The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable For Our Time
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They made it was easy for me to write my article.”
Patrick Peterson
Typo: take out "was"
Evoli liked this
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There was barely a smidgen of truth in it, but it certainly energized the president’s base.”
Patrick Peterson
She woud never say that out loud
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“You’ll have the mind the store
Patrick Peterson
Typo: "to" mind the store
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a labor of love.”
Patrick Peterson
I thought this phrase meant "an onerous task that needs lots of love tp be willing to do?"
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We spent a lot class of time discussing
Patrick Peterson
Typo: "we spent a lot of class time"
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Patrick Peterson
Perhasps TJ and Valeta would like thos?
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“Once I had grasped that ‘free speech’ was just a cover for unjust power structures, I became active in efforts on campus to prevent people who had harmful ideas from speaking.
Patrick Peterson
Allen Charles Kors and all at FIRE need to read this & review it.
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“One very important course was African-American Studies with Professor Armand Green. He taught us that American capitalism was heavily dependent upon slave labor and that since the benefits of slavery were still spread throughout the economy, it was only right to put the cost of reparations on the country as a whole.
Patrick Peterson
Note this to Phil Magnuss marland too
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“I’ll be honest with you, Jen. Ours was more a marriage of convenience than of love.
Patrick Peterson
Ad.itting this to a biographer????
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was sure that he was going to be a superstar lawyer who’d haul in loads of money, and as you well know, money is the lifeblood of politics.
Patrick Peterson
Admitting this to a biographer too for a politician, formet Pres!!, seems farfetched
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We never had time for children.
Patrick Peterson
Also a bit farfetched for a politician
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“Then you’ll recall how that woman who looked Native American was recognized by the moderator and when she had the microphone, asked, ‘You, Governor Farnsworth, have spoken again and again tonight about all the new laws and policies you have in mind, but I have never, tonight or any other time, heard your say anything about laws that you would repeal because they cost too much or interfere with our freedom too much. Could you provide a list of laws you’d repeal, or even one or two?’” “Yes, I sure do remember that moment. I was watching the debate and thought, ‘Oh, this could hurt big time.’” ...more
Patrick Peterson
Cool Tell Jim Payne about this.
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“Actually, I wasn’t worried at all. Local Democratic officials in several key states told my staff that they had boxes of reserve ballots that they’d put in to be counted in the early hours of the morning. They assured us that they would have enough votes, and they did.
Patrick Peterson
No way would a politician admit this to a biographer ask jon Fund
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Jen knew that Pat’s first election was clouded in controversy over the results in several states, but had not expected to hear the former president admit that the vote totals had been manipulated to ensure her victory. That didn’t bother her.
Patrick Peterson
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The whole idea of the Electoral College was unfair, and if it took manufactured votes to overcome it and give the people the president that a majority wanted, that was just the way things had to be.
Patrick Peterson
Some justofication not sure i have heard that before tis is turning into a ridoculous strawman characterizations
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Senate Majority Leader Dzerzhinsky
Patrick Peterson
Wow, what a reference! the first leader of the GPU then OGPU in Sovietf Union!
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That was to create the appearance of fairness and objectivity, which we thought would help build public support.
Patrick Peterson
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federal stadium subsidies.
Patrick Peterson
Are there any such thing?
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the minimum wage for newly hired workers.
Patrick Peterson
Newly hired????????
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the bad ones, but just about all of them were either Black or Hispanic.
Patrick Peterson
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which had seemed like a good idea from her position inside the Beltway,
Patrick Peterson
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but she couldn’t see any reason to doubt Will’s argument against it.
Patrick Peterson
? really? she switched her convictions on the issue that fast?
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she had to admit, her sources of information were confined to a narrow spectrum of progressive writers.
Patrick Peterson
But they rarely admit that
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Jen had never heard anyone of any race say that reparations weren’t at least a good concept.
Patrick Peterson
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Jen realized that she had never experienced this before—profound cognitive dissonance.
Patrick Peterson
nevet? what about when talking with her sistercor parents?
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When I hear politicians talking about their plans for creating group equality, I know that they’re just fishing for votes among people who want something for nothing.”
