Ice Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ice" Showing 61-90 of 174
Jennifer Giesbrecht
“Thin ice isn’t a problem for the sea; it’s a problem for the blind idiot who steps out on it. The fool who breaks it gets sucked under; the ice, it mends.”
Jennifer Giesbrecht, The Monster of Elendhaven
tags: ice

Romina Garber
“Man-made borders shouldn't matter more than people.”
Romina Garber, Lobizona

Bernard Jan
“Sometimes all you need is a big heart and burning desire.”
Bernard Jan, Look for Me Under the Rainbow

Caroline Lea
“The snow grew deeper as we laboured down the hill. The land was a flat white pall, spread out like rumpled wool.
Into the distance stretched the solid sea, sullen and murky beneath the ice.
The sea will trick a man, seeming frozen and steadfast on the surface, but under the white crust, the black water gulps greedily at the breathing world above.
In time, I knew, despite everything that had happened, the sun would rise and the light would glitter off the ice, like shards of glass.
The world would glow.”
Caroline Lea, The Glass Woman

Caroline Lea
“A chill wind blew across the frozen water. There was no marker to show where the land ended and the sea began, except for the blocks of solid sea, where the water had frosted over, shifted, then frozen
again. Tiny slabs of ice squatted, stacked like tombstones.
We walked out onto the crusted water. The ice groaned under our feet, the rumble of an Arctic bear, warning as the dark water beneath shifted. We stopped. My heart beat in my throat. I waited for the crack of the ice, the roar of the water.
The world held its breath.”
Caroline Lea, The Glass Woman

Adriana Anders
“I’d do anything to be inside you right now.”
Adriana Anders, Whiteout

Robert Hayden
“Unable to sleep, or pray, I stand
by the window looking out
at moonstruck trees a December storm
has bowed with ice.

Maple and mountain ash bend
under its glassy weight,
their cracked branches falling upon
the frozen snow.

The trees themselves, as in winters past,
will survive their burdening,
broken thrive. And am I less to You,
my God, than they?”
Robert Hayden, Collected Poems

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“If people could see into my heart, I should almost feel ashamed - all there is cold, cold as ice.”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
tags: heart, ice

Adriana Anders
“He’d touched her, felt her skin, seen her pleasure, and it scared the living hell out of him. She’d burn him if she got too close. And he wasn’t sure he’d survive it.”
Adriana Anders, Whiteout

“Swiftly growing anger
Dies rapidly
As the ice melts when the fire
Comes close to it.”
Ujjal Mandal
tags: anger, fire, ice, sun

Hanna Abi Akl
“how can you love me
when my touch is like
ice so cold it burns?”
Hanna Abi Akl, Correspondence

Adriana Anders
“I thought you were a jerk.”

He shook with an unexpected burst of laughter. “I know.” He squeezed her tight, trying to figure out how to keep her alive. “I know.”
Adriana Anders, Whiteout

Adriana Anders
“He rose. “Come here.”

Like a moth to a flame, mesmerized, or hypnotized, or something. Angel went to him, giving herself up to Ford Cooper’s ephemeral net.”
Adriana Anders, Whiteout

Adriana Anders
“He moved in, set his chin on her shoulder, and whispered, “I can’t…”

When he didn’t go on, she turned a little to the right, enough to put the tips of their noses together. “Can’t what?”

“Can’t stop wanting you.”
Adriana Anders, Whiteout

Adriana Anders
“You feel a loss of control?”

“Never… Never had control to begin with.”
Adriana Anders, Whiteout

Robert Macfarlane
“Ice has a social life. Its changeability shapes the culture, language and stories of those who live near itl”
Robert Macfarlane, Underland: A Deep Time Journey
tags: ice

Sara Raasch
“I stop, staring into the teardrop-shaped room, my heartbeat an alive and determined creature trying to claw its way out of my throat.”
Sara Raasch, Ice Like Fire

Jill Telford
“Stop breaking families. Start building them.”
Jill Telford

Brittainy C. Cherry
“We have to ice your vagina."

The redness from my furious pain shot straight to a new form of redness from embarrassment as I stood up. "You're not icing my vagina, Ian Parker!"

"I'm just saying it's the best way to get the pain down, and you don't want swollen, um, you know ... lips ..." Now it was his turn to blush a little. Who knew that the playboy of the century could get shy from talking about my inflamed vagina?

"Well, if anyone's icing me down below, it's going to be me."

"No, I can definitely do it. That's what roommates are for, anyway," he joked.

I laughed in agony. "Roommates are for icing each other's private parts?"

"I mean, only the best roommates. Think of it as a roommates-with-benefits situation."

"And the benefit is holding an ice pack to my lower region?"

"Yep. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.”
Brittainy C. Cherry, The Wreckage of Us

Caroline Lea
“This land will kill you, if it can. We Icelanders are forged of different metal from the soft foreigners – even the Barbary pirates did not stay long. Have you ever known a Danish trader to winter here from choice?’
I shrugged. How did this concern me, or the people’s morbid curiosity?
‘We seem strong, Jón, all of us, but we are like grass – we bend so the wind will not break us. You are like the sea: you surge forward again and again. See yourself now. Your parents are dead, your croft is falling apart and your boat is riddled with holes, yet you don’t stop.’
I spread my hands. ‘I don’t want to die.’
‘You want to live. You want a better life than the one you were given.”
Caroline Lea, The Glass Woman

Vicki Baum
“Fame always brings loneliness. Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole.”
Vicki Baum

William Shakespeare
“Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny.”
William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Laura   Gentile
“Language is ice that breaks beneath our feet.”
Laura Gentile, Daughterbody I: a self-exorcism through poetry

Mehmet Murat ildan
“There is no person in need of being touched as much as a person who thinks something hot is touching even when a piece of ice touches!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“[from 'A Quiet Place' review in 'Corruptions And Duplications Of Form'] This portrait of the American family under attack from alien invaders comes in the form of a horror movie for MAGA-ites. Here, it is the aliens who snatch children, not ICE. Defeating these aliens requires dry-erase conspiracy charts, a trip-wired perimeter, home-schooling. It's a paranoid fantasy for dads who want to move upstate.”
A.S. Hamrah, The Earth Dies Streaming

Pat Conroy
“Before the snow could melt for good, an ice storm covered the lowcountry and we learned the deeper treachery of ice. At night, we could hear the disconsolate sounds of trees breaking under the weight of their glistening unnatural burden. Limbs broke with a terrifying violence, like the snapping of healthy bones.”
Pat Conroy, The Prince of Tides

Steve Yzerman
“When you're on the ice, you have very little time, you see very little, and everything happens really quick.”
Steve Yzerman
tags: ice, time

“A figure skater is not just a figure skater who does great jumps. He is an artist on ice.”
Alexei Yagudin

“I just thought that it was magical having to glide across the ice.”
Debi Thomas

J.S. Mason
“as her marriage was on the rocks and thin ice simultaneously, which surprisingly the latter is not verbiage for alcohol lingo, unlike the former, which is.”
J.S. Mason, A Dragon, A Pig, and a Rabbi Walk into a Bar...and other Rambunctious Bites