Catte Coelho > Catte's Quotes

Showing 1-13 of 13
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  • #1
    Rebecca   Ross
    “I think we all wear armor. I think those who don’t are fools, risking the pain of being wounded by the sharp edges of the world, over and over again. But if I’ve learned anything from those fools, it is that to be vulnerable is a strength most of us fear. It takes courage to let down your armor, to welcome people to see you as you are.”
    Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals

  • #2
    Catte Coelho
    “o universo e a sua força são tão vastos que o melhor e pior de tudo é que não podemos controlá-los.”
    Catte Coelho, Entre dois - Uma Escolha entre Dois Mundos e Três Corações

  • #3
    Catte Coelho
    “O amor é mais do que aquilo que conhecemos. Não tem barreiras nem fronteiras.”
    Catte Coelho, Entre dois - Uma Escolha entre Dois Mundos e Três Corações

  • #4
    Catte Coelho
    “O amor é também sobre sacrifício e sobre dar, sem esperar nada em troca...”
    Catte Coelho, Entre dois - Uma Escolha entre Dois Mundos e Três Corações

  • #5
    Catte Coelho
    “Sejam corajosos, explorem o amor, desafiem as normas e vivam com autenticidade.”
    Catte Coelho, Entre dois - Uma Escolha entre Dois Mundos e Três Corações
    tags: amor

  • #6
    Rina Kent
    “You still want me?"
    "Still? Did I ever stop?" He brings my hand to his mouth and brushes his dry lips against the skin. "I'll never stop wanting you, belle. You're made for me.”
    Rina Kent, Vicious Prince

  • #7
    Rina Kent
    “To the ones who wear a smile like a loaded gun.”
    Rina Kent, Vicious Prince

  • #8
    Rina Kent
    “There’s some philosopher who said that people lose their fight, their anger, and even feel humiliated when you counter their maliciousness with a smile.”
    Rina Kent, Vicious Prince

  • #9
    Rina Kent
    “There are a few recipes for success.
    One, always smile.”
    Rina Kent, Vicious Prince

  • #10
    Stacia Stark
    “The price of love was loss. We all paid it eventually.”
    Stacia Stark, A Crown This Cold and Heavy

  • #11
    Catte Coelho
    “A verdade dói, mas acredito que é melhor uma verdade dolorosa do que uma mentira piedosa.”
    Catte Coelho, Entre dois - Uma Escolha entre Dois Mundos e Três Corações

  • #12
    Chloe Walsh
    “May I be frank?” “Yeah, yeah, be frank.” “Joseph, may I be frank?” “Be whoever the fuck you want, doc. I’m not your keeper,” I mumbled, enjoying the feel of Molloy’s fingers in my hair so much, I leaned in closer and rested my chin on her shoulder. “You be Frank and I’ll be Joey.”
    Chloe Walsh, Redeeming 6

  • #13
    “Someday," he says as he squeezes my throat, "when you look, act, and smell like a pristine pair of fifteen-hundred-dollar heels, and you're married to a lawyer or a banker who tastes like glue and parades you around like his little trophy..." He flicks his tongue over my ear, taunting me. "I can wonder if it's my son he's playing Daddy to.”
    Penelope Douglas, five brothers
