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Smythe-Smith Quartet #2

A Night Like This

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2012)
Anne Wynter might not be who she says she is...

But she's managing quite well as a governess to three highborn young ladies. Her job can be a challenge—in a single week she finds herself hiding in a closet full of tubas, playing an evil queen in a play that might be a tragedy (or might be a comedy—no one is sure), and tending to the wounds of the oh-so-dashing Earl of Winstead. After years of dodging unwanted advances, he's the first man who has truly tempted her, and it's getting harder and harder to remind herself that a governess has no business flirting with a nobleman.

Daniel Smythe-Smith Might be in mortal danger...

But that's not going to stop the young earl from falling in love. And when he spies a mysterious woman at his family's annual musicale, he vows to pursue her, even if that means spending his days with a ten-year-old who thinks she's a unicorn. But Daniel has an enemy, one who has vowed to see him dead. And when Anne is thrown into peril, he will stop at nothing to ensure their happy ending...

373 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published May 29, 2012

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About the author

Julia Quinn

138 books43k followers
#1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code.

A graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, Ms. Quinn is one of only sixteen members of Romance Writers of America’s Hall of Fame. Her books have been translated into 32 languages, and she lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

The Bridgertons, her popular series of historical romance, is currently in production by Shondaland as a Netflix original series starring Julie Andrews, Phoebe Dynevor, and Rége-Jean Page.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,360 reviews
Profile Image for Erika.
113 reviews223 followers
June 1, 2012
2.5 stars

I'd been wondering how old Daniel is. Which was why I skimmed through the pages of Just Like Heaven to find some clues. Turned out Honoria is twenty one years old, five years younger than Marcus. Marcus and Daniel are at the same age, and that would be twenty six. Since the first and the second book of Smythe-Smith quartet series are set in the same year, Daniel is still twenty six when he came home to England. Why am I babbling about his age? I had hoped he's much younger. Because that could have explained this:
She was beautiful. But that didn’t explain it. He’d seen beautiful women before. He’d slept with plenty of them, even. But this... Her... She... Even his thoughts were tongue-tied.

And all the time he could not stop thinking how very much he’d wanted to take her hand. That was all. Just her hand. He would bring it to his lips, and bow his head in tender salute. And he would have known that that simple, chivalrous kiss would be the beginning of something amazing. That was why it would have been enough.

Birds were chirping, the sky was blue, the grass was green (as always, but it was still an excellent thing), and he had kissed Miss Wynter. He nearly bounced right off his feet, just thinking about it. It had been splendid. Marvelous. A kiss to deny all previous kisses. Really, he didn’t know what he’d been doing with all those other women, because whatever had happened when his lips had touched theirs, those had not been kisses. Not like last night.

For the life of me, I found it so hard to believe a twenty six years old Daniel Smythe Smith, the Earl of Winstead, who (according to his own confession) has had his shares of pursuing physical pleasures (Oh, have I mentioned Daniel is also tall and handsome?), thought and behave like a Romeo the second his eyes catch the rare beauty of Juliet Anne Wynter? All rational thoughts be damned.
Good heavens, this was ridiculous. He was a grown man, and here he was moping about his (albeit large) house, all because he missed the company of the governess. He could not sit still, he could not even seem to sit straight. He even had to change chairs in the south salon because he was facing a mirror, and when he spied his reflection, he looked so hangdog and pathetic he could not tolerate it.

At least he admits it. As if his romantic way of thinking didn't annoy me enough, all I could remember from everything he said was Anne, Anne, oh Anne...

Oh Daniel, Daniel, Daniel... it's not that I don't believe the power of love! I wouldn't compare him to another heroes by another author. But I have to compare him to another JQ's heroes. He made me remember of Gregory Bridgerton. They share the same pure and simple point of view when it comes to the women they love. But Gregory was a virgin, Daniel is not. He also made me remember of Benedict Bridgerton. They both fall in love hard at the first sight. But even Benedict, a second son who doesn't inherit the title, is still able to decipher the consequences of loving someone from a different social class.

The possibility of men like Daniel do exist makes me happy. Who doesn't want Cinderella's prince charming? But this isn't a kind of fairy tale. I might have found Daniel's ignorance to be believable otherwise. Ah, then again, Benedict's story is a retelling of Cinderella. And yet he knew that nobility doesn't mean you can do whatever you wish to, that despite it carries fortune and power, it also comes with boundaries and responsibilities. Like Benedict, Daniel should have thought about those things and struggled with it before he decided to choose his happy ending. But he had not. To put it simply, he just wasn't my type of hero.

And Anne. Oh Anne... why couldn't you help me? You could have saved the book for me. Was it necessary to repeat over and over again the obvious fact that you are a governess and the man you love is an earl? Which, unfortunately, for you it means you could never have him? Why? She didn't help me at all.

I laughed sometimes, most at the beginning, and some of the moments with the Pleinsworth sisters. But a few laugh out loud moments couldn't prevent the frustration I got from having to read plenty of confessions about how beautiful Anne is to Daniel, how often he thinks of her, how she can't be with him, and how kind he is to her. Is that all? No, of course there are more. How they enjoy to spend time together just talking about the colors variation of their eyes (also each of their parents's eyes, and the rest of their family), the wonderful scenery and fine weather, the difference between his luxurious gloves and her mended gloves, and do you have any idea how amazing the postal system is? Totally.

