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Everything We Never Knew

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A dazzling and heartwarming novel from Emmy Award winner Julianne Hough and Rule author Ellen Goodlett .
When the stars align, anything can happen. On stage at an awards banquet is the last place Lexi Cole expected to drown. But as she accepts the award for top-seller at her realty firm, something unusual catches Lexi's a man surrounded by a dark haze. Then she hears a woman screaming for help, and the taste of saltwater overwhelms her. Just as Lexi's throat begins to close, the man leaves the room and the sensation of drowning abruptly stops. Later that night, the man dies of an overdose, and Lexi learns about the traumatic boating accident that killed his sons and tore his family apart. Lexi wants to believe it's a bizarre coincidence. Any other explanation would disrupt the normal, comfortable life she's worked so hard to build. Lexi is an expert at denial, a pro at fitting in. But as more strange events unfold, Lexi can't deny the something is changing inside her. She feels other people's emotions, sometimes even glimpses their private memories. By embracing her new abilities, Lexi can help heal people―though not until she confronts the past she's spent a lifetime burying. But when a vision reveals her husband is in danger, Lexi must face her inner demons or lose the person she loves most. Atmospheric and emotional, Everything We Never Knew is the gripping story of one woman embracing her power, no matter what the world thinks. A perfect book club pick for fans of Josie Silver, Rebecca Serle, and Erica Bauermeister.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published August 13, 2024

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Julianne Hough

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews
Profile Image for Queralt✨.
582 reviews200 followers
August 12, 2024
(Quick edit: Have you ever read a book with a pop-y soundtrack? This book is getting one! I felt a bit bad about the low rating but it all just screams 'vanity project' to me now, so I don't feel as bad. The (first?/only?) song's catchy though and it connects to the whole element-energy-thingamajig in the book.)

I don’t want to be mean here, but Julianne Hough got herself a ghostwriter* for a weird mashup between a Hallmark movie and Ghost Whisperer featuring heavy topics (CT: miscarriage) - one that shouldn’t be published as a book, but a Wattpad story. I found the story just very messy and the writing was just very… light? It tried to be good, smart, and visual, but it just kinda felt like a very cheap Wattpad story. Also, note that the Ghost Whisperer aspect is more of a spiritual energy-healing situation type of deal.

I hate that I’m giving it such a low rating because I started this with low expectations already. I love Julianne Hough for one reason and one reason only: KINRGY. And when I saw she had a book coming up I got sort of excited, even though this is not the type of book I usually read. I like getting out of my comfort zone and I usually give higher ratings when I start off with low expectations. Not this time.

The story follows Lexi. She’s pretty, she’s talented, she’s successful, her partner Shane is a firefighter who also volunteers (or maybe a dude that volunteers as a firefighter, tomato tomato)… You Google ‘power couple,’ and you get them both. But behind the curtains, they’re struggling. They’ve had a miscarriage. And to make things worse, now Lex is having some sort of paranormal hallucination thing. And eventually, there is a witch too? 🥴 (content warning for heavy astrology/spiritual energy stuff too in case you don't believe in the stuff. I think I was the wrong target for it).

I found this book showed its cards too soon. You’re three pages into the book and you’ve already had everything: the hearing voices, the façade stuff, the miscarriage, and the cheap writing. From chapter one I was worried about the book because I could tell this was going to be a lot of blablabla, but you know, I love my KINRGY, so here I am giving my girl Julianne a try. The book just lowkey continued being the same cheap, messy thing that never really launched. I don’t want to say it got worse, but because it was definitely a trainwreck for me.

Something that bothered me in the writing, and maybe that’s just me, was the stuff inside parentheses. Very often, there’d be quips or a sprinkle of information inside parentheses and it just sort of madee the book feel very not book-quality. I could tell the writing was attempting to be fresh and elegant, but the parentheses and messiness, and the many comments about ‘this dress is showing off my curves’ (I find it cringey, I’m sorry), made it feel déclassé. (Yes, I am picking this word because this book had lots of French words sprinkled in it) (Look at me using parentheses too!). The writing here was trying to be something it didn’t end up being. It’s like you wanted That Dress™ from House of CB but you got the Shein dupe.

