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Dream Trilogy #3

Finding the Dream

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In the final novel of Nora Roberts’s Dream Trilogy, Laura struggles to mend a broken heart and broken family—until someone from her past makes all of her dreams come true …

Laura Templeton found out the hard way that nothing in life is guaranteed. The daughter of a wealthy hotelier, she had always known comfort, privilege, and security. But by the age of thirty, her storybook marriage had been destroyed by her husband’s infidelity. Laura’s divorce left her both emotionally and financially devastated—but determined to rebuild her life without the Templeton fortune.

Laura had always defined herself as a wife, a daughter, or a mother. Now, she must finally discover Laura the woman ...

352 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 1, 1997

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,770 books55k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 492 reviews
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
April 15, 2017
Finding the Dream is the 3rd and final book in Nora Robert’s Dream Trilogy. What a wonderful conclusion to the fabulous Templeton Family Saga.

Laura Templeton’s dream of love and family were shattered by her adulterous husband that she divorced, leaving her and her two daughters heartbroken.
Under the façade of being happy and content with her life, is a woman struggling financially and emotionally.
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Into her life enters Michael Fury, her brother’s friend and who she knew when they were younger, is the typical bad-boy with no roots. Devastatingly dark and beautiful with a true and tender heart, he’s the Heathcliff of today.

The romance between Michael & Laura is really and truly beautiful. How she begins to see herself, becoming confident and discovering new feelings and desires she never imagine she had. The sexual tension is tender, sensual and so romantic.
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He becomes important not only to her but in the lives of her daughters who absolutely adore him and he finds that he's unable to stop the deep feelings he has for them.

I liked seeing the two struggling to accept that the feelings they have for each other will overcome all the obstacles they believe lie between them.

We get to see more of Margo and Kate and the Templeton family and loved how things have progressed since the first book. The three “sisters” finally discover Seraphina’s treasure…wow, some tense and scary moments during the unexpected find.

The dialogue between the engaging and captivating characters, so vividly depicted that they come to life, is witty, invigorating and amazing.

Character development is just so marvelous. It’s like Margo, Kate & Laura and their families have become my friends and family. Unique talent to be able to make one feel so connected.

A touching and uplifting story, with the two characters that I loved the most in this series – Michael & Laura.

Nora Roberts continues to amaze me with her incredible talent not only at story-telling but with her ability to write words like she does. The words flow so smoothly and so beautifully.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
September 13, 2017
The end of the trilogy. It's Nora so of course the characters are well developed and the story is flawless.
It's been two years since Laura caught her husband with his secretary. Not wanting to trade on her name, Laura is holding down two part time jobs while she tries to keep what's left of her family running smoothly. Of course she is still in better shape financially than a vast number of divorced women whose husbands cleared a out their accounts before he left. She has a beautiful home for free and a good support staff. I mean, the girl has a cook, maid and gardener. That would alleviate all my work, right there.
Her friends want her to start dating again. Enter a handsome bad boy from her past who wants to rent her stables for his horses.
Sparks fly, romance ensues and they are still looking for buried treasure.
Excellent story! 😁💕📖
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
759 reviews240 followers
August 15, 2023
4 Estrellitas para éste cierre de trilogía que ha ido de menos a más desde el primer libro al último.

"En busca de un sueño" es el tercer libro de la trilogía Templeton, o de los Sueños. Es una serie de la que no he visto muchas críticas ni es la más famosa, pero en cambio sí había leído mucho sobre la Bahía de Chesapeake y dicha serie me pareció un rollazo.

Tras las historias de Margo y Kate, le ha llegado a Laura Templeton el turno de soñar. Laura es la hija de la familia Templeton, dueños de una cadena hotelera de éxito. Laura pensó que su sueño se había hecho realidad con dieciocho años. Nada mas terminar el instituto se casó con el hombre que quería, pero tras diez años de matrimonio Laura supo que el suyo no era el sueño que quería.

Su exmarido, Peter, demostró ser un canalla y un sinvergüenza que nunca la quiso, salvo por su apellido y prestigio. No solo utilizó a Laura, si no que le dio dos hijas preciosas, Ali y Kayla, y el canalla nunca las quiso. Tras un divorcio duro, Laura descubrió que Peter había vaciado sus cuentas y había robado el dinero para la universidad de sus hijas. Pero ello no fue suficiente para que Laura cayera en la autocompasión, con lo poco que logró reunir, y sin la ayuda de sus padres, Laura, Kate y Margo pudieron abrir Vanidades, la tienda de artículos de lujo de segunda mano que está siendo todo un éxito en Monterrey.