After the first half of the book, I was in the verge of losing all the interest I had left when some things were starting to surprise me. Sadly, not a good kind of surprises.

I had thought Anne couldn't make it clearer how little of self respect she had. But no. I'm not done yet.

And I had nothing to feel for such a heroine other than pity. I realized this was probably just a matter of misunderstanding of the words. Still, she shouldn't have said it.

Everything didn't work for me. Anne is having a walk somewhere in the middle of town and guess what? She sees the bad man she's been running from for years. She enters the nearest shop to hide and guess what? Daniel is there. There are more like those, too much coincidences to go unnoticed.

I'm getting to my last rant of the day. The villain. He had foolish motive, he made reckless plans, and while he was executing one of his oh-so-grand plan he did some utterly ridiculous things. To sum it up in two words: highly incompetent.

Now, the very last rant. Daniel's mother, Lady Winstead. What could be my problem with her? It is said that his mother has not batted so much as an eyelash when he announces that he plans to marry Miss Wynter, the governess. Very relieving, indeed. Sense and sensibility may rest in peace.

I think Lady Winstead might need to consult with Dowager Lady Bridgerton about how to give a more sensible reaction, along with some useful motherly advice and warnings about how the aristocracy might respond if your son wants to marry a woman outside the elites society.

I'm done. Terribly disappointed. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who has never read JQ's before. As for her fans, hope you all enjoy the book and get everything that I missed.

Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
January 18, 2021
After the ending of the first book in this series, I was dying to pick up Daniel's book. This book picks up right where the previous book ends off, but we also get a prologue of the duel that caused Daniel to flee and not return home to England for three years. Now, Daniel is back but he still fears for his life. He sees Anne and is immediately intrigued by her and wants her for himself. Anne is the governess to his cousins, so he hangs around his family in hopes of growing closer to Anne. Anne has a dark past of her own that she's trying to escape.

While I love a smitten hero, I do think this was a bit insta-love and I didn't really get a reason for Daniel being so adamant that he wanted Anne. I did feel for Anne and her past and how much that was affecting her ability to let Daniel in and starting a relationship with him. I also love a good different social class romance and Anne and Daniel are definitely two people who shouldn't be together based on society's standards. I did love how Anne was a governess and how the girls she was watching were in here a lot. Watching Anne interact with them was fun and made me love Anne even more. The secondary characters were entertaining and I just love this whole world so much. I can't wait to read the next book in this series!
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,659 reviews2,485 followers
July 13, 2018
Pure entertainment! I stayed up late to finish this one because I was enjoying it so much.

I have probably said this before but Julia Quinn writes excellent dialogue which is often laugh aloud funny. Her characters are just like Georgette Heyer's but racier. In A Night Like This our main characters fall in love at first sight but the obstacle between them is Ann's position in society - just a governess and not appropriate in the eyes of Society to be the wife of a Lord. Of course events lead to the happiest of conclusions.

I really enjoy a book like this after a period of reading blood soaked murder mysteries and grimdark fantasies. Something light and fluffy for a complete change goes down well.
Profile Image for Rachel (BAVR).
150 reviews1,101 followers
June 25, 2013
Back when BAVR still had her baby talons, we read a ton of Julia Quinn books. Almost all of them, really. And despite those years of frivolous happiness, I swore off Quinn books after the first in the Smythe-Smith series, Just Like Heaven, was pointlessly dumb enough to make me rethink what I was doing with my life. Did I really want to read the same banter and self-gratifying me so clever "comedy" for the rest of my life? No, I said. No, I do not want to read this funny stuff that isn't funny from an author who can do SO MUCH BETTER anymore. So I put away my Quinn books and summed this up to a "phase" never to be revisited again.

Then I came across A Night Like This, the second book in the Smythe-Smith series, on sale for $1 at a used book sale and bought it because REASONS, okay?

On the bright side, A Night Like This isn't nearly as mind-numbingly frivolous as the prior book in this series. There's a plot, there's more romance, the scenes didn't make me want to take a meat mallet to the next face that said something stupid. I was pleasantly surprised. Look at that. 3 stars. FOR AN AVON. That's, like, 3 billion stars in Avon ratings.

The story isn't particularly complicated. It's the standard regency fare, except that Quinn can write, so the tropes aren't quite as annoying. A Night Like This goes thus:

You know what I think the biggest problem is with Quinn's recent books? The characters are too NICE. She needs to rough them up a bit, give them something to fight about. Back in the day, she wrote a few intriguing jackholes. I MISS THE JACKHOLES. Daniel and Anne are wholly inoffensive. They never even offend each other. I think my husband and I piss each other off more in one day than they did in the entire book, and my marriage is incredibly civil.

Also, the secondary characters can be all kinds of distracting and annoying. Stop setting me up for sequels, writers. I don't bleed money.
25 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2012

Is this really the same author I enjoyed reading all of her 28 books in a month after her Bridgerton series? She introduced me to the world of Historical romance and I didn't find a more witty author till date. But what went wrong with this one? Well...EVERYTHING!!

So, was the book funny?

