Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader's Reviews > Vox

Vox by Christina Dalcher
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bookshelves: 2018-reads, arcs, hard-soft-copy

4 thought-provoking and brave stars to Vox!

I don’t usually read dystopian books, and to be honest, I’m not that familiar with the genre. Upon reading the premise of Vox, I knew it would have a place on my reading list because of its timeliness and the bravery of the author in taking on this fictional topic.

If you have not heard already, Vox is set in the United States at a time when a new president has been elected, and a mandate has been declared by the government: females may only speak 100 words a day. If they go over their allotment, they will receive an electric shock from a band installed on the arm. In a place founded on freedom, women and girls no longer have theirs.

Since women can no longer talk, they can no longer work. Girls are only taught math in school, and reading and writing is for boys only. The ramifications of this are overarching, and the author does an impeccable job delineating it all.

The main character, Dr. Jean McClellan, is a married mother of four children; however, only one of her children is a girl. How far will Jean go to demand a voice for her and her daughter?

Vox has a strong start. The writing is flawless, and the set-up of the premise feels completely authentic. I was anxious at times wondering if something like could actually happen. The pacing was stronger in the first two-thirds, but I was invested in what was happening, terrifying as it was, so that did not keep me from reading on. The ending was completely satisfying. I could see this as a movie, and I think it is a wonderful choice for book club discussions. Now that I know more about what comprises a dystopian novel, Vox checks all the boxes.

Thank you to Berkley for the physical ARC. All opinions are my own.

My reviews can also be found on my blog with my book pics!
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Reading Progress

April 5, 2018 – Shelved
June 16, 2018 – Started Reading
August 20, 2018 – Finished Reading
July 1, 2021 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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message 1: by Julie (new)

Julie G 100 words? I achieve that before 6:30am. I'd be toast.

message 2: by Zoeytron (new)

Zoeytron Going to have to check this one out. Terrific review, J.

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Me, too, Julie. Me, too!

Felicia Such differing reviews on this one, I can't decide if I want to read it or not. Great review 💖

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Zoeytron wrote: "Going to have to check this one out. Terrific review, J."

Thanks, ZT. I hope you enjoy it, too, if you pick it up.

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Felicia wrote: "Such differing reviews on this one, I can't decide if I want to read it or not. Great review 💖"

Thanks, Felicia! It’s definitely a book that will stir up many emotions. 💕

message 7: by KAS (new)

KAS Glad taking a chance on a different genre paid off, Jennifer ;) Fabulous review and pretty cool you could see it made into a movie!! 😘❤️

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Jennifer! I keep warring on whether or not to read this & your review convinced me to give it a go!

Mackenzie - PhDiva Books Wonderful review, Jennifer!!! I think I will have to get this one afterall now!!!

message 10: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Yet another fantastic review Jennifer!

message 11: by Melanie (new)

Melanie Nice review Jennifer! This sounds good!

message 12: by Jaline (new)

Jaline Awesome review, Jennifer! Entire days go by where I don't speak a word, but that's voluntary. I would not do well with this regime - especially when my phone rings and an hour later I'm still on it . . .

DeAnn I'm curious to read this one, thanks for your good review!

message 14: by Fred (new)

Fred Shaw Jennifer I had to look up dystopia, so that says how much I know about the genre. You make it sound interesting however. Thought provoking review!

message 15: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie Not my genre either, but I’m curious now. Fabulous review!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader KAS wrote: "Glad taking a chance on a different genre paid off, Jennifer ;) Fabulous review and pretty cool you could see it made into a movie!! 😘❤️"

Thank you, KAS! It is good to stretch a little every now and then, right?! ♥️ xo

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Meredith wrote: "Fabulous review, Jennifer! I keep warring on whether or not to read this & your review convinced me to give it a go!"

Thanks, Meredith! I understand. It really is different and not in our typical genres! I hope you enjoy it if you do decide to pick it up!

message 18: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette Excellent review, Jennifer. It does sound very interesting!

Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog•• Nice review Jennifer ❤️

message 20: by Beth (new) - added it

Beth McCraw Great review! I want to read this!

message 21: by Jeannie (new)

Jeannie Nice review, sounds scary!

message 22: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Wow. sounds creepy. Great review!

Marialyce Looking into this one for sure. Excellent review!

Angela M is taking a break. Agree with Jen - sounds creepy and will be skipping this one , but glad it turned out to be a 4 star read for you, Jennifer.

message 25: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) I think I'll enjoy this too! Excellent review, can't wait!

message 26: by JanB (new)

JanB I’ve been hearing good things about this book and even though it’s not my typical genre I’m intrigued. Great review!

Tammy I’m glad you liked this too, Jennifer!

message 28: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Definitely not my genre, but your review is really good! May have to look into this one! 😊

message 29: by Susanne (new) - added it

Susanne Fantastic review Jennifer! I have this to read and can't wait to get to it. If you liked this, might I suggest The Power? I read it recently and loved it..

message 30: by Ashley (new)

Ashley As always, awesome review Jennifer! 💕

message 31: by Esil (new)

Esil Great review, Jennifer. This is not my usual genre but you have me interested.

message 32: by Kendall (new)

Kendall brilliant review Jennifer!

message 33: by Norma (new) - added it

Norma Nice review, Jennifer.

Bookworm This is on my list. I'm a fan of dystopian so glad to hear this one was good. Wonderful review!

message 35: by Cheri (new)

Cheri I am not a big fan of dystopian stories, but there have been exceptions for me. This is the first time I've read a review that has me even thinking about wanting to read this, Jennifer! Wonderful review!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Mackenzie - Traveling Sister wrote: "Wonderful review, Jennifer!!! I think I will have to get this one afterall now!!!"

Thanks, Mack! I think you’d enjoy this and would love to discuss with you!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Rachel wrote: "Yet another fantastic review Jennifer!"

Thanks so much, Rachel!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Melanie wrote: "Nice review Jennifer! This sounds good!"

Thank you, Melanie! Good to see you!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Jaline wrote: "Awesome review, Jennifer! Entire days go by where I don't speak a word, but that's voluntary. I would not do well with this regime - especially when my phone rings and an hour later I'm still on it..."

Thanks, Jaline! Yes, I can totally relate to that. This is a thought-provoking book.

Deanna Excellent review, Jennifer!

Tammy Fantastic review, Jennifer! I’ve just this year read my first dystopian novels and enjoyed all. Giving this a go! 👍🏻

NZLisaM Super review, Jennifer. 😊

DeAnn Very thought provoking indeed Jennifer. I do think this would make for a great book club discussion.

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