Eso por parte de Laura, pero ahora le llega el turno a Michael Fury. Michael era el mejor amigo de Josh Templeton, el hermano mayor de Laura, protagonista del primer libro. Michael era un mestizo, algo bribonzuelo y pícaro en su juventud y con una familia de clase baja y desestructurada. Cuando cumplió la mayoría de edad, Michael se alistó en el ejército y desapareció de Monterrey. En ese tiempo, Michael fue mercenario, piloto de carreras y doble de acción de actores de cine.

Quince años después, Michael vuelve a Monterrey dispuesto a despegar un buen negocio como criador de caballos. La trama entre los protagonistas comienza cuando Josh habla con su hermana. Las riadas de las semanas anteriores han destruído la casa y las caballerizas de Michael, y éste necesita un lugar donde quedarse. La casa Templeton tiene sus propias caballerizas, vacías de animales, desde que el exmarido de Laura no quiso ningún animal en la propiedad.

Así es como Michael pasa a alquilar temporalmente las caballerizas de Templeton House, pero todo empezará entre los protagonistas cuando Ali y Kayla se cuelen en las mismas para ver a los caballos y enternezcan el duro y frío corazón de Michael.

Aunque los protagonistas se conocen desde siempre, entonces eran muy jóvenes y han cambiado mucho; pero será la ternura y el cariño con que Michael trata a las niñas de Laura, lo que hará que ésta se fije en su nuevo inquilino.

Como historia me ha gustado mucho, y como romance también. A veces los niños en las historias molestan, pero en éste no. Me han encantado las escenas de Michael y la pequeña Kayla.

Además en ésta historia se desvelará el misterio de la famosa dote de Serafina, que veníamos conociendo desde el principio de la misma.

Ha sido el broche final de la trilogía y me ha gustado mucho, pero lo que no me ha permitido darle las 5 estrellas ha sido ese final tan rápido y precipitado donde la autora ha querido meter conflicto donde no lo había. Eso me ha aguado un poco el final, el libro ha ido con buen ritmo y pausado donde debía, pero el final ha sido demasiado rápido y podía haberse explayado algo más con uno o dos capítulos o un simple epílogo.

En general ha sido una trilogía que he disfrutado bastante y que recomiendo si eres fan de Nora Roberts. No voy a decir que sea de sus mejores series, pero me ha gustado mucho y en este caso ha sido un acierto su lectura.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,368 reviews473 followers
June 27, 2023
Lauren, Kate, and Margo have been friends since childhood and feel bonded not only to their family home but also to the legend of a young woman who threw herself from a cliff. Lauren is the daughter of the Templeton family and a mother of two. Kate is the cousin who came to live with her family and is book-smart especially when it comes to numbers. Margo, daughter of the Templeton's housekeeper dreams of living a big life. Although we get glimpses of their childhood, it is their life as 30-somethings that is the main part of the story.

Finding the Dream is Lauren's story. Lauren is married young, has two beautiful girls, and in book one discovers her husband is cheating on her. Now divorced, Lauren may have the opportunity to find a loving relationship with Michael Fury, a longtime friend of her brother, Josh.

Lauren was so hurt in book one that I loved that Nora Roberts lets a little time pass before a romance begins. Margo and Josh are very busy with their three-month-old and Kate and Byron have now been married for six weeks. This makes it two years after Lauren discovers Peter's cheating. The Seraphina story also takes center stage and I was very satisfied with how all of that played out. The romance was great and the friendship between the friends was always heartwarming.

I quite enjoyed this trilogy.

Goodreads review published 27/06/23
Profile Image for Aly.
2,718 reviews89 followers
July 4, 2018
Margo was the dreamer,
Kate, the brain,
Now it's Laura's turn to find a new path. Laura was the goodness personified, the young girl in love, who got married at eighteen thinking it would be forever. But at thirty, she divorced her cheating (and jerk) husband but at least she got two precious daughters she love so much. Coming from a wealthy family, money didn't bring her happiness and she's about to learn that sometimes Prince Charming can turn into a toad. Sometimes the true hero might be the one you saw as the scoundrel.

