Changes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "changes" Showing 241-270 of 542
Prem Jagyasi
“Finding out what that ideal is and making visible changes in your personality according to that ideal would certainly help in improving the image that person has of you.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Prem Jagyasi
“If we wish to achieve better communication, we should feel free to make changes in the ways we communicate.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Prem Jagyasi
“We are all born with tremendous brainpower, which, if utilized to its fullest, is potent enough to revolutionize our existence and bring about positive changes all around us.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

“Whatever changes there are in the world I hope you will never forsake me and I shall be happy.”
Anne Somerset, Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion

Mohsin Hamid
“All sorts of strange people were around, people who looked more at home than she was, even the homeless ones who spoke no English, more at home maybe because they were younger, and when she went out it seemed to her that she too had migrated, that everyone migrates, even if we stay in the same houses our whole lives, because we can't help it.

We are all migrants through time.”
Mohsin Hamid, Exit West

Paul Auster
“Yes, it is possible that we do not grow up, that even as we grow old, we remain the children we always were. We remember ourselves as we were then, and we feel ourselves to be the same. We made ourselves into what we are now then, and we remain what we were, in spite of the years. We do not change for ourselves. Time makes us grow old, but we do not change.”
Paul Auster, The Invention of Solitude

“My Voice
Paul Stephen Lynch

Why was I born? What is my purpose here on this earth? Is there more out there after this life ends? At some point we all ask ourselves these questions. I can tell you with absolute certainty that for me, the answer to all three of these questions is… “I don’t know”. However, what I do know is that while I am here I am meant to learn from my mistakes, to grow through my pain, and to evolve. What will I be changed into? Again, I do not know. Perhaps I will become someone who is more courageous, more charitable, more peaceful, more dignified, more honest and more loving. I am very hopeful but nothing in life is guaranteed. Although, I have discovered that speaking from my heart and telling my truth is an integral part of my transformation. It is my voice.

In those times in my life when I have experienced great pain – sadness, loss, conflict or depression – those have been the times that have brought me closest to this transformation. I recently realized that pain is one of the few things that seems to really get my attention and that I have spent a lot of my time just coasting down life’s path. Perhaps this is the reason why I seem to grow the most during the hard times, even though it often takes all the energy I can muster just to get through them.

Quite a few years ago, while I was visiting a friend who was dying from AIDS, I saw a tapestry on the hospital wall that read:

The Chinese word for “crisis” has two characters.
One stands for danger; the other for opportunity.

The times in my life that have been the most difficult have quite often proven to be my best opportunities for growth; to get closer to becoming the person I am meant to be. Of course, this doesn’t mean that painful circumstances ~ like HIV and AIDS ~ are good things or that they are in any way “all for the best” ~ or, that they even make any kind of sense. It just means that I know that there is always the possibility that something positive can ultimately come out of that which is incredibly bad. However, change does not happen in seclusion and I will likely need help from friends, family, teachers and even from people I do not know at all

For me to continue moving closer to becoming the person I was born to be, I first needed to accept who I am. For me, that was relatively easy (easy does not mean painless mind you) and it happened at the unusually young age of twelve. The second step to transforming my life means I need to tell others the truth about who I am. I have been doing this ever since my personal acceptance occurred. As a result, I have learned that there will always be those people who cannot be trusted with the truth. There are also those who will simply never be able to understand my truth no matter what anyone says to them. However, others will hear the truth very clearly, understand it completely, and even care greatly. Moreover, I can hear, I understand, and I care.

I have also learned that there are times when it is better to be silent. Sometimes words are just not necessary… Like when I am sharing with someone who already knows my heart. And then there are times when words are pointless… like when I have already spoken my truth to someone, yet they are simply not capable of hearing what it is that I am saying. This is when I need to find other ears. Sometimes, a silent sign of love is the best way, or even the only way that I can express myself. However, at those times, my silence is a choice that I am making. It is not being forced on me by fear or shame… and I will never let it be because… it is MY voice!”
Paul S. Lynch

Julie Lavender
“Wherever change takes me, I want to meet God there and worship Him with my thoughts and actions and words and deeds.”
Julie Lavender, Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character

Brittany Burgunder
“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that life can change unexpectedly and instantaneously. Regardless, you have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, so that when life unexpectedly changes for the better -you already know how to walk and can seize it.”
Brittany Burgunder