Patrick Peterson
Thrre's a stastement more people need to confront. Mary!
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That Pat Farnsworth’s years in power had not been glorious for the United States, but instead, as he thought, ruinous?
Patrick Peterson
But her sister and parents had told her the same things!!!
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A long-forgotten lesson from her high school journalism class came to mind: above all, give your readers the facts. The evening’s events had reawakened that instinct.
Patrick Peterson
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Will’s outlook was so completely different, so unexpected, and so reasonable.
Patrick Peterson
Compared to her parents asd sister?
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Did she dare to ask more probing questions and follow up if the former president’s answer was a facile evasion?
Patrick Peterson
Nope facile - ooh,what a smear
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decided that she didn’t have a strong enough foundation
Patrick Peterson
Amazingly perceptive
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she had a suspicion that doing any serious questioning might blow up the whole book project.
Patrick Peterson
No kidding!!!
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After all, Pat had shown that she has a vindictive streak.
Patrick Peterson
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puffball questions and no pushback.
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among progressive Democrats, it was a given that Israel was the bully in the region and was always responsible for trouble.
Patrick Peterson
If so, then where is the cognitive dissonance in progressive Jews???
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A pathetic question, but just what she expects.
Patrick Peterson
Ken already realizes hoe pathetic the question is already? her "foundation" is building fast
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Would people really be content with less? The rhetoric sounded nice, but you can’t eat it.
Patrick Peterson
Lol - but can u eat i - what a line!!!
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Professor Edward House,
Patrick Peterson
Oh boy, what an acient and perfect reference
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they are free to go, but we also put in place a fifty percent exit tax on the assets of businesses that want to leave America.
Patrick Peterson
"free" but have to pay 50%? newspeak logic
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Do I dare ask if those labor policies had anything to do with the decline in jobs? No. She might think I was being disloyal and provocative.
Patrick Peterson
She's learning very fast
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this paper is not interested in stories that cast doubt on progressive policies.
Patrick Peterson
Ever explicitly said anywhere in real life?
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to borrow a phrase, ‘they have seen the future and it works.’
Patrick Peterson
Perfect reference quote again. but how mafny people remermber what it refers to?
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“We set up a secret task force devoted to figuring out how we could get enough ballots delivered to friendly hands to make sure we won close elections. Naturally, I was kept out of the details—plausible deniability, you know.”
Patrick Peterson
But admitting it to her eliminates the deniability!!!!
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“Another part of the plan was to use the IRS to go after big donors to the Republicans as well as those who supported right-wing think tanks and media outfits. Previous presidents did that, but my enemies list was much bigger, and we put far more manpower into it than my predecessors ever did. It took only a year or two for the message to spread that if you want to avoid trouble with the IRS, don’t support anything on the Right.
Patrick Peterson
Nod to Obama and FDR!!!!
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So it’s not the case that Americans were won over to you, but that you used the power of the government to silence and intimidate the opposition. Is this any different from the tactics of tyrannical rulers throughout history?
Patrick Peterson
Oh, Jen is learning her foundationasl principles and info too fast now.
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competitors that might try enter their markets.”
Patrick Peterson
Typo: try TO enter
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So that explains it. The big tech moguls weren’t acting in the public interest when they suppressed news and books that helped conservatives; they wanted governmental favors in return. This is ugly.
Patrick Peterson
Alan Charles Kors - interested?
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And once we get the internet under full control,
Patrick Peterson
Hmmmmmmm total control is not possoble, but partial cpntrol os: - the way it is happening - as China is doing it - as Russia and other dictatorships are
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methods are tyrannical.
Patrick Peterson
Key foundation George Harbison - this is the kind of tbing we need to expose! planting these seeds of doubt will reap good harvests
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that sent a signal to right-wingers that their old ‘freedom of speech’ arguments wouldn’t work any longer. There haven’t been any First Amendment cases in years, showing that we have broken those people—utterly broken them.” Those last words were spoken with a vehemence that Jen had not previously heard from Pat. It did not, however, surprise her.
Patrick Peterson
Allen Charles Kors!!!!!
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