Josh was the ambitious one,
Byron, the Southern gentleman,
and Michael was the bad boy. A friend of her brother, he always remind Laura of a fallen angel every time he came for a visit. A former racing driver and stuntman, he also worked in the merchant navy but finally found his true vocation with horsebreeding. But unforeseen circumstances will force him to seek refuge temporarily at the Templeton's stables, where he'll spend time with Laura and her daughters. Laura, the girl he always saw as inaccessible and too good for him.

Laura kept herself busy to get through her fail marriage but even if she had the time for romance, she's not ready to accept the attraction between her and Michael and prefer to think it's annoying. She might be outraged first by his blunt honesty, but Michael doesn't see the point in trying to hide or denying his desire. Like he told her, he's a patient man and it's up to her if she change her mind about him showing her a good time or not. Can Laura put reason aside to follow her heart's new dreams ?

Every time I reread this series, I can never tell which book I prefer between this one and the first one, which is a pretty great dilemma, don't you think ? Since it's the last book in the series, I would have liked an epilogue with all the characters or at least an ending less hurried. But other than that, I have no complain. The sexual tension between Laura and Michael was tangible, the unfounded distrust that Annie the housekeeper felt toward the hero was displayed in a funny way and of course, the bond Michael developed with Laura's daughters made me melt.
Profile Image for Mel.
900 reviews16 followers
April 4, 2020
The worst of the lot. It's so fucking antiquated. UGH!
Nora Roberts has this hero-type in many of her books who hooks his thumbs in his pockets and calls the heroine "sugar". It's excruciating.
I made my husband hook his thumbs in his front pockets just to get a visual and now he is tormenting me by striking a pose and calling me Sugar.
I imagine in 1997 this was probably an exciting romance: Bad boy falls for divorced heiress with sweet little girls and there are horses who do tricks trope, but it doesn't hold up.
Another thing that really bothered me was the horrible portrayal of class distinction. In the first book the heroine is the Irish immigrant housekeeper's daughter and the hero is yes the son of the house. She is portrayed as a impulsive gorgeous slut and he is portrayed as just about perfect. Of course he rescues her and shames her and forgives her through the course of their courtship and they live happily ever and have a bouncing baby boy. There is a lot of shaming in that book and it's unbearable.
In this book the heroine is the daughter of the house whose family has a luxury hotel empire, but all through the series she is broke because her husband raided the bank accounts when he was found cheating on her in the first book. It's so stupid a premise. Her family is mega rich but she "might have to layoff staff cuz she ain't got no money" SHEESH! The I'll do it on my own trope is beyond ridiculous in this scenario.
The hero in this is portrayed as bad boy from the other side of the tracks who has been a soldier, a mercenary, a race car driver and a stuntman who has decided to raise and train horses for the entertainment industry and he's only 35! I kept asking myself how he could be from the other side of the tracks when his parents owned prime real estate in the Carmel Highlands and retired to Boca Raton. There is a lot of shaming in this book too. The whole thing is just stupid and put me in a bad mood.
Profile Image for Talya.
117 reviews6 followers
February 23, 2011
Very satisfying finale to the Dream triolgy!

It's rare when one of the books in a Nora trilogy stands out and is just better and more substantial than the others (especially when they're all so good as in this trilogy), but Finding the Dream stood out as the best, well IMO. The journey of Laura Templeton, neglected and jilted by her ex-husband coming togther with bad boy/lost boy Michael (Mick) Fury was just a little more deep and heartwarming, and made you root for Laura and Mick a little more than Margo & Josh, and Kate & Byron.

I have to say Michael Fury (sexiest Hero name EVER btw) is my favorite Nora hero to date. He had all the elements that you look for in a man. He was strong, sensual, dependable, honest, sweet and caring without being sappy or wimpy, and manners as well. To cap it off, he had that hint of danger and rough and tumble bad boy. I liked how he balanced being supportive of Laura finding her way in her career and business working at Templeton and Pretenses while encouraging her to let others help when it's all too much. He compliments and supports all while trying to make his own way in his horse raising busines. He was also fantastic with Laura's daughters. The way he helped Laura discover herself as a woman while he overcame his old wounds from a rough upbringing was so romantic.

As with most of Nora trilogies, there isn't much in the way of drama or suspense (look to the stand alone books for that), but a sweet satisfying tale of self discovery and finding love and family and Happily Ever After. Such a sweet read!
Profile Image for Andrea Guy.
1,474 reviews68 followers
November 19, 2009
Finding The Dream is the last book in Nora Roberts' Dream Trilogy and it was probably the best book of the three. I loved Laura Templeton's story. She rose above a divorce from a loveless marriage that left her in financial straights and started to make her life her own, without the help of her family's money.

