Feyre Archeron Quotes

Quotes tagged as "feyre-archeron" Showing 181-210 of 933
Sarah J. Maas
“You knew I was his mate when we went. I don't see how being High Lady alters anything.'

'It does.'

I put my hands on my hips, ignoring his motion to continue. 'Why?'

Cassian dragged a hand through his hair. 'Because... because as his mate, you were still... his to protect. Oh, don't get that look. He's yours to protect, too. I would have laid my life down for you as his mate- and as your friend. But you were still... his.'

'And as High Lady?'

Cassian loosed a rough breath. 'As High Lady, you are mine. And Azriel's, and Mor's and Amren's. You belong to all of us, and we belong to you. We would not have... put you in so much danger.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Azriel's wings spread, dark reds and golds shining through in the bright sun, and he opened his arms to me. 'The pine forest will be good- the one by the lake.'


'Because water is better to fall into than hard rock,' Cassian replies, crossing his arms.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“The flame in her eyes was not of your usual sort, I take it.'

Lucien shook his head. 'No. It spoke to nothing in my own arsenal. That was... Ice so cold it burned. Ice and yet... fluid like flame. Or flame made of ice.'

'I think it's death,' I said quietly.

I held Rhys's gaze, as if it were again the tether that had kept me in this world. 'I think the power is death- death made flesh. Or whatever power the Cauldron holds over such things. That's why the Carver heard it- heard about her.'

'Mother above,' Lucien said, dragging a hand through his hair.

Cassian gave him a solemn nod.

But Rhys rubbed his jaw, weighing, thinking. Then he said simply, 'Only Nesta would not just conquer Death- but pillage it.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“We are the same, you and I,' Amren said.

I wasn't sure I was breathing. Through the bond, I wasn't sure Rhys was, either.

'Not in flesh, not in the thing that prowls beneath our skin and bones...' Amren's remarkable eyes narrowed. 'But... I see the kernel, girl.' Amren nodded, more to herself than anyone. 'You did not fit- the mold that they shoved you into. The path you were born upon and forced to walk. You tried, and yet you did not, could not, fit. And then the path changed.' A little nod. 'I know- what it is to be that way. I remember it, long ago as it was.'

Nesta had mastered the Fae's preternatural stillness far more quickly than I had. And she sat there for a few heartbeats, simply staring at the strange, delicate female across from her, weighing the words, the power that radiated from Amren... And then Nesta merely said. 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

Amren's red lips parted in a wide, serpentine smile. 'When you erupt, girl, make sure it's felt across worlds.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I forgot the city around us as he met my eyes, lips hovering over my skin, and murmured, 'We will keep planning for the future, war or no war. I will keep planning for our future.'

My throat burned and I nodded.

'We deserve to be happy,' he said, his eyes sparkling enough to tell me what he recalled the words I'd given him on the town house roof after the attack. 'And I will fight with everything I have to ensure it.'

'We will fight,' I said hoarsely. 'Not just you- not anymore.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I sent another pretty face for you to admire, Rhysand said. Not as beautiful as mine, of course, but a close second.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“The Carver stroked the shard of bone in his palm, attention fixed upon a stone-faced Cassian. 'What if I tell you what the rock and darkness and sea and beyond whispered to me, Lord of Bloodshed? How they shuddered in fear, on that island across the sea. How they trembled when she emerged. She took something- something precious. She ripped it out with her teeth.'

Cassian's golden-brown face had drained of colour, his wings tucking in tight.

'What did you wake that day in Hybern, Prince of Bastards?'

My blood went cold.

'What come out was not what went in.' A rasping laugh as the Carver laid the shard of bone on the ground beside him. 'How lovely she is- new as a fawn and yet ancient as the sea. How she calls to you. A queen, as my sister once was. Terrible and proud, beautiful as a winter sunrise.'

Rhys had warned me of the inmates' capacity to lie, to sell anything, to get free.

'Nesta,' the Bone Carver murmured. 'Nes-ta.'

