Harmony Quotes

Quotes tagged as "harmony" Showing 211-240 of 1,025
Sheila Heti
“God is most proud of creation as an aesthetic thing. You have only to look at the exquisite harmony of sky and trees and moon and stars to see what a good job God did, aesthetically.”
Sheila Heti, Pure Colour

José Saramago
“Eu não gosto de falar de felicidade, mas sim de harmonia: viver em harmonia com a nossa própria consciência, com o nosso meio envolvente, com a pessoa de quem se gosta, com os amigos. A harmonia é compatível com a indignação e a luta; a felicidade não, a felicidade é egoísta.”
José Saramago

“I see it all so clearly. I have to find my place in the chorus of life. I can’t live as a solitary instrument, ignoring all the beautiful possibilities of a perfect harmony. I’m designed to play off the genius of others, and they need my genius.”
Michael Benzehabe, Zonked Out: The Teen Psychologist of San Marcos Who Killed Her Santa Claus and Found the Blue-Black Edge of the Love Universe

Frances Hodgson Burnett
“Perhaps there is a language which is not made of words and everyone in the world understands it.”
Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

“Degree of discipline exists in countless areas.”

Matthew Arnold
“Hebraism and Hellenism,−−between these two points of
influence moves our world. At one time it feels more powerfully the attraction of one of them, at another time of the other; and it ought to be, though it never is, evenly and happily balanced between them.

The final aim of both Hellenism and Hebraism, as of all great spiritual disciplines, is no doubt the same: man's perfection or salvation.”
Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy

Donna Leon
“Let me try to explain it this way. During a performance, it is the conductor who keeps things together, sees that the singers maintain the right tempi, that the orchestra supports them, that the entrances are on time, that neither is allowed to get away from the other. And he must also see that the orchestra’s playing doesn’t get too loud, that the crescendi build and are dramatic but, at the same time, don’t drown out the singers. When a conductor hears this happening, he can quiet them with a flick of his hand or a finger to the mouth.’ To illustrate, the musician demonstrated the gestures that Brunetti had seen performed during many concerts and operas.

‘And he must, at every moment, be in charge of everything: chorus, singers, orchestra, keeping them in balance perfectly. If he doesn’t do this, then the whole thing falls apart, and all anyone hears is the separate parts, not the whole opera as a unit.”
donna leon, Death at La Fenice

“She was as gifted as was he yet she veiled herself for harmony.”
Wald Wassermann

“i want to bathe you and oil you and cherish you for the goddess you are for as long as you remember that i am your god too”
Wald Wassermann

“Throughout my career, I did not need to do strenuous physical tasks such as restraining the crocodiles or moving heavy cartons of food. As a team, I feel men and women can complement each other in harmony, if we focus on our strengths instead of weaknesses.”
Fanny Lai

“We don't have to love, but atleast not hate.”

C.E. Jeffery
“We call it song, but it’s more than that. It’s not just a harmony and melody and a rhythm vocalized together. Our song…encompasses the deepest parts of us. Losing it isn’t just deciding you’d rather take up blade smithing. Losing it means losing what connects you to everything and everyone else. And if it vanishes, until it’s found again, we’re…handicapped.”
C.E. Jeffery, Song of the Abyss

“Detail exist only with contrast.”

Yang Jisheng
“Most fundamental to social harmony is harmony between the social classes, and the key to harmony between the classes is social justice. That's why a society with a power market economy will never be harmonious. Fairness requires a new system that provides checks and balances on power and controls capital. Power must be caged by a constitution and operate within the confines of law. Capital needs to be controlled though a system that gives free rein to its positive aspects while controlling the danger its rapaciousness poses to society.
The experience of humanity over the past two centuries has shown us that constitutional democracy is an effective system for applying checks and balances on power and controlling capital. That requires breaking through the modern version of 'Soviet learning as the base, Western learning for application' that serves as the guiding ideology of reform, carrying out political systemic reform, and enacting fundamental change to the bureaucratic system. Of course, this will take time and cannot happen overnight. Sudden change is dangerous, and peaceful evolution is more appropriate.”
Yang Jisheng, The World Turned Upside Down: A History of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

Donna Goddard
“When are things perfectly balanced on the outside? Rarely. And in those glorious moments when they are, it doesn’t last long. The only viable option is to try and balance ourselves on the inside so that we are not pushed around by what happens outside us.”
Donna Goddard, Purnima

“It may be easier for night to agree with darkness about the meaning of light. As moonlight, no different from sunlight.”

“There are good things carrying bad, and bad things carrying good.”

“The beauty of a well developed ability to speak through the use of hand gestures, body language - is the universality of intelligence, nature and creativity”

“Buoyant is very much honesty, deception heavy.

Beauty, in contrasts.”

Abhijit Naskar
“Human and Love (The Sonnet)

The day human and love are the same thing,
The day human and harmony are the same thing,
The day human and inclusion are the same thing,
The day human and acceptance are the same thing,
The day human and reason are the same thing,
The day human and emotion are the same thing,
The day human and duty are the same thing,
The day human and dignity are the same thing,
The day human and persistence are the same thing,
The day human and perseverance are the same thing,
The day human and resilience are the same thing,
The day human and character are the same thing,
The day self and society are the same thing,
That day each of us will be a human being.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mücadele Muhabbet: Gospel of An Unarmed Soldier

“Sensuality harmonizes us. It makes us One.”
Lebo Grand

“Sensuality harmonizes and unites us. It makes us One.”
Lebo Grand

Mary Parker Follett
“Life is the true revealer: I can never understand the whole by reason, only when the heart-beat of the whole throbs through me as the pulse of my own being.”
Mary Parker Follett, The New State: Group Organization the Solution of Popular Government

“Let knowledge serve our people for ages to come.”

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Greed is the antithesis of peace.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Mankind’s inability to move himself toward the peace he desires evidences the greed within us that forsakes the God above us who can deliver that peace to everything around us.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Naomi Klein
“We can save ourselves, but only if we let go of the myth of dominance and mastery and learn to work with nature.”
Naomi Klein

Suze Orman
“To this day, it remains one of the best things I have ever done. I did an internal housecleaning and made space for other people to come into my life. And when the right people entered my life, it started to soar. I had relationships that were based on truth. I felt the benefits of harmony and balance internally, and I also became more powerful. I had awakened courage that had been dormant, and it started to show up all over the place. The more I used it, the more it was there to help me, and my life grew bigger, better, happier, and richer.”
Suze Orman, Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny

Xiaowei Wang
“Rural culture is marked by a different sense of time, a different cosmology. At the core of rural culture, he says, is a belief that the universe is already perfect as it is, and that our duty as humans is to maintain that harmony. This was a sentiment I heard often from farmers as I traveled throughout the countryside . One farmer told me that the future is a created concept, and that in the fields, in the long dark of winters, there is no future, because every day depends on tending to the present moment. An act of care. In contrast, urban culture is centered on the belief that the universe must be constantly corrected on its course, and that life is defined by the pleasure of overcoming future challenges.”
Xiaowei Wang, Blockchain Chicken Farm: And Other Stories of Tech in China's Countryside

Ranjani Rao
“Going inward was not easy. By looking outward, I could create my ideal home, a dream that I had previously deferred in the interest of family harmony.”
Ranjani Rao, Rewriting My Happily Ever After - A Memoir of Divorce and Discovery