She also found love with the dangerous and dangerously handsome Michael Fury.

A more unlikely couple there could never be, but that's how it always is. The unlikely pairings always make for the best lovers. Michael awakened in her, the sexuality she never knew she had in her marriage to Peter Ridgeway and Laura gave Michael the family he always longed for.

Sure there a struggles and one near tragedy, but the coming together of these two really was a perfect ending for this set of books.

I loved the interweaving of characters and their lives and friendships. By the end of this book you really felt like Margo, Kate, Laura, Josh, Byron and Michael not to mention the other characters were all family. It was hard to shut the book and let them go.

As always Nora Roberts has written a winner. This is a must read trilogy!
Profile Image for Jess.
3,256 reviews5 followers
October 19, 2023
I wish she'd come back to this trilogy like she did the Chesapeake Bay one because I would kill for a book about Allison Templeton Ridgeway.

Anyway, this isn't about this book specifically so much as the trilogy as a whole, but I find it fascinating that the thing I possibly rail against most in contemporary romances being published today is a super late third act break up and yet all three books in this series feature one and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Now, part of it is probably that I have read these a million times, but I also just think it's that the rest of the book has been paced better so it's BELIEVABLE for the conflict to come up and that the character work is in place for the fairly major miscommunication in each of them to both make sense and feel like it can be resolved. It's interesting.
Profile Image for Kieraanne.
727 reviews18 followers
January 16, 2013
This was the best of the three. I liked the climax of the book much more then the artificial fights that served as the only real hurdles for the other couples to get over. I like it when one of the characters in these books has kids because then the storyline has to include the love interest falling for the kids as well as the parent, which is nice. One thing I didn't like was how much of the story just took place in its own little world at Templeton House. Except for a couple of times, all of Laura and Michael's interactions were at home, which makes me wonder how they are going to function in real life after they're married. I would have liked to see him in one of her society functions being dangerous and crazy like he seems to think he would be. (and no the Valentines dance didn't count as they weren't actually together yet) The other thing that disappointed me was that I was sure this would be the book and that Michael would be the man to physically punch or in some other way beat Peter Ridgeway, but I guess they needed to be more civilized then that. Bah. ;)
Profile Image for Erin.
239 reviews6 followers
June 2, 2012
FINALLY, a heroine I liked. Not that I didn't enjoy the other characters (Margo, Kate, Josh), I just didn't really enjoy the first two books in which they starred.

This one was by far the best of the three, with a story that didn't involve exotic 1 percent-er issues like a supermodel drug scandal or an embezzlement case. Instead, Laura Templeton gets cheated on - simple, (all too) common, not far fetched - and it throws her world in a tailspin. With a little help from her friends, and a little more than just help from her brother Josh's friend, Mick, Laura pieces her life back together. On her terms.

Still not the best Nora Roberts and/or romance I've read, but it's without a doubt the best of the this series.
Profile Image for Heena Rathore Rathore-Pardeshi.
Author 2 books279 followers
July 25, 2014
Kate Tempelton has been my favourite since the time I read the first book in the Dream Trilogy. She is self-less, kind, loving and adorable. She portrays the soft feminine side very well. This book gives us the details of her marriage and divorce and also her hardships in coping with her life as a single parent. We get to know more about Kate and Margo, and it really felt nice to know that they are really happy in their lives.

Michael Fury is this stud guy, who obviously sways Laura Tempelton off her feet (it takes a bit of time but eventually this is what happens). This character, I must say, is very cleverly developed!

If you liked the first two books, you will definitely like this one too!
Profile Image for Sheila Samuelson .
1,178 reviews22 followers
April 3, 2021
Rating: 5 Stars!! (Wish i could rate this 10 Stars)
This was the 9th books and 4th series ive read by this author and might i say this one was so so good!!

The Characters were so amazing and cute to read about and The Setting was so wonderfully described!! I especially loved how she included Historical Fiction into this Book/Series since she normally writes about Romances.

Can't wait to read more by Nora in the future!!
Profile Image for Paraphrodite.
2,593 reviews51 followers
April 11, 2017
3.5 stars.

