Tristen's Reviews > House of Flame and Shadow

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas
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** spoiler alert ** WHAT AN ABSOLUTE WHIRLWIND

I liked it. I did. I don’t know where to go with this review from there. There was a lot that I did not like. I’ll touch on what stood out to me both good and bad, but this in no way will encompass everything I felt when reading this.

I LOVED the first Crescent City, but even so I know it was a lot. This one? I was even more confused and with a lot less enjoyment. Had me asking “What the fuck is happening?” every other page. I miss Lehabah and Syrinx like crazy and there cuteness was much needed. I miss the detective style adrenaline rush we had in the previous books that had me OBSESSED, unable to put the book down. I miss the slow burn, sassy, sexy tension that Bryce/ Hunt had had. Some of these relationships just felt off and seemed passionless. There was really just A LOT going on in part one , but not a lot that I loved.

I didn’t love the back and forth. It didn’t flow well for me. I’d get interested in Bryce’s POV just to go back to boring ass Ithan’s POV.

Nesta and Azriel were played for fools and that pissed me off ! Don’t bring our precious ACOTAR characters into this just to make them seem weak… especially our super sexy shadowy stealthy spy Az! Just no.

Things got better , sort of , in Part 2 when everyone was reunited, but it would go from super slow, yawn, to WOAH that was a quick resolve. Disappointingly anticlimactic at points. Such as the Bryce/Hunt reunion. Are you kidding me? Look, I swallowed the fact that The Hind rescued them and Bryce didn’t get to be a part of the rescue and/or to see the horrors that were in the dungeon, but then okay, Hunt got out ALIVE after being tortured relentlessly, ALL three men got out ALIVE, Bryce made it back from ANOTHER WORLD unscathed, and that was what we got for their reactions ??? I needed more. More tears, more yelling , more unhinged, more threats, more drama. Just more.

Now, my main girl Bryce. I loved our flawed, guilt ridden broken Bryce that had to learn to live again, to find joy, and to fight. She earned her confident badassery, but she felt too much like Aelin 2.0 to me in this. Feyre , Nesta , Aelin, and so on, each felt unique, special, distinctive. Bryce had, too , but not in this one.

Relaying what I said above , I was not happy with the crossover. I didn’t want one at all. I’m glad that the FOCUS was on Crescent City… yes, let’s stick to the series we’re reading… but the crossover was here and I did not like how the ACOTAR characters were portrayed. We see Nesta again only for her to hand over one of the most dangerous weapons any world has? To a stranger? Obviously, as the reader I know that all is well in the hands of Bryce , but what the heck I don’t see is Nesta as being that trusting or careless. They didn’t have THAT much time together to bond especially because , again, this is Nesta we’re talking about… I don’t see her as suddenly open and vulnerable and ready to let “nice” people she meets into her life so easily. Anyway , this just bothered me. Not to mention, my dark all powerful, mind reading Rhys who has wards, magic, ability to WINNOW, yada yada and all of the top badasses in his court… and this was able this to happen at all ? What the heck , I don’t think so! I understood the need and use of the mask and how that alone was a cool/clever crossover… just wished attaining it had played out differently.

Again, Ithan and the wolves… I’m sorry , I could care less at this point and these scenes were hard to force myself through boredom to read. ( it was like jumping to Chaol’s POV when we’re in the middle of a Manon/Dorian scene. Sorry , I said it. )

Almost forgot to mention Tharion. I know these were rough times. The gang had seen better days. But this was just not the Tharion I knew and loved.

I’ll repeat myself, I love a flawed character and Bryce is that, but even so I didn’t love how Bryce treated Hunt in this. I know she said she understood, but that she needed all of him, and yes he was being a little sad brooding boy at times , BUT oh my gosh, in this book alone from what we read he went thought in the dungeons and therefore bringing both his recent and past nightmares to light….yes , He’s traumatized, and terrified and can he have a little sympathy and/ or appreciation that he’s functioning at all?! I know she needs him to push through it so they can get shit done , but maybe take one minute…I know there was a minute there….to validate him ? And I definitely didn’t like how she could be all angry and “ hate the fae” and I’m going to kill my own father and his friend, which is great , yeah , but everyone supported her, Hunt included. But later Hunt wanted to kill Celestina chick… was that the right thing to do? Not right? Either way, how Bryce handled that situation with Hunt was self righteously ick.