Were the characters endearing?
No (with the exception of Frances and Harriet)

Were there solid supporting characters?
No!! (both the mothers portrayed in the book didn't even come close to the Dowager Lady Bridgerton)

Did you even manage to find a hint of strong bonds of friendship ?
NOOOO (The characters of Hugh and Marcus were so badly written....the weight she hoped to ascribe to Hugh for her next novel(??)...didnt even hold my interest!. All that thing about Hugh making the gentlemanly(!#!?) deal with his father about killing himself..well didn't sound gentlemanly at all...it really was sissy!)

Was the heroine gutsy, bright and enchanting??
NO..NO...NOOOOOOO (A weaker character..I have not seen!!)

Was the hero smart, witty, funny n strong??
Well, may be! But strong? Nahhh...silly n sissy!!!

Was there a past that had a great bearing on the story?
Well...there definitely was a PAST..for both the hero n heroine...while the hero's had a depth to it..it has been treated too lightly...n the opposite stands true for the heroine's past.....on the whole, a completely flimsy basis for a book to carry on.

Was there an evil villain??
Well..evil definitely..but Villain??? I don't think so...the character sketch was so flimsy and irrational..even calling George mad didn't make up for an explanation. And what was that about the great revelation she had about him not consummating his marriage???? Where did that come from and what did it lead to?? NOWHERE!!!

The book in short can claim to be a dish which has all the ingredients mentioned in a recipe...with not one but ALL of the ingredients either spoiled, outdated or put in excessive/short measures..n leaves you wondering whatever happened to your most favorite and consistent of cooks in the world!!!!
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,656 reviews4,711 followers
June 24, 2012
4 ½ stars – Historical/Regency Romance

Oh, how I love Julia Quinn’s witty, winsome writing! She’s one of my absolute favorite authors for feel-good, sweet romances that put a huge smile on my face and lift my spirits. The musicale scene in the first chapter had me laughing so hard that I had tears streaming down my face and that part alone was worth 5 stars. This actually has a bit of angst as well, but it’s tempered with Julia’s engaging, heartwarming style.

Another enchanting, romantic winner from the incomparable Ms. Quinn! And I can’t wait for Hugh to find his HEA, hopefully in the next Smythe-Smith tale.

Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
759 reviews240 followers
August 10, 2020
3 Estrellas. Ha estado bien pero tampoco como para tirar cohetes. El libro de Honoria y Marcus me gustó mucho y pensé que este sería por el estilo, pero me ha resultado algo más aburridillo, o he sido yo que no he conseguido conectar mucho con la historia y sus personajes.

"Una noche inolvidable" empieza donde terminó "Un romance adorable", con Anne Wynter, la institutriz de las hermanas de Sarah sustituyendo a la propia Sarah a las teclas en el recital anual Smythe-Smith, y con Daniel Smythe-Smith recién llegado a Inglaterra tras el escándalo y encontrando a Honoria y Marcus besándose.

Daniel ha estado tres años fuera de Inglaterra, tras el escándalo que produjo el duelo entre él y el hijo del marqués de Ramsgate. A pesar de ello, Daniel y Hugh no dejaron de ser amigos y éste ha convencido a su padre de que cese en su búsqueda de venganza contra Daniel.

Por otro lado, Anne Wynter es una mujer llena de secretos. Hermosa, sencilla y discreta, lleva años ejerciendo como la institutriz perfecta, pero no nació para ello. Un incidente en su lugar de origen provocó que fuese desterrada, acosada y amenazada y lleva ocho años escondiéndose de su pasado bajo una nueva identidad, aunque en el momento en que empieza el libro, sus demonios del pasado han regresado, amenazando la nueva vida que se ha labrado.

Podría decir que el romance de Daniel y Anne es un instalove, no ha tenido mucha emoción y desde que se ven ya se quieren, al menos desde el punto de vista de Daniel. No sé, me ha faltado desarrollo o cómo nace ese amor, no me lo he creído mucho. Cierto es que tiene la frescura y el encanto de las novelas de Julia Quinn, pero en realidad este libro me ha resultado algo soso.

Lo más interesante ha sido el pasado de Anne, pero si soy sincera ha perdido emoción a medida que pasaba las páginas, éste me parecía algo duro o tétrico para tratarse de un libro de Julia Quinn, aunque cuando quiere, ésta autora puede volverse algo melodramática.

Pese a todo el libro ha tenido su encanto, sobre todo entre las jóvenes hermanas Smythe-Smith a quien Anne enseña, he adorado a Harriet y Frances. Los protagonistas están bien, pero me han resultado algo descafeinados, sobre todo Daniel.

En fin, un libro que podría haber sido algo más, pero me ha sabido a poco, me ha faltado emoción y un romance más sólido. A pesar de todo espero no tardar demasiado en leer el libro de Hugh y Sarah, me intriga muchísimo Hugh y su carácter.
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,380 reviews327 followers
March 4, 2019
O carte frumoasă, plină de emoții, cu multe situații amuzante și cu puțin suspans. Atât de puțin și atât de bine dozat încât nu ai cum să nu stai cu inima-n gât!
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,511 followers
November 6, 2016
If you're looking for a sweet historical romance, this is the book for you Photobucket

It's entertaining, funny and witty, it has a great romance with characters you'll love and who love each other like crazy Photobucket

I just have one problem with this, it somehow gets too sweet for me in the second half of the book Photobucket I know, I know, what's wrong with sweet? Nothing, but I personally don't like those sugary endings. Maybe sometimes I love them, but most of the times not. This was in the most of the times category Photobucket