And I do have to add, I wonder how the authoring/writing process worked. I feel they both had an original idea but they both struggled to negotiate what they both wanted the book to be. There are parts and conflicts that are more fleshed out and coherent (husband, friends, work), but some others that were very superficial and resolved without really chewing much into it (the mother, religion). At least in my opinion.

Lovely cover and I appreciate the inclusion of heavy topics that so often go unspoken about (miscarriage obviously, but also being a successful woman with a jealous male employee). I hope we get more and more books highlighting the traumatic experiences and devastation that come with a miscarriage. This book was sadly not for me.

* The 'ghostwriter' isn't really a ghostwriter, obviously. It's Ellen Goodlett and her name's on the cover. I just follow Julianne Hough and when she talks about the book on TV or events (like at ALO) it's only herself saying "I wrote a book" instead of we. I've also seen the book tour and it seems to focus on Julianne only. Ellen's there but Julianne's the only one in the posters. Which is fair, she's a celebrity, but she seems to forget Goodlett wrote it with her (for her?) lol Anyways, I do like KINRGY and I follow Julianne Hough, but I'm raising my eyebrows at it all.
**Thank you Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC.
Profile Image for Laura (thenerdygnomelife).
751 reviews2 followers
August 25, 2024
"Everything We Never Knew" starts off with a fantastic concept — Lexi, after one shared look with a stranger, suddenly feels the taste of sea water rush into her mouth, accompanied by panicked shouts and an intense feeling of drowning. She later learns the man's family drowned in a boating accident. As the next days and weeks unfold, these moments of empathetic knowledge continue to strike her.

I absolutely loved this intro and felt immediately intrigued, but I'll admit that the book went downhill from there. What could have been a fun exploration of different characters and the unique weight of their lives — or perhaps even a deep dive into how Lexi's unusual gift might influence others — instead becomes a bit of a tiresome slog through the main character's self discovery, maternal relationship, and recovery from miscarriage. I think I would been much more engaged in this book if her power had been flexed externally more and explored internally less. Lexi's past trauma could have been poignant but came off as trite when mixed with the theme of energy healing. I also struggled with Lexi's relationship with her husband — it was lacking the depth it needed for me to care what happened to them; they could have stayed together or decided to divorce and I think I would have felt the same.

Ultimately, it feels like the author visited a new age spa, had a deeply personal experience, and tried to craft that into a book. Alas, most personal experiences are exceptionally difficult to translate into universal appeal.

On a more positive note, let's talk about this absolutely gorgeous cover art, which drew me in and will definitely result in some impulse readers. I did enjoy the breezy voice of this book, and the narrator did a wonderful job with the audiobook production.

Thank you NetGalley and RBMedia for an advance copy of this book for my honest review.
Profile Image for Patricia Rupell.
84 reviews33 followers
July 2, 2024
The premise of this book was so intriguing to me. Lexi finds she is able to feel other people's emotions, and sometimes glimpse their private memories.

I really enjoyed the beginning, as she was dealing with someone she didn't know, and then learning their backstory. But then, the majority of the book dealt with her working with the energies of herself and people close to her, and dealing with issues from the past. A lot of that felt like a therapy session. I also found some of it confusing. I would have liked to have seen more interactions with people she didn't know.

That said, there was a lot to like about this book. I really enjoyed the friend group, and getting to know Lexi's mentor. There is a lot of food for thought, and it kept me interested throughout.

Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for the ARC. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,088 reviews
August 14, 2024
3.5/5 stars

Everything We Never Knew combines women's fiction and speculative fiction. It is a fictionalized version of Julianne's own story.

I have enjoyed Julianne Hough since she was a professional dancer on Dancing With The Stars. So I knew that I wanted to read this book. And the cover is beyond stunning.

When the book begins Lexi is at an award's banquet. She starts to experience things that she doesn't understand. This is a book about a woman’s journey of self-discovery. Lexi is able to feel other people’s emotions. And she discovers the supernatural ability of healing.

This is an interesting book. I liked Lexi. She had a difficult childhood and does not get along with her mom. The book deals with childhood trauma and grief. And shows people that you don’t have to be afraid of change.

