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Camp Half-Blood Chronicles #18

The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure

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Demigods Nico di Angelo and Will Solace must endure the terrors of Tartarus to rescue an old friend in this thrilling adventure co-written by New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan and award-winning author Mark Oshiro.

As the son of Hades, Nico di Angelo has been through so much, from the premature deaths of his mother and sister, to being outed against his will, to losing his friend Jason during the trials of Apollo. But there is a ray of sunshine in his life–literally: his boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo. Together the two demigods can overcome any obstacle or foe. At least, that’s been the case so far...

Now Nico is being plagued by a voice calling out to him from Tartarus, the lowest part of the Underworld. He thinks he knows who it is: a reformed Titan named Bob whom Percy and Annabeth had to leave behind when they escaped Hades’s realm. Nico’s dreams and Rachel Dare’s latest prophecy leave little doubt in Nico’s mind that Bob is in some kind of trouble. Nico has to go on this quest, whether Mr. D and Chiron like it or not. And of course Will insists on coming with. But can a being made of light survive in the darkest part of the world? and what does the prophecy mean that Nico will have to “leave something of equal value behind?”

Nico will have to face demons both internal and external as his relationship with Will is tested to the core in this standalone adventure featuring two of the most popular characters in the Percy Jackson saga.

480 pages, ebook

First published May 2, 2023

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About the author

Rick Riordan

262 books434k followers
Rick Riordan is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of many books, including the Percy Jackson series.

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151 reviews39 followers
Shelved as 'unreleased'
September 30, 2022
you know that feeling when one of your favourite authors randomly announces that your favourite character from your favourite series is getting their own book?? yeahhhh :’)
Profile Image for Zeina S.
196 reviews
May 9, 2023
edited may 8th to add more of my thoughts

Thinking of that one post that says “This reads like fanfiction (derogatory)”.

I’m def in the minority and I’m glad to see everyone else enjoying this book and it’ll def be amazing for younger queer kids. But personally, as someone who has stuck with the og series for years, I didn’t really like it.

It’s not even a matter of me reading a book that’s not intended for my age range. Like, I promise you, I can tell when I’m not the target audience for a book. And I didn’t even (mostly) have a problem with all the interpersonal, emotional conversations, cheesy convos, and moments that happened between Will and Nico. I thought it was actually much needed and made sense considering they’re two 15-year-old boys in their first relationship.

With Oshiro as a co-writer, we’re introduced to storytelling elements that the series didn’t have much of previously such as flashbacks and dream sequences. I actually liked the dream sequences and didn’t mind the flashbacks that much. I also liked how it, for the most part, handled their trauma and other emotions. However, this is where my enjoyment ends.

I think Oshiro’s and Riordan’s voices could have been blended a little more because I could pick out passages written by one of them, which was incredibly jarring. While this book tonally fits a middle-grade book, it comes at the genre from a different direction than what the PJO series traditionally is. It feels like a contemporary middle grade shoved into a fantasy middle grade which fundamentally doesn’t work because of what storytelling elements they both differently prioritize. In other words, yes the writing style fits a middle-grade book, it just doesn't completely fit the PJO world.
The writing style also didn’t work for me because of how dominated it was by lame jokes that barely had any of the classic Pjo humour we’re used to, and because of how it had SO MANY pop culture references. These pop culture references date the book which is annoying since Riordan has told us time and time again how the book doesn’t follow a certain date. This is a minor annoyance but jfc they were not needed.

Unlike the previous books, this book never lets the reader come to conclusions on their own. There is constant repetition of plot points that already happened in previous books. While on one hand, this makes sense because it’s a standalone, half of these reiterations was entirely inaccurate to canon. Like Nico in Tartarus wanting to be around Annabeth, Percy and Jason bc he’s so scared. ok? but when this scene actually happened in MOA & HOO Jason and Nico were barely acquainted?? Like why not Hazel, since she’s, you know, his sister????

Similarly, this book doesn’t trust the reader to keep up with its themes. It repeatedly hits the reader over the head by mentioning how Nico and Will are respectively the dark and light over and over again for 480 pages until the themes themselves become redundant and the characters are watered down into cheap archetypes of darkness and lightness. Like ffs we get it!!! Nico is a pessimistic, depressive, grumpy, gloomy wittle bittle ball of darkness with a soul as dark and bleak as coffee. And Will is the sun! So bright! So much Shining! Shining carebare boy who has never done wrong and is the goodness that Nico needs!! No!!! You don’t get it, he’s the Sun!!! (Completely excluding the fact that Will is a battlefield medic and on some level has already been exposed and a bit hardened to the horrors of demigod life).

Until we reach the end and they realize that they’re both complex humans who can find goodness in both light and dark. The book is so heavy-handed in its morals that it almost feels like you’re being grabbed by the hand and pointed toward the characters while the narrative gleefully exclaims “See!!! Light and Dark are both good!” This is stupid because the narrative fails to recognize that the characters already kind of recognize that their nature is driven by ambiguity. It’s what made a lot of people (including Will) turn their attention to Nico because this ambiguity made him such a relatable and interesting character in the first place to readers.

Also yes everyone, the characters were ooc at times. The dialogue and voices in the book were absolutely asinine at times. Annabeth would never talk like that like what?? I also don’t like how the narrative undermined her and Percy’s devotion to their friends. (The craziest thing is that they were in the story for a fraction of the novel but their voices were still completely misconstrued.) (Also, the literal namedrop of Percabeth in this book had me putting down my Kindle and just deeply exhaling.)

Another issue is the frequent plot inconsistencies and the pacing. It’s also pretty well known that Rick Riordan has an issue with keeping his plot points consistent. But this was on a different level. It genuinely felt like there were so many cop-outs from canon for fan service. Like why on earth are a sliver of Maria and Bianca’s souls able to interact with Nico when they’ve both moved on and are reincarnated/in Elysium or whatever? Why is Hades able to retrieve someone’s soul from Tartarus though it’s been said previously he can’t? Why is he suddenly twirling his bowler hat like a shy teenager? Plz bring back turning humans into plants because when did he act like this before?

Also when I say this reads like fanfiction, I mean that it prioritizes relationships that the fandom would love to headcanon that otherwise barely exist in canon. As a result, other relationships that actually exist in canon suffer. For instance, in the end, we get a heart-to-heart between Nico and Piper. But when were they ever established as close enough to have such a heart-to-heart? When did we ever see them as such great friends? It would’ve made more sense to showcase Reyna at the end and this is another problem because where was Reyna? Hazel??? Nico’s sister, like hello?? Also, I understand that scene was in part supposed to illustrate Nico and Piper’s shared grief for Jason but if this scene’s additional purpose was to normalize conversations surrounding navigating your own queerness, why couldn’t this scene have included Reyna instead? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but she’s been alluded to as asexual (also potentially aromantic) in toa which was confirmed by Rick online. I think this would’ve been a great opportunity to center asexuality for once in fiction which so frequently tends to be dismissed as not a queer identity.

I genuinely think this problem is a consequence of Riordan paring every living thing together without taking time to flesh out backstories and relationship arcs. This book had to flesh out Will’s backstory and balance showcasing his relationship with Nico and their interpersonal communication issues. Consequently, Will’s character arc and his personality were built off of these interpersonal issues he had with Nico that resulted in his character coming off as if he existed for the sake of Nico and Nico's character arc.