BUT - as I said, this is just me, if you like lovely and sweet romances, then this is right up your alley :)

Anne is a governess with many secrets, always looking over her shoulder in fear of being recognized. Daniel has just returned from his exile and the first person he sees is Anne (of course) at the dreadful Smythe-Smith musicale Photobucket And that was that. Daniel did a lot of scheming, but somehow managed to convince his aunt to come to his estate (and bring with her her daughters, and of course, the governess). They fight the attraction, well Daniel doesn't actually but Anne makes him do it Photobucket . And aside from their feelings, Anne's past finally comes out on the open, and brings their lives in mortal danger Photobucket Yes, it does sound rather omnious Photobucket

Loved both main characters :) They were strong and fought for their love (even though I kind of don't like the unrealistic matches, yeah it's all good to read about, but it would never happen, ever). Anne's story was quite sad and I felt bad for her. Daniel also had a tough time, running for his life for three years. They were a good mach :)

BTW, Hugh appeared in this one Photobucket He sounds so intriguing, and a possible excellent character Photobucket Can't wait to read his book Photobucket
Profile Image for Anita.
2,385 reviews194 followers
August 18, 2022
When you take an Historical-Romance add a dash of mystery and a dash of suspense you get a really wonderful book. I fervently wish more HR writers would use this formula; I love it.

As a governess Anne Wynter has a secure position and she even likes the family and the three young ladies who are her charges. It just so happens that this is a family with relations to the Smyth-Smith family and is just so happens that the Quartet is in need of a pianist and Anne is drafted. At the end of the performance, she has a close encounter of the intimate nature with Daniel Smyth-Smith, Earl of Winstead.

Having just returned from a three-year exile to the continent, Daniel was so glad to be back at home, even the annual Smyth-Smith concert is music to his ears. The pianist was very lovely and, thankfully, not a relation. But this woman has a dark secret and Daniel will need his family to help him save the day.
Profile Image for Estíbaliz Montero Iniesta.
Author 61 books1,290 followers
October 5, 2021
La verdad es que no sé qué nota ponerle al libro. Es el primer libro de Julia Quinn que no me llamaba a seguir leyéndolo a cada rato, el primero que no me ha puesto una sonrisa en la cara.

Mi primer problema han sido los personajes, porque ya su primera escena juntos no acabó de gustarme (aparte de que en esa primera escena, o quizás en la segunda, Daniel ya se comporta como un hipócrita, pero por desgracia era una actitud típica de la época). Pero bueno, no me desesperé, que quedaba mucho libro por delante.

Sin embargo, no he conseguido conectar con los personajes en ningún momento. Con ninguno de los dos. No me han gustado sus actitudes o sus formas de reaccionar en muchas ocasiones. En cuanto a él, no es que haya sido problema del machismo de la época exactamente (por suerte) pero es que hay algo en cómo se comporta que no me ha gustado, por más que yo intentara que me cayera bien.

En cuanto a ella... Es más complicado. Tampoco m e ha gustado demasiado cómo reaccionaba o actuaba o se sentía (porque no lo veía lógico) en muchas ocasiones. Aprecio lo que Julia ha querido hacer con el personaje, porque si hay un personaje femenino diferente (en modo de pensar y actuar) en sus libros, es Anne. Pero a mí no me ha gustado cómo ha llevado esa diferencia, simplemente hay muchas cosas de ella que me han parecido incomprensibles o con las que no estoy de acuerdo.

Luego están los diálogos No he encontrado esa chispa propia de la autora que para mí los caracteriza. No he visto química auténtica entre ellos. De hecho, los únicos diálogos que para mí han hecho gala de la chispa habitual son aquellos que incluyen a las tres primas de Daniel, las niñas para las que Anne hace de institutriz. Las escenas con las niñas son los que más me ha gustado. Si estaban ellos dos solos... pff, no.

Aparte ha habido una parte de la trama que me ha puesto muy incómoda. Que yo ya sabía que el libro iba a acabar bien, porque es lo que toca, pero me ha puesto muy incómoda y ha supuesto un motivo más por el que no he podido disfrutar el libro como a mí me habría gustado.

Entonces ¿por qué dudo tanto con la puntuación? Pues porque aunque yo, sintiéndolo en el alma, no lo he disfrutado, considero que no es un problema del libo en sí, si no de que yo no he conectado con él a ningún nivel. He leído otros libros de Julia Quinn que, objetivamente, considero más flojos (a nivel de trama o desarrollo), pero que sin embargo he disfrutado mucho más.
Profile Image for Μαρία Γεωργοπούλου.
Author 5 books94 followers
March 6, 2019
Η ρομαντική μου διάθεση συνεχίζεται και η Julia Quinn είναι η ιδανική συγγραφέας για μου δώσει αυτό που χρειάζομαι... Απολαυστικότατο!
Profile Image for Kelly22.
417 reviews142 followers
June 5, 2012
5.00 Stars - Regency/Historical Romance

Thoughts before reading:

I wish I at least knew who our hero/heroine will be in this one, at this instant...June 2012 will just take forever to come around :(

Thoughts after reading:

Daniel Smythe-Smith returns home to England after a 3 year exile at the continent on the night of a Smythe-Smith musicale. Soon enough he takes notice of the beautiful stranger amidst his sisters and cousins and suffers an instant pang of attraction which may only lead to love in future. Similarly, Anne, the beautiful governess with a secret and a past of her own, suddenly finds herself in very much attention of the very elusive and handsome Earl of Winstead. But there are secrets to reveal, enemies to overcome, fear to defeat, hope to arise and love to bloom to get a story begin only to reach an eventual happy ending.