I squeezed Cassian's hand. Enough. It was enough of this teasing and taunting. But he didn't look at me.

'How the wind moans her name. Can you hear it, too? Nesta. Nesta. Nesta.'

I wasn't sure Cassian was breathing.

'What did she do, drowning in the ageless dark? What did she take?”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I don't think even the Carver knows what Nesta is. But I wanted to see- just in case.'


'I want to help.'

It was answer enough.

We fell into silence, the stream gurgling as it rushed by.

'Would you be frightened of her, if Nesta was- Death? Or if her power came from it?'

Cassian was quiet for a long moment.

He said at last, 'I'm a warrior. I've walked beside Death my entire life. I would be more afraid for her, to have that power. But not afraid of her.' He considered, and added after a heartbeat. 'Nothing about Nesta could frighten me.'

I swallowed and squeezed his hand. 'Thank you.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Why won't you train with Cassian?'

Nesta's spine locked up. 'Why is it only Cassian that I may train with? Why not the other one?'


'Him, or the blond one who won't shut up.'

'If you're referring to Mor-'

'And why must I train at all? I am no warrior, nor do I desire to be.'

'It could make you strong-'

'There are many types of strength beyond the ability to wield a blade and end lives. Amren told me that yesterday.'

'You said you wanted our enemies dead. Why not kill them yourself?'

She inspected her nails. 'Why bother when someone else can do it for me?”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“A moment later, Nesta was stomping through the front door, her face a remarkable shade of green. 'I need- a toilet.'

I met Rhys's stare as he prowled in behind her, hands in his pockets. What did you do?

His brows shot up.
Me? Rhys leaned against the bottom post of the banister. She complained that I was flying deliberately slow. So I went fast.
Cassian gaped at Rhys, 'What did you do?'

'I asked him the same thing,' I said, crossing my arms. 'He said he "went fast".'

Nesta vomited again- then silence.

Cassian sighed at the ceiling. 'She'll never fly again.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Do you know,' Cassian drawled to her, 'that the last time I got into a brawl in this house, I was kicked out for a month?'

Nesta's burning gaze slid to him, still outraged- but hinted with incredulity.

He just went on, 'It was Amren's fault, of course, but no one believed me. And no one dared banish her.'

She blinked slowly.

But the burning, molten gaze became mortal. Or as mortal as one of us could be.

Until Lucien breathed, 'What are you?'

Cassian didn't seem to dare take his focus off Nesta. But my sister slowly looked at Lucien.

'I made it give something back,' she said with terrifying quiet. The Cauldron. The hairs along my arms rose. Nesta's gaze flicked to the carpet, then to a spot on the wall. 'I wish to go to my room.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Azriel is the only polite one.' A few cries of outrage from Mor and Cassian, but a ghost of a smile danced on the shadowsinger's mouth as he dipped his head and hauled a platter of roast beets sprinkled with goat cheese toward himself. 'Don't even try to pretend that it's not true.'

'Of course it's true,' Mor said with a loud sigh, 'but you needn't make us sound like heathens.'

'I would have thought you'd find that term to be a compliment, Mor,' Rhys said mildly.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Rhys only peered over his broad shoulder, tot eh cheerful restaurant behind us. 'That first night we were all here,' he said, and I followed his gaze, watching the workers set the tables with loving precision. 'When you told Sevenda that you felt awake while eating her food...' He shook his head. 'It was the first time you looked... peaceful. Like you were indeed awake, alive again. I was so relieved I thought I'd puke right onto the table.'
I linked arms with him before saying, 'You and this city helped wake me up- helped bring me back to life.' His eyes flickered as I smiled up at him. 'I will fight with everything I have, too, Rhys. Everything.'

