Casey Dean's Reviews > Someone Else’s Life

Someone Else’s Life by Lyn Liao Butler
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did not like it

** spoiler alert ** The dumbest group of characters I have ever read.

Stranger wants to come inside? Sure!

Stranger keeps sending up red flags but you keep drinking wine with her? Ok!

Sister lives right next door but never once comes over to check on you even though she knows you're housing a stranger? Makes sense!

This main character had every opportunity to RUN but what does she do? She keeps drinking wine and talking to the sociopath stalker. She literally goes to check on her in the bathroom instead of making a run for it.

THEN! The stalker has the MC's son and is precariously over top a rushing river, and what does the MC say? She says she is worried if the two fall in, she will have to save them both. Why would you save them both? SAVE YOUR KID! OH MY GOD.

Don't get me started on the pathetic fight scenes, the way Sam simply ALLOWED this woman to take Finn, or the fact that Annie hid important evidence from the police, proving that: no, she really doesn't care to protect her family.

Infuriating read, and it's a shame, because the premise is quite good.
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Reading Progress

January 1, 2023 – Started Reading
January 1, 2023 – Shelved
January 4, 2023 –
30.0% "This is one of those "I don't want to finish it, but ugh I HAVE to" books"
January 4, 2023 –
54.0% "This might be the dumbest MC I have ever encountered"
January 5, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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Brenda Waggoner Totally agree. Very strange read.

MaryAlice Exactly. I guess I understand a decent person allowing a stranded person inside, but she should have listened to Marley. And why did why did she never think to verify the stanger's claim that the main house never head the doorbell ring?

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