Andrea's Reviews > Fathomless

Fathomless by Greig Beck
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did not like it
bookshelves: topic-sharks, fiction-thriller, fiction-horror, read-sorted

In honour of Shark Week, I picked up Fathomless - a new deep sea thriller featuring no other but C. megalodon. I was so excited! To be honest, I did not expect literary genius here, but rather an action-packed adventure with lots of bigass sharks chomping on unsuspecting humans. While I did get kind of what I was looking for plot-wise, I really REALLY hated the characters.

Unfortunately a lot of the action was narrated through the dialogue, which was not one of the book's strongest points. To be honest, I couldn't stand interactions between any of characters. They felt stiff and pointless, and rambling... At no point in the story could I find myself really gripped by terror, mostly because I did not care whether these people survived or not. After a while they all blended in and sounded the same. The so-called experts were also not very convincing. The scientists were reckless and willing to mislead their colleagues in the name of research, disregarding any ethical, moral, or safety concerns. To think of it, the only people who emerged unscathed from this were people of questionable moral compass.

The romance between two main characters was also so laughable and overdone. When are we going to drop this whole "I'll pretend to hate you, but I secretly still have hots for you" routine? The scenes between them could be written by a juvenile, but at least a juvenile has an excuse of inexperience in real-life relationships to write anything convincing. Some of the writing made me cringe so bad: "She knew she needed him. Probably always had, but now more than ever." Seriously? Gag.

Other examples of odd choice of words: "Jack said, his brows snapping together." "Cate licked lips that had suddenly gone dry." Whaaaat?

Now let me address the Russian-ness of this book. Why?!! Why did the author go down that 90's action movie road, where all Russian characters are just cartoony stereotypes guzzling vodka and being awkwardly aloof? In this day and age it should be considered offensive. If you want to include foreign characters into your book, at least have the decency to research the culture and language properly. I lost track how many really bad, easily-avoidable mistakes the author made. Every time I read misspellings like "Prusalka", or a misused random words, or an obviously made up name, I wanted to burn the book in a raging ball of fire. Maybe if the shark also wore a shapka and danced a trepak across the seven seas I'd be more entertained by the comedic self-awareness. Or maybe if there was a scene like this:


A book of great ideas that was spoiled by the idiotic characters. Also once the megalodon surfaces, there are a ton of plot elements being borrowed from the fellow giant shark thriller Meg. I thought this would be a new guilty pleasure of mine, but it turned out to be a bummer. The editor should have been harder on Mr. Beck.
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Reading Progress

September 29, 2016 – Shelved
September 29, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
September 29, 2016 – Shelved as: topic-sharks
July 25, 2017 – Started Reading
July 25, 2017 –
page 53
15.32% "Vodka, vodka, vodka. C'mon book, don't let me drown in stereotypes. *assumes fake accent* In ze old countrrry, you get Gulag fo drrrinking and diving, yes?"
July 28, 2017 –
page 108
31.21% "Zis here charrracterrrs drrrive me up de wall, da? So much stoopidity forrr so-called experrts, da?"
July 28, 2017 –
page 138
39.88% ""Prusalka". I sink you mean "rusalka", da? Ze fish lady? Here, have some vodka and onions. *drops fake accent* I'm having too much fun with this book, and not in a way I thought I would."
July 31, 2017 –
page 182
52.6% "Shark Snack count so far: 2. Could be better.

"She knew she needed him. Probably always had, but now more than ever." In Soviet Rrrussia vooman go into burrrning horse stable and rrride out on a bear. She no need a man ven puny sharrk attack."
July 31, 2017 –
page 210
60.69% ""She stood, with her head back, and fists balled, and screamed a Russian death curse." Oh no, not the Russian DEATH CURSE!!!"
August 1, 2017 –
page 270
78.03% ""I’m Drago Andovich" No, no you are not. This is the fakest Russian name if I've ever heard one. This is the name you use to check into one of those by-the-hour motels while trying to keep a straight face. Because you are the only one who thinks this name sound convincing."
August 1, 2017 –
page 328
94.8% ""For him it is about vypolnyat – honor." Yeah, how about you stop trying to use Russian? Or get a dictionary, perhaps?"
August 1, 2017 – Shelved as: fiction-thriller
August 1, 2017 – Shelved as: fiction-horror
August 1, 2017 – Finished Reading
August 5, 2017 – Shelved as: read-sorted

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