Jason Pettus's Reviews > Tropic of Cancer

Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
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it was amazing

(Reprinted from the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography [cclapcenter.com]. I am the original author of this essay, as well as the owner of CCLaP; it is not being reprinted here illegally. Sorry; the last paragraph today gets cut off a few sentences early!)

The CCLaP 100: In which I read for the first time a hundred so-called "classics," then write reports on whether or not they deserve the label
Book #20: Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller (1934)

The story in a nutshell:
Like many of the other novels to first become commercial hits under the moniker of "Modernism" (see, for example, past CCLaP-100 title Mrs Dalloway from the same period), Henry Miller's infamously raunchy Tropic of Cancer from 1934 doesn't bother to concern itself much with traditional plot or a traditional three-act structure, but is rather an attempt to capture the details of a particular moment in history in as intense a way as possible, using not only humorous anecdotal tales but also the brand-new literary technique known as "stream of consciousness." And man, what a period of history to capture -- based on Miller's own experiences from half a decade before, the novel is set in Paris in the years after World War One, a time when most young people had turned permanently cynical and nihilistic, horrified as they rightly were over what exact carnage humans had proven themselves capable of, now that humans had added mechanized industry (trains, machine guns, biological weapons) to the business of war. Add to this that the US itself had still not established its own global-class artistic community (which wouldn't happen until New York's Greenwich Village after World War Two), and you're left with the situation Miller describes with such black humor here -- of entire Parisian neighborhoods become boisterous, drunken melting pots, packed to the gills with bohemians from around the world who no longer give a crap about anything, who embrace such things as casual sex and exotic drugs in a way no other generation had embraced them before, as they party their way to the apocalypse they were all sure was right around the corner. Multiply by 300 pages, and you basically have Miller's book.

The argument for it being a classic:
There are two basic arguments over why Tropic of Cancer should be considered a classic, starting with the book itself: It is, after all, a shining example of early Modernism, the exact kind of radical departure from the flowery Victorian style that so many young artists were embracing back then, here done in a mature and self-assured way that builds on the literary experiments of the previous twenty years, but that finally makes it palatable for the first time to the general reading audience (and by "palatable" I mean "not incomprehensible," thank you very MUCH James Freaking Joyce). As such, its fans say, the novel should be rightly celebrated for the literary masterpiece it is; one of those rare books that gets stream-of-consciousness exactly right, one of those rare books that perfectly shows the combination of arrogance and self-hatred that mixes in the warm dysfunctional heart of any true bohemian. Ah, but see, in this case there's an entirely different second reason why this should be considered a classic; because for those who don't know, thirty years after its initial publication in Europe, this was one of the landmark artistic projects of the 1960s to help finally lift the yoke of government censorship in America, one of the first projects used by the courts to help define was exactly is and isn't "obscene," adding immense fuel to the countercultural fire that was going on in this country at the same time. If it wasn't for Tropic of Cancer, fans say, we would still have the all-or-nothing paradigm of the Hays Code in the arts, instead of the "put out what you want and we'll give it a rating" paradigm of our present day; no matter what you think of the book itself, they argue, this alone is a reason to consider it a classic.

The argument against:
Like many of the titles in the CCLaP 100 series (see The Catcher in the Rye, for example), the main argument against Tropic of Cancer seems to be the "What Hath God Wrought" one; that is, the book itself may not be that bad, but it legitimized something that should've never been legitimized, in this case whiny confessional stream-of-consciousness rants from broke artists in their twenties living in big cities, complaining for 300 pages about how unfair life is and how all the prostitutes keep falling in love with them. Yep, it was Tropic of Cancer that started all that, critics claim; and anytime you come across yet another sad little blog about how the heart of the city beats in the weary soul of some overeducated, entitled slacker, that's one more time we should visit the grave of Miller and pee all over it, in retribution for him creating a situation where such blogs are encouraged in the first place. Again, it's not so much that people complain about the book being awful on its own (although some will definitely argue that stream-of-consciousness has always been a house of cards, difficult to make work well within a literary project); it's more that the book simply isn't great, and should've never gotten the accolades and attention it did, with Miller being damn lucky that he had as exciting a sex life as he did at the exact moment in history that he did, along with the shamelessness to write it all down.

My verdict:
So as will very rarely be the case here at the CCLaP 100, let me admit that this is one of the few books of the series I've actually read before; in fact, much more than that, it was one of the books I practically worshipped in my early twenties as a snotty, overeducated, oversexed artist myself, a book that had a bigger impact on both my artistic career and just how I lived my life in general back then than probably any other single project you could mention. So needless to say I was a bit biased going into this week's essay; I not only consider Tropic of Cancer a classic, but easily among the top-10 of all the books in this series, one of those books that any restless young person of any generation should immediately gravitate towards starting around their 18th or 19th birthday. And that's because Miller is so good here, so damn good, at perfectly capturing that restlessness that comes with any generation of young, dissatisfied creatives -- that sense that they want to do something important, that they should be doing something important, just that none of them know how to do that important thing, so instead let that passion seep out through their sex lives, their clothing choices, the bands they listen to, etc. Tropic of Cancer is all about yearning, all about grasping life to the fullest you possibly can, not for the sake of simply doing so but rather because this is the only way you'll ever find what you're truly seeking. Or as MIller himself puts it: "I can't get it out of my mind what a discrepancy there is between ideas and living."

