Sadie's Reviews > Wes and Toren

Wes and Toren by J.M. Colail
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A sweet comfort read. And one of the better gay YA, at least there's some action in here. Sadly, it lacks plot in the second half and a certain lingo in most parts ;)

The first half of this book is better, you know, the part of the story that tells how Wesley and Toren meet and hook up and fall for each other and come out and all that stuff. Sweet. Honest. Hot. Gay teen angst, it just never gets old, and this one is the good kind, where teenagers are real teenagers and there's sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Nothing too profane, but there is.

And then, the second half of the book or so, there is no such thing as plot. I mean, no "big story" holding it all together - the chapters more read like little snippets/novels/vignettes of Tor and Wes' day to day life. They work, eat, have sex, meet friends, stress out over their parents. And repeat. Yawn. The characters are okay, but not fleshed out enough to drive the story home on their own. It's like Wes and Tor as 40somethings, only they're still supposed to be 18/19. My, they grow up fast these days, don't they.

Wes is actually a very intruiging character and well worth the read alone. He's young, handsome, brazen, cocky - and he knows it all. Yet he's also super sweet to those he cares about. He doesn't take shit from anyone. He reminded me of a young, unspoiled Brian Kinney in some moments actually. With a huge dash of romance, though ;)

As for Toren... okay, so he's shy. VERY shy. Bordering prude sometimes. And it shows, not only in his actions (he blushes at every second sentence) but mostly in his language. The book is from his POV, and in his world, the word lube doesn't exist. He prefers "lotion" or "stuff". WTF. Also, he's keen on "frigging", whatever that is... wanking? I guess. His ass is his "back side" or "read end", his cock his "shaft" or "member" and, worst, Wes' balls are, at one point "the two low-hanging appendages". No, seriously. This is why the over usage of metaphors just isn't a good idea.

HOWEVER. Here comes the real kicker: You get so used by Tor's kindergarten-slang for all things sexual that when he actually lets go (it does happen a few times), it has such a strong effect. I swear, first time Tor said "Fuck me, Wes", both Wes and I gaped. It was a real kick. Sometimes, you just need a healthy fuck or cock and as for lube... *sigh* No lube, no fun, 's all I'm saying.

Also, most of the female characters (Tor's sister, a lesbian couple) come across as way too MarySue-ish in a fangirl like way, what's with their cheering for Wes/Tor OTP. It is cute, sure, they are cute, yes, it's just all a tad too much.

Still liked it overall, though - sweet comfort read that it is :)

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Reading Progress

July 1, 2013 – Shelved as: need-to-get-this
July 1, 2013 – Shelved
July 1, 2013 – Shelved as: need-to-get-this
July 1, 2013 – Shelved as: ty-fiction
July 1, 2013 – Shelved as: g-lgbt
July 1, 2013 – Shelved as: g-young-adult
July 11, 2013 – Started Reading
July 11, 2013 – Shelved as: read-in-2013
July 11, 2013 – Shelved as: read-in-english
July 11, 2013 – Shelved as: medium-kindle
July 11, 2013 – Shelved as: g-romance
July 11, 2013 – Finished Reading
October 19, 2018 – Shelved as: read-author-female-only

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