Daniel in my eyes :)

This one is another winner of JQ. Infectious humor that comes so effortlessly in her stories didn’t fail to deliver with full of well-groomed characters whom we get to know inside out throughout the story. Though JQ is mostly recognized as a story-teller who writes delightfully lighter shade stories full of laughter and amusement but akin to many other readers I’ve always felt that her leads and characters comprise rare depth and intensity with a whole larger-than-life persona which makes them so very memorable and differentiates them from the vast clutter of many historical romances that we love to read. This one was no different.

A Night Like This, which have one Daniel Smythe-Smith as a wonderful protagonist accompanying one brilliant compatible heroine linked with one marvelous storyline alongside some contagious humor with loveable secondaries, is definitely another keeper!

Profile Image for Neus Gutiérrez.
1,015 reviews632 followers
February 28, 2020
Ay Daniel, ay Anne, ay que maravilla de libro y de historia.
Sí, es predecible. Sí, es típica. Sí, la historia es simple y tiene algo de drama, de personajes que odias, y momentos aburdos. Es verdad, pero es que por encima de todo eso es coherente, es intenso, es precioso y no se romantiza lo que es abuso, astucia o incluso degeneración.
Éste libro te expone como muchas veces la inocencia de una chica le terminaba costando su vida entera. No tanto por la muerte, como se pueda pensar, sino porque la mujer en ese momento sólo podía contar con su virtud como arma y como "dote" real. Si perdías eso, ya no eras más que un estorbo en sociedad y para tu familia.
Aquí tenemos una historia dura, de una chica que se topó con la dura realidad con 16 años y que no contó con el apoyo de su familia. Y a su vez, un chico que en una apuesta de cartas medio borracho, por un accidente, perdió 3 años de su vida lejos de su familia y con la muerte acechándolo.
De alguna manera Daniel y Anne se entienden como nadie. Y por eso también tienen una atracción y una historia de amor preciosa que vivir. Más allá de los convencionalismos sociales. Más allá del qué dirán. De si es un conde, un duque, una sirvienta o institutriz.
Y encima podemos unir a todo eso un montón de personajes secundarios intensos. Que aportan algo más. Las primas pequeñas ingenuas pero valientes. Marcus y Honoria, ya planificando su boda. Hugh, que todos deseamos que tenga libro propio. La madre de Daniel y Honoria, que es una mujer increíble y que ha vuelto a la vida tras tanto dolor. Julia Quinn nos regala familias enteras de pj a los que querer y con los que disfrutar de una sencilla y preciosa historia de amor.
Recomendado. #RitaJulia #RetoRita4
Profile Image for Robin.
1,850 reviews86 followers
January 7, 2022
After living abroad for three years, Daniel Smythe-Smith, the Earl of Winstead, is happy to return home to his family. He arrives the night of his family's annual musicale; and knows that the woman playing the piano is not a member of his family. Anne Wynter has been working as a governess to the three youngest daughters in the Pleinsworth family. She was roped into playing the piano for the musicale when a member of the quartet fell ill. When Anne meets Daniel, she is fascinated by the handsome Earl but knows nothing can come of it. But Daniel isn't a person to give up easily, pursing Anne by spending his days with his young cousins who are under her care.

This is the second book in the Smythe-Smith Quartet. The first part of the book deals with the annual musicale. I know the conversations between the cousins were supposed to be amusing, but I was bored. The story picked up when Anne sees someone from her past on the streets of London. She needs to hide quickly, and Daniel comes to her rescue. Daniel is smitten with Anne. He knows that she has some secrets. He hopes she will eventually trust him and tell him everything.

I enjoyed this book much more than the previous one in the series. The villain in the story is truly scary. The scenes of him pursuing our heroine kept me reading until the end. I am looking forward to reading more about the Smythe-Smith family. My rating: 4 Stars.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
984 reviews141 followers
June 5, 2020

Another wonderful book by Julia Quinn! And a fabulous addition to the Smythe-Smith Quartet series.

❤'d Daniel the Earl of Winstead

❤'d Anne the Governess

❤'d Daniel's cousins Sarah, Elizabeth, Frances and especially Harriet. They all made for so much fun.

Next up is Sarah and Hugh's story. A very interesting couple indeed. :)
Profile Image for Bibiana In Bookland.
334 reviews1,900 followers
November 10, 2021
Es una pena, pero no me ha gustado NADA ese inicio. Se me ha hecho largo y pesado, hasta llegar a la ultimas 80 páginas, ahí es donde se ha concentrado toda la acción, y aún así, ha sido predecible y típica. Lo que sí salvo es la pluma de la autora y el pasado de la prota que lo ha hecho diferente.
A ver qué tal el tercero !
Profile Image for Sharon.
506 reviews302 followers
December 28, 2017
Some of my thoughts in no particular order:
• Was low-key disappointed this book wasn’t one of the Smythe-Smith cousins we met in the 1st book who performed with Honoria.
• I like how Anne fought back against her attacker. And hearing her story about how she lost everything and was shunned by her family made me feel for her. She really did well for herself by maturing and finding jobs to survive after that.
• Peaceful read. The romance is sweet and slow-going. I was skeptical at first because it seemed like it would be a shallow relationship but by midpoint, I can appreciate the way Anne and Daniel interact with each other. They’re not the best Julia Quinn couple IMO, but they’re sweet.
• I love the family. They’re so supportive and caring. I always appreciate strong family theme.

