Shiori'anma is everyone's strong heroine, a beautiful Princess from Kiata who harbors a dangerous secret that could mean exile or death if anyone wereShiori'anma is everyone's strong heroine, a beautiful Princess from Kiata who harbors a dangerous secret that could mean exile or death if anyone were to find out. Soon, Shiori's magic is revealed to none other than Raikama, her step-mother who casts a dark spell on Shiori by placing a magic bowl on her head obstructing her perfect features from the eyes of others and forbidding her to talk or the lives of her six brothers who have just transformed into crimson cranes will be in jeopardy. Then she is cast far far away from everyone she knows and left on her own to figure out how adult. No longer living as a teenager princess, Shiori has a long road ahead of her in her quest to find and save her brothers.
Author Elizabeth Lim weaves together mythology from classic literature/fairytales (The Wild Swans/Cinderella) and Chinese folklore as well ) Madame White Snake, Chan E The Moon Goddess, Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, and The Girl with the Black Bowl). Lim is brilliant at combining East and West mythology and creating a vibrant story with characters that are really developed. I can see this as a huge movie series. There is so much to unpack in this first book in this new fantasy series.
Although the target audience may state young adult, this book is perfect for any adult as well. Has all the makings of successful reading: action, adventure, fantasy, magic, exile, quests, and a bit of romance here or there. I am quite impressed with Elizabeth Lim as an author, because to work her magic on Six Crimson Cranes takes an organized and creative genius! Can you tell that I highly enjoyed and truly recommend Six Crimson Cranes? Go pick it up right away, it is out now!
Did I mention there are dragons?? Oh almost forgot to throw in that quick teaser. Yes, at least two dragons! Prepare for an epic adventure....more
Thief of Souls by Brian Klingborg takes the reader on a journey into Northern China where Police Inspector Lu Fei is called in on his night off to invThief of Souls by Brian Klingborg takes the reader on a journey into Northern China where Police Inspector Lu Fei is called in on his night off to investigate the murder of a beautiful young woman. Throughout the novel, Lu Fei is quoting poetry and literature and intersperses it with a sardonic wit that makes me laugh. I love the nicknames he gives to people.
Along with a mind boggling murder to solve, author Klingborg introduces the reader through the eyes of Lu Fei to Northern China, the politics and culture as well as the people. Interesting characters and definitely not the same old same old mystery novel. Pacing in one section will be fast and in another section slow, but as the book wraps up its mystery it all comes together smoothly! Definitely a worthy read!!!
So enjoyed this read and looking forward to more in the series hopefully coming out soon. I could imagine this novel would make a great movie! My favorite parts were learning more about China and it felt like an up close and personal view!
Thank you to NetGalley, author Brian Klingborg, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books for this temporary advance review copy for me to read and enjoy. As always, my opinions are my own!!!...more