This is a unique story. I do love books that feature psychics and people like that. But the energy healing aspect is not something that I'm familiar with. So there were definitely times when this book did not seem realistic. However this part does come from Julianne’s own life. So that is quite interesting.

I absolutely love that the ghostwriter is listed as a co-author. And overall, I did enjoy much of the book. It will definitely make readers think.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark and netgalley for allowing me to read this book.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
90 reviews1 follower
August 14, 2024
I read a lot of book recommendations and emails from publishers. I kept seeing this book, so I wrongly figured it must be a great book. I had never heard of either of the authors. Well, I could not finish this audiobook. It was torture. I always try to hang in there with any book in case it just has a slow start or a couple bad chapters, but I just couldn’t keep going. As it turns out, the main author is a celebrity from a dancing show. There are so many talented authors out there that never get this sort of publicity and push from publishers, but if any sort of celebrity writes a book, they get the best of everything regardless of how bad their writing is. If I had known who the author was, I would have skipped the book until there was more feedback.

Thanks to NetGalley for this audiobook to review.
364 reviews14 followers
July 21, 2024

*Thank you to Book Browse and Sourcebooks for this unique read!

Haze, energy field, cycle…

Lexi is dealing with her Saturn return - basically “her astrological coming of age,” which happens approximately every 30 years in a person’s lifetime. Her infatuation with energy healing and energetic fields will cause distance with other important people in her life, including her husband and close friends. It will be a time of reckoning for Lexi - a call to step up and take responsibility for her life. How successfully will she be able to navigate her Saturn return?

Lexi’s navigation will deal with denial, coping, acceptance, grief, and relationships. Lexi will feel other’s emotions which will cause confusion and turmoil.

*This book is not my typical read. It was unique with an unusual storyline.

* I do not share Lexi’s worldview. This is the first time I’ve heard of Saturn return. Much info available online. I also haven’t heard much about the mixture of 5 different personality elements . Again, much info online.

* Plot involves self-discovery and transformation.

AVAILABLE Aug 13, 2024

Warning: miscarriage
Profile Image for NrsKelley.
321 reviews8 followers
August 27, 2024
I actually took a whole day just to think before I rated this book. Listening to it, I honestly was so drawn and touched by the story. I’m not going to lie….my own life and personality parallel Lexi’s. So that may be what made me feel so connected to the story.
I was cheering for her the whole time to overcome all of the obstacles holding her back. This book may not be for everyone. I read all the bad reviews but I went into expecting absolutely nothing, and walked out of it extremely happy with the whole book.
I received an ALC of this title, all opinions are my own.
40 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2024
3.5 rounded up! I really enjoyed this story! I loved the topic of energy and how this borderlines into a magical story. It was interesting, it kept me entertained, and I liked the writing. The story led me to expect a stronger ending, but either way the ending was okay. I was just expecting something bigger and crazier due to the nature of the book. And the synopsis led me to believe that Shane was ill but that was not the case. I liked Julianne Hough as the narrator, it is cool that she gets to read her own book, there were a few things I noticed in the audiobook (heavy deep breaths, gulping, mispronunciations of words) but they may be because I heard an ARC, so it may not be the final product.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC audiobook!
Profile Image for Rachel Moore.
31 reviews
July 22, 2024
I was originally drawn in by the cover of this book. However within the first few chapters I could start to sense I was not going to enjoy it. In chapter One I feel as though we get info dumped on the miscarriage and hallucinations etc. I fully support dnf books and sadly I could not get myself to read through the whole thing. I enjoyed the themes of the novel. I just believe it could have been executed better. The writing style wasn’t for me and I felt a bit all over the place while reading this.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the arc in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Katie  Joyner.
183 reviews
August 2, 2024
2.5 ⭐️

I received this as an ARC from NetGalley

This is Julianne Hough’s debut novel, that she wrote with her credited ghostwriter. It’s marketed as supernatural fiction. Lexi quits her real estate job to explore energy and auras. Quite honestly did not know what I was getting into. The novel was written well enough, I just did not necessarily love the content.
Profile Image for Katie Resch.
43 reviews
August 19, 2024
Gosh, I feel really bad writing a negative review but this book was just not for me.