I’m giving this 3 stars. It is a solid read. Not the best, but enjoyable.

Things that you might want to know (WARNING: Spoilers below)
Happy/satisfying ending?
Love triangle? Cheating? Angst level?
Favorite scenes?
What age level would be appropriate?
*don't think it can beat the 1st book but fingers crossed*

I keep on forgetting I'm reading this book, which is in itself, might be problematic. LOL.
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews487 followers
May 31, 2012
This is a Quickie Review. For the full review, please visit The Romanceaholic.

Expected Release Date: May 29, 2012
Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: Avon
Author’s Website: http://juliaquinn.com/
My Source for This Book: Edelweiss
Part of a Series: Yes, Book 2, Smythe-Smith Quartet (spinoff series of Bridgerton Series)
Series Best Read In Order: Worked well as a standalone
Steam Level: Steamy

This book reminded my why I fell in love with Julia Quinn’s books so many years ago. It was lighthearted without being frivolous, full of chemistry and heat without being smutty, exciting without being overwhelming, and most importantly, incredibly romantic without being sappy. I loved the back and forth between Anne and Daniel, and how both characters grew over the course of the novel. Even the side characters were entertaining, with very few characters who weren’t actually important to the storyline.

Unfortunately, some of my absolute favorite parts of the novel are also spoilers, and as the copy I read was an “uncorrected proof”, I can’t even leave you with my favorite quote. Instead, you will just have to trust me when I say that this is one of the most utterly romantic novels that I have read in a very long time, and it will be firmly ensconced on my “Favorites” shelf for a long time to come.

Easily 5/5 Stars.
Profile Image for Lauryta_books.
138 reviews2,187 followers
October 28, 2021
Esta historia ha acabado por gustarme mucho! Más que el primero, los protagonistas me creaban mucha curiosidad y quería conocer su historia.

✅ Trama original, con mucha acción
✅ Personajes profundos, la protagonista es muy fuerte y cabal y me ha gustado que me adapte a su rol en la historia, demostrando su independencia
✅ Me ha gustado mucho a los personajes que introducen

La única pega que le pondría, es que me hubiera gustado leer más interacciones entre los personajes antes de que todas las cosas sucedan. He notado un instalove que no me ha convencido del todo, pero por el resto me ha gustado mucho más!!
Profile Image for Mslvoe.
1,382 reviews142 followers
May 28, 2012
Love love love the cover art. Bright blue dress and sweet pink heels. ohhh it's cute!!! I love the way Julia Quinn makes me laugh, cry and sigh with satisfaction.

It was so good to finally wrapped with a good romance. The epilogue make me continue my reading till evening. I was glued and I can't take my eyes of this wonderful story.
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,192 followers
November 21, 2021

Ok.. so this is a first for me. I have never rated a Julia Quinn book so low. I can scarcely believe this is the same author. What a yawn fest this was. I couldn't connect with either of the main characters. And the cousins... I had to skim my way through the first half of the book. The story picked up a little in the second half, but then the romance between these two just rubbed me the wrong way. It may just be me.. because I know lots of my friends liked this book. But I'm chalking it up to a rare blunder on Ms Quinn's list of stellar works. I will read on in the series and hope she salvages the Smyth-Smiths for me. This one though, I'm pretty sure, was worse than their concerts.
Profile Image for Nisha.
788 reviews245 followers
May 27, 2012
Oops. I wasn't supposed to finish it today, but I guess it was inevitable. There was no way I was going to be able to read it in small chunks over a period of a week, especially when I wasn't planning to anything especially exciting today.

We already sorta met Daniel and Anne in book 1. Daniel had just returned from his exile while the beautiful Anne seems to be serving her own exile as the governess for 3 of the Symthe-Smith girls. This book starts with some details about how Daniel got kicked out of England and his return back to civilization. Daniel sorta attends the Smythe-Smith musicale and manages to see Anne Wynter playing the piano as the replacement Smythe-Smith. Immediately intrigued, he tries to pursue her. Lucky for him, Anne likes him back. Trouble is, she's already made a mistake of loving above her station once and she's not planning to make it again. Daniel pursues, Anne kindly tries to dissuade him (and herself), but of course, they have great chemistry so it's no surprise that they're meant for each other. Unfortunately, Anne's past still exist and it's trying to kill her, so if she can trust Daniel with that truth and allow him to save her, they can finally get their Happily Ever After.

Anne is a great HR heroine. She made a mistake when she was younger (sleeping with a man she believed loved her and would marry her) and has been paying for it for 8 years. She's tough, but not unnaturally so she still knows her limitations. She's just all around awesome. Daniel was also a treat. He's a total cutie and more socially adept than his BFF, Marcus. I liked that he pursued Anne, but was respected her ability to say 'No'. It was refreshing to have a nicely balanced hero.