He only kissed the top of my head, tugging me closer as we crossed the Sidra under the starry sky.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Rhys only peered over his broad shoulder, to the cheerful restaurant behind us. 'That first night we were all here,' he said, and I followed his gaze, watching the workers set the tables with loving precision. 'When you told Sevenda that you felt awake while eating her food...' He shook his head. 'It was the first time you looked... peaceful. Like you were indeed awake, alive again. I was so relieved I thought I'd puke right onto the table.'
I linked arms with him before saying, 'You and this city helped wake me up- helped bring me back to life.' His eyes flickered as I smiled up at him. 'I will fight with everything I have, too, Rhys. Everything.'

He only kissed the top of my head, tugging me closer as we crossed the Sidra under the starry sky.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Cassian said, 'You didn't think you were essential. You saved our asses, yes, but... you didn't think you were essential here.'

One-two, one-two, one-two. 'I'm not.' He opened his mouth but I charged ahead, speaking around my gasps for breath. 'You all have a... duty- you're all vital. Yes, I have my own abilities, but... You and Azriel were hurt, my sisters were... you know what happened to them. I did what I could to get us out. I'd rather it was me than any of you. I couldn't have lived with the alternative.'

His upraised hands were unfaltering as I pummelled them. 'Anything could have happened to you at the Spring Court.'

I stopped again. 'If Rhys isn't grilling me with the overprotective bullshit, then I don't see why you-'

'Don't for one moment think that Rhys wasn't beside himself with worry. Oh, he seems collected enough, Feyre, but I know him. And every moment you were gone, he was in a panic. Yes, he knew- we knew- you could handle yourself. But it doesn't stop us from worrying.'

I shook out my sore hands, then rubbed my already-aching arms. 'You were mad at him, too.'

'If I hadn't been healing, I would have kicked his ass from one end of Velaris to the other.'

I didn't reply.

'We were all terrified for you.'

'I managed just fine.'

'Of course you did. We knew you would. But...' Cassian crossed his arms. 'Rhys pulled the same shit fifty years ago. When he went to that damned party Amarantha threw.'

Oh. Oh.

'I'll never forget it, you know,' he said, blowing out a breath. 'The moment when he spoke to us all, mind to mind. When I realised what was happening, and that... he'd saved us. Trapped us here and tied our hands, but...' He scratched at his temple. 'It went quiet- in my head. In a way it hadn't been before. Not since...' Cassian squinted at the cloudless sky. 'Even with utter hell unleashing here, across our territory. I just went... quiet.' He tapped the side of his head with a finger, and frowned. 'After Hybern, the healer kept me asleep while she worked on my wings. So when I woke up two weeks later... that's when I heard. And when Mor told me what happened to you... It went quiet again.'

I swallowed against the constriction of my throat. 'You found me when I needed you most, Cassian.'

'Pleased to be of service.' He gave me a grim smile. 'You can rely on us, you know. Both of us. He's inclined to do everything himself- to give everything of himself. He can't stand to let anyone else offer up anything.' That smile faded. 'Neither can you.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Cassian extended a wrapped hand, his fingers curling in a come-hither motion. 'Scared?'

... Nesta stepped from the open doorway into the blinding light of the courtyard. 'Why should I be scared of an oversized bat who likes to throw temper tantrums?'

I choked, and Cassian shot me a warning glare, daring me to laugh.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“It was as if the base of the mountain had been hollowed out by some massive digging beast, leaving a pit descending into the dark heart of the world. Around that gaping hole, carved into the mountain itself, spiralled level after level of shelves and books and reading areas, leading into the inky black. From what I could see of the various levels as I drifted toward the carved stone railing overlooking the drop, the stacks shot far into the mountain itself, like the spokes of a mighty wheel.

And through it all, fluttering like moth's wings, the rustle of paper on parchment.

Silent, and yet alive. Awake and humming and restless, some many-limbed beast at constant work. I peered upward, finding more levels rising toward the House above. And lurking far below... Darkness.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“What's at the bottom of the pit?' I asked as Rhys came up beside me, his shoulder brushing mine.

'I once dared Cassian to fly down and see,' Rhys braced his hands on the railing, gazing down into the gloom.