But that all said, let me just plainly warn you -- whoo man, is this a filthy book, with it unbelievably enough still just as able to shock and offend as when it first came out. And again, I see this as an asset and strength of Miller as an author; because ultimately it's not really the language itself that has gotten people so upset about this book over the decades (you'll hear worse in most Hollywood hard-R sex comedies), but rather that Miller embraces a prurient attitude throughout, one that plainly addresses the cold realities about sex which are not usually discussed in polite company. Just take, for example, the chapter where he compares for the reader the various young artsy prostitutes who live in his neighborhood; of how the best ones are the ones who have come to grips with the fact that they're whores and not wives or girlfriends, and therefore lustily embrace the exact disgusting acts that wives and girlfriends won't, the main reason men visit prostitutes in the first place. Yeah, not for delicate sensibilities, this one is; despite it being almost 75 years old now, you should still exercise caution before jumping into it feet-first.

And then finally, re-reading it this week for the first time since college two decades ago, I've realized something else about this book; that it's not just the fun little stories of crazy sex and urban living that Miller gets right, but also the more somber reflections of perpetual poverty, of the almost existential dread that can develop when waking up in the morning and not knowing how you're going to eat that day. This is the flip-side of the crazy bohemian life, something plainly there in Tropic of Cancer but that most people don't see when first reading it, or when reading it at a young age; that to live a life rejecting middle-class conformity and embracing chaos is not just endless evenings of absinthe and oral sex, that there's a very real price to pay for rejecting all these things as well, the price of health and kids and normal relationships and any kind of slow building one could potentially do in their chosen career. Let's not ever forget that the things Miller talks about in Tropic of Cancer happened half a decade before his literary career ever really took off, years where basically none of them got anything accomplished at all except to definitively list all the kinds of books they didn't want to write; let's also never forget that Miller's life got dramatically more boring after his literary career took off, busy as he suddenly was with...you know, writing all those books. The artistic life can be...
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message 1: by Paul (new) - rated it 1 star

Paul Bryant Even though I hated T of C when I read it when I was 21, your review makes me...want to...reconsider...which I never do. Anyway, this review is what all reviews should be like, but I'm glad they aren't as I'd spend all my time reading the reviews and not the books.

Ruth I loved this when I read it in my mid-30s. Have a feeling that if I revisited it I would discover either that it'd lost its shine, or that I had lost my patience.

message 3: by Oriana (new) - added it

Oriana Shit Jason, thank you for another sensational review. I admit I've never read Tropic of Cancer...nor any Henry Miller at all. I wonder if I'm too old by now to appreciate this in the way it was meant to be appreciated?

message 4: by Manny (new)

Manny Terrific review. I've never read any Henry Miller either, but now I want to make up for lost time!

Liam Amazing review. After reading this excellent exposition, I would actually add half a star, maybe even three quarters. Lacking the advantage of a college education, I never would have thought of half the stuff in this review, but I find myself agreeing with most of it...

Humantooth What are you guys talking about? This is an awful review only considering it in relation to its ranking on some arbitrary list, and it's critical reception. This book has the power to change a person's hardwiring like good dose of LSD at the right age.

Liam Humantooth wrote: "What are you guys talking about? This is an awful review only considering it in relation to its ranking on some arbitrary list, and it's critical reception. This book has the power to change a pers..."

Not only no, but HELL NO!!! LSD does in fact change lives & open minds on occasion; this book, and Henry Miller's work generally, tends to be wildly overrated. In my view, such as it is, 'Tropic Of Cancer' is sophomoric, inane, and was a complete waste of my time to read. I regret very much that I actually paid for my copy, though I did recoup some of that money by selling it later, hahaha. Come on now, phrases like "she was wet as a goose, and my prick was dancing like a wet candle" are simply laughable...

message 8: by Alex (last edited Sep 09, 2013 08:12AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Alex Nice review, homes. Found myself nodding all the way through it: "Yep, yep, all these things are true." And yet: I hate this thing. Part of this can be attributed to the point you warned me about: your mileage will vary based on how much tolerance you have for stream-of-consciousness writing in general.

But I wonder if one's tolerance for the book also depends on one's feelings about its protagonist. I find him an insufferable twat, which makes the whole thing pretty unpleasant. And as a related point, I wonder if I'm just too old for this shit. I was once, like you, young and bohemian, and like Henry Miller, an insufferable twat; unfortunately I didn't read Tropic of Cancer back then. I read it now, as a late-30s insufferable twat who likes craft beers and planning vacations. Do you think this is a book that one can just miss the boat on, like Catcher in the Rye?

Chollie Energetic review. I read this one and had a restless feeling in the back of my mind until about a year later. When I re-thought the thing I realized there is a contradiction: Is it wise to be a really cool stream-of-consciousness kind of guy and at the same time make really disparaging remarks about blacks, women, Jews, and anyone else who wouldn't let you bum off them? I'm a little cautious on calling Miller some kind of classicist--whether he would have liked that idea, or not. It's like playing a piece of jazz in front of an audience and taking a crap at the same time. Attitude--tsk, tsk.

Marius Hancu While reading Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller, you may want to see my questions related to it as answered in the alt.usage.english (AUE) Usenet newsgroup. My thanks to the participating AUE members. The focus of my questions was the language: rare words, funny or original expressions, special or strange constructs — as I saw them, from within my own idiosyncrasies.

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