Daniel's other friend, the one he accidentally shot, Hugh, looks to be the next hero. I wonder who he's going to fall for. So far, I like him. :D

Anyway, it was a great read. I could have done without the madman plot, but considering there was a generous amount of humor and family in the mix, I can forgive.
Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews535 followers
September 2, 2016
Anne dares to go out with only her cloak on over her nightgown.
[image error]

★★★★☆ (This is a review of the audiobook.) Excellent narration by the always versatile and elegant Rosalyn Landor , who certainly kicked this up a notch. I will admit that I had to increase the speed from 1X to 1.25X, as it was just a tad slow. Though secondary characters, I loved the banter between all the Smythe-Smith cousins, Elizabeth, Harriet, Frances, and Daisy; Ms. Landor manages to keep them all sounding different.

I don’t want to say this is standard fare for Ms. Quinn, because it isn’t. She goes a little darker this time round, but that’s still not terribly dark. Alas, Anne’s history is just all too conceivable. Still, I gobbled up this second in the Smythe-Smith Quartet in one sitting. How can I miss with Ms. Landor delivering Ms. Quinn’s tale? When does the next one come out?

Just Like Heaven (Smythe-Smith Quartet, #1) by Julia Quinn A Night Like This (Smythe-Smith Quartet, #2) by Julia Quinn
Profile Image for Lily Herman.
639 reviews715 followers
December 21, 2020
Well, well, well, our pal Julia sure was feeling ~dramatique~ with this one.

I was very nervous by about page five when I realized that this was going to be an insta-love book. In case you're new to my batshit messy ass reviews, I really, REAAAAAALLY struggle with the insta-love trope and usually find myself eye-rolling pretty quickly.

But thus far, Julia Quinn is one of the few authors who seems to consistently do justice to the trope, and even if the characters begin a story lusting after each other, she also shows how they're also emotionally and intellectually well-matched. I still wasn't 100% sold on Daniel and Anne for much of the A Night Like This, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless and eventually came around.

Also, if you like some DR@M@ in your historical romance, fear not: This book gets kinda bonkers at the end, but it was a fun ride. Also, this novel once again proves that Quinn is the queen, legend, and icon of banter. SO GOOD.

Content warning: Attempted rape, stabbing, near-death experience
Profile Image for Joanna Loves Reading.
609 reviews251 followers
July 31, 2019
The best parts are with the governess’ charges. Delightful, quirky girls. Particularly Frances.

The hero was selfish and obtuse. Barring heroes that physically and/or mentally abuse their heroine, I would be hard-pressed to find a more unappealing hero.

Normally I really enjoy Quinn, but this is one that doesn’t work for me on any level.
Profile Image for Anabel.
734 reviews128 followers
October 5, 2021
Puntuación: 4,5

He disfrutado mucho con esta segunda parte, incluso más que de la primera. Anne es un personaje que no voy a olvidar, y espero poder saber algo más de ella en las siguientes entregas de la serie, aunque sea un poco, al igual que de Daniel, que conociendo a la autora seguramente así sea. Me he reído, he disfrutado y me he sentido parte de ese misterio que envuelve a Anne y su pasado, y he sentido la angustia de sentir que no estás a salvo en ninguna parte, sin duda de los mejores libros que he leído de la autora.
Profile Image for Susana.
1,016 reviews262 followers
December 23, 2014
1.5 stars

DNF at 23 %

The characters are _I am afraid _ boring and clichéd.
And right at the beginning we get presented to a case of "insta love/lust".

She looked up.
Time stopped. It simply stopped. It was the most maudlin and clichéd way of describing it, but those few seconds when her face was lifted toward his . . . they stretched and pulled, melting into eternity.
She was beautiful. But that didn’t explain it. He’d seen beautiful women before. He’d slept with plenty of them, even. But this . . . Her
. . . She . . .
Even his thoughts were tongue-tied.

Sorry, but this is just too uninspired.
I used to love Julia Quinn's books but lately :/ they've become really...basic.
And boring.
Profile Image for Alexa.
484 reviews128 followers
December 26, 2015
DNF @40%.

Dear Julia Quinn,

I know you're considered a VIP in the historical romance genre, and as such, I'm supposed to like your books...

I don't.

Let's just chalk it up to the old "it's not you, it's me" I just can't seem to stay interested and life's too short to read a full book knowing at best I'll give it 2 "I didn't really like it but I guess it was okay" stars.


Profile Image for Χρύσα Βασιλείου.
Author 6 books164 followers
August 26, 2021
3 αστεράκια - επειδή είμαι μεγάλη καρδιά.

