shared with me, but I totally agree, that he is an amazing writer, and an incredible person.

Alyssalyn Ursal I definitely agree, with everything. Pound cakes backstory, Cassie's and Evans story, and ringer becoming a new favorite.

message 49: by abby ❤ (new)

abby ❤ Amazing review!!!! I really think that we would be good friends, since all of your reviews are exactly what i was thinking about the books

Gayle Okay, Cassie was not "slut-shaming" Grace for being Evan's ex. She didn't even know who the hell Grace was (she wasn't even sure it was the name of a person, and thought it might mean "grace" as a noun) because Evan was too delirious to explain. She wasn't Evan's ex in the first place either; they met at a zoo and made out a bit and that was it. Anyway, my interpretation is that Cassie was just using "slut" as a casual slur. Come on, Grace is an extremely advanced alien; does your interpretation of slut truly apply? When you call someone a bitch, do you literally think they're a female dog? Probably not. When you call someone a bastard, do you literally think they're an illegitimate child? Probably not.

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