(Also, wtf was that plot point of Nico having monster physically-personified trauma children and basically splitting custody with nyx…like wtf was that because I kind of want that scrubbed from my brain.)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Zoe.
338 reviews2,059 followers
Want to read
May 3, 2023


uncle rick has blessed us with our deepest darkest desire

*takes a deep breath*

Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,232 followers
May 25, 2023
this book was a decade in the making for me— Nico di Angelo, my grumpy ball of darkness, you will always be loved by me. whether im thirteen or twenty-three.

Nico and Will were a much-needed dose of sunshine, hope and nostalgia mixed with the dash of pain RR never forgets to add. i was giddy and i was swooning. i was laughing and i was holding back tears. it was a whirlwind and so worth revisiting a series i haven’t read in years.

the fact we get another Percy Jackson book in a few more months??? i am feral at the thought
‘I’ve got you,’ Will said in his ear.
Then his boyfriend’s arms wrapped around him, holding him tight. Nico turned until they were face to face, staring into each other’s eyes. Nico was supposed to be nurturing Will, not the other way around, but Will always seemed to know when Nico was most vulnerable.
Profile Image for willa .
290 reviews18 followers
May 3, 2023
writing and plot wise, does this book deserve 5 stars? probably not. did it make me feel every emotion ever experienced by the human species and also laugh and cry and stay up until 3 am finishing it? yeah, and thats all that matters to me. literally so good and cute i’m losing my mind, 5 stars
Profile Image for Frank-Intergalactic Bookdragon.
642 reviews274 followers
May 23, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up to five!

People who became gay because they got really into Percy Jackson when they were younger we won.

Nico’s a fan favorite character for a reason. He’s the mysterious son of Hades with a tragic backstory and many tricks up his sleeve throughout both Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus. He’s also the first openly queer character in Rick Riordan’s books and the first time many PJO fans ever saw positive queer representation (myself included).

I’ve seen some people complaining that Nico was out of character in this, but I disagree. Despite being present throughout all three series before this, we mostly only saw him from other characters’ perspectives. He did get a POV in The Blood of Olympus, but that story wasn’t really focused on him.

This book dares to ask the bold question “how is Nico di Angelo?” It’s a look into his trauma specifically and him trying to cope with it. Nico’s arc had me sobbing towards the end! This book was to me the literary equivalent of therapy and did heal a little bit of something inside of me.

This also made me finally like Will Solace! I think I’m in the minority of PJO fans for taking this long to appreciate him. My reasoning is that he was essentially a glorified background character in the other books. So to me Solangelo had felt like just throwing Nico at the nearest presumably single boy we could project onto and have the fun little light/dark dichotomy with.

But now I like my boy! This book expanded on both his backstory and relationship to Nico. He has some of his own trauma he’s working through but processes things differently from his boyfriend. He starts TSATS wanting to help Nico, but is stumped on how to as he can’t fully understand Nico’s experience, which in his defense perhaps nobody could. I loved that this was a book about a queer couple that gets to have a realistically complicated relationship!

Overall, the character work in this was great! The plot and writing had some issues though. Rick Riordan and Mark Oshiro’s writing styles don’t blend well and you can pretty easily pick out who wrote which scenes, though I didn’t dislike either writing style; it would occasionally take me out of the story. The antagonist was way too unserious, a situation where some of the typical Riordan jokes needed to be cut. The themes are handled mostly without subtlety. And I already critiqued this in my review for The Tower of Nero, but Riordan still relies too heavily on convenience to get his characters out of conflict.

Oh and where were Reyna and Hazel???? Why were they barely even mentioned???? They were the closest people to Nico in HoO!

I also have mixed feelings on the flashback scene where Nico asked Will out in regards to queer rep. Without spoiling, basically Nico and Will were pressured to come out. This is especially problematic given Nico was outed in The House of Hades. Can we just let that boy come out when he’s ready???? Hasn’t he been through enough????

Despite that scene, I view the queer rep in this (and Riordan’s books in general) as a net positive. And despite my other critiques, I did really love The Sun and the Star! It was cathartic to see a character that means so much to me finally begin to unpack the tragedy of his story.

BTW though it's not necessary, I'd recommend reading the Trials of Apollo series before this. Though Nico and Will only appear in the first and last books, there are some spoilers to ToA and you'll have a better understanding of Will, particularly his relationship to Apollo. Trials of Apollo is also just a really good series itself!

TWs: outing (Cupid when you catch these hands), PTSD, death, grief, some gore including injuries and blood, bugs.
Profile Image for Theodora.
150 reviews216 followers
Want to read
October 23, 2021
I like watching all the Percy Jackson fans lose their shit over this
Profile Image for s.
42 reviews
May 2, 2023
if you want solangelo fanfiction there’s probably better ones on ao3
Profile Image for aileen | ✾.
473 reviews310 followers
March 26, 2024
This story was sweet. There’s really no other way for me to describe it.

Riordan‘s books are clearly written for a younger audience, which I‘m not a part of anymore, and it shows in the writing and dialogues which felt very… childlike. That‘s not a bad thing, of course, it just means that I‘m not the right age anymore for these kind of books.

And if I‘m honest, I solely bought it for the nostalgia anyways.

Will and Nico made a perfect team, and I‘m glad they got their own story without any of the other characters taking the attention off of them.

I probably won‘t be coming back for a reread, but The Sun and The Star has earned its spot on my shelf, where it will always remind me of my childhood and early teens where I got to escape in an amazing world of gods and monsters and heroes. I‘m forever grateful for that.
Profile Image for Manon.
419 reviews
May 8, 2023
I never thought I’d ever be in a situation where my prominent feeling after reading a rick riordan book would be disappointment. But here I am, so let’s try to unpack.

I guess my main complaint here is that this book didn’t /feel/ like a rick riordan book, which maybe was to be expected as it was co-authored. I don’t want to hate on or blame mark oshiro as he is unknown to me and I’ve never read one if his books before. But while reading the sun and the star i could pinpoint entire passages and just know wether rick or mark wrote them. Their voices didn’t merge well together, which just made for a weird reading experience. This book made me cry within three pages because it’s charged with history and context that is dear to my heart. I already knew and loved these characters, everything was supposed to be familiar but every time i felt like i was finally settling home, a sentence would just rob me of that feeling. I also spotted many instances where everyone was acting out of character, chiron and Mr D. especially seemed to have lost their very essence. In this book, Mr D was NICE, remembered the names of his campers and said out loud that nico was his favourite demi god and it made no sense to a point where I was actually pissed off.

Secondly, I need to address the writing. Someone said that if you’re looking for solangelo fanfiction you can find better work on ao3, and even though i am not a fanfiction person, i do not doubt that statement. I know that I am NOT the target audience for this book. Rick is writing middle grade, and us adults who grew up with the og pjo series are just extra at this point. These books being written for children was never an issue before, so the problem here is more than just that. I just found the general writing to be very weak and frankly annoying. For example Nico and Will were constantly addressing each other as « my boyfriend » to the point where it became a pet peeve. I know that this representation is important, and I was pleased to see that a real inclusion effort was made here with the use of real labels like gay, bi or even lesbian. But if i had to read one more time « he took his boyfriend’s hand » or « he spoke to his boyfriend » i would have lost it.