I'm glad that Michael Fury (what a name!) is so different to Josh and Byron from the previous books. Also, Laura really is a tough lady beneath that polished exterior. This has been an enjoyable re-visit of one of NR's iconic trilogies.
Profile Image for Asounani.
535 reviews
January 19, 2018
ok ok

Vuelvo a mi punto de que las Sagas de esta escritora llegan a ser muy similares cuidado y no iguales, esta misma historia la e leído múltiples veces en sus libros como ya e dicho en la sinopsis del libro 1.

En este caso tenemos el énfasis de la "diferencia de clases sociales" ella es heredera de un imperio hotelero, divorciada, el actualmente se dedica a criar caballos, fue mercenario, doble de acción, conductor de autos de formula 1, Marine, enserio enserio no se como este personaje tienen tantas carreras y es bastante joven.

Todo en este libro me ha parecido súper forzado la interacción entre los principales, la historia de ella la conocemos desde el libro 1 la situación en la que la engaña el esposo, se lleve todo el dinero que ella ahorro y tenia para el futuro de sus hijas y que la familia no ayude en nada porque VAMOS A RESPETAR SUS DESEOS!!!! cuesta creérsela más como pintan de fabulosa a la familia, la interacción forzada de ella con el ex no se siquiera porque aparece, solo para restregarle que se va a casar con la archienemiga de ella, decirle que no la quiere ni a ella ni a las hijas, para luego antes de irse decirle que que la tienda es un gran negocio felicitarla y chao eso es todo no vuelve a aparecer lo borran del libro aunque en los otros lo nombraban cada 2x3, que el decida hacer un hotel y que quiera que sus hijas vallan a su boda solo como compromiso porque se vería bien se olvida.

Es muy irritante cuanto hace el la diferencia de ella no es para mi, ella jamás de enamorara de mi, le daré vergüenza, vuelven al personaje en uno aburrido y te quita la idea que venden del chico malo solamente parece un cobarde, inseguro con complejo de inferioridad.

Que rescato?? la integración de él con la niñas que se disfruta muchísimo, al fin vemos que ellas consiguen ese cariño o atención que no tenían de su propio padre, por lo mismo me parece muy chocante cuando al final deciden casarse y allí termina el libro eso es todo!!!!!! vamos no vemos como reaccionan las niñas, no vemos como reaccionan los demás ni nada.

Sabes como mínimo espero que las historias terminen y en el caso de este libro NO sucede eso porque no tenemos una conclusión, felicidades encuentran la dote crean una situación absurda como clímax en la historia pero allí lo dejan, hacen un corto tan brusco en el final que es imposible no quedarte con un mal sabor de boca, ellos hacen planes como tener hijos, después de tanta búsqueda las 3 deciden exponer la dote en la tienda en una vitrina, pero no llegamos a ver nada de esto es tan abrupto un epilogo hubiera sido muy necesario en esta historia, no vemos como es el hijo de Kate, como interactúan como ella vive su felicidad, como lo toman los padres de ella, si ella decide no trabajar 20 horas al día, no se en si fue un final muy frustrante.
Profile Image for Kika.
16 reviews11 followers
March 18, 2013
I read this book when I was 16 or 17 and that's the reason I'm giving it 4 stars. Had I read this book nowadays, and the rating would be definitely lower; But, as a teenager the story did leave a mark on me and I believe that perhaps, regardless of your age, this book may touch you like it once did to me.

So Laura is turning 30; She just had a rough divorce two years ago because her husband cheated on her with his secretary - how predictable can men be?! - and on top of that he ran away with all their money. So now she is a divorcee, with a big and expensive house to pay - it's her parent's legacy therefore she won't sell it - and two beautiful daughters that don't understand why their daddy went away - and of course at some point they will blame Laura for his leaving. With debts to pay and kids to take take of, Laura has two jobs that keeps her way too busy for anything else... until Michael comes along (and I leave the rest for you to find out when you read it ;) )

The reason I liked this book so much was the fighting trait of Laura; The way she handles every obstacle of her life and overcomes it, the way her love for her children obliged her to be emotionally stronger and the way it made her grew up was amazing. Of course, the other reason was Laura and Michael relationship: the bad-boy that turns her life upside down, wins the love of her children and, in the end, also stoles her own heart!
Now, the reason I don't like it all that much anymore is because now, when I think about the story, it seems kind of detached from reality; yes, Laura fights for everything she gets but, in the end everything is pitch-perfect: No character has a flaw, her children kind of forget their father and are happy with a substitute, and so on. It's a perfect illusional HEA kind of thing and maybe that's the real reason I don't enjoy it anymore.

