St-Michel's Reviews > Logan's Run

Logan's Run by William F. Nolan
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bookshelves: 2008, own

So I picked this up for 87 cents basically for two reasons:
1. It's Logan's Run!!! What more need be said?
2. Come on, 87 cents? Did I mention that it's Logan's Run?

Ok, I hate reading the book after I've seen the movie (this pretty much goes with any book-to-eventual-movie combo), but really, I vaguely even recall the movie - I remember scant parts and I think most of the parts I remember aren't even in the book and I think the other parts I remember are those refreshed by stills wedged into the middle of the book after being reprinted in '76 to promote the movie. (Sigh, I hate movie promoting versions of books too, but oh well, it's not like I had a choice.)

Now, despite what I can remember from the movie, I loved it and more than anything, I sort of picked this up for a good laugh. Actually, I was pleasantly surprised. This was actually pretty damn good. It was short, fast-paced and amazingly gripping. Seriously, I couldn't put it down and rolled through in a few short hours...and now...well now I gotta go track down the movie again.

There's few book/movie combinations I enjoy - it's usually one or the other, either the book was fantastic and the movie was nothing more than shallow hollywood droll or...well, the other doesn't happen very often. This is one of the few exceptions where both were superb.
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June 13, 2008 – Shelved
June 13, 2008 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Dave (new)

Dave   Johnson this is what a man reads when he is more than a man.

Dottie Well -- this woman read the book, too, after having seen the film and remembers nothing much of either one, other than being thoroughly absorbed in both, at this point. That this non-science fiction, non-other-world setting person actually sought out the book after seeing the film must say something for how the story was handled on film, I think.

Found your review in looking up the book when a friend added it and I realized I'd forgotten this long ago double experience. Great review.

Christine Having pilfered this book from my mother and read it on the sly at age 13, I have such good memories of it. Recently rewatched the movie version and like it less... Your reviews make me want to reread the book now, which I remember as much more detailed and suspenseful than the movie.

message 4: by Vanessa (last edited May 16, 2019 09:00AM) (new)

Vanessa Dargain 87 cents . Good deal ! Probably a first printing . Keep it . It may become valuable some day .
Did you ever find the Logan's Run movie ?
Funny review . Thanks !

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