And finally, and this kind of goes hand in hand with the writing: this story lacked stakes. Nico’s and Will’s quest was almost boring, it lacked actions and a real state of urgency. I wouldn’t have minded a more chilled story had it been advertised that way. But this book constantly spoke of trauma and hardships, and it felt a bit empty to me as the general setting didn’t match that. Will and Nico going to Tartarus didn’t feel like Percabeth going through it in the House of Hades. Everything felt more easy here, i didn’t get scared for the characters a single time. The quest itself was weak (although i really like bob and was happy to have more of his storyline) and there was a strong sense of fan service. I think maybe this book was rushed. It felt like a draft of something that could have been better rather than like the finished product. It left me with a bittersweet taste, because it’s always a joy to be reunited with these characters and this universe, i loved some of the easter eggs, but overall i just expected more. I can’t say that the sun and the star made me love will and nico more than i did before. These characters have so much potential and i can’t help but feel that a lot of it has been wasted. They felt more like archetypes than real people in this story. The whole light versus darkness topic was so cliché that I couldn’t even care.

So here it is. I’ve read my most anticipated release of the year and i can’t get past the disappointment.
Profile Image for alisha 🇵🇸.
24 reviews1 follower
May 22, 2023
this book does not deserve my 10k word analysis on how much it sucked. instead, a not-so-brief numbered list:

1. the writing sucked ass, so let’s just get that out of the way
2. i think if i had read this when i was 13 i would have stayed in the closet
3. he would not fucking say that, etc etc
4. who is nico’s mother again? i’ve never seen a typo that glaringly bad before. might as well have told us ahead of time that no one on the writing team gives a fuck about this book & i would’ve saved my time and sanity
5. speaking of nico’s mother, what happened to his dip in the lethe? those memories start conveniently coming back? or did the lethe wipe rick’s memory of ever having written that plot point in the first place?
6. mythomagic did NOT exist in the 1930s. or 1940s. whenever rick makes up his mind on which decade nico was born in
7. so……hades can send prophecies now? under apollo’s radar? that’s something that can happen?
8. if i see any mention of c*c** p*ffs in any future RRverse book i will have to file a lawsuit
9. maybe the real tartarus was the pain of reading this fucking book
10. “it’s a good first step for representation” is it? is it really?
11. will solace being a frankenstein’s monster of every single one of his 2015 headcanons was not on my bingo card but still somehow the most predictable thing that happened
12. boo nico “he had no doubt he could kill octavion before the first cohort intervened, nor did he particularly care if he died for his actions” di angelo beats up tsats nico “i think about octavion’s death every day” di angelo in a dark alley
13. who the fuck is niccolo
14. just watched my favorite character get turned into a cheap, butchered caricature of himself for the sake of “queer rep”

the characters are flat and inconsistent and the plot is slow and riddled with holes; the pacing is horrible and the structure is all over the place. it’s incohesive and poorly written. this shouldn’t have made it past the editors. i’m not “being miserable” or trying to deny the importance of seeing queer relationships in media. i’m saying this book is simply not good and it’s important to point out why lest all queer rep becomes garbage that gets away with being published for the sole reason that it boasts a queer protagonist. good night. it’s my turn for a dip in the lethe.

((this is breaking my heart btw.))
Profile Image for wyatt.
117 reviews15 followers
May 3, 2023
just 480 pages of teenage relationship drama but in literal hell
Profile Image for Jess.
179 reviews68 followers
May 4, 2023
it pains me to give this rating, but

this is the epitome of your book reads like fan fiction (derogatory). there were seeds of a good book in here, but every time they surfaced, they would just get buried under the awful characterizations, bad writing, useless references, and MCU-levels of useless, distracting snark. i've never enjoyed an RR book less.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
99 reviews
May 4, 2023
It physically pains me to rate a book about Nico that low, especially because I've been waiting years for this book to exist. But I can't give it anything higher knowing that at the end of the day, this book is a piece of Swiss cheese of plot holes, wrong lore and mis-characterization it's painful. Spoilers up ahead in a rant.

I know I am so out of the age range of a middle grade book but I don't think that means a book should be this bad of an addition to a series loved by many for me to brush it off for being older than the audience.

This doesn't read like a book by Rick Riordan at all. This reads like a fanfiction of someone who only knows about this world, its event, the characters and their relationships from low quality screenshots of already out of character tumblr posts found on pinterest. This book also comes across from being written in two points in time - pre and post - release of the Trials of Apollo.

Any and all foundation Nico and Will had in their relationship is gone. Any relationship Nico had with other characters, especially Hazel, is gone. Any real sense of either of their characters are gone - Will, unfortunately, was given the fandom created personality that he's controlling over Nico's powers, not letting him shadow travel them around with ease. Even though there's a literal scene in one of the ToA books where we see Nico shadow traveling during Capture the Flag and Will is there to catch him when he passes out of exhaustion and bring him out of harm's way with a smile.

This book also still pushes the idea that Nico was making it up in his head that no one wanted him around even though, we have on page, in POV character's thoughts and words about how they don't trust him or like him. Hazel flips out on the seven when they don't seem eager to rescue him in HoO - like Nico was not making it up, people did not like him or want him around.

Nico and Will worked for me because Will had been up close with death before. He's a healer, he has lost campers for three series in this universe. He just doesn't have that anymore. He doesn't even understand that someone is made up with both light and darkness in this book, even though he's the one that pushes Nico to come and help out because he knows Nico isn't just death and decay. They also worked because you got the sense that they were both new to being in a relationship and were just soft, sweet friends as well.

There are moments of that in this book but this book also makes it like they're complete strangers. They talk about how they don't seemingly know each other then Nico tells Will he loves him. This book notes to make sure you get that they're almost at a year into their relationship. I don't expect them to every single detail about their life but this book makes it seem like they know NOTHING about each other.

Nico gets given the YA trope of coming out to everyone, ever, which is told to us in a story a few lines after Nico comments about his trauma of being outed by Cupid - something he very clearly struggles with since he mentions it multiple times. Then we find out he outs Will, but it's ~fine~ because Nico shows everyone at a camp for children born to Greek gods that being gay is okay. A camp run by Dionysus mind you. I get what they were aiming for and I blame the fact that Nico is the first canonically queer character in this series but come on.

This book also threw out every piece of worldbuilding and lore to make it work. Camp Half Blood is suddenly just not the safest place for campers anymore. What about the kids who don't have a home to go back to because they're orphaned or have a bad relationship with their family? Don't question it.

Demigods can only have a small amount of ambrosia and nectar before it burns them up inside. So why is Will eating and drinking the stuff the entire week they're down in the Underworld, even though they bring food and it's commented on? Don't worry about it. He should have been dead by the time they got to Persephone's garden.

Nico can't control dreams anymore, even comments that he wishes he could but he can. Hypnos is now suddenly the one who put everyone asleep during the Battle of Manhattan - it was Morpheus. His sister had been chosen to be reborn and Hades forbid Nico from seeing his mother whose soul so scattered she won't have known him but Hades can suddenly show him both.

