83 books
48 voters
LDS is the common name for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormon church.
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Each of us is under a divinely spoken obligation to reach out with pardon and mercy and to forgive one another. There is a great need for this Christlike attribute in our families, in our marriages, in our wards and stakes, in our communities, and in our nations.
We will receive the joy of forgiveness in our own lives when we are willing to extend that joy freely to others. Lip service is not enough. We need to purge our hearts and minds of feelings and thoughts of bitterness and let the light

We're not alone--at least, we're alone only if we choose to be alone. We're alone only if we choose to go through life relying solely on our own strength rather than learning to draw upon the power of God.
― If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard: And Other Reassuring Truths
― If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard: And Other Reassuring Truths

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I am starting this group so people can share there books and ideas.
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