Hermann Hesse
“Let me return from history and draw my conclusion. What all this means to us at the present time is this: Our system has already passed its flowering. Some time ago it reached that summit of blessedness which the mysterious game of world history sometimes allows to things beautiful and desirable in themselves. We are on the downward slope. Our course may possible stretch out for a very long time, but in any case nothing finer, ore beautiful, and more desirable than what we have already had can henceforth be expected. The road leads downhill. Historically we are, I believe, ripe for dismantling. And there is no doubt that such will be our fate, not today or tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow. I do not draw this conclusion from any excessively moralistic estimate of our accomplishments and our abilities: I draw it far more from the movements which I see already on the way in the outside world. Critical times are approaching; the omens can be sensed everywhere; the world is once again about to shift its center of gravity. Displacements of power are in the offing. They will not take place without war and violence. From the Far East comes a threat not only to peace, but to life and liberty. Even if our country remains politically neutral, even if our whole nation unanimously abides by tradition (which is not the case) and attempts to remain faithful to Castalian ideals, that will be in vain. Some of our representatives in Parliament are already saying that Castalia is a rather expensive luxury for our country. The country may very soon be forced into a serious rearmament - armaments for defensive purposes only, of course - and great economies will be necessary. In spite of the government's benevolent disposition towards us, much of the economizing will strike us directly. We are proud that our Order and the cultural continuity it provides have cost the country as little as they have. In comparison with other ages, especially the early period of the Feuilletonistic Age with its lavishly endowed universities, its innumerable consultants and opulent institutes, this toll is really not large. It is infinitesimal compared with the sums consumed for war and armaments during the Century of Wars. But before too long this kind of armament may once again be the supreme necessity; the generals will again dominate Parliament; and if the people are confronted with the choice of sacrificing Castalia or exposing themselves to the danger of war and destruction, we know how they will choose. Undoubtedly a bellicose ideology will burgeon. The rash of propaganda will affect youth in particular. Then scholars and scholarship, Latin and mathematics, education and culture, will be considered worth their salt only to the extent that they can serve the ends of war.”
Hermann Hesse, The Glass Bead Game

“Until you are aware in the moment of your thoughts, emotions, words, and behaviour, you will have difficulty making changes in the direction of your life.”
Dee Waldeck

Nora Roberts
“What’s wrong with standing in the same place if it’s a good place?” “Even a good place gets to be a rut, especially if you’re standing in it alone. Honey, alone and lonely share the same root.”
Nora Roberts, Chasing Fire

Alain Bremond-Torrent
“You think you know something until the day you are different.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, running is flying intermittently

Alain Bremond-Torrent
“I have got convictions, until i’ve got others.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, running is flying intermittently

Nikki Rosen
“Abuse changes who we are, it changes who we become. It changes how we move in the world and so does kindness”
Nikki Rosen

“En voi muuttaa takaisin. Tiesin sen jo lähtiessäni. En siksi että olisin niemonomaan jättänyt jotain taakseni, vaan enemmänkin siksi että tein valinnan. Päätin lähteä tänne ja päätin jäädä vaikka erosimme, ja nämä kaksi valintaa estävät minua muuttamasta mieltäni. Takaisin palaaminen olisi mielensä muuttamista.
Tarvitaisin syyn lähtämiseen, mutta en keksi sellaista, ja siksi jään tänne.”
Elin Willows, Inlandet

“while it's natural to be scared of change you should never let that fear keep you from making changes”
Casey Nestat

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Life gives every body a second change: It's called to....grow!

Some bodies (or buddies) grow up, others, to the side, but we will all fall down, after”
Ana Claudia Antunes, A-Z of Happiness: Tips for Living and Breaking Through the Chain that Separates You from Getting That Dream Job

“It sometimes feels as if everything is moving around him and he is stuck, feet in concrete.”
Carys Bray, The Museum of You

“I failed and failed because I was unaware of the changes in principles of the war but I choose to stand in field until my last performance and to examine the man in me. I am me. I am me
Ankit Samrat

Eudora Welty
“He seemed to give the changes his same, kind recognition--to accept them because they had to be only of the time being, even to love them, even to laugh sometimes at their absurdity”
Eudora Welty, The Optimist's Daughter

Sarah Jude
“We held each other in mutual sadness, in changes that came too fast.”
Sarah Jude, The May Queen Murders

“I determine what I will do and do; I decide, and nobody changes it, they just shape my ways of thinking.”
Alan Maiccon

“Your business changes when you move away from negative people.”
Alan Maiccon

“Our whole life changes in the moment we decide to take the direction.”
Alan Maiccon

Lynda Nguyen
“This is not for your entertainment. This is for your evolution.”
Lynda Nguyen

Nitya Prakash
“And then there are those who are always humble, no matter what changes around them.”
Nitya Prakash

Julieanne O'Connor
“The one thing that always stays the same is that nothing ever stays the same.”
Julieanne O'Connor