Not getting into this book ruining Apollo's character arc - he was practically sobbing when he saw Will in the last series and found himself left out once he returned to his godhood. He would NOT cut contact with Will. Any sense of Hades trying to be a better part to Nico we got from the HoO is gone from sending Nico into somewhere that almost killed him before let alone the trauma the experience gave him.

And I really DON'T want to get into the idea of a woman millions of years old "creating" children with a gay fifteen year old boy but that was a CHOICE. If you don't see anything weird with that, re-read the sentence again.

Nyx had potential - I liked the idea of her wanting Nico to bathe in darkness and be darkness and seeing herself as a mother figure to him but again.... children. THEIR children.

This book was just missed potential and badly written fanfiction. I can't believe the one chance we got of Nico healing was given to us in "Cocoa Puffs". What happened to this book because I swear I remember it being advertised to us as an Orpheus and Eurydice style story back in the beginning.
Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
455 reviews460 followers
March 2, 2024
2.75 Golden sparks

it's nearly 9 years since I joined Riordanverse & enjoyed every moments reading & re-reading it & it owned a place in my heart; Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Will, Nico, Piper, Apollo.... all of them. & this book is the final book & I really wanted to like it. It's a Solangelo after all. I thought it would be a 5, or at least 4.
but (it really hurts me to say it) it's a 3.

the truth is, I was kind of afraid this might not be as good. but I kept my spirits up.
but now my worst fears come true (dramatic, yep, that's me)

please don't hate me now
it's just my opinion
& I'm glad for the people who could love it, sadly, as much as I wanted to, I wasn't one of them

it was a letdown.
it felt like not-a-good Solangelo fanfic. (I know we kinda expected that too, but it felt repetitive & slow pace. I just didn't expect this from an author. I read a lot of better fanfics.)

it had its moments, but not enough.
maybe if it was shorter, or the pace was quicker...

I don't think I ever re-read it.

■ my Issues with this book:

the Characters were slightly different. I didn't expect this kind of development (character deterioration? is that a thing?) they also didn't feel deep enough.
I was sooooo happy to have a story about Will & he having POV chapters, which was one of my wistful anticipations, but... he didn't feel completely like himself.
nor Nico
(I did laugh with Mr. D & Chiron at first, but they didn't act like themselves either)

the Writing style was bugging me at some points. raw & inexperienced & repetitive choice of words/expressions/tags. (the fun was not even funny. not to mention out of character.)

the Pace was SLOW- the story was not captivating enough to keep me stay-up-all-night sort of way like all the other Riordanverse books (still in my re-reads) & craving for more ASAP! reading this one felt like a chore.
I had fun times until 25%, then slowly I lost interest.
I mean it (nearly) put me into a reading slump!

so many random stuff happened to fill up the pages (& more absurd than painful or worrisome)- & when it reached an important plot point, there was a repetition of parts that had already happened in previous books (there, it was wonderful & captivating, here, it felt forced, with the lack of creativity or excitement)
so, another reason for not being intriguing, nor surprising.

the "boat" parts, were intriguing enough that I was looking forward to it, but when it was revealed & I figured it wasn't like, a main plot point or something critical or important (it was, I'm sorry to say, their clumsiness!), it was silly & anticlimactic. (probably the point I started to really consider giving it 3. losing interest was a while back when they met their friends &... the repetitiveness drained the interest out of me... or the main flashback (I was so waiting for it, & it disappointed me very hard); ended so soon, & not the things I expected... it was just gross & disgusting, not the horror I was anticipating, because those vague descriptions (in previous book) felt sooooooooo heart-feeling horrifying! this... was not.)
the main event they were coming for, felt also a little anticlimactic & ended so soon.

the coco parts were cute? (very unreasonable & ridiculous tho)

& many unnecessary Misunderstanding Dramas, which is kind of understandable, since they were two queer teens in their first relationship (& it's good & educational for young readers, how they talk about emotions & relationships without getting to a real fight), but it was dull, & exhausted me & sometimes it didn't feel real.
more drama than adventures

the good concept, wasted

I hope this book haven't ruined my feelings for The House of Hades in my next re-read. & now I don't know if I want to jump into one of Heroes of Olympus books to wash it all away, or just wait until I forget this one! both!
(Updated Jan 2024: thank the gods! it didn't ruin my favourite book/series for me!)

it's just a theory, but I think Riordan supervised this book, giving the permission to use his characters, the rules of this world & explaining the general path for the characters, not actually involved in writing. because it REALLY didn't feel like a Riordan's writing style (or the character developments, how they talk, their voices- or the slow pace! or not captivating- was totally unlike the fast pace & captivating way Riordan wrote his books)
& the co-author tried to make it funny, but I wasn't laughing like I do with other Riordan's books. the jokes were lame.
Plot: ★★★/5
Characters: ★★★/5
Writing style: ★★★/5
Concept: ★★★★/5
Pre-read excitements:
Sep 2022: Nico's book has a title!
so cute!
We have a cover! with Nico & Will on it! I repeat! We have a cover with Nico & Will on it!😍

also can we get Will's POV?
& more backstory on his part? (like how & when he got to the camp)
ahhh, can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one of my most-anticipated of 2023

May 2nd 2023: It's the day! happy book birthday!
2 reviews1 follower
May 3, 2023
a wise internet user once said “do you want characters who talk like they're trying to get a good grade in therapy? because this is how you get characters who talk like they're trying to get a good grade in therapy” and i feel like this is the destination

tartarus isn’t hell, this book is
Profile Image for Lance.
693 reviews252 followers
June 11, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up. Gloriously brilliant in its myth-laden storytelling and riotously funny in the signature Riordan way, reading The Sun and the Star felt like returning back home in best possible way.
1 review
May 3, 2023
i'm just going to pretend this book doesn't exist
Profile Image for micah ➳ canonicallychaotic.
183 reviews282 followers
June 11, 2023
i feel like i’ve spent my whole life waiting for this

“lonely souls finding one another is always a good thing.”

i didn’t know i was queer when i first read percy jackson in high school. (although, how many of us read percy jackson as kids and then grow up queer?) something in me then was drawn to nico di angelo. the book where it was revealed (where he was outed) had not even come out yet. before knowing he was queer, something in his soul called out to mine. (again, how many of us—)

i found out about nico’s queerness when i was in college; long after i stopped reading the heroes of olympus series. finding out about his canon queerness after the fact that i had figured out mine meant something i couldn’t put into words. it was like uncovering something you didn’t know you didn’t know. like looking back at moments before you were out to yourself and thinking ah, yes. of course.

i always meant to come back to heroes of olympus, but i didn’t know how. so instead i let the world tell me what happened, absorbed spoilers and art. i knew about solangelo before i even knew who will solace was on his own.

i feel like i’ve waited half my life for the sun and the star. it feels like the book we were always meant to have. in the words of taylor swift: it’s been a long time coming.

this book is healing. for nico, for readers, for me. it’s finally taking ownership of your story, it’s being a light for others, it’s learning to accept your past. it’s having others accept it too, and love you for all of it.

looking at all the dark parts of you in the eye and knowing you are who you are because of all of it.

how lucky were we to grow up with riordan books coming out year after year. and how lucky are the kids who get to read all the books leading up to this now. how lucky are the kids who get to read this, and see nico and will’s queerness loudly and proudly on page. and know that they can be loved.