'And he came back up, faster than I've ever seen him fly, white as death. He never told me what he saw. The first few weeks, I thought it was a joke- just to pique my curiosity. But when I finally decided to see for myself a a month later, he threatened to tie me to a chair. He said some things were better left unseen and undisturbed. It's been two hundred years, and he still won't tell me what he saw. If you even mention it, he goes pale and shaky and won't talk for a few hours.'

My blood chilled. 'Is it... some sort of monster?'

'I have no idea.' Rhys jerked his chin toward Clotho, the priestess patiently waiting a few steps behind us, her face still in shadow. 'They don't speak or write of it, so if they know... They certainly won't tell me. So if it doesn't bother us, then I won't bother it. That is, if it's even an it. Cassian never said if he saw anything living down there. Perhaps it's something else entirely.'

Considering the things I'd already witnessed... I didn't want to think about what lay at the bottom of the library. Or what could make Cassian, who had seen more dreadful and deadly parts of the world than I could ever imagine, so terrified.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“We passed stacks of books and parchments, the shelves either built into the stone itself or made of dark, solid wood. Hallways lined with both vanished into the mountain itself, and every few minutes, a little reading area popped up, full of tidy tables, low-burning glass lamps, and deep-cushioned chairs and couches. Ancient woven rugs adorned the floors beneath them, usually set before fireplaces that had been carved into the rock and kept well away from any shelves, their grates fine-meshed enough to retain any wandering embers.

Cosy, despite the size of the space; warm, despite the unknown terror lurking below.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I came here a great deal in those weeks after Under the Mountain.'

My throat tightened as I leaned in to brush a kiss to his cheek. 'Thank you for sharing this place with me.'

'It belongs to you, too, now.' And I knew he meant not just in terms of us being mates, but... in the ways it belonged to the other females here. Who had endured and survived.

I gave him a half smile. 'I suppose it's a miracle that I can even stand to be underground.'

But his features remained solemn, contemplative. 'It is.' He added softly. 'I'm very proud of you.'

My eyes burned, and I blinked as I faced the books. 'And I suppose,' I said with an effort at lightness, 'that it's a miracle I can actually read these things.'

Rhys's answering smile was lovely- and just a bit wicked. 'I believe my little lessons helped.'

'Yes, "Rhys is the greatest lover a female can hope for" is undoubtedly how I learned to read.'

'I was only trying to tell you what you now know.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Where the hell are you? I scanned around me, and found nothing but shadow and merry flame and books.

Two levels below.

And why are you two levels below? I shoved out of my chair, back aching in protest as I stormed for the walkway and rail beyond, then peered down into the gloom.

Sure enough, in a reading area two levels below, I could spy his dark hair and wings- could spy him leaning back in his chair before an identical desk, an ankle crossed over a knee. Smirking up at me. Because I can't work with you distracting me.

I scowled at him. I'm distracting you?

If you're sitting next to me, the last thing on my mind is reading dusty old books. Especially when you're in all that tight leather.


His chuckle echoed up through the library amid the fluttering papers and scratching pens of the priestesses working throughout.
Two hours of work, he promised me, turning back to the table and flaring his wings- a veritable screen to block my view of him. And his view of me. Then we can play.

I gave him a vulgar gesture.

I saw that.

I did it again, and his laugh floated to me as I faced the books stacked before me and began to read.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I'm willing to take the brunt of it, if it means the others will at least stand with us against him.'

I clenched the tufted arms of the chair.

'You shouldn't have to.'

'It might be the only choice.'

'I don't accept that as an option.'

He blinked at me. 'Prythian might need me as an option.' Because with that power of his... He'd take on the king and his entire army. Burn himself out until he was-

'I need you. As an option. In my future.'

Silence. And even with the sun warming my feet, a terrible cold spread through me.

His throat bobbed. 'If it means giving you a future, then I'm willing to do-'

'You will do no such thing.' I panted through my bared teeth, leaning forward in my chair.

Rhys only watched me, eyes shadowed. 'How can you ask me not to give everything I have to ensure that you, that my family and people, survive?'

