Lynne King's Reviews > Soil and Sense

Soil and Sense by Michael Graham
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bookshelves: 20th-century, 2019-books-toread, agriculture

I came across Richard Bunning's review purely by chance and I'm enclosing the link here so that you can get a proper perspective of this book that was published during the Second World War:

I love gardening and cannot think of a greater pleasure than digging a hole, feeling the soil falling through my fingers and looking at the size of the worms. There's something so soothing about gardening, planting shrubs and then seeing how they develop and it's even better when you grow your own vegetables.

Thank you Richard for writing your review.
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Reading Progress

January 24, 2019 – Shelved
January 24, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
January 30, 2019 – Started Reading
February 25, 2019 – Shelved as: 20th-century
February 25, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019-books-toread
February 25, 2019 – Shelved as: agriculture
February 25, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Nowadays I'm an ex-gardener and have no regrets at my new status. But I can well remember the joys of gardening - so well hinted at here. Love the idea of appreciation for the size of the worms!

Lynne King Caroline, I couldn't survive without gardening I'm afraid. It's just so soothing for me. I've never understood how you can get huge worms in clay soil as I have and yet on the other side of the garden, it is a soft soil, thus so easy to move through too, and the worms are tiny!

message 3: by Caroline (last edited Feb 27, 2019 11:30AM) (new)

Caroline Ha ha, they obviously prefer Blackpool Rock to Devon fudge!

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