they are loved.
Profile Image for A.K..
Author 1 book58 followers
January 9, 2024
edit: btw i'm actually morally superior to you guys because y'all hate this book because it's too gay and i hate this book because it's poorly written and also too homophobic.

hoo boy this book was so disappointing in so many ways that i don’t even know where to start. so this review is going to be a mess. not as much of a mess as the book though (and guess what, i’m not even getting paid for this review so that should be extra embarrassing for mark oshiro and rick riordan).


i’ll go through the plot first. the plot is possibly hands down the stupidest plot i’ve ever heard of in my entire life. nico has been having all these cryptic dreams etc for months (or weeks or something i don’t know. who do you think i am? someone who read the book?). and he’s been hearing a voice calling out to him from tartarus. and then he gets a cryptic prophecy etc etc. nico thinks bob is calling out to him. so, with like maybe half an hour of discussion, maybe an hour at MOST, nico, will, chiron, and mr d all agree that the clear solution is that nico (accompanied by will) should go down to tartarus. and stop considering any other options.

let’s unpack that, shall we?

first of all, they are talking about TARTARUS. you know, the place that is actual hell for demigods like nico and will?? yeah. more importantly, they don’t even know that it is actually bob! for all they know, it’s someone will serious malicious intent screaming at nico to get down there and they’re just… fine with that? hell, mr d brings up the possibility of it being a trap and chiron dismisses that idea. chiron. CHIRON! do not worry. i will be complaining more about him and mr d when i start complaining about the characters.

anyway, i think it’s fairly obvious that going to tartarus is absolutely the worst decision they could make with the information they have, which is practically nothing except that something strange and cryptic is happening. here’s an important bit from the prophecy: in order to rescue bob, nico will have to leave behind something of equal value. think of what a character like nico diangelo who has been through a lot of shit could have to leave behind. this will be relevant later. now let’s move on to what happens next.

nico and will get to manhattan because they plan to use the door of orpheus which is in central park. true fans will remember that from the last olympian, which they obsessively reread every single year during their yearly reread of pjo and (generously) hoo (based on a true story, etc). that’s right, person who has found my review and decided to read it who doesn’t actually know who i am. i’m a capital F percy jackson fan. i read these books for the first time when i was twelve and am now twenty four. percy jackson has me wrapped around his little finger. this is personal.

in manhattan, nico suddenly gets the idea of calling percy and annabeth to ask for their advice on surviving tartarus. one wonders why he didn’t think of this before. maybe it’s because he’s stupid now (everyone in this book has to be stupid for the plot to function).

we get a cameo from sally jackson, queen of my heart. thankfully, oshiro and riordan do not manage to ruin sally in her one very small appearance. the same cannot be said for percy and annabeth.

they give the WORST advice. it’s all “oh, just trust and believe in each other” and blah blah blah sappy bullshit. not once do either of them think to mention the hermes shrine they used to contact camp when they were in tartarus. not like that would be incredibly helpful. not like chiron could send them actual food down there. they don’t mention damasen or drinking from the phlegethon either. those are things that nico and will could genuinely use down there. this strengthens my hypothesis that rick is now treating tartarus as a rite of passage for characters and their relationships. i will elaborate further on this later.

anyway, after getting the world’s worst advice, nico and will head to the doors of death. they both get trapped in their individual nightmares by a demon/diety man called epiales (i think i’ve spelt that right but i will not check). they esca

the troglodytes are racist. the very idea of using the racist (and possibly ableist?) names the ancient greeks called foreigners to invent and ENTIRE FANTASY RACE is extremely racist. you don’t have to do much research to find this out about those myths and that word. plus, “troglodyte” is used as actual insult. it’s weird and uncomfortable and not befitting of the level of research reading those myths takes. they have a language with screeches and clicks. it reads like it’s supposed to be played for laughs, which is a bad look because there are real languages with click sounds that get ridiculed in real life. i will call them frog people now. it feels nicer than troglodyte.

ignoring the racism, the frog people are still sort of boring. their certified rick riordan gimmick is that they really like hats and wear a lot of them. they also live underground and don’t like light. that’s pretty much all there is to them and there is nothing unique about any individual frog person.

so after a bunch of talking, they lead nico and will to this dude whose name i forgot who has to allow them passage through his farm and in payment he wants something from persephone’s garden. there’s also this incredibly awkwardly written passage where he comes out and is super defensive of it which is a very strange thing to do to a creature from greek mythology, which was incredibly gay.

nico and will decide to steal something from persephone’s garden. this scene is horrible because persephone is there. this book is set in the summer, so persephone shouldn’t be in the underworld. will plucks some pomegranates and persephone corners him for a talk. in this talk we get the horrendous revelation that persephone fell in love with hades after he kidnapped her (literally the definition of stockholm syndrome, by the way) and says she enjoyed the time away from her mother. you know, the mother who was rightly extremely concerned when her daughter was suddenly kidnapped and spent ages wandering the earth looking for her daughter and was so sad that the crops withered. i find it alarming that this is the choice rick decided to go with for his children’s book with a target audience of middle grade (and yes, i know oshiro co-wrote, but this is rick’s universe. i would not let anyone fuck with my characters like that). if he wanted to, he could’ve gone with one of the nicer persephone-hades stories where she chooses to go with him or willingly runs away to the underworld. these are more recent inventions but they work better in a story where you want persephone to actually be in love with hades. because, you know, she doesn’t get stockholm syndrome.

after this horrendous scene, nico and will make their way to the banks of the acheron (that one is the river of pain, for those of you who didn’t decide to spend their formative years researching greek mythology). here they find a lonely nymph/daimon/spirit/forgot what terminology they used in the book named gorgyra. she allows them to use her boat which floats gently along the river in exchange for hearing some stories for them. these very boring stories are annoyingly used as interludes between chapters. none of them are interesting important or relevant so i will not recount them.

nico and will ride the boat over the cliff and fall into tartarus, finally, about two thirds of the way into the book. they say i love you, which definitely reads like a cheap rehash of that sweet thing percabeth did several books ago. when they get to the bottom nico passes out from exertion and will decides to go on a little walk because he is very stupid. it is at this point in the book that we find out will did not pack any weapons to go to tartarus. i get that he’s a medic, but this scene shows us definitively that nico likes will for his face, not his brain. because will hasn’t got a brain.

nico meets a mania who is also a ghost and is obsessed with taking care of dionysus. his situation is genuinely sympathetic because he’s trapped in this horror loop of sorts where he is unable to do anything but obsess over dionysus and his memory also resets to just looking for dionysus constantly. it’s nice and depressing. not scary, but they haven’t been in tartarus very long yet, so it’s not a big deal.

there are monster attacks, etc. it’s all very boring. will gets attacked by some monsters but before we have the chance to feel any real terror, small bob shows up and dispatches them.

this brings us to a more serious issue.