Nevertheless, this is Nora Roberts writing so you know it's a light, amusing reading you will have either way.
Profile Image for Natalia.
479 reviews42 followers
December 5, 2022
I loved this Series. I'm so happy that someone writes this happy familial life which such great Characters. Definitely lightens the heart! Just what I needed. Thank you Nora!
Profile Image for Joana.
628 reviews
July 11, 2015
Amazing book! Sooo perfect! I'm in love with Laura and Michael. And I love her childrens - Ali and Kayla are sooo cute!
Profile Image for Addie Herondale ♌ .
69 reviews11 followers
February 13, 2021
De lo más bonito que he leido.
He amado esta trilogia completamente.
Nora Roberts jamás me decepciona❤❤
Profile Image for Joana.
201 reviews
February 6, 2017
Este livro foi-me oferecido por uma amiga no Natal, e acertou em cheio.
Foi a minha primeira leitura desta autora e desconhecia a sua escrita, já tinha ouvido falar bem dela e dos seus livros, mas nunca calhou ler algo dela.
Gostei bastante da história e do desenrolar da mesma - dos preconceitos existentes na sociedade, o casamento e o divórcio, partilha dos filhos, nascimento de um novo amor. Questões cada vez mais importantes da sociedade atual, por serem assuntos muito presentes.
Quando a história de centra na personagem principal - Laura - uma menina rica, de bem com a vida e com um futuro promissor, apaixona-se com 18 anos e a sua vida dá uma volta de 180º. Da felicidade à infelicidade - o casamento, tudo com que sempre sonhou, acaba por se tornar num pesadelo - será que Laura irá recuperar do seu romantismo absoluto? O que ela vai deixar entrar na sua vida, para além do bem-estar das filhas? Uma recuperação plena, com uma vida independente e uma mulher cheia de confiança e responsável? E quando aparece um novo amor? Como aceitar as mudanças e as consequências de cada ato?
Uma história boa, mesmo do género de que gosto. Apesar de ser uma trilogia, é um livro independente e não se perde nada da história.
Profile Image for Crystal Denny.
326 reviews58 followers
March 30, 2023
Sighs dreamily

Man ..that Laura is something. I know the feelings of being a single mother with 2 young kids and feeling like an utter failure just because her spouse/father of her kids couldn't be ther person he needed to be but somehow felt like my fault. Laura is so strong and wanting to do it all on her own and support her kids and herself and putting everyone first....I feel that in my soul. I love Michael's character. He is just so sweet and charming but in a, for lack of better words, brutish kind of way. It made me sad that he always thought Laura to prim and proper and snobby to want to be with him and didn't see his own value and thought he was lesser than. I loved Ali and Kayla's characters too. Especially how Ali felt, being a young lady and feeling unloved by her parent and really needing that so she took it out on her Mom and craved it from Michael. All in all, terrific on all counts.
94 reviews1 follower
May 27, 2022
I have tended to think Nora Roberts' romances aren't as inspiring as her thrillers & fantasies. When I first started this book, I thought, yes, ho hum, but before I knew it, I was in the grip of the novel and had to keep reading. Nora has a marvellous talent of engaging her readers. It didn't matter that I hadn't read the first 2 books in the trilogy. This is a complete story by itself.
677 reviews2 followers
December 4, 2023
Concludes the Dream Trilogy with the story of the wealth Laura who after divorcing her cheating husband finds that she has nothing but 'family' money. Rather than live on that she goes to work at the family hotel, as well as investing in a store run with her two best friends. Nora Roberts finishes off with the questions of trust & love.
Profile Image for Barb.
995 reviews21 followers
October 27, 2018
Finding the dream by Nora Roberts really got to me somehow more than the previous 2. Towards the end I was in tears. It takes a lot to get me to do that!! I loved this book and trilogy!! One of those I hated it to end. Absolutely 5 stars!!
Profile Image for Ana | SheSaidYestoBooks.
1,744 reviews133 followers
July 1, 2021
3.5 stars

An enjoyable read. The characters were very likable. I really like when the heroine is “perfect” and prim and falls for the bad boy. A perfect read for a beach vacation or a rainy weekend.
Profile Image for Zeinab.
50 reviews4 followers
December 29, 2020
The best one in this trilogy.. i fell in love with Laura and Michael!! They are the absolute definition of contrast yet they complete each other... Reading this novel within 2 days says it all !! Go ahead and give it a shot..
Displaying 1 - 30 of 492 reviews

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