J.Elle's Reviews > Blue Moon

Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
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did not like it

** spoiler alert ** I hated this book, but I can't separate my frustration over Ever's stupid decision making from my annoyance with the book, so I don't know if I hated it because of what happened in it or because it just sucks. I kind of think I hated it because of the book's outcome, which then leads me to admit that maybe I sort of liked it and let it get to me so much that the end angered me and led me to believe that I hated it. Are you confused yet? I am. So, in a nutshell, the whole book is about the fact that despite falling in love with each other over and over for hundreds of years, Ever and Damen have never had a chance to erm, consummate their love because Ever has always been murdered before that could happen. Finally, it seems no obstacles stand in their way. ALAS, 'tis not to be. Damen is stricken with some sort of sickness and Ever must work out what has happened in time to save him. She does save him despite her extreme stupidity. She trusts the villain of the book instead of two girls who befriended her sister before she "crossed over" and therein lies my extreme frustration. Who would do that?? Hmm, let me think: trust two girls my sweet, dead 12 year old sister trusted or trust the evil immortal who has poisoned the man I am destined to be with forever? That does not seem like a hard decision to me. After Ever distrusted Roman (the evil immortal) from first laying eyes on him, WHY would she suddenly put her and Damen lives in his hands? I maintain, she wouldn't, and that fact that she did MADE ME SO AGGRAVATED. For being so stupid, she deserves never to be able to touch him again.

Click here for my review on the next book in the series: Shadowland
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message 1: by Mel (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mel I have to agree with you. Though I thought the book was good for the most part the ending pissed me off so badly I wanted to throw the book. Evermore was sooo good and this book just ended very poorly. I still haven't decided if I'm gonna read the next in the series.

Fiona Hopkins Agree with both of you...what a bad way to end the book!!

message 3: by Jayla (new)

Jayla yea it wuz really stupid of her 2 trust roman when he put a spell on the whole school when she new he did that yea in shadowland damen iz going 2 be so mad at her but i think you shud read shadowland it wuz awesome btw ever is a really stupid girl

Catherine I agree with all 3 of you. For most of the part BLUE MOON was an ok read, but the ending just pissed me off. Especially if the rest of the series is just going to be about Ever finding the antidote to
cure Damen, then why bother wasting the time and money reading about a decision I believe the author just created to save the storyline? IMO, Ever should've just moved on. Definitely not looking forward to SHADOWLAND -- the ending for this book simply ruined the whole series for me.

message 5: by Kim (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kim Smiley I agree with you too on this, especially Catherine. I was so frustrated and angry reading this book that I started Shadowland, but I'm not looking forward to it because I don't want anymore disappointments like I got reading this book. I can't believe I probably won't get my happy ending until book 5, and maybe not at all.

message 6: by Ashleigh (new)

Ashleigh i agree totally the ending was just stupid ever actually has no brains. and your right she does deserve what she got. great review:):)

Chelsea Jay Overall I gave it 5 stars because I was on the edge of my seat the entire time & I wanted to throw my book at her too. Even though at first i felt like I hated it. But to be honest If Ever hadn't messed up the series would have ended & they would have lived hapily ever after, which Noel was not about to let happen. So I think it was good & that Ever is as dumb as a rat caught in a trap & a selfish brat! Now I'll read the rest of the series just to find out what happens but I know these books are going to suck until Everlasting because Noel will have to stretch out a dumb storyline for 3 more books before finally giving our Damen his happy ending.

message 8: by Kim (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kim Smiley Actually, I enjoyed the books up until the last one. The last one kind of dragged and was stupid, compared to the next ones that you will read. It was worth it though!

Challice I think it was an alright book, but no one can get over how stupid she was. The author builds her up making her grow and become smart and a little wise, but then makes her stupid as heck just to add another book to the series and make money.

(̲̅K̲̅)(̲̅a̲̅)(̲̅i̲̅)(̲̅t̲̅)(̲̅e̲̅)(̲̅l̲̅)(̲̅y̲̅)(̲̅n̲̅)(̲̅n̲̅) Ok one thares nuting wrong whit trusting a 12 year olds sweet dead friends and thank you 4 the review been dieing to bout it

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