i would only send my characters to tartarus to make them suffer. nico and will do not suffer sufficiently. this may seem like i’m being harsh. but i don’t see the point of sending your character to tartarus if you don’t want them to come within a hair’s breadth of snapping. nico and will have some funky stuff go on with their heads, sure. but in true rick riordan fashion, nothing he does will compare to something he already did. i am referring to the percy akhlys scene from house of hades. there isn’t even a single line in this book where i genuinely got the impression that either nico or will were about to completely lose it. i wouldn’t really care what kind of breakdown it is, i just wanted one of them to truly have a huge mental breakdown. i mean, they’re in hell. come the fuck on.

moving on, there’s some more boat action (imagine a very drab and sort of poisonous it’s a small world) and they get to damasen’s cave. he’s not there. they meet some incredibly unfunny and very boring monsters who are not scary at all (they actually WANT to die because of some collecting bones scheme they have going on, so on a scale of getting snacks from the store and the return of sauron, the stakes are at a firm “cozy in bed”). they have the audacity to find these two guys excessively weird, which is rich coming from a guy who has a ghost for a chauffeur and a guy who glows in the dark. then they have a little nap. and then they go to look for bob and nyx.

by the way, the villain of this book is nyx. she has been keeping bob trapped. i will complain about her later.

they find bob and free him. then nyx finds them with an entourage of various supernatural or demonic or divine beings. nemesis and hypnos are also here, for some reason (this reason is that the authors wanted them there). there’s some standard back and forth.

then we come to the revelation of this book: nyx has created children with nico diangelo.

yes, you did read that right.

no, i’m not lying.

just think about that for a few seconds. a few minutes, even. i’m still not sure how to phrase my reaction to this part. it was something between disbelief, disgust, and some more disbelief. i had to stop reading for a few minutes so i could cackle like a madwoman.

these children are personifications of nico’s inner demons (guilt, grief, trauma, etc). nico then proceeds to resolve the conflict in the most predictable way possible. leaving his inner demons behind (figuratively. he tells them they’re free now and he’s not the boss of them. literally they leave tartarus with him). our protagonists then run away and get back into the it’s a small world of hell. this time the acheron doesn’t cause them any pain because they’ve decided they no longer deserve pain. it evaporates nyx, however. somehow her ego could not protect her.

nico has this dream sent by hades where bianca and his mom are there (hades is also there). it’s sweet and touching as long as you don’t think about the fact that bianca canonically bathed in the lethe and reincarnated back in battle of the labyrinth. and it also stops being sweet and touching when you get to the part where hades admits that he sent nico the prophecy which pushed him to go to tartarus (character assassinatoin). if my immortal dad did that to me, i would kill him. that’s a real acceptance of my dark side, i’ll say. not just having personifications of it follow me around all day.

nico and will sleep and bob somehow gets them back to camp half blood while they’re in the boat. from there it’s all just talking and explaining, but nico does have a call with piper i will complain about momentarily.

now let’s talk about nyx. she is set up as a huge threat. her being the big bad is somewhat of a reveal but i thought it was the most obvious choice. this is not the issue, however. this issue is that nyx is not nearly as intimidating, threatening, and powerful as she should be. she’s a primordial. she should be a tremble-in-her-presence villain. she is extremely underpowered and gets held back by small bob and her lackeys. she is both older and more powerful than the acheron, which somehow burns away her corporeal form.

even more confusing are her motivations. nyx, in this book, is fundamentally against change. she thinks you get born as one thing and you should stay that way forever. this is because nyx is very stupid. her plan is extremely barebones. she wants to trap nico in tartarus because he’s a child of hades who has felt some bad emotions before and seen some bat shit which means he must now “choose darkness” (read: stay in tartarus and be depressed forever, i guess). if that doesn’t make any sense to you, it is because it’s a stupid plan that doesn’t make any sense. she traps bob because he changed as a person and she is against that as a concept. i wonder why bob is the only person she trapped and nico the only one she went after, not any of the other numerous people within this series alone who have changed from what their “nature” is. probably because rick didn’t think of this idea before. the entire time, i was just wondering why exactly nyx cared so much. she was a cartoon villain. she literally had no reason to do anything she was doing.

she has very little presence and the second she starts to lose, she turns into a screeching screaming mess not befitting of what is supposed to be one of THE most terrifying entities in this entire universe. she’s like one of those assholes at starbucks who start screaming because you gave them one pump of sugar, not two. there is nothing scary or intimidating about her and she seems like a pathetic loser.

nico. ah, my poor nico. for such an interesting character he felt remarkably boring. rick doesn’t seem to know how to write him, considering he’s had like 4 different characters so far. this nico is sort of a mix of nico from pjo, hoo, and toa all in one. in not a good way. he was probably the strongest part of the book, which isn’t saying much. the main issue with nico in this book was how will-centric he was. rick has done this before with other characters he’s put in relationships (like percy practically forgetting about sally in hoo when he was quite literally ready to commit murder for her in pjo). nico devotes very little mental energy towards his other friends or family like hazel (his sister??? hello???) or reyna or percy or jason or bianca get very little consideration from him. in addition, nico is sporting a mostly percy-esque sense of humour with an edgy tinge. it felt natural coming from percy because he was just the kind of guy who made those jokes. from nico it feels quite out of character. he is also way too cheesy and it definitely does not feel like the nico we’ve been following for the last several books. so far i have ignored the big character assassination moment. take a shot every time i write character assassination if you want alcohol poisoning. we learn that nico did a grand romantic gesture to ask will out. which, from everything we have come to learn about nico, is literally the exact polar opposite of everything he stands for. character assassination

will. this dude had no personality in blood of olympus apart from being an annoying dick. now his only personality is “son of apollo”. all of his personality traits are extrapolated from “son of apollo”. he is allergic to edgy humour for some inexplicable reason because apparently a field medic who has been through 3 major world-ending level conflicts at this point has never heard any of his friends who were dying in front of his eyes make an edgy joke. he is seriously uncomfortable with darkness (of the metaphorical nature, though he is also uncomfortable with literal darkness because of a godly powers thing) to such an extreme degree that you wonder how he survived the battle of manhattan, let alone any of the following conflicts. he’s constantly in “healer mode”. it’s like they imported a barebones extremely one-dimensional fanfiction understanding of will and decided to make it canon. it makes sense for will to be afraid of and uncomfortable with the underworld and especially tartarus. it does NOT make sense for will to repond to nico calling the underworld his second home with “i could never live here” (that’s a direct quote). great job will. why are you dating nico if everything he’s associated with makes you extremely uncomfortable? we don’t get an answer to this question. will practically expects nico to be someone else. sometimes he is extremely empathetic and kind. sometimes his empathy and kindness evaporate like my hope for his character. he also doesn’t bring a weapon to tartarus? i mean, that’s just stupid. i have nothing else to say about it. he’s a weirdly characterized very stupid dude. i could say character assassination, but will has very little character to bring into this book in the first place.

percy and annabeth. i don’t have much to say about annabeth except i think she would be much smarter than that and give better advice. percy, on the other hand, is quite literally a man whose fatal flaw is loyalty. and he is also traumatized from tartarus (it’s also acknowledged in this book). the percy jackson i know would fly his ass to new york to personally prevent nico and will from going to tartarus. instead, he says it’s a bad idea and once nico says i’m definitely doing this, he stops pushing the issue. rick, you can’t write a character whose fatal flaw is loyalty and keep him out of the story when people he cares about are getting into dangerous situations. his fatal flaw can’t just evaporate. this is a character assassination.