I thought the premise was so intriguing! Someone who can feel other people’s emotions but can’t understand why? I’m interested. Learning about your “gift” by some random person in town that everyone dislikes…classic. The “energy work” and the problems that the main character tries to heal seem a little on the lame side. And the ending I just straight up hated.

I also think that Julianne Hough maybe should have hired a narrator for this one. I didn’t enjoy the little jingle to announce the chapters, it distracted from the momentum of the story by making such a definite break before continuing the story. She also could have benefited from a professional narrator that could have done different voices for all the different characters that there were. I think so often we take for granted how great the professionals are at their jobs. This one showed me for sure how good some of these narrators really are. I ended up being pretty bored the whole time. The story wasn’t gripping and heartwarming like it’s advertised to be and the story telling just wasn’t the best.

Thank you NetGalley and RBmedia for the advanced copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Anthea Rotter.
79 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2024
I went into this book a little blind (I guess I didnt read what the book was about) however by the end I was pleasantly surprised. I liked that Lexi stood up for herself and what she believed in but didnt discount her husband. A very interesting book - great narrator!

4 stars!

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reader copy.

Publish date: 08/13/2024
Profile Image for Hannah G.
33 reviews4 followers
August 13, 2024

I really wanted to love this ARC copy/book 😭 it was just not it for me. Within the first two chapters everything was unleashed (miscarriage, hallucinations and traumatic death). It then felt like I was listening to someone’s counseling session throughout the remainder of the book, and not in a good way. Additionally, the supernatural content of this book was not the material I enjoy. This led me to skipping a lot of it. feel the description of the book does not match the delivery and what it’s actually about.
Profile Image for Abigail.
31 reviews
July 14, 2024
I was instantly drawn in by the synopsis of this book, intrigued by Lexi's experiences of drowning in the presence of a man she had never met. This book focuses on Lexi coming to terms with her newfound ability and seeking the help of standoffish Bea O'Neill, owner of the local "witchy" shop in their small Utah town. I enjoyed seeing how Lexi built her relationship with Bea, someone the rest of her friends and family disapproved of, and how she began the journey of healing herself so that she could in turn help others.

While the premise of this book drew me in and I found the details of Lexi's training with Bea interesting, I often became distracted by the random pieces of background information introduced throughout the plot. These pieces of information sometimes distracted from the dialogue, Lexi's internal monologue, or the book's plot. Due to the choppy nature of the writing, i found myself sort of having to force myself to finish. While this book may not have been exactly my cup of tea, I appreciate the new ideas introduced by this book and the difficult topics addressed, I just wasn’t a huge fan of the writing. The book also read as one long therapy session, which just isn’t my reading preference.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Stay tuned for the release of Everything We Never Knew on August 12, 2024.
Profile Image for Linzi Adkins.
124 reviews2 followers
August 13, 2024
I do not know much about Julianne Hough, other than being a dancer, knowing that she dated Ryan Seacrest, hearing about her divorce to a hockey player, and being raised as a Mormon.

I went into Everything We Never Knew with my eyes wide-open, not sure what to expect, but intrigued to both listen to this story and to hear Julianne Hough narrate the book. Julianne does a great job narrating. Because she both co-wrote and narrated the book, I felt like the story was, at times, about Ms. Hough, and I wondered if I was actually reading some sort of autobiography. Again, I really do not know anything about Ms. Hough. Julianne earns 4 stars for her narration. She has an easy voice to listen to.

The story. Hmmmm. The cover art and narrator (and author) drew me to this book. It was interesting. That is for sure. But I feel like it was missing something.

I am not into sci-fi, but I did not mind the book because of the "other" topics going on in the book. However, I kind of felt like the book was missing something. Maybe I just wanted more of the main character's personal story and more of a story between Lexi and Shane. Maybe I am just more drawn to romance and babies and needed something else. I do not know, but I do not think this book met its full potential. Either delve more into the sci-fi or the romance, but don't half both of them. Also, while Lexi found some peace by the end, I wanted more peace between the two main characters.