Okay, night before the big day… Hunt and Bryce doing it, I get it, love it, DO IT, you might die tomorrow , make tonight count… there was even humor in their scene which was cute. I even chuckled when he wanted to send Morven a thank you note.
BUT Ruhn and Lidia when she’s a nervous terrified wreck about her children being kidnapped?!!?!…kidnapped by a torturous monster no less. No. Nope! I don’t believe it. I don’t think this mother would be in the mood to fuck.

….The whole black hole slowly floating around losing oxygen situation, kicking each other, could any of you make that not look cringey and laughable in your mind ?

Lastly, I have mixed feelings that the second lights being taken didn’t end up mattering much. I’m not a monster, and I LOVE those characters that passed on, but it meant SO much that they sacrificed their chance for eternal salvation for Bryce. I was sobbing when I read that Connor and everyone else had been giving up their second light to make that bullet. It was so heartfelt, beautiful, and selfless. To dampen that by informing us later, naw , they didn’t sacrifice much really…they’re all good and chilling. Come on. We still could’ve had a happy ending without making it THAT easy and happy. Gosh, maybe I am a monster.

Phew! My messy ranting is over, for now.

❤️ Our three men in the dungeons…This was heart breaking , but their strength in never submitting and their loyalty to each other, their sacrifices and love…Brutal, but so powerful

♥️ I love Lidia….and this “I wanted you to listen . But you wouldn’t. Yet now that I fit some sort of acceptably sad female backstory, you’re willing to hear me out. “
Often, I enjoy my main characters less once you throw in kids. 😅 ( won’t get into it here ) BUT in Lidia’s case, it gave her depth and purpose. Adding this into her storyline gave such a real and relatable reason as to WHY she was who she was.

❤️ Aidas. “ It seems you got a little lost on your way to find me, Bryce Quinlan. But welcome to Hel.”
I love everything Aidas. I only wish we got to see MORE of him and the Princes, especially in battle! I miss him and his PETS already

♥️ Randall. Seemingly small side character, but what a great guy. More love for step dads!!!
…the ones that EARN that right to lose the “step” and be called DAD. 💕

❤️ Although the crossover fell flat for me for the most part. I DID enjoy Nesta and Ember together. That part was done right. Nesta is still healing. Ember was the mom Nesta never had , even if just for a moment.

♥️ Ruhn and the boys. Shoutout to Tristan. Although much less in this one…there was a lot of seriousness happening I suppose… I always enjoy his quips. “ Please don’t fuck right next to us”

❤️ “ Light it up, Danika ! “

♥️ 😘 to 🔥

❤️ Seeing and hearing Connor again. Tears me up every time. Saying goodbye is the worst !!! And then to add that he and the others, the dead, were making that bullet for Bryce. 😭😭😭

♥️ LOVE that Jesiba ended up being a huge role in these books. Love love love. She was a big reveal that I had been hoping for…her scenes are perfection…and her last scene was beautiful, to say the least.

❤️ I absolutely adored the ending. Baxian became such a lovely character in this… to know that he gave all of himself to the cause, even after losing a MATE. And even when the big show is over, he continues on. He just keeps going. Inspirational. But anyway, to end with him in a silly and joyful scenario was simply the best.

♥️….Especially because of Jelly Jubilee being mentioned in the end. 🦄This is the playful, bit of modern , cutesy shit that I loved in the first one and was thrilled that a moment of it was brought back… and to remember Bryce for who she is underneath the warrior. Endings are hard to read and hard to get right. I think Sarah nailed this ending.

Overall, a solid read…took me on a trip away from reality, got me back in touch with some of my favorite characters, filled me with so many emotions, but left me feeling complete. 🌙

………By the way, I thought that Hunt going commando because his junk is too gigantic to fit in standard underwear was so freaking stupid , and yet so absolutely hilarious.
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Reading Progress

November 6, 2023 – Shelved
November 6, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
February 5, 2024 – Started Reading
February 7, 2024 –
page 251
30.06% "I am so freaking confused… like I get it , but I also don’t. Who are all of these people ? Were their names in the other books? ALSO why are we talking about the cauldron again ?! 😭"
February 8, 2024 –
page 573
68.62% "This thing is all over the place !!!"
February 9, 2024 – Finished Reading

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