also, rick has the unmitigated GALL to call percy straight. percy! percy jackson! i clocked that guy as a bisexual at 12 before i even knew what bisexuality was. straight my fucking ass. character assassination. maybe rick just got too uncomfortable that us queer people had claimed percy. CHARACTER ASSASSINATION.
Profile Image for cupidsvivace.
248 reviews8 followers
May 15, 2023

❝tell the sun and the stars hello for me. and be strong. this may not be the last sacrifice you must make to stop gaea..❞

song: afterglow by taylor swift

(quote is from the heroes of olympus series,,, i’m still shaken on the title’s reference regarding bob’s last words. cus i’m not crying, you are.)

this book was honestly just… boring??? like it wasn’t the iconic riordan writing and u could 100% tell that this wasn’t riordan writing. it read like a fanfic and the pacing was absolutely terrible??? like i loved the small crumbs of solangelo but the development was NOT there.

again, it read like a fanfiction and it was such a let down?? i’m not surprised atp but like the hype was just uncalled for 🚨 and tbh the characters acted like babies like nico was a lot more mature in the pjo/hoo series, and will was kinda… 😂 imo i loved the banter and the small parts, but the plot was not it.

wait omg this was seriously so overhyped and i’m looking at my past texts w my friends and cringing at how excited we were for tsats pls 😭