It was interesting enough and Julianne Hough did a great job with her narration.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the advanced audio copy in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Theresa Petty.
304 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2024
2.5 ⭐️
I just couldn’t get into this book no matter how hard I tried. It wasn’t for me. Maybe it will be for you. It feels very new agey.
August 17, 2024
Title: Everything We Never Knew
Author: Julianne Hough & Ellen Goodlett
Genre: Fiction
Rating: 3.25
Pub Date: August 13, 2024

I received complimentary eARC and ALCs from Sourcebooks Landmark and RBmedia respectively via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. #Gifted

T H R E E • W O R D S

Unique • Atmospheric • Healing

📖 S Y N O P S I S

On stage at an awards banquet is the last place Lexi Cole expected to drown. But as she accepts the award for top-seller at her realty firm, something unusual catches Lexi's eye: a man surrounded by a dark haze. Then she hears a woman screaming for help, and the taste of saltwater overwhelms her. Just as Lexi's throat begins to close, the man leaves the room and the sensation of drowning abruptly stops. Later that night, the man dies of an overdose, and Lexi learns about the traumatic boating accident that killed his sons and tore his family apart.

Lexi wants to believe it's a bizarre coincidence. Any other explanation would disrupt the normal, comfortable life she's worked so hard to build. Lexi is an expert at denial, a pro at fitting in. But as more strange events unfold, Lexi can't deny the truth: something is changing inside her. She feels other people's emotions, sometimes even glimpses their private memories.

By embracing her new abilities, Lexi can help heal people--though not until she confronts the past she's spent a lifetime burying. But when a vision reveals her husband is in danger, Lexi must decide: face her inner demons or lose the person she loves most.

💭 T H O U G H T S

When I first head Julianne Hough was publishing a novel, I instantly knew I would want to read it. While I don't consider myself a huge fan, I have always been drawn to her personality and listened to her music. The cover and synopsis sealed the deal for me.

Everything We Never Knew came across as a deeply personal narrative - at times I had to remind myself it wasn't Julianne's memoir. What started out highly engaging, soon turned into a plot that struggled to hold my attention. Lexi experiences bouts of survivour's guilt and anxiety. It's a story of finding oneself and the going through the process of deep healing. Lexi's character growth leapt off the page and is the true strength. I appreciated learning about the Saturn return.

Julianne narrates the audiobook herself. While the pacing and intonation suited the plot quite well. the narration truly lacked the emotional depth of the complex storyline. I expected much more emotion in voice and atmosphere from such a deeply personal story, especially one about healing.

I had incredibly high hopes for Everything We Never Knew that unfortunately were not met. It ended up being meh despite containing such a unique concept and content. Additionally, the ending felt like it cut short a story because the word count was reached. With that said, it is unlike anything I've read before, so kudos to the authors for stepping outside of the mainstream.

📚 R E A D • I F • Y O U • L I K E
• the spiritual world
• unique plotlines
• witchy vibes

⚠️ CW: infertility, miscarriage, blood, toxic familial relationship, child abuse, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, death, child death, boating accident, drowning, overdose, mental illness, panic attacks/disorders, cursing

🔖 F A V O U R I T E • Q U O T E S

"You learn to hear the blank spaces in other people's stories when you insert them in your own."

"We want to believe we're in control so badly that we convince ourselves everything is our fault. Because the alternative - the world being totally random and our of our hands - is terrifying."

"You hate the new shape of the world, but you accept it anyway."
Profile Image for Jennifer.
264 reviews8 followers
August 13, 2024
Rating: ⭐️⭐️
Format: Audiobook
Speed: 1.25 - 1.5

Our story begins with the protagonist, Alexis, receiving an award for her real estate sales at a work party. During her speech, she notices a stranger surrounded by a mist-like cloud and hears a woman’s voice call out. Hours later, the stranger is dead. Similar and increasingly unusual experiences start happening to Lexi. She seeks help from a local healer and begins exploring spiritual medicine. Readers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster as Lexi confronts the past she has been avoiding her whole life to secure her future.

⭐️ Character growth. Lexi undergoes significant emotional development throughout the plot. It was refreshing to see her focus on repairing her relationship with her mother and on her own healing instead of everyone else’s.

