Amy's Reviews > Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives
Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives
Wow! This book was INCREDIBLE!!! It's now one of my favorites; I read it in only two days! I would totally recommend it to anybody, adults and older kids. It's about a woman who goes to a therapist to get help with her anxiety and phobia problems. The therapist (whose point of view the book is told from) then hypnotizes her to find the source of her phobias, and the woman starts telling him accurate details about her past lives! There is even more to the book, but I won't give it away. This book is AMAZING and although it may sound weird at first, it totally changes the way you think about life, and the fear of death. I still cannot believe that it is a TRUE STORY!!!!! Please read this book!! It's easy to understand, and you will learn so much from it!!!
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rated it 5 stars
Feb 10, 2014 08:34AM
I agree with your opinion
There is something about the book that keeps u reading it, but i gotta agree with John Danzig whose comment is above yours, it is strange how Dr. Weiss didn't try to verify some of her more current stories outside of the office. I'll have to do more research on him, he claims to be smart and wise in every life time. Could that be his ego, is Weiss (wise) his real last name? It's good to question everything. U just never know.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo. He leído suficientes malas reseñas de este libro. Muchos piden pruebas que lo sustente de forma científica. Mi libro viene etiquetado como "Espiritual". Quiero pensar que todos aquellos que lo califican como malo, no han leído esa etiqueta. No se trata de dar pruebas. Se trata de un despertar espiritual, donde tu persona te hace cuestionar. Sin embargo, crees, por fe y por un sentir interno. Definitivamente no es un libro para cualquiera.