>2 stars


~~~ pre thoughts ~~~


it's been like 7 months since this update but i'm listening to a sample of the audiobook and the effects and music is insane. also the beginning is so cuteee and it's in nico's pov??? like holy shittt

my live reactions as i listen for five minutes:

"nico glanced and saw that will was trying to hold his hand."



"i'm the son of hades. i don't live by most rules" <-- i can see that being a huge quote in the future


"what did i ever do to deserve him? nico wondered. he asked himself that question a lot." HELLO???? OMG??

wait what's happening this is why i hate audiobooks bc i get distracted but this is so cute


"why would u choose vader when kylo ren is right there???" uhh no comment 😭

omg five minutes just went by so fast i'm crying I NEED MORE. I NEED CONTEXT. I NEED MORE!"?!?!!?

only 10 days ish until release <33 can't wait!!


just added to my gr tbr, pumped af! the cover isn't the best (prob cus i read too much YA novels with cover loves but-) i love solangelo and i love bob so-

tell me this isn't a dream come true??? (hopethiswontbealetdownthough-)
Profile Image for Izabella &#x1fa90;.
149 reviews40 followers
May 5, 2023
Warning: this review will be sappy as hell. It’s going to be a lot of gushing, seriously.

Rick Riordan and Mark Oshiro, thank you. Thank you for giving this to me. Thank you for bringing this masterpiece into the world. Thank you.

I’d like to start off this review by saying how important Uncle Rick’s works are to me. I grew up with Percy Jackson, Nico Di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, and all the other Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter friends. They mean the world to me. But the one who means the most to me was, and always will be, Nico Di Angelo. As soon as this little ten year old was introduced in book three of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, I was hooked. I immediately adopted him as my own. And I just fell more in love with his character as the story progressed. Reading his story about grief, trauma, and sexuality meant a lot to me.

So a book like this, that had Nico coming into his own. Facing his past and his future; his relationships; his grief, guilt, sadness, anger. This book was everything I wanted and more.

For a long time, Nico had assumed he himself did not have a heart. He was the son of Hades, after all. Love didn't find people like him.
But then came . . . Will. Will, who could melt Nico's iciness with a smile.

Nico and Will’s relationship already stole my heart before guys, but this book has enveloped my whole life. I finally got to hear about when they fell for each other, how they started dating, and their first kiss, and guys, seriously, it was too cute.

Three words.
A promise of hope.

The words tingled in Will's ear.
They ignited his heart.

“I love you.”

And they fell.

One of my favourite things while reading was the fact their relationship was not perfect. They had their sweet, tender, fluffy moments that made me smile and gush. But they also had their struggles. Which is understandable. I mean, two kids who’ve been through three wars and enough trauma to last a lifetime won’t have it easy. Throughout the book, they both have their own struggles and issues. Nico doesn’t open up a lot and Will is a little close-minded about Nico’s life, and both of these tend to upset the other.

But this was the first time in Nico's entire life that a certain sensation filled his whole body, stitched itself to his bones, buried itself in his heart.
Nico smiled.
The future held hope.
And he clung to it.

But they want to keep trying to make it work. Their relationship is so much more complex. We only get a glimpse of what they’re like in The Trials of Apollo, so I was thrilled to see their development. Will is also an amazing character. We get to learn more about him and he’s such a sunshiny sweetheart. He cares about his boyfriend, friends, and family a lot. And of course, Nico. I’m proud of him for growing up. He finally learns to embrace that darkness, the light, all his feelings (both positive and negative). He finally learns to cope in a healthy way. He finally accepts that he can be happy.

"Do you know how many others have felt comfortable coming into their own because of you, Nico?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Paolo. Malcolm Pace. Jake Mason. And it's not just in Camp Half-Blood! Piper is just as thankful for you as the others. None of them would have been able to be out if you hadn't gone first."

As a queer reader who has been an avid pjo fan for years, this part of The Sun and The Star warmed my heart. This book is open to other sexualities and genders and it makes me so happy. Nico and Will openly talk about their sexualities and even their coming out stories. The fact that Nico became a role model for other members of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter is fitting. This may or may not have been intentional, but I think it’s a little nod to what Nico Di Angelo means to his fans. I’ve heard from other pjo fans of how Nico being gay helped them come to terms with their own sexuality. So Nico Di Angelo, you’re not just an important person to me, but also to so many young queer readers who you gave courage and strength to.

I’d also like to take a minute to appreciate some of the other minor characters in this book. Mr D., don’t change seriously you’re my idol Chiron is such a dad guys, it’s not even funny. But I love him so much. Rachel Dare, my favourite oracle, was an icon, as usual. Sally Jackson… A QUEEN AMONG SOCIETY! Bob, I want to give you a hug he’s just a big teddy bear y’all Piper, I’m so glad she’s doing better and learning to cope after Jason. And I consider it a win that she’s doing well with her girlfriend, Shel (come on Uncle Rick, I need a little more about Piper and her girlfriend please) Finally, my babies, Percy and Annabeth. I’m going to be honest, it was kind of embarrassing how much I was crying happy tears when I saw them. Because. They. Are. Finally. In. College. PEOPLE. My boy Percy, who struggled to stay a whole year at different schools for his whole life, who just wanted a (relatively) normal life, is finally at college. I feel like a proud mother watching her children finally grow up and leave the nest *dabs eyes with tissue* Congratulations Percy and Annabeth.

I guess Camp Half-Blood is basically one big super-dysfunctional family,

Truer words have never been spoken, Nico. CHB is my family. They will always be my family. Nothing will ever change that. I will be an eighty year old in a nursing home talking and talking and talking and talking about these characters til everyone would wanna smother me with a pillow.

And I will leave you all with the words of Uncle Rick and Mark’s dedication because it made me tear up into a soppy mess

“To all the Nicos, Wills, Pipers, and everyone in between: this is for you.

May you shine as bright as the sun and the
Profile Image for ethan.
186 reviews21 followers
May 2, 2023
whats really #onbrand is how rick manages to forget his own characterization and plot while writing books
Profile Image for Cameron.
21 reviews
May 4, 2023
Okay maybe im at fault here because I am no longer a middle schooler (the target audience of this book) who had recently came out of the closet but this book was not good. It is quite literally fanfiction. It reads like something I would write in middle school.

I think i have never cringed more at anything…literally all of the jokes throughout this made me want to vomit in my mouth. It was so middle-school edgy-esque. How did rick write “my ball of darkness” AND THINK THAT THAT WAS OKAY??! Will and Nico may as well have referred to each other as “pookie bear”. I know that Rick likes to have cringey nicknames for his characters (think seaweed brain) but this took it way too far. I had to take breaks. I don’t want to repeat some of the petnames the two characters gave each other even. “Care bear” was a little silly. What the fuck is “Field Medic Will”. IT MAKES NO SENSE?!,,!!,

I wanted to like this! I was never more excited for something. I bought it the day it came out. Nico is one my favourite characters in this franchise and does indeed deserve a standalone book. There is so much to his story that wasn’t really explored in all the others so I thought this was going to be a big opportunity for Riordan to address Nico and all his flaws, traumas, etc. He is probably the most beloved character in the fandom. This was such a miss and dissapointment.

I’m not a total hater of cheesiness in writing but this BOOK JUST KEPT SAYING THE STUPIDEST THINGS ALL THE DAMN TIME! There is a lack of depth to the writing that makes these characters feel real. I wasn’t engaged at all in the danger the characters were facing. The quest almost felt too easy. Everytime they ran into trouble the problem would be solved easily without consequence. (How did persephone not get mad that one chapter?!? What will and nico did was quite disrespectful?) (THEY GOT A BOAT AND HEALED WILL BY JUST TELLING STORIES WHAT??) (Small Bob just literally did everything for them) The whole point of the book was that they WERE IN TARTARUS!

I expected better descriptions of Will losing his mind and everything as well as Nico facing his quite literal deepest traumas BUT THE QUEST FELT SO EASY! Not once did I feel any tension between the characters and their emotions or anything. Also Will didnt even go through as much as I expected to him considering son of apollo and all of that. All he did was freak out and a few sentences later BAM nico snaps him out of it. Instead of taking time to talk about the effects of Nico’s traumas, we get this surface level mini lesson on what PTSD is and briefly summarize his memories. One of the biggest themes of this book was healing from trauma but it honestly felt dumbed down to me. The Cocoa Puffs were stupid but maybe I am nitpicking at that point. This book just lacks emotional depth and any depth at all, surface glancing over nicos character WHICH THE BOOK WAS SUPPOSED TO ADDRESS! NOT ONCE DID I FEEL ANY OUNCE OF EMPATHY FOR THESE PEOPLE.

Anyways onto Will…

I understand how Rick tried to develop Will’s character but it was simply lackluster. He was a wimp which we didn’t get to see before and it was nice to see some insecurities and his judgement on the Underworld but other than that we just got the nice supporative boyfriend. He never got any “full” charater development. I ALSO DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WILL IS SO ICKY ABOUT DEATH WHEN HE WAS A LITERAL WAR DOCTOR! I had high hopes for Will as he seemed like he had potential to be an interesting character + putting him without sunlight should have been engaging to read about but bleh.

I think rick tried to tackle the sunshine golden retriever and black cat trope going in their relationship by addressing their differences but again it was never fully fleshed out. Nico and Will never actually fully communicated in my opinion, although they did promise each other to.

I felt like the relationship was cuter in the trials of apollo series and all the other books. Over here it was just very much cringey and lacked depth. While the boat story-telling scene does try to provide us with this context to their relationship, its also very short and does not fully show why Will is so devoted to Nico to the point of going to tartarus for him. (This was such a shitty version of tartarus that legitmately did not deliver the setting it was supposed to). I don’t get the same sense of the love in their relationship the same way I do with percy and annabeth because of that missing context and emotion. I felt like Nico and Will barely know each other, (which the book does address but like still!) I understand this is just one book, but honestly the lack of emotional depth is the main issue at hand as well as the bad characters. All of their relationship problems were never addressed fully in my opinion and were slightly annoyances at most. They apologize like three sentences later.

The darkness and lightness spiel felt too literal to me. It was also overeppitive and stupid. I don’t know what to say.

The only scene that comes close to achieving what I truly want would be the one where Will talks to Persephone. (Ignoring how forgiving she is), Will asking “how do you love someone from the Underworld” was a genuinely good line that added to the relationship that Riordan was building. Their conversation is one of the only parts I liked about this book (and the trogolydes, they will always be my favourite) Unfortunately nothing came out of the conversation which sucks because it was probably my favourite scene in the book.

Bob was also just mediocre. I expected to feel more empathy and general sadness for what he had to go through but the writing just did not deliver. Chiron and Dionyus annoyed me for the few appearances they had. All the other characters we popped into throughout the Underworld also felt flat in their interactions. Except the trogolydes <3

Nyx as a villan was also bad. She never felt like a threat at all to Nico and Will’s relationship and their livelihoods. It was stupid. Her children at the end of the book joining Nico and Will’s side was also stupid. I think having Nyx as a character could have worked really well and been really interesting but you know! Didnt happen!

Representation in this book… I understand that this is written for middle schoolers so it sort of does make sense that Riordan portrayed the characters the way he did but he simply could have done better. The Cupid scene from the House of Hades is one of the best things written throughout the entire franchise so I expected more here. The discussion of sexuality here was also very surface level, with the coming out scene and the talk of Nico’s outting. I wish we especially went more in depth with Nico being outted as well as his fears about coming out. I actually wish we could have gone more in depth with any aspect of the book but that did not happen I guess! Please stop using the phrase “chaotic bisexual” though thank you very much.

One of the most popular sayings about writing would probably be “show, not tell”, which Riordan fails at here. The characters constantly tell you the lessons/morals of the story straightup. It feels like a lazy attempt at giving what the book was supposed to discuss without actually fleshing through the journeys that should have came with these issues.

This rant is getting too long now and I’ve already mentioned this but RIORDAN BUTCHERED THE SETTING OF THIS BOOK SO MUCH AND I DETEST THIS BOOK FOR THAT!! I expected so much with the setting. I hate this.

So anyways good parts of the book:
Silly hats!
Persephone and Wills conversation
More insight into Piper. I love Piper! Also Jason’s death. Yay!

This had a lot of potential and could have been probably one of his best books. I feel like he set Nico up in his other books to be a really good protagonist who was very interesting and engaging to read about. I think he could have easily also made Will an interesting character as a son of Apollo. Same applies to Nyx. The setting could have made this an extremely harrowing read adding onto the themes of trauma. My trogolydes on the other hand, have no flaws.

I don’t know. I feel really disappointed. I wish I didn’t buy it. If I could go back, I’d still read it. I am still slightly biased to this franchise which is why this is two stars and not one. I really love Nico and always will. I wish Riordan would rewrite this. I WANTED A NICO BOOK SO BADLY AND THIS WASNT IT.

ALSO WHERE THE FUCK IS HAZEL? also the guy who never fully generated back what happened to him and im gonna end this review now.
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