❌ The plot felt bland. The writing was uninspired, with the majority of the story focusing on Lexi’s self-healing while she deals with conflicts with her husband.
❌ The narration was monotone and lacked emotional depth. The narrator’s voice was flat, lacking compassion or empathy, making it feel like a script reading. Emotions matter in audiobooks, even if no one can see you.
❌ Not a flaw of the book per se, but why is Julianne Hough’s name larger than Ellen Goodlett’s? I only noticed this later, but it seems suspicious. It feels like Julianne’s name was used to boost the book’s profile while Ellen did the actual writing. This is just a hunch, not a statement of fact.
❌ The ending felt abrupt and unsatisfying. There was no real closure.
Overall, I don’t have much to say because the book didn’t capture my interest. The summary is misleading; it suggests a more magical story than what’s delivered. The phrase “her husband is in danger” adds to the confusion. If I had paid more than $5 for this book, I would be quite disappointed.

Thank you to NetGalley and RBMedia for an early free release of this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Rachel Spiegelhalter.
119 reviews14 followers
August 9, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley, RBMedia, Julianne Hough, and Ellen Goodlett for an advance audio copy of this novel.
#everythingweneverknew #netgalley
I loved that Jules Hough was the audio narrator for her story. Her voice was so calming and really engaging.

Trigger warnings:
Drug related death
Sexual assault
Parental abuse
Difficulty conceiving
Death of child

Publishes August 13th

I think this could be considered supernatural fiction? I’m not a believer in supernatural / new age things. As a Christian, the values and beliefs that this book discusses and explores is not something I align with. So maybe I was not the right target for this story however it was not mentioned in the description of the book. I also did not like the witch element part … probably because that’s something I do not believe in, but I just thought it was weird.

There was a lot going on… felt like whip lash Everytime something new was explored and brought into the story.… from the miscarriage, to sexual assault & trauma… it just felt all over the place. I mean truly what is discussed in this book is so sad and heartbreaking. It was hard to listen to…

With that being said, I absolutely respect Julianne Hough for writing the story that she felt so promoted to write. I do believe that we can have different worldviews and still find a way to all get along and I think that is expressed in Lexi and Shayne’s marriage in the book.

I am still glad I gave it a go because you never know what you like unless you try it! It was a story that is all about a woman coming to know herself and understanding her role in life which I think there is something we all can relate too in one way or another.

But, can we talk about the cover?! It’s absolutely stunning. ✨
Profile Image for Michelle Graf.
268 reviews27 followers
September 12, 2024
Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC.

Didn't realize this was coauthored by that Julianne Hough, of Dancing With the Stars fame until about halfway through. I might not have picked this up if I knew it was a celebrity book (which isn't a bad thing! I need to change things up every now and then). The start was really compelling, and that was what kinda got me to read this in the first place. It didn't really have much of a direction from there. This really read like someone's personal log of her midlife crisis and spiritual awakening, and from the interview with the authors in the back, it sounds like that was Hough's experience, give or take some stuff to make it a fictional story. I think it handled the stuff surrounding the miscarriage the best. It didn't shy away from the subject or reduce it to something more palatable for the public. But otherwise, it also read kinda like an ad for this energy healing stuff. "Look at all the things energy healing can do in your life! You should try it too!" It almost trivializes the events in the book that way. I have friends who do this sort of thing, I see how it does help them, but the way this book approaches it sometimes rubs me the wrong way. Maybe if this was written as a sort of memoir rather than baked into a fictional story, I would see it differently, but that's not the book I got.
Profile Image for Lauren Kotrys.
363 reviews6 followers
July 12, 2024

Synopsis: this fictional story by dancer/actor/singer Julianne Hough follows a woman on her spiritual journey as an empath…and it’s loosely based on her own experiences.
Key ideas include: energies, meditation, healers, astrology.
Pros and cons: This story was totally out of my comfort zone. I know nothing about energies, healing powers, etc (much like the husband in the story) and am not sure how much I believe it (also like him.) BUT the idea of the story was to open the readers’ eyes that some people do feel strongly about these abilities, and it was interesting to read about something I don’t understand.
While this isn’t my cup of tea- it was a well written, interesting story that others in a certain niche may really love.
Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy, due out in August!