Η Julia Quinn έχει ένα ιδιαίτερο ύφος γραφής, το οποίο όσοι έχουμε διαβάσει τα βιβλία της νομίζω πως μπορούμε πλέον εύκολα να αναγνωρίσουμε και να ξεχωρίσουμε ανάμεσα σε άλλα. Προσωπικά τη συμπαθώ πάρα πολύ ως άνθρωπο (από τις λίγες συνεντεύξεις της που έχω δει/διαβάσει, τουλάχιστον, μου φαίνεται συμπαθέστατη), αλλά ως συγγραφέα σίγουρα δεν την κατατάσσω ανάμεσα στις πολυαγαπημένες μου. Εκτός από τα έξι πρώτα βιβλία της σειράς των Μπρίτζερτον, δεν μπορώ να πω πως τα υπόλοιπα βιβλία της που έχω διαβάσει με έχουν ενθουσιάσει.
Το ύφος της, λοιπόν, έχει γενικά κάτι το ανάλαφρο, απλό και χιουμοριστικό και -ενίοτε- επικεντρώνεται υπερβολικά στη σχέση των δύο πρωταγωνιστών. Οι χαρακτήρες της είναι έξυπνοι, καλόκαρδοι, ευγενικοί, διαθέτουν αίσθηση του χιούμορ και πάντα μπλέκουν σε απίστευτες περιπέτειες χωρίς να το επιδιώξουν. Το αντικείμενο του πόθου τους διαθέτει τα ίδια χαρακτηριστικά πάνω-κάτω και έτσι τα ζευγάρια που σχηματίζονται μοιάζουν φρέσκα, πιο σύγχρονα από την εποχή που διαδραματίζονται τα στόρυ της και με χημεία που προκαλεί και διατηρεί το αναγνω��τικό ενδιαφέρον. Όμως... Όμως... Τόσο τις ίδιες τις ιστορίες της, όσο και τους χαρακτήρες της, τους βρίσκω λίγο απλοϊκούς. Τουλάχιστον, για τα δικά μου γούστα.

Σε αντίθεση με το πρώτο, στο βιβλίο αυτό υπάρχουν οι "κακοί" της ιστορίας - που όμως ακόμα κι αυτοί είναι τόσο flat που καταλήγουν τελικά περισσότερο αξιολύπητα ανθρωπάκια παρά κακοί, χάνοντας έτσι την όποια σοβαρότητα και το κύρος τους. Ειδικά ο άνθρωπος που κυνηγάει την Ανν για ένα παλιό της σφάλμα, δεν καταφέρνει ούτε για μια στιγμή να πείσει πως είναι ένας αδίστακτος χαρακτήρας, αποφασισμένος να φ��άσει στα άκρα. Η συμπεριφορά και τα λόγια του, ειδικά στο τέλος, αναιρούν όλα τα προηγούμενα.
Όσο για το ζευγάρι, σχεδόν ολόκληρο το βιβλίο στηρίζεται πάνω στη σχέση του. Όλοι οι υπόλοιποι ήρωες βρίσκονται απλώς στο background, με μοναδικό ρόλο να διακόπτουν πού και πού τα πύρινα βλέμματα που ανταλλάζουν οι πρωταγωνιστές, τα παθιασμένα φιλιά που ανταλλάζουν οι πρωταγωνιστές, τις ατάκες που πετάνε ο ένας στον άλλον οι πρωταγωνιστές, τις στιγμές που ξεκλέβουν για να πασπατευτούν οι πρωταγωνιστές... Κι όλα αυτά, σε αριστοκρατικά σπίτια και εξοχικά κτήματα όπου σουλατσάρουν άτακτα και πανέξυπνα ανήλικα κορίτσια και αξιοσέβαστες μητέρες και θείες. Κι όλα αυτά, ανάμεσα σε έναν λόρδο και μια γκουβερνάντα. Κι όλα αυτά, από την πρώτη κιόλας φορά που συναντούν ο ένας τον άλλον, χωρίς καν να γνωρίζονται. Κι όλα αυτά, χωρίς κανείς να τους πάρει χαμπάρι / να τους φέρει αντίρρηση / να τους διακόψει ποτέ.

Ε, φταίω εγώ αν έρθω ξανά στα λόγια που είπα για το πρώτο βιβλίο, ότι όλα κυλούν υπερβολικά εύκολα;! Είπαμε, ναι αγαπάμε και τις μοντέρνες οικογένειες (ούτε 'κιχ' δεν έβγαλε η αριστοκράτισσα μητέρα του γαμπρού για την καταγωγή και το παρελθόν της μέλλουσας νύφης) και τα μοντέρνα ζευγάρια, αλλά κάπου καταντά υπερβολικό αυτό το ύφος "I burn for you" - που έλεγε και μια άλλη ψυχή.

Η αλήθεια είναι πως συμπόνεσα την Ανν, αλλά δεν κατάφερα να την πολυσυμπαθήσω. Αντίθετα, κατασυμπάθησα τον Ντάνιελ. Αυτές που λάτρεψα, όμως, ήταν οι κόρες των Πλέινσγουορθ, οι ξαδέλφες του Ντάνιελ, των οποίων η Ανν υπήρξε γκουβερνάντα (όταν δεν απομονωνόταν μαζί του σε κανένα δωμάτιο/λίμνη/δάσος για να χαμουρευτούν). Φρέσκιες, δροσερές, με απίστευτες σκηνές γεμάτες χιούμορ και παιδική αθωότητα, ώρες-ώρες καταφέρνουν κυριολεκτικά να κλέψουν την παράσταση.

Γενικά, είναι ένα βιβλίο που αξίζει να το διαβάσετε οι φανατικοί αναγνώστες του είδους. Θα σας κρατήσει καλή παρέα, θα σας κάνει να γελάσετε πολύ και να ονειρευτείτε κι εσείς τον πρίγκιπά σας ή τον λόρδο σας. Μάλλον δεν θα καταλάβετε πώς πέρασε η ώρα μέχρι να το τελειώσετε. Μάλλον, όμως, δεν θα το κατατάξετε ανάμεσα στα βιβλία που σας παρέσυραν, σας συγκλόνισαν και θα τα θυμάστε για καιρό.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,360 reviews

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