Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell
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bookshelves: orwell-george, classics

Communism, theocracy, fascism, capitalism, neocolonialism, neoliberalism, always the same piggy style

Although it was mainly aimed at Russia and the Sowjet Union
Because they at least tried to establish a socialist communist workers' utopia just like China and other states in South East Asia and around the world. The fact that it always failed is something so multidimensional that it would blow the complexity of this review throughout the book cover. And I´m not qualified too. So let´s better say that each system has its flaws, and that coincidence, big history, and geopolitics influence the rise and fall of theism and totalitarianism.

All animals are the same but some are more equal
Especially apes love this idea to look at fur, gender, religion, political or economic ideology, skin color, tradition, clothes, etc. to find something that differentiates them from others as a legitimation and reason to exterminate them. Or at least first exclude, stigmatize, discriminate, enslave, and then commit genocides on them. Ironically some dictatorships like communism at least didn´t try to kill all black, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, etc. people, but just everyone who disobeyed, although I´m not sure if this really is an advantage in contrast to fascism. Communism could simply kill so many more people in Russia, China, etc. because they had much more time to do so. So judging by the numbers, one could say

That the kill count counts
But how should one know which numbers are correct, because often nobody counted or was killed for trying to do so
Colonialism under authoritarian dictatorships aka monarchy fused with theocracy torture terror killed an unknown number of people
Fascism killed at least something between 75 and 100 million people
Communism killed something between 125 and 250 million people
Capitalism, neoliberalism, and neocolonialism killed an unknown number of people in all exploited areas with billions of citizens by not helping them to develop and stabilize. And guess what, I would bet that each avoidable death within the last decades, now, and in the future could reach the levels above. Another Western derision after centuries of colonialism, now rebranded as neocolonialism under the neoliberal economic Nobel Price agenda. Nobody can say how many people are dying after unimaginable suffering each minute and, most disturbing, no media or politician cares or talks about it. It´s just too taboo to touch this connection with a pitchfork because of the implications and because of manufacturing consent crushing everyone who dares to speak out.

Evil intelligence
No matter which farm animal, ape, or human tribe, the clever and ruthless sociopathic males will always try to dominate for more power, resources, sexy ape girls, and influence. All of human history could be seen as a permanent struggle with the megalomania of superpowers which have at least been somewhat tamed by democracy and capitalism. But even there are huge differences between the libertarian free US market and eco social Europe.

Orwell simply later modified the same concept for 1984 or, one could assume, wrote a prequel
1984 is the same with fascism and humans instead of pigs and communism and, of course, also the more famous one because it showed the direct consequences that are normal everyday life for many people around the world.

No need to enter misantropic mode
There have been incredible improvements in the last 100 years and social evolution has become a peaceful revolution in many states, especially Scandinavia , my all time favorite example of a perfect balance of state and economy, of eco social politics and a controlled market. On the other hand, there are of course also states backlashing and thereby failing in Africa, South America, South East Asia, and the Southern US, but with the never ending hope for enlightenment, education, and distributional justice one can imagine a brighter future for them.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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Wick Welker Always appreciate your reviews

Mario the lone bookwolf Wick wrote: "Always appreciate your reviews"

Thanks, but yours are a real inspiration, you objectively dig deep without too much agitation. That makes your writing much more reliable and serious without any chance of attacking it.

This quality seal concept would be far too much work and research for me, someone who runs with stream of somewhat consciousness excesses.

Wick Welker Mario the lone bookwolf wrote: "Wick wrote: "Always appreciate your reviews"

Thanks, but yours are a real inspiration, you objectively dig deep without too much agitation. That makes your writing much more reliable and serious w..."

No way. I look up to all your reviews with awe. Wish I had such a depth of understanding and reading behind my words.

Mario the lone bookwolf Wick wrote: "Mario the lone bookwolf wrote: "Wick wrote: "Always appreciate your reviews"

Thanks, but yours are a real inspiration, you objectively dig deep without too much agitation. That makes your writing ..."

I guess the compliment train could go forever, let´s just say that we´re both awesome

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