Chris's Reviews > Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts

Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig
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's review

really liked it

DMK does a decent job of laying out a survey of the basic theory of the "High Magickal Arts". Be careful, though, much of his information is incorrect, and his pronunciations for the Hebrew is abysmal.

However, this is an excellent starter and resource book. It lays out several important rituals in a (relatively) straightforward and easy-to-understand manner.

DMK tends to give you the theory (most of it borrowed, and badly) for each chapter, then tags a useful ritual at the end.

This book rides somewhere in between the neo-pagan fluff that is flooding the market and the masturbatory gibberish of Crowley.

If you prefer primary psycho-philosophical sources, go to Wilhelm Reich, C. G. Jung, Freud, Plotinus, Heraclitus.

if you prefer esoterica, go to Regardie, Dion Fortune, Crowley, Westcott, Mathers, Phil Hine, and Peter Carroll.

That being said, this book is excellent to learn several of the basic rituals passed from the Golden Dawn and O.T.O.
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message 1: by Jesse (new)

Jesse "this book rides somewhere between the neo-pagan fluff.. and the masturbatory gibberish of Crowley"
Hahahahahaha freakin nailed that description my friend!!!

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