Profile Image for Christine M in Texas (stamperlady50).
1,521 reviews163 followers
August 9, 2024
Everything we Never Knew
By: Julianne Hough, Ellen Goodlett
🎧 Julianne Hough
Pub day: August 13, 2024

Thankful for the trigger warning for this novel.

Dark subjects are covered. The repercussion’s of a family trauma affect Lexi’s daily life from her estranged family.

Secrets, visions, love, trauma, loss and acceptance of who you are meant to be, was freeing for Lexi.

I watched Julianne Hough dance on DWTS and watched her grow in her personal life. A novel that explores life and the gifts you are given.

Thank you RB Media for the gifted audio and Sourcebooks Landmark.
Julianne narrated this novel which it made it more special.
#everythingweneverknew, #juliannehough, #wllengoodlett, #rbmedia, #sourcebookslandmark, #audiobook, #audioreview, #booksconnectus, #stamperlady50

Profile Image for Branita J.
147 reviews14 followers
August 25, 2024
This premise of the book is good. It falls short of being great. I will say Julianne Hough does a good job narrating. I feel like this book was a way for her to work through some of her own personal issues. The heartbreak of not being able to carry a child, when then one thing you want to do is carry a child, is a difficult thing to go through. The book is well written, it missed the mark for me, though.

Thank you to NetGalley, RB Media, and Julianne Hough for the opportunity to listen to this book.
4 reviews
August 20, 2024
Lexi is struggling in her life. She senses things that don’t seem quite right, and she begins to feel an internal pull towards others that she cannot pinpoint. She feels like she is supposed to help others. But how? In the process of trying to figure out where her life is headed and how she can help others, she meets a woman who helps her start to discover more about who she is, and how she can process the things that have happened in her life.

This is an interesting book with new age ideas that helps the main character Lexi find her way, and discover more about what the world has to offer her. It was a book I wanted to continue to read and see what happened! Also, Julianne Hough narrates the book beautifully.

Trigger warnings: some content may be difficult to read. Miscarriage, sexual assault, leaving one’s religion.

Thank you NetGalley for this copy to read! I greatly appreciate it.
Profile Image for Annick.
564 reviews3 followers
August 21, 2024
Oof. I gave this a good ol' college try but had to let it go at 50%.
I was intrigued by talented dancer Julianne Hough turning into an author with a debut release. This was co-written, but that did not deter me.
Somewhere between the pacing of the story, the topic and the audio, I just could not... any longer.
I wish I could see a vision of the ending.
Profile Image for Megan Ehmke.
9 reviews
September 7, 2024
Easy read and decent character development, the book discusses real life problems that relationships of all kinds will endure and has the approach of energy healing while establishing boundaries with those who hurt and are unwilling to change. I went into this book expecting a bit of a thriller based on the summary and how it starts, so if anyone else has that expectation, forget it lol. It’s not a bad story at all, I just had an expectation of more spookiness/premonition based rather than energy healing and therapy.

If I’m being honest, it’s not a “MUST READ” book recommendation. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either.
Profile Image for emily *:・゚✧*:・゚.
96 reviews7 followers
August 13, 2024
4 ⭐️
tw: miscarriage, sexual assault
when lexi starts being able to feel other people's emotions it takes her on a journey of self healing and confronting her demons. i was a little hesitant about this book based on some other reviews i read but, i thoroughly enjoyed this book and its concept. it was easy to read and had me hooked from the very beginning.

thank you to the publishers and netgalley for this ARC!
Profile Image for Amy Mae.
162 reviews2 followers
July 10, 2024
Wow. I wasn’t expecting to love this book as much as I did. I was immediately drawn in to Lexi’s journey of awakening. If you love spirituality and journeyed of self healing, this book is for you.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.
5 reviews
August 31, 2024
This book is a spiritual journey that makes you begin to question your own spirituality. The self transformation shown is motivating and inspiring. This made me believe that while we all have many obstacles in our lives, and much soul searching to do, that we can overcome our own inner turmoil to become a more authentic version of ourselves.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews

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