'You've given enough.'

'Not enough. Not yet.'

It was hard to breathe, to see past the burning in my eyes. 'Why? Where does this come from, Rhys?'

For once, he didn't answer.

And there was something brittle enough in his expression, some long unhealed wound that glimmered there, that I sighed, rubbed my face, and then said. 'Just- work with me. With all of us. Together. This isn't your burden alone.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“What are you doing?'

'Waiting,' Amren said.

'For what?'

'For busybodies to leave us alone.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I slid my arms around his waist, gripping tightly as he pressed a silent kiss to my hair, reminding myself over and over that we were out. We had survived. Never again- never again would I let someone hurt him like that. Hurt my sisters like that.

Never again.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“This could be... a very bad idea,' I admitted, my grip tightening on his hand.

'Oh, it most certainly is,' Cassian said with a faint smile as we continued down and down into the heavy black and thrumming silence. 'But this is war. We don't have the luxury of good ideas- only picking between the bad ones.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“The orb of faelight bobbed ahead, illuminating the stone-hewn cell.

Cassian growled at what it revealed. Who it revealed.

Wholly different, no doubt, from the same young boy who now smiled at me.

Dark-haired, with eyes of crushing blue.

I started at the child's face- what I had not noticed that first time. What I had not understood.

It was Rhysand's face. The colouring, the eyes... it was my mate's face.

But the Carver's full, wide mouth curled into that hideous smile... That was my mouth. My father's mouth.

The hair on my arms rose. The Carver inclined his head in greeting- in greeting and in confirmation, as if he knew precisely what I realised. Who I had seen and was still seeing.

The High Lord's son. My son. Our son. Should we survive long enough to bear him.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“You're not going to like the asking price.'

Rhys held out both hands to winnow us back to Velaris. 'If he wants the fancy dinner plates, he can have them.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Mor shook her head, still not looking anywhere but at Rhys. 'If Amarantha were alive...' The word slithered through the room, darkening the corners. 'If she were alive and I offered to work with her- even if it was to save us all- how would you feel?'

Never- they had never come this close to discussing what had happened to him.

I approached Rhys's side, brushing my fingers against his. His own curled around mine.

'If Amarantha offered us a slim shot at survival,' Rhys said, his gaze unflinching, 'then I would not give a shit that she made me fuck her for all those years.'

Cassian flinched. The entire room flinched.

'If Amarantha showed up at that door right now,' Rhys snarled, pointing toward the foyer entry, 'and said she could buy us a chance at defeating Hybern, at keeping all f you alive, I would thank the fucking Cauldron.'

Mor shok her head, tears slipping free again. 'You don't mean that.'

'I do.'


But the bond, the bridge between us... it was a howling void. A raging, dark tempest.

Too far- this was pushing them both too far. I tried to catch Cassian's gaze, but he was monitoring them closely, his golden-brown skin unnaturally pale. Azriel's shadows gathered close, half veiling him from view. And Amren-

Amren stepped between Rhys and Mor. They both towered over her.

'I kept this unit from breaking for forty-nine years,' Amren said, eyes flaring bright as lightning. 'I am not going to let you rip it to shreds now.' She faced Mor. 'Working with Keir and Eris is not forgiving them. and when this war is over, I will hunt them down and butcher them with you, if that is what you wish.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“I see you, I said, giving him the words I'd once whispered all those months ago. And it does not frighten me.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“What did you see,' Azriel said, and I tried not to flinch as I found him at my other side, not having seen him move. Again.

Elain paused halfway up the stairs. Slowly, she turned to look back at him. 'I saw young hands wither with age. I saw a box of black stone. I saw a feather of fire land on snow and melt it.'

My stomach dropped to the floor. One glance at Nesta confirmed that she felt it, too. Saw it.

Mad. Elain might very well have gone mad-

'It was angry,' Elain said quietly. 'It was so, so angry that something was taken. So it took something from them as punishment.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin